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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rattled Barkha Plays Victim ...

It’s OK to string along a source; journalists are SOBs (sons of bitches), so that’s fine. Hold it, not so fast! Don’t draw your guns yet. That wasn’t me; that was Shekhar Gupta, a regular feature on NDTV. Read the last part in this earlier post. Any idea what Gupta was referring to? Umm… he was referring to Radiagate and journalists caught on tapes. Lately, NDTV’s Group Editor Barkha Dutt (BD) has been rattled by a few articles and a few tweets. She has been lampooned for calling the Delhi protesters over the Gangrape incident “Lumpens” and then messing around with unreliable information in the case of Constable Subhash Tomar. A day ago she was again ridiculed for her tweets disclosing the hospital and destination for medical treatment of the victim in Singapore. Not much wrong there except that they questioned why she supported so much privacy for someone else.

This site has regularly and frequently exposed the hypocrisy of BD and her double-speak as also of other media celebs and news outlets. It has also pointed out her highly politicised journalism and tweets far more often than any other site. Do read these if you haven’t already: “Evolving the Gandhi”, “Delhi Protests: Lumpens in media”, “Roman Agent in Gujarat” and “Gangrape,Subhash Tomar & Monkey-fisted media”. The latest ones seem to have upset her. Not just these posts but certain tweets also seem to have upset her. Naturally, BD seems to be itching to get back at MediaCrooks (MC). Only, she has nothing to get back with except more rubbish and more nonsense that has been her traditional style. You see, she’s been having a bad week. Narendra Modi won Gujarat again and her tweets, as also poor journalism at NDTV, are being exposed. After the recent posts I mentioned, some others weren’t so kind to her either. Here’s how it started.

Aditi Mittal started it off on December 27 with the humorous tweet above. Barkha’s twitter friends pointed it out and BD was upset (which she mostly is). Shiv Aroor of Headlines Today seems to have RT’d it and that had BD fuming. Seems some of BD’s fans were upset too, they called it “slander”. That should tell you how intelligent some of BD’s followers are. BD reacted as if Shiv was the one who was cracking the jokes and wasn’t the first time she had heard about him doing so. Shiv pointed out to her that Aditi was a stand-up comic (as her profile says) and is bound to crack jokes at public figures and celebrities. Poor BD couldn’t tolerate it. You see, BD wants that only she should have the privilege of making silly tweets all to herself. Maybe UPA will pass a law for her on that. With the Delhi Gangrape and the idiotic comments of Abhijit Mukherjee (“Dented & Painted women”) in the news BD thought the best way to escape from her series of bad tweets and judgements was to play “victim” by claiming to be abused because she’s a woman. That’s a regular routine, isn’t it?

Early morning on December 28 she sends out this tweet quoting the tag “BarkhaTheBitch” and sarcastically asking if these were the “new gender rights crusaders”. I’m not sure she asked the same question to her friend and frequent guest on NDTV, Shekhar Gupta, who called all journalists “bitches” in the context of Radiagate. Never mind! But BD doesn’t show the original tweet as ‘RT’ but quotes it so that it could be misinterpreted by her fans of the ‘dumb category’. And they respond true to form. Before you know they are all tweeting and RTing as if MC had called her a “bitch”. And being called so upsets her tremendously and some try to pin it on MediaCrooks! In the post about Barkha calling protesters against the Delhi Gangrape “Lumpens”, it’s not just ordinary folks but even an independent journalist Andrew Buncombe couldn’t help noticing NDTV’s nonsense. In the case of her tweets on the rape victim being shifted to a hospital abroad even NYT’s IndiaInk couldn’t help recording her silly tweet and a response to it.

Along with other fans of BD, a guy called @Sarfystweets consoles her and sends out tweets to everyone implying MC called Barkha a “bitch”. Haha! And poor BD is thrilled to bits. She thanks @Sarfystweets and wants to know if MC has guts to reveal his identity and that she will then “talk”. Ahem! Guts? Talk? BD has TV, Twitter and even has Hindustan Times to rant with, so I wonder what she wants to talk about. Anyway, one of her former colleagues from NDTV once made the same mistake of calling MC an “Anonymous, unreachable terrorist”. He had to eat crow. He learned that there is no secrecy except in the minds of those who are rattled and want to play victim, like BD does. And even that victimhood is fake and based on peddling tweets to read differently from what they really are. (If I have not posted the tweet of Sarfystweets here it’s because the idiotic tweet actually contains inadvertent, unintended ridicule of Barkha).

Here’s the actual tweet. I had tweeted the post about Barkha calling protesters “Lumpens” in conjunction with Abhijit Mukherjee calling women “dented and painted”. The tweet gets RT’d and circulated and people respond in their own way. Someone called @Dlazyone tweets and calls BD “BarkhaTheBitch”. He just happened to tweet to someone else and tagged my handle in the tweet. But Dlazyone doesn’t write about Barkha or the media and doesn’t criticise them that I know of. The one who is scathing, sarcastic, ridicules and pokes fun at the moronery of our media celebs is MediaCrooks. So BD thought it was best to let people imagine that the tweet was originated by me and that she had the chance to play the great wounded victim. FAIL! Even when someone as stupid as Sarfystweets responded to her she didn’t bother to correct him. That’s the kind of dumb fan BD likes. Now you know where her so-called communication skills and “independent-minded” journalism come from. Pathetic!

That’s Barkha for you! Wallowing in self-pity! For all her concern for women and woman-hood BD didn’t have much to say about Abhijit Mukherjee’s comment about “Dented & Painted protesting women”. I guess it’s probably very inconvenient to the Congress party and to Barkha. On most other times Barkha would have screamed “let’s not politicise this” and condemned the man. Oh Yeah! Let’s not politicise Mukherjee’s idiotic rant. So what does Barkha do? Instead of unconditionally and clearly condemning Mukherjee, she pulls out a comment of Sharad Yadav to equate it with Mukherjee's. That’s how we avoid politicising attacks on womanhood, right? Like I said in an earlier post, the social media is unforgiving. People on Twitter point out idiocy and “idionaires” faster than BD can say “Bitch”! She’s not the only one; you will find similar tweets from many other media celebs trying to create equivalence. Frankly, I don’t need to use abusive language for our media celebs, there is enough other weaponry and ammunition. Er… Who provides those? Of course, Barkha herself and her MSM community!

Is that all? Nope! Last September a prominent journalist RT’d one of my posts concerning Barkha. Sure enough, Barkha’s crony friends jumped on her like a pack of hyenas. Her crony friends called me names. I chose not to respond then. But guess what! One of Barkha’s good friends (a senior citizen) and someone who fondly admires her rejected the nonsense churned out by her and her friends in a tweet of his. Truth is hard to reject, even by people who aren’t on your side. We will save that story for another time when Barkha decides to play victim again


  1. I was following how BD was Tweeting against the protesters. She did not lose a single chance to defame the protesters. I sent her a tweet asking was it not her responsibility to check the facts before Tweeting nonsense about Cop Tomar's attackers. When I saw the tweet from BD to MC I could hardly control myself, to what level she can fall to cry victim. Really she makes me appreciate SG and AG. BD has lost all credibility and I pity my friends who are still a fan of her work. And lets not go by the number of followers she has on Tweeter as people like me are no fan of her still a follower.

  2. Aditi has understood real Barkha, who started as a bright journalists, but for her passion stooped down. Now she is like third rate comedian.

  3. Looks like a clean demolition job is underway; Ravinar is using two different tactics to ensnare his quarry. On his blog, the latest posts featuring Ms.Dutt are like heat seeking missiles zeroing in on the target with unerring precision.On Twitter though, he is employing a technique used by the Very Wise called 'Softly, softly,catchee monkey'.I bet this is going to be fun. ;-).

  4. The delhi gang rape victim passed away..

  5. He is the need of the hour.MSM is already worried MC and i like that.

  6. Dear Ravinar,

    I feel the MSM can see their end coming probably within this decade itself. Hence they would use Saam-Daam-Dand-Bhed to crush their nemesis. Long live the revolution !!!! Vande Mataram

  7. What is really telling about Barkha Dutt's flakiness is how she mangles the tweet (MT?) by @Dlazyone.

    From the original "#BarkhaTheBitch can say anything it doesn't matter! Very few take her seriously anyways!", she tries to remove the inconvenient truth, and pastes only "#BarkhaTheBitch can say anything..."

    Such a staunch adherence to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, non? This is how journalists make their money, people. Always remember.

  8. She is giving free publicity to MC. I am sure some of her followers will visit Mediacrooks, get enlightened and will move away from her. She is damaging whatever minumum following she has...

  9. If she meets you...will the talk change? Why is she insisting on wanting to know ur identity I wonder!

  10. Mediacrooks author is not reachable,it is a joke of the century and it came from biggest comedians of NDTV.

  11. Ravinar Bhai,

    Drive them so crazy that either they have to be sent to "Alibaug" or they mend their ways by becoming desh-bhaktas and 4th strong pillar of india in real sense! No third choice. God Bless you!!!

  12. Would love to read the post about the NDTV colleague who had to eat the eat crow.

    1. Search for shivnath thukral mediacrooks . That post is in two parts

  13. Excellent Ravinar....dont feel any pity towards Burqa and her must keep up the momentum and continue to critique them for their third rate shitty reporting......
    All of us are with you!! This Burqa woman MUST have a mental breakdown and fade away into oblivion....


  15. Well govt. and other machinary useless and cant work unless they have pressure . If everyone do volunteership once a week for his/her area and that area committee should not have any political elements in it , then only results will get show up. Every area of country should be protect/volunteer by area people , they should be united much , otherwise be ready with such incidents, cause govt. will take years to enact law, and after law , no one guarantee of its implementation.

  16. Brilliant.

    You have undressed Barkha the way she deserves. She is a shameful flag carrier of the Congress, a unofficial spokesperson of the Congress, a devotee of Sonia Gandhi, a parochial lobbyist of minority rights, a venom of polarization, an entertainer who is skilled in *faking* news and a servile flatter who fits the legacy of Narcissus.

  17. LOL, She is quite capable of finding out inside information like the name of the Hospital, the killers of Subhash Tomer, doing dalali for the Corporate, can sue a random blogger for libel but is unable to find someone's identity. That tweet is like a Dhamki which those corrupt Babus and spoiled Brats give? Kaun hai be tu? Kya ukhad lega mera? Nam bol tera, main abhi dekhta hoon? Janta hai mera Baap kaun hai?

  18. Jai Hind- Jai Bharat. Ek Post to waise Mahesh Bhatt the Crusader of Women Empowerment par bhi banti hai

  19. Dear Ravi - Great as usual !! Since I am not very active on Twitter hence miss these interactions.

    However Burqa's situation is like that of a batsman not knowing how to play seriously good deliveries including good bouncers. Such a batsman will always look uncomfortable at the crease but will try to potray a brave front.

    All have seen through her charade for some time now. She is an unapologetic Khangressi stooge and will remain that way, may be this is her way to reach Bharat Ratna under Khangressi rule.

    She and SG have a favourite rant of MC or others being invisible commentators. Burqa is visible, what corrective measures has she or NDTV taken. Did she apologize to the nation for 26/11 reporting. Even SC in its judgement had mentioned about media's role. What action was taken against SG for 'fraud live' discussion with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji.

    Keep up the good work.

  20. BD fits the tag'Dented and painted women'! Maybe Mukerjee Jr had her in mind while passing said comment!

  21. Criticism of Abhijit Mukharji is uncalled for. People lost in Western philosophies and rights of individuals can never understand responsibilities of individual in a society. What AM said was perfectly right! OK! He retracted his statement. I am sure not as individual but as politician.

  22. haahahaha burkha dutt ,keep ready your passport u will soon get job in pakistan

    1. On contrary she will get Padma Vibhushan if UPA retains power in 2014.

    2. Shub Shub bolo bhai :-)

    3. @AA
      Hum bhee chahate aisana ho! Magar kya bharosaa in pade likhe buddimaan logon kaa? Eventually they will surrender to TINA factor.

  23. TY for exposing her again!! this must be the umpteenth post about her journalistic ethics and yet NDTV chooses to keep her and continue to ruin their reputation, that only confirms again... what we have known all along!! Shame on her and her partisan reporting. She blocked me a long time ago when maybe i popped up a few too many times with logically snarky comments!! Damn the Bitch- there i said it too!!!

    Addicted @shylsmn

  24. ( Bharka) ---Think For Yourself
    The Beatles -

    I've got a word or two
    To say about the things that you do
    You're telling all those lies
    About the good things that we can have
    If we close our eyes

    Do what you want to do
    And go where you're going to
    Think for yourself
    'Cause we won't be there with you

    we left you far behind
    The ruins of the life that you have in mind
    And though you still can't see
    we know your mind's made up
    You're gonna cause more misery

    Do what you want to do
    And go where you're going to
    Think for yourself
    'Cause we won't be there with you

    Although your mind's opaque
    Try thinking more if just for your own sake
    The future still looks good
    And you've got time to rectify
    All the things that you should

    Do what you want to do
    And go where you're going to
    Think for yourself
    'Cause we won't be there with you

    Do what you want to do
    And go where you're going to
    Think for yourself
    'Cause we won't be there with you
    Think for yourself
    'Cause we won't be there with you

  25. Ravi, like policemen making a pre-dawn swoop on the opposition party leader, you hold a mirror to the MSM at an ungodly hour and spoil its day, which is why, we come back regularly for more. See the comments, four before 9.00AM. Quick service

  26. A padma shri, a well known tv reporter interviewing national and international dignitaries and this is the level of professionalism - planting stories only to falsely implicate critics. Question is, how did someone which such low professional ethics get this far? Really sad!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Dear Ravinar, I do understand your affection towards Barkha Dutt, that most of the times she ends up being the bulls eye on the dartboard in your bedroom.

    However, I also recommend you to pay equal attention to Mrs Sonia Singh as her political affiliations with the congress party are quite well known. This may be quite a shock to you if you are unaware that she is the wife of Mr R P N Singh a congress MP and is also the incumbent minister of state for home in the PM's cabinet. Never has she given a hint about this on any of her primetime debates right?

    I had commented about this earlier as well on the 'India's worst Journalists - 2012' post. Since it went unnoticed, I decided to post it over here as well.

    1. @Rugved

      Haha! My posts are not meant to be an equitable distribution of articles among all media celebs. The more corrupt ones naturally are like the more squeaky wheels that get more oil. And no, Sonia Singh being wife of RPN Singh while well known, shouldnt influence our assessment of her work as a journalist. She may be guilty of bias, but that's not the biggest crime going around.

    2. Ravinar,

      you are lacking bandwidth to cover Sonia, Nidhi and others. That is fine. But bigger crime vs lesser crime is the premise on which MSM misleading people today. You too are resorting to the same.

    3. @PPR

      Nope! You probably havent read "Bark in the USA" (a previous post). My views on "bias" are pretty much well laid out. On your other comment: I dont have any incentive to "resort" to anything, the MSM does. You probably cant tell the difference.

  29. Long Live Brother. Can you please do a favor . Please compile the articles into a book . I will be the first one to pre-order the book.

  30. Media Crooks, Can't we start a News Channel Hindi / English purely based on Twitter (Trends as Headlines) , Voice of People Blunt , Straight, Truth , Unbiased , Unpaid ? #TwitterNews will destroy Mainstream Paid, Fearful and Greedy Media. I wish Twitter could reach to every single Indian. #Voice of India

  31. Its simple to reach everyone who is on facebook... Just 'like' mediacrooks and they will stream updates on your wall .... That is called free advertising. This is how I stumbled on to this site - by facebook - a couple weeks back.

  32. Mediacrooks rocks. Barkha barks.

  33. Famous one: They first ignore you, then start watching you, then hate you, Pull you but can't stop you. Thumbs UP :-)


  34. Dear Ravinar,

    Wish you a very happy and safe year 2013 .
    Can you please write a book 'Eminent Jouranlists : Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud' ( BD, KT , RS , SG , ... ) similar to that of Mr. Arun Shourie 'Eminent Historians :Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud'

    May be followed by 'Eminent Social Activists:Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud' ( Teesta-TS , Mallika-MS , Shabna-SH,... )

    Best Regards,


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