Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hinduism & Science

Man comes across aliens while on emergency duty. He hears sounds that permanently haunt him and play in his head. At another end scientists are trying to make contact with alien spaceships which are suspected to have kidnapped humans. Claude Lacombe is searching for the notes with which to reach them. He is the head of the project. He finds his clue in the pilgrimage town of Dharamsala, India. Watch (1.55 mins. Please excuse low video quality):

Lacombe and his team hear a very simple chant by devotees. They claim the tune comes to them from the skies; from somewhere up there. The team records those sounds as a match to the ones that the alien spaceship appears to be making. They convert the sounds into digital signals to establish contact. Watch (47 seconds):

With those sounds from Dharamsala (scenes actually shot at a village near Mumbai) converted to digital signals, Lacombe & Co establish contact with the aliens. In a final dramatic scene the spaceships also land and extend a hand of friendship. That, in short, is the story of Steven Spielberg’s “Close encounters of the third kind”. It is fiction. It is imagination. But even in such imagination Spielberg accurately finds connection between Hindu spiritualism, space and the universe. That imagination does have a connection to reality because Hindu spiritualism has long held a connection to space, the cosmos, the universe and astronomy. Hinduism has always valued science and scientific search and quest. It is only the extremely ignorant, hateful ones who continue to ridicule our traditions and practices. One such hateful moron had this message after Mangalyaan’s success:

Nikhil Wagle is a moron par excellence. He hates everything and loathes everything about Hindus and Hinduism. Mangalyaan scientists visiting Balaji is just another excuse. Such hate-filled scumbags never stop to wonder how and why Hinduism has been associated with a “scientific temper” for eons. People don’t start going to temples because of some project. They go there as a habit and practice for years, even before they become scientists. The Vedas have been acknowledged universally except by genetic morons like Wagle. Although I mention him, there are hundreds of others like him who constantly spew garbage on Hindu history, our culture, our traditions and our accomplishments. What exactly is wrong in praying and dedicating a moment before Mangalyaan’s success to Lord Balaji? Science and spiritualism are invariably connected but offering a religious prayer should be seen as a motivator or thanks-giving. The late Carl Sagan, one of modern world’s greatest astronomers, had this to say:

Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe is in consonance with modern science” says Carl Sagan. Not just that, in his classic TV series “Cosmos” Sagan narrated how the Vedic calculations about the movements of stars and planets in the Cosmos were accurate right close to the minute. Even Vedic Maths and computer science are not aliens to each other. Our ancestors had a great “scientific temper” and they sought an explanation for many mysteries. People like Wagle are not able to fool around anymore because there are many in SM who are quick to point out these facts. Here’s another one who points out why Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project to test the atom bomb, kept the Gita by his side throughout the project.

In a challenging project such as the Manhattan Project which was intended to unleash a powerful force, Oppenheimer found inspiration and solace in the “Dharma and Karma” that springs from the Bhagwad Gita. Scientists can also be religious people; they are not morons like Nikhil Wagle who ridicule people and their customs and traditions in their finest hour. Scientists do not harm society because of their faith either. Ridiculing praying and dedicating an effort to “Balaji” is symbolic of the hateful discourse that our MSM generally heaps on Hinduism and Hindu culture.

Frances Collins, the former Head of the Human Genome project, doesn’t believe in evolution. He believes in Adam and Eve and the virgin birth. Interestingly, Collins is now Barack Obama’s head of the NIH and controls vast funds for research. Does that make Collins any less a great scientist? In fact, the Virgin Birth is far more scientifically untenable but you won’t find out MSM heaping ridicule on that belief. But they will find a simple prayer of hope and dedication to be nonsensical. ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan is not a mere scientist. He also tries his hand at Carnatic music, probably with as much passion:

The passion for arts drives imagination. Science and new inventions are driven by facts and also by imagination. Any regular scientist will tell you that. The special effects used by George Lucas for “Star Wars” dramatically changed the world of Special FX and digital effects. Einstein did say:  Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand”. It would be too much to expect imagination or understanding from the Wagle types who don’t possess even basic knowledge of their own craft.

Newton’s 3rd law is somewhat like the law of “Karma” that forms one of the foundations of Hindu spiritualism. Praying to Balaji does not make one a lesser scientist or result in lack of “scientific temper” just as working in a news channel or newspaper does not exactly make one a journalist. For all the hatred piled up inside him, Nikhil Wagle is far from a journalist. He is a mere anti-Hindu pimp who thrives on filth and there are many like him in our MSM. I have stated many times over that Hindus should not grant the slightest tolerance to such intolerant idiots.

There are a bunch of others who call the “Balaji” visit “superstition”. I wonder where these brainless people come from. It requires mere common sense to distinguish “Faith” and “Superstition”. A temple visit arises out Faith and Thanks-giving. If a scientist wore “Red underwear” for the success of Mars-Mangalyaan, that might qualify as superstition. The quest of science and scientific temper are not alien to Hindu spiritualism. They are comfortably compatible. 

PS: You can now buy the book "Social media as watchdog" with Credit/Debit cards.. Please click on the image link of the book on the right margin of this page to follow the process.. (Please allow 15 days for delivery)


  1. There are several classic texts that relate eastern mysticism and science (and especially physics) like "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" and "Tao of Physics". There are many great scientists who were inspired by eastern philosophy, especially Advaita Vedanta. For example, Erwin Schrödinger had a life long interest in it (please refer to the manuscript "What Is Life?" written by him). David Bohm was influenced by J. Krishnamurthy who's philosophy is related to Zen. It requires intellectual maturity to see spirituality in science and science in spirituality. Media folks are removed from both of these...what can we expect from them?

    -Kasthuri Kannan

    1. Puranas clearly start with cosmology and time calculations ethic are mind boggling -. Fir example you have to read multiple universes or bramhandas of Devi Bhagwata puranam

    2. Here...

      Vedic Time Travel 1.pdf

  2. Humanity has "invented" hundreds of religions over the course of it's existence of millions of years. As human understanding has improved, older beliefs and superstitions have been re-imagined. The old beliefs were morphed in keeping up with the times and newer religions came into being.

    At the end of the day, every human is a non-believer since no one follows the hundreds of religions invented by man. Atheists/rationalists just go 1 religion further!

    The scientific and technological advances of the 21st century will help rid the scourge of religion, at least from the developed nations.

    1. I don't think the world would be completely rid of religions. Some of them will vanish but others will get revised and reshaped. Religion is an outcome of an emotional mind and as long as there is some philosophical basis running underneath, it will exist. As knowledge and awareness expands, more religions will be created until we get to a point when each of us will have our own religion - at that point it will be just spirituality.

    2. Equating Hinduism , its beliefs with other human made religions is incorrect. The Sanatana Dharma lays stress on the importance and significance of Truth and exhorts Let Truth Alone Prevail.
      and the quest of science is also for truth. An incorrect understanding pits one against the other.
      the problem is not with Hinduism as much with its interpretation for individual convenience. Even atheists, agnostics, nihilists have a place under Sanatana Dharma , but not under some other mainstream religions.

      you are entitled to be an atheist, bad mouth religion, deny God - but do spare a thought as to what would happen if everyone were to become like that ??
      Hinduism in its purest form stands for peaceful co existence, ( complementing one another ) kindness , mutual trust and goodwill amongst one another. gratitude and an attitude of humility vis a vis God , helps foster noble qualities in a human being which helps maintain compassion in soceity and evolve in the right direction. But yes , nothing is mandatory . That is the beauty of Sanatana Dharma. Even science and technology we consider as knowledge inspired in the human spirit thru the grace of God ( or connection to a higher wavelength ).
      it ultimately boils down to human free will and human interpretations.

      But As the hold of true religion, truth , integrity, faith lessens over a human being - they tend to become more irreverent, reckless , unreliable and obnoxious. After all why should not one pursue ones own self indulgence and welfare ruthlessly ( and smartly ) ?? Why should not one exploit situations to ones advantage ???

      the choice is of humans whether they want to connect to the spiritualism and strive for higher consciousness or abhor religion, deny God, denigrate spiritualism and become zombiesh , mechanical existence devoid of any spirituality ?? Everything is possible but God still remains unchanged, unruffled, eternal bliss , superior consciousness irrespective of what course humans take for themselves.
      A proper reading of some good hindu books , guidance of good gurus would considerably help you make the best of the human form you have got instead of wasting it on bad mouthing religion and seeing it in conflict with science snd technology. Conflict does not help , strive instead to see convergence and complementariness.

    3. Religion may or may not die . After seeing this breath go away in a flash without warning , do you think the curiosity in the force who does it will not grow & if found will it not create faith & awe in it . But than millions will not know it as I think it was Yudhishter the pandava king who asked that man in after knowing it can die anytime behaves as if he is going to live for ever. Think Over & than write . Do remember Einstein & many others who say it looks wonderful on the death bed .

    4. The limitations of Science are discussed in many Hindu Dharma texts. Science focuses on Matter and Phenomena of Nature. Dharma focuses on the Phenomena that creates Nature, Matter and the Phenomena of Nature - the Consciousness and its interactions in the fields of time & space. The Dharma texts area aware of Consciousness transcending Time & Space; they talk of infinite universes where Brahma (Consciousness) has 2, 4, 8, 16 ... heads operating in those universes.

      Consciousness, incidentally, is beyond reason. The Western construct of 'Science' on Matter & Phenomena of Nature is based on the Descartian view of "I think therefore I am". In contrast, Indian knowledge systems emanate from a region of Consciousness that begins to flood in ONCE the mind is purified and enters the thoughtless state where a Man becomes One with the ONE - the object of Yoga.

      Hindu Dharma is a highly evolved Science that is far more advanced and integral than the disparities of modern western Science. The evidence is overwhelming and the experiences are there too see for all.

  3. The concept of "meend" in Indian classical music shows Hindus had complete knowledge of sound frequencies and harmonics.The concept of "shruthis"(not notes) also shows detailed understnding of sound physics.Also a temple like Tanjore temple architecture shows Hindus had thorough knowledge of Math and Engineering.

  4. Can only identify with your views here. As a Hindustani, I don't want organizations such as the armed forces, judiciary and the ISRO to be politicized. Now, I don't want them to be mediacized. With the venomous agendas of MSM, they are an evil far more lethal than the politicians. Funny that a tiger was shown as a maneater by these mankind eaters. Simply continue to deny them "access". Hindustan can pick up it's growth pace & retain its sovereignty when the MSM wings are pruned.

    1. Actually Sanatana Dharma will devour MSM and their sponsors. Only thing is that we must not leave our connect with Sanatana Dharma. If Sanatana Dharma withdraws from Earth, Earth will get destroyed, but not Santana Dharma! And if Santana Dharma is practiced on Earth, Earth becomes a Heavenly and Divine Planet. Choice is ours and ours alone.

  5. Cretins like Wagle are a product of two hundred years of Macualism,it will require sustained effort spanning at least two generations to eradicate this virus from Indian mind,for this we need educationist of the class of Tilak, Malvia,Bose and political power and will,I am afraid this is beyond the capacity and caliber of our present day education minister who has absolutely no intellectual base nor the depth to even understand the magnitude of the task,where as persons such as Shourie,MM Joshi have been grounded and are probably the last of such intellectuals as present generation may not be able to generate such giants.

  6. Ravinar, Erwin Schrodinger was an early pioneer of Quantum mechanics and a scientific giant. He was a scholar of Vedanta. He wrote a small philosophical essay speculating on the ultimate nature of reality titled "What is Life", which is considered a classic. Besides predicting a molecule for "genetic inheritance" (which Crick discoverer of DNA acknowledged), he speculates with deep understanding that Vedanta may have got it right. See pages 31-32

    1. you can Google for a "what is life Schrodinger pdf".Looks like I cannot include links in comments

    2. Schrodinger talks about the atman =Brahman arithmetical paradox where he explains the soul inside and soul outside and how they are equivalent.

  7. I am a a scientist for 25 years in USA and I find Hinduism highly scientific, supporting free thinking. Upanishads and Bhagavatam are highly scientific. For Eg Bhagavatam on Astronomy fifth book canto 3- is very accurate. Read the book "Vedic Cosmology" by Richard Thomson

  8. Bhagavad Gita is More Applied Psychology than anything holy in the sense of "HIS HOLINESS". Karma yoga says, for every effect, there is a cause and a root cause analysis is required to remove the cause. It talks of CAPA or Corrective and Preventive Action. It talks about Chatur Varna (not caste or Jaati), the classification of society as per the Guna or ATTITUDE and APTITUDE of INDIVIDUALS.
    I was late in reading it. I strongly recommend it for ALL HUMANS. It is beyond religions.

    1. varNa is by guNa, but guNa is by birth according to classical commentators like Adi Sankara, rAmAnuja, etc. Refer Sankara BHAsya BG 4.13, 18.41-48. This is because we take past life into account. New rules can be created by 5 or even 3 brahmins. Please read Parashara Smriti.

      What these people think is that Religion simply means rigidity and following certain customs and rituals and it's all about superstitions. Infact we move towards freedom, so narrow-mindedness will fade away. One will be open to change and accept things that are good.

      (some excerpts)

      paraASara smriti (PS) which it says it is best suited for kaliyuga (PS 1.1-25) gives revelations like

      1. Laws are made depending upon deSa, kAla and paristhiti (time, space and present circumstances. (PS 1.22)
      2. You can practice as much as you can (no rigidity) (PS 1.33)
      3. 5 knowers of SAstra-s (or even 3 incase of shortage) i.e. knowledge of 4 veda-s and 6 veda-anga-s can form a council and create new laws ( PS 8.6-13)
      4. widow remarriage (PS 4.30): Even if husband has permanently abandoned, still women can marry.
      5. Brahmins can accept food from Sudra-s (PS 11.13)
      6. Sudra-s can trade (PS 2.13)
      7. In the Krita sin is incurred by one who converses (with a sinner) ; in the Treta by one who touches (the sinful man) ; in the Dvapara by taking the sinner's food ; in the Kali by a (sinful) act (alone). (There is nothing like untouchability in kali yuga) --> Manu smriti was for Krita (satya) yuga. It cannot be followed completely. (PS 1.26)

      There are a lot more rules but will derail thread.

      So you see we were so open to change. Whatever has to be discarded can be discarded. Is this not a scientific temperament?

      We had done an experiment during my research days. One person had a headache and he was given a tablet. His headache cured within 5 minutes, while techincally the drug takes 20 minutes to get digest and reach the brain. So psychological factor cannot be ignored. Faith is our strength and not rigid customs that we keep following.

      All yogi-s are inner engineers and scientists. they are very open minded.

      Even the current Shingeri Shankaracharya and his guru used to accept that earth is round and that it is earth which moves round the sun and not the other way around.

    2. I would like to add that, as one progresses spiritually, sattva guNa increases. So one becomes tolerant, peaceful, and free of superstitions. Destructive qualities diminish. Hence a religious person is constructive. So it is good to have faith and progress spiritually. Spiritual mind is not a negative mind.

    3. @indian spirituality amrut,
      please do share the link to any blogs which you author on indian spirituality or start one please . Thanks

    4. @right winger


      I manage a blog by the same name INDIASPIRITUALITY :) I avoid links in comments as they land up in spam.

      I also have another website related to understanding advaita, link is given in sidebar.

      I dont like self promoting. Right souls will be attracted to my site. Just incase you wish to know more, please email me at indiaspirituality [at]

      I am planning to write something about parASara smriti, but time is the main factor.


  9. Ravi thanks for writing this There are many like this moron, totally alienated from what we are what we were and what we will be. As you wrote once "pigs will find garbage". Keep writing and expose them.

  10. Skin deep scientific temperament and pea brained understanding of philosophy and spirituality which constitutes the basis of civilisational culture and traditions of Hindu identity is the hallmark of these pseudo intellectual morons. Being spiritual or religious in Hindu tradition is not the same as being superstitious. I go to temples and Hindu deities not because I believe in any supernatural power or expect any miracles. I do it because it connects me to my glorious traditions, civilisation and gives me an identity. People like Wagle have been indoctrinated by poisonous propaganda of Nehruvian intellectuals who denigrate Hindu traditions and beliefs but would take pride in attending Sufi festivals in dargahs and wear it like a badge. They would make a great spectacle of offering Ramzan and Id greetings but would consider offering greeting on Hindu festivals as retrograde and antithetical to multiculturalism. Such is the queer world in which these people dwell.

  11. You wrote: Frances Collins, the former Head of the Human Genome project, doesn’t believe in evolution. He believes in Adam and Eve and the virgin birth.

    This is factually wrong. Francis believes in evolutionary creation. So, no Adam and Eve or the virgin birth. His anti-science bits are smaller than you proclaim and for those, he has been criticized quite a bit in the scientific media.

    1. @Nilesh

      You are wrong. Theres a link to Frances Collins given in the post itself. Perhaps you should check that. Besides, he confirms believing in the talking snake and stuff in an interview with Bill Maher. Its on record. So do verify again..

    2. Check this interview. At 4:00 in the video, he says that he believes in evolution and Darwin was right:

    3. Here are some theists CRITICIZING Francis Collins's Darwinism :

  12. Look at it this way. There are two computers with identical operating system like Windows 7 and software like Mozilla, Chrome, IE, etc.

    Computer-1 = Theist or Believer
    Computer-2: = Atheist or Non-believer

    Computer-1 has a network card (a god recognition chip) and hence it can connect to the grand panorama of the internet (god). But Computer-2 does not have a network card and hence it cannot to the internet or other computers. This is why they scream 'Page not found' for whatever proof shown by a believer.

    Gods are logically impossible but illogically possible. Logic is like a simple telescope, while illogic is like a complex radio telescope that can discover hidden cosmic objects not visible through an ordinary telescope. Logic can also be compared to a simple mobile phone that cannot peep into the Smartphone virtual world like the Apple iStore or Android Play Store. What I am basically saying is illogical and virtual worlds also exist in this universe. And human features like hallucination/irrationality/belief are the cosmic windows to see this spiritual dimension, just like how sleep is the mysterious window to the dream dimension, or our wild imagination is the window to the fantasy dimension. For example, how can a psychiatrist really prove that a hallucinating human is not seeing something supernatural? Can the psychiatrist directly peep through the patient's eyes to disprove?

    Author -

    1. When you reject logic, specifically, when you allow contradiction, everything becomes possible. This is known as "principle of explosion". From a contradiction, you can derive both that god exists and god does not exist.

      It is for this reason, that we disallow contradictions in our belief systems. Having contradictory beliefs is equal to not knowing anything at all because you cannot make any predictions.

  13. Person like Wagle is a product of Socialist thinking deep rooted due to 60 years influence of Neharuvian Hindu hate systematically spread using media as well as university departments like Political Science departments and social science departments. You will find such morons in each and every media house, TV or Print. They have uninterrupted supply of these morons from the universities.

  14. Modern India has millions of macaulians & intellectual pygmies and is also home to a thousand Nikhilwaghle-Shitbags.

    As I said in an earlier comment, these shitbags are products of a 'certain' genetic-interpolation (you know which) suffered at some point in their lineage.

    I always save my glance from filth-bags and do carry a kerchief to escape the nauseating stink they emanate.

  15. Well deserved slap to "genetic morons" like Comrade Wagle.

    One of the most important aspects of Hinduism, is that, the knowledgable person, the guru or teacher is the most respected person. Folks dedicated to the search of knowledge and to teaching it, are given the highest respect.

    No matter how orthodox and religious a Hindu may be, his spirituality never brings him at cross-roads with research/experimentation and search for truth. In fact, the spirituality and scientific temper find themselves strangely entwined when for Dusshera, the Hindu engineer worships his instruments and computers to acknowledge their contribution to his success. I have not seen such a gentle mix of the ancient and the modern in perfect harmony.

    A Christian or a Muslim on the other hand cannot under any circumstances mix his religion and his science, as both are mutually exclusive. Although it is possible for a religious person to be a scientist, the scientist must give up the portion of Islam or Christianity that defies logic and common sense.

    The result is easy for us to see, in terms of the difference between the scientific capabilities of India and Pakistan, who though part of the same gene pool and civilisation, have diametrically opposite belief systems.

  16. Brilliant analysis! You haverightly exposed the Hindu-hater, Italian-sandal licker, ignoramus.And rightly said that "Praying to Balaji does not make one a lesser scientist or result in lack of "scientific temper" just as working in a news channel or newspaper does not exactly make one a journalist."

    It was Only yesterday that this moron tweeted - Where can I read or watch sensible n independent analysis of Modi's speech at UNGA?

    PM Modi spoke in Hindi for god's sake. What was so difficult to listen and analyze it? No, but this shady character wanted something readymade - anti Modi - with lots of reference to 2002, anti- Hindu, and all the other crap / garbage these pigs revel in, and do a copy and paste job in his column or show. Some journalist, huh!

  17. The debate as to find out which is truth between "science" and " religion (say)" is foolish to some extent.
    The principles/theories/hypothesis of science is depended upon certain "assumptions/ axioms" taken as undisputed fact even if not provable , similarly "faith/ religion(say)" requires believers to believe in certain "basics" then only the subsequent buildup of theory/philosophy of religion will make " sense" . For example the complete "geometry"and geometry based knowledge will collapse if any "intelligent person" questions or refuses to accept the concept of " something with no dimensions ( that is point) . There are other example as well in physics / astronomy/ chemistry as well..
    The twist in the debate is that , it is some of the customs/practices of faithfuls which are being highlighted by interested parties to peddle the myth of " superstitions and faith as one and same". It is the scientific temper of " people of faith" which prevents them from quoting "social Darwinism" and eugenics to deride "science" .
    For every "superstitions "like "black cat crossing the road ", we have scientific studies bringing out the "scientifically proven facts" like "coke make child intelligent " [ Claim of coca-cola in 1900s ] or " cornflakes keeps growing boys away from masturbation" [ claim of Kellogg while launching cornflakes ]. I consider foolishness of highest degree to quote these studies repeatedly while arguing "science is farce" . I have same opinion about others who quote " unlucky number 13"while arguing "religion is farce".
    The other hilarious part is some people trying to prove that "religion " is scientific or the practices and customs of religion is scientifically proven or some thing like that.
    In my humble opinion, science has its place in society and "faith / religion " have a place in society ,The two are not in conflict with each other and attempts to deride either of them mostly comes from bigots with frozen outlook.

    1. You said it right.
      And aptly called these morons, "bigots with frozen outlook".

      By the way, the journo community reckon themselves highly intellectual. Their Himalayan ego makes them forget that they measure a mere two feet one and a quarter inch in intellect. They need someone to show a mirror on a regular basis.

  18. Nikhil Waghle should read an excellent book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The books title says it all: "You will see it when you believe it". What those who have immense faith can see, we 'doubters' can never see it. The book covers examples after examples of this phenomenon.

    1. It's not a matter of merely seeing something. To know is to be able to predict something. If theists can demonstrate a miracle that is not explained by science, THEN there would be reason for us atheists to accept it. Till then, the rational position for us doubters is to continue to doubt it.

    2. @nilesh,
      i am ok with people choosing to be atheists, but what i am not comfortable is one trying to impose ones belief system on others or ridiculing the belief system of others. All said and done the scientists that put the mangalyaan in orbit have a right to abide by their belief system. It may seem contradicting but it is also possible that their intrinsic spirituality helped in their scientific pursuits and also vice versa.

      even blind faithed zealots of many religions take modern medicines. And even scientists indulge in meditation and pranayam.

      methinks that the right understanding of religion, God, spirituality helps an individual being evolve into a better human being ( in terms of kindness, compassion, character ). Trust has its foundation on intrinsic goodness that makes life liveable. It is values make that life valuable otherwise we are all just assortment of flesh and bones , some chemical combinations having a manifestation for a brief duration in this random but connected world of indeterminate consequences

  19. Srinivasa Ramanujan, a mathematical genius, once said, "An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God."

    1. And any moment of human life spent in pursuits other than in focused contemplation of God is a wasted moment.

  20. Einstein had once famously said that the theory of relativity dawned upon him when he was sitting and just blowing soap bubbles and being totally thoughless yet aware. He called the area of the brain from which all the great inventive ideas dawn upon humans as the Torsion area of the brain. The ancient sages in India have described this torsion area already as a state of nirvichaar samadhi; a state in which nothingness exists yet the mind is fully aware and in the present. It is in this state that all great discoveries were made from mathematical formulae to Ayurveda, from filght science to Politics and Dharma. Nothing in this world is actually invented. Every single thing is a discovery, no matter how man-made a thing is all the principles in creating and governing any man made object are already existing. Man cannot create any universal laws by himself, they are omnipresent. The great Sadhus and Rishis in their higher state of wisdom and awareness acknowledged this fact and used the blessings of the divine knowledge for the advancement of mankind. Every single thing that has been discovered in ancient India has stemmed from a meditative thought. The Sanatan recognizes this fact and its about time we make the world understand the same.

  21. Sorry...irrelevant to this topic. Ravinar - eagerly waiting for your next article :)...I know what's coming. Poor Mr Old Monk :D

    1. Yes !! Expecting an interesting article with some actual facts coming out.

    2. and on that topic what the heck did he mean by "puja culture"? anyone? i am assuming you all saw the vid.


    Read the comments of "TyrionHatesLiberals Kuldeep Parmar" at the end of video. it seems MSM tricks did not work on American soil.

  23. While the scientists that visited Balaji may be perfectly balanced in distinguishing between their tradition and scientific pursuit, allowing for scientific evidence to contradict religious texts/views when it so may happen. However, it is the army of over-religous morons that get encouraged by this that are more dangerous. With little knowledge of science as well as religion, these morons start to proclaim how "everything" is answered in our great books, and that non-believing atheists or sceptics could not possibly be capable of imagination, creativity, or morality. It is these langoors that are more dangerous that we need to guard against. Although one has to credit Hinduism with having a far better track record than Abrahamic religions in allowing emergence of many different viewpoints and an attitude of questioning and seeking of knowledge. Atheism itself finds a very well established base within the Hindu texts.

    1. I think you make some very valid and relevant points. Thank you.

  24. On a different topic. I was blessed to be at WTC memorial to witness PM NaMo's visit live ( Our PM surely has an extraordinary personality. One thing I noticed was that he only has his own crew of photographers and videographers (probably from DD) with him all the time while the private MSM crew are kept at a distance of 20 feet behind the barricades. This is really amazing that he cares more about the government entities and Indian citizens more than the privately funded MSM.

  25. I am a scientist and a devout Hindu. For people like me, there is no contradiction - on the contrary, there is compatibility and mutual validation. Those people who cannot understand are generally Westerners mentally ruined by the primitive nature of what passes for Christian "thought", or those who are conditioned by the consequentially entrenched Western dichotomy between "religion" and science. Such people, whether overtly or subconsciously, generally hate their own race and worship whites. One can only hope that future generations of Indians can be spared the conditioning that produces this deeply contemptuous streak of mental slavery.

  26. Scientist and spiritualist both strive for same thing - TRUTH. One tries to find it physically, the other finds it in him/her self (inner truth).

  27. @Nilesh Trivedi ji

    Honestly, even those who oppose religion and God are too preaching their own dogmas :) You should have faith in your 'non-faith' too and have faith in your 'doubt' too. Out beyond wrong doing and right doing, there is a field, of peace, mind knows either to only accept or reject. Meditation (sAdhanA) takes one to the third level of stillness. Well if I continue, it will be a long essay :)

    Even those who denigrate our Gods like Teesta Setalvad have their own beliefs and they are spread it --> same like religion, much like evangelism, to change a person to the belief that aligns with yours :) Disbelief is a belief too (but a negative one).

    In olden days there were cArvAka-s ' lokAyat-s' who were athiests, still they were called Hindu-s ;) There were two types of cArvAka-s -- one who believed Body is Atman, other jIva is AtmAn. It looks like they were better than today's athiests.

    Also note that there are no miracles. It's all science. Existence of God does not depend upon reasoning nor does it depend upon miracles. Krishna is God not because he performed miracles. He performed miracles because he is God.

    btw, Trivedi means the knower of three veda-s. So your fore-fathers must have spend in mastering 3 veda-s for 30 years to 'earn' this title.

    It takes 10 days to master one veda

    1 veda, 10 years dedication = veda or vadya
    2 veda-s, 20 years dedication = dvivedi / Dwivedi
    3 veda-s, 30 years dedication = trivedi
    4 veda-s, 40 years dedication = caturvedi

    Now you know why brahmins are not allowed to do any job?

    Besides there are veda-bhASya-s. sAyanAcArya-s veda-bhASya is accepted by all eastern and western as the most authoriative and the only one along with his brother the great vidyAraNya svAmI have written commentaries on all 5 veda-s (with krishna and shukla as two)

    They reconverted two muslims Hukka and Bukka to Hindus and established Vijayanagar Kingdom, which lasted 350 years. Even Muslim rule was stable only for a period of 150 years says Subramanian Swamy. It was from Akbar to Aurangzeb. Besicdes Akbar coined another religion Din-e-ilahi which I think his Son also followed. Still Out History books give too much importance to Mughals who were barbarians while there is not a single chapter dedicated to Vijayanagar Empire which was greater than mughal empires.

    No patritosim is the reason for not having faith in our culture and teachings British created History like fake Aryan Invasion Theory and coning a fake pre-sanskrit language like Proro-Indo-Euro, etc, etc. They wanted everything to be dated after 1500 BC as their Bible and their own research does not allow them to go beyond. and we are still learning their fabricated theories and call us 'modern'

    1. correction:

      1 veda, 10 years dedication = veda or vedya

      Note Vaid is different. It points to a Doctor of Ayurveda.

  28. Seriously, I dont understand why and how, your devotion creates a hindrance in science. Infact, in case of disappointment, it gives us strength. I was a research student too :)

    The hindrance is just a mental block, a psychological barrier, nothing else.

  29. Ravinar :

    I think you are overreaching on multiple counts here. For example, you hate Nikhil Waghle because he supposedly (your assertion, not his) hates Hinduism and Hindus. I haven't found you trying to examine why he may choose to do so (if true) and whether there is some substance to it after all. Then you go on to assert bullshit such as "Science and spiritualism are invariably connected". I don't think you have done much science to understand why professional and reputed scientists insist on rigorously circumscribing the limits of interpretation of their works. As far as Hindu contribution to science is concerned - Yes, there was an immense amount of development of philosophy, logic, rigor, questioning and debate, most of which is irrelevant to the way an average Hindu informs his daily life and actions these days. At best, what Hinduism currently practices is animism and idolatry - both of which are far removed from the sublime heights that Indian thought achieved a few millenia ago. Having said that, you go on to assert something that has been rigorously discredited - "Even Vedic Maths and computer science are not aliens to each other." And then this gem : "Newton’s 3rd law is somewhat like the law of “Karma” that forms one of the foundations of Hindu spiritualism." Seriously? It is not even analogous - if you were to examine it from the stringent perspective of Physics or a study of the interpretations of Karma.

    Spiritualism is something that I do not truck with - everyman's quest and means to find peace and ease within, without straitjacketing it into any domain. The point I wish to make is that it has got nothing to do with compatibility w.r.t. science. It is a case of, in Stephen Jay Gould's definition - Non-Overlapping Magisteria.

    And just to clarify one more thing, 'Faith' as understood from a scientific POV is based on legitimate/demonstrated reliability/predictability of systems. It is completely disjunct from 'religious faith/fervor'.

    Try not to get carried away with your sense of outrage ...

    1. Excellent WillOTheWisp! My thoughts precisely. It is easy to extrapolate serious science into the domain of philosophy and convince ourselves of a rational basis. Agreed analogies exist, but they are for fun and aesthetic purposes. One has to be careful and not treat them as professional science or professional spirituality. Professional spirituality is individualistic and cannot/should not be made objective whereas professional science is all about objectivity and so in a way they are contradictory.
      As far as vedic math and other things are concerned, they are algorithms that people were able to construct. We cannot equate them to developments in modern science. This is not to steal the thunder from India's contribution to the world, which is essentially the legacy of beautiful philosophies embedded in the culture of debate and questioning.

    2. @willothewisp,
      where was the need for nikhil wagle to question the scientific temper of the successful scientists of isro ??
      what credentials?? Just because he is a media person ?? So he pokes and ridicules the scientist's?? So without scientific temper they became successful ??? What nonsense !!!!
      ravinar has been following these crooks for years now and so he may have his basis to label this nikhil wagle a hindu hater/ anti hindu , as this is not the first instance of blundering wagle showing his anti hindu sickular hypocrisy.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Wearing a red underwear and believing it for the success of Mangalyaan or thanks giving to/in front of a stone statue for the same doesn't seems different. Both are superstitions.

    1. i thought of replying you with the concept of murti puja, kshetram, chakam, sthana balam etc....but the way you commented, seems you are in no mood to learn, but only to shun.

  32. These indians some born Hindus- Dont understand why this sickness in their minds? If a muslim can start a conversation with 'insha alla" ( God Willing)...thats not a problem but our own prayers go worng for everything we do for others to hate us?? How is that Fare?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. there is atleast one virgin mother in hinduism too. i am sure there is some science behind it and like cloning, test tube babies, we shall rediscover it as "modern" science in future. I am sure you understand that all that we now know as modern science and gloating over it, was already discovered, and either lost or forgotten. for eg, the gravatitional force is clearly mentioned in surya siddhantam like 2000yrs before newton.
    That virgin mother was Matsyagandhi and she gave birth to Vyasa. Parashara promised her that her virginity will be intact and that she can remarry, which she did. now female liberty is another story, but i am sure the point is made.
    hence in that context virgin mary might not be a hoax.


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