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Thursday, December 19, 2013

American Cookies

(This is a MaxiPost)

After the US presidential election on November 6, 2012 Prannoy Roy of NDTV asked his reporter Sarah Jacob “how does it feel”? This question was because NDTV’s darling Barack Obama had won and Sarah Jacob was so moved and touched by his victory that she was in tears and profusely thanked Roy for the opportunity to cover his election campaign and victory. Such was the crawling and sucking up to Obama that it seemed like he was the Rahul Gandhi of America. Oh NDTV did crow that RahulG had his “Obama moment” in January 2013. It wasn’t just these two. Read “The Obaminables” on how our stupid media celebs sucked up to Obama after his victory drawing their own interpretations to suggest “secular” or “inclusive” politics will win. This is because it suits their Fiberal clan and agenda. None of these MSM jerks were willing to acknowledge that Obama doesn’t give a damn about India. For Barkha Dutt it is such a great achievement to report from the White House lawns (almost a breath away from Barack Obama?) that she reminded viewers no less than five times. Here’s a little blast from Newslaundry that portrays Barkha’s suck-up act quite neatly.

So you see, sucking up and bragging is how our media celebs deal with America. Barkha is not the only suck-up specialist when it comes to the US. Here you have an assorted bunch of media Fiberals who sucked up to Henry Kissinger (who is accused of war-crimes by many). Kissinger embodies the worst of American politics and policy. His hatred for India and Indira Gandhi has been revealed in the news media sometime back. The number of murders, assassinations and covert wars under his watch would put some Jihadis to shame.

Yet, America is a darling for our MSM. So why the outrage now? This is hardly the first time America has insulted and humiliated India is it? There’s a lot of good to borrow from America and the West. Our MSM and politicians tend to borrow the worst. This post is not really about the Devyani episode; that will take its own course. As ‘Deep Throat’ would say “Don’t miss the overall”.

Does Obama give a damn about India? I don’t think so. His predecessor George Bush cared only because he wanted to conclude the nuclear deal. It seems Obama wasn’t even keen to meet MMS in September 2013 on the sidelines of the UN general assembly. GossipGuru says: “The Indian politicos got a little hot under the collar preparing for the trip when they were told by the American administration and the White House that… Obama will not be available to meet the Indian prime minister during this tour of his to the country. After a lot of coaxing and cajoling, Obama agreed to meet Manmohan for 15 minutes during lunch”. Let’s not go by GossipGuru alone. This particular news was confirmed by CNN-IBN’s foreign affairs editor on December 18 during discussions over the Devyani episode.

A small word of caution: Wherever Americans/America or Indians/India is mentioned in this post, these refer to their respective govts and not their people. So the US govt arrested, strip-searched and humiliated Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade. This is over some ill-treatment of her maid by way of non-payment of proper wages and therefore resultant visa fraud too. If there’s a crime it’s fair she pays a price but it’s her arrest despite being a listed diplomat and subsequent humiliation that has brought out all-round outrage in our MSM and political circles. Of course, you can expect the GOI to come up with a mature response to this American insult as seen in this pic:

If you weren’t told the context you would think this a group of agitators who were rioting on the streets over some offensive cartoons. That’s what the GOI did. They started pulling away security barriers at the US embassy in Delhi. If the barriers were not legitimate, why were they put up there in the first place? This is the crux of the servantile behaviour towards the US by both the GOI under Congress and the idiotic MSM. The GOI also cancelled some special privileges allowed to US personnel in India. Why were these allowed in the first place? Were these personnel sent by Jesus or Allah? Maybe GOI should have simply expelled some US diplomats from Delhi; maybe even the US Ambassador himself. Even revenge requires a policy: “If you pull a knife, we pull a gun! If you send one of ours to the hospital, we’ll send one of yours to the morgue”. Removing barriers and withdrawing special privileges is only undoing of your own crimes of the past; not reaction or response. India had signalled America to get lost after the nuclear tests of 1998 under ABV. The current govt brought back the days of slavery to a govt which doesn’t give a damn about India or Indian people.

US envoys were treated like Royalty” says the New Indian Express. An excerpt: “In a marked contrast to the shabby treatment meted out to the Indian diplomats in the US, it has now emerged that the Centre had issued over 40 ‘unnamed’ passes to the US diplomats in India to access all areas of Indian airports, including the operational areas thereby virtually according them the VVIP status. Before the Devyani Khobragade controversy, an Indian diplomat was humiliated in January, when he wanted to see off his daughter and tried to enter the airport flashing his diplomatic ID card.  “He had requested an entry permit but it was denied by the US authorities,” sources said. According to them, the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) had asked the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) to scrap all unnamed passes issued to the US embassy saying that it poses a security threat. Despite the BCAS warning, the MEA wanted to maintain the status quo. “Since the US extends no such courtesy to the Indian officials, this disproportionate privilege was unwarranted. With the help of the ‘unnamed’ passes, the US officials were allowed to enter and receive their VIPs from inside the aircraft. “The US on the other hand never allowed such protocol for Indian officials…

The MEA took a tough stand and withdrew all the passes? First of all those who issued such unwarranted passes should be tried in a court of law for jeopardising security. Only an ignoramus would believe that American embassies aren’t embedded with CIA operatives. Any bilateral relation has to be on equal footing,mutual respect and reciprocal practices. That there are slaves in the GOI and in the media shouldn’t be in any doubt at all. Americans don’t give a damn about any country except their own. It is time the Congress and MSM grew up and shed their slavery to western forces. Incidents such as Devyani happen because these very slaves applauded foolish and illegitimate actions of the US and US institutions in the past.

Let’s do a roll-call. When APJ Abdul Kalaam was searched and humiliated in the US the GOI and our MSM let it pass. It seems because APJ was a president nominated by the Opposition NDA govt his humiliation is tolerable. Because Subramaniam Swamy wrote a harsh article in India the doormats of Congress and Commies lobbied with Harvard to cancel his courses and get rid of him. Harvard obliged and what was the response of our MSM? They were absolutely thrilled that Swamy had been “snubbed” by Harvard. If you love an Indian being insulted by some entity in the US you will have more such experiences. The only time the MSM and GOI made a lot of noise is when Shahrukh Khan was held up. Oh but he’s a “sickular” guy and a Muslim so that is an affront to India. That’s our media morons. Our sick media and Congress also celebrated when Wharton cancelled a video conference of Narendra Modi because of lobbying by Commies again. Of course, Modi is not an Indian so such nonsense is okay with them.

The worst has to be the lying about why Modi’s entry was banned by the US. They claimed it was because of Gujarat 2002 when it was not (read here). But even if Gujarat 2002 was an issue why should Congress and MSM celebrate over and over again because US banned his entry? These morons don’t realise that even Gujarat 2002 is an internal matter and no business of the Americans. When the traitors celebrated that ban they celebrated an insult to India. Now they are in outrage mode over a woman who is accused of scams. It’s not just the US ban, when the UK invited Modi to speak at their parliament a bimbo like Nidhi Razdan (of NDTV, of course) was so angry that she trashed a British MP live on TV. Unfortunately for her the British MP schooled her on respecting India’s Supreme Court instead of blabbering like the idiot she is. And why does Modi bother the Western forces so much as he does the Congis and Indian MSM? Here’s a chilling story by Gautam Sen who is known to have insights and quite blunt with facts:

The scale of the criminality of the UPA means they are unlikely to escape judicial sanction when they lose power. Knowledge of their financial crimes is largely in the public realm, but suspected acts of treason by prominent individuals are another matter and remain unexposed. The public clamour for judicial investigation and retribution for their criminality will become irresistible when they are unable to thwart the courts by misusing political power… The moment a new government comes to power in 2014, one entire floor of a five-star Delhi hotel, occupied by enigmatic foreigners, may be raided, although it is more than likely that it will be vacated before the election results are announced. These foreigners are local controllers of a number of NATO countries, straining to prevent Narendra Modi from ejecting their Indian nominees from political power in Delhi. There are good reasons to believe that they were involved in the attempt to assassinate Narendra Modi at the recent Bihar rally, because these countries retain intimate ties with jihadi groups worldwide. This is known from their role in facilitating terrorist outrages in Chechnya and from the presence of Pakistani Taliban trainers in Syria, who are assisting the NATO to overthrow president Bashar al-Assad”.

Sen uses the word “treason” to describe acts of some prominent individuals. I recommend read the whole story to get a grip on why Congis and MSM suck up to American and Western forces. Let’s not forget, these are the same folks who also invite other India-haters like Musharraf or Imran Khan frequently to their seminars. After Indian Jawans were killed at the LOC, Shashi Tharoor was grandly hosting an “Aman” debate between Indian and Paki journalists. These are the guys who are now outraging. When you insult India and Indians you open the door to others to the same. These MSM folks are actually probably ashamed to be even Indians. They are probably cursing internally and wish they were born as Americans or English or Pakistanis. There’s a reason why I call them “Foreigners dressed as Indians”. These same media morons also celebrated when Baba Ramdev was detained and harassed for 2 days at London’s Heathrow. That guy wears saffron. Anything that moves in saffron is an animal worth being treated as one. That is the principle of Congis and MSM. 

On December 18 quite a few MPs were outraging over the Devyani episode in parliament and rightly so. But I fail to understand why a Commie like Sitaram Yechuri would want to complain or blabber about US behaviour. After all, he was one of the signatories to a letter written by the group called 65Traitors to Barack Obama to continue the entry-ban on Narendra Modi. Like slaves these MPs crawl at the feet of Obama to humiliate an Indian CM and then they are outraged at the Devyani episode? Mayawati even made this out to be victimisation of a Dalit woman. This is the idiotic behaviour of our MPs fully complemented by their Commie friends in the media. They beg the US to insult an Indian and when the US actually does it they play victim. The US recognises that many MPs and many MSM folks actually hate other Indians. These people don’t recognise that our problems are our problems and one shouldn’t invite foreigners to play a part in it.

Nothing explains our MSM attitude to US better than my favourite bimbo asking a question to Modi. You know; first run a hate-campaign and create a bogus “image” of Modi and then wonder what he will do for US businesses. I suppose when such bimbos wake up they might think of Indian businesses. And then we come to Salman Khurshid. I have honestly not heard one coherent sentence ever coming out of this man. Yet, he is the EAM of India. You can trust that with such a limp biskit as EAM, India will be humiliated at every turn. He called the Chinese intrusion an “Acne”.

Then in another case Khurshid’s statement was “we are analysing and absorbing”; whatever that crap means. When the US snooping of Indian embassies was exposed this same Khurshid covered up for the US with "It is not snooping… it is only computer study and computer analysis of patterns of calls”. He was defending the US crime when the US didn’t even ask for his defence. Other countries like France and Germany took up the snooping issue strongly with the US. Our EAM sort of said it’s okay to screw us by studying and analysing calls at our embassies. And then you feel offended at the Devyani incident? You keep inviting the US (and other western powers) to insult you over and over again. You don’t respect Indians at home as your conduct often proves. Naturally, humiliation will keep coming from all corners.

There is, of course, another theory that the outrage by Congress GOI is owing to the fact that a US court had summoned Sonia Gandhi and has sought her response by January 2, 2014 in a petition where she has been accused of shielding criminals of the 1984 Sikh slaughter. That may well be the case but that doesn’t bother me that much. It is in India’s long term interest to be free of slavery to western forces. In other words, putting India first. Over the last few years it has also been a fashion with our MSM to pass on schoolboy-type articles and essays on India and Indians by western writers as grand “intellectual writing”. Every scumbag newspaper, TV channel and Litterfest has these specialists on India who heap more and more insults on our culture, our people and our history. Our suck-up media loves them.

This Devyani episode too shall pass and the Congress GOI and MSM will be back to sucking up to America. Servantile habits don’t disappear overnight. For a country surrounded by some very unfriendly neighbours India always remains under multiple security threats. There is no way a bunch of doormats for western powers in politics and in the news media can restore India’s pride and place in the world. It will take some patriots to replace these haters. RahulG did say “India is a computer”. Well, looks like we will need a new Patriotic software to clean up the American “cookies” in our establishment


  1. hahahaha, you ripped apart MSM cronies, their insanity has no boundaries. Not sure when these morons will come out of their insanity, there is no glimpse of that.

  2. BTW, what is meant by 'MaxiPost'?

    1. yeah...even I wondered that.

    2. A "MaxiPost" is a term I use to indicate a "longer than usual" post.. It indicates maximum length... so that reader is aware whether to read it straightaway or save the post for a later read when s/he has more time.

    3. we have all the time in the world to read ur post even if it is a supermaxi post.....

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ravinar I completely agree with your post. However I may sound politically incorrect in this particular atmosphere whipped up due to Devayani episode. But I do not care. I have some few questions for which I can not find answers.

    The diplomat herself is paid $ 4,200 how can she afford to hire a domestic help?The Visa application clearly requires you to pay US $ 4,500/- to a domestic help. Was the domestic help employed by GOI or the diplomat directly? Why did government of India now claims that they are giving the family Rs. 30,000/- per month for the services rendered in US? Rs. 30,000/- means roughly $ 500. How much are they paying the domestic help in US? Was this arrangement reported to US Government? What about remaining $4,000? Is she given free food and accommodation? If so, how much will that cost? Out of those $.4,000, how much she can save? Then what about domestic help's freedom to save and spend? How can a government of India decide where and how to spend a employees salary? What is US government's legal and official position of it? And the million dollars question, why a diplomat of her caliber is paid paltry $ 4,200/- when even a software engineer on bench can get similar amount? If she is provided perks how much that costs GOI? When GOI routinely spends lakhs of crorer Rupees in an various fancy schemes in the name of Gandhis why do not we pay full amount to our diplomats at par with at least a senior employee of US government with whom this diplomat is going to interact with in the course of the her business?

    It is experienced in India and probably world over, a socialist in power is the worst exploiter of his own employees, citizens and talent. In the 67 years of socialism GOI is also not different.

    1. @Vishnugupt

      My post clearly says... this is not so much about Devyani or whatever her crime was... The "overall" is Indian govt and MSM slavery to America..

    2. 1. The GoI does not pay anything to the maid. It is the employer who pays her.
      2. Usually the diplomats who take the maids with them provide free housing (in the attached quarter meant for domestic helps within the Embassy/High Commn/Consulate) and food. Therefore the practice for the diplomats is to pay less in cash taking into account these two freebies.
      3. The role of GoI is limited to issuing of a white (diplomatic) passport to the selected help so she too enjoys diplomatic immunity.
      4. The Indian diplomats' salary is approx $4200. It does not include perks like free housing, transport and certain other allowances depending on her Grade Pay.
      5. US laws stipulates minimum wage as $4500 per month for a 40 hrs of work per week.
      6. So the diplomat was technically wrong when she stated the salary to be $4500 in the agreement signed with the maid which I believe was submitted along with the maid's Visa application. However, this is not such a heinous crime that she be subject to the treatment that NYPD made her go through.

    3. Dear Ravinaar...I do not have any doubt that the post is about slavery of MSM and overall Indian Government. And I completely agree with you. However, yesterday Nidihi Rajdan was telling Meenakshi Lekhi that NaMo doesn't interact with Indian Media freely. She said he should take hard questions. My contention is why nobody from MSM asking these hard questions to GOI or UPA.

    4. $4500 a month! I was laughing actually, most of our Indian IT employees( doubt other industries are even worse treated ) get less than 4k/month, laws on paper and in reality are far ends of truth

    5. NDTV & other MSM have always complained Modi doesn't meet the media and they keep whining about it but not once they have whined about Sonia or Rahul not meeting the press and take hard questions.

    6. Devyani had to mention the minimum acceptable amount in the visa application to help her domestic assistant to come to US.

      This is a practice done over the years and there is a 'wink-wink' arrangements between the two countries' embassy staff to circumvent the laws. It's Devyani's misfortune that her maid got hold of an efficient shark.

      So, let's not too buy the US argument that Devyani ill-treated her maid. Yes, Devyani, like countless others both in govt and corporate, did a jugaad to get her assistant in. And she got caught in some sort of fight between US and India. There is some larger issue here, which we cannot fathom for want of more facts.

    7. I have several problems here :
      1. Comparing an IT engineer on project basis to India's diplomatic setup is simply not a good analogy.
      2. I think IFS officers of approx 12 yrs experience are paid around 100,000 pm plus reimursibles (~$1500) in India. They may be getting more abroad, or diplomats wont be ready to go there.
      3. NY minimum wage is $7.25 per hr, and allowances are valued too, with a minimum weekly payment of $543..So I dont believe that Khobragade was expected to pay her maid $4500 pm - that may be a grossed up figure,
      4. Even if all this is true, basically the government supported a setup, which it knew violated US labour laws and does nothing to further image of India as a modern democratic state in other countries. Can the government please withdraw these privileges dating from colonial times when British kept loads of indians as house-servants at a pittance?

  4. You have said it. This is real text book material for the new India Schools for MSM kids.

  5. The US has always believed in arm twisting other nations which do not play to its tunes. There have been numerous incidents. The cases of Iraq and Libya in the recent past are still fresh in our memory. How the US of A bends governments to its advantage has been vividly shown in "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins - a must read for insights into US nefarious designs.

  6. Some Questions MSM will never analyze
    1) Devyani got flat in scam accused Adarsh soc courtesy her IAS father. Did she get US posting to escape long arm of law?
    2) Devyani cheated to US by lying about the salary of maid. This is a serious crime not in India, but in US
    3) She did not abide by local laws and underpaid the maid. In India this is not a crime, but in US, it is
    4) Devyani is an elite, not Dalit in real sense. She is Diplomat, her father and uncle is IAS .Officer. The real Dalit is the underpaid Maid for whom media has no sympathies.
    5) I am ashamed of childish response of Indian Govt. Its so reactive, you hit me, so I will immediately hit at you.
    6) If all loud mouthed defenders of Khobragades feel that minimum wages in US are high compared to Indian standards, they should have taken it before hand, not now. Their behavior is like a person who after caught breaking signal screaming that signal is not required or is too short.
    7) Arnab in times now was arrogant to the US reps who were muted, interupted and not allowed to speak. Arnab was being police, prosecutor and judge, all in one.

    1. The public outrage is against the inhuman treatment ( Hand cuff, Strip search, cavity search etc) meted out to a consular official. US of A could have demanded India to withdraw this official after ensuring adequate compensations or even issued summons for legal proceedings. This blog precisely portrays how the GOI and MSM have been crawling even before asked to bend!
      Forget Arnab. Boisterous and silly.

    2. The article here raises some very serious concerns over the whole episode

  7. Bulls-eye as usual. We have always known that Modi's life is under threat...but the Bihar rally made it clear how real the threat is. It is a very very worrying situation indeed. We are a country full of treacherous enemies of the people. Can't wait for the uncertainty to be over and for Modi to become PM.

  8. MSM and some of our own Parlimentarians were gloating denial of visa by US for Modi, instead the highest authority in GOI should have taken it up how a 3 times elected CM of a state can be denied visa. Petty politics. Brilliant article!

  9. Hi Ravinar, in this maxipost one thing that draws greater attention is what you quoted of Gautam Sen. Indeed "act of treason by individuals within" is a matter of serious concern. Not sure how much damage has been caused

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The resume is a fit case for AAP membership. Pls send a copy to Kejri.

    2. @Anand.. Please scroll down and see comment by @ashley1888..even now would you accuse me ..?

      FYI..this Devyani and Son of former CM of Maharashtra..had done huge scam in BEST(Mumbai)..

    3. Excerpts from FirstPost:

      Devyani Khobragade owns a flat in the infamous Adarsh. Her father Uttam Khobragade was one of the bureaucrats who allegedly misused their positions to help Adarsh. It was during his tenure as general manager of BEST, the civic-owned bus and electricity utility in Mumbai, that the Adarsh Society got additional building rights from an adjacent BEST bus depot. This allowed the society promoters to increase the original plan of six floors to a massive 31 floors. While the Khobragades may want us to believe this is mere coincidence, only other bureaucrats and politicians caught with their hands in the Adarsh till may take such a claim at face value. That's not all when it comes to Devyani's real estate holdings in Mumbai. When she got the Adarsh flat, she already owned a flat in another government housing society in Oshiwara, which too was allotted under the state government's 10 per cent quota where recipients get flats at extremely cheap rates as compared to Mumbai's stratospheric market prices, and which is another fount of corruption in Mumbai, with most flats cornered by politicians and their relatives, and of course bureaucrats and their relatives, and those connected to their powers that be, making a mockery of the 10 percent quota supposedly for helping citizens who need it most. As the Economic Times reports, a massive 42 percent of such flats allocated in the past 10 years were resold by allottees at much higher prices, making a killing in the bargain at the expense of the taxpayer and the common Indian. Things have become so bad with the 10 percent quota that the Bombay High Court recently warned the Maharashtra government of contempt if it continued to stonewall requests to name double and multiple allottees of such flats. In Devyani's case, what makes the issue even murkier is the guideline which states that no one can get flats in two housing societies which get land on concessional rates and they have to give an affidavit to this effect. However, when Uttam Khobragade was asked about this violation and material non-disclosure of facts on the part of Devyani by the Adarsh Commission, he said that it was not his duty to inform the Adarsh Co-operative society that Devyani had also been allotted a flat in Oshiwara under the 10 percent quota. However, does this mean that Devyani has submitted a fraudulent affidavit at Adarsh to get the Adarsh flat? This is a question that needs to be answered and paper trail can easily prove this. Meanwhile, leave alone Devyani and her possible aspirations to become a Mumbai real estate mogul, the Maharashtra government is trying its very best to push the 31-storey Adarsh jack back into its box even when it’s clear that the judiciary and the opposition in the state is in no mood to let this come to pass.

    4. Hi the hoot and dj

      am i surprised by what you have written - no, absolutely-not. after all, devyani being 'elite', 'highly educated', rich, inheritor of so many properties of so many crores deserves to be thrashed and trashed like that from amrican govt. and why devyani only, for that matter of fact, every indian who is elite,rich and educated should be treated like that by american govt. - they should be arrested, strip-searched, body cavity-searched - penetrated by fingers from behind and from front and infact, beaten to death - don't you think so.

      after all, as per you , the definition of being corrupt is being rich and elite and yes, of course - inheritor of properties, i mean, if father has done something then his child is responsible too - i mean - great definition, simply great definition of being corrupt and as per your great definition of corruption - all those corrupt people, women especially should be sexually assaulted, sexually humiliated and if possible, should be raped.

      and as per you, who should be the judge and executioner of this great definition of corruption - not india, not 'our courts of india' but - 'God's country - United States of America.

      well hoot and dj wouldn't you feel great if all of our elite, rich and inheritor of properties - indian women staying in america or visiting america are strip searched, forced to stand naked and how can we forget penetrated by fingers from – shall I say it again or you have already understood it or rather, have already enjoyed it. After all women especially indian women accused of scams deserves all of that that too in america by america – isn’t it.

      may god bless both of you & all like you till eternity

    5. A bad idea/action is a bad idea/action ..whether it is executed by most humble, honest, elite or intelligent one.

      Applicable on both ...AAP and BAAP

    6. @ashley1888
      You have taken me in wrong way ... i never ever mean elite and rich are corrupt...i have just highilited how Devyani and his father did corruption.

    7. I was certain that this would happen and now news is out..
      US has refused to drop charges against Devyani she would face more heat..and.. our great Netas too...

  11. No one will respect a corrupt country.

    1. and which country is not corrupt? China exceeds India in corruption. The govt has its tentacles in every industry. Yet U.S. pees in its pants before it. Learn to project power... corrupt or not corrupt, if you behave like slave you will be treated like one.

  12. Govt. of India is wrong in treating this as a national insult - this is political Dalit Vote Bank gimicry and the Aam Admi should not falll into this patriotic trap..

    Basically CONGIES are trying to garner VOTEs only by making Hu-Ha of chorni episode..but the fact of the matter is they are pet SLAVES of US..

    1. @The Hoot,The high and mighty in India have been beyond the purview of any law since independence of this banana republic under KhanChris.They now want the same privilege worldwide.For the leftists it is only a handle to beat their historical adversaries(western countries).But when it is US vs NaMo or Swamy, the leftists will tug their tails between their legs and lick the US ar$$.The likes of ashley1888 are the dreams of a pseudo secular.

    2. @Anand,
      The high and mighty in India have been beyond the purview of any law since independence of this banana republic under KhanChris.They now want the same privilege worldwide.

      Mark my words..They will never ever get the same privilege in other countries specially in WESTERN countries.
      USA very well know about these KHANCHRISs(and thus Indians) ..that how much respect they deserve...and..thus handles under his own laws.

  13. Before independence, an old man in bengal once saved one freedom fighter by informing him about a possible police search in his house where that brave freedom fighter was hiding, as he was friend of old man's son. That old man came to know that his son is working as a british informer. Reason – his son wanted to go to england with scholarship. British promised that as bribe. Police came, could not catch that freedom fighter. Son fumed, realising that his father has helped that freedom fighter to escape.

    I always remember what that old man said in reply to his son - “in desert when camel feels thirsty it chews thorny bushes and cut its tongue. Its own Blood quenches its thirst but the camel thinks that the juice is coming out from the bushes”. Not only People of MSM but also plenty of educated(!!!) elites(!!!) are just like that son.

    RahulG did say “India is a computer”. Well, looks like we will need a new Patriotic 'antivirus' software to clean up the American “cookies” and indian virus,worm, spywares, malwares in our establishment. (Forgive me for inserting my words in your sentence)

  14. Once again a Masterpiece. !!

    I really appriciate your clear views on each and eveything. e.g. I was thinkging that after loosing elections UPA will start doing some concrete things to build their image and yesterdays response to US govt was one of them but your post cleared that at first place why the heck these diplomats needs special priviliages i.e. free passes etc.
    the question was right on bullseye. !!

    Thanks to your articles that now I am gaining more and more strength while discussing such things in my circle and let them know what they are missing.

    God bless you Captain !! :)

  15. well guys, you are right, you are absolutely right, 'devyani' fully deserves to be treated in this manner. being an indian, being an indian woman, being a hindu woman, oh so sorry, being a dalit woman - dalits are not considered hindus - right? - working in 'God's country - United States of America -' i mean, she 1000% deserves to be treated in this manner.

    why make so much hue & cry , so much of noise if she was arrested in public, handcuffed, told to remove all her clothes even her inner-wears, made to stand naked, strip-searched, subjected to body-cavity search - was penetrated by fingers from behind, from front. i mean - guys, what's wrong in it. after all, she invited all of this - isn't she accused of a monstrous crime of 'wage dispute' with her maid.

    isn't she accused of 'crime of the century' of paying less than what was mentioned in the visa application form - so what, if that visa was cleared by the american authorities themselves even after seeing that 'employer salary has been mentioned as 'around 4,000$ and her maid salary has been mentioned around 4,500$ - after all, visa granting officials are supposed to be 'happy go lucky' kind of guys and are not supposed to bother about these small-small discrepancies.

    i mean, why should we bother about the fact that a court case is going on against that maid in india for the past 6 months that too - for a small reason of blackmailing her same employer. why bother about this very-very ordinary fact that - on july 5,2013 : this girl - devyani from third world country - india registered a complaint of harassment, extortion and blackmailing with NYPD which did nothing and also filed a complaint against the maid and her Delhi-based husband with Delhi Police and the same day Indian summoned the US embassy officials here. why bother about this childish fact that her maid’s passport was revoked by indian govt subsequently and that maid was declared 'absconding' by an india court and why bother about a very-very small fact that a non-bailable warrant was issued against that maid by the delhi court and on december 6,2013 -this warrant was forwarded to the US embassy with an official request to arrest the woman and facilitate her repatriation.

    i mean, guys for god's sake, why on earth should we bother about any or all of these facts. infact, guys, in the light of all these third class facts, i would say that the girl – devyani from third world country -india was treated quite leniently by american officials, whereas the punishment she deserved was that she should have been gangraped by american officials and that gang-rape video of her should have been telecasted all across the world to send a strong message to the entire world and especially to third world country-india - that hey everybody out there – ‘we are your masters and never ever dare to mess with 'God's country-america' and its superior race-americans.

    regards, lots & lots of regards to lots of those indians who bow in front of america, who are slaves to america and can do anything and everything for america.

    long live 'United States of America' for this official 'Rape of Indian Woman'.

  16. As #65traitors used writing letters to Obama to stop "him" to go US.. then that idea may be over sooner or later once he becomes PM.

    But I give u one idea based on similar concept which worked big time(based on true event) and I shared the same in detail in a comment long back in one of MC's posts.

    The gist of idea is when no body (customer care/consumer court/protests) is listening to your complaint to a Big shot for the cheating they have done to you then "just" threaten them by saying that you are going to complain about their wrongdoings in US consulate so their existing US VISAs are revoked or not given in future. And see your work done in jiffy...which will not be less than a miracle for you.

    //This comment is written as sarcasm to our(Indian's) sycophancy to USA and the fear out of it. //

    1. That true event comment can be read here:

  17. It is very surprising that our so called secular MSM are fan of Obama and America. Do they know Obama (and all American leaders) very proudly proclaim that they are Christian first? Do they know a Christian religious leader (who was once a presidential candidate) on his own channel frequently announces that Islam is a religion of Satan and its founder was a terrorist himself? And it falls under freedom of speech in America? (Of course, the guy is not very kind to Hinduism either). Do they know that almost all Muslims in America are kept under a very watchful eyes by the multiple security agencies? A Muslim Imam who tried his freedom of speech in a Masjid in America was hounded out of America all the way to Yemen and even there he was found out and shot from a Drone?

    1. I agree with you. This has been corroborated by John Perkins in his book that I mentioned in my comment above. He was a World Bank / CIA operative and came out of the truth post retirement.

  18. pl see yesterdays news reg denial of bail to american sailors who entered india in a armed ship .at chinnai .these defence contractors r very powerful .i think americans want some bargaining chips to get them released .americans dont let their people down whatever their crimes r .that is the differense between us

  19. What next after Kerry's expression of regret to Menon?

  20. Folks...Let us assume NaMo in place of Devyani..Then imagine what these KHANCHRIS and MSM has been doing...they could have demaded death sentece ...
    isn't it true...?

  21. I have a cousin in Bangalore who is sad taht why didn't he born in America.
    He has gone mad behind these MSM cronies. He hate Hinduism in totality. Love secularism of congress and Jholwala intellectuals on English channels. He argued a lot with me on Facebook defending MMS corruption to the extent that I unfriend-ed him. I am worried about future of India in the hands of these fake journos....
    I wish someone real patriotic party come to power in center and shoo-out these anti-national fake journos.

    1. Tell him only less intelligent people believe everything they see and hear on TV or read in a newspaper. Also, ask him to visit a US consulate and see how he gets treated by them. If he has any self-respect he would seek to make his own country as great as the US. If he does not love Hinduism no problem. But let him at least respect himself and not be a boot-licker of those who would kick him in his pants before allowing him to step into their country.

    2. @Girish Bellad, this is not just an isolated case. U will find a million like that in Bangalore.Anything Indian is cheap for them.They may not know who the CM of karnataka is but will tell who the governor of Arkansas is. They are so up to date with western world.Be it music or movies, their first choice will be a western number.They are the ones who dream of Oscar awards and Michael Jackson.But they will go places by virtue of their family connections which in turn are bestowed on them by those who need them as useful idiots.Very soon they will become journalists, fashion designers,Advertisement gurus,NGO activists and try and mould public opinions in favour of the pseudo secular govts.It is a way of life for them.

  22. hi the hoot and anand

    is devyani responsible for the alleged scams and corruption of his father. is devyani responsible for inheriting so many properties worth so many crores from her father. i mean, should a child be held responsible for his/her father's good or bad deeds.

    and by the way, mr. anand, If the high and mighty have not been convicted and punished in india since independence till date then, should devyani be held responsible for that , should she be held guilty for 60 years of horrible and terrible rule of most-corrupt and most-communal party of india – congress and therefore, will you take your revenge of all of this happened or done to our country by this very congress party from her, from devyani.

    now, let's say,just for an argument sake, that she actually was responsible for all the alleged scams and corruption of his father directly or indirectly, then does it justify the treatment meted out to her - just imagine, does it justify her strip-search, being forced to remove all her clothes, made to stand naked and inserting fingers inside her from everywhere to find out what - the scam documents or that money made from corruption. now, what else after that – should she be beaten to death or if you may wish – stoned to death.

    is this the treatment you would like to give to all the daughters and sisters of alleged scamsters. and whom you have chosen to award this punishment to all our daughters and sisters - 'God - United States of America'. just because, you can't punish your scamsters and fraudsters yourself, so would you enjoy getting them punished from america. great, absolutely great.

    you know what, what 'United States of America' has did to her - i call it – ‘RAPE’ – ‘Official RAPE by the Govt. of United States of America.’


    1. @ashley1888,All what I say is, put a stop to political correctness.Whether Devyani is innocent or not,leave it to them (father & daughter duo and the GOI) to fight their case.Why waste the productive time of a nation to back them.?Are we as a nation paragons of justice?. As shown in the blog above, what was our response to the beheading of our soldiers, that too by a much weaker nation.The high and mighty with the MSM are succeeding in lining up the whole nation to back their cases and fools like some of us fall into the trap.As for Devyani do u believe she got there on merit?If her family has enough weath as listed in a comment above, they dont need the support of the nation to fight their way out..I am aghast to see stupid leftist groups protesting in Delhi and Kolata for these morons.Even while our ex-president was frisked, we did not hear a whimper from them. All what I beg of u is to dump political correctness for the larger good of equality.Enough is enough and the majority community is paying a heavy price for thes Nehruvian magnanimity.We are only after applause just like how Nehru was after a Nobel prize which was rightly denied to him.

    2. @Anand ..Your comments are always worth reading!!

    3. Oh great, another leftie moron needlessly trying to thrust her feminist agenda into something just because of the gender of the 'victim' We are discussing a cause much greater than your ill-researched ideas, and are you seriously trying to peddle your personal brand of cultural marxism here, especially considering what is usually discussed here? Do you not know how to comprehend the written word? I am sorry, but please keep your incompetence to yourself.

    4. @Ashley:

      You don't obey the law of a place, please don't go to that place.
      If you are going to come to my house, you should follow my house customs. If you don't obey it, I will not treat you properly.

      In USA all prison inmates are stripped search, what they didn't report is, a latex glouse would be used to probe the anus hole and vagine hole to look for drugs or even bullets. Its SoP.

      Women inmates are treated much worse in Indian jails. In TN jail, women relatives who visit their male prisoners are stripped searched.

      Not all embassy attachees are given diplomatic immunity status, the designation and role decides it. Thats why urgently Indian Govt is transferring her to UN mission role.

      In India, our officers escape by not following rules but you cannot do it in USA or Europe.

      Commenting about fellow Indians does not make me anti-Indian.

    5. Dude, you seriously need to grow a brain and that too real fast. Read this article which makes an important point:

      Whatever your gripe againt Devyani, an attack on her is an attack on the dignity of your country. The U.S. has no right to treat her like a common criminal, certainly not to strip her naked and probe her private parts without her consent.

    6. You don't have brain thats why you are posting a link - why not answer my points?
      Attack on an Indian criminal is not an attack against India.
      USA has all rights to treat her as common criminal - she violated labour laws there and has no full immunity as per her role and designation.
      US Marshalls need not ask for criminals consent to search them.

  23. Ravinar, Thanks for providing a good insight into the matter. We need radical transformation in our national character.

  24. I read today in Washington Post that the Kind of diplomatic status Devyani had, according to Vienna Convention, gives her a diplomatic immunity ONLY while she is discharging her official duties. Since her arrest, Indian government upgraded her diplomatic status. Have we heard this from any of our MSM? Of course no. That would put this government in a negative light.

  25. You are right.Where were these guys, when Dr Kalam was frisked? When they denied visa to an elected CM? When a Yoga Guru was harassed for 48 hours? MSM has been screaming at no one in particular [ USA could care two hoots for all these] because UPA II wants to do to divert attention and to win few Dalit votes in Maharashtra.They have gone despo.

  26. Still remember a line frm one of ur blog" wenever der is an attack on citizens of USA ..dey always term it as attack on america not as on individuals"

  27. Ravinar, great site and a big fan.
    Few things regarding this Devyani issue that MSM, Indian Govt and US Dept State do not understand.
    Its common to have house help in USA, especially when you have small children. It is mainly for taking care of babies and some household chores. Its not like a real "Ghar ka Naukar. The price for this job is anywhere between $1000.00 to $ 2000.00 depending on how many kids you have and what you agree with the maid as expected service. There are many companies doing this service. If price is too high, then internet is the place to search. Devyani lives in NYC, which has boatload of them, the domestic help.
    Devyani would have hired local people but she has to pay ~ $ 1200.00 instead she wanted to save some money hence got the maid from India for $ 500.00 + dollars. The clever IFS she was, (not any more now) she had an agreement on a stamped form with the Christian (probably Dalit) maid for that five hundred dollar equivalent amount. When the time has come to get the VISA she faked it with $ 4500.00. Why ? Because if she doesn’t fake the salary the maid will not get a US VISA. She might have had an oral agreement with the maid about the VISA documents showing $ 4500.00 but the actual salary being $500.00. Once the maid had her maiden voyage she realized that she can make more money by working outside for cash. However VISA restrictions and the lady boss stopped the maid from doing a second job. Now this maid suddenly turned smart and did that whatever that small TV serials , girl fights with the saus/sasuraal thingy and disappeared. Things moved at freeway speed after that. A case on the maid in India followed is followed by case here in USA. Getting it ? Throw in an overzealous Indian Origin District Attorney in pursuit of building a tight resume, the plot thickens. Preet Bharara wants to run for either Mayor or Governor of NewYork. He wants to prove that he can put people of his ilk in the jail. There you go, the arrest …. Yada ydada ….

    As per police searching her, it’s a standard procedure which is often controlled by state laws. Cavity search is not common across all the states. India MSM and Congis are having a field day rather than focusing on the bigger issue that is elections / country….
    How do I know this ? well I had someone help me when the family expanded. And I paid the same, i.e ~ $1100. The going rates are pretty much standard. So for saving $ 600.00 dollars , Devyani got in trouble. Stupid IFS officer should know better. As for the Maid, this one is for the record books, I mean court records  what a greedy woman, she just wanted to bill the client on clock.

    Morale of the story, when two greedy persons collide both make mistakes. I will stay away from the Gender thing.

    1. Hi bpgd, Nice informative points. Thanks for sharing this was very informative. Cheers - Kartik Athreya

  28. Devyani should know better,

  29. In fact it is this we need US more than US needs us slave mentality that has brought us to this point. You speak of China in very respectful terms. You know how it has won this respect? By fighting a military conflict against the US even when it had hardly developed and had no nukes. Those are the kind of balls you need to get respect. Sissy like whining of ones own supposed impotence will sure as hell sissify you.

  30. "if you do the crime, you do the time"...that is how it least in America. Devyani's diplomatic immunity doesn't extend to committing visa fraud and falsifying documents. Maybe she forgot that she wasn't in India anymore.

  31. Bang on target Ravinar. Nehruvian Secularism is reverse racism. So long as we have reverse racists who hate their own people and their own culture, there is no escaping the universal contempt that we suffer from everyone else.

  32. Brilliant post Sir, must read more that once to fully understand the several layers on this Devyani episode, isn't it clear that our nation without any doubt nurses that highest number of traitors within in the form of media, bureaucrats & politicos......

  33. I was certain that this would happen and now news is out..
    US has refused to drop charges against Devyani she would face more heat..and.. our great Netas too.

  34. Your compilation of the facts and perspactive of whole episode is always perfact. All your posts are class apart.

  35. Very well written article...hope we the people adopt the "good attitude" from the WEST rather than the "asslicking" attitude we mostly show!!!!!

  36. hi all american apologists

    talking quite passionately about the greatness and fairness of american judicial and enforcement systems.

    enjoy this :-

    dozens of russian diplomats, their spouses living in New York City and their associates cheated American taxpayers out of $1.5 million in a Medicaid fraud scheme that lasted for nearly a decade,

    The 49 accused scammers underreported their income in order to qualify for benefits while blowing cash on luxury vacations, jewelry, concert tickets, rented limousines, chartered helicopters and clothes.

    None of the defendants are in custody, thanks to diplomatic immunity, although 11 still reside in the U.S. and six still represent Russia here.

    report prepared by none other than a die-hard indian-hater - you know who - U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara - who is whole and sole responsible for un-earthing ' the most heinous crime of the century' - yes, guys - you guessed it right - wage dispute of indian woman diplomat - devyani

    and before commencement of any trial and verdict - justice delivered - strip searched, made to stand naked and not to forget - full body cavity search.

    still enjoying.


  37. Indians in america ask their mothers to come and stay with them for 6 months to help them with kids and housework which the mothers do it happily.
    When the mothers are not there, they can pay mexicans 100 dollars per week to get the house cleaned thoroughly.
    They keep the kids in day care and the ordinary people manage somehow.

    With this woman diplomat, I am in 2 minds. One part of me feels sorry for her and the other part does not feel that sorry for her. Why was she singled out?

    Just check many of our high profile filmstars and they pay very less wages though they may earn in crores. Has anyone dared to interview any of them?

    Indians are bargain minded and never pay proper wages. There are scores of workers who work in grocery stores, hotels etc. who are not treated well. And many servants are also opportunists waiting to rob, murder the owners. It is a story of survival and greed on both the parts.

    What about minors who are employed inspite of laws?

    India has feudal ethos. Our leaders say one thing in public and do something else in their homes.

    If the woman in question is from brahmin non political family, would the political bigwigs would have been supporting this much?

    did not Goa government behave in this manner against Tarun Tejpal?

  38. hi all american apologists and devyani haters

    more enjoyment for you :-

    June 23: The maid goes absconding. The next day Khobragade reports the matter to Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) which asks her to report to the police. NYPD though refuses to entertain her, saying only a family member can file missing person complaint. The maid’s husband refuses to cooperate.

    July 1: The diplomat gets a call from an unidentified woman who says the maid won’t move court if her employment is terminated and she is compensated for 19 hours of work per day.

    July 2: Khobragade informs in writing to both OFM and NYPD about the call.

    July 5: She registers a complaint of harassment, extortion and blackmailing with NYPD which does nothing. Also files a complaint against the maid and her Delhi-based husband with Delhi Police. The same day Indian summons US embassy officials here.

    July 8: Khobragade, who had also filed a complaint of theft against the maid, is called to an immigration lawyer’s office where she is asked by the maid to shell out $10,000, convert her official passport into an ordinary one and help with her visa which would allow her to live in the US. Angered by these tactics, India revokes her passport. She was now living illegally in the US.

    July 30: Consul general of India (CGI) writes to OFM again saying that the maid, who according to a petition by her husband in a Delhi court was in NYPD custody, be produced in the Consulate but no action will be taken.

    September 4: State department steps in, writes to the Indian ambassador saying the matter was of “considerable concern” for the US.

    September 21: The embassy replies, saying this was none of US’ business and that the maid was seeking a monetary settlement and US visa, whereby subverting both Indian and US laws.

    September 20: Delhi HC passes an interim injunction restraining the maid and her husband from filing for any action against Khobragade in any foreign court.

    November 19: A Delhi court issues a non-bailable warrant against the maid.

    December 6: The warrant is forwarded to the US embassy with an official request to arrest the woman and facilitate her repatriation but this is ignored.

    December 10: The maid’s husband and children fly off to New York after they are given visa confirming India’s suspicion that the maid was acting to get herself a “trafficked person” status.

    December 12: devyani is arrested in full public view while dropping her daughter to school, handcuffed, handed over ot US marshal service, strip-searched, forced to remove all her clothers, made to stand naked, body-cavity searched – private parts penetrated by fingers.

    keep enjoying


    1. Great research Ashley. Us Marshal is denying December 12 item, but who knows they also say that they had followed normal procedure and the normal procedure is what you have described.

    2. To all here....In US, body cavity parts will not be searched unless there is a strong case of some drug trafficking happening or indirectly assisting a drug trafficking, smuggling kind of activities.

      Did you know that Devyani's blackberry and two SIM cards vanished along with Maid. Was Maid a stooge of US ? Did US get any secret inputs from her Blackberry, calls list and so on. Devyani is now quickly moved to UN mission by India, which does get her more immunity. Why such a quick move by GOI ? Were some people in GOI too involved in some bigger scandal ?

      There is more to what meets the eye here. So lets not blindly believe to what media reports. Strong posturing by GOI is only with an eye on election 2014

  39. There can be no two opinions with regard to the arrest and the shabby treatment meted out to the Indian lady diplomat. There are different kinds of uproar being raised at various cities of our country against this. In the very same breath, may I ask how about treatments meted out to ex President Abdul Kalam and lately to the refusal of Visa to the Chief minister of Gujarat. In the case of Shri N Modi, 65 MPs signed a petition and forwarded to the US requesting refusal of visa to Modi. All those who oppose Mr Modi enjoyed this humiliation to him. A fellow Indian indulging in a nasty activity against another Indian cannot be excused. You reveal your character. If you can tolerate this nonsense, you might as well tolerate the shabby treatment meted out to the lady diplomat.

    India has some sailors arrested and presently in Chennai Jail. Let us do a hard bargaining. Let us see if we can to match the US.

    We have lots of our people working in US. We need the US more than they need us. In order to behave like China, India has to become a power both politically and economically like China. No point in blaring like Arnab Goswamy. Let us have strength and character.

    1. Why do we always take the position of the hostage and the weaker party? On one hand you advocate negotiations and on the other you give the impression that we are the juniors. China did not take on American when it was politically and economicaly strong but long before that. It is for that reason America treats China with kid gloves. When Muslims go on a riot American president apologizes. When will Indians stop behaving like sissies??

  40. India under NDA had better credibility . It could quietly bail out Rahul Gandhi who was caught in Boston airport with USD 165 K cash . ( as mr atal vajpayee wanted to behave like statesman or was blackmailed by Sonia ). And it is a sad state of affairs that under the sissy MMS and UPA - even a counselor officer is humiliated and apart from impotent rage we are not able to do anything . This is the plight of Indians in most countries . We are taken for granted and humiliated . All of this due to extremely poor credibility of India due to a mediocre , weak Indian government . All those who still equate NDA with UPA and BJP with Congress ( - need to get their heads examined or better still be confined to mental asylum and completely ignored so that they do not add to the noise ). And this set of lunatics includes the latest besharam AK and his jokers ( AAP) . Who called bjp besharam and now shamelessly cohabiting with congress to form government . Indians need to wake up and sink their differences and need to be single minded in getting bjp and namo into comfortable majority or be prepared to face many more humiliations . Both within and as also outside

  41. It's not relevant whether this lady diplomat has committed corruption in India or the US police followed SoP during her arrest but she is an Indian citizen. USA got it's citizen, Warren Anderson (who was in a way responsible for the death of thousands of Indians) escorted safely in a chartered plane by none other than the CM of Madhya Pradesh with the collusion of the PM. Similarly, the CIA agent, Raymond Davis who murdered two Pakistanis in an open and shut case was allowed to leave Pakistan under an argument of 'Diplomatic Immunity'.

    Even if its a fabricated anger from the government of India, they are duty-bound to make efforts to get her released. It's really sad, that some comments instead of supporting a fellow citizen, are justifying the USA by bringing corruption charges against her father or by lecturing that US go by standard procedures and it can never do wrong.

  42. well those barricades were for security. simple. given the high threat perceptions to US consulate( remember calcutta and chennai mr ravi?) those were there to prevent any unforeseen act of terror. but removing those barricades was not such a good idea. but i guess what our govt does,no one has any idea. this pathetic govt has lost the art of diplomacy.totally. knee jerk reactions at best. god forbid if some attack happens tomorrow using that same road, what will be the implications? and regarding special privileges, i think we should first make it very clear in our minds that US is a super power.and WE are NOT. we need US partnership today and in future. so these doles and discounts are considered in a friendly way to show our "xtra" respect or u can say a little bit of sucking up. we should not forget that its the same US which is giving millions of dollars of money or various health projects in our country(NACO, malnutrition related, medical equipments at giveaway prices)..well i say such suck ups are normal in diplomatic circles. and you think our guys dont know that CIA is in US embassy?
    this whole drama is being played out just and just because elections are coming and also december 8 shocks for congress. it is trying to salvage its reputation( whatever is left) by doing such foolish acts..

  43. OMG. Where are the Brown Sahebs of Whoreton?


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