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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Evil Inside

The Hindu-Hating Vermin Of Bollywood

Sarah Tobias had drugs and went into a bar. She was raped by 3 men while their friends cheered. She was even accused of being ‘provocative’. In the end, justice prevailed and the rapists were sentenced. This true story was made into the movie: “The Accused”. At the end of the movie a stark, shocking fact is presented in text: “A rape is reported every 6 minutes in the United States”. That was in 1988. During 2006-10 there was a rape reported in the US every 2 minutes according to a crime report of 2006-10. The report also states rape cases have fallen in the US by 60% since 1993. A Wiki page quoting UN reports lists 84767 rape cases in the US in 2010 and the next highest is India at 22172. These are reported cases and obviously cannot include unreported cases. But this story is not above statistics and these are presented only for reference.

There may be many reasons that drive a beast to rape which are best left to social psychologists to figure out and deal with. But I have absolutely no doubt that Hindu culture or Hinduism does not permit or condone rape. For that matter what religion would? Even so, it doesn’t take religion to discover rape is terrible. The ‘Ten Commandments’ don’t specifically have a clause on rape or even child-abuse. Humans were sensible enough to discover it is a terrible crime without the help of religion. The Bible says, when God sent two male angels to the town of Sodom (from which Sodomy is derived), a town of homosexuals, the men wanted to rape the angels too. Lot, the good guy in town, was willing to give his daughters to rape to protect the angels.

A 23-year young woman was raped, brutally assaulted and left to die on the streets in Delhi on December 16, 2012. The nation protested. She died on December 29. The nation grieved. Yet, out of 1.2 billion people there was only one moron who chose to vent his anger and venom at Hindu religion. Mahesh Bhatt of Bollywood chose to abuse Hindus and Hinduism by asking to shut down temples and worship of female Goddesses. A man who can be called a third-rate hypocrite for being involved in semi-porn movies in Bollywood and portrays women as sex objects talking morally about rape is even comical. Imagine, in the US with such a high rate of rapes people aren’t calling to pull down churches or images of Mother Mary.

Bhatt is a sick vermin in society whose hate for Hinduism seems unlimited. Sunny Leone, a porn star scheduled to feature in his movies, is far more honourable. She wasn’t doing anything illegal and was honest to her profession. In contrast the likes of Bhatt are the dregs of society who parade as moral keepers. I believe if one could open Bhatt’s mind and look inside, it will probably look like a very rotten pumpkin. Rotten and stinking to the core and infested with worms! Even where his movies are concerned Mahesh Bhatt has nothing but mostly dished out a series of dishonourable cheap copies. Most of his movies are cheap copies of Hollywood movies which he claims as “inspirations”. Not surprising! Only absolute filthy plagiarists claim inspiration in cheap piracy. Consider how gullible his own son was that he was hobnobbing with a terrorist reportedly behind the 26/11 attacks. Consider a guy who lip-kisses his own daughter. What garbage does such a mind represent? I wonder what would happen if Bhatt, a Muslim, applied the same stupid logic to terrorists of his own Faith. He would then have to go around shutting down many mosques.

Is it any surprise that this Hindu-hater is a darling on NDTV and CNN-IBN and similar channels? I haven’t seen anyone from these channels condemning Bhatt for his filth. On the contrary, this guttermouth is their darling and a permanent spokesman for Bollywood on all topics under the sun. He is a permanent guest in all their ceremonies. Mahesh Bhatt is one half of the sickest, most hateful couple of 2012. The other half is Akbaruddin Owaisi, the brother of MP Asaduddin Owaisi.

How To Finish Off Hindus in 15 Minutes – An Idiot’s Guide

It’s not so long ago that Asad warned the nation and held out the threat of a “third wave of Muslim radicalisation” over the Assam violence issue. His speech was made from the floor of the parliament which affords him immunity. Still, the warning should be taken quite seriously as it raises the curtains on the evil intentions that some may carry out. Here is the exact quote:

The elder one makes the threat from parliament. The younger one, Akbar, readies his flock. Akbar had escaped assassination by a rival gang sometime back. It now seems the conflict over Bhagyalakshmi temple in Hyderabad (within the Charminar block) has brought out the beast in him. That the Owaisis are filled with hatred is not news at all. The elder one in another context has reportedly stated that he would like all Hindus to convert to Islam on NDTV. Oh Yeah, the home channel for anti-Hindu creeps, including Mahesh Bhatt. But Akbar goes a step beyond his elder brother and, to a cheering mob, announces that if the police are removed for 15 minutes his flock can wipe out 100 crore Hindus (See TOI report). Quite interesting! And in his speeches he also equates Narendra Modi with Ajmal Kasab, the loveable terrorist from Pakistan. Umm...I heard that some in Kochi in Kerala are having a prayer ceremony for the dearly departed Kasab. In an earlier post I talked about ‘Delhi’s Broken Windows’. These are more broken windows that our GOI refuses to fix. Consequently, these anti-Hindu elements keep baring their fangs frequently.

It makes sense to remember that during the Azad Maidan riots in Mumbai, the police merely watched as the peaceful ‘secular’ crowd went about breaking and burning property (including the Amar Jawan memorial) and even molesting police-women. That’s a broken window that gives a loud message to potential criminals: “Go ahead, we will do nothing”! And thus the Akbars of the world get encouraged to make more threats. It doesn’t end there. A lawyer, K. Karuna Sagar, filed an FIR against Akbar for his hate-speech and threat to finish off Hindus. He starts receiving death-threats from unknown callers for filing the FIR. All of this is happening right under the nose of a govt which, till recently, had an alliance with the MIM of the Owaisis. The UPA at the Centre led by the Congress also has a national alliance with the MIM. If there was a truly communal party in India it clearly has to be the MIM which seems to represent none but Muslims.

And then our media folks wonder why no Muslims were given tickets in the recent elections by Modi. Will these same media people ask the question why Congress allies with this party? Will they ask who gives tickets to these communal individuals who have nothing but threats and hatred for the majority community? A question often asked in the West is how, when Islamic invaders managed to destroy and convert populations of various nations around the middle-east and other parts of the world, they could neither conquer the whole of India nor convert the whole of India to Islam. Maybe Akbar Owaisi should catch up on some history. Akbar is the other half of Bhatt. Together they form the sickest and most hate-filled couple of 2012. Like computers that carry the ‘Intel-inside’ logo I would recommend that whenever pictures of AkbarO and Bhatt appear we must be warned with a logo ‘Evil-inside’. Akbar’s evil speech can be heard on Youtube as well.

Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi condemned AkbarO but didn’t condemn Bhatt. I guess Bhatt forms a part of their Hammam, eh? Oops! Hammam does remind me of the real Hammam-Boy. Whenever confronted with hate speech by Muslims you can expect the typical answer from NDTV or CNN-IBN. Rajdeep Sardesai gives the same answer in his tweet (and so does a sidekick called Nikhil Wagle of IBN). And Togadia hasn’t made statements of wiping out Muslims either. If Mahesh Bhatt is the filth in Bollywood and AkbarO the filth in Hyderabad, the cockroaches feeding on that filth are our TV channels which employ the likes of these on their panels. Rajdeep is devious in not acknowledging that when he equates the Owaisis with Togadia he is cheating and fooling the public. He doesn’t employ Togadia on his panels, does he? But the Owaisis and Bhatts are like step-wives to his TV channel. Will the media now have the courage to tag these hate-filled people as “Evil Inside”?


  1. There could be no better way to kick start a New Year.

    Absolutely brilliant. No place to hide for these "Evil Inside" blokes.

  2. Absolutely brilliant.....

    I never understand these morons need for always quoting Muslim Extremism in the same breath with HIndu extremism. From New York to Malaysia via Arab World and Pakistan The whole world is facing Muslim Extremism and if at all Hindu Extremism is there in existence it is in the minds of these pseudo secularist media and their panelist. How can you cure these morons?

    A simple survey of the world will prove that in about 55 countries out of 180 countries where Muslims are in majority there is no secularism of the sort these morons in Indian Main Stream English Media preach. For that matter where ever the Muslim majority is there in any country there is no democracy forget about secularism.

    1. If these media morons think that Muslim extremism is the same as Hindu extremism, they should be asked to spend one full week in Pakistan/Saudi Arabia without any kind of security (especially a pseudo feminist like Barkha who thinks Karwa Chauth is a sexist festival). At the end of one week, we'll see who's left talking.

    2. I can say with personal experience, that, you can not even eat in a roadside eatery during Ramzan in these countries. I was told by many shopkeepers that if you eat on road during these days the police will haul you up. This is there version of secularism. The media morns will never dare to questions these things as these countries are Muslim majority countries.

      Can Mahesh Bhat daughter publish a Cover Photo in birth day suit in these countries?

  3. The nexus between congress, IBN, NDTV, psycho NGO's and BS likes of Bhatts and JavedA's are not broken, India would fall into such trouble that no one can even imagine....I am wondering how many citizens knows about this anti national game which is schedule, sponsored and captains by Congress.

  4. Owasi is an Anti National one..He had made many speeches abusing Hindu Devi and Devtas..His Recent threat to Wipe all HIndu's and in one speech these Owaisi are enjoying when 1 Indian Soldier was killed in Kashmir...So the basic question is these people are holding public offices like one is MP and other one is MLA...Imagine Indian future in his hands...MSM has shamelesely ignored this News..Imagine if an Hindu Leader has made speech of 1/10 intense of Owaisi speech the MSM will be running it 24*7 ...Now it is an fashion in India to abuse HIndus and HInduism...I dare to say if Hindus were Not in Majority there will be no So called secularism in India...Good Writeup Ravi..We need more people to expose this hypocricity of MSM.

  5. Always enjoy reading your pieces. Islam is driven by hate the pillars of islam - the qu'ran, ahadith, jehad all provide the theological context for sustaining hate and violence against non-believers. It us not for nothing that global terrorism is majorly islamic in character.

    Given the demographics of islam and its petropower global diplomacy treats it with kid-gloves; in a blatantly apologetic manner separating the militaristic-jehadic part as some deviation from the faith-WHICH IS CLEARLY NOT THE CASE!

    The muslim and non-muslim apologists of islam willingly or unwittingly commit taqqiya (religious dissimulation Qur'an (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie).

    Sooner or later the world will have to face up to Islam. Hitler was small fry by comparison.

    1. Well said sir.

      The fact is we are selling ourselves like prostitutes and prostitutes have no religion. That is prevailing situation in India.

      In Indonesia, when anti-Chinese riots took place, many rich chinese converted to Islam to save their money. That has happened in Pakistan, where rich Hindus have converted. Our MSM honchos like BD, RS, SG, Thapar the Tool, Arnav, Choubeyjee and Mishrajee have just kept their Hindu names. We see their true colour everyday. Reminds me of a song.. Baap Bada na Bhaiyya, sabse Bada Rupaiyya.

    2. Just to correct BD is already a muslim as told by another Ndtv journo Sunetra Choudhary

  6. seriously for putting this, for last some days i am asking this question again and again why no media is questioning alliance of UPA with MIM which is the most communal party without a doubt!! very bad time for india ahead if this kind of anti nationalism and hatred is continued!!

  7. but this is also a question why BJP leadership in delhi is not questioning UPA alliance with MIM? BJP surely has disappointed as opposition on so many matters

    1. Agree. BJP seems to have reached a settlement with the Italian to remain forever her doormat. No wonder Modi is not projected with enthusiasm. Read the article on missionaries visa in niticentral. Hindus are in the forefront in backstabbing themselves. The irony is Hindus only seek to be left alone and do not have any world conquering ambitions. Meek nature is itself used to project Hindus as hate mongers

    2. Fully agree. In any other democracy, the opposition would have totally destroyed a government / ruling party plagued with so many scams, corruption issues, etc. But what do we have here? A BJP which appears to be sleep-riding. Casts doubts on its leadership. I feel even integrity issues are involved here.

    3. true, narendra modi is the only person who is real opposition in this country, even he kept quiet but what can one do ehen even his own party is not standing with him, there is no future of BJP if they don't project modi as PM candidate, i'm starting to believe in BJP- congress nexus, BJP is happy with their role as opposition

  8. Hinduism is a good punching bag in India for secularists. Too much energy.. Go and give anti-Hindu statement, bored ... Call names to Devtas and Devis, Son feels alienated .. blame Hindu way of life, Daughter turns whore ... blame Hindu poojas, TRP is going done call 10 MFs like The Tool, Beefeater, Devout Hindu with ratbags like Zakir Naik, Mahesh Bhatt, Priya Ramani, Karunanidhi, Digvijoy Singh, Kapil Sibbal, and not to forget brilliant Shashi T. Thanks god at least Hindu Punchingbag offers solution to all problems, issue these People have. However, no one forces anyone to accept Hinduism. The best such people do is at least convert to abrahamic religions like Christianity or Islam.

    As for Hyderabadis, one must understand that they are remnants of Rajakars. Those MFs or FFs sitting at Hyderabad or Delhi do not have F$$$$$$ guts to do anything. Price you pay for vote bank.

    1. In comment above it should be TRP is going down..not going done. Apologies and thanks.

    2. cant agree more.... but Hindu is waking up... Imagine if the social media websites can give sleepless nights to these MFs what will happen when Hindus will actually be out on roads.. India will be a different nation then... Akbar was asking for 15 minutes, we will only need 5 minutes..

  9. Well more than a religion what worries me more here is the media willingness to hide a certain community. Hindus here are not asking for more facility from the Govt, what they want is equal rights for all community. Being majority is not Hindu's fault and its their secular nature that people like Owaisi can deliver a speech like that in Hindu majority India. Can a hindu or christian do the same in Pakistan? Blame goes to sick minded people like BDutt RS SG etc. I do not know what the solution is, is it threat for the majority community that will silence such crooked media persons or is it the moral conscience that needs to be awakened in them? Time will only tell the answer.

  10. Great article Ravinar....The tragedy of our country is that we are our own enemies first by not standing up against these anti-hindu venom spitters and to add to our agony we have people like Bhatts, Sardesais, digvijays and so many other who appear to be Hindu but are the opposite in actuality. and then we have a whole list of people from the media, political and intellectual class(dutts, ramanis, karnads) who have derived an identity for themselves by taking stand anything that symbolizes Hindus.....mahnooj

  11. Indeed people like Rajdeep Sardesai are cockroaches.

    1. They are more like Bandicoots(Pig-Dogs) in this Bandicoot Republic of ours.The word Bandicoot has it's origin from the Telugu word Pandhi Kukka meaning Pig-Dog.How appropriate.

    2. Bandikoot doesn't mean pandi and kukka. It means Pandikokku, the big rodent which sometimes can overpower a small cat and kill it. It doesn't die easily.

    3. Of course bandicoot is a rodent.The etymology for bandicoot is from the telugu pandhikukka. Pandikokku is just how it is pronounced in certain telugu dialects.

  12. I differ with you over this line, Ravinar "If there was a truly communal party in India it clearly has to be the MIM which seems to represent none but Muslims". From a small state Kerala, there are parties like IUML(Indian Union Muslim League), PDP(Madani's party) & the consortium of KCs(Kerala congress, fiefdoms of various denominations of Christians)!
    All of them cater exclusively to the needs of their flock.

  13. great article a big fan of yours

  14. Dear Ravinar,

    Great Firepower. The reason behind these idiots saying they can wipe out Hindus in 15 minutes is because the whole Indian Governmental system has been systematically converted to Anti-Hindu culture by Congress because such threats requires 60 years of continuous conditioning of minds. Many like minded hindus feel Mr Modi might do some magic, but the hard fact remains that unless the society stands firmly behind Mr Modi would he be able to do anything substantial ???? Please remember when we vote it must be to someone who vouch for his nation & Hindu society. Nothing more nothing less.Spread this message & think about this reality day-in Day-out.

  15. Good article Ravinar. Thanks for the information.

  16. hi,


    teetsa setalvad , john dayal, shabana azmi, owaisis are the new secular icons.

    punch into google search RAPE AND RACISM- VADAKAYIL.

    We have “Sheila ki jawani” dancing away to “the creep” Honey Singh’s vulgar l**d – ch@@t rap songs.

    AbhiSEX manu singhvi is WTE’s ( waitress turned empress ) spokesman on TV.

    All respect for women , is lip service.

    changing MINDSETS with the flick of a switch ? -- how about mother's giving proper upbringing to their sons. how about banning india's best paid singer ( as per wikipedia ) THE SUPER-CREEP honey singh?

    Capt ajit vadakayil

    1. Ajeet Shri your views are always lighting dark side
      last year I read your article how kejriwal used mask of anna

  17. Excellent.....the rotten pumpkin pic besides Bhatt is superb....
    I dont think Togadia ever gave a speech as inflammatory as this one...
    Owaisi duo are highly dangerous..they are no different from Hafeez Sayed or osama bin laden....What are Reddy's in Andhra doing? How did they let these scums must so much courage??
    Another godhra in the making....

  18. Nice article.
    I wonder how some fools still follow raj deep or watch their shows. Until we have such idiots in India, nothing can change the media.

  19. your absolutely right. fully agree with you. time has come where we as citizens need to clean this dirt.I take the first step to be a informed voter, make people aware of this morons.

  20. Good Job Ravinar..!!

    nowdays critisizing Hindu is becoming a status symbol for those SOB's.But they surely will realize their mistakes soon. Afterall we have history of more than 6000 Years and in those we have fought for our pride whenever needed. Those Secular SOB's are just a piss of #### who are thinking to be popular by insulting Hindus.

    This SOB Bhatt is not even eligble to talk about IMHO. What can we expect from such B@#$%%d's who makes D grade movies and calls themself secular leader.

  21. Quite a few others cud make the grade. Maybe somebody will chronicle our "bhais" in the Hindi film industry and their affiliation to organized crime.Wonder what Bhatt's muslim name is?


  22. One of the prime reasons why we have such high incidents of assaults on women/girls is due to movies made by the likes of Mahesh Bhatt..I am quite sure a movie such as Dirty Picture would have resulted in many such incidents of abuse/assault.

    My theory is that such movies can arouse/excite many males/perverts and they in turn seek their pleasure by attacking females that come their way. I wish Mahesh Bhatt reads this comment and changes his movie making metaphor. The above kind of movies coupled with alcohol are the bane of our society.

  23. Mahesh Bhatt, to me a Hindu name. Means, by saying what he said of Hindu Goddesses, he’s insulting his own beliefs, mother, sisters and daughters. My belief is within and no one can shake it up and so I don’t bother about what he think of it. If we are sure that even his name is rewritten for sustenance to his film career and is non-existent to his real identity, why then worry about his utterances. It can’t be of any worth to anyone. So, for a reprimand in your column.

    1. Mr VAK,

      I hope you believe me when I tell you that India is on top list of Jehadis & vaticans. Now that these violent ideologies cannot get any more access into each others territory, they are planning big on India & China (the 2 most populated countries in World).
      While China has a communist regime, the same regime might not last forever & India is an extremely soft state. Imagine how many humans could be converted in this century itself. Why I am telling you all this is because SOB's like Bhatt & Owasis are just front agents of this global war for conversion. It dosen't matter if their name sounds Hindu or not.The Media, Political parties such as Congress, Communists, NGO's, etc are only pawns for Jehadis & Vaticans in their global war against non-believers. Infact these two ideologies complement each other with Vaticans faking to help poor while Jehadis create fear amongst the non-believers through terrorism. Think about it !!!!

    2. Mahesh Bhatt is a convert to islam, though even that does not adequately explain the lack of grey cells he displays.

  24. brilliant is the only word which comes to my mind while reading this. this article is slightly different from your other ones in a sense that in this article you have touched more than one issue. you know, i strongly believe that people like bhutt (m) and dutt (b) are more dangerous than people like owasi. with owasi, atleast the threat is clear, loud and vocal but people like bhutts and dutts, they are devils in guise of humans

  25. Certain facts:

    Mahesh Bhatt:

    1. Mahesh Bhatt is actually a result of Hindu father and Muslim mother (Emraan Hashmi is his relative from Mothers side).

    2. He claims he is an athiest and does not believe in religion which is just fake. He believes in Islamic faith. The reason for mentioning it not about the faith he believes in, but the faith he hates most which is Hinduism. The hate is a result of his hate towards his father.

    3. He and his daughter has made many comments against Hindu religon. One such example is people worshipping Shiv Linga which she claims people are so ignorant to worship sexual things. Her ignorance lies in fact that Shiv Lings is originally associated to Pineal Gland. A fool calling the world fool.

    4. After Mumbai attacks on 26/11, Digvijay and Mahesh Bhaat were present at launch of a book which says 'RSS behind 26/11'. There is a pic available on google. However, the writer later apologized for his book and false claims but till date no apology from Digvijay or Mahesh Bhatt.

    5. Mahesh Bhatt has an opinion about anything.

    6. He is the most cheapest person. Showing up in Bigg Boss was a disgusting thing actually.

    7. Ending it here, coz a book can be written on MB.

    The Owaisi Family:

    1. His grand father wanted to move to Pakistan and even tried his best so that Hyderabad emerges with Pakistan. Failing, he established MIM party.

    2. Being a resident of old city, I've seen numerous riots, hate speeches and horrible times due to flames ignited by these Owaisis.

    3. The Owaisis are eying on Prime Land in a city leased to Mahavir Hospital. They demanded that the Mahavir hospital lease should be lapsed and the land should be alloted to Owaisi trust so that they can build their own institute. The Mahavir is run by a jain trust and serves poor people with good medicial help.

    4. Bhagyalaxmi temple controversy was started by MIM to black mail the CM of AP to get the Mahavir land. 'The Hindu' reported false claims of Charminar temple. It's no doubt that it's the mouthpiece of pseudo-secularits including Barkha Dutt.

    6. There was a reporter from a reputed news paper who once said, to he surprise, he found Owaisi in main administrative office of Raza Academy just before the riots.

    7. If they have a problem with temples, then why did they declared in AP assembly some 3 years ago that they will burn the city whoever touches the Masjid's wall. Road no 2, Banjara Hills, there is one place where the Masjid is extendind on road. Although, the place of worship is still far from road, a piece of wall and an empty land occupies 2 lanes of road and the center of traffic jam. For road expansion, govt. decided to break the wall but this man warns of blood in assembly. Double standards but nobody questions.

    8. In deep pockets of Hyderabad old city, there are people who celebrate Pakistan win over India and few even raise Paki flag (yes, not the green with pamplets with Star and moon, but real flag). But again, not everyone is same. There are good people too who cares for country first.

    9. In all the riots, it was ensured that Hindu homes were attacked to create panic. Reason, to make them flee from old city. when I was a child, it was still a mix of people and religion there, but today, you have no option left. You have to sell your property to some muslim guy and leave the place. Thanks Owaisi, serving well your community in a secular country with pseudo-secular media.

    10. Again, a book can be written on his atocracies.


    Barkha: Already lost the game, still trying hard but one day will go completely down, unwell.

    Arnab: First, he is loyal to his company, then to his work and then to the country,

    Rajdeep: Be twitter or news, his intention is always the same 'how to save my ass first'.

    If they go against the govt., they will land themselves in trouble as their shady income sources will be revealed. The govt. has CBI, probably their most powerful weapon.

    Sorry for a long post.

    1. Hey man... m totally agree with you, what have you said about Owaisis is absolutely correct.

    2. Excellent post...especially the background on the Owaisi family...Aren't Reddy's a powerful community in AP? What are they doing to counter the rise of this mini Pakistan in Hyb'd?

    3. The Reddys along with Choudharys and Kammas (apologies if spelled them wrong)are busy fighting each other.

    4. Dear Verma ji, I accept/confirm all your views on Owaisi (Don't know much about your 6th point). Well done.


    5. Great post. That was something to know Verma...

  26. Aagain a brilliant and to-the-point article as usual. I think these articles should get translated in all regional languages and circulated to maximum number of people watching regional channels also.
    Todays Hindus in India (and world over) are in real danger from other encroaching religionists. However, we Hindus are too tolerant and meek to stand up to our own rights, even in our own country. So unless we standup, unite and fight, the situation will continue to worsen here.

  27. Dear Ravi,

    Great Article not only the style but the content. We need more on these. Nobody including BJP is questioning change of Visa policy for missionaries and also the increase in donations to Christian NGOs during Sonia regime.

    I have been in touch with someone in Arab world on chat. Apart from the usual stuff about chat, came to know that the person concerned is distantly related to owaisis. As of now I have no evidence to claim that I am right but am giving you the face value story. The person hates islam big time and told me that Owaisis had celebrated the death of Bal Thackray in Hyderabad and so did some maulvis in Arab country.

    I do my bit in taking on anti-hindus on various websites I follow, be it rediscovery of india, the indian realist, islam watch to name a few. Any more such sites do let me know.

    Have recently started visiting Tehelka blogs to take these sickular bastards head on. Guys we Internet Hindus will have to take them on big time.

    We owe to our past and to our future generations. We dont want our daughters to turn up in harems of these bastards.


  28. a brilliant and to-the-point article.

    May God give you strength and health to continue your work.

  29. An excellent dissection of fundamentalist cockroaches!

  30. Dear friend, This is a most thought provoking article from you as usual. I am deeply concerned at the rabidly anti-Hindu slant of the GoI and MSM. Also, sane people like us read your articles and then forget them. It is time someone took initiative to organize, unite and bring out concrete measures to put an end to this atrocity.
    - Thiru

  31. Mediacrooks, the likes of you are the only hope to this country where hypocrisy of Main stream media is dominant because of their original bosses.Keep the good work.I am sure ultimately the truth will prevail.

  32. Dear Ravi,

    You may start focussing on Zee News. Have seen bending them before Khangress a bit more since JindalGate.



  34. All I say is...why two sets of rules ,one for Varun Gandhi and one for Owaisi ?

  35. Dear Ravinar

    One Can only Imagine What kind of Sanskaar He himself Got which in in turn Passed on to his Daughter .

    Lip Locking by him with his own daughter, Nude Body Painting to feel liberated by his daughter look at the Vague Arguments his supporter THE LEGENDARY vir sanghvi IS GIVING

    god save india from these High Society GOONS

  36. This anti Hindu mindset is spreading like cancer. & media, sickularist who appear on debates etc are responsible for its growth.

    I'm not sure if you've heard Late Balasaheb Thackerey's last speech on Dassera.
    He had specifically pointed out to this MIM ("they should be stopped in time or you're digging your own grave") as they have won 11 seats in Nanded civic polls in Maharashtra.
    They walked out of condolence meet for Balasaheb Thackerey saying "they do not approve of his politics".
    Their corporators were thrashed (by Shiv Sainiks) last week for demanding House agenda to be printed in Urdu.

  37. Excellent article, sir. 'How To Finish Off Hindus in 15 Minutes – An Idiot’s Guide', the Owaisis should know that Hindus have battled for hundreds of years against invaders & survived. We have been here 1500 years ago & we will continue to do so 1500 years later.
    Those who are so hateful of Hinduism & have strong affiliation towards others, should change their religion instead of 'preaching endlessly to the whole nation about evils of Hinduism.'

  38. Shocking speech by Hyderabad MLA Owisi at Nirmal. Youtube has videos. Listen to the longer version. No FIR filed till date and the AP govt is tight lipped. Remember when varun ghandhi was hounded by the so called secular press ? why this silence. The kinds of derogatory words he has used in his speech is unbelievable. No coverage on TV by the english media. Truly shameful.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. @ayansh mishra: From your arguments and SMS lingo, it looks like you are another confused individual who thinks he/she is uber cool and enlightened.Can you quote where the writer of this article mentions/hints that he/she "wan clashes lyk 1957 or 1991"?
      Your idea of contributing to the nation is probably watching NDTV and liking facebook topics. You may think that holding candle light vigils looks cool and helps. Hold onto your hard earned ignorance and sms lingo.

    3. @ayansh mishra : Dear .. first change your mobile or keyboard whatever it is..
      And then change your views about this post.

      Nobody is provoking here for anything. Those are facts.

    4. @Kiran Patil....

      You have given the best reply ....

  40. I hope BJP will grow some brain and keep playing this Owaisi hate speech video on a 75 inch screen preferably in all election rallies later this year and next year.....
    MSM will not report such secular "love" speeches...Im sure as of today 90% of non-Muslims in India are not aware of such a speech

    1. All the political parties have holy nexus between there is no doubt about BJP...

  41. well written article; interesting comments/responses. but thenwhat next? just vent frustrations in internet and allow oneself be damned by the mainstream media and other fundamentalists to damn us in reallife ?

  42. So London welcomes another terrorist and hate monger to its shores.

  43. Is there any list available on net of famous people/celebrities/politicians etc masquarading as Hindus but who really aren't
    e.g. YSR Reddy, Mahesh Bhatt, Arundhati Roy?

    1. I do not understand why Reddy crowd of AP who lionize Jagan Reddy ignore this fact. YSR people have managed to fool the entire Reddy community.

      Mahesh Bhatt is an illegitimate son of a dissolute Hindu from a Muslim mother. I think his hatred for his father translates into his hatred for Hinduism. That is a stupid way to relate with a religion of course, for his father was hardly a representative of Hinduism.

  44. Hi Ravinar,

    As usual, this article is very thoughtful. Especially this part is higly rational and true. "And then our media folks wonder why no Muslims were given tickets in the recent elections by Modi. Will these same media people ask the question why Congress allies with this party? Will they ask who gives tickets to these communal individuals who have nothing but threats and hatred for the majority community?"

  45. The list of Hindu haters in Bollywood is incomplete without Rahul Bose(dika). The media rushes to him to get comment on any matter as if he is expert of everything.

  46. There was a science show on DD many years back "Turning Point", the anchors of this show were Mahesh Bhatt and Girish Karnad. Science and these two Morons are opposite sides of a coin.

  47. Dear All,

    Please go through this link. Mr Chetan Agarwal has written very apt article in Niti Central on how the Elder Pscycho Owaisi is planning to cash on the political suicide of younger Pscycho brother. Hope he dosen't succeed.

  48. The Butt..... sorry, Bhatt family is famous for their corrupt mindset thinking. Mahesh Bhatt is a sex maniac, lady wolf and a pedophile. Hence he married a woman who was 20 years younger than him. His daughter, Pooja Bhat is no different. After all, she has got this genes from her father. The father and daughter duo want to glorify their family culture through their movies and hence accomplish their aim of setting it as a trend in our country. I wonder how would have this "secular" Mahesh Bhatt reacted if Shiv Sena or MNS had raised objections to the poster.

    Mr Bhatt, where is your Mumbai police protecting freedom of speech? You and Bollywood are hypocritical in my opinion when all of you were up in arms against Shiv Sena for confronting Shahrukh Khan on his "Pakistan is a great neighbour" comments (especially in the wake of 26/11 terrorist attacks and getting Congress party to provide police security for the screening of 'My Name is Khan' in the name of freedom of speech).

  49. Dear Ravi,
    My first read. Differences are within hindu community. Time has come to show unity & strength which is very well prescribed in our literature. The world appreciates Hinduism but we don't. Ravi I have stopped watching these morons on T.V. Good Post. Thank you. Jai Maa Bharati. Jai Shri Krishna.

  50. This is how they treat women


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