Man comes across aliens while on
emergency duty. He hears sounds that permanently haunt him and play in his
head. At another end scientists are trying to make contact with alien
spaceships which are suspected to have kidnapped humans. Claude Lacombe is
searching for the notes with which to reach them. He is the head of the
project. He finds his clue in the pilgrimage town of Dharamsala, India. Watch (1.55 mins. Please excuse low video
Lacombe and his team hear a very simple
chant by devotees. They claim the tune comes to them from the skies; from
somewhere up there. The team records those sounds as a match to the ones that
the alien spaceship appears to be making. They convert the sounds into digital
signals to establish contact. Watch (47 seconds):
With those sounds from Dharamsala (scenes
actually shot at a village near Mumbai) converted to digital signals, Lacombe
& Co establish contact with the aliens. In a final dramatic scene the
spaceships also land and extend a hand of friendship. That, in short, is the
story of Steven Spielberg’s “Close encounters of the third kind”. It is fiction. It is imagination. But even
in such imagination Spielberg accurately finds connection between Hindu
spiritualism, space and the universe. That imagination does have a connection
to reality because Hindu spiritualism has long held a connection to space, the
cosmos, the universe and astronomy. Hinduism has always valued science and
scientific search and quest. It is only the extremely ignorant, hateful ones
who continue to ridicule our traditions and practices. One such hateful moron
had this message after Mangalyaan’s success:
Wagle is a moron par excellence. He
hates everything and loathes everything about Hindus and Hinduism. Mangalyaan scientists visiting Balaji
is just another excuse. Such
hate-filled scumbags never stop to wonder how and why Hinduism has been
associated with a “scientific temper”
for eons. People don’t start going to temples because of some project. They go
there as a habit and practice for years, even before they become scientists. The
Vedas have been acknowledged universally except by genetic morons like Wagle.
Although I mention him, there are hundreds of others like him who constantly
spew garbage on Hindu history, our culture, our traditions and our
accomplishments. What exactly is wrong
in praying and dedicating a moment before Mangalyaan’s success to Lord Balaji?
Science and spiritualism are invariably connected but offering a religious
prayer should be seen as a motivator or thanks-giving. The late Carl Sagan, one of modern world’s
greatest astronomers, had this to say:
“Hindu cosmology's time-scale for the universe is in consonance with modern science”
says Carl Sagan. Not just that, in his classic TV series “Cosmos” Sagan narrated how the Vedic calculations about the
movements of stars and planets in the Cosmos were accurate right close to the
minute. Even Vedic Maths and computer science are not aliens to each other. Our
ancestors had a great “scientific temper” and they sought an explanation for
many mysteries. People like Wagle are not able to fool around anymore because
there are many in SM who are quick to point out these facts. Here’s another one
who points out why Robert Oppenheimer,
head of the Manhattan Project to test the atom bomb, kept the Gita by his side
throughout the project.
In a challenging project such as the
Manhattan Project which was intended to unleash a powerful force, Oppenheimer
found inspiration and solace in the “Dharma
and Karma” that springs from the Bhagwad Gita. Scientists can also be
religious people; they are not morons like Nikhil Wagle who ridicule people and
their customs and traditions in their finest hour. Scientists do not harm
society because of their faith either. Ridiculing praying and dedicating an
effort to “Balaji” is symbolic of the hateful discourse that our MSM generally
heaps on Hinduism and Hindu culture.
Collins, the former Head of the Human Genome project, doesn’t believe
in evolution. He believes in Adam and Eve and the virgin birth. Interestingly,
Collins is now Barack Obama’s head
of the NIH and controls vast
funds for research. Does that make Collins any less a great scientist? In fact,
the Virgin Birth is far more scientifically untenable but you won’t find out
MSM heaping ridicule on that belief. But they will find a simple prayer of hope
and dedication to be nonsensical. ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan is not a mere scientist. He also tries his hand at
Carnatic music, probably with as much passion:
The passion for arts drives imagination.
Science and new inventions are driven by facts and also by imagination. Any
regular scientist will tell you that. The special effects used by George Lucas
for “Star Wars” dramatically changed
the world of Special FX and digital effects. Einstein did say: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge
is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the
entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand”. It
would be too much to expect imagination or understanding from the Wagle types
who don’t possess even basic knowledge of their own craft.
Newton’s 3rd law is somewhat like the
law of “Karma” that forms one of the
foundations of Hindu spiritualism. Praying to Balaji does not make one a lesser
scientist or result in lack of “scientific temper” just as working in a news
channel or newspaper does not exactly make one a journalist. For all the hatred
piled up inside him, Nikhil Wagle is far from a journalist. He is a mere
anti-Hindu pimp who thrives on filth and there are many like him in our MSM. I
have stated many times over that Hindus should not grant the slightest
tolerance to such intolerant idiots.
There are a bunch of others who call the
“Balaji” visit “superstition”. I wonder where these brainless people come from.
It requires mere common sense to distinguish “Faith” and “Superstition”. A
temple visit arises out Faith and Thanks-giving. If a scientist wore “Red underwear” for the success of Mars-Mangalyaan,
that might qualify as superstition. The quest of science and scientific temper are not alien to Hindu
spiritualism. They are comfortably compatible.
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