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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gujarat: Breaking Rules - Part 2

True story: Nutcase-1 draws a triangular route on the back of a cocktail napkin at a restaurant and says “Let’s start an airline”. Nutcase-2 responds: “You’re crazy, let’s do it”. That’s strategy for you. That’s how Rollin King and Herb Kelleher started Southwest Airlines. It was the start of the low-cost, no-frills, no-tickets, no seat allotments and no-food, no-appeasement airline. All they served in-flight was Peanuts.

It’s the most cheerful airline and the only one to make profits over a long period since starting early 1970s. A story about the airline is, naturally, called NUTS! Their aircrafts were painted as sharks, whales or the American eagle. They broke every established practice and rule of the airline industry. A mission can be shared by many people, Vision is usually of an “individual” nature; it’s rare that two people share the same vision. What does Southwest deliver; just low fares? That’s the tangible part. The intangible, non-visible part is the joy, the “experience”. That experience is what endears an organisation to customers or endears even a politician to citizens. People go back to the same restaurant not just for the food but for the ‘experience’, customers return to the same stores, airlines for the experience.

These people are reading newspapers. That’s not very hard to tell, is it? I can tell you what they’re reading. They’re reading all the poll analysis and predictions. You know, like the ones by Rajdeep Sardesai, Yogendra Yadav, Prannoy Roy or India Today and many other pundits. They are also analysing the GDP figures of all the states, poverty figures of all states. Why all this? Of course, they have to decide who to vote for! That’s what normal people do, don’t they? They sit around and analyse all the figures, manifestos, claims and other stuff put out by the govt and media before they decide who to vote for. No? Well, all that stuff is good for debates and policy making. Ordinary people know it in their gut. Whether the economy is good or bad, they know it in their gut. The same “experience” that draws them back to a restaurant or airline also draws them to a politician or makes them reject him. People feel good at visible development and experience it but they also vote based on the intangible, non-visible experience. The more connected a politician is the better the experience. Narendra Modi knows to connect.

Vision is usually an individual’s or at the most a few. It is therefore unique that a politician could get a good part of the population of his state involved in his vision and mission. This is what Narendra Modi has managed to accomplish. Even the best CMs deliver results but in this century none has managed to get people so involved in his adventure; that of making Gujarat a great state in many respects. How does he do it? Like I said in Part-1 there are two kinds of development; one that is very visible and one that is not. The visible one drives pride and participation, the non-visible one drives experience. Anyone visiting Gujarat is going to talk about the great roads, power supply, Sabarmati river-front and so on. An exception is bimbos who pass for editors of news channels who might also talk about food that has a “religious divide”.

Let’s talk about Sabarmati. People used to once call it Sabar-Matti (Mud) since there was never water in it except monsoon. Now there’s water all year round and that itself is a sight. But did Modi stop there? No... He wanted to paint it like whales and eagles like Southwest. He envisioned a massive river-front project that may now have hotels and other buildings and a great place for people. If not a sea-front, Ahmedabad can have a river-front. This much circulated image of the holy Yamuna and Sabarmati on the net says a lot about the vision of two CMs (Expense figures not vouched for). That’s visible. Sabarmati also provides water for Ahmedabad and other towns. What is not visible is that it has shut down many bore-wells in many towns. Earlier the underground bore hard-water was salty, contained arsenic and in many places had TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of over 2500. The areas which got municipal water had TDS below 600 which is within permissible levels for drinking water. Yeah… you’re not going to hear about this. This water supply is visible to only those who use it. Even more, the improved quality of water is only experienced and not visible.

I talked about the English language usage being an issue in Part-1. It was poor in Gujarat and affected higher studies, technology and global transactions. Ever heard about action on it? I doubt it. SCOPE (Society for Creation of Opportunity through Proficiency in English) is a project created by Modi. It teaches functional English to students even in Gujarati medium schools, colleges and other institutions, even commercial organisations. The programme is partly paid for by the govt and partly by the participants for students. It is delivered by private partners. Even Rajasthan was considering implementing this. This is not visible, it is experienced. It is felt in the gut! The MSM may have never noticed it but it took the Supreme Court to applaud the PDS system in Gujarat. That’s not visible, that’s an experience. It’s felt in the gut.

There is no free power supply. Farmers too have to pay, at a lower rate. Instead of bleeding the state with free power Modi had sent Babus and teams to various farmer-groups to educate them on better use of power; to use power-saving devices and machines. While the media propaganda machinery will harp on farmer suicides you won’t hear of this. Farmer suicide, when compared to other states, is not that severe and all suicides aren’t farm-related. It’s true, even one suicide is one too many. But the other work is not visible. It’s experienced in the gut. There are many others, the list can go on and on. Vaanche Gujarat is a reading program. Vanbandhu Kalyan is a programme for forest dwellers. Vibrant Gujarat is seen and also experienced. Vibrant Gujarat is a path-breaking initiative that invited visitors and investors. It’s now emulated by many other states. Despite the size of the venture, the last Vibrant Gujarat 2011 wasn’t even covered by media. The haters in the media are like that guest of Mullah Nasruddin.

Mullah Nasruddin had a friend from Delhi visiting him in his small town. He gave him a guided tour of his town in the evening. Mullah showed him the biggest river in town and the guest said: “That’s a river? Any gutter in Delhi would be bigger than that”. A stunned Mullah then took him to the biggest temple where 90% of the people in the village prayed and the guest said: “You call that a temple? Silly! You should see Birla Mandir in Delhi then you’ll know what a temple is”. Dejected Mullah decided not to show him anymore and they went home and had an early dinner. But as they sat outside on the cots Mullah couldn’t help pointing at a big bright full-moon to his friend. The friend from Delhi sniggered: “You call that a moon? You should come to Delhi, you’ll see the largest moon of your life and it shines for everybody not just 90% of people”. Mullah smiled and said “Yes, maybe one day I’ll come to Delhi” and went to bed. So you see, for the Rajdeeps, Barkhas, Sagarikas, Arnabs, Ashotushes, Wagles, Kanwals, Aakar Patels and many others the moon in Delhi is far bigger than the moon in Gujarat. Their blinkered vision cannot and need not be altered. People feel it in their gut.

To the luxury airliners of Delhi this ‘Chaiwalla’ from Gujarat was unacceptable. That he is far more skilled and talented than other politicians is unacceptable. So Modi had to break another rule. He decided to fly low cost. He took to the internet like no politician in Indian history has ever done. He communicated his vision, thoughts, problems of the state, achievements and every issue with people. He took to creating websites, he took to Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus and 3D campaigns. Before they could even say ‘NaMo’, he had built a vast army of followers on the net in India and abroad who spread his messages far and wide. They combated the lies of the MSM and exposed those frequently. MSM could get away with spurious stories for a while in 2002-03 but not later. Every LIAR in the media, NGO and his political opposition today stands exposed. Nobody knew if Modi was Brahmin or ST or OBC. Both NDTV and CNN-IBN made sure everybody knew after the 2007 elections with their special stories on him. Nobody cared. The People of Gujarat showed they cared for a performer and not for which caste or community he belonged to. Modi has made the MSM redundant for his political pursuits.

The MSM, beaten at its game of 2002 riots, now has a new line: “Modi is a regional leader and unfit for PM”. They seek confirmation of this from every possible idiot. The Social Genius, before a trip to Gujarat, sends out a subtle message about having tea with the Chaiwalla. Some may have missed the viciousness behind the subtlety but it exposes the filthy mind behind it. We need to start realising and treasuring the fact that performers from ordinary backgrounds can aspire to high offices in this land. To Modi, Gujarat is ‘One people under one roof’. The road ahead for India has to be ‘one nation under one roof’. Anything else is a deception that is bound to fail and bring more misery to the poor and backward. Does Modi have weaknesses or flaws? Maybe! But those pale into insignificance when you consider the heads of GOI stumbling from one problem to another; from defending one scam to another.

Edward De Bono, a prominent writer on thinking skills, said it best. You can analyse the past but you have to ‘design’ the future. Right now, Modi is the only one dealing with the present and still designing the future. The road ahead for India needs more such daring leaders, not mindless appeasers. It is December 6 today. I can predict the media morons will use the occasion to run more stories on Babri and attempt to divide Muslims and Hindus on the eve of Gujarat elections. Some of his fans tend to call him “Mahatma Modi”. There is no need for such dubious titles. Let’s not have any more mahatmas who become beyond question by the ordinary man. India will have to break a lot of rules in the road ahead. Gujarat and Modi have only shown the way.


  1. This is Classic! Thank u so much for this. This one made my day :)

  2. Hi Ravi,

    Could not contain myself, had to write comments.

    There is no better way to begin a day than to start by reading this article.

    Spot on in the solar plexus, leaves them gasping for breath.

    Anil Kohli

  3. Awesomeness redefined by this piece of writing! Hats up !

  4. i tried to post blank comment coz m speechless.. but damn site does not allow it..

    so my expression below


  5. Media crooks is an addiction. what a research! what a rendering! you are breaking the veil of illusion in media. In vaidic terminology you are medias Rudra.

  6. I will have to honestly applaud your efforts in letting all know the truth.. may lord Vishnu shower immense knowledge upon you and family forver

  7. Great morning reading as I sit in my Shivaji Park residence watching a sea of Ambedkar followers and wondering whether he would have preferred that people worship his ideals, follow his constitution and *design the future* rather than idolise him!

  8. As Always Great are a inspiration to us.

  9. Brilliant! I am going to share this wherever i can. Thank you so much for the article. Right from the language to the intent and the way this article was stitched it made for a memorable read.

  10. Back in the old days, I used to wake up early, and wait for the morning newspapers, eagerly going to the doors many times. After coming to this blog, and seeing the real face of most of the media people, the same feeling has been replaced by coming to this blog again and again to look for real news and precinct, eye opening analysis. Enormous thanks.

    1. Same here too.

      Opened 'The Hindu' today and there was a Badri Raina article. Had to run for a barf bag. There was another one where the erstwhile split muslim community have become coherent single unit due to Ayodhya dispute. What sort of unintelligent idiots are they taking the readers for?? Not able to register the logic.

    2. Seriously, I have stopped reading and watching MSM news and mediacrooks is the first and genuine source of information. Ravi, keep up the good work.

      Naidu has the same vision as NaMo but he did not care for all sectors. Gujarat and A.P are at same situation in 2000 but now Gujarat is power surplus and A.P is power less. My own uncle is struggling do to do his cotton ginning business for lack of power. Surprisingly, people of A.P are used to power cuts and adjusting their daily schedule instead of demanding un interrupted power supply.

    3. I watch them for comedy and amusement..... not for news -- no more

    4. +1 here!


      Firstly, Now that we have arrived at comparing apple's vision to orange's vision... The development parameters leading to the final verdict should be proportionally adjustable.. won't you agree?

      Secondly, If the industrial sector HAS to accommodate with the sporadic power supply then that 'is nothing but a shameful surrender of your basic rights as a citizen of any industrial nation'.. rights like Roads, Power, Water supply etc The infrastructure which boosts the industry consequently being undoubtedly the backbone of any nation's economy worth mentioning.

      Coming back to the first point is: Gujarat - the Power supply infra has been completely overhauled resulting in uninterrupted quality power supply for the industries, the existing Water supply infra has been upgraded and new ones installed helping boost the agriculture growth in the state (Note to self: basic principle of tangible developments would entail increased prosperity in rural areas, rapid growth in SMEs,, fast urbanisation improved civic infra in urban areas)

      Once people become aware of their basic rights which undoubetedly benefit them they would demand more efficiency and proactive governance from the ruling elite, the non-performers should be punished the same way BJP was routed in the Karnataka elections.

      Hopefully it would be Democracy2.0, 2014 would be the test for my Kannadiga friends along with the entire nation. People would have to be involved in the development in orderto mobilize the entire nation to regain our place in the comity of nations as a respectable nation and we will have to EARN that respect no two ways about it.

  11. The last 2 posts clearly show that you have your ear to the ground in gujarat ! hope the decimation of the foreign 'hand' starts in gujarat and show others the way forward !

  12. Wow Wow Wow !!
    None of the MSM comes remotely close to such thoughts.

  13. Superb!!! Eye opener of MSM lies. One day sure Modi will see , show and realize the MSM that this is the same Moon (Moon of Development) I showed from Ghandhinagar.

  14. straight from the Kungfu-Panda: the contents of this blog are of 'sheer awesomeness' :)

  15. Simply Brilliant ! You have eyes of a hawk to catch these hawkers !!The subtle invite for tea to THE CHAIWALLA was superb catch! Your ability to connect the dots is amazing.Salutions Sir !

  16. This comment is just for someone who must be thinking it is a unabashed pro-NaMo piece (definitely nothing to bash NaMo anyway) - please focus on Media role not so subtly highlighted here. This is what is appreciable in "MediaCrooks" Be it commode to rockets, it invariably focuses on Media Role. Salutes Ravi!

  17. "Some of his fans tend to call him “Mahatma Modi”. There is no need for such dubious titles. Let’s not have any more mahatmas who become beyond question by the ordinary man."


  18. Great article - MSM stands exposed today

  19. You are too good!! Modiji has done this when allegation-bombs have been hurled continuously.As you said it is the feeling in our guts that has made us his admirers/followers.We are blessed to have a leader like him in our lifetime.And who is perfect in this world?Of course for these MSM there is one perfect dynasty family:((

  20. Just a picture of Sabarmati Rivers says the story!! And I know no matter what these news channel would show and shout. People can see the change. Sabarmati river looking like Thames River of London. I was staying in London and everyday I wished somebody someday would bring kind of change in India. And I am pleased to see NaMo doing his job no matter what allegations he has on him.
    I want PM like NaMo !! and I hope many people want the same ..

  21. excellent as usual. the other day i tweeted something very similar "lets have a simpler way of viewing things, without complicating it with stats, the fact that the gujjus are happy it means modi is doing a few things right".your description of quantitative (stats) and qualitative (experience and abstract)was classic. victory for modi is not just victory for modi alone, its the victory of gujjus, its the victory of their common sense and i'll try to explain why. The only other politician who comes close to modi in vision and delivery was chandrababu naidu. but for strange reasons the electorate voted him out and that was a defeat not just of naidu, but the also a defeat of the people of andhra. but gujjus are smarter and it shows in their exercising of their voting rights. venomous media has failed completely in either convincing them or confusing them. their thought process is straight and simple. god bless gujrat, hats off to gujjus.

    1. Can't Agree more. Like Namo says the success of Gujarat is that the people ensured stability of government. If only the people of Andhra exercised restrain I hope CN would have done good to the farmers too that he missed out due to drought.

  22. I now understand why some people just write comment like "Amazing Piece"etc.,which I normally avoid. spell bound! Frankly, I am novice enough and did miss the subtlety of the Bimbo's comment. Finally, "One Nation Under Roof" a Mantra, a clincher of a statement should be in every Indians mind.

  23. Liking your blog but donot like the ads of Gujarat Congress while reading!! Here also Congress comes in a way to spoil the reading !

  24. Great post. The first time I heard of the Modi Magic was 4 years ago, when an Israeli company planning to set up a unit in Chennai, told me that there were no power cuts in their plant in Baroda, when I told them that we had short duration power cuts in Chennai-now of course there is no power! I did not believe them at that time till I got an opportunity to travel on business and talked to people regarding the development factor. However the ultimate proof of the Modi Magic came to me when a medium scale contractor in Chennai, told me during the last elections in TN that he planned to shift his business to Gujarat if the DMK was voted back to power. So Modi has also developed a pan India appeal. I think the 2 most important attributes that he has, which somehow never gets highlighted, are, he has a corruption free image and there are is no visible family. In politics today this is extremely rare.

  25. Initially I did not understand MSM,, than I googled, the result was horriffic!!

    1. Beta, Kar diya na sab gud gobar!!!!
      msm=Men who have sex with men!!!

      Jhakkass! just googled that.

  26. Part 1 is nowhere near as enthralling as part 2..Like someone said, your site is now an addiction...If India has to survive as the longest continuous civilization….And if have to pass on to future generations the spiritual wisdom of our past and provide them an opportunity to reap the material benefits of the future….It has to be NAMOBhai as PM in the present…..BJP is just a party he incidentally belongs to… …..The ‘one nation under one roof’ is possible only if the BJP projects NAMOBhai as the PM candidate and lets him lead the campaign and achieve a clear majority ….But I suspect and dread that the BJP will run the campaign under its current leaders and get a fractured mandate and follow such chicanery as “we are a democratic party and we will decide who will be our PM after the 2014 elections” god forbid that you foster Advani et all as the NDA’s “acceptable” secular candidate on this nation after the election (A nightmare that I wake up to every night)

    1. like i said last night i was watching this Aaj Tak mindless seminar where Nitin Gadkari clearly said that they will not announce a PM candidate before the election....QED....Ladies and Gentlemen the next PM of India '''''ARUN JAITLEY....LAL KRISHNA ADVANI....SUSHMA SWARAJ....RAVISHANKAR PRASAD...VENKAIYAH NAIDU''''...TAKE YOUR PICK

  27. Very well written. Kudos to writer & Modi Sir. TY.TC.

  28. Seriously, Your blogs are addiction for me. Everyday when I come to work I search for your new writing. Amazing and very educating. Especially now we have writers to talk real narratives of India not like fake one.

    Bimbo tweeted that she is going on Gujarat poll analysis but end-up doing same usual stuff, chanting minority mantra. Like communists want society to remain poor so that they can practice their non-sense similarly these vicious media morons want society to remain divided so that they can cry day and night for breaking stories.

  29. Dear Ravinar,

    Thanks for a very informative writeup. Although we all want Narendrabhai to lead India, the mess & rot created by Congress runs so deep that the cleaning of Ganga would take much longer than Sabarmati. I would suggest, Mr Modi to start with basics such as following : 1) Compulsary 2 years Army Training for all young above 18 years, 2) Iron grip on Law & Order situation to improve citizen morale.3) Building Infrastructure by planning for next 50 years, 4) Bringing an effecive Lokapal for visible punishment to corrupt.5) Last but not least an independent body to regulate Media.

    Hope is all we have got at this juncture !!!! Jai Hind

  30. Excellent post.Every word here is is a story in itself.
    What a way in exposing media.
    I wonder,do they in media sit down to read your blog

    1. As Ravinar ji himself pointed out, they all do read this blog. As someone else pointed out, when the staff at the MSM channels are angry with their bosses, then also the staffs read mediacrooks :D

  31. "While the media propaganda machinery will harp on farmer suicides you won’t hear of this. Farmer suicide, when compared to other states, is not that severe and all suicides aren’t farm-related. It’s true, even one suicide is one too many."
    the fact is that Gujarat's most part is of semi-arid land, if there were enough rivers like other states then you would not see any suicide. anyway, in future I hope NAMO will make it greener thru SAUNI yojana.

  32. Sagarika is bitchy woman..... she does not have the guts to say saomething like "SoniaG Never gives interviews, and leaves us waiting at the table". I mean we could get this if we could get the Tea Part....bitchy.

  33. Sir, I have been reading your blogs for more than a year and this one immediately made me to write a comment as the best one so far. Keep writing as your research and message are thought worthy than these MSM whose opinions I don't follow after reading yours.

  34. Ravi,

    not only your blog even your tweets are addicting. Daily I check your tweets even though I don't have a twitter account.

  35. That's a gifted narrating style. More penetrative. Won't praise too much as we want you to this kind of work a lot more :)

    Best wishes for NaMo, and downfall of MSM too.

  36. Your post is an 'experience', sir.

  37. Undoubtedly the best article of your blog. I really ' experienced' your writing. Wah !

  38. This is the first time I am writing a comment in this blog. However I am fallowing this blog from a very very long time, may be around 2010. I was really impressed with the first article I read on this blog, and from there this journey with Ravi started. I can clearly see the quality and standards maintained all this while. About this article, I was forced to write comment because; this is the best one I read in this blog. This is masterpiece writing specially part 2. I believe Ravi is born genius writer, But I don’t want to praise him more, Because I want even better one from him.( can’t help, I am greedy). My request to Ravi is please can you write something with your research on 2014 elections. I can’t wait anymore to see NaMo as PM. But looks like this so called Pseudo secular will gang up under torn Umbrella of “secular Forces” to keep him away from leading the country. Along with them media is there to create a Band wagon effect like “evolution on Rahul” etc. Bullshit. Whenever I read or see anything related NaMO, I am very jealous of Gujjs, thinking “Why Karnataka doesn’t have a One Modi?…That’s sad part ...of the story….”

    1. Unfortunately, Karnataka has seen the worst Govt in past 15+ years... Not even one leader across the party lines (Congress or BJP or JDS) who would first inspire his own party men (Read as MLAs / MLCs / Corporators etc...) & then gets the respect from his opposition (if not all atleast few who are genuine) & gives a clean Corruption-less Governance!!!

      Coming back to BJP in Karnataka, lesser said the better... Rotten Leadership of BSY... No single person who could be called as a Leader... Worst part is, there is no alternative for Kannadigas... To top it all, CASTEIST politics is still ruling and I only fear that they end up bringing Congress / JDS to power... Both are equally bad... Rather, both are equal...

  39. Excellent write up as always, clear, logical, thoughtful and more than anything... hopeful !!! Truly I do feel jealous that karnataka has no such leader that we could look up to!! no one who can rise above the petty politics and make his party rise along with him/her!!!

    India is a country of diversity and is difficult but the biggest strength is that it is a country of positive people, who want governance, ability to live life with basic needs taken care of, to speak their minds, to look forward to a tomorrow, to know that every little thing - from having a baby,admission to school, building a house, being able to provide for his/her family is not a nightmare but doable because he/she has a govt that has created that environment.

    Slowly and surely, this road to progress is what every Indian wants and Namo has more than ever shown us that it is possible... i cannot think of a better leader for our country!!

    Tweet me @shylsmn

  40. Hey I didn't get the reference to the Moons in Delhi as compared to the moon in Gujarat. Perhaps something related to pollution? Can someone please explain...

    1. Its a sarcasm on the MSM, who try to portray everything under UPA government as better thing, just like Nasiruddins friend portrayed everything in his own city as better. The pic of Burka Dalal with Sheila aunty says it all.

  41. hi
    Raviji ye ndtv par abhay kumar dubey kaun hai jinki har baat par koi naa koi raay rahti hai khas kar NaMo ke baare main

  42. Enough has been said about the post - I have nothing more to add. Few words to all commenters -- it is not nearly enough for us to appreciate such blogs. The effort put in by Ravi and other bloggers like him will only bear fruit if we can take thse messages far & wide - in our communities, cities etc. We need to organize & start spreading the message - time has come for active political campaigning for Modi and against MSM.

    1. I totally agree with you. It is the national and patriotic duty of all of us to campaign for NaMo and against MSM.

  43. top quality penmanship!!the target audience of these English new channels is mostly limited to audiences in big cities who now, thankfully, have the internet and thus blogs like yours to read about honest opinions (behold the 66a). The more informed readers in major cities become about the real motives of the MSM, the faster will their popularity be on a decline.

  44. Dear Ravi, Take a bow once again sir. Nobody could have put-forth this far.
    My worries is; BJP infighting and poor/uneducated people voting skills could led this nation another 5 misers years in corrupt hands, that would be disaster as we are already at 'Point of no return'. If that happens, the Gujarat will march far ahead in infrastructure and social development and there will be wide spread migration to Gujarat of poor. If you pen down a little about futuristic scene in case Namo wouldn't lead the nation by 2014. You owe(! sorry though) this after extremely genius 2 parts.

  45. Part2 has substantiated the claim far better than Part1. I used to read the length and breadth (may be be 10 years ago) of whatever newspapers (Hindu, Deccan Herald, ToI, I mean Toilet-Paper of India) I used to subscribe. Day by Day each of them started reporting biased... I have started reading Mediacrooks from almost past 3 years now... First thing I key in after logging in is ""... I've also spread the word now... And some of my colleagues are equally happy about this blog and they are regular visitors too... I just pray that you keep your balance and don't get overwhelmed by all these praises and keep doing the good work!!!

    Let's hope we soon witness a day to celebrate the death of EVIL (read as MSM, every one of them... u name it) plaguing India!!!

  46. development is a feel n not a hype ............ as a ordinary voter my decision is based on what i experience around me ....... when i see road i travels are not headache .... when i experience uninterrupted supply of water n electricity and when i feel safe for me and my family .... when i feel that the government is doing a nice job and i can trust it again i will vote for it ........ when i know that leaders like NAMO are worth there might i will vote again n again ..... but i m not from Gujarat .... still i want to vote for him ......... may be in 2014 ..... NEWS CHANNEL CAN INFLUENCE BUT CANT BEAT THE POWER OF NET ..... INTERNET IS MODERN CRYSTAL BALL WHICH IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE GIVES YOU CLEAR VIEW ...... HAIL THE POWER OF NET ..... JAI HO...

  47. There are many aspects, which have been left out, like opening of more technical institutions/universities and addition of medical seats in Gujarat ... earlier local students had to go to Maharashtra & other southern states ... now there are more seats than the students, making way for the students of the other states ... it shocks me to note that how a single man can touch upon several or all aspects of the life of people ... the general well-being of the people can be felt or experienced ... you do not need the figures of the Central agencies ... even if you go around the places in Ahmedabad or other cities in Gujarat and find that minority community people are happier than other states ... you do not have to interview and corner them like Burkha Dutt or Sardesai ... but feel and experience their general well-being ... their leaders may not be willing to acknowledge this, but the fact is - if there enough opportunities to earn a living and peace in the state, what else a commoner needs? ... no curfew in the last ten years ... quite an achievement, where communal flare ups were common place and curfew was an every day affair and a part of life ... as one writer said- outsiders can think whatever they like but for people of Gujarat, Modi is a savior, a doer and face of general well-being of all residents of Gujarat ... you may watch the talks and stories going around in the studios of the English News Channels, but to experience the reality you have got to visit Gujarat ...

  48. I just want to give Modi's statement to business groups in Tamil Nadu two years ago.
    Here it is.
    “In Gujarat education is in spirit of social service. Education is not a business in Gujarat or for Gujaratis. There will be a problem for those who want to set up an educational institution as business proposition therefore.”

    Being from TN where every education is business from nursery/schools/engg/medical/polytechnic/dental every institution is business and run by politicians as money making machines.

    Kudos to Modi.

  49. Everyone fervently covered Babri masjid one covered Bhopal Gas Tragedy :(

  50. Sir ..
    Excellent piece ... 'design the future'

  51. Much better than part-1. Part-1 sounded a little dragged and wordy.

    SG's tea comment is disgusting as her comments have been most of the times.

  52. Dear Ravinar,

    I STOPPED watching and believing MSM since about 7 years back. Appx in 2004 or 2005, I came to conclusion (After watching NDTV, Zee News, Aaaj Tak, Times of india and other news papers etc… etc…) that these people are one of the biggest threat to our Nation (detrimental to everything -Society fabric, culture, peace, self esteem, security and so on and so forth) and effectively I stopped giving them any serious attention. Mostly relied on my own rationale, discriminative faculty, Common Sense and ancient Wisdom.
    And also started mouth to mouth propaganda to my surroundings about the bogusness and danger of most of media. I came to know about your articles just day before yesterday and I was quite satisfied to see your slogan : “Crooks and Liars in the Indian media are the greatest danger to our democracy”. This is the exact conclusion I came to as I described earlier. I felt vindicated.

    I am emotional at the moment and thank God that there are people with Journalism skill active on SM to put the thing in perspective. I extend my full moral and spiritual support (i.e. in my prayers). I being a Gujarati, followed Narendra Modi (NaMo) very closely since 2002 and I am extremely Extremely Happy with NaMo and People of Gujarat due to following reasons:

    1) He and Gujjus have slapped this so called Powerful, arrogant, Fraudulent MSM. Simply Wow wow wow!!!. And that slap extended to directly and indirectly to many NGOs and most Political calss. NaMo has actually managed to make all these people to bow down (bow down means NaMo in Gujarati) to him and Gujarat. It is a lot of fun combined with satisfaction when I see their arrogance and falsehood is shred to pieces.

    2) In these “Mind Boggling” I repeat – “Mind Boggling” relentless opposition, insults, venom, falsehood, vicious propaganda for more than a decade, NaMo has kept his balance of Mind and yet put Gujarat on highway of development. He has nerves of still. I can think of No body in India today could have bear such atmosphere of constant torture and yet remained alive!!! Forget about thinking and acting on progress after that. Anybody would have be broken completely.

    3) In My well considered opinion, “Vote Bank Politics” is the biggest danger for our country. Eve bigger then Corruption and terrorism. And I am so much hopeful now that there is one man arrived who is in oppose, tooth & nail, to this demon of vote bank politics. He has effectively shown to whole India that Election can be fought completely on development and security related issue. He also proved that by giving no seats to Muslim candidates in this coming election. I am closely following this election due to this reason also. If Muslims of Gujarat, votes for him in this election, then we can conclude that it is beginning of the end of vote bank politics, at least in Gujarat.

    I had NO Ideal in Indian Politics. There was no body who could have come any way remotely close to Sardar Patel but now my hopes have glued to Narendra Modi.
    It is a pure coincidence that he is from Gujrat but I am not least biased due to that.

    Ravinar bhai…so many heartfelt thanks to your for your work. May God bless you and everyone who is acting to expose the crookedness of anti national elements.
    Warm regards,
    Utpal pathak

  53. Left me smiling & hopeful. Thankyou for writing this.

  54. Well written, I am your fan now. Respects from Gujarat :-)


  55. This piece made my day!! Bang on!! #Respect

  56. Respect Buddy... Welldone....Your writing is like Seth Godin

  57. ohhhhh.............ravinar.....i always cherish your articles....its like godspeak to me....


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