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Friday, January 11, 2013

Candle Light Sinners

How the leaders and public figures of a nation respond to a tragedy reveals a lot about their character. Two coffins returned from LOC with the mutilated bodies of Lance Naik Hemraj and Lance Naik Sudhakar Singh. The head of one of them is still missing. I am not aware of any leader, minister visiting these families and sharing their sorrow with the nation. I am not aware of any leader or minister from the GOI attending their funerals. John F Kennedy once said: "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them”. If our late PM L.B. Shastri were alive he would wonder happened to his famous slogan of “Jai Jawan…”.

The tears of the families of the 2 Jawans killed on January 8 had not yet dried and some of our public figures were already into “debate” mode. A bunch of journalists and other candle light specialists got together to debate ‘Aman Ki Asha’ in Delhi on January 10. A Union Minister, Shashi Tharoor, was playing the moderator. Participants included: from Pakistan: Najam Sethi, Salman Raja, Wajahat Khan, Javed Jabbar and from India: Mani Shankar Aiyar, Salman Haldar, Shoma Choudhury and Kabir Bedi. Some govt guys, some filmy ones, some editorialists. Probably the most theatrical bunch in a tragedy! And what were they debating? Civil society for peace! One of the common refrains from the discussions: “Moderates will wipe out the Hafeez Saeeds”. If you look at the audience you can see the elites of society in all that jangles. Oh Yeah, these are the ones who are most likely to wipe out the Hafeezes of the world. I remember the movie “Gandhi” where in a powerful speech he says a bunch of lawyers in Delhi do not represent the people of India. If MKG were at this stupid debate he would have said the same thing about these people all over again. The debate was not only stupid it was also badly timed and reflected a serious lack of sensitivity on the part of the participants, audience and, of course, the hosts. Who else but TOI?

With what face do these Pakis come here to debate? Who are the morons who invite them? These are people from a country which sentenced the doctor who led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden to 33 years in prison. He was convicted of high treason. In any other civilised nation this doc would have been rewarded. These “useful idiots” from Pakistan (and India too) can’t deal with the stupidity of their own govt and want to lecture in Delhi. These worthies who are going to wipe out the Hafeezs were probably not even aware (owing to their ‘moderate’ engagement) that on the same day as the two Jawans were killed on the LOC there were 10 CRPF Jawans killed in Latehar (Jharkhand) in an encounter with Naxals. Surprising, isn’t it? The CRPF men were killed on January 8 but for our media that would be ‘Breaking news’ only on January 10. One Jawan’s dead body was stuffed with a bomb.

The PM, Manmohan Singh who didn’t have anything to say about all this had said back in February 2010 that “Naxalism is the biggest internal threat”. One wonders what he has done about the threat. He should be even more alarmed that the Pakistan camps were rejoicing the deaths of our Jawans so it’s clear the Pak army that was involved. Hafeez Saeed was also around the LOC and it appears he had offered a reward of 5 lakhs for the head of our soldier. These two tweets from Padmaja Joshi of Headlines Today say a lot. The PM and his cabinet need not worry I suppose. The so called “moderates” from India and Pakistan will wipe out Hafeez Saeed (the LeT mastermind behind 26/11), ably led by his minister, Shashi Tharoor. If all that wasn’t enough, The Hindu ran a story on the LOC incident implying it all started with an old woman, a Grandmother, who crossed over to POK. Even the headline of the story seems to turn the spotlight away from the brutal killings into one of providing “sound reason” for the deaths.

Runaway grandmother sparked savage skirmish on LoC”. Skirmish? Was that all? The killing of two of our soldiers on our side of the LOC, their bodies mutilated, one Jawan’s head missing and all that was just a “skirmish”? Where did Praveen Swami, a supposed defence expert, get his intelligence from? Oh! He says “…highly placed military and government sources have told The Hindu”. Really? Which military and which govt? He doesn’t say and I refuse to presume Indian or Pakistan. Maybe Swami would like to clarify which country’s sources he was referring to. Swami’s article comes out and our journalistic-bimbo wastes no time in jumping and rubbishing all the “patriots” on TV. I guess you know who and which channel she’s referring to. Runaway Granny! Nice title! Let’s examine what key points his article makes and what the Indian Army responses were. (Indian Army response here)

Swami mentions the 70-year old granny, Reshma Bi, left Charonda village and crossed over the LOC to live with her sons in POK. This was on September 11 and the article implies in 2012. Inside of a week after Reshma’s flight, Indian troops began constructing observations bunkers around Charonda, seeking to monitor the movement of villagers. The construction work — barred by the terms of the LOC ceasefire of 2003 provoked protests from Paki troops.  Indian commanders, the military source said, conceded that the construction was in violation of the ceasefire. However, they refused to stop work, arguing that the posts faced out towards the village, posing no threat to Pakistan. Early in October, the official said, tensions began to escalate. Pakistan even made announcements over a public address system, demanding that Indian troops end the construction work. Exchanges followed and then Indian soldiers raided a Paki post on January 6 which led to the brutal killing of our soldiers on January 8. That’s it.

The army rejects the story (and I quote some statements). Swami’s story is not exactly short on facts but his timelines and linkages appear inaccurate. The Indian army stated that Reshma Bi crossed over on September 26, 2011 a full 16 months before Swami reported she did. On the raid on a Pak post, Colonel Dahiya rejected Swami's contention that there had been LOC transgressions by the Indian Army in the Uri Sector on January 6, 2013. He further stated that the article mentions announcements made by Pak Army over a public address system at Uri demanding a halt to any construction work. This also was factually incorrect, he said. The article also wrongly identifies Major General G.S. Rawat as the GOC of 19 Infantry Division. The current GOC is Major General Khandare. He said that Pakistan carried out cease fire violations on night of January 5 and 6, and the Indian Army carried out controlled retaliation from its own side on January 6. So in effect,the Army rubbished Swami’s report.

It’s a question of which one to trust; The Hindu or the Indian Army. Given the dubious articles that frequently appear in The Hindu and even otherwise I would go with our Army. Praveen Swami, though, is not a dubious writer. So where did he get all his “intelligence” from? Hmm! It would appear someone already knew this article was going to appear in a newspaper on January 10. Guess who? It’s none other than Wajahat Khan the Paki journalist who had appeared on Barkha Dutt’s programme “The BS here”. Yeah, a load of BS indeed! The programme over, late night (or wee hours of January 10) Wajahat Khan tweets to someone to watch out for a “narrative changer tomorrow” (ie January 10). He tweets and The Hindu delivers! Voila! This is the “intelligence” circuit of Swami as it appears. And Wajahat calls it the “narrative changer”. Whenever anyone uses the term “narrative” I immediately see a warning sign of concoctions being brewed. It’s a term that highly “intelligent” people use, like the ones at the AmanKiAsha debate in Delhi.

Do you need any more proof how stupid Indian media is? No, don’t go by my word. For some reason the AKA crap wasn’t telecast by TimeNow the channel of TOI group who came up with the AKA farce. The debate was telecast by Headlines Today and I wonder why. Maybe Arnab Goswami has decided AKA is nonsense too. It is Rahul Kanwal, who heads Headlines Today, who wonders what the Tamasha is between the TOI and its news channel. The families of dead soldiers are hopefully unaware of all the Tamasha going on. Our freedom is never free. Someone pays a price for it, usually a soldier standing guard on a fence. The shameless ‘Macaulay Putras and Putris’ who don’t tire of their AKAs and cocktail debates breathe because someone pays the price for their freedom to do so. They usually finish the debates, give sermons on TV, write crap in newspapers and go have candle-light dinners. I may have to call them the candle light sinners


  1. I&B Ministry advises Sony not to telecast show on Delhi rape, Can you please also take this up , now this sick mind tiwari want to cast web on MAIN STREAM MEDIA ALSO , RASCAL

  2. awesome piece mate, "Our freedom is never free. Someone pays a price for it" too true man, too true!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ravinar,

    I was thinking on this today morning and wrote. These idiots have reached unprecedented level of moral decline.

    Do read:

    Do not know what should be done. The PCI chief, Justice Katju is talking of integrating India and Pakistan! Are they getting this bravado from there? How dare these people talk in these terms when one soldier's head is still missing?

    Btw, you inspire to write. Keep posting. Love it.

  5. had this been any other country, a newspaper like "The Hindu" would have shut shop with serious law suits against them, just like our cross border enemies "The Hindu" is an enemy within that takes advantage of cowardly government & a passive society. I think in Mahabharata, lord Krishna says this "the pot of Sins" which is being filled drop by drop by our Media, Congress, Sicklurs, Fiberals etc...... and I think the pot is in the brink...

  6. wow! i agree with ever pixel in your article. i am glad there are people exposing this BS.

  7. Shivraj singh chauhan attended funeral of Lance Nayak Sudhakar Singh.

  8. Amazing! Before I read this, I had tweeted about this Praveen Swami (who claims to be a journalist). Yes indeed - yet another Candle light sinner. Only wish this candle is stuck up their, you know where!!! Absolutely insensitive Media and they are a bigger danger than Pakistan. How I wish what they did to DNA office in Bangalore for some stupid article a few years back. Time it is done on each of these media houses.

  9. Ravinar,

    Media is the mirror of Congi stupidity. We need another quit India Movement. "Congi and MSM Media , quit India".

    Have you seen Subramanya swamy's new video that says congress leaders are blackmailed by pakistan and that is the reason cong cannot take action against Pakistan?

  10. Its not just the news, it is the timing. The way MSM tries to downplay news on Owaisi, distort and over publicize all statements of pro-Hindu folks and time the LoC kind of news to abuse public sentiment, is well known by now.

  11. Great article. I agree with it entirely.

    GOI will not shut shop of main stream media and newspapers like 'The Hindu' because they are created / facilitated / supported by GOI itself. Hence we 'THE PEOPLE OF BHARAT' beed to boycott them. Moreover we should create so much pressure on GOI that it is forced to take the required action.

  12. Ravinar,

    When it's the question of awareness, there are huge number of people who are not even aware of what's happening around them. Am not referring to people from rural area, but education working executives. They are like TOI & NDTV chaps and believe in what they are shown. I was surprised to find many people and esp women were not even aware of Delhi Rape Victim and the kind of brutality she suffered. For them, it was like some incident with a difference of moving bus as rape is pretty common term in Delhi. Am pretty sure, most of them would not even know who Captain Kalia was and for some 'Yeh Dil Maange More' was a slogan created by Pepsi.

    'The Hindu' has turned pretty notorious. But only in India, journalists and news organization can escape without accountability. I would request you to please start a poll, where we can vote for worst news papers in India.

    'The Hindu' for obvious reasons as one exposed by Ravinar today. There were many incidents in past. It's a top contender for worst news sources.

    'Indian Express' & 'HT' are only surviving through govt. resources.

    'TOI' is one news paper where you may find some news at times but you will for sure learn everything to make your bed life hotter. It hypocrisy is revealed on fact that whenever you post something in comments which is against their business interest or even if you mention in comments that their information is wrong, the morderator rejects the comments. They claim they surrpot Freedom of Expression but show wtheir hypocracy side too. On other hand, go and abuse someone, the mod will happily accept the comment. TOI, is like the smaller brother of 'The Sun' in UK. You may find 'Captian Kalia' once in a year there but you will find 'Poonam Pandey' everyday.

    'Firstpost', better than the rest but it's a mix of left & right views. But what makes it stand out from all is Mr. R. Jaggannath...!!!!!! 'Jaggi' was also voted one of the good journalists in MC poll.

    Requesting again, Ravinar if you believe it should be ok, then please start a poll. This is the best answer people can give.

    (Disclaimer: The above opinions are mine regarding these news papers)

    One last thing regarding Naxalism. I wish people (the TOI & NDTV chaps am referring to) knew more about it. I believe, Naxalism can be eliminated, but what's stopping govt. is their shady interests. Few keywords to add before i end it here. 'Vedanta', 'Chidambaram', 'Bauxite Mining', 'Agricultural Land', 'Monsanto' etc. The victim of the system are those CRPF Jawans who stake their life for country.


  13. I saw another such debate on Headlines Today sometime back. Former Cricketer of Pak Imran Khan was lecturing us to take the minority into mainstream in order to prosper. I thought 'look, who's talking!' Large scale migration of Hindu minorities from Pak to India speaks volumes about their own treatment towards minorities.

    1. Pakistan cant even take care of its majority with Shia-Sunni fight,Mohajir fight,Baluchi fight, Swat valley adn what not, who is Imran to tell us about minority

  14. I request you to refer always Praveen Swami instead of just swami.

    "The Indian army stated that Reshma Bi crossed over on September 26, 2011 a full 16 months before Swami reported she did.

    On the raid on a Pak post, Colonel Dahiya rejected Swami's contention that there had been LOC transgressions by the Indian Army in the Uri Sector on January 6, 2013.

    He further stated that the article mentions announcements made by Pak Army over a public address system at Uri demanding a halt to any construction work. This also was factually incorrect, he said.

    The article also wrongly identifies Major General G.S. Rawat as the GOC of 19 Infantry Division. The current GOC is Major General Khandare.

    He said that Pakistan carried out cease fire violations on night of January 5 and 6, and the Indian Army carried out controlled retaliation from its own side on January 6. So in effect,the Army rubbished Swami’s report."

    With five points above, One can clearly establish Swami's " highly placed military and government sources" not from Indian Military and Indian Govt.

    I never thought that Praveen Swami would join the BAR club. How long the THEHINDU can be be left behind IE and HT and TOI.

  15. Dear Ravinar,

    I demand that we have military conscription, as they do in Israel and in the US (Vietnam)/ other nations and these media crooks + politicians serve duty at the India-Pak LoC. Then all these Aman ki Aasha type programs will disappear.

  16. Read this:

    The above link gives details (with Swiss Bank A/c #s) of the amazing wealth amassed by the amazing DC of Delhi. If these are true, then what do we have here?

  17. Sorry, that should read Commissioner of police (CP) and not DC.

  18. Have the following to suggest as decisive actions by all right thinking indians
    Immediately stop subscription to these known 'traitors' The hindu, NDTV, CNN-IBN, Indian express,Hindustan times, Times now, the headlines,
    If there is anything known as 'internet-hindus' and they are significant force, then they should connect to one another and simply boycott these channels/newspapers.
    only those ( say like ravinar and a few other bloggers ) that act / react/call the bluff of these channels should contiue to watch them if only to expose their 'spinelessness'

    Try this out..
    if this catches up - you would see the improvements immediately.
    if this too does not happen - then we all continue to be the barking dogs even as these 'shameless' elephants ( the above mentioned media houses ) tread thru with seamless ease shitting all over us . and we deserve it.

    1. I agree. I have stopped subscribing to all these anti-national newspapers and electronic media long back.

  19. Shivraj Singh Chauhan went along with the funeral procession of Martyr Sudhakar Singh and some of his ministers attended the funeral as well. Let's acknowledge a few adorable exceptions that still exist.

    1. Those present on the occasion included Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Leader of Opposition in State assembly, Ajay Singh and Minister in-charge of Sidhi district Nagendra Singh - reports India Today's report.

  20. Excerpts of a letter from Chanakya to Chandragupta Maurya on matters of defence, worth noting, especially by our idea-bankrupt leadership:

    “The Mauryan soldier does not enrich the Royal treasuries nor fills the Royal granaries. He does not carry out trade and commerce nor produce scholars, litterateurs, artistes, artisans, sculptors, architects, craftsmen, doctors and administrators. He does not build roads and ramparts nor dig wells and reservoirs. He does not do any of this directly.

    The soldier only and merely ensures that the tax, tribute and revenue collectors travel forth and return safely; that the farmer tills, harvests, stores and markets his produce unafraid of pillage; that the trader, merchant and financier function and travel across the length and breadth of the realm unmolested; that the savant, sculptor, maestro and mentor create works of art, literature, philosophy and astrology in quietitude; that the architect designs and builds his Vaastus without tension; that the tutor and the priest teach and preach in peace; that the rishis meditate in wordless silence; that the doctor invents cures and medicines undisturbed; that the mason and bricklayer work unhindered; that the mother and the wife go about their chores and bring up children in harmony and tranquility; that the cattle graze freely without being lifted or stolen.

    Pataliputra reposes each night in peaceful comfort, O King, secure in the belief that the distant borders of Magadha are inviolate and the interiors are safe and secure, thanks only to the Mauryan Army standing vigil with naked swords and eyes peeled for action, day and night, in weather fair and foul, all eight praharas (round the clock), quite unmindful of personal discomfort and hardship, all through the year, year after year.

    While the citizenry of the State contributes to see that the State prospers and flourishes, the soldier guarantees it continues to EXIST as a State! To this man, O Rajadhiraja, you owe a debt: please, therefore, see to it, on your own, that the soldier continuously gets his dues in every form and respect, be they his needs or his wants, for he is not likely to ask for them himself.

    The day the soldier has to demand his dues will be a sad day for Magadha for then, on that day, you will have lost all moral sanction to be King!”

  21. Ravinar,
    Yesterday, when I reached home and was surfing channels after a days hard work, I was shocked and horrified in disbelief seeing the programme of 'Aman ki Asha' in Hindustan Times just when two of our soldiers were mutilated to death (or mutilated after death) while one of the soldiers head was missing, that I thought should point out to you in writing to you.

    Luckily you just picked up the strings and exposed the hypocrisy of this sheer crap. The most amusing part of this programme was that while this program was being aired in HT, the breaking news feeds were coming up on HT showing how brutally our soldiers were treated after their planned assassinations. I wonder whether this crowd has any sense of honour, respect for themselves and soldiers of this nation. I have later realized that these scavengers actually want the relations to continue and are under the umbrella of 'Aman ki Asha' due to their business interests. The trade would not have happened but for the improvement in Indo-Pak relations.

    What was even more amusing was that the shoma choudary of Telelka and Guajarat riots fame was bringing a forceful moral equivalence between Internet Hindus,RSS and the lashkar-e-toyba and Hafeez-sayed. I wonder how intolerant these limo-liberals have become for their daily bread is being snatched by the deluge of truth telling by social media. Even Rajdeep in First post was forced to reckon the power of social media and blaming the internet Hindus for feeding frezy on Akbarduddin owasi's hate speech that had forced the Mainstream media to take a position on it.
    I wonder whether you can promote and advertise mediacrooks site in television ads? and I doubt whether the MSM would air these ads as they hurt them even more than hypocrisy.

  22. i watched the aman ki asha with a great deal of dread and fascination , dread because the sleazeballs mani aiyar and shoma chaudhary spoke the language of treason and casually dismissed the events of 26/11 as a mere blip in the path of 'uninterrupted and uninterruptible' indo - pak relations and fascination because none of the males in the audience had the ' cojones' to get up and tell these slimeballs where to get off. the 'nishan -e -pakistan ' is theirs for the taking. i wanted to switch channels desperately to get away from the stench emanating from the panel of cowards,pseudos, and those who have made it a career to belong to the 'wining and dining , travelling in first class,and being paid a fat fee to malign india circuit' but just could not do so . their level of callousness and cowardice ensured that i had the guts to keep watching....

  23. Gandhi, a coward, would have happily joined the crowd of AKA. Thanks to Godse, but he should have tried to kill Nehru first then Gandhi. The country is in deep sh$$ because of these two, and institutionlisation of corruption in this nation and allowing free entry of Bangladesis into India to create vote bank, by Indira. We needed leaders like Bose, Patel, LBS, Atal jee to move this country in right direction.

    A UN reject is our minister. What a show, cattle class all the way.

  24. I have shown this article to one of my leftie friend who believed The Hindu story and started blaming Indian Army. According to him, The Hindu is gospel truth.

    Ravinar, one observation:
    Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan attended the funeral of one of the soldiers. But yes, I too am not aware of GOI representative attending the funeral.

  25. I don't know ,what will history write about Man Mohan Singh.
    I don't know if media realises the damage it is doing.
    But,I know,this is an awesome post

    1. History will tell your child that MMS was a great PM of India. who you think history write? it is same congis politician who write history so MMS is a great PM of India in Future History books.

  26. And here I was thinking the Hindu article is true. What could motivate 'The Hindu' to plant such rubbish? Keep a window open for, you know, 'peace' ? Or Kayani going rogue? In any case , any kind of peace attempts with Pakistan is utter stupidity until the mullah-military complex is dismantled. On the other hand, I am glad the limousine bimbos are losing whatever is left of their credibility over simplifying such a serious matter - but our soldiers are coming back in body bags - too much a price :( :(

  27. Mediacrooks, today Sonia G with her chamchas appear in a full page ad on Deccan Herald , for Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth anniversary....had a good laugh!
    Sorry for not being able to get a screen shot

  28. "Candle light specialists", this term is gonna stick around for a very long time.

  29. Hi Ravinar,

    It appears MP Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan went to the funeral of Indian Soldier Lance Naik Sudhakar Singh. Please collaborate and update if necessary.


  30. "The shameless ‘Macaulay Putras and Putris’" -is a good observation.We all know we suffered in every era due to these traitors despite of heavy sacrifices, the common man never got anything, all the fruits had always been enjoyed this class. They are loyal to nobody except themselves. I pray to God that someday a strong leader rule Delhi who evict these cockroaches out of their 5 star residences in Delhi,Mumbai,Bangalore etc.and either throw them out of the country or make them live secluded life in Bastar,Latehar,Gadhchiroli kind of places.

  31. Dear Ravi, I would like to debate on what you call as 'stupid' actions. I strongly feel that all these 'stupid' drama is actually well planned towards a definite goal of bringing India an unrecoverable state and later 'save' India on principles of secularism and spirit of science. Calling any actions of the government or the media 'stupid' seems out of place

  32. my letter to the hindu -- i have read with great turmoil the article by praveen swami that the indian army too had indulged in the action of beheading indian soldiers ,this on the basis of unknown 'sources'. imagine the furore that the pak media , public and media would have raised in case this were true. swami has not provided a shred of evidence unlike the indian army who have proved to the world the atrocity committed on the indian sodiers.anyway there is little to expect from a leftist rag of a newspaper , a commie american editor and a so called journalist praveen swami whose sources are as dubious as his articles. - letter not published

  33. sorry - indulged in the action of beheading pak soldiers

  34. When I saw Headlines Today carry on that useless debate, and simultaneously, the breaking news ticker of the soldiers exchanging fire kept running below, the irony of the situation could not have been bigger. Two of our soldiers get killed, and these media morons organize a debate about 'Civil Society for Peace'!!! The Shiv Sena has been reported as saying that 40 Pak soldiers should be beheaded in retaliation for the two Indian beheaded soldiers. It is a well-known fact that Pakistan will never mend its ways, no matter what. So, why do we try our level best to indulge in self-destruction by engaging in dialogue with them (despite Pak-sponsored terror), playing cricket matches with them, and organizing useless programs such as 'Aman Ki Asha'? If they don't want peace, then why should we break our heads, and keep expressing our frustration at their behaviour, when we know very well that nothing different can be expected?

    Just the other day, I saw a TV ad of 'Aman Ki Asha' on Times Now. You won't believe how angry I felt. Arnab can scream out his lungs as much as he wants to at 9 pm, but the real intention of Times Now is pretty clear. They are another bunch of candle-light sinners.

    And for those who say politics and sports should not be mixed, tell me, if the whole world could cut off all sporting links with South Africa due to apartheid, then why is it so difficult for us to stop all sporting ties with Pakistan indefinitely?

  35. I am not sure whether Moderates will be able to wipe out Hafeezs of Pak, but the Moderates in India will definitely wipe out India, and thats for sure...

  36. Please watch the following link

    This is a long video ( about two hours ) . A speech by Arun shourie on public discourse

    Do watch it and if deem fit do share / mention this link in your future writeups so that this gets noticed and widely watched . This echoes thoughts on the state of Indian media today and the way forward ( to counter the same )

  37. Awesome piece, Ravi. On one hand i am scared and worried by the lies that the English Media carries and propagate in cahoots with the 'sources' from the enemy country. On the other hand, the Govt is silently watching and working on a 'PEEece' process Tamasha. Your articles clearly dissects their lies and exposes them completely. If I ever start a 'Patriotic Indian TV", you will be the head the same. Thank you!


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