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Friday, January 10, 2014

Dangerous Deceptions - Part 1 : The Book Of Love

This post is a prologue to a new series on the Communist deceptions that plague our country. Over and over again some people still remain in delusion and are easy prey for such deception.

In the movie “Three days later” Russell Crowe playing a College professor asks his students: “So, the life in times of Don Quixote, what is it about”? A Student answers: “That someone's belief in virtue is more important than virtue itself”? That explains Quixote tilting at windmills for his imaginary villains. That one line is a stunning answer and perfectly describes Quixotic behaviour. You know, like Tarun Tejpal and Tehelka taught us that screaming about morals and women’s security is more important while being personally immoral. Lately, it is important to talk “anti-corruption” than be uncorrupt and incorruptible. The belief that you have to be seen as a “corruption-fighter” is now more important than the virtue of being incorruptible. There is hardly an editorialist who is not corrupt or incorruptible yet you will find all of them screaming about “fighting corruption”. It’s a lot like NDTV’s frequent debates against fairness creams while every TV channel employs mostly “fair skin”.

Before you proceed further I recommend you read the following posts, if you haven’t already: Commie media’s anti-Hindu poison (4 parts... links to other parts in the article). Desperate measures:Building fences and Flanking the Queen. Since the time Jawaharlal Nehru wrongly identified the former USSR as a model for India the country has been paying a price for Commie policies and actions. Most of these policies have failed and have done little to make India a developed country. Most people still do not recognise the Congress party for what it is; a communist party. This is just as true for our news media which is full of Commies who drive the propaganda of their political friends.

Ashutosh of IBN is now slated to join the AAP party. All his tall talk of morals and corruption were already known as a farce to observers. That the entire CNN-IBN group was campaigning for AAP is also not a secret anymore. Rajdeep, Sagarika, Ashutosh, Wagle and most of their team were all campaigning for AAP yet sermonising people on fair and balanced discourse and honest reporting. AAP may be a new party and have new people in politics but nothing about them is new. Everything about them is the same old Congress failures being repackaged as an “anti-corruption” movement. We will get to all of these in the series but in this one let’s look at what Communists have really achieved wherever they have ruled. Do watch a video that is now in circulation in SM of a former KGB agent explaining the brain washing of people with propaganda and lies.

What Yuri Bezmonov is saying is that the Commies brainwash a nation and demoralise it. They feed garbage into the heads of students and youth to glorify wrong principles and policies. They also subvert the nation by destroying every institution that is meant to safe-guard democracy and the people. Which part of all this doesn’t sound like Congress? The freebies, doles and bankrupting of our resources are only a small part of the whole exercise. It takes all of this and appeasement to desperately hang on to power. Where in the democratic world would you find farmers committing suicides by the thousands even as the govt wipes out their loans and supposedly works the most for them? The AAP is just another fence for the Congress built for, by and of the Congress principles and by Congis. It hopes to protect Sonia Gandhi, the other Gandhis and Vadras and all the vast crony empire built around them. You can rest assured not one single corrupt Congi is going to be prosecuted by AAP.

The books used in our schools are full of the greatness of Gandhis and lately even the Pappus and Pappinis fill them up with stories of fake secularism and garbage. Someone else or a group did write the true book of love some years ago. Rahul Gandhi claiming Congress is the only party fighting corruption is the same Quixotix principle that I explained earlier in this post. The belief in a virtue is now more important than the virtue itself. This book of love; it’s called “The black book of communism

Just read a small summary of the murders and repression in the Wiki link I have quoted. That is just a part of the love story. The political and economic failures of the Nehru-Gandhi clan have cost the nation a heavy price. The same policies are again raising their ugly head through the AAP. The unfortunate truth about life is that our law makes us equals but if there is a God He or She didn’t make everyone equal. It therefore requires that those who can’t fend for themselves are cared for by those who can. It’s like a soldier standing guard so the citizens can sleep peacefully. But the Commies in India deride the sacrifices of those soldiers too and what wealth can be used for those who can’t fend for themselves are usually gobbled up by the same Commies.

Similar to the murders in the book of love I have quoted here, there is another post where I have quoted the number of political murders in Bengal (Commiemedia’s anti-Hindu poison – Part 2) and here’s that snippet:

Not once has the entire Indian media ever questioned these murders. A Kerala Commie politician even stated political murder is a policy of the CPM. That is why the picture below is a dangerous proposition in a democracy:

The CPM or any other Communist party is a natural ally of the Congress and we have already seen that in the past. It would indeed be nice if there a new political party but definitely not nice if it is going to peddle more extreme versions of the failed policies and practices of the Congress and CPM. It’s like a person infected with AIDS feeling better because he is wearing new clothes. The disease won’t go by merely changing the name or clothes. The same Arvind Kejriwal who happily tore down a “Bharat Mata” banner in August 2011 with TeamAnna (because Muslims objected and others accused of an RSS link) now screams “Bharat Mata ki jai” imitating right wingers. This is deception at its very best. More about this in later instalments in this series.

The current trickery of the AAP Commies is exactly what Congress was doing earlier. Our parliament and some states follow a Bicameral system. What AAP follows is a “Cameral” system. This “Cameral” has nothing to do with a single house but with TV Cameras. Every single day they take turns to spout nonsense to the cameras. First something from Kumar Vishwas, then Arvind Kejriwal, then Sanjay Singh, then Prashant Bhushan, then Yogendra Yadav, then Shazia Ilmi and then someone else. Arnab Goswami called it “Governance by Camera” I call it “Cameral Governance”. It’s another word for constantly talking and propagandising without the knowledge and wherewithal for genuine productive action. This is a country with a huge potential for Qnet schemes, SpeakAsia schemes and many other Chit Funds. Some political parties are like any of these schemes: A SCAM! The 10 years of Congress-UPA will be most remembered for scams and misrule.

In the opening post for 2014 I have stated that this election year the choice is not merely which party but which path and ideology India chooses. If it chooses the same path then we have to conclude that people are in love with the book. You may not be sure who you are but any person will be sure what he or she is NOT. We shall see. 

To be continued



  1. I just have one to if India is a communist country, then why nowhere in the international media is India accused of being a "communist" country?

    1. It is because we are neither communists nor capitalists. We borrow worst from both the world. Fiscal irresponsibility from Left and Crony capitalism from Right.

    2. because you don't have acess to all of international media.

      There are very few international news agencies and if you research a little , with cross holding and others all are ultimately owned by one group.
      Essentially there are only two form of government either "democracy"or "dictatorship". The ones you are accusing as "communist" are dictatorship on behalf of "workers ". Closer home "dictatorship" in Pakistan was on behalf of "poor and opressed pakistanis" and so on.
      What we are discussing is " way of governance" with the ideology of "communism" , which is distributing the profit equally to all but not ensuring that in next cycle profit is generated to share it in future. Essentially transferring /burdening your children / future generation with your present woes. Instead of accepting responsibility and solving the problems now . Escapsit ??.

    3. @vinzy: I think the post meant deceptive communism....if people wants communism, who are we to judge? It like a telling Afghanistani's, Talibanism and islamization, is bad for you and your country when they are not ready to accept it and are happy with what Taliban offers.

    4. Communist ideologies have failed world wide. Lenin's statue has been uprooted and dragged on the streets. It is unfortunate that Indian Communists want to brainwash gullible people and bring about a street revolution. This must be stoutly opposed.

  2. I had been associated with the politics ever since 1977 and I was part of the Janata Dal movement of JP. I am having very good relations with many commies and socialists. What I have observed is that, these commies are extremely jealous of BJP/RSS because BJP/RSS could continue as a separate ideology where as commies and socialists divided themselves like amoeba. Particularly the commie variety called Socialists like Nikhil Wagale and Medha Patakar type. If in the country there is anti congress atmosphere, they will come in to the picture to divide Anti Congress sentiments and in end will help Congress to retain power. SP, BSP, JD(U), CPI are doing exactly the same via third front. Congress has always obliged them by supporting their Commie agenda to be foisted on the nation in exchange of power to dynasty. Now AAP is doing exactly that but in the name of separate entity fooling the common people saying on their website that They are neither Left nor Right(If you ask SP, BSP, JD(U) they will also give the same answer) This is like same bankrupt promoters opening a new Limited Liability companies. They are doing this because they are aware that the so called Third Front/Fourth front will not fool young voters now. Their hatred towards BJP/RSS reflects in Yogendra Yadav's poisonous statements about NaMo and also a determined bid to keep Anna movement distinctly secular.

    So it is very important to expose AAP as another version of communists/Third front. I do not know how Infoysis Bala, Sanyal and Captain Gopinath who thrived on capitalist world are going to adjust with commies in AAP. There is inherent contradiction.

    1. Have you also noticed, these Commies always glorify poverty and redistribution of resources. That is because they are at heart not brave enough to take risks and achieve success. They are insanely jealous of success and hence they bad-mouth it. They hate the rich, the brilliant and the successful people. While those people are busy working hard at life, the Commies are busy calling success a bad thing. The worst part is they play with people's guilt. Commies always play altruistic...whereas all they are is a bunch of losers.

    2. Absolutely when you see a commie you see a lazy bastard they would rather strike than work...they would rather live a pig sty of a house than have any aspiration and they will call it simplicity....Simplicity are in our sanyasi's who eat little wear little but have the highest of thoughts

    3. @vishnugupt, Ayn Rand's objectivism or human psychology will give you an answer to why ,many rich people and businessman support communism/socialism. Most of these individuals are hypocrytes who believe in one rule for them and another for others aka "All are equal but some are more equal than others - George Orwell". These people are highly self centred and care two bit about society or fellow human beings. They are big power mongers and crave for more power and control. They get a vicious pleasure in controlling people's lives. They do't believe in fair play or honesty and will take recourse to anything, do whatever is necessary to be successfull. All they are concerned is about themselves and nothing else and for that they are ready to trample on as manay lives as possible with any remorse or conscience. Under which system do such people thrive? Which system provides a good platform for such inhuman individuals to prosper? Which system buttresses people's lives, voices & rights to benefit a slect few? Which system says that party & ideology are more important than an individual? etc., that's why a bank defaulter who hasn't even settled the dues of his employees like Gopinath, IT body shop Guru like bala and a power monger like Meera sanyal who is nothing but a jekyll & hyde character are attracted to such an ideology as they know very well that they will thrive and prosper in such an environment and can continue to enjoy all the capitalistic luxuries with the additional benefit of being projected as do gooder.

      I grew up among such people so know what their true self is and what image they project outside

    4. BJP shd buy birkha or rai dep or Hornob gowswaomi instead of starting a new channel

    5. We should know a difference, that many of above named people 'accepted AAP's invitation to join them', it was not a voluntary decision of all of those individuals. To many an invitation was sent, they weighted it and accepted the offer. Things that will never be made public information are
      1. Behind the scenes were some of these people working directly or indirectly for AAP or connected to AAP in some way?
      2. Are there some who were invited but declined the offer? Isn't it politically worth news if perhaps Santosh Hedge was invited but declined the offer.

      Congress and BJP must be patient to find "near short" term and "not so long" term fallout of such developments. Who knows if importance to these people in decision making leads to dissonance among the older members who had toiled in Delhi.

    6. Yes Nagesh, you are right. BJP should be different from Khangress. It should buy these people instead of paying them.

  3. AAP is the sophisticated and refined version of the commies & naxals combined. Waiting to see how long these Meera's, Balakrishnan's and their ilk survive in AAP.

    1. They will be just used. By the time they realise it will be too late. the damage would have already done and over with. Every state there is an intellectual/ enterpreuner wing in the state level of BJP. How these types were allowed to be swayed away to the wrong ideology for which they will not stand for.. Only one explanation could be they have in their personal level attained such a high status in personal finance. they think they do not have to work themselves for their own livelihood for future . They wanted some platform for doing social justice. Good call. But to be part of asystem who thrives in anarchy model of society with redistributive philosophy I wonder if those persons would like to start with distribution of their own hard and rightfully earned wealth for the cause the people like AK, Prasanth Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav owe to bring./ I am aware Capt. Gopinath is an hard working individual worked very very hard to reach where he is today. He just does not fit there. It will be a huge illusion. But damage will be done. Some body at the highest level of the BJP top cell like Arun Shourie or like shall take such issues in personal level . nayak

  4. Entire media is in the grip of leftist criminals. Despite unprecedented four zero victory of BJP, they have tried to project that it was an overwhelming mandate for this Natwarlal. BJP leaders are also at fault for not playing their cards properly. Often they play in the hands of these media thugs. There is urgent need to expose them and I am happy that Media crooks is doing this perfectly.

  5. As a small help to spread the information, I have started requesting friends on my FB account to subscribe to this blog and am going to repeat it often. Request the readers here to spread the message in every possible way.

    1. I repost every article on my FB page.

    2. I repost this on my FB page.

    3. I consider it as my humble contribution for the cause I wish to see to realise and send this as a mail to at least twenty members every post. I sincerely hope it will add asa multiplier factor. nayak

  6. Looks like katju is 100% correct when he says 90% of indians are fools.

    1. Don't worry Guys... 90% Indians are NOT supporting AAP. AAP is just a creation of desperate MSM.

  7. Perfectly articulated as always Ravinar...waiting eagerly for the rest! PBUY ;)

  8. मैं कम्युनिस्ट पार्टियों का वैचारिक विरोध तो जरूर करता हूँ, पर उनका इस बात के लिए सम्मान करता हूँ कि वो जो हैं वही अपना परिचय देते हैं। भारत अगर इतने वर्षों के बाद भी एक गरीब देश है तो वह इन छद्म कम्युनिस्टों के कारण। बार-बार नया चेहरा ले कर आ जाते हैं। अरविन्द केजरीवाल उनका नया चेहरा है।

    दुःख इस बात से होता है कि जो समझदार लोग हैं वो यह समझ पाने में कुछ अधिक समय लगा देते हैं। तब फिर वही होता है, जैसा कई बार कहा गया है, "अब पछताये होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गयी खेत"।
    वही हुआ "ईमानदार-ईमानदार मनमोहन सिंह" के नारे से, देश दस महत्वपूर्ण वर्ष गँवा बैठा।
    अभी कुछ ही समय पहले मायावती की मूर्तियों का बदला लेने के लिए लोग मुलायम का गुण्डा-राज वापस ले आये उप्र में। फिर वही, "अब पछताये होत क्या जब चिड़िया चुग गयी खेत"।

    मुझे इस पर कोई आपत्ति नहीं है, ना ही किसी को होनी चाहिए, कि केजरीवाल और उनकी पार्टी चुनाव लड़े और खूब सारी सीट जीत कर लाये। जनतंत्र में यह सबका अधिकार है। डर इस बात का है कि वो जीतें ना जीतें, मगर कांग्रेस विरोधी जो माहौल बना है उसका वोट जरूर काट ले जायेंगे।
    हमारे इस outdated First-Past-The-Post सिस्टम में जहाँ कि एक-एक वोट का महत्व है, ऐसे ही वोट काटने वाली पार्टियों के सहारे कांग्रेस ने देश को खोखला कर के रख दिया। वो चाहे महाराष्ट्र की "नव निर्माण सेना" हो या आन्ध्र में चिरंजीवी की "प्रजा राज्यम् पार्टी"।
    दिल्ली का प्रयोग भी वही है। आखिर "आप" का मुख्य-मष्तिष्क योगेन्द्र यादव जी राहुल गांधी के राजनैतिक सलाहकार रह चुके हैं। स्वयं अरविन्द जी की मार्गदर्शक अरुणा रॉय, सोनिया जी की NAC की सदस्या हैं।
    आपको शायद ध्यान हो कि हार के तुरंत बाद शीला दीक्षित जी ने कांग्रेस पर असहयोग का आरोप लगाया। दाँव इतना सटीक है कि एक छोटा सा दिल्ली गँवाओ और देश पर फिर से कब्ज़ा कर लो। वैसे भी कांग्रेस दिल्ली के शासन के दूर तो हुई नहीं, चाहे कांग्रेस का राज हो, या "आप" का। क्या इसमे किसी को कोई आश्चर्य है कि जिस भ्रटाचार के मुख्य मुद्दे पर "आप" ने यह चुनाव लड़ा, वह बिसराया जा चुका है, अब बस मोदी विरोध ही मुख्य हो गया।
    काश कांग्रेस के कर्ता-धर्ता अपनी इस शातिर बुद्दि का उपयोग किसी सकारात्मक काम के लिए करते।
    यूँ तो हम सभी कोंग्रेसी ही हैं, पर स्वतंत्रता से पूर्व स्वतंत्रता और देश के लिए प्रतिबद्ध कोंग्रेसी। एक परिवार की निजी कंपनी के कर्मचारी नहीं।

    ईश्वर उन्हें शीघ्रता से सद्बुद्धि दे जो अनजाने में कोई दीर्घकालीन क्षति न कर दें। कहते हैं ना कि जब मुट्ठी भर अँगरेज़ सेना की टुकड़ी रानी-झाँसी को कैद करने उनके किले की ओर जा रही थी, तब रास्ते के दोनों ओर खड़ा वो अपार जन समूह, जो महज थूक भी देता तो वह छोटी टुकड़ी बह जाती। पर उन्होंने थूका नहीं, उन अच्छे लोगों ने यही बहस की होगी कि रानी-झाँसी सही है या अंग्रेज सेना।

    1. In politics you have to play as politicians. Remember late 60s , rise of shell-parties with natural affinity to Nehru family and they worked to divert attention from failure of Nehru-policies , in return of bread crumbs like government in WB . Again same scenario is repeated , this time bread crumbs thrown is Delhi government. It speaks about the political cunningness of Congressis and naiveity of ones having RSS/Sangh background. Being "patriotic" , working for benefit of people in general ,personal integrity and character are not substitute for " real politics to gain power". You may consider these as essential characterstics of a leader but in democracy you have to provide something extra to your supporters. Providing "road"to all may or may not fetch you votes but without making road if one distribute cash from loot /freebies from exchequer to your committed voters only , you will get votes in gratitude . You have to make your voters/supporters feel SPECIAL . One promises their follower heaven if you murder as desired by him, other provides boost to ego with certificate of "well wisher of poor and down trodden".

    2. Absolutely right...excellent thoughts...santosh ji i hv shared ur comment on my fb status...hope u dont course i hv credited u...

    3. Santoshji, we all know AAP is nothing but Congress in disguise. Luckily most Aam Aadmi who joined AAP do not have a clue that this is the case. They were Congress supporters (mostly) who got fed up with Congress. As long as Congress and AAP DO NOT share Lok Sabha seats, BJP is bound to benefit. In fact, the presence of AAP will benefit BJP even against regional parties. Delhi was a different case where most of anti-Congress votes and anti-BSP votes went to AAP. Nationally Congress is not that much weak. But AAP would still steal enough votes from Congress (and BSP, SP etc.) to make it weak. Advantage BJP.

  9. All those people who are ashamed of their Hindu roots and hence ashamed of the RSS, have found a face-saving way to opposing the BJP & NaMo. They are worried to openly side with the Congress as the Congress scams are too visible. With AAP, they can hate the BJP and also appear to be anti-corruption and revolutionary. Hence none of them are willing to even think deeply about what they have decided to support. They are happy to hang on to the rhetoric.

    1. Yes sir, it is all about appearances you see. Everyone is concerned about appearances only. Thank god that atleast you are thinking about the real thing

    2. @Arun, seems you are bit paranoid of this blog; isn't it, you have replied on each view but what is your stand?

    3. @Dev Mr. Arun seems to be a victim of Communist deceptions that plague our country. He choose to remain in delusion. Better if he can share some constructive thoughts about policies that AAP supports. Otherwise teasing everyone takes no pain.

    4. @Dev I am a long-time reader of this blog and like any sensible person agree on some while disagree on some view points of this blog. I don't think any of my comments show any paranoidness of any sort. I usually respond in earnest and try to add to the dialogue as some of my other comments here show.

      But with comments like the one above by infinite and the penguin, there is really no earnest response possible because of their high-handedness and patronizing tone without any actual points to counter. I usually respond in jest to such comments.

      But I am really interested in what you would consider a non-paranoid or proper response to statements like "All those people who are ashamed of their Hindu roots and hence ashamed of the RSS, have found a face-saving way to opposing the BJP & NaMo" or "Arun seems to be a victim of Communist deceptions that plague our country. He choose to remain in delusion. "

      And I have made my stand known in a couple of comments. I think AAP is a step in the right direction. Any new movement will require time to stabilize. If you see the history of wiki-leaks, there were moments where the present owner was perceived as a dictator etc.. Obama was percieved as socialist but having a few points in common hardly means you can equate it with a ideology. That would be similar to calling modi a dictator just because he is decisive. I would say constantly criticizing AAP in less than 15 days after govt formation would be bitchy at best and opportunistic at worst.

  10. All these leftist mushrooms flourished under the umbrella of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. As it looks today, Nehru-Gandhi dynasty era is coming to an end (at the most it may be delayed by Kejriwal type of stunts but the end looks inevitable). Once this happens these pseudo-socialists/communists will run for cover. Actually, I think, the foundation of this had been laid by a Congressman Narasimha Rao himself, by adopting a capitalist model of economy. Now that the people have got used to all the benefits of free market and globalization, the communist self-righteous lectures are perceived to be boring by most.

    1. dear terry
      How I wish it were true. Are u stationed In india. If so are you In bangalore. Seeing what is happening in the City of bangalore as if no worries at all. everything is going on as if we are living in one of the wonderful lands. At the age of 73 my blood boils . I am afraid whether all our dreams will get vanished. kgnayak

  11. Fabulous, and I wish everyone read this, and I will try and promote people to read this article.

    Important point I would like to make here, the Ashuthosh's joining of AAP, is once again congress directed action. Many of such things will follow soon, to theoretical & hypothetical reinforcement of AAP. Its the strategy of paid MSM - few join AAP, few remain back to promote them.

    Wait for few more days, there would be lot of NGO's will be joining AAP. Kejriwal in one of his speeches welcomed all of them. All this 'big Bindi" NGO's will soon make their announcement soon. Once again this is Congress plan of action to strengthen AAP, so that he can take more of Congress Vote, which otherwise would have gone to BJP (like Delhi)

    But recent statement of Kiran Bedi has given all of them real jerk, as she is truly known for her patriotism unlike paid NGO's. BJP shld attract more such true patriots than Yeddi kind of people.

    Once again congratulate for this great write-up.

    1. Thanks to the bold stand taken by Kiran Bedi. She does not have to join the party. Her moral stand would be good enough. It would be too tough to expect the same level of stand from yet another personality. Justice Santosh Hegde.. There had been too many unpleasant exchanges between the BJP and him those bitter years - last two years of BJP in Karnataka.. Then his father was the first and only one Janatha MP in 1977 in perhaps whole of south India. Needless to say the whole family have been the party sympathisers for decades.. KS Hegde was the first opposition MP from Bangalore. Nandan Nilakeni would be Congress candidate from Bangalore South. against Ananth Kumar the present MP. It would be very tough going. added to this captain Gopinath can perhaps be AAP candidate. Kumar will have difficulty to win the seat. there have been news of Kumble as a BJP candicate. The idea is to fight one icon with another one. The equations have now changed. The state has gone back to congress. AAP too think Bangalore is the first to fall to them after Delhi. Justice Hegde may not join the party but any moral support like that of Kiran Bedi will help BJP a lot as Justice has got moral strength to stop such a migration to AAP. These types of micro analysis for each seat is required.. Kindly go through the research papers made by Madhu Kishwar on Cryogenic engine and Nimbu Narayanan of ISRO of mid nineties Those of us who can go back to those days can remember the Spy stories of those days.. Read the researched papers. Tears would come at the life led by the Icon Nambi who would have put us in GSLV world some 12 years back but for the sabotage planted by CIA. with the help of none other than the current Modi baiter IPS Sree Kumar. So this Kumar has got a long history of being an anti national. Coming to the subject of Nambi - who is a broken man today- would have been the top ICON for Isro those days but for this Sree Kumar. The same Sree Kumar is now instrumental to stop one more Icon Modi from reaching the natural place where he has to go.I wonder BJP has no stake in Kerala. everyone in Media seem to think that a clean platform will bring votes. There can not be a better story of all these qualities than in Nambi story. Let him be a candidate for Modi in Trivendrum vs another Modi baiter Tharoor of congress. If we can not open an account in Kerala with this type of story why to think that AAP can make a gain in our country with their background. In fact Nambi can used for campaign in most of the cities and Metros wherever AAP is expected to give jolt to BJP. Let somebody in the party think of these points

  12. I'm not sure when will BJP learn to manage media properly, it already costed them dearly and as a result to India as well. They not only lost an election, which they should've won (in 2004), they also lost Karnataka state elections only because sheer mismanagement of Yedyurappa crisis & it's media exposure by party leadership. I'm hopeful that it will change under Narendra Modi's leadership.

  13. Santosh has rightly commented above- that we take too long to learn something is good or bad. At the same time, it is the BJP;s Delhi brigade that is solely responsible for allowing Congress's excesses. Opposition? What kind of opposition party is BJP? If BJP had done such gross mistakes would they have survived till date? Every Dick and Harry of the "sickular" fame has been maligning this party of genuine nationalist stalwarts and these Delhi durbarias keep mum? Can't they slap these zealots with defamation charges? BJP is equipped with razor sharp lawyers, however, none of them come forward against commies who are on rampage to malign court judgments. Twelve years of Narendra Modi bashing and finally the court clears him, Simply satya meva jayate and that is all? Can't BJP sue all these cronies with damages, contempt of court and defamation charges? I may be wrong but somehow is really really amiss. I'll not be surprised if LKA, SS or AJ occupy the South Block corner in place of NaMo for had BJP got the guts to really back NaMo it would not throw such lethal ammunition into the air and make nonsensical rants. Dear friends, something is really really really amiss!

    1. I am inclined to agree with the views expressed on the Delhi brigade of BJP

      Yes sir that is why the responsibilities of every citizen now to get maximum numbers for Modi so that nobody can stop him from becoming the head. If we fail then we have failed the country. There wont be another chance. nayak


  15. Thank you Media Crooks for doing your part in helping bring the truth behind the great media cover ups. Please continue your good work and discerning the biased media reports.

  16. Dear Ravinar,

    Yesterday I read a comment made by Jitendra Desai on your article "Hunting Season - final Phase". He mentions a very important aspect of this election that It has been a blessing for BJP to have chosen Modi. Anyone else would have been made mincemeat by now. It takes somebody like NAMO to not just stand tall against everyone else but also grow in stature while standing tall. He is doing just that. Just yesterday we had the great Ms Kiran Bedi openly supporting NAMO's candidature for PM. This is the best shot in the arm for NAMO and predictably the whole MSM has blacked out this news. So my humble request to everyone who wants to see this nation as strong & developed, please open your mouth every time you get to talk with your friends on why NAMO is essential for good governance & stability. Although the Corruption issue is important, my guess is AAP shall not press this issue too hard because they cannot attack NAMO on corruption & they themselves have to answer why did they not prosecute Sheila Dixit & her ministers ? . We must discuss among people & Ask people why Kejriwal is not prosecuting Sheila dixit ?, Why AAP gets so much coverage on TV ?, Why AAP support separatist cause in Kashmir ?, What's their foreign policy, economic policy, environment policy, the list can go on & on. I for myself have already put NAMO on my Mobile wall paper as advertisement, Have volunteered for Mission 272+ & discuss with my travel companions over various governance issues. We have to make ourselves as self guided missiles & launch on the enemy within. Vande Mataram

  17. I think one should wait and watch the response of the leftist trade unions in the face of the actions that AAP is going to take against govt employees in the name of corruption.There have been large scale transfers and sting operations.If these trade unions are silent, then our worst fears would be confirmed as to who is pulling the strings behind AAP.BTW in the unlikely event of the trade unions reacting, how exactly will these morons handle an emergency situation to resolve a dispute. Imagine a whole of delhi coming to standstill with the public transport employees striking work under the pretext of harassment. WIth national ambitions the situation can get very scarry for the citizens if anything like this happens. WIth their poor economics I wonder how they will resolve high wage demands as compensation for reduced corruption.THe commie concept of economics is to only about emptying the treasury and they still do not not how to fill it.One can infer this from the commie comments after every central budget.I am yet to hear of any idea from them of how a govt can earn revenue. It is aways a case of generosity.

  18. Opinion Peddlers : thats the new title for these journalist crooks. They have forgotten journalism long ago. What they do now if 'peddle' their opinions. A drug peddler would try and 'infect' one person at a time, but these Opinion Peddlers even more dangerous than them, because they peddle 'lies' as 'truth' and repeat it more often to make it 'truth' and try to 'influence' masses. And these OPs have been able to 'brain-wash' and destroy a generation of people thus far in India after Independence. Now they are about to destroy the current generation. I hope more people will wake up and become aware of this sinister campaign of all these Opinion Peddlers. OPs for short. OP Rajdeep, OP Sagarika, OP Barkha....list continues.......

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Vis a vis some,of the comments here of BJP's poor media strategy - it is not such that BJP does not have a strategy or is doing wrong things - it is actually being projected badly by media . The achievements of bjp are blanked out or trivialized or criticized . What can bjp do if all media is against them. Swami ramdev addressed many hundreds of rallies - was even one reported ??? Bjp does not get any publicity for its achievements .,liars and charlatans are glorified and given all the coverage .

    Bjp will have to be smart . Overly smart . And somehow consistently expose the hypocrisy of media ( at all times as one can never be sure as to what will be edited and what will be conveyed ) . And bjp supporters should not criticize bjp spokespeople ( at least the good ones ) Rather wherever possible and to whatever extent possible - always try to help them by supporting them ( no matter what stupidity they are doing ) at least in public ; and then probably take it separately with bjp team internally. They are getting badgered by a biased media and we should not allow media to demoralise us as also them. Media is lying and intentionally . So it is more important to constantly expose their hypocrisy rather than willingly play into their hands by accepting what they want to show

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @Vijayraghav Rao: BJP has had the opportunity to square off with anti-BJP editors/media czars after Niira Radia case,CWG, Coal-gate or money laundering allegations etc.but their incompetent leaders in Delhi chose to let it go (why the major opposition party has been silent on these corruption issues vis-a-vis corrupt media houses itself raise questions). Now they can't complain something arisen from their own incompetence. The same section of media is hitting them hard but that's what one should expect from them.

    3. @terry john,
      Thanks. But past is past. Congress and AAP are scourges on mother India. I would rather look at what needs to be done now for BJP to win 275 seats on its own

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I disagree on your comment that 'not one congi will be prosecuted by AAP'.
    AAP will start prosecuting congress when it wants to bring down its government in Delhi. Till then they will play along . With media supporting them blindly and positioning bjp badly - AAP is having a dream run .,
    I am not sure how bjp will react when AAP provokes congress to withdraw support. ( most likely anytime between now and start of voting ) .
    Ideally BJP should vote against the AAP government or cobble up a majority of its own by inviting Aap rebels ( elected representatives )into its fold, if any .
    The best bet for BJP is to continue to project aap and congress as same. Media will try its best to project aap as holier than others . Bjp should never trust any of the mainstream media . Their ( media ) intent is clear . They want to stop Modi at any cost.
    And we will never know the truth about public opinion or ground swell in favor of BJP or whatever effort is being put in by bjp to harness / mobilize support - as all of this blanked out by mainstream media . Very ardous struggle ahead . Only the smartest will win. 'samarthameva jayatay' ( samarth as in being astutely smart and not as in competence)

    1. Dear Mr vijayraghavrao,

      1) I completely agree with you & hence I feel the AAP must be cornered on issue of not prosecuting Sheila & her ministers day -in & day-out because Congress is unlikely to remove support to Kejri at least till Central elections.

      2) The question which should be asked by BJP supporters & NAMO to all undecided voters likely to shift to AAP during the campaign is : Do you want a Congress Govt back in Centre ? - The answer would be clear NO. Do you want a Congress supported Govt at Centre ? - The answer would be clear NO. Do you want a transparent & growth oriented BJP Govt under NAMO? - The answer would be a clear Yes.

    2. @abhijeet, thanks. I believe that AAP on its own will pursue cases against Congress . so far I have read the mind of AK correctly ( I had predicted that AK will become CM around December 11). He is proving to be very smart in using the media wave in his favour . He will dare congress to withdraw support before elections and congress may also oblige as it would help showcase that AAP is different.
      Bjp needs to do some serious analysis based on what - if scenarious, game theory pay off matrices on various probable events and likely outcomes. For example , what would happen if some very tragic events happen . right now bjp seems to be very complascent and unprepared. It is also relying very heavily on modi miracle. But one man can only do so much ( and what happens if some untoward event takes place ???? ). My contention is that bhp should also focus on individual candidates, their competence, character, manifesto, good governance.

    3. And yes, bjp should mandatorily establish contact with electorate thru door to door campaign. 275 for BJP is the target. And that is possible only if votes happen for BJP on the election day

    4. BJP will have to preempt such moves of AK the way he used dirty tricks like "Our MLAs have been already approached by BJP".
      Tactics of AAP are similar to a con man. BJP should learn to give them a taste of their own medicine.

    5. Along with game theory, probability, matrices and algebra, we should also use some regression analysis, big data, quantum mechanics and some special theory of relativity. Just to be sure, let us also make use of the God particle, that would seal it for us.

  23. Ravinar:

    People seem to gravitating towards the AAP without realising that their only intent is to stop Modi. They are looking superficially at what the AAP claims to be doing, and are believing the AAP. Every time I read news about AAP going national, meeting agitators in TN, it sends shivers down my spine. I know they are dangerous to India and their only intent at this point in time is to stop Modi.

    Your articles are a pleasure to read and can open many closed minds.

    Have you ever considered Podcasts on Indian Politics? People who do not find time to read your articles can at least listen to them. They will miss out the information that you post through tweets, clippings, links, etc., but it is still something.

    1. Thank you usapp. I dontated to AAP in the previous election and I guess that makes me a AAP supporter. Thanks for enlightening me why I helped AAP. Without you I would never have realised that I supported AAP to stop modi. Now, I am from Andhra Pradesh and I am planning to vote for Lok Satta. Please be kind enough to read my psychology and tell me whom am I trying to stop because I would never want to stop someone's career inadvertently

    2. @usapp is talking about AAP's intent. No doubt whole India had a sympathy for AK when he was campaigning alongside Anna, but many came to know his true colors soon when he made his political intentions clear & that too with the kind of people he is having around him. Its better late than never......

    3. Hmm. I never thought AK's political intent to launch political party was to stop modi. I always thought it was to give better/transparent governance. But I still don't understand how his true colors shows that his main aim is to stop modi.

    4. When AAP was formed, its intent was probably something else. I very much doubt if they were really against corruption, but that is a different matter. After their 28-seat win, their intent has definitely changed. The congress sees an opportunity to upset Modi’s apple cart through AAP. Why will the congress support the AAP otherwise? The AAPcons definitely have made some sinister pact. Contesting RG from Amethi is all hogwash.

      You say you are from AP. When I first read about JP, I was quite impressed. I have also read that he does a lot of good work in his constituency. Did his party or any party venture into national politics as quickly as the AAP? Shouldn’t you be putting your house in order before venturing out? I certainly would have respected AK if he taken the time to prove himself in Delhi and then announced his national ambitions. AK for PM? Does it sound good to you at this juncture?

      Look at the profile AAPs. Some are what you can call commies and some are right. Is this a good concoction? Barring a few, they hardly have any talent enough even for Delhi. AK himself is a babu-turned-activist-turned-politician, a pre-seasoned one at that. Must be from the years of babudom.

      AK could have cleaned up the IRS when he was working there, but he did not. What stopped him from conducting sting ops to eradicate corruption? After all, Tejpal had popularized sting ops almost a decade ago.

      AK tells the public to conduct sting ops on the officials, but when it comes to accusations against his party, he rejects them through an internal lokpal. Is it a mature response? He defends Somnath but calls every one else corrupt. He is trying to ganging up with activists in the entire country. Have you ever seen an activist doing any constructive work as leaders?

      I don’t know if I have been coherent, and I don’t know if you will understand, but
      if the AAP does manage to fracture the mandate in the general elections, it would have done India a monumental harm. Please don’t let that happen.

  24. a news for all kejri lovers..

    1. yes debraj. discoms would never try to raise fear, uncertainity and doubt to try to fail anti-corrruption measures in the electricity dept.No,No they would never do that. so, it means AAP was wrong to try this stunt. I agree.

      Also, I dont understand how the MSM which is congi stooge and AAP supporter could publish such anti-AAP news. Thismust be some dark conspiracy to stop modi. Only time will tell. Anyway, only modi will win 2014 elections and will beam light into these dark days. let us not worry.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Absolutely!! BJP need to buy out a national media even if it costs them or start a own channel with lot of polished anchors giving a tough time to Rajdeeps and Barkhas...

  27. small correction Ravinar...I guess the movie you mentioned in the beginning of the article is "The Next Three Days" and not "Three days later". Here is the imdb link
    PS: A great blog!!!

  28. 1. Media is a business house, intended to make money.
    2. After Arvind made exposure on Reliance, there was complete black out on Arvind's activities. Made perfect business sense, as covering AK would result in loss of advertising revenue from Reliance and other big business houses.
    3. Even today AK is still not favorable to big and corrupt corporate houses. So what has changed that now the Main Stream Media almost gives coverage to AAP 24/7?

    It seems there are some new alignments which the public is not aware about. Kuch to Gadbad Hai.

    1. The purpose is simple
      Take attention away from congress failures
      Split anti congress votes
      Confuse the electorate ( urban ones that follow English and Hindi mainstream media )
      Congress ( and other vested interest business houses ) are funding media houses overtly and covertly.
      Media thrives in chaos so even on their own they prefer to confuse issues .

  29. When you say that the "entire CNN-IBN group was campaigning for AAP" and list the names of journos, why is Raghav Bahl's name missing? Just curious, because I believe you are not the one to make casual observations and to miss out crucial factors.

  30. Communist has natural hatered against RSS/BJP. and there hatred can go infinite. I can clearly see the Communist face of AAP. Same politics of AAM AADAMI and then enjoy power by ruling them!

    1. You may be seeing the communist face, even CPM has acknowledged that AAP has taken their space in Delhi - but does the gullible Indian care ??? He / she will vote for those who are being promoted in media 24/7, are populists and selling pipe dreams

  31. Absolutely right Ravinar !! Sonia Gandhi is the most cunning person I have ever known...just when she realized she is going down, she has unleashed her latest con - Kejriwal and AAP; India needs to get rid of her very urgently...the longer she plays her game here, the closer we all get to permanent doom.

    Disagree with one statement: you say "You can rest assured not one single corrupt Congi is going to be prosecuted by AAP". My prediction: Delhi Govt. will throw a few more candies and biscuits (give a taste of what it can bring to the country), then AAP and Kejri will go after Sheila Dikshit sometime in March, Congress will pull the plug, Govt. in Delhi falls, AAP becomes the real force it was designed to be, Kejri becomes PM candidate, con complete.

    Although I still refuse to believe that Kejriwal is also playing a game. I believe he is just a pawn. The real threat is his mentor Prashant Bhushan.

  32. Strategies for BJP
    1. Spruce up the spokies who appear on MSM, give them training how to articulate in exposing the MSM, just like Subramanian Swamy and Nirmala Sitaraman
    2. Think of a media channel at the earliest
    3. Employ full time pracharaks
    4. Make use of ex servicemen to

    1. How about inducting fake membership accounts into AAP party to make them complacent and possibly choke their system.

    2. Even better. Form a large group of AAP supporters and start demanding action against Sheila and company.

    3. Appreciate ur idea.But as a first step fake membership is a must.

    4. Lage raho...Lage raho....

  33. what the BJP supporters and Media is now doing to Kejiriwal is exactly what the Congress did to Modi. Modi's popularity increased because of the day in day out criticism from congress and Media and now BJP is making that mistake with AAP. At best they should ignore AAP and then fight them in the Delhi assembly. Media is crooked as ever so cant do anything with them

    1. You can see criticism only in SM not in MSM. With SM you have right to ignore any post you dont like and I expect that no die hard supporter of AAP will be going read this post. whereas in case of MSM people have to take what they show because every channel you scroll you will smell same thing. In case of Mr. Modi media has falsely malign his character which people of India has recognized. And this criticism is not for AAP or Mr. AK this is for us because some of us are strongly supporting him without looking at the broad picture and even now if we cant unite for India than this generation will definitely miss the chance of choosing development and for how long next will have to wait for this option is not known to anyone.

    2. I agree...the AAPtards feel vindicated as they feel "victimised" by BJP supporters.

    3. @prenesh ,
      I agree with you. Bjp needs to tackle aap politically and in Delhi tactfully.
      But bjp has a very big handicap . it does not have a single mainstream media supporting it or even giving honest , objective coverage . so there is no way for general public to know what bjp is doing, how much ground support it has , how much ground it has covered and how. Bjp spokespersons allow themselves to be put on reactive mode. How to tackle that ??? Even subramanian swampy, meenakshi lekhi etc cannot help beyond a point as media has gone completely bonkers. And they need to be reigned in either thru PIL or by right wing starting/leasing out their own mainstream media channels for their propoganda, or by alerting investors like reliance to reign in insanely biased journalists and insist on objectivity. One cannot win a battle against insane pigs adopting ethical techniques

    4. Thank you for the title "AAPtards" dear sirs. After "internet hindu", this is the next big khitab that has been bestowed upon us and we will accept it with the same jest as we did the first one.

  34. More than 55000 murders and no mention.1000 killings since burning alive of 59 Hindus and MSM is at Modi since 2002.Like Communists ,AAP too will not survive after 2014 LS elections as a cohesive party.- MSM or no MSM.

    1. As far as your prediction for AAP goes, you must be a really gifted person to make such a precise prediction. I am impressed

  35. Ever since SM has emerged as the voice of nation, credibility of MSM has undoubtedly reached to the bottom. As of now MSM Godfather (Congo) have become icon of corruption our media finds AAP as their close friend. They have shown extraordinary support for AAP which was rarely seen for any one in past 2 decades. Once Dr. Kalam mentioned that Why our media are so negative. But it seems that our media has shown a sudden burst of love for AAP. Nevertheless, AAP's communist ideology is exposing day by day, but some of our intelligent brothers and sisters are not ready to see it. I dont blame them, I really think that they are not supporting Mr. AK now they are now supporting their own mistakes because they dont want to accept that they have did any fault by supporting him(It human psychology). One more thing that now we can hear words like Hindu Extremist ( in our media and many others will be coming soon. Its a great irony that Mr. Chetan Bhagat once a supporter of AAP now forced to ask "Phele India or Phele AAP" (

    1. Dear,

      This very much applies to mindless supporters of any actor, party etc..., this is not a patented trait of AAP. Any group will have andh-bhakts, But to taint all of the ilk with that brush reflects on which quadrangle you belong to.

      And I am curious about your later statement. When a member of hindu raksha dal attacks( a extremist action in my book) a political party office, what would be a non-biased name for such a action be? Wouldnt the human psychology monologue you gave apply here.

    2. Dear,

      First of all here I am not taking about mindless supporters of any actor, party etc. Here I am talking about intelligent supporters like you who cares for India irrespective of any religion biased. And andh-bhakts is one who ignores facts and truths, he has only one agenda just to follows his icon without any basis. I am not from this group, its not in our culture.(That is why even knowing the facts that congo. has done multiple corruption before 2009 Indian people have voted from them and ignored the BJP because they seems to be communal at that time) But If you think that supporting someone with facts and logic is andha-bhakts than it reflects on which quadrangle you belongs to.

      About your curiosity this site is made to discuss biased reporting of our MSM. FP post that I have mentioned here has reported that particular incident in such a manner that it represent entire Hindu community. Any one condemned such incident but as you can see that, the office was attacked for JK remarks so why not it should be "Indian extremist attacks AAP office" or merely "Some extremist group attacks app office", here Hindu is deliberately added to sensationalized the news and malign one community. Probably you have never heard this "" because we have authentic media in our country.

      I am not hater of Mr. AK or AAP, Only thing is that I love my country and anyone who works for its prosperity and integrity I adore him a lot.

    3. Wow, I read your original comment just in case I missed any of the facts & logic you mentioned but came up with nada. Looking forward for the facts & figures which show AAP as true-blue communist.

      And as far as naming the group as hindu is concerned, you are cherry picking to support your view. When ultra-violent groups like Indian Mujahideen makes news, no one masks its name as "some extremist group". when the said group itself signifies its religion in its name(Hindu Raksha Dal), I dont see any biasedness in specifying it. The correct thing would be for news outlets to report all details, not mask some of them for your appeasement.

      That said, I would agree with your point that that MSM routinely downplays muslim attacks or any negative news related to them. But If I were you, I would opine that MSM should report negative news equally rigourously irrespective of religion rather than asking for special exemptions just because they are foolishly given to one community. This sir, would be the reponse if you love your country. To strengthen processes for everyone. Not to weaken them for you just because they are being done for someone other

    4. It seems that you only read comments not the posts and that too from your own perspective that is why you cant able to see any facts and cant able to use your logic.

      Suppose tomorrow if any bunch of idiots create a gang named "ACA rakshak dal" and break BJP's office than I wont wonder the headline come "Extremist ACA attacks BJP office". I previously mentioned that I strongly condemned the behavior of Hindu Rak.Dal (which has no any legal origin), I feel that they must be severely punished for their deeds.

      Without emphasizing on the real issue of AAP polices, it seems that you are enjoying abusing everyone. If you justify the report from FP you are most welcomed to do that. You are also welcomed to support the policy of free water and electricity for every one, knowing the fact that in the world their is severe deficiency of energy resources and govt. must introduce some reliable policy to work positively in that direction. You can also support proposal of Mr. PB for JK referendum which is actually appreciated in Pak. You are absolutely right here are no facts and logic were presented.

    5. I am not sure what ACA means and why you felt the need to use it when there are already many existing groups. you can substitute it with existing idiot gangs like IM,Hezb etc.. or if you think I am wrong to compare ultra-violent groups with Hindu Raksha Dal, you can use group like TRS in A.P. When they go on a rampage at Osmania university, the headlines came "TRS thugs go on a rampage","TRS agitators turn violent". This is the convention anywhwere, HRD is no exception

      Also, Thanks for your statement that "I am welcomed" to support those list of policies you indicated. I never knew that my view on newspaper reporting meant I had to accept all of their "personal viewpoints" too. I am sorry but I dont agree. Maybe you would want to accept all of advani's pro-pakistan rhetoric blindly too following that logic.

  36. Wanted to share it to an AAP supporter, but then again as per Yuri Bezmonov's video they wont believe it!!!

    1. I put it up on my FB anyway. I am sure, they have started doubting. For the first time today, some of my die-hard AAPtard friends admitted that a tiny bit was amiss. They may not show it, but doubts have started creeping in. I stopped being vociferous but just spring out a factoid or two occasionally.

  37. Thanks for starting a series of articles on communism I wanted to make this request but you got what I had in mind! I feel a very good write like you can convey effectively the dangers of communism to a politically ignorant populace. Request you to focus on the lies, deception, brainwashing & subterfuge played by communists, life under communism/naxalism etc., as I think it’s very important that people understand what exactly communism/naxalism is. Its unfortunate that majority of Indians (especially the educated) are weak on ideology and least bothered about politics. On the top of it their self-centeredness and callous attitude towards politics will be encashed by leftists to take power. Though I agree with almost all your views on AAP, I disagree on one point that it’s just going to be a B team of congress. I feel it’s soon going to morph into a hydra headed monster comprising all left oriented NGO’s, naxals, ideologue’s & academics aided by a leftist media and might replace congress as the big player. I shudder at the prospect of Naxalites of capturing power due to people’s ignorance under the garb of AAP and converting India to a Stalinist/Maoist/pol pot regime. Just as you have highlighted the murders committed by CPM it would be good if you can bring to light the murders committed by individual Naxal leaders so that people know who they really are. For e.g. the late naxal leader K Seetharamiah proudly claimed to have committed 1000 murders which is a small figure considering the number of murders committed by his gods Stalin,Mao etc.,

    Considering the fact that most of AAP supporters are the youth of the 90’s, the strength of any country and the section which can make changes and usher revolutions makes it chillingly dangerous. These are the folks who grew up enjoying the luxuries of their parent’s ill-gotten or relatively easy IT money without knowing anything about the stagnation & struggles of the early decades. They are too egoistic and closed to reason and refuse to see the facts or accept that their understanding is limited and incorrect. This attitude is very much visible in online forums. AAP, which is made up of people like Kejriwal – a careerist & rank opportunist, ideological demagogues like Prashanth Bushan, Gopal rai & Yogendra yadav is more dangerous than congress.

    1. Agree with your views, certainly, the youth which are supporting AAP don't do such critical analysis to judge them. But those who can do are also supporting them not in interest of India but due to their own interest.

    2. Dear,

      Thanks for your demeaning and patronizing comments about my generation. Now that you have made empty conclusions from thin air with added visual feast of multi-headed monsters and hydras, I look forward to the day when you make an actual contribution to the discussion. Till then, continue drinking the kool-aid

  38. ...yo friends...this is the complete interview from which Ravinar picked up the clip. It's an hour and a half...but please do watch it. This ex-KGB guy was posted in India and ironically, he has more respect for India and her ancient culture than a lot of Indians do. I had only heard stories of how the Soviets had taken Indira Gandhi for a ride. Here is the modus-operandi.

    1. Thanks a lot to Ravinar and yourself for this excellent reference. Fantastic information to say the least. I couldn't stop it. I went through it completely. Every patriotic Indian must listen to this. Though the Interview happened many years back, the issues are very much relevant for India even right today.

      It is touching to know that he fell in love with our country having great culture. Its very revealing when he categorizes the "Commie Intellectuals" glorified by MSM as "Useful Idiots" since these Commie Intellectuals are best used to propagate Socialism / Communism so that the target country is paralysed in its progress [in terms of economy etc]. He has shown some of Indian Commies in the slides including some University Professor, used as "Useful Idiots" [Idiots - since they don't understand the grand design of KGB]. The tag now suits all of what Ravinar has been pointing to in the Hall of Shame. One can include the likes of Yogendra Yadav if not included earlier.

      Some of his comments on Mahesh Yogi may not be acceptable to all - neverthless he has his perspective. The design starts from demoralisation. The way he explained about Normalization is a treat to watch.

      The solution provided by him for a country to get rid of these is also highly relevant for India. He wants better education to be imparted for generation(s) of truly patriotic youth to give them the right awareness about whats happening around. Perhaps [as I read and hear from some], RSS has been doing atleast partially of what he is actually giving as a solution to this menace. I should also confess that I don't know much about RSS as well.

      Thanks once again. Guys, don't miss this. Its something to be shared widely. Its going to make lot of difference alongwith the insightful writings of Ravinar and relevant comments.

  39. When a journalist remarked to General De Gaulle that Brazil had great potential, the General replied 'and it always will have'. India is the same. Are we going to throw away a great oppurtunity and go back to the same failed socialism, babu raj, vote banks and sloth? A hung parliament will bring back Congress and its satellites. While China and the Asian tigers move on to the next level, we will keep discussing lofty ideals on an empty stomach. Nehru was a master at this. In Modi we have the vision of Lee Kuan Yew and the fortitude of Winston Churchill. We are willing to let such a man down for drama artists like Kejriwal.

    1. Dear, AAP is not a satellite or constellation of any party. Give it time and let the record speak for itself. Analyze the present and not an imaginary future. This author had once written to me that he is interested in only media matters and blogs from that angle and is not interested in political angles. I guess a lot of water has flown under narmada since then for him to forget his focus.

    2. Its funny you bring up communistic china and hail it while decrying AK as communist.

    3. China is only "Communist" in name, ostensibly to feed the age-old Chinese need to live under a dictatorial political system. But economically the Chinese are largely capitalist, and that is the reason for their current economic standing. As far as anyone can tell, AK and his cronies are Communists of the old, widely discredited variety.

      India is not an petri dish and the Indian people should not be made to suffer for the AAP "experiment", which anyone with a little common sense could see is overwhelmingly likely to be a disaster. India does not need Communism and it doesn't need AAP. We have our own culture and ethos which cannot be replaced, and we already have someone who will address the AAP's one-point agenda of anti-corruption *and* a whole lot more besides, and who won't keep India as a basket-case for the next 100 years. I think you know who that is.

    4. So, communist china is only communist in name because it is largely capitalist but AAP is communist even though it is largely capitalist.I guess there are some more traits about AAP that made you draw the conclusion that AAP is communist. Would love to hear from you what the are.

      AFAIK AAP has not made any statement that they are anti-capitalist but I would like to hear from you.

    5. So you go by "statements" do you? I suppose you then believe Rahul Gandhi when he claims that Congress is serious about tackling corruption. Since "removing corruption" is what AAP supporters are passionate about, you should probably vote for Congress.

      Without wanting to get into another absurd argument, the fact is that the key AAP leaders include hard-core socialists/Communists Bhushan and Yadav. I don't think they've changed their views and I don't think that the overall ideology of AAP will escape that influence. Simply claiming as you did that "AAP is largely capitalist" is neither borne out by their actions nor their rhetoric so far.

      If you're a Commie, fine. You're entitled to follow whatever cult you want, however idiotic. You're even entitled to write countless useless posts with nothing of value in them. But you're wasting your time trying to convince those of us who aren't brainwashed by such bullshit and don't want to give space to an ideology that has kept India in economic and social darkness and will only serve to take it further down.

      And please, before asking yet more inane questions or demanding evidence or proof, do your own research first. Don't expect everyone else to spell it out for you. Come back if you have something concrete to support your point of view.

  40. Communism is against nature. Democracy is inherently chaotic (various opinions, freedom of speech etc.) hence thermodynamically of lowest energy level as opposed to Communism/Dictatorship which is more tightly controlled at higher energy level. Thermodynamically all system flows towards lowest energy level.

  41. I'm sorry but that picture of Sitaram Yechuri and Kejriwal is NOT, by any stretch of imagination, proof of Kejriwal's belief in political murder. Does Modi's pic with VK Singh imply that he supports the alleged bribery by the fmr army chief J&K?

    1. @ tejas6k,
      It shows that AK has leaning towards communist's ideology and nothing else and this philosophy is outdated and AK like Congress in in their footsteps!!!

    2. @ tejas6k,
      It shows that AK has leaning towards communist's ideology and nothing else and this philosophy is outdated and AK like Congress in in their footsteps!!!

    3. All new ideologies will have some common similarities with existing ones. It would be stupid to equate both just because of them. Many such morons have even called Obama a socialist. Truth always lies somewhere in between. Author is using a clever straw man of communism to attack AAP.

    4. More like straw man (Kejriwal) to attack Sitaram Yechuri as when it comes to distribution of wealth, Kejriwal is Sitaram's 'Baap'.

  42. As for the rest, its true that some people are trying to use AAP as an anti-NaMo weapon not just Congress but certain people like Ashutosh, whose anti-Modi whining is farcical even to "fiberals" such as myself. That does not mean that the AAP movement as a whole is some kind of proxy for the Congress. A new party always upsets old political equations, and if Delhi is anything to go by the AAP tends to steal leftist/secular votes while the BJP retains its supporters. If Modi suffers from an AAP wave, that's too bad.

    1. He is leftist and he is making all the right noises against Modi and BJP. If people still can't see through his game, they deserve what they get in the end... chaos and anarchy.

  43. @santosh, very apt.
    @prem rou, agree with your comment on the fact that politics need to be matched political savviness

  44. "You can rest assured not one single corrupt Congi is going to be prosecuted by AAP."...

    While the leftist leanings of AAP are in full display, however it doesn't mean they are a Congress fence put up by Congress itself. Media obsessing with AAP and keeping 24*7 camera on their fledgling govt is similarly undesired and media's fault, not AAP. It is desirable to keep the communist forces at bay, however clubbing all of them together and branding it as conspiracy might not be correct. I believe you would be forced to eat your words above. I don't like political witch-hunting, hence I am not hoping for you to be found wrong, but I guess thats what the case would turn out to be.

    1. come on VT use evidence to logically prove what you say rather than vague words like 'I believe' or 'I guess'. Please also tell us what makes you believe.

  45. @vt , agree with you. AaP will prosecute congress very soon. AAP and AK are making hay while the media is hyping them up. AK is more politically savvy than most BJP spokespersons and decision makers. But , it is also quite possible that congress is indeed giving him strength and guidance . Mani shankar aiyer has acknowledged this ( to some extent ). I can sense the shrewd minds of abhishek manu singhvi and kapil sibal at work

    1. AK will never do that because he is just a mask of Congress Party, congress party without being in power enjoying absolute power..and it comes so easy that this time without "Responsibility And Accountability"..

      By the way "All The People Cant be Fooled All The Time"

  46. this is too good writing , why are you not actively using Facebook for posting these pages

  47. I really recommned to post it there to reach more audiences

  48. JIA news..... EK NAZAR EDHAR BHI, is good program.,

  49. Racist American Diplomats

    Ever wonder why the American government machinery is hated world wide? Probably has to do with the fact that US diplomats and government officials are horribly racist and view the rest of the (non-white) world as filthy heathens that need to be civilised. Oh the irony!Racist American Diplomat Alicia Muller May refers to vegetarian Indians as rapists, and India as bizarre.

  50. I still think BJP did a mistake by not opting for minority government, they could have limited all this media about AAP...This did a huge damage! I seriously hope aap, people wont for aap at the center or this could bring back UPA,

    1. We now know AAP and Congress came together to form the government. How long do you think it would have taken them to come together to throw BJP out? How BJP can provide an effective government if it knows that at the drop of the hat it could be gone?

  51. Wow, when it is BJP, it is minority government and when AAP does the same thing, it is B-team of congress. So,if BJP had formed a minority government, would it mean it had taken support of congress.

    1. Dear Sir,
      Have you ever seen that happen in the history of India?, Show me one instance during the last 33 years since BJP's existence where they have joined congress?.. Wake up AK is using people like you.

    2. Dear NoName sir,

      Read Garuda's comment and my reply in that context. Creating a minority government specifically means not taking support from any political party. It is upto the individual MLAs to support or withdraw. To equate a minority govt with a coalition govt is pathetic at worst and ignorant at best.

    3. Thanks for enlightening the readers of this blog with your many random comments here but your comment above distinguishing minority government and coalition government must certainly take the cake.

      It is not up to individual MLAs belonging to a party (congress in the case of AAP in Delhi) to support or withdraw support according their whim and fancy but for the party to decide and enforce the decision if need be by issuing a whip. So, as much as you may hate to admit it AAP survives on corrupt congress' support.

      AAP has been backtracking on most issues- from its avowed stand not to support or take support from BJP or cong through not accepting security cover or government accommodation or transportation. It has just made a fool of every law-abiding citizen by withdrawing cases against defaulters who have not paid their electricity charges and writing off their dues but I am sure AAP's best is yet to come.

    4. Hmm. I guess garuda must have been referring to a different minority government then because in your view, any minority government must be seen as taking support of other political parties.

  52. Very Important - Don't miss the youtube link posted by penguin [some comments above] . It is to be shared with all patriotic Indians.

    1. Somehow i cannot watch tht clip , seems the PiGGY RAJA & Party have blocked the Site & Video.

    2. Try
      It is working now :).

    3. Got hold of another video of Yuri Bezmenov. His explanation of the four stages of Subversion is outstanding to say the least. This is a MUST listen. Oh My God ! It has been happening here in India for so long. In Demoralisation, they target Religion etc. Religion has to be ridiculed by this design as part of Demoralisation and those who are upto such tasks [gen. the Commie Intellectuals et al] are encouraged to do so. Now, I am able to understand as to why Commies can't tolerate anything saffron.

      Don't miss this :

  53. laugh for yourselves.

  54. BJP clearly lacks media management policy. One should watch the jokers that come on TV debate. Most cannot speak fluent English coherently. One further point. I do not understand the compulsion of BJP jokers to participate in Media debate, especially TV live debates when they are bashed and not allowed to respond or given adequate time. Compared to BJP, Sanjay Jha of Kangress does a better job. Only Smriti Irani and Minaxi Lekhi of BJP are impressive and aggressive.

  55. It is time that commies in India are hauled over the coals and their excesses documented and publicized. For too long the country has ceded space to these frauds under the excuse of democracy. It is a cancer that has to be rooted out of society. It is hilarious to hear commie leaders talk about democracy. Communism is no different from religions which have pushed their agendas thro violence and fear. But unfortunately people get drawn into this possibly because of their 'do good' nature. I have seen the plight of people in erstwhile USSR before it collapsed. It was pathetic. It was crazy to see people standing in queues outside stores in Moscow in snow for hours wanting to buy baby food because the stores had received a consignment from India!! This was in Moscow. Just imagine the plight in the other cities. Commies have done enough damage to mankind. And the socialistic versions spawned from this ideology has done enough damage to the country and we cannot afford to continue with such silly experiments anymore. I only hope the youngsters who go ga ga about people dancing with brooms on the streets realize that their future is at stake. They have to realize all these socialistic/commie nonsense is just exploitation under the guise of 'doing good'. No commie ever did a day's honest work and earned his living. They just sponge off society. It is time youngsters realize there is no free lunch. A few more years of this nonsense and Im sure there will not be any India as we know it left anymore. Possibly we will all be trying to get the free power which will not exist. And it will be too late. India would have been consigned to the dustbin of history. Hope good sense prevails and people make the correct choices inspite of the shenanigans of the MSM. I sometimes wonder about their recruitment process in MSM, to identify people with such 'spin' capabilities and dishonesty. Is there any other country where the media is as anti-national as in India? For 10 years we had a PM with no experience in governance except for some capability in pushing some files.and a personal badge of honesty. And he has brought the county to its knees. And now the MSM is pushing another pretender to screw the nation further.
    Look forward to further posts!

    1. Sam, I agree one hundred per cent. I remember twenty some years ago, at the height of Cold War, an American comedian named Andy Rooney said when he was in Moscow, he went to air port urinal. From what he saw there, he commented that a country which manufactures this quality of commode wants to compete with America?

    2. Sam,

      However much ppl like us may wish a different India, where people realize that only intelligence, hard work etc only would take the country forward, we may soon see no India, whatsoever! After all, we get the leadership we deserve!! All the TV channels across India, see the contents of what they beam! 90% of what is dished centers around Bollywood/kollywood/tollywood or whatever wood. And youngsters want to imitate and ape. May be we deserve these leaders and such governments! After all, aren't we all selfish, expecting some messiah to descend from heavens?

  56. Dear Ravinar.....great work! keep it up!!!

  57. Please follow this link about about Modi visa ban:

    This information comes from a insider

  58. Keep up the good work Sir , All the best.

  59. Dear Ravinar sir!

    Such a pleasure to read your articles. How sad that your blog is not read by majority of the Indians. How I wish it could be translated into different languages and the msg spread across India! But I wonder, if the 'contaminated' Indians can ever realize what they are in for. So, cynical that I may sound, we would eventually get the government or leadership that we deserve and by the time people realize (aka USSR) our country too, God(?) forbid, would have got dismembered.


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