Saturday, January 9, 2016

Robinson Crusade

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people”. – Travis Bickle. All you have to do is add the line “I’m God’s lonely man”. Imagine, instead of Al Capone in “The Untouchables” the Govt of UK said… “I want that man – DEAD… I want his family – DEAD…. I want his house – BURNED TO THE GROUND”… It can happen and worse has happened everywhere.

It was a very cold day in December 1990. It was my birthday and it was the first time I visited a sleepy town called Luton to celebrate with my friends. A sleepy town about 30 miles north from London. I never knew one day I would come to hear about this town again. One man’s crusade has made the town famous and it has made him pay a heavy price.

I once spoke to an audience at Sri Sri hall inBangalore (in September 2014) quoting John Quincy Adams from a movie, “We ARE, who we WERE”. Somebody should know and speak about  our culture, tradition. Ages from now somebody should say about us “We are… who they were”.   This is what bothers Tommy Robinson.  That sees his culture and traditions being taken over by Islam extremists and he says:

Don’t worry, you’re not going to need a box of Kleenex at your side as you read this.  It really isn’t Tommy-does-tearjerking.  It’s not a sob story.  The trouble I’ve found myself in has been at times clearly self-inflicted.  But only at times.  You might just learn something about the workings of a British police state that I doubt you believe exists”.

It all started with a march to protest the hatred against British Solders and creation of EDL (English Defence League).  Whether Robinson is a hero or a villian depends on how you evaluate yourself.  What is that you are going to die for, what is that you are going to live for?  And I quote:

Rochdale was bad enough.  Roterham, not even a town you would identify as being a typical hotbed of widescale Muslim criminality, rocked the coutnry to its boots.  More than a thousand children, systematically abused and raped ovr years and years, with the tacit approval, a nod and a fucking wink – pardon my French – of Social Services, councillors nad the police.  It is a disgrace and still, apart from a token resignation or two, it looks like the real guilty parties will plod on without having their collars felt.  Not the rapists, but the people who silently allowed it to happen for fear of offending a few medieval sensitivities.”

When I read this, I am reminded of what is happening in my own country.  I remember Bengal, Kerala. We are familiar with these criminals who chop off hands of Profys or rape nuns and create a fake campaign like NDTV does over anti-Hindu nonsense. The first time when I was in England in 1982 Robinson wasn’t even born.  He would be born later in November 1982. And he quotes “GoodFellas” and “The GodFather” and he has discovered the golden rule of Mafia. 

Until July 23rd 2015, I had to keep my nose clean, and if I knew what was best for me,mouth shut.  I had to report regularly to a pain-in-the-arse probation officer in Bedford who saw her main goal in life as turning me into one of her Politically Corrected uppets, ad I now have t somehow plan a life beyond the EDL and, most probbaly, beyond Luton”. It’s the golden rule in mafia Älways keep your mouth shut”.

Yes there’s a golden rule in the mafia … “Always keep your mouth shut”.

It is extraordinary that one person has to be in and out of prison for merely wanting to defend his culture and tradition.  We have people in our own country who love to celebrate death of our soldiers.  This is the story Robinson narrates in his book.  He has been leading a revolution to defend his culture, tradition, his beliefs… And he’s paying a very high price.  The man has been speaking his mind.  The establishment considers him to be a nuisance.  You know, its very inconvenient for idiots who speak what they believe.  He could have been just another person on the sidewalk, he could have just watched and done nothing like others.  Instead, he was foolish enough to speak up… to be blunt and bold…  and he pays the price for it.  And that’s why he’s been seen as  Enemy of the State” “by his own country.

None of us are born heroes.  Our passion and circumstances demand our courage and conviction to act.  Robinson has just done that.  I recommend that you read his story so that you become somebody that you should become a person like other people. I consider it a distinct honour that Tommy Robinson calls me a friend and I recommend you read his story. Worse can happen to you! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Will do for sure, bcos of the commitment you have for our motherland. Always your quotes and suggestions are of very high quality not seen elsewhere.

  3. U r right. “Always keep your mouth shut".I am in london for more than 4 years now, to be honest i don't feel london as safe as gujarat, and surprisingly reason is increased islamist. Can you believe there are many people like me in UK, who are feared due to the people(islamist) who doesn't belong to the actual land (UK). Just visit & walk through streets of upton park, ilford, forest gate, barking, or even entire east london. And then try to search photos of these area of london before 20 years, you can see entire cleansing of British people from these area and taken over by specific community. Being a hindu, I admire tommy as a saviour of british culture, as i have seen fading of my culture under the face of Politically correct libtards, who are even ashamed of calling themselves hindu. If you don't wake up now against such islamist and their hard fence liberals like media, there are pretty chances of ethnic cleansing like Kashmiri pandits & east london.

  4. ''I believe that one should become a person like other people''.The first question that arises is that who are these other people? Tommy Robinson didn't became like the people who were doing these inhuman activities viz. murder,rapes.Neither he became like those other people who were silently tolerating this violence.First job that Robinson did was deciding not be like either of these people.And this courage can only come into picture when one is profoundly rooted with his mind that has negated all kind of idols,heroes and which is decided not to follow any other.One that has went inside his deep core and has evicted his fear and this sense of security that comes in mind by following others and being a part of mob.So your whole assessment is wrong.The real decoding from his story is to ''Never be like others'',find your own path.Be the light for yourself.

  5. He is vilified not only by the government, but also all the media. Until I heard him speak and debate, I used to think he is avracist monster. Even BBC's comedy programmes carry on propaganda against him. Hope many more like him are created here and in UK

  6. We all need Tommy Robinsons in our countries, in our cities, in our streets, in our homes - in order to defeat the evil of Islamic Jihad. I have lost all hope that Islam can reform, it cannot, it is too late, it was already too late.

  7. A worthy tribute. Yes, only the blind choose to ignore Kerala and West Bengal.

  8. A worthy tribute. Yes, only the blind choose to ignore Kerala and West Bengal.

  9. So typical of Indians. We have our own heroes, Balasaheb Thackeray for one, who was abused and reviled all his life and even after his death the vilification continues. Robinson is no doubt, a hero, and deserves to be seen as such. But why the Thackerays, Shiv Sena, MNS are seen as enemies, why the apologies, I am not a supporter of the Sena, etc when one has to commend their stance on a particular issue?

    1. Shiv sena was known as the militant wing of the CONgress, even today's policies of Shiv Sena are very similar to CONgress "Politics of entitlement and one family worship".
      Don't forget how they abused Jains during last Paryushan of September 2015.

    2. Jains are not angels and saints. We have seen how this concept of unity works in Maha. People come from all over India and start throwing their weight around, they trample on our rights and create all kinds of problems for marathi manus. Jains were shown their place, Maha belongs to marathi manus not to outsiders. If Jains want to live in Maha they better respect our rights, which means they cannot force their superstitions on us. Let Jains not eat meat, chicken whatever, we don't give a damn, but why they need to impose their dietary preferences on us? We retain the right to tell south Indians, north Indians, Muslims, Jains, Buddhists where to get off, when it comes to our rights in Maha, simple.

    3. Your comment reeks of bigotry and racism of the parochial order Mr same name. Its only because of folks like you that the chauvinist thugs like SS & MNS flourish. Maharashtra belongs to all Indians and India belongs to all Maharashtrians.

    4. So why do you guys run away from wherever you live to Maha if you consider SS, MNS as thugs? We don't need you in our state. North Indians were booted out of Pak, Kashmir they come here and lay claims to our state. Why cant they fight the mussies, why they want to fight with us? Why cant these sher puttars storm Kashmir, Pak and finish off the issue once and for all? Why Jains dont send their kids to serve in army? At least muslims do that? So who is more patriotic? What bigotry racism, what is mine is mine, you cannot lay claims to that. Similarly what is yours is yours I cannot lay claim to that. That is the funda of peaceful co-existence, if you don't believe in that stay wherever you are, simple.

    5. Itna sannata kyon hai bhai? Kahan gayab ho jate hain ye mister India? Kahan ho Mr India, Shrenik Shah, Vivek Kumar?

    6. Mr Vivek, your outrage is very much similar to that of the Thackeray's, looks like you have been brainwashed like the Jihadi types but with a different angle.
      Now I will give you a point by point rebuttal to all your Jihadi thoughts.

      1. First of all Jains did not ask for any kind of meat ban to be implemented anywhere in India, leave alone your Maharashtra.
      The banning of Meat during Paryushan was implemented way back in 2004 through a GR (Government Resolution) by your very own CONgress, why was there no agitation / annoyance / irritation at that time?
      Its simple, your masters had brought that GR, so how could you protest?
      Jains never protested against any meat shops for not implementing the GR since 2004, but you got spoked when the current CM asked all municipal corporations to implement it thoroughly, can't you understand who is using you for their own benefit?

      2. Our family has been living in Mumbai since 1938, we have relatives living in Pune, Nashik......just because of our faith and surname you cannot discriminate and call us bigots.
      Just because we have little or no representation in the armed forces does not make us racists and bigots, kindly note that Jains and Gujjus pay the highest amount of taxes, they have the highest business representation worldwide, I could have reciprocated to you in equal measure for your taunt with respect to the armed forces but choose not to for my tolerance.
      We could have left Maharashtra way back in 1960 but we knew that SS was just a temporary phenomenon and don't forget that Vasant Dada Patil himself made a statement that Gujjus need not worry the SS.

      3. Moral of the story is that SS and MNS are not CHATRAPATI as you would like to believe, they are just pawns of the CONgress to be used and thrown away like tissue paper, check Google for this tag "VASANT SENA", you will understand what I meant.

    7. Mr Vivek, your outrage is very much similar to that of the Thackeray's, looks like you have been brainwashed like the Jihadi types but with a different angle.
      Now I will give you a point by point rebuttal to all your Jihadi thoughts.

      1. First of all Jains did not ask for any kind of meat ban to be implemented anywhere in India, leave alone your Maharashtra.
      The banning of Meat during Paryushan was implemented way back in 2004 through a GR (Government Resolution) by your very own CONgress, why was there no agitation / annoyance / irritation at that time?
      Its simple, your masters had brought that GR, so how could you protest?
      Jains never protested against any meat shops for not implementing the GR since 2004, but you got spoked when the current CM asked all municipal corporations to implement it thoroughly, can't you understand who is using you for their own benefit?

      2. Our family has been living in Mumbai since 1938, we have relatives living in Pune, Nashik......just because of our faith and surname you cannot discriminate and call us bigots.
      Just because we have little or no representation in the armed forces does not make us racists and bigots, kindly note that Jains and Gujjus pay the highest amount of taxes, they have the highest business representation worldwide, I could have reciprocated to you in equal measure for your taunt with respect to the armed forces but choose not to for my tolerance.
      We could have left Maharashtra way back in 1960 but we knew that SS was just a temporary phenomenon and don't forget that Vasant Dada Patil himself made a statement that Gujjus need not worry the SS.

      3. Moral of the story is that SS and MNS are not CHATRAPATI as you would like to believe, they are just pawns of the CONgress to be used and thrown away like tissue paper, check Google for this tag "VASANT SENA", you will understand what I meant.

    8. IS this your idea of point by point rebuttal? I never mentioned anything about 2004, you brought it up. OK, so you guys must have bribed the Congress to impose a ban at that time for two days. Don't tell me government imposed ban willingly to suffer losses of few lacs, crores whatever. It costs money dude, every day the abbatoir is shut government suffers loss which it recovers from us. So we are subsidising your religion dude, just like we subsidise Islam. You guys even got yourself declared as a minority a couple of years before the Congress was ousted from the centre. So much for 'our' Cougress. The issue last year was why you want to shut down abbatoir from two says to four days. YOU DEMANDED THAT. ACCEPT IT. And you were told where to get off. That is it, keep your dietary preferences to yourself. And don't tell me what Jains are asking and not asking, they are even trying to turn Palanpur completely meat free, may be they might have done that already.
      You pay the highest amount of taxes, you also have the highest number of scams ok. So who was Big Bull, Guju or Jain, who is Ketan Parikh, how may more should I name. Don't tell me about your businesses dude, I have myself worked in may Guju, Jain firms, I know how they run the rackets they call their businesses.
      So SS has not turned out to be a temporary phenomenon, so bad Vasantdada fooled you. So why dont you guys just pack up and give us one reason to thank you.

    9. Mr Vivek, seems that you are suffering from foot in mouth disease & you are assuming / thinking too much for the size of your brains.

      You are assuming that we bribed the CONgress, then again you assume that we pressurized your CM to implement the ban, then again you assume that we asked CONgress to declare us a minority, thereafter you assume that all Gujjus are scamsters just because some bad apples within our community preferred to be so.


      The BMC controlled by your SS SUCK UP TO Gujju / Sindhi / Marwari builders and in turn your marathi manoos is driven out of the city by your own SS and MNS.
      So sorry that SS and MNS have been screwing you all these days.


      The CONgress suckered up to the Jains before elections and got their face blackened in 2014.


    10. Mr Vivek. Your comments clearly exhibit your myopic vision and morbid mentality. I don't believe in calling names however the apartment in your skull is clearly unfurnished sir. Who has given you the rights to pass any kind of disparaging remarks against the law abiding citizens of this country ? I don't blame you Vivek. Folks like you have been thoroughly indoctrinated and raised on the philosophy of mutual hatred. Try thinking above the lines of ignoble regionalism and try comprehending the elucidation of nationalism. Then I hope that you will not indulge in trivial jingoism or xenophobia.

    11. Outsiders are doing in Maha what Muslims are doing in US, UK, Europe and everywhere else. Stop blabbering and start addressing the issues. The whole world is now getting savvy about outsiders, why we should not. Multi-culti nonsense and this unity are two sides of the same bad coin. It only results in host community and culture getting hijacked by parasitic outsiders.

    12. Dude, get your facts right.
      In UK, the entire media, the political class, the police and even their own citizens are in cahoots with the ISIS & by blaming the entire class of UK Muslims they are just diverting the attention from their failure to APPEASE THE EITHER.
      Their problem is similar to that of the SS & MNS, first SUCK UP TO THOSE WITH MONEY & THEN BLAME THEM FOR ALL SUNDRY ISSUES THAT YOU CAN'T HANDLE.
      Have you ever visited any police station in Mumbai or Maharashtra?
      I say you need to visit and analyze the crime ratio in terms of your insider / outsider theory, you will be shocked to find the truth.

    13. Why do I need to go to any police station? Who is Radhe Maa, who are Peter Mukherjee and Indrani Mukherjee, Sanjeev Khanna, who are Hema Upadhayay and lawyer Bhambahni, Bollywood northies are always in the news for violent crimes, Pancholis, Sanju Baba, Salman Khan. For your info when Nitish Kumar first became CM he jailed 50,000 criminals in the first week. Outsiders only come to Maha to make money mostly by crook and they can even murder their spouses, moms, dads whatever. No wonder Kashmiris do not let Indians to step in their state.


    14. All the names mentioned by you have one thing in common, apart from being outsiders ( As per your theory).
      They all are associated with the CRIMINAL INDIAN MEDIA.
      Now going by your theory, that all major crimes within Mumbai and Maharashtra are committed by north Indians & all local people are saints, you surely need to idolize and suck up to these local and international terrorists like :
      1. Dawood Ibrahim KASKER.
      2. Chota Rajan ( Nikhalje)
      3. Amar Naik & Ashwin Naik

      Let me tell you one thing, we Gujjus didn't suck up to Tiger & Yakub Memon, I hope you know they were Gujjus.

      And Finally, after understanding your Kashmiriyat, you need to go to Kashmir personally, you will find the HURRIYAT CONFERENCE & YOUR SS AND MNS TO BE TWIN BROTHERS SEPARATED AT A KUMBH MELA.



      So it's a right wake up call for you all and your types & by the way did you check VASANT SENA on google? LOL.......

    15. Criminal Indian Media, LOL, guess who are the owners of the biggest Indian media outlet, Jains. So now you have accepted it yourself. What more can I say. Even Gujjus say Pila tikka lagane walo se bach kar rehena. I DID NOT SAY ALL criminal activity in Mumbai and Maha is by outsiders. I said most of the criminal activity is by outsiders, especially north Indians. Yeah and who made Dawood what he is - traders, Bollywood northies and others, industrialists, capitalists etc. In the case of murder of J Dey, who is involved, one Guju female journo of English media. It should be very much clear that outsiders are sucking up to criminals, not marathis.


    16. Mr Vivek, this is the last post that I am replying, you have been systematically indoctrinated like the ISIS type & your idiocy have reached to alarming proportions, you are INCORRIGIBLE & no amount of persuasions / facts / reality will change your attitude.

      Your chat made me understand the marathi underbelly / thinking / attitude of Marathi people towards all other than marathi, I really thank you for the same.

      Till recently I used to think that people of your types are decreasing by the day but you have proved that there is a marathi underworld ( Madressa) that systematically indoctrinates young people like you and use them as and when they require, I was grossly wrong, thanks for educating me.

      Now coming to your last post, have you ever bothered to check who are the real owners of big Indian media houses?
      You mean to say that NDTV, TOI( Jain family is just the Indian trustee, its owned by Bennett Coleman-USA), 9X etc are owned by Gujjus? ROFL.............
      Just recently Mukesh Ambani bought out Network TV 18, that's all, no Gujju will indulge in such indecent activity like running an indoctrinating news line like your SAAMNA.

      With respect to Dawood Ibrahim, you must not be aware that his father was a police constable, he had mighty connections with your netas for carrying out smuggling activities, your marathi politicians helped him carrying out Mumbai blasts of 1993, the RDX was unloaded at Raigad & when Julio Rebeiro raided his den in the 80s he fled the
      Country with the help of none other than your maratha cm who I will not name but I will give you a hint ( Cancer stricken).
      He collected ransom money from traders, film personalities, builders etc and the booty was shared by your maratha netas, in turn the police & establishment turned a blind eye to all his illegal activities, all this is very well documented / filmed & proven.

      Coming to the murder of J Dey, the murder was carried out by henchmen of chota rajan on the instance of Mrs Vora, as I said there are some bad apples within our community but that does not give you licence to bad name the entire community.

      There are many marathi speaking people living in Baroda and ahmedabad, in fact almost 50% of population of Baroda comprise of Marathi speaking people & if any marathi person commits some kind of crime in Baroda, should I start blaming the entire community?

      SS and MNS have reduced the marathi culture to Vada pav and usal misal, marathi culture is much more than what they carry, they have been carrying the burden of their inglorious past and feed on ignorance of people like you.

      So, carry on with your ignoramus attitude, keep on indoctrinating your future generations, keep on feeding your masters while you live a sadist life, keep blaming all others for all Sundry idiocy, don't introspect yourself, don't think who is using you, keep idolizing the idiots..........

      BYE CIAO, GOD BLESS YOU VIVEK...........


    17. Mr Vivek, this is the last post that I am replying, you have been systematically indoctrinated like the ISIS type & your idiocy have reached to alarming proportions, you are INCORRIGIBLE & no amount of persuasions / facts / reality will change your attitude.

      Your chat made me understand the marathi underbelly / thinking / attitude of Marathi people towards all other than marathi, I really thank you for the same.

      Till recently I used to think that people of your types are decreasing by the day but you have proved that there is a marathi underworld ( Madressa) that systematically indoctrinates young people like you and use them as and when they require, I was grossly wrong, thanks for educating me.

      Now coming to your last post, have you ever bothered to check who are the real owners of big Indian media houses?
      You mean to say that NDTV, TOI( Jain family is just the Indian trustee, its owned by Bennett Coleman-USA), 9X etc are owned by Gujjus? ROFL.............
      Just recently Mukesh Ambani bought out Network TV 18, that's all, no Gujju will indulge in such indecent activity like running an indoctrinating news line like your SAAMNA.

      With respect to Dawood Ibrahim, you must not be aware that his father was a police constable, he had mighty connections with your netas for carrying out smuggling activities, your marathi politicians helped him carrying out Mumbai blasts of 1993, the RDX was unloaded at Raigad & when Julio Rebeiro raided his den in the 80s he fled the
      Country with the help of none other than your maratha cm who I will not name but I will give you a hint ( Cancer stricken).
      He collected ransom money from traders, film personalities, builders etc and the booty was shared by your maratha netas, in turn the police & establishment turned a blind eye to all his illegal activities, all this is very well documented / filmed & proven.

      Coming to the murder of J Dey, the murder was carried out by henchmen of chota rajan on the instance of Mrs Vora, as I said there are some bad apples within our community but that does not give you licence to bad name the entire community.

      There are many marathi speaking people living in Baroda and ahmedabad, in fact almost 50% of population of Baroda comprise of Marathi speaking people & if any marathi person commits some kind of crime in Baroda, should I start blaming the entire community?

      SS and MNS have reduced the marathi culture to Vada pav and usal misal, marathi culture is much more than what they carry, they have been carrying the burden of their inglorious past and feed on ignorance of people like you.

      So, carry on with your ignoramus attitude, keep on indoctrinating your future generations, keep on feeding your masters while you live a sadist life, keep blaming all others for all Sundry idiocy, don't introspect yourself, don't think who is using you, keep idolizing the idiots..........

      BYE CIAO, GOD BLESS YOU VIVEK...........

    18. Nice way to cop out dude. So if you have so many problems with SS, MNS, marathi manus why don't you just leave us alone. Go to any other state and set up your businesses (rackets) there. We will be really happy to see you go. We don't need you, but may be you need Maha.

  10. Not upto MC Standards.

  11. Not upto MC Standards.

  12. he is a fantastic speaker and i have seen his videos on youtube where he is called names by his own 'white'folks who want to be politically correct. whats happening in entire europe now will happen here as well. So many area in mumbai are now muslim dominated and everyone knows what is happening there but no action is taken. we are sitting on a time bomb which will end with huge violence. Muslims are not going to simply change their ways/thoughts/methods via dialogue/debate/blogs/news channels...something different has to be done...

  13. Most of these liberals don't know but if not they, their children will pay a stiff price for this Muslim appeasement.

    Funniest Rahul Gandhi video! The reason why he is the pappu of India!

  15. Media personnel are not actually "morons or moringinis" as the writer of this blog opines.
    Rather they are "cunning foxes", who very well know exactly what they are doing.And that is to play "psychological games" with the minds of the people fully affecting the way we "think" .
    Many among "the media" see "dead bodies" and "victims" of mishaps as potential "cash cows".Journalists who stick to the "ethics of journalism" working with the "right spirit" get overshadowed by the "noise makers".

    The "art of ignorance" is difficult to master
    but is yet an effective tool to ward off the unnecessary information which is not only being disseminated but also presented to us day in and day out thereby polluting the minds in the current "Age of information".
    Any event however "insignifant" it
    may be is being categorised as "breaking news".

    The gullible "Masses" of India in their ignorance,get easily swayed with their emotions without fully understanding the length and breadth of the "items of news" presented on their television screens.They believe that the media representatives are "angels of God" sent from heaven above to get rid of their distress. In truth, many among the media are "hyenas"and "vultures" preying and feeding upon the untold agony and suffering of the affected people without no genuine concern for them.
    Streamlining the news and restructuring the media establishments from the ground level with firmly implemented guidelines regarding their conduct as well as "censoring" of live broadcastings where it is unwarranted has to done by the government with firm resolve.A "media management" team has to be dedicated by the government to buffer the false news reaching its citizens.It is a duty bound upon the "Government Of India".Peace.


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