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Friday, February 24, 2012

The 'Hang-Modi' Weekend

Yes, it’s that time of the year. This year it’s even more special because it’s the 10th Anniversary of Godhra and the Gujarat riots. Throughout Monday, February 27, you can expect newspapers with specials and TV news channels to carry on endless debates on Gujarat and Narendra Modi. Expect to see sepia toned images of violence, deaths, burnt train compartments. Expect to see special documentaries on the plight, anger and anxiety in certain pockets of Gujarat. Expect to see how muslims from adults to school kids to new-born are systematically being discriminated against in Gujarat. Mind you, some of these stories aren’t unique to Gujarat but exist in pockets of many states in India. But once again, you will be reminded that it’s only in Gujarat alone that sufferings are magnified and state-sponsored. For the record, some of the lies about the Gujarat riots spread through the last decade have been exposed enough for the propaganda to change course. This is particularly the number of people killed, fake rape and torture cases and fake affidavits.

Let’s go back to September 12, 2011 when the Supreme Court returned the Zakia Jafri case to the lower court. Here’s how one politician still holding Modi criminally responsible for the riots responded: Sitaram Yechury of CPM stated that it does not absolve Modi of the “communal ri…” and then he paused, thought for a second and said “communal pogrom”. That is one of the major lies that was being spread. 790 muslims and 254 hindus were killed in the riots; far from features you would associate with a pogrom. The communal riots were terrible but creating a political agenda out of them is just as bad. The second big lie were the numbers themselves. All the reporters and political activists like Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesai, Vir Sanghvi, Teesta Setalvad, Shabnam Hashmi, Sanjiv Bhatt, Arundhati Roy, Harsh Mandar and many more have consistently fabricated the numbers killed between 2000-3000. Some still and will continue to do so.

What to expect? Well, one of the reporters who was instrumental in spreading untruths about the riots, Rajdeep Sardesai, is already off the block with a blogpost “Modi's 'Sadbhavana' and the horror of 2002” on February 24 and he wonders if there’s closure and if Gujarat has moved on. Rajdeep continues the same refrain from the past of how muslims have become second class citizens in Gujarat. There is a major change though. In his post he doesn’t use the word “Guilty” for Modi and he doesn’t use the term “mass murderer” which he had frequently borrowed from his HT colleague Vir Sanghvi. But well, old habits die hard so Rajdeep does start his post with a lie: “Has Gujarat really moved on ten years after the terrible violence of 2002? The answer depends on who the question is asked to. Chief minister Narendra Modi, for example, claims to have moved on to the point where he refuses to take questions on the past”. Well, during the Sadbhavna mission in September 2011 Modi did speak to a lot of reporters including on the topic of the riots. T.M. Veeraraghav of Rajdeep’s CNN-IBN also got an interview with Modi. So you can expect Rajdeep to use newer, different lies to promote his sentimental clap-trap.

Fast off the block from Hindustan Times (whose former editor could have been in jail for slandering Modi as a “mass-murderer”) is another opinion from Shiv Vishwanathan. Like Rajdeep, he too, starts off with a bang and it’s pretty easy to miss his gentle twist. He states: “In recent times, we had a Special Investigation Team report into the Gujarat riots that claimed that Narendra Modi was not guilty of the riots. If the media were to be believed, the way is now clear for the BJP to anoint him unofficially as prime minister”. This when the SIT report is not even officially released. But that is not the point. The wording of Shiv’s line is “SIT CLAIMED”. Haha! SIT claimed? One should remember that the SIT is an investigative body appointed by the SC and they don’t make claims. They just submit reports on whether they have found evidence to prosecute someone. Claims are usually made by opinionated columnists or TV panelists. For them, unless some legal body or court finds Modi guilty everything is just a “claim”. And then Shiv goes on to wonder whether Modi will fit the bill as PM or not.

Isn’t it amazing? From calling him a criminal, mass-murderer, pogrom manager, Hitler, Nazi, fascist almost everyone in the media is now discussing whether Modi will make it as PM or not. Haha! During the last state elections in Gujarat these very people were wondering if he should even continue as CM. Now they don’t even have the remotest doubt if he will win another state election this year. The fake opinion polls for Gujarat election won’t be published anymore. They would be horrified if they looked in the mirror and noticed that Modi has silently led them up a path where they would be discussing his PM candidature.

Hindustan Times also published the transcripts of Modi’s deposition with the SIT in March 2010. That document contains all the responses of Modi to the questions raised by the SIT. None of the MSM appears to want to discuss or debate that. TV channels have been quiet on that front. The reason is pretty obvious. The answers contain many facts which were so far conveniently hidden from the public. That Modi had appointed Congress leaders to watchdog committees after the riots must come as revelation to the public. The number of times he had appealed for peace and called for the army in time is all facts that were twisted by the media. Having failed to politically or legally hang Modi the media crooks started a weird campaign seeking an apology.

What to expect? Well, I think one can also expect a special bout of ‘We the poodles’ by Barkha Dutt with the usual peddlers of the drug called ‘untruth’ on Sunday, February 26 or a special programme of some kind. After all, she and Rajdeep were the ones who fuelled the spectacular anti-Modi campaign which provided refuge for all kinds of liars. Arundhati Roy has more or less disappeared from her campaign of lies. Teesta and Sanjiv Bhatt are struggling to keep untruths alive. Vir Sanghvi has been mass-murdered by Radia. Barkha has been tainted by Radiagate, Barkhagate, Barkhabarks, shoddy 26/11. Barkha has now been reduced to a sorry mouthpiece of the Congress party and the Hurriyat (As Swapan Dasgupta jokes). To her credit she did manage to improve her wardrobe during this time though. Rajdeep, apart from Cash4Votes also got trashed for the fraudulent telecast of Sri Sri debate by his wife. Rajdeep has already announced a programme ‘Revisiting Gujarat and If Gujarat has moved on’ on CNN-IBN for the weekend. Expect another round of selective story-telling by him. And yes, Rajdeep will actually CRY!

They say truth is the first casualty of the war. Our media claimed Gujarat was different because it was the first time riots were on camera and on TV. That is only half the truth. The other half is that this is the first time a great campaign of lies and untruths was carried out by the media for political ends and sustained for the better part of a decade. Now the lies and the liars are falling apart. But brace yourselves – the ‘Hang-Modi’ weekend has just started and expect some new concoction to be served.


  1. Ha ha awesome as ever.just brilliant, hats off to u man. Feeling short of words for now...keep it up man...will rt this heavily.. @viratbharat

  2. Again another Gem,.. If at all Rajdeep and Barkha reads these they will stop looking into Mirror, as they will be horrified to see the worst ever liars Independent India has !! What will Rajdeep and Saggy's kids will think about their Parents,.A day will come when these duo will fall in the eyes of their own Kids, for Spreading uncountable lies!!!

    1. My guess is the apples don't fall far from the tree.

  3. Bored of saying same shit always but don't have other option.

    Great stuff. Keep it up! :)

  4. Good one... keep them coming...

  5. very properly put..

    Gujarat riots have been so publicised because there's a whole cottage industry of modi- baiters out there who have made criticising Modi their only job.

    Rajdeep and co. should know that Gujarat will get closure only when the media allows it.Here's a man doing economic wonders for Gujarat, least the media can do is to just let him.

  6. Ravinar,
    Man, only today I read that stupid Rajdeep's article on firstpost and after reading the article (was enraged, furious while reading the lies) was wondering what would be your thoughts on the lies. I must say that I was not at all disappointed and it is an superb article on all the paid news articles and media gang!!
    Bravo and keep up the good work!

    Jai Hind!

  7. Teesta Setalvad, head of Communalism Combat, a group that opposes religious extremism in India, said that "while I condemn today's gruesome attack, you cannot pick up an incident in isolation. Let us not forget the provocation. These people were not going for a benign assembly. They were indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilization to build a temple and deliberately provoke the Muslims in India." Dont miss out this masterpiece from venom spewing individual who has no space in her for Compassion

  8. Rajdeep Sardesai is a hypocrite masquerading as a man with a conscience. Would he answer 5 questions on his complicity in the Cash for Votes scam? Sagarika Ghose is an out and out fraud and she's still on CNN-IBN payroll afer more than five of her outright frauds have been exposed. Why is she still working at CNN-IBN? Because Rajdeep won't sack his wife. And these two 'model' citizens and 'model' journalists want to become the conscience keepers for Modi! A day will come when traitors like Rajdeep and his shameless wife will be tried for their anti-national nefarious activities and get rigorous imprisonment for 25+ years for selling the nation's interests for money.

    1. Just as the supreme court has ordered re-investigation of all police encounters during Modi's tenure, the OBC and SC Hindu masses of Ma Bharati have the divine inviolable reserved right to bring in legal changes in future via democratic means to try in special peoples' courts the Goanese-Dravido-Bangla Brahminical FICTION-FABRICATORS & FALSEHOOD-mongers likes of Rajdeep Sardesai and Sagarika, RaghuRem, Ash. Yardi etc. on charges of perpetrating Media-terrorism and hate-spewing Vilification of the oppressed Indian masses, the victims of unforgettable Godhra carnage and of fuelling brutal murderous Muslim savagery against slum-dweeler Hindu OBC's in the post-Godhra space. If the charges are proved, they should be treated as special cases of ultra-oppressive traditional Brahminist racist Ethno-criminalism (targetting oppressed OBC Hindus) instead of just any ordinary everyday crime. The hereditary Brahmin racist genocidists should not be bestowed any misplaced compassion, in view of the fact that they are themselves planning Draconian Terrorist measures against the OBC and SC Hindu masses in form of a proposed Communal Disturbances Prev Bill. The oppressors may be tried with retrospective effect and without the statute of limitation, under special Humanitarian laws aimed at securing justice snatched for 3000yrs from OBC Hindus of immaculate Tapasvi conscience. Judges should be specially chosen from among the long-repressed OBC and SC masses, and specially screened (background check)to exclude the weak-willed who have been known to have succumbed to 15 yr long "degenerate ethos-conditioning" under pain of (terrorist-like) corporal punishment in evangelist convent schools by Goanese-Dravid racist Brahminist (demons in guise of) teachers aimed at mitigating their psychological defences(via the reaction of comfort) to make them zombies with unquestioning blind & total veneration for the evangelists and their Western-corporate overlords. Persons of weak conscience who hail from racist Brahminist family backgrounds & who are known to have succumbed to evangelist teachers' bullying at school and in turn themselves graduated to have become partners (school prefects, class monitors) that bullied other students at the behest of teachers (on flimsy disciplinarian excuses like punishment for not wearing school necktie or not worshipping and saluting Christian/brahmin Goanese teachers)----certainly do not qualify as being suitable for appointment as judges because they feature serious personality disorders and a lustfully-vitiated ethos ! NARENBHAI is a perennial source of inexhaustible moral inspiration to all of us indian masses, for he is one of us grassroot, and has been proven inamenable to "NanBot hijacking of his innately egalitarian Vedic psyche" by foreign Evangelical/Brahminist devils armed with clubs and sweet-tongue, taking recourse to the principle of "psychological reaction of comfort". Modi has been endowed such a resolute SATTVIK consciousness as the direct result of evolution via arduous Sattvik Tapas of braving Asurism with equanimity (without succumbing to danavic lust) over thousands of years---just like every one of the 800 million Indian masses.He is our sanyasi role-model, and the jewel that adorns the divine feet of our Motherland.

    2. The mysterious conduct of a "learned" Punjabi woman judge in sending Whistleblower Fagan Singh Kulaste to jail (who in the opinion of millions of Indians, refused to betray his conscience and his country plus the Indian masses; and fearlessly exposed the shameless CASH FOR VOTES SCAM perpetrated by HOLIER-THAN-THOU BRAHMINS) was most baffling, because on the other hand no strictures were passed against the unscrupulous Brahminical media which shamelessly sort to subvert justice by willfully mischievously editing the tapes of the episode while at the same time claiming "COPYRIGHT" over them and refusing to release them into the public domain where they belong by moral rights.(Like the ZEE TV corporate which claimed copyright over video-recording of a poor commoner boy Prince who had fallen into a tubewell-hole, which was made while the camera was placed in the hole in a field that did not belong to ZEE TV with the ostensible aim of aiding the army rescue him !). And the upright man has been sent to jail on charges of having not informed police about having been offered bribe, eventhough he did not grant any favors to the bribe givers who have surprisingly been left untouched. Kulaste displayed the booty the first thing in Parliament, the highest legislative body, proving that his conscience was clear. On the other hand, so-called Sting-opearations by Western-affiliated oligarchist media houses in India, which amount to "unacceptable CRIME-GENERATION and incitement to crime" are routinely left scot-free, presumably under delusions of a subconscious Dhimmitude, a perceived feeling of sanctity of the Brahminist media houses and their western oligarchist overlords !

  9. Very nicely put article. Observations about Rajdeep, Burkha are very befitting.

    Please keep up the good work.

  10. Keep it up @MediaCrooks.....we need to counter the lies of the media on Gujarat Riots.

  11. You should see the poppycock from Indian Express too.

  12. Hello Ravinar. Excellent post on the typical tiresome leftist slander against Modi. Would love to see your comments on this debate between Mani Shankar Aiyar and Swapan Dasgupta on Modi's future.

  13. Rajdeep and Barkha are victims of a Medical Condition called OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder).Their obsession started with bashing Modi and which later on became their compulsion, which eventually resulted in repeating the same thing day in and day out.Even if they want to come out of it they cannot!This OCD will continue unto their grave.
    Time for coining a new psychiatric term "Modiphrenia" for media persons!

  14. This article is like tonnes of bricks made of pure facts poured on dishonest journalists. I am your fan dear!!

  15. let me also join you with the laugh haha !!!!! bang on again sir.... waiting for more crackers on the face of colonial followers.. would love to read the samjoudha case if you happen to write about it

  16. I think media lost it's Morale on Anti Modi campaign well after 2007 assembly elections in Gujarat. If you had watched any news channel for a couple of hours in the days leading to elections, you would have been forced to believe that if Modi gets elected again there will be civil war in India & millions will die. But then came the day of results & Modi won with 2/3 majority. I will never forget the facial expressions of the two reporters that evening, Barkha Dutt & Rajdeep Sardesai. I don't think Rajdeep will ever be or has ever been more sad in his entire life. And as expected Modi disappeared from the news for almost 2 yrs after that until the day when Anil Ambani & S B Mittal suggested that he will make a very good PM.

    1. A mammoth charade was enacted over South Asia in the 1990's:- Euro-american oligarchic disinformation-mongering media syndicates(which are faithful tools of the American corporate oligarchy whose other arms are the FBI and Pentagon)got the judiciary to allocate broadcasting spectrum to foreign-controlled media moguls, (ostensibly in aid of citizens democracy)saying that the national governments cannot technically maintain monoploy over the airwaves(dissemination of information) in a democracy. However, ridiculously elaborate exclusivist rules formulated by brahminist hegemonists effectively secluded the real masses from any recourse to mass communication, which became a powerful medium of propagating misinformation for the brahminst racists under gaudy interesting disguises like communist, maoist, secularist, --- working in reality to propagate medieval and ancient traditional brahminst superstition and mythical ritualism and nonesense. These were the crumbs doled to these racists by their Western overlords who had managed to entrain their mischievously destructive and cold(devoid of conscience and bereft of natural human abhorence to inflict wanton misery on fellow-humans)energies towards the larger goal of perpetuating a matrix of American corporatist disinformation aimed at perpetual economic enslavement of the local masses and expropriation of their resources for the Euro_American corporate bosses. As a corollary, Arabian Jihadism inside India was also vociferously eulogised while demonising the masses and their representatives like Narendra Modi, because the astute blue-eyed corporate imperialists considered Islamist fundamentalism an indespensable tool for keeping the great and ancient Indian society on its toes, via inundation in an era of endless Islamist extremist mass terrorism.The Arab imperialists who of course have always possessed an independent self-consistent imperialist agenda of their own, were made subordinate allies by Western imperialism by dint of superior strategy coupled with military intimidation. The West has entrained the raw brute stone-aged savagery of the Middle_eastern Wahaabi Oil-Sheikhs as well as the guilous takiyaa-fundamentalism of pseudo-communist Islamist chameleons perched in strategic alleys of the 'intellectual' edifice in India. The Sheikhs park all the Oil-Money in the American Federal reserve.

      Of course, the traitorous Brahmin racists, deconditioned over the course of evolution to feelings characteristic of the normal human heart, as always had no qualms about partnering in the most profane manner with the Western world-devouring corporatism as well as with Islamist(Arab Imperialist) fundamentalism. The favorite whipping boy of the brahminst apologists for Western corporatism have been the rank and file masses:- Hindu OBC's on whom the racists wreaked inspeakable repression for millenia and on whom they are now shamelessly projecting the burden of guilt of the sinful inheritance from Brahmin racist ancestors !The brahminsts, having ganged-up with Islamist chameleons,attribute themselves all kinds of mesmerising epithets:- viz, Communist, progressive, liberal, secularist etc. to psychologically demoralise their victims while calling the rank-and-file Hindus:- OBC's, SC's etc. all kinds of vile names:- Reactionary, fundamentalist, obscurantist emasculate them psychologically in preparation for preying upon them as has been the case for thousands of years. A classic case of the wolf calling the lamb the transgressor.

  17. Guru Ji News channels feel that viewers are fools and too dumb to differentiate between facts & fiction .None of the TV channels have/are presenting facts with clinical detachment or with dispassion. Playing with facts is the order of day.In the process the ethics of journalism have been given an unceremonious burial by media,more so my electronic media.Our star anchors-cum editors-cum commentators-cum analysts-cum-hosts are distracting and putting spin on their stories & are confusing events .This has resulted in news getting dumbed to dumdest common denominator.TV channels have also mastered the art of quoting people out of context & coming up with bizarre conclusions.They don't know about much about Kutch or Kohima leave alone Kashmir & Kanyakumari.It is very sad that people idolize the faces they see on news channels[Barkha Dutt,Rajdeep Sardesai & others have more followers than say Dr Swamy] This must end sooner than later

  18. You've Superbly presented the truth here. Great insight; I loved it, liked it and laughed too.... :)

  19. Criticism of Modi and glorification of Sachin were the two flourishing cottage industries in India for the last 10yrs. Strangly in the last two months both have nosedived, with the truth being exposed just when it mattered.At the root of both these public fraud was the hand of all the MSM.

  20. Brilliant post Ravinar!

    I am planning to avoid media this weekend and only read your views on what transpired.

    Keep up the good job.

  21. There is no doubt that a highly biased media, helped by tacit & implicit support of Congress is determined to play the '02 riots to malign the image of Modi. But, what is his own party doing to help Modi? In today's HT, Chanakya has given some compelling reasons on why BJP is not interested in helping Modi in an image make-over.Sadhbhavnas will probably get him a few Muslim votes in Gujarat later in the year.But,he will have to do much more than that to improve his pan India image and win over many of his own colleagues who have high aspirations.

    1. Yes, I agree to a great extent that BJP party as such - when it comes to projecting Modi as PM - immediately develops cold feet. Ditto for promoting Hindu Votes. 80% of Hindus would vote for BJP, if only they come out with sensible game plan to shatter Congress all over - states & at centre. But for some reason - they all seem like individual power centres & all of them do not want to pull in the same direction.

  22. "The Hang Modi weekend" blog post or the one in which media gets its face rubbed and slathered in shit and slime by Ravinar.
    Great work.

  23. For the media crooks and Modi demonizers 2002 gujarat riot seems to be 'the only riot' to have taken place in India.So, like the national animal, bird flower these CROOKS can coin this only riot as the 'national riot'. And then what is the national emotion - 'crying'(sonia miano for muslim terrorist at Batla house encounter). This Rajdib sardesai was almost 'weeping' even after ten years in the weekend documentary. Does these crooks weep for the Sikhs of 1984 riots , the ONLY real pogrom in INDIA were ONLY 10000 sikhs were massacred by Rajiv Gandhi's GOONS for three days. Were they not mass murderers? The media are the slaves of congress and they are shit scared of Modi's rise after rise after rise and they want to keep the PM post WARM for the "LUCKY SPERM" Raowl.The media crooks are under the payroll of their masters and /or eagerly after some Padma awards.

  24. Roberto el SandrianoFebruary 26, 2012 11:38 PM

    I just sat through one of these 'hang-modi' sessions by Rajdeep. It was unbelievable that any journalist could stoop to such absymal levels. He was actually wailing on TV along with the some people. Very very poor journalism. Seriously, Rajdeep should do some self introspection and choose b/w journalism and politics. Media is just another garb for such congress stooges. I am pretty sure that one day this congress boot-licker would be lynched and Gujaratis would be at forefront.


  25. Nice article. Did this media ever talk about genocide of Pandits in their home state and murdering of Sikhs in 1984. Do they have the guts to publish truth.

  26. So-called social science nomad is actually madly in love with the Congress and is a paid stooge. His views on Rahul Gandhi in a recent article on UP are as below.

    " By constant presence, by walking the talk from village to
    village, Rahul had emerged as an ascetic ideal, a well-intentioned young man who deserves a chance. There is no cynicism in his appearance. The Boy Scout has grown up and
    has smelt the elixir of politics. His style is open. He has come to learn, not to lecture. His modesty makes him a good listener. People have begun to feel that he has empathy and that he works hard. "

  27. The crooks and creeps, rather the Kings and Queens of creeps are let loose by those scamsters and looters of the country who are mortally afraid of the presence of Modi in the national scene. At one place they say that the Elephant is eating away the money but these Tyranosauruses are not only eating away the money but the whole country and whatever is left is stashed away in foreign banks. They have no respect for democracy, institutions and even the fundamental rights of the people. They respect illegal money and how to bleed the country out of its resources. How can they tolerate the fact that Modi is getting more popular not only in Gujarat but also in other parts of India and pose a greater challenge to them. Hence their paid coolies have been deputed to pour dirt not only on Modi but everybody else who do not toe their line. Even the made to order Banerjee Commission report is dusted out and brandished to state that the poor hindus, majority of which were children and women, died because the coaches just went up in flames, perhaps our railway coaches have the propensiry for spontaneous combustion. They have no sympathy for the hindus who were roasted alive by their favourite mobs, but they deliberately insult them by the theory of spontaneous combustion to please their masters. I do believe that they do not have any sympathy for the hindus as I find none of them are interested in the fate of the hindus of Kashmir who were ethnically cleansed and are rotting in camps. Why they are not reacting to the Sikh Pogrom of 1984. Is there a deep rooted conspiracy behind all these to malign the entire hindu community ?

  28. A most interesting read. Some things known and heard in various conversations and others a slightly new point of view to old arguments.
    I really like your blog and your quite blunt and matter-of-face way of talking about a subject, something that requires a degree of blatant honesty and conviction in ones view and understanding that I think our media at large is lacking.
    And as regards Modi as PM, I don't imagine it coming to pass anytime soon but he has been considered in that debate (in my experience) for a couple of years now seeing what a sad lack of candidates the BJP has for the post really. Unfortunately he suffers from a taint, a blot on his person and image that will not allow him to become PM without serious difficulty both before and possibly terrible reaction from the masses after.
    Whatever the reasons, he is still perceived badly by most average Indians I meet and that will prevent him I think from being anything outside of Gujarat for some time to come.


    1. Narendra Modi is considered "Bad" not by the average Indian as you allege but by Goanese Brahmin racist oppressors addicted to wholesale rape-cum-slaughter of outsiders in various disguises including Catholicism who have had all vestiges of humane nature obliterated from their dessicated hearts as a consequence of millenia-long worship of sex-goddesses. Rodrigues, your intellectual dishonesty is incredible. You know that the Indian masses certainly do not hold your malicious judgements in any esteem; they do not subscribe to the stupid notion that yours is a tribe of gods meant for mindless adoration & worship. In fact the north Indian masses strongly deny any iota of kinship with the Gaud Saraswat exterminationists & your family:- they ARE NOT ONES OF YOUR CLAN:- the insurmountable gap cannot be bridged even in a quadrillion births !

  29. A tale of two anniversaries....
    Two anniversaries that you will read about in the media… and the two you will most definitely not....

    It is that time of the year again, where in the NDTV brigade will display provocative photos and so called (Radia tape in-famous) Burqa reporting from “front lines” again. Yes, I am talking about the Godhra anniversaries. Yes, there are two of them according to the media…
    1. Ignorable, that of 56 innocent people (some very young children) getting burnt in a conspiracy
    2. No way in hell this can be ignored, national shame etc.. blah blah on retaliatory riots that broke out all over Gujarat, same lies in the form pregnant women butchered and foetus ripped out will again be repeated ad nauseum by the NGO factories, led by Teesta. Pogroms/Genocide will all be brandished as well. As usual, with no shred of evidence.

    Amidst, this comedy show, you can bet the one anniversary that they will not even talk about… Yes, it is also the 10th anniversary of “riot-free” GUJARAT.. Yes, for the first time in Gujarat’s history this has happened. Not even a minor one… Hmmm..

    Yes, I know, Kashmiri Pandits are celebrating the 40th anniversary of genocide/pogrom that happened which led to them becoming refugees in their own land, yes, no rehabilitation packages for them either… They are also hoping for some coverage…

    Burqa - Any Plans ?

  30. Please spread this.. I am not the author but true information needs to be spread..

  31. Dear Ravi

    Great work as usual. Can see the news channels (english media in particular) taking Modi on today in their own stupid style. The more they do it, better it is for Modi and BJP

    As regards to Modi becoming PM. It would be good for the country. This year too Modi should be able to win Gujrat elections and if NDA manages to win over 290 seats and BJP scoring around 200, rest assured all parties will agree that Modi can be the PM. It is for BJP to think and project him.

    Gadkari is a duffer and will remain so. BJP should carefully project Modi because he has caught imagination of a section of population due to his developmental work.

    BJP should play its cards right.

  32. Dear Ravinar,

    I am sensing somthing more ominous than just Modi bashing. I think these sick minded Media channels would now try to bring a wedge between Mr Modi & BJP. Its very clear that projecting Modi for PM position would be a dream come true for Rahul Gandhi who along with the boot licker Media would then start an aggressive campaign against BJP & would try to divide NDA on communal lines. No matter how much a true Nationalist would love to see NAMO as PM but he should not become a liability while ousting the completely Anti Poor, Corrupt & Anti Hindu Congress in 2014.

  33. amazing post. tight slap on face of vir sanhgvi, rajdeepsardesai & burkha dutt. :)

  34. Its an News Embargo week for me. Thanks to you, you have warned us before. :)

  35. 100% agree with you. It is a amazing site. Please keep it up.

  36. rajdeep, barkha, arnab, pronoy roy are a bunch of liars n jokers..they should b hanged in public...i cant but to swear at them..we should boycott these channels it religion, politics, cricket, bollywood..they just lie..lie n lie..shame..nt worth spitting.

    1. Prannoy Roy the super-capitalist who manages NDTV is the bedmate beau of Radhika Roy, the dusky Bangla dame who is the blood-sister of Communist supremo Brinda Karat, sweatheart of Malayalee "High" Brahmin Prakash karat. Ultra-reactionary and incredibly racist Dravidian-Goanese Brahminsts have long perfected the art of feigning allegiance to egalitarianism and communism, only to GRAB MONEY from FOREIGN SOURCES with the aim of DECIMATING and WIPING out the Hindu north Indian Arya masses in collusion with Jihadi and Jesuit exterminationists.

    2. Anonymous

      Are you saying that Hindu north indian aryans are superior and the Dravidian have to be below them? A sort of slavery system is what you are proposing is it? Please explain your theory in detail.

    3. Your insinuations are disgusting. Anyone who vouches for ultrasavage racist brahminism and its countless depredations on the congenitally virtuous Indian masses cannot but be a beast in human disguise. The days of ignorance are numbered because fortunately (unlike beasts) the Indian masses have been blessed with the Sattvik intellectual insight to discern the true nature of fakers, in short:- the Prakriti behind everyone's Aakriti. Racist oppressors will no doubt cry foul and claim oppression as the masses repressed hideously for 3000 yrs slowly stand up on their feet to reclaim their rightful pristine heritage. In the event, you and all the fundamentalist inhuman Jesuits perhaps have little choice other than bemoaning & crying on the shoulders of A. Roy or A. Yardi. Maybe you are praying that Rajasic-Tamasic racists be able to enslave the masses for another 1000 yrs like the legendary Viking role-model Tripurasur, but that shall not be ! The masses shall secure their emancipation for it has been so ordained by the God-consciousness; and they are under no moral obligation to renege on their covenant with God just to make you happy. Your blessings and your curses:- are both equally powerless and do not count as anything!

    4. I condemn the vicious evil mentality of Brahminical (?holier-than-all-of-us gods ??) comrades-in-arms:- Goanese Brahmin R. Sardesai, Mohyal Barkha Dutt and Arnab Goswami and agree with this post. I have written a rejoinder below to the troll who has insensibly alleged that I am advocating slavery... But for technical reasons that reply has got posted in a somewhat wrong place as if to give the impressiont that it is a rejoinder to the truth-loving bold gentleman who has commendably called for boycott of the anti-Modi brahminst super-racist media charaterised by an ultra-lustful highly vitiated value-system. The technical error is refretted. Hats off to the brave poster of 6:58 AM on 29 Feb.

    5. The post of 08:21 AM on March 6 was a rejoinder to that of Anonymous on 02:04 AM on March 6, and was not a rebuff to the honest poster of 6:58 AM on Feb 29. The technical error is regretted.

  37. More Modi bashing..

    Hope you'll clinically rebut this article (and also the lead story on NaMo in Caravan) in forthcoming posts.

    1. @ Yogesh Bhatt

      The first one has been dealt with excellently by Kanchan Gupta himself on his blog and needs no addition. The second one in Caravan was probably written well in advance of the Hang-Modi weekend and doesnt contain anything not already said.

      My next post suggests the media's game is over and in a few weeks the Modi-hunt will clearly be over. Therefore I would think this is now in the past.


  38. Dear Ravinar,
    I would like to contribute a lot in support of your articles.
    I also have suggestion - that why don't you do something for people's name & location to appear like they do in TOI with an intimation to one's mail i.d. that our comment is live on Mediacrooks (although the comment does appear immediately after it is posted).
    As most people (incl. me) have to post as Anonymous.
    Hope you would consider this idiot's suggestion.

  39. some one shud tell them, wait till Namo becomes PM, picture abhi baaki hai(for the media) !!!


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