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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Shameless Poodles Lying About Puppies

Tarring political opponents is nothing new. We have seen that in elections across the world. This happens even more during war-time. There’s that old story that the USSR and British propaganda put out about Adolf Hitler. In the middle of the 20th century, Soviet and British propaganda made popular the idea that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle (and was thereby less of a man). But when a series of lies and untruths are peddled not just by a political party but also by the media it becomes a criminal witch-hunt. This is precisely what the media has been doing with Narendra Modi for over a decade now. The latest being a “Puppy” story that was taken out of context to make a villain out of him. Chief perpetrators among the liars are Times Now and many individual media celebs.

Modi responded to a question on his feelings about deaths in the 2002 riots by saying that one feels sad even if a Puppy comes under a wheel and therefore his sadness over the incident and the deaths. That is not a quote but exactly what he meant. Trust the media and some jokers to quickly distort it read as equating Muslims to Puppies. Earlier Digvijaya Singh had equated Indian Mujahideen to all Muslims in his quest to appease his vote bank. Now, the journalist in question was Sruthi Gottipati of Reuters who carried the interview. Therefore, everyone is asking the question why Shruti deleted this tweet of hers which clarified the actual context of Modi’s statement and directly slammed the Indian media:

So why did she delete it? We’ll get to that. In the meantime let’s see the sequence of events led by tweets from Reuters and Sruthi. These are the two tweets:

The tweet by Sruthi was at 3.05pm on July 12 and the one by Reuters at 3.35pm. You can be assured that even before Sruthi had tweeted about it she would have let out information of the Modi-interview coming up to all her friends in the media laced with special attention to the Puppy comment. If you read her tweet it mentions only the Puppy under the wheel so you can understand what particular aspect of the interview she was trying to peddle without the context. This helped the media cronies of the Congress, the Congress party and other assorted doormats such as Javed Akhtar to extend the lie that Modi had equated Muslims to Puppies and scream about it for the rest of the evening.

NDTV Group Editor Barkha ‘Evolver’ Dutt wonders how a story about an encounter case has gone virtually gone unnoticed. Well, Barkha seldom looks inward or introspects about the pathetic coverage of NDTV. With Uttarakhand reeling under disaster NDTV used fake videos to report the tragedy. At the peak of the tragedy Sreenivasan Jain was peddling lies about the Ishrat encounter case. She herself was also tweeting the Puppy story without verifying facts as did her “alleged” news channel report it too. So who’s talking and acting like Mother Goose peddling fairy tales? Huh? Didn’t the stupid fools in the media also do the same thing with the Modi “Rambo Act” story of the man saving some 15000 lives? After some three weeks TOI offers a clarification instead of an apology for the LIE they distributed:

Remember Reuters is a former partner of the TOI group. TOI is mortified? I believe this TOI-let roll should be mummified for its excesses. Their pathetic propaganda is further exaggerated in criminal proportions by a moron who passes off as Arnab Goswami who passes off as a journalist. And where peddling lies is concerned can the media’s first and original bimbo be far behind. Her outrage seems like her own modesty has been outraged. Naturally, the bimbo tweeted the following without bothering to actually check the story or what the context was. And then this Numero Unee grandly claims that the “Media bias against Modi is a myth”. Add that to another lie from her and her extremely “biased” and anti-Modi channel.

So why did Sruthi Gotipati delete her tweet which abundantly clarified the Puppy story? One thing comes out clearly is that she is another of those novices on Twitter and Internet who still hasn’t learned that footprints on the net can’t be wiped out that easily. Even otherwise people pretending to be journos have demonstrated their dumbness with regular frequency.

Deep Throat tells me that it was Reuters themselves who pressurised Sruthi to delete her tweet. Because:  A) They received adverse messages from their media peers because the tweet damages the credibility of their own Hammam. B) They discovered that while they were otherwise not so known in India a controversy fuelled by a Modi interview, even with a lie, helps them gain prominence. C) Sruthi’s media friends who were exposed called her and lambasted her. All three are true.

It is not certain if Reuters were under pressure from the Congress party or the Govt to continue allowing the controversy using a lie to flourish. Who could have thought Puppy-love would one day be reduced to Puppy-Lie by the ever-loving, err… ever-lying Indian media? These are the shameless poodles of the Congress and the GOI lying about Puppies.

So, is Narendra Modi complaining? Not at all! In the end, like all the elections in Gujarat, he WINS. The TOI Rambo-15000 fraud stands exposed. The Congress spends hundreds of crores to feed bones to their media-poodles and yet Modi garners all the media time. In the end, their Puppy story was also exposed as a fraud. He wins again!


  1. Ravi,

    Excellent article yet again.

    Its really painful to see indian media sinking so low everyday. But honestly speaking, the more they distort Modi by demonising him, the stronger our resolve to make Modi as PM of this country.


    1. correction - the more they demonise Modi by distorting him

    2. Rajat, not needed that correction. PaidMedia have both distorted Modi('s words) and demonized him as well.

      In reality, PaidMedia is doing him a favor by giving him more exposure and publicity at no cost to him, in fact at Congress's expense. At the same time, no one will believe the rogue media's negative propaganda against Modi.

    3. @ Truth Speaks - I totally agree with you that Modi is getting free publicity...and we wont believe MSM at all...but you knw there is a large segment of youth who are fence sitters and they dont read up blogs like mediacrooks and sandeepweb ....MSM does create a bad impression about Na Mo on their minds....I would be happy to be proved wrong...but this whole anti modi propaganda scares me...coz I really want to see him as the PM of this country....and its only media that stands between Na Mo and PM chair

  2. Classic one Ravinar!

    Why don't someone file a PIL against these MSM channels for their 'lies and blatant lies' that are being passed off as news and 'sensational news'. Someone, someday should bring something to make these MSM morons accountable for what they blabber in the news channels in the name of 'news'. It is all more and more lies and that too to assassinate the character of individuals without an iota of shame or guilt. Shame on TOI, CNN/IBN, NDTV, HT, etc for peddling lies and blatant lies!

    1. Because these channels are registered as an entertainment channel and hence they claim that whatever they show is just for entertainment. Long back there was a case as well, where these channels won based on this fact. Our law makers should have an stringent law to remove the keyword news from any program which are not assured to show the truth, but who shall do it :)

    2. Abhishek, we the patriots of India, will get this done once Modi becomes PM.

    3. @ Abhishek Kumar, It is not so much the fault of the law-makers here as it is of those who deliberately deny justice to the masses by their grotesquely perverse (mis-)interpretation of the law.

  3. Excellent review. Modi keeps growing in stature.

  4. Sunetra CHhaudhary and Diptosh Majmdar of DNA are ranting about puppy comment in today's DNA editorial, as if there is nothing more important to write. These so called editors just act as a mouthpiece of their Masters

    1. Of late, DNA seems to have taken a strident anti-Modi position. After Sunday's twin articles on the same page by Diptosh Majumdar and Sunetra Chaudhary, today's edit further extends the puppy argument to absurd lengths.

      Every now and then, there is an attempt to keep showing Modi in bad light.

      What is unprecedented is that for the first time in the history of Indian journalism, DNA contracted with a Modi-baiter, Aakar Patel, to write a weekly column just to criticise Modi. The poor guy, who was as it is challenged by his grammar, had a tough time trying to come up with new topics week-after-week criticising Modi. Some of them looked really stretched and desperate.

      Finally, after writing these columns for about 3 to 4 months, he seems to have given up, or the negative feedback from readers must have forced the management to retract.

      Aakar Patel has now disappeared from the pages of DNA - but never know when he will show up again. Maybe closer to election time?

    2. This Aakar Patel dude can be read fairly regularly in the Pakistani paper Express Tribune. He sings songs which he hopes are music to Pakistani ears but the comments section has many watchful Indians putting him in his place. Moreover even some Pakistani posters seem to be realizing that Modi is doing good work. Why there was an article just recently:

    3. @Ravindra @Unknown

      DNA's strident anti-Modi position is not new, even though it publishes some neutral articles to not appear biased. It is also big recipient of Congress doles. Whenever Congress payments to get delayed, they publish neutral news. As soon as they receive payments from 10, Janpath they are back to Modi bashing in no time.

      Coming to Aakar Patel, DNA has many clones (or clowns rather) of Aakar Patel even though he moved to Pakistani papers and writes in CNN-IBN's Fisrtpost. Credit should go to Aakar Patel for making Modi well known to all online readers. in a way.

  5. Unfortunate that we are heading towards new age Communication Medium or still in old era. During Post independence time, leaders started Newspapers to ignite freedom moment, but today lost relevance because of Electronic media, that reaches faster than print version, second news tilted to one side and lost credibility.

    Journo tends to forget that despite of deleting anything from Electronics medium always leave footprint,can not be erased so easily.

    Govt. wanted to stop Modi at any cost, so tiny drop of water from Modi make a news and spread like viral on internet.

    one question now is will these journo survive after May 2014? yes they do, coz they earn bread butter from news see saw will swing other way after 2014.

    I have heard somewhere, these Journo make news on weekdays make hue and cry, sensitize small issue and then party all weekend like nothing happened, dun even bother to apologize for their mistakes even if it is wrong.

  6. it was navika kumar of times now who fanned the flames of the 'puppy' comment - the other channels had to play 'catch up' later.arnab goswami kept the flames alive by his now regular mindless , idiotic chatter. kumar and goswami - a regular punch and judy show - only they are not funny.they have driven times now into the ground and have no credibility left. times now or wwf - take your pick.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It should be BJP's job to now raise the TOI clarification report in today's primetime news debates. Our "responsible" media will surely try to ignore and skip this today.

  9. Media is playing a very diabolical game. Doubtless Modi scares many people.Economy is tanking, prices are rising and they are talking about puppies.

  10. Ravinar,

    I agree with your analysis. Those who wanted to understand the meaning in Modi's statement that "Even when we are not in control of the car and an animal comes underneath the car, we get sad. Then obviously, if they were humans, I would be sad regardless of whether I am the CM or not." This was a clear cut message.

    Those who don't want to understand will not understand anyways.

    However, I feel that Modi could have been more eloquent in answering this question. This analogy could have been avoided, not because it was wrong, but it would give a chance to his detractors to pounce on him and media to peddle more lies. This is not to say that, they won't do it if Modi would not provide them the opportunity. But why should Modi even provide them a single opportunity from his side to talk about him?

    The unfortunate part is that majority of people in India get their news from Hindi Regional language news channels and news papers, both in urban and rural areas. When it comes to peddling lies, English News Channels or English news papers are not the only ones. Hindi and Regional language news channels and news papers also join in.

    Modi should be little more careful and should avoid providing these kind of opportunities to his opponents. Just to give you an example, instead of giving this analogy, he could have simply told the interviewer, "Yes, I feel sad about it" Nothing less, nothing more.

    Just my opinion.

    1. Dear Parth,

      Do you seriously feel MSM gives a rat's ass to what NAMO said or not said ? Yesterday in Pune when he teared into Congress secularism veil, the MSM was discussing on why does he makes such Communal comments ? The only reply to Media & Congress is to discuss amongst your friends & work colleagues what NAMO actually said. That will help a lot rather than whimping & crying on Media's dishonesty. They would never stop until cases are filed against them with hard evidence of their corruption & their coffers emptied.

  11. Unfortunately all the News channels and most of the Newspapers (except a few vernacular ones)have joined the paid media bandwagon. Indian Express offered some hope,which too disappeared after the demise of Shri Ramnath Goenka.Don't know where they are headed.

  12. Integrity Of Arnab Goswami was never there. Lier, loud mouth shouting for NaMo compromised his reputation.TRP, sensationalism all that matter to him truth does not. from First day I was convince he just want fights and angry debates on TimesNow no conclusion no stands.. From one lead it was Arnab who was fueling Puppy on Times from front. Today also TimesNow is only channel who is focusing that all along, still twisting words. You Exposed him I am glad.. BJP or NaMo should sue them for 15000 cr. From Sopan Das Gupta's article it was very clear that "rescue" is replaced in place on "relief" but no one debate that.(

  13. We now want a prime time debate on how Times Now distorted original information where Arnav and his usual secular brigade as well as idiot congress spoke persons will be grilled by Minaskshi Lekhi or Smriti Irani as anchor.


  14. What i feel is BJP should take back Ram Jethmalani back to it's fold and make him file a criminal law suit against TOI group as they are trying inflame passion,enmity among communities by twisting facts and statements as let them be made answerable in front of highest court of the land.Here these media barons donot deserve any sympathy. As somebody told me when a corporation/media houses become bigger than a state/country as they try to influence every walk of life with might of the pen then it should be divided into many companies and common people should be share holders and head and should come under RTI.

  15. Hi
    For quite sometime now I have been going through the articles you write and I must say that some of them do bring out a totally new perspective--different from what we are used to watching on television, thereby giving me the liberty of making my own decisions once both the sides of argument have been presented. While my expectations were the same( getting a different take on the matter) from this article, I couldn't quell the growing discontent inside me after I read this article. Nowhere in your article do you mention that maybe it was lack of judgement(deliberate or not) on the part of Mr. Modi to have come up with the unfortunate analogy. After the 2002 riots I had expected a certain bit of caution from him when the topic was broached in the interview. While I completely agree that the publicity giving by the media and the politicos is unnecessary and some would say unbecoming of the institutions they represent, I would have preferred more subtlety and tactfulness from a person who is being touted to be the next Prime Minister of India.

    1. @Parth & @Orwell

      Both of you are misreading this post and I have to disagree with you. It's not about what Modi said but what the media did.

      Even so, while being off-topic your opinions are way off the mark. There is absolutely nothing wrong in Modi in using the sympathy we feel for an animal or a Puppy hit by or dying of an accident and asking if we wouldnt feel greater grief on humans being hurt or dying. What exactly is wrong with that? Especially in the context that Hindus do worship many animals.

      Do read the post for the media deception of the statement. On whether Modi used the right analogy or not is a matter of personal opinion and that wasnt the debate in the media. That is why this blog prefers to go by facts and not by opinions.

    2. @ravinar
      While I agree with you on the point that the media and the political parties highlighted the matter and made it a national issue when in fact it may have just been a poorly crafted metaphor( I have already mentioned it in my previous comment), I felt uneasy about the fact that the post while trying to expose the media bias against Mr. Modi fell victim to its bias towards Mr. Modi and neglected the FACT that "kutte ka bachcha" is often used in a derogatory sense; and that is why I commented.
      I have to disagree with you when you say that "there is absolutely nothing wrong in Modi using the sympathy we feel for an animal or puppy...especially in context that Hindus do worship many animals".
      Not only is this argument based on the pretension of not knowing the use of the phrase "kutte ka bachcha" in local parlance but also it borders on the verge of being farcical.
      Let me employ the age old reductio ad absurdum and say that if we worship animals(and by your argument puppies) then why is calling someone "kutta" or "kutte ka bachcha" considered an abuse. Why do fist fights erupt and why does it irate people when someone calls their mother "kutiya(a bitch)".

    3. @Orwell

      You are referring to the term "Kutte ka bachcha" exactly the way media is referring to it. As a stand alone comment if I called someone a "kutte ka bachcha" it would definitely be offensive. But this is not a stand alone comment. It is a comment placed a context of the emotions one feels so I don't consider it wrong.

      For example: Bastard is not a friendly word. If I called someone a bastard he would be justified in being offended. But remember, nobody feels offended when the phrase "Lucky bastard" is used to describe him. So keep things in context. So any surprise that "Slumdog Millionaire" won many awards? Because only "Slumdog" is different from "Slumdog Millionaire".

      Other than that, you are welcome to hold your opinion.

    4. yes true.. but why equate it to only muslims?? more than 300 hindus died in those riots as well? what about them??????

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. @ravinar
      No I am not referring to "kutte ka bachcha" as a stand alone phrase, as you can see from my earlier comments I have repeatedly referred to the entire comment as an ill phrased metaphor. The only time I use it as a stand alone phrase is when you rationalize Mr. Modi's example by saying that Hindus worship animals.
      When you say "luck bastard" the reason you get away with it is because you attribute a very positive meaning to it, a meaning that is completely different from the word "bastard" and moreover you don't use it as a metaphor. Here we have a prospective P.M. giving an ill phrased example in context of an allegedly aggrieved minority. I am just saying that it would have been more prudent of him to have found a better example, something that would not give people even an outside chance to incriminate him.
      Other than that, it was commendable, interesting and almost flattering that you found time to read my comments and reply appropriately with your own view point.

    7. @Orwell

      It is your own interpretation (and that of Media) that Modi was referring to aggrieved "minority". There is no such reference so stick to facts. The comment was that when a person is grieved by EVEN a kutte ka bachcha under a wheel why would he not feel pain when people die. You are conveniently removing the context of grief for ALL people who died and choosing to connect it to minorities like the media does. So are you suggesting grief should only be for Muslims? Because that's your interpretation.

      I am also surprised that you refuse to read that the interviewer herself as stated the Puppy reference being blown up without the context. You can read more at India Today.

      You are arguing for your points by pointing to my bias etc. while consistently refusing to see that Ive also put up the deleted tweet of the interviewer. She should definitely know what the context was.

      "Another thing, any person if we are driving a car, we are a driver, and someone else is driving a car and we’re sitting behind, even then if a puppy comes under the wheel, will it be painful or not? Of course it is. If I’m a chief minister or not, I’m a human being. If something bad happens anywhere, it is natural to be sad."
      Here I quote Mr. Modi's reply.
      Now, I have repeatedly mentioned that yes the comment was a potentially harmless one and that people are making a mountain out of a mole hole and yes you have surely posted the deleted tweet wherein it is mentioned that the comment has been "poorly contextualized". I completely agree with Sruthi Gottipati on this but the fact remains(and you can read the exact answer by Mr. Modi quoted above), can a purported future P.M. afford to take such luxury with what his words can mean.
      As far as the minorities comment is concerned, by minority I meant "a small fraction including both hindus and muslims" who were the victim of the riots. It is interesting however that as soon as the word "minority" is mentioned the mind suddenly rushes to "muslims". I guess that is one of the adverse effect of conditioning by media but I will leave it to that as more on it threatens to derail this discussion.
      I have seen the deleted tweet and I believe that the reason behind that tweet was to prevent the issue from blowing out of proportion, having read the transcript of the interview I still believe that the example was a poorly crafted one.

    9. correction instead of purported P.M. I meant someone who as been touted as a candidate for P.M.'s post

    10. @Orwell

      With your last comment you have rightly chosen to use the correct words to describe Modi's status. Similarly, this blog has a history of carefully choosing words in the content. It does not make assumptions or inferences that havent been made in the media (unless something is written as pure ridicule). As for the "minority" term, your clarification comes as an after thought. I pointed it out to you because that is what the media inferred and blew up. You, as well as many others, bought that inference from media. We differ in our belief of what is an "appropriate" comment which is not an issue.

    11. Claiming that my clarification comes as "an after thought" and that I "bought that inference from media" is an ASSUMPTION you can't justify. I clarified the statement when I realized what you mistook it to be-an exact opposite (in the spirit) of what I meant.
      While "minority" is not so obscure a word that I will need the media to bring it to my attention, I do realize that owing to media the real meaning has become too obscure for some.
      And yes we do differ in our belief as to what an appropriate comment would have been

    12. @Orwell

      If you mention "minority" of this particular episode it is not an assumption.. It is what the media defined it as and you consciously "fell" for it. BTW... you tried to justify your entire argument by completely overlooking the facts presented in the post. I could call your "belief" an opinion and I wouldnt be wrong.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. @ Orwell

      You were beating around the bush right from your first comment. Else, I normally dont respond. Your first comment itself had no relevance to this post, except your opinion on how Modi's comment is to be interpreted. That had precious little to do with the post itself. I hope you realise that.

    15. I am sorry the comment got deleted before.
      Now you are forcing me to beat around the bush Ravinar. "Minority" is not so difficult a word that two people can't come up with it at the same time and I guess you too understand this. While I used "minority"(and I have said this before) in the simplest form possible(as a small group of people affected by riots), you still claim that I have picked it up from the media; even when I have vehemently opposed your assertion and have clarified my position in plenty. As I had suspected the word "minority" has derailed this conversation.
      I have read your post thoroughly and have read the interview and the deleted tweet and have kept all the facts in my mind while forming my opinion. Yes you can call it my informed opinion or my belief I don't really mind. Oh! and as long as we are discussing me borrowing words consciously I borrowed the word "belief" from the last line of your second last comment.
      I am afraid we have reached a plateau in this conversation and neither of us is making any headway. So I would rather drop this conversation now and spar with you on some other topic some other time. Rest assured I will surely keep reading your posts and keep discussing more issues as they come up.

    16. Well sure you can say that the first comment doesn't have relevance to the post but I am afraid it has. In the last line of your post you claim that Mr. Modi wins again and you are entitled to your opinion. The reason behind the comment was to bring in a different perspective and prove that it was unbecoming of Mr. Modi to use such an example. The fact remains that though the media fanned the entire controversy it was Mr. Modi who lit the spark in the first place due to the lack of better judgement on his part. The comment was to highlight that while one can see through the lies of media(and your posts help with that),there is a sense on uneasiness about the example he used.
      Also I had appreciated that you replied to my comments and I had welcomed the discussion because that is how the truth can eventually comes out(I am referring to the Socratic debate). But now through your comments I get a feeling that you are not too happy to reply to me, which I believe is unfortunate.

    17. Where is the question of not replying to you. I think each of your comment has been replied to since you extended the discussion.

      And yes, Modi wins! Because not only the 15000 nonsense got exposed and finally accepted as false by TOI this new Puppy thing also got exposed as "media manipulation out of contex" by the very person who interviewed Modi. If you deny that then it cant be helped.

      I am fine with the debate and there is nothing wrong with it. Let me assure you, I do not see your comments as criticism in this particular post. So do continue to read this blog and where you find it necessary, criticise the contents of the post as harshly as you may deem fit.

    18. "You were beating around the bush right from your first comment. Else, I normally dont respond." I quote you here and this is what led me to believe that you are not too enthusiastic about answering me.
      I don't want to get into the whole "15000 nonsense" as you put it but I will surely add that there is a difference between "poorly contextualized" and "media manipulation out of contex" and I have a feeling that it was a statement made to clarify that the issue was not as grave as it was presented to be. But then you will say that is just me opining.
      Let us just do what the age old cliche suggests "agree to disagree". And I am happy to know that you are ready for criticism and rest assured I will continue reading your blog.

    19. @ Orwell

      Sure, a disagreement is never a problem.

    20. Kya baat hai Ravi...I have not seen you such generous anytime...just kidding :). But as a reader I liked and enjoyed the Socratic discussion & let the spirit of truth prevail...

    21. Rajeev, I feel more & more readers are drawn to this blog only because of Ravinar's rare generosity! You need to wait for such generosity from him, like a wicket keeper waits for that rare snick out of the bat!

    22. @Orwell

      one has to agree that Modi could have chosen words carefully.
      But Faux-pass, lack of refined articulation etc are not uncommon across the world.
      I see this as a minor short coming of Modi.

      But I would like to disagree with you on stereo typing PM of this nation.
      Honestly I as a common Indian would want substance over manipulative articulations.
      Modi could have given a prearranged interview like others in power today. He did not chose that.

      Modi's rustic approach is far better than Intelligent Arrogance (incidentally coined by Diggy Raja) demonstrated by those in Delhi.

    23. Orwell either has missed the crux point of Ravinar's post or he owes allegiance to a committed propagandist agenda, kona manu. Ravinar's argument is spot on. Modi's speech implied without ambiguity that (as a protagonist of the Indian civilisation with thousands of years of social evolution behind it)like any civilised Indian he would feel pained at even the accidental death of an animal (killed in a road accident)for which he is not directly responsible. Given this instinctively compassionate attitude it is natural for him to feel unqualified anguish (WITHOUT PREJUDICE OF RACIAL OR RELIGIOUS IDENTITY)at the suffering or death of any human anywhere, because even a moron would be expected to know that human lives are held more precious than animal ones in every sane culture.This is the precise import of Modi's statements as would be apparent to anyone with a primary school understanding of grammar. If someone argues that Modi MUST have issued a clarification in the form of a separate statement to the effect that he FELT MORE ANGUISH AT THE DEATHS OF HUMANS than of a puppy, then I would call that person a moron. Modi has NEVER made any ANALOGY btween puppy and humans as craftily or naively alleged by Orwell. That ANALOGY was made by the Zionist Imperialist MSM and KhanChrissite poodle doormats. If anything, Orwell ought to question the motives of Reuter for not specifically asking for such a clarification from Modi during the interview if there was any such confusion in their minds.
      By the way,The MSM is known also to employ with dubious motives the trick of asking a long leading question with the rider that the person interviewed reply only in a "Yes" or "No", and then mischievously quoting him in the indicative mood, an affirmative statement that pretends that he made all the insinuations assumed in the interviewer's question.
      ORWELL's allusion to the alleged cultural taboo assoiated with "kutte ka baccha" in Indian culture is completely non-contextual. Does he honestly believe that a puupy has never on any occasion been accidentally run over by motorists in the UK, Belgium or Nederlands? Motorists from any culture on the globe can appreciate empathise with Modi's feelings without any need to invoke the purported ABUSE/TABOO significance of a puupy in "local Indian parlance".
      With regards Orwell's "minority" bemoanings, the gang of KhanChrissite rabble-rousers has already groaned a plenty that Modi should have specifically said that HE IS SORRY OR PAINED ONLY AT MUSLIM DEATHS. This is precisely what the KhanChrissite and corporatist media gangs want him to have said as price for not hounding him over the interview. However, as a conscientious and demonstrably honest individual, Modi will never say so because that would make him selective in his compassion, which is anathematous to his Indian cultural moorings. I DO NOT SEE any FAUX-PASS on the part of Modi and stand by his words.

  16. It is nice of Sruthi Gotipati to tweet and try and correct a wrong perception created by the MSM. But one can only imagine the pressure she could have come under. Ravinar, as always, does a great service to the people by throwing light on a very dark area of our media. It seems great institutions have been made to lose their soul to do this disservice to the people, ironically using their (people's) monies. MSM has turned very dark but not greater than the light Mediacrooks throws in a light hearted way. I, therefore, am optimistic.

  17. Long back itself Modi had quoted... 'You throw bricks at me, I will build steps out of it and climb up'......

  18. Leading Hindi news paper Patrika had published front page news about Nano interview, with paper's own editorial view on front page saying there is nothing wrong in being proud Hindu nationalist and everyone should be proud of their nation and religion. Also this paper published the interview section of puppy comment as it is, without distortion. English media and papers can bark anything but their readers mostly are on social media and they know the truth, and most of their reader don't even vote, vernacular papers are still somewhat independent and their readers actually vote.

  19. applause to the efforts of people who are hell bent to bring forth the truth! satyameva jayate.

  20. These rascals are getting away by saying/writing anything without any resistance. What's going on? After reading your article I tried to watch the Arnab Goswami show's video and It was so irritating and horrible that I had to switch it off in less than two minutes.

    Its the high time that some of these crooks need to be punished legally with a big financial cost, to set an example.

  21. There is no surprise that why today's print/TV journos are furious. All these media houses which have been sold for ages are not used to two way communication. They are used to people believing what they say, but with invent of social media they stand exposed. People are not fools anymore. The other day Mr. Maakan was claiming that those on social media don't vote. We would break that myth this time, so request everyone to keep their voter's card ready and exercise their right.

  22. Arm twisting words are done by Politicians which even an uneducated person can make out but unfortunately when media pursues the path of politicians it simply creates a wrong impact.

    Modi has made a categorical statement in an interview to SP leader (Name I forgot) that he should be hanged if he has done crime so nobody else treads that path.

    Under this circumstances what is there to find mistakes and criticize that Modi related Muslims to a Puppy.

    The URL of this blog is completely justified.

    1. it was shahid siddiqui nayi dunia editor

  23. How sick can one get?Despicable scoundrels,foul-mouthed rascals, sub-human hate mongers,venom spewing eunuchs of Journalism.At least vultures have the courtesy to wait for the dead,but these self-styled gutter mouths pounce on whatever little crumbs they get.Blood boils!What the hell is happening?Still cannot fathom what keeps them going on and on,day and night.Modi is facing this for more than a decade!He is indeed very strong impenetrable and God Bless Him.
    Never been so perturbed till date and now this must stop.The only way is spreading Ravinar's MC blogs.Hope millions share the same opinion.
    Look at some of the comments by "rascalites" of SM and Political class:

    Beni Prasad Verma "Dont let a mad dog pollute temple of democracy"

    AMS(ipso facto): Democracy Polarising not inclusive. Appeals to core cadre thru "hindu nationalist" not "indian".Then puppy insult.

    GSurya : And @swapan55 says those killed post-Godhra riots were not puppies, just 'collateral victims'
    : seeing Modi hanged in Sabarmati jail some day is in every Indian's interest.

    : @vibhask1 so by this logic Sanghis won't mind being called kutta or bitch?

  24. Apart from the “puppy” controversy, the other point which has got our MSM friends shrieking is the “Hindu nationalist” remark. But the most shocking was the caption on TimesNow Newshour on Friday night. Even as Arnab was screaming and one half of the screen was airing the Modi interview, the caption on top spelt out “I’m a Hindu fundamentalist”‼!

    Now, is being a “nationalist” the same as being a “fundamentalist”?
    Thankfully, somebody must have pointed this out, and the caption disappeared after a few minutes. But the damage was already done‼!

    Most importantly, the damage seems to be more destructive this time around, I’m not too sure it has helped Modi’s image in any way….. Hope I’m wrong….

  25. Dear Ravi,
    Yet again a brilliant effort from your side, Appreciate it. Need to expose the shadow face of other regional channel who does the same method to appease the congress party. Millions of people who watches the TV doesnt know the reality, Not sure how can your blog reach them

  26. I think the key word in NaMo's puppy sentence is 'even' (a puppy). In Hindi it means (ek kutteh ka bachha) 'bi'. Pls note that all fraudsters have done away with this word. The absence of this word makes the sentence a little suggestive of their intent to link puppy with muslim.Note bimbo's tweet in Hindi and find that the crucial 'bi' word is deliberately left out.Even Ravinar has high lighted the word 'Even'.This is the way MSM thinks that if a cat closes it eyes while drinking stolen milk, none of the 90% idiots in the nation can expose them.

  27. RAVI...I was waiting for your comment on Modi's 'PUPPY' and it is Brilliant as ever. As regards Modi's RAMBO act, I have already expressed my doubts about News Report by Anand Soondas - submitted at earthly hours [2 odd am] on Sunday the 23rd June. In the light of TOI's shameful submission of 14th July is a proof of Media's willful witch hunt of Modi. And it should be punished...and punished very severely. Coming back to the 'PUPPY' controversy, what can one say about Poodles? They seem to have an internal competition of sorts as to who sounds 'worse' and they seem to enjoy competing daily. Dr. [?] Abhishek Manu Singhvi had objection to Modi calling himself Hindu Nationalist and not Indian Nationalist. Funny! Let Abhishek answer whether his beloved Muslim Leaders are ready and willing to call themselves 'Indian Muslims' instead of 'Muslim Indians'? Digvijay is by far the Moron Extraordinaire, and it is too below my dignity to even comment upon him or lame, un-intelligent poodle like Salma Khurshid. That brings me to Ms. Vrinda Karat. Educate me as to her a] Contribution to India's well being or any claimother good deed to stake a claim to fame other than giving moral sounding but illogical sound bites? I suggest, she seriously studies history of her own party and its divisive nature instead before casting aspersions on others. And abot MSM...especially English language Print medium or TV...they are nothing but Brown Sahibs who consider themselves different from Natives and use the term Natives more derogatorily as even that the Gora Sahibs. And you are right. Narendra Modi is not complaining...and he won't either. Because more the Poodles Bark, the better it works in his favour. So, I sincerely wish Happy Barking to all the Poodles.

    1. In our language(i.e, Malayalam)

      ""Korakkunna Patti Kadikkula""

      P.S-Just an Idiom.No offense.

  28. Ravinar, this is unrelated to the puppy episode, but here is an article which suggest that the campaign against Modi is part of a larger, much sinister conspiracy involving the United States and Pakistan with the active connivance of the Congress.

  29. Phoenix should be renamed NaMo. The way he rises after every attack by his opponents is really a case study.

  30. One thing is evident- Modi certainly increases the TRP rating of these channels and it pays to keep him in the limelight - the more controversial remarks they make, the more attention they get. They can't monetise pappu's or his ma's rare remarks as they are usually open to only one interpretation which is about the extraordinarily low IQ level of the person.

  31. It is quite possible that the Reuters girl was 'persuaded' by goons to delete the tweet.

  32. msm are dancing in the tune of their paid master .even if modi ji use analogy of a squirrel.(gilahari) instead of puppy ,they keep shouting and barking . No hope frm this sold spineless and kneel down msm

  33. msm are dancing in the tune of their paid master .even if modi ji use analogy of a squirrel.(gilahari) instead of puppy ,they keep shouting and barking . No hope frm this sold spineless and kneel down msm

  34. Hey Ravinar,

    I was waiting for your article to come out after this puppy controversy...i knew u will come out with a different opinion...

    Another thing that I have realized now of the MSM....they never report the what a person has said...but they always present their opinions especially when it comes to Modi( everybody is an expert) this case as well...MSM was just showing little footage of the interview instead of the complete one..followed by an analysis of the channel/reporter...strange...the concept of reporting News has disappeared. Their job is to just give out the facts. Stop.
    Maybe we need a new University for the print and the electronic media who have forgotten their basics...and you can guess who will start it!

  35. Following this "PUPPY" and " Hindu Nationalist" comment I heard people making statements to the effect that people of India are no fools, they are going to teach Modi a lesson in 2014 election. What about the Gujratis then? Aren't they Indians ? Why have they been electing Modi election after election ? Are they all fools ? What about 34% muslims voting for Modi ?

  36. Following this "PUPPY" and " Hindu Nationalist" comment I heard people making statements to the effect that people of India are no fools, they are going to teach Modi a lesson in 2014 election. What about the Gujratis then? Aren't they Indians ? Why have they been electing Modi election after election ? Are they all fools ? What about 34% muslims voting for Modi ?

    1. Dear Prantor,

      This daily storm in the media's cup had to happen when NAMO start his innings as Head of Election Campaign. This is an all out war & the anti-indian forces would not leave any stone unturned to discredit NAMO. Everytime he takes a step forward, he will face even bigger criticism. That's what winners have to face. No easy way out. By the time elections are declared it would be a daily slang festival.

    2. With every misinterpretation of Modi's statement the media is actually helping more Indians know about Modi. It may turn out anything later. As on today they are expending best of their ammunition, which will run out very quickly. Soon they will be forced to debate the real issues. It will become very handy for BJP in coming state elections.
      Today night (15th July) all 4 English channels ran same story. Is Modi walking into congress trap? Of course they project this was Advani's concerns also about Modi. In the process they are dragging too many people into debates with an aim to create unease in 'sickular' sections of BJP. Strategy sounds good. But reality seems other way. I cannot say about youth of the country. But BJP cadre is ready to sail with Modi. I believe they give a damn to the intellectual talk in TV studios. They know very well that this semi-sickular image of BJP leads them nowhere. It will take another 5 decades and 2 Vajapayees for BJP to reach that stage. Which in fact will not happen as the nation will be torn apart by shameless secular politicians before that.

      Looks like Nitish achieved the opposite of what he wanted. It seems more common people in Bihar now know about the other Modi from Gujarat along with their own Modi.

  37. Even if MODI has referred "GOD" in some context these SICK MIND OF CONGRESS and MEDIA would have construed that MODI referred "DOG" and opened up their worthless SICK COMMENTS. One BSP leader, Vijay Bahadur Singh, found no fault in Modi's remark nicely put it- "It defy's all logic, Modi has said rightly on human feelings. Just because MODI SAID 2 plus 2 is 4, I must say NO it is WRONG but 2 plus 2 is 1." That is the SICK MIND of congress and sick media in our country.

    1. The Western corporate imperialist MSM would not stop at damning Modi for his sppeech or silence, this remark or that remark, this answer or that answer. He stands to be damned by MSM no matter what he does or says, except if he meekly toes their line and ADMITS the blatant lies they spread about him. The ferocious MSM hounds have demonstrated that they will not be placated unless Modi says from his own mouth that he is a murderer guilty og genocide of Muslims, that he is sorry that because of him, Muslims alone had to die in Gujarat; that by politely declining a malicious self-styled Islamic clerics diktat to don his skull-cap (even while respectfully accepting and donning his Muslim chador) he has insulted Islam (so Islam is being equated by Zionist MSM with the vile whims of that cleric, just as the Ulema of Allauddin khilji decreed that Indian peasants who failed to let Muslims spit inside their open mouths deserved death by boiling because they HAD INSULTED ISLAM by virtue of the custom of offering their harvest to the Vedic God for which they must atone by letting Muslims spit and S*it inside their open mouths); that the Muslims of Naroda patiya who massacred Dalit Hindus in the wee hours of morning with exceptionally gruesome 2000BC Mesopotamian brutality (characteristic of raw flesh-feasting desert savage worshippers of vice-goddess Allatu/Ereshkigal) ARE INNOCENT OF ANY WRONGDOING but the Hindus accused of retaliatory action post noon the same day are GUILTY OF PREMEDIATED GENOCIDE. Anything that Modi says except the above will draw flak and condemnation from the untruth-worshipping MSM.

  38. when someone distorts a news/statement/views purposely and by the way favours some individual or group of individuals he or she no longer remains a journalist. becomes a "dalal". the way congress manages vote to prove majority in parliament or assembly or any elected body it is quite obvious that they will do it in every sphere of their activities.

    congress, its secular(!#*?) allies and all secular(!*#?) people of India should not be so much angry or upset because even it was purposely mis-interpreted(!!!) and falsely represented by the "dalals" the word was "puppy" not "pappu".

  39. Dear Ravinar,

    If the Congress & Media wants us to believe that Modi is comparing Puppies with Muslims, then does that mean that only Muslims have been killed in Gujarat riots ? Can anything get more sickular than this ?

  40. Yesterday this Blog had an Advt offering "German Shepherd" pups for sale! I remember it distinctly.Maybe a coincidence! Anyway no malice whatsoever.

  41. The TOI clarification comes a few weeks too late. A lot of damage has been done to NaMo & his party from the time the story was published till this clarification. Hence, it would be ideal for the BJP to seek an unconditional apology from the publication.

  42. This is great example of how big educated we all Indians are, from my childhood history books, news paper everything contains only one thing, this person said blah and that person replied blah blah..
    Hope some day we concentrate real matter, what person is doing, rather than wasting entire life on such foolish discussion about who said what. Can we Indian grow up and stop bitching like gossip girls. I know our MSM dont understand basic of journalism but if we all start boycotting their channels , stop buying news paper, they will have to change

    1. But Justice Markandeya Katju wants state governments to patronise the media, maybe so as to subsidize their false-hood and hate-mongering to socially condition Indian public opinion in deference to Western imperialist ambitions. He says that governments must continue to dole paid advertisements to media once they have began the process, irrespective of what the media writes/reports. On the other hand, social media enthusiasts and contributors are being sought to be muffled into silence or browbeated into undemocratic meek submission to the anti-national Western corporate hegemonic agenda by a vice-regent KhanChrissite Central command via the agency of the "Blogger Control Act" and the like. Very recently the Bombay Police has entered into an understanding with Nasscom and a pvt software company to develop a dedicated arm meant for "monitoring social media blogs" with the reported aim of " gauging the pulse of public mood over issues such as gangrapes and the Lokpal Bill" and further to "identify MISCREANTS who hijack discussion on genuine issues to foment anti-government sentiment and goad the public towards anarchy". As for bloggers goading the public towards anarchy by harping on failings of the government, I would say that could be more truly said of the MSM which has become long used to working without scruples. Sonny TV aired a pseudo-REALITY SHOW mock court-trial in which the garrulous anchor woman judge pronounced a judgement of guilty and death-sentence on the accused in Delhi gang rape case, thus illegally usurping the turf of the judiciary. Social media bloggers have generally been far more responsible. As regards the police's intention to "gauge the public mood", pray tell what business of the police that is, and what good can come out of it. Did the Delhi police do any good after gauging the pulse of the public in Ramlila ground where they swooped on sleeping commoners in the dead of night with murderous ferocity? Gauging the public pulse may be the repertoire of political parties or social activists but how come the police? The arguments being given to justify the stifling of social media are false and misleading, the real aim is to strengthen the monopoly of the Western-imperialist MSM over news-(mis)reporting and mass-moulding of public opinion. Markandeya Katju Subsidise the MSM at taxpayers' cost but Stifle the MSM, there's the neo-Roman Empire for you.

  43. Hi Ravinar, Just came across this article and felt like sharing it with you. You might have had read it somewhere before but still if not, I thought, It would be a good read for you.
    Keep enlightening us.


  45. This comment by Subramaniam swamy puts the whole thing brilliantly in perspective

    Media to a man : Do you beat your children?
    Man: I don't even beat my dog.
    Media reports the next day : This man treats his children as dogs.

  46. Paid media exposed yet again.

  47. BD again makes a fool of herself..she says NaMo should have had Said "Nationalist Hindu" Instead of "Hindu Nationalist"...Lmao...Modi Fixation!

  48. Our McCauly putr putria cannot understand Modi's analogy. Hope they will understand from this
    "you wannabe Hindu. They respect all forms of life however small they are" -- from famous 1966 Sci-Fi film Fantastic Voyage.

  49. IBNLIVE's headline:

    Seems congress is even writing their articles these days. They should act responsibly. The money is going to be collected for a noble cause and they have sensationalize this act too. One can only feel sorry for such kind of journalism.

  50. Thought this might be an interesting read:

  51. If congress wins in 2014 by xyz means then it would be a dark era for Indian democracy. We shall see an aucratic govt ruling the servile (media) and the gullible (citizens) under the banner of "world's largest democracy".

  52. Shruti has nearly qualified to become an honorary member of IO set, and 3A$$ Club. Well done, Shruti.

  53. The Urdu daily published from hyderabad which mainly caters to muslims of hyderabad was fair . worth checking out.


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