Tuesday, January 5, 2016


They did not learn after 26/11. They did not learn after other attacks. They did not learn even at Gurdaspur. They paraded a captured terrorist for soundbites. Goes for the GOI, goes for our armed forces and most of all our uncouth MSM who almost rejoice over a terror attack. It was no different during and after the attack at Pathankot. Seven personnel were killed. Of course, these are expendable Indians unlike those in Paris or elsewhere. You know, had it been Paris or London our media folks would have sported handles like this one:

Yeah, many had turned “Je suis Charlie”. I’m sure you’re not going to see something like “Je suis Pathankot” or “Je suis Indian Army” or anything close. Long back I wrote a note about the top 5 prayers of the Indian media and right at the top it is still a terror attack. Nothing seems to give them more joy, to demonstrate their histrionics and their fake sympathy for victims. The Supreme Court had severely rapped the media over their pathetic reporting of the 26/11 attacks. The SC note stopped short of holding some in the MSM criminally responsible for some of the deaths (read here). In July 2015 the I&B Ministry grandly issued an advisory to the media to refrain from live-telecast of anti-terror operations and stick to report briefings by the Army Officers. Here’s what the advisory said:

If indeed the GOI had any serious intention of preventing TV channels telecasting combat operations then why do they even allow TV cameras anywhere close to the conflict zone? This is simply mind-boggling incompetence on display. Most TV channels continue to offer “running commentary” on the operations (including the one at Pathankot) that directly helps the terrorists and their handlers. You guessed it, NDTV has to be at the forefront of such reckless acts as the tweets of one Col. Kurup narrate:

And the queen of terror-histrionics immediately rushes to Pathankot to interview and learn about the misery of families of our martyrs. Cheap photo-ops and milking a tragedy seems to come naturally to her and a few more in our media. Simple sensibility requires that one allows the victim’s family to grieve in peace and wait for a few days to meet them. Not our media. They want to exploit the grief when when the wounds are fresh and raw. Let it hurt! Let it hurt a bit more!

To a grieving woman Barkha Dutt actually says “At least your father (or husband) died saving lives”. Stunning!  As if in that moment of immediate, unbelievable grief that is meant as consolation to someone who just lost a dear one. There are others like Sagarika Ghose and Nikhil Wagle whose cup of joy seems to have overflowed because the Pathankot attack happened under ModiSarkar. More JOY!

So called “Bhakts” are seething? And what was the rest of the country doing? Celebrating? Well, I do believe there many Sickulars and Media morons who actually secretly (or openly) celebrated the Pathankot-attack. What explains their naked, unbridled joy? Here’s what:

Their hatred for Modi and the current GOI drives them to the limits of rejoicing a tragedy. Nowhere in the democratic world would you see such disgusting behaviour. At the other end of the spectrum there is this jerk on TimesNow who every now and then will derive fake orgasms through Paki-bashing at anytime. Arnab Goswami does it again asking stupid questions about making Pakistan pay for these terror attacks. He forgets something. His channel and he kept screaming during (and after) 26/11 “We will NEVER FORGET”.  
With stupid hashtags like #TimeUpPakistan Arnab goes on another round of mindless debates. He seems to forget that his Times group forgot all about 26/11 and other attacks and started the stupid “Aman Ki Asha” nonsense. That’s all it takes for him. A few nights of anti-Pak ranting with two jokers from Pak on his panel and then the Times group will get back to business and money with the Aman-Asha crap. This hollow reporting and exploitation of terror-attacks is a lot more disgusting than any goof-ups in intelligence by our security establishment.

There is something else that should bother us a lot. Narendra Modi seems to have lost touch with his communication skills. The frequent “Mann ki baat” was bound to become tediously boring after a point and does not evoke any more interest. Modi fails to communicate with the nation on important social and security issues. Kanchan Gupta (a BJP sympathiser) calls 2015 Modi’s “annus horribilus”. He mostly cites Modi’s failure and reluctance to communicate with the nation at crucial times and on crucial issues. His attempts at being “Goody two shoes” were bound to backfire sooner or later. Prior to the 2014 elections Modi was often compared to Ronald Reagan as a great communicator. Those who recall the Challenger tragedy (Watch the LIVE video on Youtube) of January 28, 1986 may have heard this soothing address to the nation by Reagan:

Reagan cancelled his State of the Union address and spoke to the citizens directly at a time of tragedy and grief. Seven astronauts died in the Challenger tragedy owing to technical malfunction. Seven of our jawans died in Pathankot owing to attacks by an evil enemy. The deaths happened for different reasons but the grief and sorrow are the same.

Nobody wants mundane statements like “we will fight terror” (as we used to keep hearing during the UPA rule) and nobody wants knee-jerk reactions like that of Arnab Goswami screaming “Pak must pay”.  The PM need not address the sick media which has many deriving joy and opportunity out of terror attacks. Seven Jawans dying in a terror-attack is not a small incident and the PM should speak to the nation to soothe the hearts and nerves of ordinary citizens. It would be worth the honour even if the PM mentioned the seven names in such an address. In October 2014 Arun Jaitley grandly statedIf Pakistan persists with this adventurism, our forces will make the cost of this adventurism unaffordable”. How exactly is ModiSarkar going to accomplish that? That is what the nation needs to know.

There are many Sickulars and many in the media who are desperate to see India and ModiSarkar fail. The reasons are not very hard to see. They will find joy in every adversity that India faces, including terror-joy. Some of these “useful idiots” of Pak also joyfully enjoy junkets under their stupid Track-2 Fliplomacy. One journalist points out what many in the know are aware of:

Those are the very journalists who derive joy out of every terror attack and desperately wish for India to fail in all her endeavours. They carry out fake campaigns about “intolerance” and add fuel to stupid actions like “Award Wapsi”. ModiSarkar has to battle both these enemies – within and outside. There were a few who were “Fai-re fighters” (Pak’s useful Indian idiots nurtured by Ghulam Nabi Fai) and Tufail Ahmed suggests they are now directly under ISI-payroll. Is there any surprise some in our media find so much terror-joy even at the death of our jawans? 


  1. Very sad.........and furious..........

    75% of BJP netas are pathetic on camera....even Gadkari screwed up badly in Aap ki adalat (vendetta charge...);

    Why can't they let MJ Akbar or appoint Prof Nalapat to explain the Govt stance frequently...maybe a daily media briefing....clarify the recent incidents/rumours.

    The least they can learn from the US (Obama being pally pally now) is how professionally their press briefings are conducted.........maybe Modi can do a video and post it on social media....

    Modi is missing a Prashanth Kishore....badly.....appears that the 'brains' in BJP have stopped strategizing....and respond only tactically....


    1. Dear Kishan Krishnappa,

      Although I understand your frustration, please realise this :

      Q: Why do the media going all out on Pathankot
      attack for past few days when their have been
      thousand such attacks during past 60 years?

      Ans : Because Media knows the supporters of Modi would hate to see such an attack & themselves criticize Modi for this attack. But why do we add oil into the fire by getting frustrated & criticizing NAMO. Yes, such attacks would help the Media & sickular's to destroy NAMO's image of a decisive leader but his supporters should not fall into this Media trap. His is the best leader that India had in many decades & we must stand firm with him or wait for another 60 years to have such a great nationalist leader. Let's practice to stand firm with our leader when Media, Sickular's & chrislamists attack him for a lapse.

    2. I understand what you said Abhijeet. Yet, an effective communication strategy is need of the hour. In fact, if feasible, the government spokesperson should address the nationas a whole, with the PM reserving his opinion on absolutely important matters. Such communication coupled with social media management should be followed. This will allow unadulterated point of view of GOI to the masses. This can be followed up by media briefings. Our MSM is a third grade institution as of now and i wouldn't trust them with my cat's welfare let alone the country's.

    3. Fully Agree Brother.

      I would add here that Raising a Hindutva based support systems in Delhi's power structure is a completely alien paradigm for all Hindus simply because we have not ruled Delhi for past 1000 years. So this is not just a civilizational but a historical need. It would take some decades of continuous Hindu rule in Delhi notwithstanding major or minor lapses such as pathankot, Kandahar or even corruption related issues to create support systems in Delhi's power corridor.

      NAMO is a human at end of the day & we must give him atleast benefit of doubt to make improvements if his ministers fail.

    4. I fully endorse abhijeet. "NAMO is a human at end of the day & we must give him atleast benefit of doubt to make improvements if his ministers fail."

  2. Narendra Modi seems to have adopted please-all attitude. He seems to have forgotten the hostility of the media

    1. He is taking the route of Vajpayee. Jaitley is his guide. Modi is now just a big loud mouth grandstanding as a world 'statesman' and Satyapurush Raja Harichander. Hindus are doomed to disappoint. They elected Modi and he decided to become a globetrotter.

    2. hahaha bro i understand ur frustration n angst but have faith in him .....

  3. Dear Ravinar, the long gap between October and January 2016 had changed my habit of opening your page first. Reading this very pertinent and anxious post today, I am struck by the stark difference between our professional journalists and others elsewhere. It is true that PM Modi seems a little lost these days while the MSM wreaks havoc. If we had consistently repeated the chase and destroy ( like the one conducted in Myanmar), I am ssure these types of attacks would have reduced to a trickle. Surprising that we are still unprepared for the dastardly attacks that inevitably occur after every peace move. Hope the Government wakes up and does something concrete at least this time.

  4. Thinks that his Gujrat model of ignoring media will work. Hopeless media strategy, if any, by BJP

  5. Aghast at the Interviewing of the grief stricken family members. Sad it is all for TRPs & not patriotic. The I&B ministry has to take firm steps .

    1. Who is in charge of I&B ministry? A guy called Arun Jaitley. Don't build up any hopes.

  6. Irony is when a boat full of terrorists were killed, these adarsh liberals abused Modi govt for over reacting and now when terrorists hit a home run they blame Modi govt for intelligence failure. when you know you cannot please them irrespective of what you do, why be defensive about it..Its gloves off situation.

    1. The people blaming modi govt for terror attack easily forget that countless terror attacks have been prevented by this govt. Those that have been prevented easily get out of our memory.

    2. Exactly. If the terrorists of 9-11 or 26-11 attacks were caught before they had chance to carry out the attacks, the world would have never known about the magnitude of the damage they caused and the world would have forgotten them long time ago. Even this Pathankot attack had potential to become a 26-11 type attack.

    3. just trying to imagine if in case atom bomb is hurled on India and we are still thinking of the countless attacks being prevented by modi govt.

  7. Very well written article. It's sad that TRP hungry media and politicians/ journos can stoop so low and only look forward to draw opportunities from such terror attacks n bash the current govt.. Only hope that Modi govt lives up to the expectations and doesn't disappoint us🙏🏽

  8. My heart is throbbing, my fingers are trembling and my eyes are wet after reading this post and sit to comment. How to bring to book the media men/women who are paid by ISI? Is there no way to locate, investigate and pin down the traitors with exemplary punishment within the next few days? Modi and his governance has to apply their skills and acumen to address the menace. Punish one! And see the impact on the brigade of misbehaving media. Can our intelligence sleuths from any banner (RAW, MI, IB or......) deliver this laudable objective?

    1. Why only media guys? There re traitors who have helped the terrorists get into the air base. The drug cartel and those who want to see India fail.

  9. Those are the very journalists who derive joy out of every terror attack and desperately wish for India to fail in all her endeavours. They carry out fake campaigns about “intolerance" and ----

    Quite a few channels need to locked out to stop their tomfoolery and stupid panels making a mockery of the tragedy and sarcastic in their comments in every action by the nation

  10. There is need to boycott news Channela like NDTV /TimesNow & newspapers like Times of India. This will adversely affect the MSM like SRK/ Amir Khan .

  11. Almost any country, including countries like USA, UK and other European countries become victim of terrorist attacks. Many are much smaller and their native population look and behave differently than the terrorists. Still they become victims. India on the other hand is a very large populous country and local population is indistinguishable in looks and behavior of terrorists (not to mention tremendous support from certain community to the terrorists). Israel is in perpetual high alert. Still it get victimized. Considering this all facts, Modi Sarkar is doing a great job in protecting India. The only thing I am dis appointed about is, why did we fail to expect and be prepared for this attack? Why are we ignoring the 'Smugglers Route'?

  12. It's a pity our private news channels have indeed become "presstitutes" as many use the term. Moreover, even after the Niira Radia tapes scandal Barkha Dutt and her ilk continue to have cosy relations with the political class which is evident from the choice of news and extent of coverage. All news channels are controlled by either powerful business houses or politicians directly or indirectly. Hence, expecting private news channels to provide "unbiased" reporting is like expecting our politicians to be "public servants" (as they usually treat Public as Servants). It's time Govt of India made laws barring media from live-telecasting or even interviewing terrorist-attack victims / officials dealing with the ops, or such. Only the Govt should be authorized to give credible official communication, so that even Union Ministers don't jump the gun and say stupid things to be in the limelight for a while.

  13. It ashamed me to see that the private news media channels showing every bullet & army fighting positions on live TV, with NO one from the government warning them. All channels NDTV, TIMES Now, AAJ Tak, ABP News barking like dog on the TV, encouraging the terrorists and giving more wine to Pakistan to enjoy. When Army jawans are fighting hard, with every opposition party member including shivsena making stupid statements, my heart felt sorrow like never.

    Showing the sad & sorrowful facs of martyr family members is another sickening to see on TV. The media needs to be sued for this coverage. Suggest the govt call these media to a closed room session and whip them to their core, so that they get there basics right.

    the many years of donkeys ruling India (Khangress)with no investments in weaponry, giving money i.e. buying votes, by giving money to poor in the name of alleviating poverty, has ruined the country and India is without proper guns and ammunications.

  14. is anybody talking in these lines too?


    1. A good informative link worthy of vast circulation

  15. October 2014 Arun Jaitley grandly stated “If Pakistan persists with this adventurism, our forces will make the cost of this adventurism unaffordable”. How exactly is ModiSarkar going to accomplish that? That is what the nation needs to know.

    n exactly we the people of the nation want to know!

  16. In the last six months I have completely lost faith in Modi. I don't know what he is doing other than going abroad frequently for frivolous purposes but I have realized that he is no more interested in what happens in India and he has no intention of going for a second term in 2019. He has disappointed all of us who believed and voted for him and he and Amit Shah have damaged BJP's chances in 2019 severely. Anyone having different opinions on this just see the results of all local body elections from BJP ruled states and you will find they are losing their strongholds big time. Losing Bihar was only a confirmation of what started in Delhi and this year state elections in 4 states will also see BJP soundly beaten. If Modi wants to redeem himself in our eyes then he needs to get rid of Arun Jaitely and Amit Shah immediately and start governing hands on.

  17. All this commenting seems an exercise in futility. As usual its extraneous to expect Political class to react appropriately.
    We as citizenry are helpless in short run. If we wait for long term,situation is changed by our enemies(MSM included). So its useless to rage. Instead look for methods to Punish our enemies(MSM included) & advise/force our present GOI to innovate & followup forcefully.

  18. Your scathing remarks on the state of journalism is true to the core. We have long past the date when journalism used to be reporting FACTS we now get opinions of ISI, Jaish e mohammad, ISIS and FATWA-WADIS. Please keep up the work of exposing the "Jaichands" of MSM.

  19. What a hard hitting piece. Ravinar's void can only be filled by Ravinar himself. You have created a spot for yourself which no one else can occupy.

    We thought our PM would also do the same...but alas!!!

    Mr. PM, when there is a terrorist attack, it is expected that you would cancel all your public engagements. Imagine what would have gone through the family of the deceased soldier when they see you doing Yoga, instead of attending a war room. Absolutely pathetic!!!

    Is there anything (apart from grand scheme launches) you have done since coming to power?

    MSM Scum still do what they were doing, corrupt do what they did, a retard dynasty kid challenges you everyday, a fake crusader and urban naxal abuses you and A complete mess of a Pak policy.
    Maybe ppl can still forgive you for other things but they will not give an inch for Pak appeasement. Please remember this.

    Hail the Martyrs... sadly human life is just another commodity in India. Jai Hind!!

  20. I only wish that those in position of making decisions, particularly on how to handle media read your posts, which clearly show how NDA is slowly losing the advantage it had in 2014. Some of the traitors from the MSM must be tried for sedition and most of the BJP spokes persons are asked to shut-up. The black sheep among the flock must be identified and shown the door, if Modi wants to salvage the situtation from going bad to worse.

  21. Modi should 'rule' the way he ruled Gujarat. He should allow himself to follow his heart and not worry about re-election/power. I think he should be the first PM who should go bomb pakistan...nuke them! He can lie down in history like Rana Pratap, CHatrapati Shivanji, BajiRao....do us proud....

  22. India Needs a NEW level headed, smart Nationalist Party.. BJP has become like this become there is no other right-center party available

    Not the Shiva Sena idiots but something new- - we should all push for it, even if they win 3 LS seats thats fine, thats a start

    A Right-Center party that is smart, that can think thru every issue, that can communicate better, not use words like "Just one attack" , that can come up with daily briefings to fight MSM smartly, and most importantly -- that can figure out to whose view they should be sensitive to.... Right now Modi seems to be over sensitive to Left, MSM criticsm and unable separate out which to take and which not to take.. in short, he seems to be having judgemental issues

    1. What exactly is your problem with Sena dude? Sena has always opposed any cultural exchanges, sporting ties or peace talks with Pakistan and its stand has been vindicated umpteen times. So what is your problem with Sena?

  23. Ravinar, please write a blog suggesting Daily Briefing from Govt of India similar to Whitehouse briefings, that will address 2 issues
    1) Daily communication direct to people
    2) Ignore MSM and stay ahead of debates and set the agenda


  24. Basking on the return of Jedi, I mean Ravinar, I want to share a secret that sustaining part of waiting for Ravinar was a blog called https://dynastycrooks.WordPress.com inspired by our Ravinar, acknowledged by the blogger of the same, and he is known as Chaiwallah. If Ravinar is life giving nutritious satisfying meal, Chaiwallah is nothing less than pure water. Please visit dynastycrooks together with media crooks to enjoy the true joy.

  25. I don't know what made Modi change his stance on Pakistan. Don't give them any prominence. Just avoid them. All this jumla to gift Sharif a turban and attend his B'day party has boomeranged. When we definitely know he is just a puppet in Pakistan with ISI and Maulvis controlling it. it is a pity that Modi has not learnt from the past, whenever we extend a hand for co-operation the snake called Pakistan gives a bite. It happened in Kargil, Mumbai 26/11, Gurdaspur and now PathanKot. Still Modi plays into the Western Lobby to play Goody Two Shoes with Pakistan. As far as Crooked Media is concerned, well they just got a huge New Year Gift to bash Modi and India. Now Modi has entered the trap where he could neither act hard nor act soft with Pakistan.

  26. Sorry, you can blame the media all you want, but its the lucrative drug trade that has made Punjab vulnerable to terrorists who are piggy backing on the compromised officials and politicians. The drug trade cannot flourish without political patronage. SAD and BJP have to get their act together in Punjab, even if it means sacrificing their own friends, relatives and party members.

  27. This govt believes that voters will reward it for all the so called development.The seculars are past masters in fathering any development done by others.They can puncture all development claims of the govt with the active involvemnt of the media.BJP better take care of its core support group called the nationalist hindus. There are better practioners of sickularism in this country and ppl have not voted BJP for secularism.An islamic buffoon like Adnan Sami is granted citizenship with great pride while the 1000s of percecuted hindu refugees from Pak are toiling to get a foot hold in this country evey in places like Gujarat.The vajpayee brand of governance must be shed at the earliest.

  28. All patriotic citizens should pray for closure of antinational NDTV and deporting of Barkha, sister of hafiz sayeed , to her beloved Pak.

  29. All patriotic citizens should pray for closure of antinational NDTV and deporting of Barkha, sister of hafiz sayeed , to her beloved Pak.

  30. Mr Modi has already lost 2019 elections. What a horrible and unthinkable act of Modi of paying a visit to Sharif and as a result 10 of our soldiers lost life. No comments from Modi for the dead soldiers. I feel terribly cheated for voting Modi in 2014.
    He is no match for Indira Gandhi. What a terrible disappointment. He is fast losing support among bhakts

    1. Yep, returning captured land and 90K POWs after 1971 war,with no bargain was the so called achievement of Indira Gandhi. Dont extrapolate things to ridiculous levels.If there is one thing the Nehru/Gandhis dont posses, it is the grey matter in the upper compartment.

  31. The following was discussed in similar forum. I am just reproducing them for media crooks readers:

    We have greater enemies in India as much as in Pakistan than anywhere in the world. As much known religious bigots like in most countries working as fifth columnist and sleeper cells, without which Pathankot and Bombay attacks would not have happened, we have anti national real fifth columnist shameless media and traitors which have encouraged terrorists if not enemy state to kill our citizens and jawans. While terrorist attack was still going on, NDTV’s Burqua was gloating with her fatty breath how Modi has bound himself with not tolerating terrorism criticizing their master dynasty in 2014 and than going to Lahore and not retaliating instantly! This fat and ugly woman is daily administered enema, latest being from Parthsarthy and all penalists but this shameless pig’s system is not improving.

    The gloating over Pathankot was truly shameful. But we have seen this Mahagathbandhan working together for a while…

    This Mahagathbandhan of treachery was in making for some times. See the pattern. All the time every one is putting along with others, one albatross. There is no way but the talks with Pakistan is the only way. From Farooq Abdullah to Manmohan Singh to Sonia Gandhi to every tom, dick and harry, this is being preached and propagated. It eerily reminds me of reading Indira Gandhi was fooled in withdrawing Indian troops prematurely which facilitated brutal take over of Bangladesh by Ziaur Rehman under which there was genocide of Hindus complementing Pakistani dictatorship. This was achieved by a well planned propaganda that India wanted to annex or colonize Bangladesh by not handing over power immediately seeking prematurely. So, this albatross of talks is the only way is required to be thrown out. In the own interest of Pakistani citizens, European and Western same boat partners and of course Indian ingenuity proudly wearing another albatross of nonviolence, Pakistani Army should be defeated in a precise strike across border on terrorists camp in Pak held Kashmir and let us put albatross round Pak Army to launch full scale war against India. Nawaz Shariff and all world leaders will applaud if executed successfully.

    1. cool the tempers! that is no answer!inviting a full scale war in the current global situation is nothing short of a holocaust.

  32. We are reacting and second guessing as if this was first terrorist attack on Indian soil. Pretty frequently, we lose two, three or even four Indian Army Jawans trying to neutralize two or three holed up terrorists in Kashmir. This Pathankot attack is not much different except it happened after Narendra Modi's Lahore visit. And possibly because of that visit. But even that thing has not happened first time. We never criticized Bajpyee this much.

  33. Modi has become a puppet in the hands of north Indians, and may be knows it. Kashmir and Pak problems were started by north Indians. North Indians have Pak obsession, their movie directors make Indo - Pak love movies like Veer Zara, their business people want to trade with Pakistan, their intellectuals like Kuldip Nayar say they feel more at home in Pakistan than in south India. Why Modi should pursue peace with Pak? Modi should resign and become CM of Gujarat again and take Gujarat to greater heights. North Indians won't let him do anything in Delhi as he is an "outsider" in north. Bihar has proved that.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Sir, please do comment on the act of our PM preaching Yoga at the time our Jawans fighting against terrorists. Idiots choose idiotic government.

  36. Dear Sir, the stars after BJP victory are slowly fading for many of us.

  37. We would have to just compare the time taken by France for their action post ISIS attack in their soil and our Govt post many attacks, with only one exception to Myanmar covert operation. The I&B Ministry supposed to have a firm grip over the media on what to report and not, does not seem to have one. Everything was done except for minute live coverage by these anti-national MSMs. I&B Ministry is still not able to differentiate between press freedom and the rogue reporting. Sickening..

  38. The saddest part is indeed Modi's reluctance to talk to the nation. Although I don't believe he should talk on issues like Dadri, Church attacks etc simply because they are criminal acts, to be dealt with, by the local administration. A terrorist attack and death of jawans definitely need to be addressed by the PM. As for the vultures in the press...expected behaviour!

  39. Such attacks to the best of my knowing
    could not be possible except with the full cooperation of those working in the Government Of India.Intelligence of India seems to be divided into two parties.One working 'for' the government establishment and the other against.The political affliations of individual officers do play a crucial role in such security lapses.Standards and bars must be raised for getting selected into Intelligence.Intelligence seems to be the weaklink.A sound intelligence would indeed take India to new heights.

  40. News regarding suicide attacks must be reexamined by the government. It is highly probable that bombs are being affixed to the dead bodies of people who have passed away and they are being transported into crowded areas and then exploded to cause casualties.Government must take a look from this perspective at the issue whenever a suicide attack is reported.Peace.

  41. And it happened again! This time in Uri and 17 unarmed citizens of India were cowardly gunned down in cold blood. I am intentionally not calling them soldiers because they were in their sanctity of their camp (like a second home), unarmed and sleeping peacefully just like you and I, preparing themselves for the next day -- may be dreaming to get to their families because they had completed their tour of duty. They were not in uniform and definitely not armed to conduct their soldiering duties.

    And how is Indian govt. response so far -- I say, very pathetic. India has been a nation of lost opportunities and this govt. is no better than any past govts.


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