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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

NDTV's Uttarakhand Deceptions

Everyone values information but not everyone values perception. Creating perceptions is the game in the media. Let me rehash an old story from the West to NDTV’s context. Now everyone knows NDTV is like the former USSR’s Pravda news agency except that NDTV is a willful mouthpiece and slave with an agenda. When Narendra Modi inaugurated the Sabarmati River front in Ahmedabad he took a boat ride. Strong winds blew off his cap which fell some 50 feet away from the boat on the water. An unperturbed Modi just got off the boat, walked on water, retrieved his cap and walked back to the boat. Yeah, I guess you know what the headline on NDTV was: “Sources: Narendra Modi can’t swim”. There used to be another story during the US-Russia cold war. There was a race in Moscow. The Russian came second but the American came in one before the end. That is how NDTV would report it except that NDTV won’t tell you that there were only 2 people in the race. So you will have to figure out who actually came first.

Politicians will say what they want and they cannot be restricted. But if news channels are merely going to repeat what they said like a box of parrots then they failing in their jobs. The job of a news channel also involves “fact-checking”. This is where all the Indian news channels fail miserably. Sometime back I had written about an interview of Digvijay Singh, a darling at NDTV, by Sunetra Choudhury. Diggy claimed in some context that the Congress had never attacked the family members of the BJP or other Opposition parties. This is a LIE and NDTV let it pass; which is why I had strongly recommended “NDTV needs a lie-detector”. Looks like they still haven’t got one!

So on the night of July 1 NDTV decided to debate something they called ‘Twitter wars’ over the Uttarakhand tragedy. Yep, the anchor was Nidhi ‘Larger picture’ Razdan. And like a true parrot Nidhi merely ran a “She said, he said” story without bothering to check on facts. Ever since the channel sacrificed their tagline “Experience truth first” they have stuck to their philosophy of narrating only part fiction. So what was the issue? Sushma Swaraj tweeted something about Congress incompetence over Uttarakhand, Manish Tiwari tweeted back that LOPs lecture on some CBI proposal but didn’t visit Uttarakhand, Sushma Swaraj tweeted back that they were advised by Home Minister Shinde, Manish Tiwari tweeted back asking why Rajnath and Modi didn’t follow that advice, then Ajay Maken tweeted, then someone else tweeted blah blah. The whole thing by itself is comic but trust stupid NDTV to make a debate out of it. After all, this is a channel which even debated “who is stricter” – Rahul Gandhi or Sonia Gandhi. Here, take a look:

There is absolutely nothing in it except that NDTV won’t state a few facts. First, it has been a practice with Congress and its crony channels to accuse others of “politicising” events or tragedies if their incompetence is criticised. The only two parties who most demonstrated scavenging on the Uttarakhand tragedy are Congress and TDP. These two parties came to a physical fight at Dehradun airport on who will ferry back the survivors. Of course, the most idiotic trip by anyone to Uttarakhand has to be that of Rahul Gandhi. Doesn’t matter!

The question now is did NDTV check what Manish Tiwari said last is correct? Is it true that Rajnath Singh and Narendra Modi did not heed Shinde’s advice? Let’s check:

1)According to reports Sushil Kumar Shinde gave out his advice of VIPs avoiding travel to Uttarkhand on Monday, June 24.
2) Rajnath Singh visited Uttarakhand for an aerial survey and some interaction at Dehradun on Thursday, June 20.
3) Narendra Modi visited Uttarakhand on Saturday,June 22.
4) In total disregard of Shinde’s advice on June 24 it was RahulG who choppered to Uttarakhand on June 25 and 26 with no real purpose to his trip. The Congress claimed it was a “common citizen” trip and not as a VVIP. We all know what RG did there. He was a total nuisance. So for ManishT & NDTV RahulG is above rules and law as has been all these years, isn’t it?

I know, it all seems very elementary now, doesn’t it? Shinde gave out an advice on June 24 while both Rajnath and Modi had made their trips prior to that date. So how would they follow Shinde’s advice? True to his usually bogus comments Manish Tiwari was blabbering nonsense. Well, one can’t stop the loveable Manish, that’s his nature. But I can say with authority that Nidhi Razdan missed the “larger picture” here, the picture of FACTS. That’s how NDTV does “shoddy journalism” and creates deception in their debates. Now, let’s try to look for some real facts beyond these silly political statements.

On the night of July 1 on his programme ‘Centrestage’ Rahul Kanwal on Headlines Today confronted the Uttarkhand Congress MLA with documents indicating there was abundant warnings on the cloubdburst, extreme rainfall and glacier melting. He went to the extent ot asking why the Uttarakhand govt shouldn’t be charged with murder. There were no convincing answers. I don’t know about murder but there is no reason why a number of PILs shouldn’t be filed in the Supreme Court for “gross negligence causing deaths and destruction” against that govt. You see, NDTV won’t discuss these issues but will discuss frivolous nonsense.

While the media indulged in the nonsense of the “Rambo act” of Narendra Modi there was someone who finally pulled their pants and skirts off. Meenakshi Lekhi commented on July 1 that “it was a thousand times better to be a Rambo than be a Dumbo or a Scambo”. She just misses a point all along. It is NDTV’s job to defend Dumbo and Scambo with any deceptions possible, even if it comes to a tragedy like Uttarakhand.


  1. Wow, Nice breakfast m having..!! :)
    Thanks Sir..!!

    Delightful and hard hitting as always

    1. I just had breakfast and read this. I think, it is getting digested properly now.

    2. Rambo's, Scambo's, ManishT, RahulG, AjayM or others may be probably telling the Facts and still it will be a lie and not the complete truth. Also as journalists @NDTV or CNN-IBN and others also may be lapping up some information and relaying them as facts ( which may be true ) but their job is to really find out the truth and present all the facts not limited facts to conclude opposite of the truth. take a look here.

  2. Cong now wont dare to call Modi "Rambo"..They know what the response going to be :) No point explaining how Modi helped rescue in UK to Cong, its statements like these which will go to gray matter of the likes of Sanjay Jha and ManishT.

  3. Brilliant! Thanks for a good read! I found BJPs behaviour/responses much better during this Uttarakhand crisis. However, I have seen few television hosts in a hurry to hyphenate congress and BJP and trying to show both as two sides of same coin. That is true on many contexts, but not on this Uttarakhand topic in general.

    I find Ravish Kumar of NDTV fascinating though. Yesterday I saw a glimpse where he was grilling leaders (of both parties) regarding systematic ignoring of natural-disaster-readiness in uttarakhand.

    Thanks to you for bringing out the disgusting aspects of the TV-anchors with clear proofs. I wonder why these folks behave this way. I am dead sure that these people are not evil. Most of them are very capable. I am also sure that these anchors love the country as much I do or more so. What exactly are the circumstances what make them behave this pathetically? Money as carrot? Some threat as stick? Supreme ego, which any human is susceptible to?

  4. Manish Tewari is like a empty vessel making lot of noise.

  5. A punch in the solar plexus to start the morning.

  6. Great write up Ravi. He is supposed to be an Information and Broadcasting minister. He does not even state right facts. I think ndtv wakes up every morning reads your blogs and realize how DUMB they are... Last week it was Sreenivasan Jain and this week it's Nidi Razdan. Looks like there are lot of Chota Mota dumbs in ndtv.

  7. Thanks to meadia crook, I now know tha watch @NDTV @ibnlive & @timesnow for entertainment not for any serious news

  8. good one........

  9. There is no end to hypocrisy of the Media; another round of Modi bashing is going based on chouvan (CM of MP) tweet. Chouvan tweeted saying he saved peoples of others state also. But media reported it as dig at Modi. How it is dig at Modi? even Modi also said the same “I am here to save all not only Guajarati’s”.

  10. manish tiwari should be kicked on his ass...

  11. This what NDTV has done in last 25 years. The problem is that present generation has grown up watching NDTV and made their values and thought process based on whatever information NDTV has fed. Its quite painful to see the crowd, participating in programs like We The People of Hum Log, largely take side of so called secular arguments. It seems either the audience has superficial knowledge or NDTV deliberately bring selective crowd in these programs.

    1. Ok, for the fact here, NDTV Indeed brings up the selected crowd. Most of them are JNU students with little knowlege on rest of India. They are pathetically low of IQ and knew nothing about the debate. They are called only hours before such a debate kicks in and has little time to prepare questions for.

    2. The studio crowd is there to make politically correct statements when asked and bask in the applause that it generates.They are all from well connected pedigree and their future is not in India anyway. So there is no harm in winning some glory at the cost of the lives of millions who are affected by the liberal psuedo secular antinationals.

    3. Dear Anand,

      Good Observation about the studio crowd.

  12. Your coming into the scene is like a breath of fresh air. I was tired of the MNM and was waiting somebody would expose them. Thank you so much and keep up the good work. But one advice- always speak the truth but be careful not to sound like a BJP or Modi spokesman.

    1. Dear Prantor,

      You are likely talking about an ideal situation which may come true after 2 years from now when NAMo would be firmly placed on PM seat. Shall agree with your comment in such a situation.

  13. Congress and NDTV have Modi fever. Few days ago they were taking one paracetamol per day. It is not helping and they are taking 3 every day. Soon it will become viral and we will hear only Modi on NDTV.

  14. the headline on NDTV was: “Sources: Narendra Modi can’t swim” ---- Hilarious!! Made my day.
    Excellent work as always. Am grateful.

  15. NDTV = Narendra Dushman TV ?
    Great artcile as always .A pleasure to read .

  16. I had seen Sushil Kumar Shinde(on NDTV) speaking like hitler on Monday, June 24 to avoid travel to Uttarkhand....and was damn sure that hitller style order was for BJP members... not for Congies or others... and now this has been calrified... Shame on CONGIES...

    1. True, he himself did not want to waste any time going to UKD, and did not want any opposition leaders to go, hence issued a notice that nobody was allowed to go. When our Clown Prince visited the place, he defended it by saying that was for the first four days when the situation was more grim and so did not apply to the prince. Question is: why did he himself not visit the place after four days, when the situation was better? What a useless Home Minister!

  17. Ha ha ha...Nidhi 'larger picture' Razdan!

    Good read Ravi.

  18. Actually Shinde had no idea on 24 June, what to speak, so that BJP members could be stopped from visiting to UK..hence he ordered in hitler style on behalf of ANTONIA MANO(WTE) that CM of UK had not given permissions to VIPs(BJB Members) for visit ... and later PAPPU breaked the rule..AUR SHINDE SAAB KI KIRKIRI HO GAYI...:) ROFL !

  19. its what i called a behtarin jawab
    but why only ndtv did you ever heard aajtak aren't they pathatic

    1. They are too..1
      I had seen Deepak who nabbed the SHALMAN OPERATION KUNSH..after that ..AAJ TAK kiked in A$$..and become KNCHRIS STOOGE...

  20. One does not expect a slave channel like NDTV to remember the cronology of events especially if it does not suit them. But why on earth didnt someone like Sushma Swaraj re-tweet to this effect?Or aleast a rejoinder from its spokespersons. I am not sure if there is anyone else with a sharp mind like NaMo in BJP.Many politicians use lie just to test the waters and most often get away with it.They would also have a standard reply ready in the event of being caught.They are only concerned with the instant impact that it creates in the public domain. Later on ,errata,apology or clarifications do not matter or diminish the impact already created.Even NaMo uses lie sparingly and many Khangees have been duped so often. But it needs a sharp mind to give it back when it matters.That is where BJP fails so often.

  21. Add to this, the other deceptions like promoting backdoor proselytization efforts. Times of India for the last two days have been heavily drumming if people or losing faith as this has happened during pilgrimage. I doubt if this paper or anyone questioned if the the faith of the Christians was in doubt when velankanni was severly hit by Tsunami.

    1. Exactly, even today they have series of articles of how people will never go back to char dham yatra and faith has been lost and blah blah...

  22. Our media is neither responsible nor sensible.. and you proved it right..

    - journalist are more acting like political agents/ brokers(2G RADIA CASE AND JOURNALIST) ,
    - channels acting like morons (the newshour debate of great ARNAB who only believe in putting his words in others mouth ),
    - print / social sites acting like dump (Tiwari tweeting)

    And we say we are proud of being Indian..

    DD National/ Lok sabha are far better then these idiot channels.. try them

  23. Some time back Karan Thapar wrote some non sense in HT about NAMO'S visit to UK.
    I gave my comment which was deleted by HT .I am giving it here as the context is same.

    "Thank God! TVs and their 24/7 cacophony was not there at the time of freedom struggle
    and when Gandhiji was alive.
    These SICKULAR KARANS,BARKHAS,VIRS, RAJDEEPS would have described even GANDHIJI as a uncouth religious fanatic.
    When GANDHI died uttering Hey Ram
    these sickular stalwarts would have tweeted like this

    KARAN: Even at the time of falling to Godse’s bullet Gandhi proved he is a Hindu fundamentalist!
    By uttering Hey Ram he is instigating hardliners to take up Ram janm boomi issue!

    Barkha: By uttering “ Hey Ram”
    Gandhi has added insult to the injury of minorities who are yet to overcome
    the pains of partition.

    Arnab: Mr Gandhi are you listening?
    The nation wants to know from you why you chose to utter specifically a Hindu God’
    name while you were dying?

    By uttering Hey Ram Gandhi has proved he is a polarising figure even at the time of death

    Vir Sanghvi: Gandhi may have right to utter Rams name while dying.We have also the right to call him communal.

    Kutte ki poonch kabhi sidhi kyon nahi hoti!

    1. Actually people do say that Gandhi didn't uttered "Hey Ram". It was twisted by Congress. However, we would never no about it as all the historical documents are locked to with no access to anyone. However, a good take on MSM views and how they twist the facts.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well said- and Gandhi would not be "Mahatma" but "Hitler of the East"

      It is refreshing to see the paid media so thoroughly exposed in this blog.

  24. Great article yet usual, as always.

    Gives me great pleasure to read mediacrooks every morning!

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to do such a sterling job!!!

  25. Dear Ravi,

    There is no end to this instead I would suggest to have an article on the good work being done by RSS at UK

  26. The twitter of MVVK on 02 July indicates the truth of our media ,that how these medias turn every thing in favour of some and sometimes how badly they put the issues in front of the public. Creating perceptions is the game in the media.How media can prove that Gandhiji was not secular and favoured Hindus ,otherwise at the time of dying he should had uttered the word Allaha or something else ,then he would had been secular. The article written by Simyo Prepaid is an eye opener ,that how media plays the role on social issues. On the morning of July 2 on his programme ‘Centrestage’ Rahul Kanwal on Headlines Today confronted the Uttarkhand Congress MLA with documents indicating there was abundant warnings on the cloubdburst, extreme rainfall and glacier melting. He went to the extent ot asking why the Uttarakhand govt shouldn’t be charged with murder. There were no convincing answers. I don’t know about murder but there is no reason why a number of PILs shouldn’t be filed in the Supreme Court for “gross negligence causing deaths and destruction” against that govt.

  27. No news channel or news paper can survive without Govt largesse in form of ads. Hence , every media mouthpiece is invariably gagged; maybe NDTV or AAJ TAK is more so. If Govt stops ads to a news paper , you & I will pay Rs 40/- for daily paper. Hence they hold back juicy pieces of info on readers

  28. Nice one as usual. I was expecting your take on the Tweeting War depiction or deception, but since you wrote the last one only yesterday hence thought it may not come. Thanks a lot for proving me wrong !!!

    If someone reads this blog in BJP, please consider a few suggestions, it will help you. Train all those who come to represent BJP on TV on the following :

    1. Start with pointing out how BJP view speakers are in minority and how TV anchor has chosen speakers to show Congress view majority.

    2. Point out the bias of speakers like Vinod Sharma, Ketkar, Vinod Mehta, Sanghvi, Tehelka jokers, NAC members and others.

    3. Make it obvious of their cheating records. For example with Tehelka point out how Tarun Tejpal had picked up a story on Godhra incident and the “original” writer kept on declining it and still he continued. His act in Goa of trying to extract money from ex-Congi CM or Sanghvi’s radiagate. Options are galore.

    4. To put anchors on the backfoot, especially in NDTV and CNN-IBN, point out Radiagate, Nidhi Kulpati’s “Congress ko bhi defend kar dena,” Sri Sri Ravishankar’s fraud interview by Sagarika.

    5. Be aggressive and strong.

    6. Congress has a lot of soft spots, hit them where it hurts them most. In Uttarakhand floods case, tell them how inconsiderate of them to flag off relief material for photo-op.

    Do 1-6 above – Every Time and Always.

    BJP you have a lot of well wishers – people want to get rid of Khanchris. Be smart and maximize the returns. One spokesperson can be yours truly !!

    1. In the point no.2 you have missed some great saints e.g.Neerja chaudhary,shankarsen thakur,siddharth vardarajan,abhay dubey,aarti jerath,dibang.

    2. all good points - also bring in all discussions- congi scams, Quatrochi, Sonia's ranking in world's corrupt billionaires, Abishekh's escapades and follow congress' strategy of screaming out of turn and out of context.

    3. Good one vineet, hope BJP listens to you in this blog and also BJP reads this blog too. BJP should expose this corrupt MSM in all the opportunities it get!

  29. Actually MANISH BHIKHAARI forgot the SHIDAY'S order date(which was 24 June) ..and made mockery of himself and PAPPU...:)LOL

  30. Dear Ravinar,

    Some days earlier I had mentioned how Congress & Media uses any attack against UPA chairperson as Individual abuse to portray her as a bechari emotional vidhava bahu. We have latest news about Complaint against some stupid individual for uploading Sonia's morphed picture. Congress would hope many more such idiots appear on SM to provide her with additional sympathy.

  31. 2.96 and the countdown begins.....Yeh sab theek hai...But WTF is someone like Chandan Mitra sent to represent the BJP Chandan can't speak if his life depended on it....You are right they are creating perceptions and to counter them you need facts which only am articulate person can present.....Sitting at home I a person who voted Congress in 2009 have the answer to the idiotic q's by the MSM's why can't these BJP spokesmen? Why can't they have a trained team that will appear cause if you notice although the q's may be worded differently the answers are like a call center FAQ sheet especially q's abt NAMO.

    1. I totally agree. Why doesn't BJP have more articulate spokespersons on national TV. And by articulate, I don't mean just someone with "good English". An articulate spokesperson is someone who brings out the subtle finer points effectively and most importantly, efficiently. Mahesh Jethmalani is one of the best BJP representatives I have seen. But he needs to be elevated to that of an official spokesperson.

    2. Oh yes, I agree too. Meenakshi Lekhi or Smriti Irani would have shred all of them (any number) partisans apart.

    3. Isn't Smriti Irani the one who had gone on fast to have Narendra Modi removed from office, and who had blessed the function with her august presence and endorsement when Whirlpool gave its much hyped Women award on Television to Teesta Seetalwad. It would not count much on opportunists for whom political alignments are more a game of convenience rather than commitment to the nation.

    4. OMG! Somebody should stop Chandan Mitra, Kiran Kher from appearing in TV. Entire debate is ending before they even try to open the mouth.

  32. When are you coming with the new list of 10 worst journalists? Hopefully there would be a tough fight for no.1 slot.Why not have an online poll?


  34. Ravinar,
    One more help required. there are lot including governements asking for donations for Uttarakhand.
    can we list NGO whom we need to avoid?
    By avoiding wrong fund collectors, we can be sure that whatever we donate reaches the deserved.

  35. Dear Ravinar,

    I am regular reader of your blog and find your articles educating, analytic and focused. Readers comments are also quite interesting. The crookedness of the msm exposed through these articles deserves lot of appreciation. It does not require any political acumen-ship to come to the conclusion that in India at the present, the power is not really in the hand of politicians, bureaucrats and or technocrats but lies with big business houses. The media, politicians, decision makers and more importantly policy planners are furthering their cause by advocating the system and line of actions which suits these real power houses. Any body who dares to raise voice against them whether, he is Baba Ramdev or Modi Ji, he is bound to suffer through their propaganda machine. No where in the world, the education and health are so discriminatory. As Baba has been raising the issues like single system of education for all, non discriminatory health facilities, dignified reward for various jobs whether menial or managerial and more importantly making most of the transaction through bank, he becomes the target of all, who thrives because of the ills in these areas. It is more amazing that the leaders of main opposition party, who want to project themselves different are not raising these issues. Still I like most of others have high hope from some of the good leaders like Modi, Chouhan and many other regional leaders.

    1. The Western Corporate cabal which aspires to establish a monolithic super-imperialist 1 to a ten-billion dictatorship over the world (ala the proverbial ancient Rome with its handful of super-previliged "citizens" while all the millions of conquered subjects officially being murderable-at-will "slaves") count the likes of Baba Ramdev and Narendra Modi (in their capacity as true torch-bearers of the egalitarian Indian civilisation and leaders of 121 crore Indian masses)as the biggest impediment to politico-miltary-economic conquest of the world. The corporate dictator bosses hate NaMo and Ramdev millions of times more than they hate the communist faker-jokers.
      Christian fundamentalists considering subserviance to aims of the global corporate cabal their sacred duty, plot with voracoius zeal to get NaMo vilified and subsequently hanged like Saddam hussein as a stark deterrent to anyone standing up for justice and well-being of the masses.To provoke Muslims, Arundhati Suzanne concocted elaborate lies about Muslim womens' fetuses ripped off and Om branded on their person by Hindus. It is true that in their heart of hearts the Christian fundamentalist stalwarts in the media do not have an iota of sympathy for Muslims, as is evident from their propaganda to justify Euro-corporate military ravages in Iraq and Libya as also the Swiss decision to ban construction of mosques. Portuguese occupation army of Goa, whose malice towards Muslims is evident from Portuguese records preserved in Italian Museums that detail standard practice to plunder all ships headed to Mecca from India after burning to death all sailors on board,nevertheless had the cheek to lobby with Aurangzeb (through the good offices of portuguese commanders in mughal army)to help them in breaking Sambhaji Maharaj's liberatory seige of Goa on the plea that Hindus were worse infidels than christians and deserved to be liquidated by both. On the other hand, Narendra Modi has chosen to drink the halahal(hemlock) of poison in seeking to safeguard 121 crore Indians from the divisive games of the corporate tripurasuras, always speaking about the welfare of all 5 crore Gujaratis and all 121 crore Indians. NaMo and Ramdev have tried their utmost to thwart the corporate global imperialists' endeavour to make Indians fight over petty non-issues to distract their attention from the real issue of rape of a great country's immense mineral and human resource potential while reducing Indians to abject poverty.

    2. KhanChrissite Lieutenants of the Roman dynasty vociferously defend Euro-American corporate imperialist crimes against the world's people (including 121 Indians)in the same breath in which they claim to be champions of India's pluralist democracy by vilifying NaMo as "genocidist murderer of Muslims". They slavishly obey diktats of the Queen in not only condoning but also endorsing the illegal American global espionage against the world's people using internet cos like google, Yahoo and a plethora of mobile apps providers as a giant data-mining machine. why has Salman Khurshid given a clean chit to American Prism project ? Is it because the KhanChrissite planners were also possibly privy to secrets gleaned from the Big Brother watching and profiling crores of Indians, their beliefs and political leanings? Is Khurshid not defending something that has reportedly resulted in the assasinations of thousands of Muslims with "politically inconvenient personal leanings" in "targetted" military strikes in Western-occupied Iraq and elsewhere.

      Western corporate bigwigs first manage to patent an exhaustive range of search engine algorithms, anti-virus software and mobile apps ranging from subjects like safety of women at night in secluded places to guiding people in purchase of healthy foods based on databases of manufacturers'bar-codes to softwares that help emergency medicine doctors in evaluating various treatment options calculate drug-dosages at bedside. Much of such unfairly patented software has been conceived through the ingenuity of not only Americans but also the mental labour of third-world programmers slogging it out 18 x 7 in MNC IT-sweathouses. After convincing people of the world that they have little choice against this monopolistic cartel and they must of necessity incorporate these tools if they are to live meaningful lives in an electronic age, the Corporate Mafia gears up for history's grandest espionage and profiling programme. They justify this sin on the plea that their craftily worded "Terms of Use" and "Permissions sought" before installation of the mobile apps give them users' consent to access confidential data and record voice and chat conversations etc. As if the users have any choice ! But Presto,the same corporates have gotten governments and judiciary all over the bananasphere to implement laws(in the name of privacy rights) that penalise company officials in the name of "insider trading" if they release genuine non-speculative information about the CEO's machinations to shareholders whose money is at stake, if a doctor privy to the ill-effects of a pharma corporate's human trials in a hospital releases such information to the public without sanction from the company (Preet Bhrara doctrine) (doesn't the public which has been made guinea-pig have the right to know from "unofficial" sources as well, what with the corporate worlds grand eyewash to conceal and downplay the hazards of GM crops in "official" company bulletins). Members of the general public are punished if for eg. they accidentally receive(through no fault of theirs) corporate mail "supposedly intended for some other recepient" and then FAIL to destroy its copies from their desktop/mailboxes !Why is Khurshid being so defensive of the PRISM project? Let's see what comes out of a PIL recently filed in the SC against the treachery by internet cos which would have had no compunctions in suing for defamation anyone who publically dared to call them data-miners, were it not for the insider official revelations by Snowden.

  36. dear ravi..
    Reading your blog for last one year.
    You have the spirit of true indian..great applause for your work.
    Carry on raping these guttermouths.

  37. NDTV should change thier name to Rndtv or Nehru Dynesty Tv...

  38. Inept Media - Not good for country
    Biased Media - Not good for democracy
    Corrupt Media - Dangerous for democracy, people and country

    NDTV belongs to 3rd category. Need to counter its LIES and expose the TRUTH for people.

  39. I don't think Nidhi Razdan has missed the “larger picture”. She intentionally has hidden the "larger picture" for "larger doles". After all, PaidMedia works for money and only money if not more money.

    1. Deja vu ! Nidhi Razdan's astute concealment from viewers of facts essential to a fair grasp of the debate here reminds me of the corporate MSM's mischief a decade ago in interviewing a BJP funtionary on phone, asking him why Modi called the army so late after 28th Feb only on the 2nd, and when the functionary explained that 28th is the last day of the month in Feb and the very next day is not the 30th but 1st, the interviewer deliberately hung up and by evil design screamed at viewers: That is exactly what I am trying to point out, that Modi gave free run for a whole 3 days to Hindu rioters before calling the army."

  40. dear Ravi,
    I have been following your blog for quite a long time. I have formed an opinion that
    (a) MSM is controlled by the govt.
    (b) Opposition who knows this fact is still not doing anything about it.
    Let us assume for a moment that both the points mentioned above are true. In this scenario I can probably not do anything about the first point, as the govt which is in power will keep on doing anything to hold on to its power. So if it can arm twist the media it will do so. Poor RG who still does not understand how to hold on to poison (power). He can take a clue from you Ravi.
    But what worries me more is that the opposition with a battery of of finest lawyers, does not do anything to correct this point. It should try to expose this govt-media joint venture. Make the media free if it is really that way. Put a bill in parliament that Govt. can not advertise its projects in the media etc( cut down ways of arm twisting). Some kind of regulation has to be brought in place. If not, photos of SG, RG, MMS will be replaced by leaders of new govt probably Vajpayee,Advani etc.
    I think the opposition should come out and expose this JV b/w govt & media and steps that it will take to make sure tat such thing does not happen.
    Any case I still have one up against the govt. They can not fool me with their stupidity any more and my vote is not for the incumbent.

  41. Great one Ravinar, BJP had failed to tackle this corrupt MSM during their tenure 1999-2004. Hope that the main opposition party which has a national presence and an alternative to Congis shall come up with some tactics and strategies to counter this corrupt media crooks and also to have their own propaganda machine that do not behave like this present corrupt media.

  42. Dear Ravinar,

    What I suspected has come true within 4 days. On 29th June, I had warned Indians to prepare themselves for rioting by Congress minority cell. Immediately on 3rd July Dogvijay Singh have stated he fears BJP shall create riot before 2014 elections for political gains & the same is put as headlines on ibnlive. Considering that Congress first creates ground for their actions through slaves in Media, I hope BJP handles this threat with extereme seriouness.

    1. I agree with you,congress might have already completed the plans for executing riots.They wanted to change the poll issue from corruption to riots.Rioting at this moment will only help congress and not BJP.

  43. 'Caged Parrot' does not tweet for MSM and thousand hearts broken. :-)

  44. Hi Ravi,

    I see most of your article are pro-BJP and more anti-cong ( Or is it anti- govt ).
    According to you which is the best ( at least just pass mark )Indian News Channel?

    1. You need to come up with better than that. I mean with facts. I find Ravinar's articles pro-TRUTH and anti-FALSE. Do you agree with all the lies peddled by NDTV, TOI and CNN-IBN?

      There is nothing wrong with media/media critics being anti-Govt. Media's job is to ensure that the government is working correctly, not corruptly.

    2. Hi Truth Speaks- I am just voicing my understanding to the "blogger" and I am not that smart to go with fact finding.

      I don't think the TV channels peddle lies always, but they blow things in such a big way to support "someone". These MSM is acting as new makers and forget their main purpose is news reporting. They don't have an Editorial Policy, esp TV news channel, but if one watches them closely can come to a conclusion who they are supporting.

      There is nothing wrong with media/media critics to be anti-govt, when there is no good governance - I agree.

      Media shouldn't be biased and so the media critics too.

    3. @Ravi
      I think you need to watch these MEDIA CROOKS closely..then you will find all your answers..!! What @Truth Speaks said is truly correct.

      And don't tell @Ravinar ... what are his articles...!

    4. Ravi, fair question, and I guess all here will be hard pressed to find it. India is the land of corrupt and blind reliance on any one source is only going to put you at risk of being fooled. So listen to opposing views, and think of what facts you know for sure, then only you can get some glimmering of truth. Best of luck at navigating this dark tunnel.

  45. I don't understand why you guys vouch on behalf of the blogger?

    I just felt his writing sounds like pro-BJP ( at least in my interpretation ), if I am wrong then point me that the blogger is not biased.

    Why you guys take me offensive ?

    Ok Ajuba, as you said I will watch these MEDIA CROOKS "closely".

  46. Nidhi Razdan's interview with the Ranbaxy interview clearly shows that these anchors don't even do BASIC PREPARATION before any interview.They are no more than parrots who only read what is presented to them.

  47. So now all MSM forgot Uttarakhand and the relief it needs, after setting up relief funds and asking poor people to donate? What I understand is that real estate developers have moved in with mega-money now that they can get as much land as they want at low/throwaway prices.

    Why did this not happen after earthquake in that genocidal state Gujarat or even the massively corrupt Maharashtra?

    My opinion is that the war-affected north indians are a vanquished race- they show all signs of depression, bowing before oppression, only bothered about themselves and their caste etc etc...So what is needed is a social reformer, which politicians do such a lousy job at.


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