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Monday, February 4, 2013

Return Of The Comedy King

No matter how dirty politics get, there’s always someone to cheer you up.  Since January 30 Anna Hazare is back in action with his agitation and I’m sure everyone remembers his speech at the Jaipur Chintan Shivir of Congress. It’s just that the speech blasting Congress and the govt was delivered and enacted by Rahul Gandhi. It was like another of those regular ‘filmy Rahuls’ emoting on screen from a script. I affectionately call that the ‘Badminton speech’. Let me recap some highlights from that speech. Or on the other hand, why should I expend my words? I will allow the Numero Uno political analyst to do it for us and his tweets on January 20 summarise it quite well:

There! Rajdeep’s tweets say it all. RahulG had Rajdeep ‘hmmm-ing’ all through his speech. It’s hard to tell if Rajdeep was hmmm-ing in delight or pooh-poohing in contempt at RG’s hypocrisy. One will never know the mysterious ways of Rajdeep. Doesn’t matter! If we needed full clarity on the speech all we have to do is turn to our Power-Puff girls from the MSM. They were like teenagers again swooning over the latest Bollywood sensation. Take a look at the tweets of Pallavi Ghosh, Sagarika Ghose and Barkha Dutt.

The first is an embedded reporter with the Congress, the second is a Social Genius and the third is as loquacious an anchor as she likes to call others. Imagine, around 300 journalists were ferried to Jaipur, put up in hotels and dined and wined and they are the ones who claim to bring “news” to you. Normal courtesies like a drink or food after a presser is understandable but a whole sponsored trip? Naturally, some channels were echoing the Congress members’ view that RahulG’s speech was an “Obama moment”. Where in the world will you find such shamelessness? If anything, the badminton speech brought out RahulG as a hollow hypocrite as much as the hypocrites in the MSM. And true to his comic genius, after the speech he disappears and surfaces only to return to his normal comedian role. Once he went back to his comedy our Powder-Puff girls had their mouths and twitter accounts zipped again. The loquacious one quickly moved on to some gentle pencil pushing. Here’s how Barkha Dutt does it in her article in Hindustan Times on February 1 called “With friends like these”. Let’s read a bit.

For political journalists, reporting on the BJP - with its loquacious leaders, open dissent and camp warfare - can often be much more interesting and lively than covering the more tightly-controlled, top-down power structure and exasperatingly opaque style of the Congress. What makes it especially challenging is that in the BJP nothing is necessarily as it seems. Take some statements too literally and you may find yourself on a political tangent”.

Hmm! So nothing is as it seems she says. Why should it be? NDTV doesn’t have any “sources” in the BJP to feed them titbits, like they have “reliable sources” in the Congress? Oh BTW, the gentle ridicule of the loquacious leaders is highly interesting and lively. Right! And the Congress is opaque and exasperating. Somewhat like the Vatican, isn’t it? But hey, who’s your darling, who’s your sweetheart? The one that has no democratic system in the party is acceptable to the MSM. The party that has a president for over a decade without change with members behaving like slaves is acceptable to the MSM. But noooooo! The party that is more democratic like our own noisy democracy and parliament is the one that is at war. If you don’t read the article with a magnifying glass you would miss the gentle scorn. Here’s more:

Just this week, Yashwant Sinha, freshly satisfied with the dramatic, last-minute ouster of Nitin Gadkari…  said to me that if Manmohan Singh could be prime minister then as a bureaucrat with a bent for economics, Sinha, should be seen as someone with the requisite qualifications for the top job as well. But then he went on to argue that it wasn't a curriculum vitae but charisma that would win the day and in that context, there was only one man - Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi - who fits the bill. Now, was Sinha pitching for the Gujarat CM or queering the pitch for him with the remote-controllers in the RSS who are known to dislike Modi's assertion of political autonomy”?

Incidentally, that’s the first time I’m seeing Barkha address Modi as “Gujarat CM Narendra Modi”. (I could be wrong though). Note closely how the “charisma” comment is subtly used to dub Modi as merely “charisma” and nothing more. If Sinha’s statement were to be dissected properly the right thing to tell him would be that he was wrong on that part too, at least where current PM MMS is concerned. To even suggest that ‘charisma’ has anything remotely connected to MMS being PM is like connecting fragrance and great perfumes to a skunk. And then, was Sinha pitching for Modi or queering the pitch? The only one who seems to be queering the pitch here seems to be Barkha and no one else. Where’s the devil? Aha! Barkha could have asked Sinha to clarify the “charisma” bit since she had done the interview. But no! Instead, she dissects her own interview with him to suit her own persuasions. Clever, isn’t that?

As far as Modi is concerned, sure he may have charisma. But more than that, he also has a record of governance and performance. His speeches are backed by sound thinking, political timing and weight, and he possesses great presence of mind. I doubt Barkha can say that about MMS or RahulG. After all, RahulG is the undeclared PM candidate of the Congress. Then Barkha also suggests there are “faultlines” in BJP in her article. Yes, we all know she sees faultlines everywhere. It’s her favourite word. Wasn’t she going to write a book about India’s faultlines too? Wonder what happened to that, maybe double-fault (line)! But our MSM believes in “creationism” rather than the “evolution” they so valiantly attempt. Unfortunately for them RahulG opened his mouth without a script and gave enough proof that he is still work-in-progress. Watch a video of his interaction with students last week (1.49mins, also on Youtube):

Haha! “You’ve gotta stop asking your politicians how they’re gonna do it and start asking yourself how YOU’RE gonna do it because that’s how this country is going to move forward”. Well, nobody told the fearless leader that he is occupying a chair for the exact reason of answering questions from students. But then in the absence of clarity of thinking, this is the answer you get. Evolution! Another student asks him “how one can help tiny tots who can’t write a line about benefits of internet”? To this, our evolutionary leader asks a counter question “how can YOU help them”? The student starts to answer: “As a citizen I can….” And the brilliant RahulG interrupts and says “not as a citizen but as a young Indian”. Voila! There goes the badminton speech! Except for some stray channel the rest skipped reporting this not-so-badminton episode. So, just as RahulG sees two Indias all the time, now he sees two people; Citizens and Young Indians. Woe to the young Indians who aren’t considered citizen by him. I wonder if they will still be able to vote. Then RG gets into a Bimboesque argument with the student to laughter from the entire crowd.

It didn’t stop there. On the “Akash” Tablet, RG went on to say that they should ask questions to the gentleman responsible for it and not him. Yeah! What exactly is RahulG responsible for? That’s what none of our media morons who fall at his feet can tell. That’s the kind of leadership RahulG demonstrates that the Congress and our Powder Puff girls really admire and so deeply love.  I guess our Powder Puff girls can’t see what those young students can see. They really had a good laugh. Someone did say: “Young hearts run free”. Even the late JFK must be rolling in laughter in his grave over his quote being so brutally twisted and tortured.

Like I said in the beginning, no matter how dirty politics might get there is always someone to clown around and cheer you up. Earlier there was Laloo and the likes of him. After his Badminton speech, over which the MSM rolled over like poodles, RahulG has truly returned to being the comedy king. And this is the charismatic PM that our MSM bets on. Who can complain about their intelligence, eh?


  1. Ravi , Hmm.. Hmm. Brilliant. Wonder what a Devout Hindu wife without Sindoor in her partings, Mangalsutra or bangles will be thinking now?

    Heard about a missing NDTV reporter. Hope he has not been devoured by MSM Cougars roaming TV station!

    1. Who are you talking about?

    2. Reporter is Ravi, Cougar? Sir, your guess is as good as mine!

    3. i pray and hope the reporter safely comes bck 2 his family..its very hard 2 nt knw bout sm1 whom u love..peace out..

    4. I do pray for safe return of this man to his loving family.

  2. Brilliant bit about Raul channeling Anna.

  3. Another superb post. Best way to insult Shri Narendra Modi is to compare with Raul Vinci and if there is any thing that will make clown prince proudest is comparing with Modi. Media flatterers are insulting India by comparing a proven performer Shri Modi with a proven disaster (to say the least) Raul Vinci

    1. I dread the day congress manages to foist this nincompoop as PM on the nation!

    2. I wholeheartedly agree with the comments made by Subha. Even Rahul given to himself (I mean not forced by his mother and sister and her husband) would not want to be the PM of Bharath. That is beyond him, as Shri Ram Jethmalani had stated very clearly. Why can't the Indian National Congress and its oldies (it is difficult to count their number) allow Rahul the freedom to go his own way and shape his life? Rahul is in a very pathetic situation, because of his family and his cronies in the Congress Party.

  4. The ugly dirty paid media and their vacuous clown prince!

  5. Brilliant piece. Each passing day your following gets bigger and bigger. More power to you!

  6. I compared this video with a guy from Rajasthan who spoke so well interspersed wih poetry at Kejriwal Shadra public meeting. What difference !

    1. Rahul pays for promotion of his speeches and that guy will not got it.

  7. These peoples are journalists or Rahul Ghandhi chamacha's. They should not steep to this kind of low level.

  8. as many suggest, it is foolish of the BJP to give interviews to NDTV as they are so shamelessly biased,I sometimes wonder if the BJP is kind of desperate to appear on news channels when compared to the Congress, it's only Mr.Modi that handles the media in the right way, he has shown them their rightful place.

    1. And also Arun Jailtli as well as those two brillient ladies - Minakshi Lekhi and Janaki Sitaramn-.....

  9. its a great article and a sheer delight to read. sir, you've compared rg to wip (work in progress). i personally think he has still not come out of the "raw material" stage. but even if you consider him to be wip, he'll remain wip for the rest of his life and never become fg (finished goods). i don't know if you are aware of this incident which happened a couple of years ago. rahul babaji was visiting a college and a student asked him about the menace of terrorism and how it could be countered. to which this clown replied: by empowering the villagers. you might not believe if you don't know about this incident. it also appeared in the indian express and i'll try to find its link if it is still available.

    Getting to the topic of these jurnos, they are worse than prostitutes. even prostitutes give an honest service for the reasons they are paid for. ye log inse bhi gaye guzre hain. i have always believed, and still maintain that people who can't he honest and loyal to their profession can't be honest and loyal to anything under the sky.

  10. hey i got it, copy pasting the contents, slight mistake by me, its dated (reported) 5th may 2009, actual circus might have been a few days earlier:

    Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday had a surprise suggestion of empowering villagers to fight terrorism.

    "I am confident that this country can take on terrorism. Defeating it is no problem. If we empower those people in villages, we can sit back, relax and we will destroy terrorism in 15 minutes," Gandhi told a press conference here.

  11. @Rishi Thanks for that link. It is funny.
    @Ravi : Once again you hit the nail on MSM head. BTW I like the nick name power puff girls .. lol.. Oldmonk wasn't pleased with RG speech, in an interview to his own channel he thrashed RG speech.

  12. Hey Bhagwan! Iske liye cameo roles hi teek tha, And this guy is supposed to be our manna from heaven as per Congress and their MSM Cheergirls/boys. Even a KG student monitor would have answered those questions better!!!!

  13. The clown and boot-lickers are made for each other. RG is WIP for what? A Clown!

  14. Brilliant! And Why doesn't the BJP leaders boycott NDTV? Someone should point it out to them.

  15. Something interesting. Although not related to this topic, but this will explain why people in MSM go on for pseudo-secularism and false lies. Just to get a pat from some of the ruling parties and election candidate ticket, be in their eyes and 'our' people. Do check the comments. Their idol: 'Rajiv Shukkla'. I won't be surprised if BAR gang will get a ticket to fight elections some day.


  16. Nice work Ravi ..... hmm .... keep it up .... hmmmm :-)

  17. Hi Ravi..Kannadaprabha..Paper has printed the "The list of Hurt Sentiments of Muslim Groups " IS translated to Kannada....Hope they you have approved that....u can find the article in below given link at page number 9 TOP right hand side...

  18. Hope to see a post on Nilim Dutta and his connections with the ISI, NDTV and tehelka!

  19. I was so curious to watch this speech and was so shocked the way our media folks praised it. his party and his family were resposible for most of the issues/problems raised by him in the speech. we are so unfortunate that we are forced to accept such kind of leaders in the polity.

    who is resposible for centralization of power? Indira - his grand mom

    every congress ruled state leaves the decision of choosing the CM after winning an election to the high command and the high command in turn to the president of the party...for starters, can rahul ask his partymen to elect their CM's and propose it instead of leaving to the high command?

  20. One of your best!!! satire provided for by the participants - RG, internet puffs, and of course the hummer!!!!!

    As always, the curtains come off before they finish and they are caught with their pants/skirts down.. whatever. What a sad state of affairs for MSM - constant mockery, constant counter questions - coz they have crossed a line of journalistic ethics and entered the land of sycophancy !!


  21. The coronation episode of the subject to the helm of the orgn. reminds one the famous character QUASI MODO (Victor Hugo's famous novel HUNCHBACK OF NOTREDAMME)- (((FILM enacted by yet another famous actor ANTONY QUINN)))His coronation as the POPE OF THE FOOLS is identical here.
    LONG LIVE THE LEGACY OF QUASI MODO and one doubt, Who will be Calude Frollo in this episode and who will be Esmaralda.

  22. Sonia cried when she went to the clown prince's room that day... I think she must have cried for the poor indians on whom she was unleashing the joker...

  23. Just One Word.... AWESOME !!

  24. ravi rocks!!!!!!! thanks for a fresh comic dimension of diaper boy

  25. AWESOME POST YAR...maja aa gaya

  26. looking upwards while answering ,cant understand the difference in between citizen and youth he really sucks and this what happens when paid journos are not questioning him and the script is not available to maharaja of india.he really must quit politics .seeing this video i really cant understand why congresi people want him to pm. i think he should be the last person on earth to be the pm of india.

  27. Brilliant as always.....

    Has anybody observed that RahulG is not just imitating Anna Hajare but he is also imitating Mohna Bhagwat, RSS Chief. It was Mohan Bhagwat who said that we have given at least 50 leaders to BJP who can lead the party or the country. This moron RahulG so now is interested exact 50 leaders who could be prime minister.

    This guy RahulG doesn't have his own thought process neither his speech writers. That is the reason he is saying this "Citizens and Young Indians" Is there any difference in it? He pretends to invent some New Political order.

    Our MSM chamachas and power puff girls will never say a word on this foolishness. Mr. Subrmaniam Swami rightly said he is a BUDDU.

    1. ha ha ha...u also read it like me...
      "power puff girls".....
      they are POWDER puff girls.... :)

  28. By far the best best post of yours Ravi. seriously i am concerned with the state of affairs in this country, more over the growing influence of these muslim groups in indian society.

  29. Hope BJP will announce NaMo name as PM candidate, that would be the best bet BJP can have for 2014 elections. any other name could play a spoiler for the BJP and for this nation. but as of now they should not announce any name, if they announce NaMo name then entire congies will do every effort with the help on MSM to malign his name. they can go to any extent you can imagine to what extent they can go. Indian society is going though a bad patch now. it could only be corrected if this gov goes off for another 50 years.

  30. Do Rajdeep, Barka, Pallavi know that they are being exposed. They continue to promote their price.

  31. Of course he is comedy king, however, he is the king of unintended comedy.

  32. Thanks for writting this. I am laughing uncontrollably right now!!!

  33. nice read and a good way of analysing things. but apart from having a good record of governance and performance modi also has a great record of playing the communal card. for the skeptics>> maya kodnani a gujrat mla of the narendra modi govt and 30 others have been sentenced to life.

    i wondered if narendra modi was unaware of the actions of his mla. narendra modi should remain a chief minister and forget about governing a country

  34. I like your use of the phrase 'fearless leader' it alludes to the cult of personality that these vile media cunts have so subtly established around this mockery of a man, it very clever really, like a modern, fifth columnists' Trojan horse of the mind designed to get this man-child elected to the post of PM. Alas, I am sure it will work.

  35. The amul baby is still incomplete which if anyone reads the line between could understand. When such raw are forced as PM in addition to slave country title we will earn another title headless chicken state. It is regrettable that the seat which was occupied by legends like PV and Atal is to give room for a raw, a good for nothing with the help of some foxes for their pittance, selling this country and its self respect

  36. OMG! Our next PM is going to ask its citizens nop young indians all the questions that plagues this country. Truly a new way of governing a country. The comment about tablet was hilarious. He had no idea of AKASH. He has no clue about what is government is doing! God Bless this country. MERA BHARAT MAHAN!

  37. I see that you are as biased, misinterpreting and misinforming as those whom you despise (whom you so affectionately overemphasize), only in other direction (they hate Modi/BJP, and you love him/them), so what's the point?

  38. I say PPG (powder puff girls) Media Networks for RG who is a toddler likes to sleep with Teddy Bear !!! Come on give him some time he will be one of the best PM ! That will be around circa 2040 when these PPG have great grand children to look after him.

  39. Fully agree with you brother. We are fedup with khangress and its cronies in vaious places like police,admin,judiciary ,media every where you know everywhere.

    The khangress echo system is devised in such a way to keep poor poor and to enrich the wealthy people who has rotten mentality.

    Waiting to see the day with Khangress mukt Bharat!!!


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