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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gujarat - RahulG Delivers Final Blow To Modi

He came, He Saw, He Spoke …. And we all laughed. There’s never a dull moment with Rahul Gandhi. He does seem to be the ‘apparent’ in the Congress ‘hair’. I have never been interested in political rallies or speeches. In all my life I have attended only one rally sometime early in the 1990s. It had nothing to with any interest in politics but a group of friends and I wanted to hear someone who was known as a great orator. That was A.B. Vajpayee and it was in a small municipal ground with just around 500 people. His chaste Hindi, his humour, his assertive style didn’t disappoint at all. Narendra Modi is even better as an orator but I have not been tempted to attend any of his rallies or keenly look forward to his speeches. But over the last 2 years the only person I keenly look forward to hear is Rahul Gandhi. He has my complete attention every time he speaks and I get a chance to listen to him. To call it an experience is an understatement. So it was that when he turned up in Gujarat on the last day of campaign (before the first round of polls) on December 11 I had to listen. It’s not just what he says but I also listen to see how the media cronies of Congress reproduce those speeches which add to the fun. Especially when it comes to NDTV and CNN-IBN the report is even better than the speeches. 

Firstly, unable to resist the temptation to add her two cents on the Gujarat election Barkha Dutt rushed to Ahmedabad with nothing to do really. By now most public areas are places where she is likely to be booed ‘By The People’. So she turns up at the most comforting zone in Ahmedabad – with Jagruti Pandya and Shweta Bhatt who are contesting the elections; the latter against Narendra Modi in the Maninagar constituency of Ahmedabad. The title of her report might make you want to think, what the Dickens! Well, given she’s a regular Literfest participant “A tale of two wives” quite suits her. The headline is typically from the NDTV/Barkha Dutt spin alley: ‘Modi forced to share limelight with these two wives’. And what does Shweta Bhatt have to offer? A treasure trove of lies like – there’s no water in Maninagar, no development, no this no that. Those who don’t know, she doesn’t live in that area. She lives in an area that has never faced a water problem in many years or any problem that might affect an Amdavadi. The only place where she gets some ‘limelight’ is in Barkha’s head and probably on NDTV. Nowhere else!

Here’s a tweet from Barkha’s good friend Swapan Dasgupta. The atmosphere he describes at a Modi rally is quite believable. The man has the ability to create an electric atmosphere with his speeches. Modi can use twists and spins like any other politician but he is not known to use outright lies. What probably does bother Barkha is not what limelight those ladies might be having but that she has fallen from such heights that in an important election in an important state she is millions of miles away from the limelight. Even Rajdeep Sardesai managed to attend a few Modi rallies, get a seat on his bus and an interview. Barkha is just reduced to reporting from the shadows. It’s a warning for every aspiring or practicing journalist. If you claim to be in journalism do not hold excessive hate and contempt for a person no matter what. This is especially when that hate is based on a huge volume of lies. While Modi’s stock has gone up in the last decade, Barkha has been reduced to reporting also-rans like a side-show. Reduced to interviews in hotels or reporting from shops or from complexes like the Gujarat Vidyapith (December 11). 

So what did RahulG say? Well, he improved on his comic stuff from UP. This time he told people how Gandhiji and Motilal Nehru discussed things. You know like that Amitabh Bachchan dialogue in “Namak Halal” where he describes how Vijay Merchant and Vijay Hazare had a discussion before finally taking a run. Oh yes… He also reminded us Rajivji “brought computers, mobile phones”. He forgot to add that Gandhiji brought salt from his Dandi march. Doesn’t matter that mobile phones came in only around 1995! Fact-check, homework? And then he touched upon his favourite topic – Potatoes! Potatoes are sold at 3/- a kilo and chips are sold at 10/- a pack. Oops.. in UP it was 1/- a kilo and chips were 20/- a pack (Read: RahulGThe King of comedy). These price fluctuations don’t seem to add up. But then nothing adds up with RG. Like his mom, he mentioned everyone in his Nehru-Gandhi family from Motilal to Soniaji (Oh.. he forgot Priyanka and Robert Vadra though).  

On December 10 Sonia Gandhi stated Nehruji established ONGC in the town of Mehsana at a meeting in Siddhpur (near Mehsana). Don’t expect our media to check but now the SM does check each and every word uttered. ONGC Mehsana wasn’t established till November 1967 long after Nehru’s death. That’s only half the story. As an observer on Twitter pointed out, they didn’t open ONGC in Mehsana for fun or gave it preference over Muktasar in Punjab. The simple fact is Mehsana has oil and nobody does anybody a favour by exploring and drilling for oil. That Congress can make such stupid statements is now a standard expectation. Overall the tone of both SoniaG and RahulG is one of a family that has been generous to the people of this country and they should be grateful for the crumbs the family doles out. Well, unfortunately people in Gujarat have tasted a great amount of success and aren’t carried away with these emotional stories about Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru or any Gandhi family computer or mobile. 

However, like I said earlier, it’s not just what RG says but how the media responds to his speeches. Congress mouthpieces like NDTV in particular and CNN-IBN which can fall over each other to please their favoured party. Immediately after RG spoke at Jamnagar on December 11 NDTV carried a report summarising his speech. See their first headline at 12.27 in the image. I immediately tweeted (12.43) that it was an absolute lie and that RG never mentioned Modi even once in his whole speech. So what happens? Caught on the wrong foot NDTV changes its headline by 13.35 and the second one in the image is what the headline currently is (unless they’ve changed it again). There are many others on Twitter and SM who are now constantly keeping an eye on the spins of the media. There are journalists everywhere, except in the MSM. 

In a previous post I sought to explain how, having failed with the 2002 riots game, the media is now trying to portray Modi as a regional leader. Rajdeep Sardesai at 9pm on December 11 therefore asks “Is RahulG V Modi a no contest in Gujarat. Some might miss the clever trick and spin in that tweet. Would RG Vs Modi at any other place be any contest at all? I doubt it. Modi is a man with facts on his fingers and a great orator. In contrast, RG is a ‘Gandhi’ and nothing more. He neither has any talent nor skills for politics. So, the video headline from RG’s Jamnagar speech on CNN-IBN says it all: “Rahul Campaigns, Finally”. That’s like Rajdeep Sardesai and CNN-IBN heaved a sigh of relief that RG finally showed up and delivered their money’s worth. I guarantee you neither NDTV nor CNN-IBN is going to do any fact-check on any statement made by RahulG or SoniaG. This is what people do; they feel the truth and the lies in their gut. They aren’t gullible fools like Justice Katju would like to think. The only fools are some of the Gandhi followers themselves as in the previous post “Boozing with confidence”.  

The arrogance with which the Gandhis claim they delivered everything to this nation is alarming and equally frivolous at the same time. And our media like faithful dogs allows this to continue without challenging them on facts. As Madhu Kishwar notes somewhere, most of the time RahulG is not even in India and no one even in his party knows which part of the world he is and what he does. If RG had the same attendance in any university that he has in the parliament he would be sacked without a second thought. The same arrogance and stupidity gets transferred to his cronies too. They too start making Bimboesque statements. Shweta Bhatt, the Jenny-come-lately, screams: “If I win, it will be a victory for Gujarat; if I lose, Gujarat will lose” (See Firstpost). Gujarat will lose? And she wants Gujaratis to vote for her? I have to say, if such morons lose it will be a big win not only for Gujarat or India but for humanity.  

Over a year ago I started using the term “Blow to Modi” as a sarcastic comment on everything positive that happens to him when the media was happy to keep delivering blows to him for any silly reason. To my surprise I found I have never used it as a title for any of my posts. It’s now quite a popular term on Twitter to snub the media. With the latest round of comedy all I can say is that Rahul Gandhi came, he saw, he spoke and he delivered the “Final Blow to Modi”. 


  1. Sorry to say but you can compare short career of BD with a girl in Brothel or a gigolo with a rich old woman. Sanjay Jha was going gaga over RG speech, i am sure he came yesterday in his pants after hearing RG speech after such a long time. Meanwhile Leftist and anti nationals in The Hindu have announced "The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy", to feed more poison and lies in Indian society. Look at the bastards who will be on its Advisory Board.

    The Hindu Centre will be guided by an Advisory Board comprising eminent scholars and public intellectuals: Zoya Hasan, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University; Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President and CEO, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi; Yogendra Yadav, Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi; Gurcharan Das, management expert, author, and commentator on public affairs; and Martha Nussbaum, Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, University of Chicago.

    1. reaction to such a center should be creation of another center with right minded people. money will never be bottleneck for such project. we need sincere researchers and at least few enlightened masters. there are some quality work done is past quantity is lacking. darkness will vanish at the sight of first spark.

  2. With lots of regards to Barkha...RIP MSM !!!

  3. RGs knowledge is tested by a comment in the's story ""the President of Brazil told me the other day HIS ideal in politics was Gandhi" The President of Brazil is a did Rahul make up this story?"

    I am surprised that don't keep deleting the comments from their site. Almost all comments that i read (except some answers to original comments) ridiculed RG.

    I agree with you 100%, the Social media is more fact checking. I don't watch news channels but i do read online and i do check facts and figures given by people on news. You are right, Modi has numbers on his fingers. i watched his Google hangout, i checked for figures he was giving and except the figure on literacy, everything matched to what I found on internet. Most of the figures I checked from government of India's websites.
    I am sure it will be tough for RG to even memorize so many numbers.

  4. The Clown Prince hadn't even stepped off the stage and the twitter handle #YoRahulSoDumb was off the blocks. It was trending away like anything till late last night. RG is indeed a standing joke. What is scary is that CONgress will like to make him PM.

  5. We all know the MSM reach instant org$$$ when they see RG. Where is time to check the facts when you are going through the intense pleasure?

    Great Ravi. Rama & Krishna bless you.

  6. Excellent take on Rahul Gandhi and also on Barkha Dutt and MSM. My 2 lines on the same topic.

  7. love the analysis as always! :)


  9. "There’s never a dull moment with Rahul Gandhi". so true

  10. RG for PM. The whole nation wants it because that way Congress will never win. 100% Guaranteed!

  11. Dear Ravinar,

    Excellent as always. Apart from your path-breaking stuff in India, I feel the time is ripe and necessary to start non-bootlicking, non-Macaulay slavish, desi-oriented, patriotic channels / MSM.

    Where is the Indian majority, where are its businessmen, historians, intellectuals, patriots, leaders, who are not sold out to these bastards? We really need the other side to counter these liars, liars, liars, all around us in the seats of power and influence.

    May your tribe increase.

  12. The prospects of Narendra Modi becoming PM might jeopardize the journalistic career of Barkha Dutt. Since 2002 she along with NDTV reporting Gujarat and Modi in blatant biased to the extent of criminality, gross impropriety and had crossed journalistic ethics on many occasion.
    Not to forget, NDTV was the first to bring the full screen breaking news that Modi might be arrested ( first sitting CM) if he failed to appear before SIT on a day which happened to be SUNDAY and SIT office was closed. In her own admission, she said that she got the news but never confirmed from SIT office about the veracity of the news , the basic principle usually all the media ( print & media) abide with.
    She had to cross the side of her arrogance and ego, when Modi relased the famous letter to the people with oblique reference to CNN-IBN/NDTV as "purveyor of untrue" on the same issue and appeared before SIT.
    Think the scenario that one of the media celebrity hadn't got any appointment from the sitting PM since 2002, it will hamper all her ambitions in her career of journalism.

    1. well excellent piece is hackneyed now.. so tend to forget ...

  13. Aha!RahulG finally delivered.
    So Raviji Barkha's evolution process complete?

  14. Great post Ravi - as always

    Yesterday one should have seen Sanjay Jha on TimesNow. He was claiming victory in the sense that only 3 meetings of 15 minutes each of RG and look at the discussions on TV Channels and was extrapolating it to victory in Gujrat. Fun part was Arnab had asked him why did RG took so long to join the campaign in Gujrat.

    It was so hillarious with one Nanavati rebutting each claim of RG during his speech and Sanjay Jha and Ms Yagnik bending over backwards to showcase it as great favour done by RG to people of Gujrat by addressing them.

    Clown Prince (CP) is a title which sits comfortably next to RG. RG wears the CP title with pride and does everything to cross the previous boundaries of stupidity. He is focussed in his pursuit of Excellence in Stupidity....

  15. Dear ravinar, I feel time has come to plan on how to takeon Media in 2014. The MSM will throw its full might behind the clown prince. How should BJP & Modi handle these scumbags will need a serious thinking.

  16. I liked the post and I also liked the screenshot of Barkha [the first picture]. Hope she comes around and sees that.

  17. My dumb Gujarati brothers and sisters couldnt understand what for RahulG brought Potatoe into the speech? Was it an example of value addition, marketing or exorbitant price rise in retail sector due to middlemen/women? Anyway we loved the fun part of RG speeches. I had been to Maninagar last week for a marriage and spent a full day, drove car, bike for helping the brother of bride. And can tell you that Maninagar has transformed in short period of time. BRTS is big welcome in A'bad. Maninagar was already developed area but Modi still could develop it by bringing BRTS, Engineering college, cleaning Kankaria and upgrading facilities there etc.

  18. RG at Sanand rally..."Who gave you mobile phones?"
    Crowd: aapne diya.
    RG: No. Rajiv Gandhi came to you & asked whats your problem? You said no one hears us (Hamari aawaj koi nahi sunta). So he gave you mobile phones...aapki aawaj sunne ke liye. Aam aadmi ki aawaj sunne ke liye Rajivji ne aapko mobile diya.

    WTF!!!! & News channels praise him like he's Winston Churchill.

    btw just to share a small joke which i heard on a Gujrathi channel (probably most of you would know it).
    Q. What's the similarity between Rahul Gandhi & Indian Security Agencies?
    A. Intelligence Failure

  19. All this what you say is in public view.Issue is much larger.
    If aman the street sees Cong going totality... why is cong behaving like a set of blind caravan?Are they depending upon non existent advisers?On the MSM?
    125 yes old party is on crutches

  20. Excellent Article ..!!!
    Have a look to this too(My inetntion is to show .. how Antonia G.(Sonia G)...speaks..


  21. T know Antonia G(Sonia G),Please hav a look---


  22. I find it odd that no channel is talking about exit polls on Gujarat. Surprise NDTV whose founder's fame was as a psephologist also has no discussion on same!

    1. Exit polls are banned in midst of polls. It can be aired only after all phases of polls are over.

  23. hi,


    capt ajit vadakayil


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