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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Where The Dogs Of Society Howl

A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied “The one I feed the most”.*

There is a reason why a certain breed of dogs shouldn’t be fed beyond a point. This is the question Narendra Modi seems to have raised in a meeting of the party heads on December 24. Here’s what The Pioneer reports: “Why do senior BJP leaders turn up at news shows on issues involving not so important Congress leaders? And why is that the BJP spokespersons give a sound ‘bite’ at the drop of the hat? These and many more such issues plague the mind of BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, who unveiled his media strategy before members of the party’s election campaign committee that met on Tuesday”.

One of the worst attributes of BJP spokies is to turn up on every debate on TV even when they know it is nonsensical, scripted and fixed. On December 26 a court in Ahmedabad accepted the SIT report on the accusations filed by Zakia Jafri against Modi and several others in the Gujarat 2002 riots. This report was also found to be fair by the SC which did not find any merit for an intervention earlier in 2011. Following the Ahmedabad Court’s acceptance of the SIT closure report all that the BJP needed to do was a presser to state that the 2002 issue, where Modi is concerned, is closed and that justice for victims and those involved in the riots and killing should continue due course of law. Instead, like fools the BJP spokies were all over on TV once again defending against motivated crap. They don’t learn. After 11 years do these people still believe the media wants to hear the truth? If they do, then I have to say this is a sorry bunch of lipstick-hunters. The tweet I’ve quoted indicates the hatred in the media and no court is acceptable to them. Another bimbo has called the SC judges “crackpots”. Why bother arguing with them?

The best course after a victory is to let the dogs of hatred and calumny fight it among themselves and push back. You don’t need to feed the evil dog when you’ve already won. After the December 26 acceptance of the SIT report by the court the headlines and comments were many. Modi not found guilty said some! The media bimbos who claimed this remain ignorant that this wasn’t even a trial of Modi but a petition by Zakia to start a case. The comic Times Now reporter from Ahmedabad even called Zakia’s lawyers “defence lawyers” when she wasn’t an “accused” in anything. He further commented on whether Zakia will “appeal” the court’s verdict. This is as legally-bimbo as our MSM folks get where law is concerned. Fortunately, the biggest legal-bimbo of all was on vacation or it could have gotten worse. Narendra Modi was neither under trial nor was there ever a case or FIR against him in the Gujarat 2002 issue. That’s where the other headlines get interesting. Here’s one from TOI on December 27:

Smart, isn’t it? Keep throwing mud and dirt at someone for 11 years yourself and then claim his shirt was soiled. Since Independence the witch-hunt of Modi has been the single biggest ever. I would also rate it as the biggest media crime ever. Almost everyone used similar headlines. TV’s ‘Hate-monger in chief’ Rajdeep Sardesai was no different. I had to explain to this extreme hate-monger that the mud he hurled doesn’t amount to taint:

And you know what? This Rajdeep gets angry and upset even when someone points out to him that he called Dawood a "patriot" which is actually a fact. The truth is the court found no case for charging Modi and found the petition by Zakia unacceptable. One cannot help but sympathise with the lady. She has been led up a political ‘yellow brick road’ to a fake sense of justice by those who acted on behalf of political powers. Those who fooled her are today richer by crores while she still seeks justice. Those who fooled her also subverted true justice in the process by diverting the entire process and focus to hang one man. NDTV, one of the chief media-accusers of Modi, holds out highlights from the Ahmedabad court verdict:

On the evening of December 26, after the verdict, Commie mouthpiece Brinda Karat was out again with sound-bites still holding Modi responsible for the ‘genocide’. Earlier, her party comrade Sitaram Yechury (one of the famous #65Jaichands) had coined a new convenient term ‘communal pogrom’. I believe, if anyone now calls the 2002 riots a pogrom or genocide it should be treated as contempt of court and, more importantly, contempt for truth. All the politicians and media crooks who have used these terms are nothing but illiterate, uneducated morons and liars. While, politicians opposed to Modi are predictable and shameless I consider the media crooks to be more shameless. Someone created a wall of shame for those who ran the malicious campaign against Modi for 11 years. A few were forgotten (and maybe some more are left out) and I added those faces to this “Black Wall of Shame”:

It’s not Modi but many of these faces that now stand tainted with their lies and fake reports. Some of these faces may even have serious allegations against them. They say politics is the last resort of a scoundrel. I believe that needs a change in our times. We fairly know what to generally expect of politicians but it’s the MSM that has become the last resort for scoundrels. News media should have stood for facts, truth and logic but has become just another last resort. A resort where the dogs of society howl. Since the mid-2000s the SM emerged as strong alternative to these rogues. If not, you can imagine what destructive campaigns these faces would have carried forward unchallenged. A tribute to this “Wall of Shame” would be appropriate:

So goodbye yellow brick road/ Where the dogs of society howl/ You can't plant me in your penthouse… What do you think you'll do then/ I bet that'll shoot down your plane/ It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics/ To set you on your feet again/ Maybe you'll get a replacement/ There's plenty like me to be found/ Mongrels who ain't got a penny/ Sniffing for titbits like you on the ground. **

On their part, the BJP spokies foolishly think the dogs of society were only after Modi. They weren’t! Since 1999 a systematic campaign has been carried out against the right wing party for the Congress plus Commies and everyone knows it. It started with NDA being re-elected (after Jayalalitha knocked them out with 1 vote), then Kargil bashing, “coffingate” and then Kandahar. The party must decide whether to feed the good dog or the evil dog. So far the evil one hasn’t managed to win where Modi is concerned. But there is a lesson to be learned because they are not going to stop their hunt as we shall see in a future post.

In this entire 11-year episode there is clearly only one winner; Narendra Modi. He won 4 elections, is seen as a top performer and his popularity has grown beyond expectations. His detractors now simply don’t know how to combat the man. Now they suddenly think Arvind Kejriwal is their saviour. Goodluck! They just don’t have an answer. In all this time Modi was the one who carried himself with dignity despite the vulgar campaign against him.

The only man who behaved sensibly was my tailor; he took my measurement anew every time he saw me, while all the rest went on with their old measurements and expected them to fit me. ***

That goes for many political parties and the entire MSM where the dogs of society howl, and all those detractors in India and abroad. They will continue with the same old measurements. Modi has moved on to new measurements of performance. He never fed the evil dogs. We are now into the final phase.

* & *** Quotes from George Bernard Shaw.

** From “Goodbye yellow brick road” – Elton John/Bernie Taupin.


  1. Could not have been summed up better. Only you can write so succinctly and yet so hit so tellingly. Hope my friends who could never read between the lines, and called me fundamentalist and communal when I tried to show them the facts, read this and see the truth at least now. The MSM will continue to rape their profession, but we Indians should learn to discern.

  2. Wow. and that's not a "bow". Classic. If there breathes one self respecting human being among those framed in the black wall of shame, he or she should curl up and die after reading this!

    1. Do the sycophants ever has an iota of shame!

  3. I completely agree with you. There's no need and point to participate in every debate. There is not a single News Channel which can be said to be tilted to BJP,so much for a Party having strong presence in the Social media.

  4. Superb insight into political"News".Wish this reach out the vast Indian voters!

  5. You gave words to my thought process since 1999. BJP should understand that all this talk about Press freedom and freedom of expression is all bullshit. The press in India is bias to the core. Just follow NaMo's advice. BJP will have to plan for at least 5 terms to weed out this commie, congress grass.

  6. One noteworthy absence in the photo gallery is that of Amartya Sen,the latest lunatic nobel laureate.My personal opinion about BJP keeping away from media debates is that,it would smack of arrogance of the KhanChris brand.As much as the negative propaganda may have Geobellian impact on the public mind so does the counter argument. Let us not give an open field for the abusers. BTW during a media debate on the Zakia Jeffery verdict,one of the member of the above Hole of fame Aarthi Jerath committed a huge give away. To a BJP claim that there have been no riots in Gujarat for the last 12 yrs, she replied that it was bcoz Muzzies are too afraid to come out.This caused a moment of amusement for the other panelists.On a larger question I wonder ,since the times of chacha Nehru,these liberalists and politically correct morons are playing to a certain unknown gallery.Is it the crumbs thrown by the rulers?Or is it the Nobel peace prize committee or Magasasay.Politicians may have a constituency. But it beats why these small time morons indulge in it.

  7. Ravinar Ji,
    You always steal my thoughts and feelings and pen them so beautifully. MSM is more than dangerous than Manio and all her cronies put together.
    I always feel that Britishers and Mughals put together have not harmed Bharat as much this Congress has during independent period of this great civilization.
    They are Extortionists of present times.

  8. Bravo Sirji. Simple, straight and hard hitting exposé . The portion on BJP deserves special mention. The Dog's Society will continue to Howl its Malicious Scoundrel Madness (MSM). But more and more people have started to see through their hidden agenda. More power to your pen. Thanks and Bravo again!

  9. Yet another insightful narration of the facts and evil motivations of the MSM. Brilliant! However, I am not entirely sure about a complete boycott of news discussions by the BJP - maybe a certain minimum presence is better to prevent the morons running amok. Looking forward to the last post of 2013.

  10. Some readers are indeed MISREADING... This post DOES NOT call for a boycott of any media or news channel. It suggests, as it has done before, to choose which debates are important and which are not. Foolishly routine "sound-bites" are useless and damage you. The other thing is .. there is no need to defend against crap spewed by MSM based on LIES. That is the message. Do not, misinterpret to imply any boycott is being suggested...

    1. Raviji.....Any how Indian Media is going to twist anything BJP/NaMo Says. Answer to this bias propaganda is only social media or a real right wing media. BJP can choose to react to present MSM when BJP wants, not when MSM wants. NaMo is doing exactly that.

    2. Ravinaji,
      I wonder why there is absence on nationalistic right leaning media news channels in india.Are rightists so poor that they cant even launch their news channels in every language of india.

    3. Although you are not calling for boycott of MSM but even boycotting is not all that bad an option. SM has overtaken the MSM in the role of opinion maker. MSM has been exposed completely and no thinking man takes them seriously anymore.

    4. BJP spokespersons should learn a thing or two from Surjewala and Sanjay Zaa by speaking endlessly and not allow the opponent to continue . And am not suggesting foolishly. These guys need these medicines. Secondly and more importantly, the BJP panelists should not allow the high-handed tactics of Barakha and Arnav and put their foot down to make their points completely and uninterrupted. The usual ploy is ' we have completely run out of time ' or some such excuse. Be on the program, expose the flimsiness or falsehood of the debates in loud and uncertain terms and please please stop these Jawdekar like persons and more of Smriti Irani and Ravishanker Prasad and Nirmala Sitaraman should appear. And they should be asked NOT to be too gentle. A push should be answered by a strong shove.

    5. A mis-type. It should be ' no uncertain terms'

    6. Everything is fair in war. A little below the belt remark won't hurt too much. The shameless Abhishek Manu Singhvi should be reminded that we have seen him 'Nangaa' on media so he should not sermonise on any issue. He should be hounded out of media by constantly refusing to answer any rhetorics from a shameless person.

    7. You seem to be speaking my thoughts! Yes, at the very beginning, make a remark on the negative news of an opponent (like the Singhvi example above), unsettle these buggars, and every time MSM or anyone even brings in 2002, ask them to first discuss 1984!. I sent an email to one of their spokespersons that they should constantly use "Sonia and Rahul" within a few words of "mass murder and massacre tens of thousands of children, women, and old sikhs in 1984", so that Sonia and Rahul will be associated, and rightly so, with this genocide. This should be done on every program, by every BJP spokesperons. But how can one provide such feedback to these BJP guys if they have their heads buried in sand? In the beginning of every debate, ask the MSM if they are going to be neutral, or are they taking the side of Congress and an anti-Modi stand! Put them on spot at the very outset.

    8. I howver, think Lekhi, Nirmala and Smriti also are not very good at these debates. Every time they raise their "finger" to seek permission of the anti-Modi anchor, it looks so childish and idiotic. It is like they are begging to be given one minute to just say something! Like Jha, butt in and drown out the other side! A taste of their own medicine whenever needed- of course do this intelligently. I have noticed that these above people waste their time in highlighting 3-4 points, the first couple of these are just some benign recounting of facts. By the time they are about to raise a significant point, they are interrupted, and the whole impact is lost. Bring the important points first! If the MSM or any of the other neutral panelist start "smirking", call them out and ask them what do they find so amusing, and why? Ask them point blank where do their loyalties lie? Question their neutrality- shame these people also!

  11. I would willingly give up my right arm to be able to write so lucidly!

    1. Hope you can write with your left hand though!

  12. The dishonesty with facts that pervades MSM is shocking. And BJP does not even counter it with facts that are in the public domain. All channels and non-NDA panelists (propagandists) spoke of 2,000 riot victims and presented it as if it was all Muslim when the toll was 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus. I was in Ahmedabad for 2 years in the 80s and I can say this - I shudder to think what the toll would've been under any other regime. The Congress party for decades of their rule in Gujarat had polarised society along communal lines deliberately just as they have been doing in my native Karnataka.

  13. Current standards of Media are really venomous. Poison tooth need to be pulled out to make the society harmless. My colleagues, well educated, still believe Rajdeep, Karan Thapar and the likes are honest journalists. They think these MSM crooks can never lie. I was surprised when these colleagues of mine said SM like twitter should not be believed but MSM. Imagine the venom these ppl have spread. Its really difficult unless NaMo. comes to power.

  14. A name is missing in the Black Board of this post. Was he busy causing immense distress to someone in the "legendary" lapse of judgement that could have
    "made it simpler" as a Boss in a flirtatious, frivolous, laughing mood seeking a playful banter...

    Eureka!!! He is there someone tucked in the "1st Floor" of the Board

    Great Post! (as always)

  15. Great piece of writing..I am overwhelmed every time I read this blog.
    Keep up the good work Sir.

  16. MSM was upto another subversion, projecting Modi's blog as his apology when after reading it completely, I found that the crux of his blog was to look beyond the obvious and realize that the judgement has also indirectly indicted these dogs for unjustly agonizing him for 11 years, for being agents of subversion of justice and even tainting Gujrat'si for re-electing him. But the howling dogs, inside their den were trying to "WASH OFF" their sin by manipulating it as apology.

  17. MSM is biased/arrogant.. they dont allow BJP rep. to speak on debate. I think BJP should boycott these meaningless debates. After huge-crowded rallies of Modi, sweeping 3 states & winning more seats in Delhi, media ppl couldn't see Modi wave but they r shouting Kejriwal's magical wave all over the country, which is yet to prove.

  18. There is a need to present a unified thought word and action process by all BJP leaders..surprised to see no comment/twitter from sushma swaraj on the court verdict but was one of the earliest to congratulate Arvind Kejriwal. BJP spokesmen have to fight the opposite view and also the anchor in all the debates who invariably shut them off when they are near to a make a valid point. .It is time BJP chose their presence in debates more judiciously. Or start an own channel before parliamentary elections(as already done in Gujarat) to defend against the MSM propaganda

    1. Actually, Modi has bigger enemies like Advani, Sushma, Shivraj Chouhan who nurture the ambition of becoming the PM. They talk from both sides of their mouth, and play the game of indirectly putting down Modi, without actualy saying so. Your example above of praising Kejriwal, but not saying anything about their own PM candidate is a clear example. All these yellow-jackets are like crabs just waiting for the moment to join hands with Nitish and others, to once again become the leader of Opposition, with all the attendant perks! Shameless "leaders" of BJP. I hope Modi notices all this, and at the appropriate time, will cleanse his own party. Wring it, rinse it, and clean it inside out, as the tagline of another site (laundry???) aptly says so.

  19. The intensity with which the MSM is doing a brand building exercise for Kejriwal looks like they are fighting some war. This is unprecedented. One can understand that there are media houses/journalists who are having skeletons in their closet are scared of Modi but I firmly believe that there is too much money involved in creating this hype.

  20. You amaze me with how you use multi-media to devastating effect..brilliant!
    Keep on rocking, sir.

  21. Bjp as a political party has stopped giving space to new recent mp elections all below 40 mlas are sons of politicians and two first time ministers in cabinet are also sons of former cms...inflow of new ideas has stopped so same old mindset continues..whatever AAP did in election was discussed and discarded in bjp core grp meetings...only support of selfless patriots is keeping bjp afloat..its current leadership except Modi have betrayed the nation

  22. I guess it is time for a blog on the history of desperate measures taken by congress to be in power in states and the country since independence... AAP story will be easy to expose.

  23. Excellent You are right I do not know why BJP Spoke persons should participate in such biased debates The anchors of these TV channels provide a platform to those that are in the Black Wall of shame to rant again and again These people will not have a different opinions even facts are bared

  24. The youth in india seem to besotted with AK/AAP. Hope BJP doesn't take them lightly in LS 2014. They seem to be shooting themselves in the foot often these days.
    BTW, Ravinar, based on AK's swearing ceremony speech, do you still think he is a congress proxy?

    1. He is leftist in his ideas that have ruled this country for 67 years. I do not have hopes of any practical policy from them. If they become practical they will not talk of the nonsense like free water and 50% electricity. In Mumbai we pay Rs. 5 per thousand liter water and it is dam cheap. In Mumbai we get 400 ltrs per house hold Delhiwala wants 700 ltrs and that too free. Just go and ask any village woman she will happily pay Rs. 5 - 10/- for getting 1000 ltrs. She is required to labor each and every day for 1 or 2 hours to get not even 150 ltrs. We pay Rs. 4.30 for electricity they Delhiwala are paying Rs. 2.70 per unit and they want it halved. For this they require 3,500/- Crorers from Delhi budget or they will beg with the center. This way if we do not charge reasonable service charges, everybody will be a looser, nobody will get these basic amenities and nobody will be using it responsibly.

      What about Batala houseand Kejriwal? Avind, Yogendra and Bhushans are known for leftist. They will never change.

  25. Out of this group of greats, I like Suzy Roy the most. Her face remindes me of “Ghost of Journalism”. She is really a gifted writer : gifted with a lot of poison and hatred. I don’t know if anyone has made accurate calculation of the people killed on this earth due to leftist idiots mindless propaganda, but as per my knowledge the number crosses several million. This traitor will be happy only when India is divided into one thousand pieces and life of every Indian is controlled by Naxal comrades with whom she enjoys walking.

  26. Had a cpl of yrs back written in ur blog that bjp shud stop going to ndtv & cnnibn for a few months and say if asked that they dont trust them. It wud hv caused panic but these guys dont learn that at times silence is genuine gold

  27. Dear Ravi.

    this is one of the finest Article that you have written, Every Single Word is a reflection of what is right & what is wrong with the GLORIFIED CHOWKIDARS of MSM.
    But there is one thing we all have missed out is that this Election ( Delhi one ). The BJP was immensely popular among the rural areas of Delhi where they lost was again in the Urban Areas whose population of below middle class & Poorer section depends upon the Governments Handout like free this free that kind of schemes, I personally believ that Kajri may make a mark in these section for a period of time ,

    The real problem for Congress has just started as the Polls showed that it was actually the Congee vote that was Lost & not the BJP one as it is made out.

    All in All they are now facing a Monster that they invented to kill Modi but it has actually started strangulating them.

    I sincerely hope that this nation as a whole rallies behind Modi in times to come . as we need him for a stronger "Bharat"

    May God give you more power & I truly wish that these blogs Travel to each & every Person of this Country.

  28. Should I say, simply "delicious"? Amazing clarity and right amount of "in your face" attitude. Will BJP listen?

    Thank you for the wonderful post and the Wall of Shame. I would like to use it as my dart board.

  29. But where is the good dog ( right wing ) ? And how to feed it to strengthen it ?? And BJP IT wing is mediocre . They neither counter charges nor acknowledge suggestions. They are relying too much on one individual ( or a few individuals ). The assault of the mainstream media and by congress sap trolls in social media is going unchallenged. And that could impact the votes of fence sitters, lazy confused blokes

    1. Yeah, I am also wndering about the BJP IT team- are they some local internt cafe people, or some street-smart and bledding-edge type of experts who can span the entire spectrum of the social media space? I have sent many a suggestion ton he BJP and Modi's websites, but in the absence of any acknowledgement, am not sure if it is just going to some trash bin.

  30. One realy can't understand why BJP spookies contine to be on such fixed debates on anti-national channels. What is their compulsion ? What are they seeking ? fame ? publicity ? Why they don't focus their energy on ground level cadre / voter contact ?

  31. sir, is that swapan dasgupta's pic also in the wall of shame??(pic below sanjeev bhatt) i just want to knw...may b i am mistaken to recognize

    1. The pix below Sanjeev Bhaat is of Prof. Asutosh Varshney. Swapan Dasgupta is among handful of people who have been writing positive about Modi for the last 12 years.

  32. Delhi has only 7 MPs. I think this is why Congress and MSM are trying to project AAP on national scene. Somehow I even think that these articles like MJ Akbar's which only "question" asking "Is it like that?" is just the first step. It is to create a mindspace in people. In the second phase they will start taking AAP too seriously on national scale. This is why sometimes I think that everytime I call AAP as Cong's B team, I am unknowingly playing according to Cong's plans... May be they want us to keep calling AAP as Cong's B-Team and hence indirectly accepting that aAP is a national challenge/player. And every time we write something about Kejriwal we are helping the buzz around him and hence ignoring the buzz around Modi....

    So in a way I think Cong is playing with BJP. Every time BJP supporters bash AAP, AAP is gaining power... these are thoughts which were making me wonder if ignoring AAP till Loksabha elections would be best strategy.

  33. So finally NaMo has also endorsed what Ravinar had said sometime back in one of his posts here though he has been humble enough to not having mentioned in this post.

  34. very well written sirji may god be with u

  35. Great piece of writing Ravi....I think your blogs needs to be translated into vernacular languages to reach a larger audience .... the people of India need to know the truth ... current breed of MSM will destroy India. Almost 90% of English/Hindi TV is anti-hindu ...and are anti-national may Jaichand's in one profession

    1. Your suggestion that Ravi...blogs needs to be translated in vernacular languages - needs serious consideration at least by BJP media team.

  36. May be you can add few more names to the “Black Wall of Shame”: Shiv Visvanathan, Seema Mustafa, B G Verghese

  37. When the decision came, no MSM is actually discussing it they were showing more interest in the Inquiry commission setup by Congo to defame Mr Modi.
    At the beginning of article you mentioned about an incident of good and evil dog. I remember a scene from James Bond SkyFall movie. Where X-MI6 agent compares himself and Bond with last two rats on the island ("A story in which thousand of rats on a island spoiling all the natural resource their, so people of the island decide to trap them in a box where they starts eating each other due to starving and finally when the last two remains they were set free but now both the rat will not eat food their nature has changed now they will eat each other"). Similarly our MSM nature has changed in past 11 years now they will only eat what they have been eating for past 11 years. So the only solution is Shoot the evil rat so peace can restore.

  38. AAP may deliver all its promises as congress is backing it internally making people think yes AAP is the real solution and to vote for it instead of BJP and hence cutting BJP votes...This is a grand agenda by sonia gandhi! Also Congress might be having something hard on AAP so that this party could not break out of its clutches for ever, So this party will always remain as agent of sonia gandhi !

  39. 'One of the worst attributes of BJP spokies is to turn up on every debate on TV even when they know it is nonsensical, scripted and fixed'. Your this line says everything. You are right. Many a time I have written to TV channels which is available to us about their glaring biased reporting and debates but of no use. BJP spokies should keep themselves away from the temptation to appear on TV. They should find out means and ways to communicate directly with the people.

    1. Yes, BJP spokies know that they are unfairly targetted and the whole lot of MSM, sickular junkheads, congi sychos will gang up on them, but yet they appear on such farcial "discussions" since they are a national party and must maintain their presense in as many media channels as possible.

      The BJP is not a paper-tiger like CP(I)M or a rooten fiefdom like Lalu's RJD - parties that belong to the also-ran category when it comes to national politics.

      Since the grand objective of BJP is to conquer the whole of India, they must be prepared to make big sacrifices. Facing media bullies and sickular charlatans is a very basic requirement.

  40. The new found love of the MSM for AKK is obvious for petty reasons. It is too easy to see through the game plan.

    I have only one concern. When chips are down, congis are used to come back through sympathy vote. I even believe an unsuccessful attempt on pappu has been made through a near miss (involving collision of two airplanes) at new delhi airport. It is debatable whether pappu will generate any sympathy wave at all.

    AKK, on the other hand, being the new messiah, has a lot of potential (for congi plans) to garner the sympathy vote and derail BJP/NaMo plans.

    It might sound far out, but it is hunting season and all is fair game.

  41. List of faces you have shown is not exhaustive many faces from other news channels like Aajtak, ABP etc. are left out.

  42. Request all to read the following articles, which clearly explains the players behind the scene & the grave danger India will be facing in future...................

    ~ "Should Indians be wary of the Aam Aadmi Party?" by RSN Singh (Ex-RAW Officer) at Sify(dot)com

    ~ "One man standing - Anarchy faces India without Modi" by N.V.Subramanian at newsinsight(dot)net

    ~ "The conspiracy - Modi’s rise threatens venal politicians as well as imperial powers" by Gautam Sen at newsinsight(dot)net

  43. Sums up in a nutshell the obsession, aversion and phobia looney adversaries of Modi dwell in and attempt their level best to encumber his inevitable rise.

  44. The tailor bit is a brilliant analogy - I sometimes wonder if @mediacrooks is a single person or a moment of people - the real people power

    1. Please don't even mention people power...sounds zoo AAPish :(

  45. It is foolishness of BJP to attend every media discussion. They should either boycott those pre-fixed debates or selectively choose them with pre-conditions
    AAP party seems to have agenda and appears to create a CLASS system - worker class, officer class, business class, political class, in which worker class are the only ones working rest are all corrupt or thieves. It is a party without agenda, without vision, without a solution. They are funded by foreigners, suspect USA to be behind this process. Khangress is one of the beneficiaries, allowing it for their own needs, with least respect for the nation and its society. Because Khangress have their family wealth in USA & switzerland, they are subject to blackmail at any moment.

  46. Class system in addition to existing Caste system is going to spoil things further in India. BJP should include some of the social agendas in including harijans / dalits and try ways to remove untouchability. Unless this is done, people converting to Christianity or Islam cannot be stopped. What does the person require in life.... some education, job and medical facilities, which christian missionaries seems to do. If the education, job and medical facilities are taken care, then no one would be interested to know or mind, which religion he is following. Most of the hospitals in India are all christian hospitals. Need to engage the temple wealth in having more hindu hospitals and treat people. This agenda seems to be lacking in BJP political focus.

  47. the so called scholarship foundations in India are nothing back channels of corruption. I need a favor from Mr. X, find out his weakness, assure his son a seat in Y-University, which Mr. X cannot afford. Then suggest Mr. X that his son / daughter to appear scholarship exam of Z-Foundation, and wonder Mr.X son/daughter gets eligible for scholarship. However, the scholarship is re-assessed for its ELIGIBILITY every six months. So Mr. X is always under constant obligation to serve the masters to ensure the son/daughter to complete the studies... i.e. 4+2 = 6 years of slavery under the hidden masters. and later this becomes a channel for blackmail, for they can leak that Mr. X son/daughter scored actually below average like our Pappu / Shezada but was given .....etc. blackmail goes on for life.....till Mr. X dies.

    1. //nothing back channels//
      Nothing BUT channels of corrpution

  48. I agree completely that the BJP spokepersons lack the common sense on when to appear on TV shows, and when they appear, how to forcefully rebut, without appearing defensive, or churlish, or childish, but with polish, sauve and finesse, seeing thru the games and traps laid by the MSM, their sycophants in the studio, and the "panelists" all loaded to speak against Modi. THe way the "debate" gets conducted - interrupt BJP spokesperson constantly, cut him/her off when he is making a strong point, ask leading and accusatory questions to him/her, while asking stupid and inane questions to others, make insulting gestures like smiling/mocking when they think they have scored a brownie point agianst Modi. I have written a few emails directly to a couple of these spokespersons pointing out how they come across as idiots. Not sure if they care enough to read email, or if they even care enough to know the harm they are doing to Modi! Only one person, Nalin Kohli, responsed back- he is one who does seem to do a half-decent job, but like others need to know when to appear on such "debates", and how to counter the MSM+Congress team of anti-Modi "panelists".

  49. Simply Brilliant.
    The MSM is fully funded by foreign money and so is AAP. Both these are aiding Congis in destruction of India. In 25 years time, NE will be taken over by China, J&K by China and Pakistan. Bengal and Eastern Bihar by Bangladesh. Thanks to Jaichands and Jaichandis. The funny part is you and me can not f$$$$$g do anything about it. RIP Mother India!

    1. We cannot do anything about it?

      We have made BJP from a 2 seat liliput to a political behemoth today. We have ensured that BJP become the party of choice of large swathes of the country, we have provided them a chance to showcase the best prime minister of India, we have reduced the Porngress mafia to a pathetic non-enity in 4 large states in the recent assembly polls, and you wonder what we can do?

      We have come thus far since we refused to be thundered down by leftist/liberal scoundrels, since we steadfastly stood by truth and we had the courage to back the only political organization that have genuine love for the motherland.

      We can do a lot mate, and we have done a lot. We need a final push to be victorious in the uncoming epic battle, we need every drop of our collective stamina, cohesive energy and indomitable attitude to finish ahead of all adversaries in May, 2014.

      Have faith in yourself, faith in your co-believers, we will win 2014 and rightly claim this country to be ours.

  50. This Wagle Ki Duniya ki Nikhil Wagle condemned Arvind Kejriwal & AAP for 'not being gracious in win' after Delhi results announced. As soon as AAP accepted Congress's support, Wagle is all praise on Kejriwal. Paid media's motto: "If you are friend of Congress, you are a friend of us. If you are enemy of Congress, you are enemy of us"

  51. The master schemester Dr Prannoy Roy should also be included in this wall of shame . He is the mentor in chief of the anti Modi - pro Congress NDTV brigade

    1. I couldn't find Lakshmi Chaudhary on the dart board either

  52. A suggestion- I think the BJP spokespersons are so ill-prepared in these debates, that an article on them, highlighting their plusses and minuses, with comments from the readers here, would be an eye-opener for these spokies. When I see people like Javdekar,or Ravi Shankar(" good firend from Congress..."), Piyush, being so "nice and goody" in the way they address their opponents, is rather self-defeating and looks so fake. All the while the MSM "journalists" and anti-Modi panelists are using insulting and choice words against them and Modi. They come across like thick-skinned people who can be humiliated any which way, and it doesn't bother them. People like Sushma Swaraj also come across as phony with their exagerated "yeh hamere atithi hain aur hamein inki aadar karni chaahiye" kind of crap when she addresses Sonia or MMS.(This is a separate peeve of mine that BJP leaders follow this hindu crap of "world is our family" and "atithi devo bhava" too literally, but it comes across as a sign of cowardice when they use this with Sonia and other such fascist-origin people)

  53. Ravinar...could you please allow editing one's own comments? It's too bad to notice typos after publishing. Thanks!

  54. Yes! MSM and their paymasters are not there to be satisfied by any court verdict or by any persuasive dialogue in TV studios.They are there to go on working tirelessly till he is hanged.Because he is not one of them.And because he has kept winning Gujarat in spite of them.If he can win Gujarat in spite of them then he can win India too without them.BJP spokies should start selectively boycotting these crooks.Also Hindus should view these channels only when it is a must.Hindus also should help spread of Social media and use it for news,views and comments.

  55. Actually Modi and BJP should consider rewarding the MSM. The MSM has contributed hugely to the success of the BJP. If it were not for the Sardesai's, Sanghvi's, Arnab Goswami's and the rest of the pack I doubt if the BJP would have come anywhere near what it is today. The MSM is working tirelessly for the BJP, day in and day out. The efforts of the MSM should be officially recognised by the BJP and Sangh parivar. Rajdeep should be awarded the BJP Mitra award, Sagarika should be awarded BJP Hitchintak award. Others should also awards on similar lines. Modi should publicly thank MSM and encourage them to continue to work for the BJP. With the MSM on its side BJP cannot lose.

  56. Folks, we should not make this a Hindu vs Muslim debate, and instead focus on the evil Congress/MSM/NGO/academia/BJP(yes there are evil people in BJP as well who have secret personal ambitions) nexus which is out to detroy India. Ravi is doing a great job analyzing and explaining this devious nexus between these dark forces- let's utlize our thinking and efforts in spreading the awareness of this game, and strenghthen the hands of Modi who, at least for now, seems to have the right goals for India.

  57. If anything worth taking action on social media it is this. Open death threat to PM candidate by Congress supporter Amresh Mishra.

  58. Gullible as always...we citizens so attuned to everything we are fed and no less like mushrooms....."feed them shit and keep them in the dark"---The Departed.
    A Country full of Jaichand & Mir Jafar descendants, all pursuing their family business; some chose to be in MSM & the rest flourishing in sickular politics.

  59. hi all

    bjp defends and defends badly

    bjp can’t avoid these debates as they are being watched by millions of people all over india non-stop, 24×7. as the old saying goes that a lie spoken repeatedly becomes a fact and here, lies are being spoken against bjp by hundreds of journalists thousands of times being shown by numerous channels day in & day out and crores of people are forming opinions based on that.

    we should also not forget that we may sympathise with loser but nobody loves to be with loser and that’s what seems to be happening in the bjp vs aap fight in delhi. the perception has been made that bjp is as corrupt as congress and nobody from bjp has managed to counter it, forget about counter-punching them.

    please note : ‘kumar vishwas’ of aap is not an ordinary speaker as I mentioned earlier ( black-belt in abusing & accusing ). he masters the art of destroying others at the drop of his tongue. therefore, pitch someone against him and his gang who is also master of that. remember, the time has come to fight dogs with bulldog. the earliest the better.


    1. Dear Ashley1888,

      Completely agree with you. Its time the BJP shed its inhibitions & get down to play a hand to hand combat in every street otherwise the Congress-AAP combination would use the next 6 months to create its local supporters & campaign door to door in urban areas similar to what they did in Delhi. During the earlier BJP parliamentary meeting it was decided to reach-out 10 crore households for election funds which I feel is an excellent idea but such ideas should also involve the entire Pariwar organizations along with Modi fan clubs across India. The final push must start soon & with a bang !

    2. Hahaha..very correct. Only Chanakya's policy of 'Sathe sathyam samacharet' can save them from a disaster. Sushma Swaraj type sugar-coated speeches will only demoralize their cadres.

  60. @Ashley, abhijeet , terry
    Whilst I agree with your comments - it is a typical tactic of aap of hit and run. They talk nonsense and the best way to counter them is not get into debate with them. With media by their side , nothing will be good enough. As unlike a Rahul Gandhi and MMS , AK is no walkover. He thrives in pigfight. I am sure modi ,rajnath and co are aware and would work out something . even this article mentions modi's perspective on spokespersons . after much thought , I can only suggest that do not fall into the media trap of creating doubts and diluting morale of modi/bjp supporters. At the end of the day, if people are gullible enough to fall for AAP, congress , msm ploy - then they deserve their plight. After the Bihar failed blast, stupendous victory in three states - I feel that perhaps 2014 elections will end with good tidings for India. By no stretch of imagination is aap or ak anywhere close to even bjp or namo. Baba ramdev needs to start his counter offensive ( he did not campaign enough in Delhi ). And that is just one ace. It is not that I am peddling hope, but then neither should any of us be overtly concerned . after all bjp and modi have come thus far with these very same limitations of inept spokespersons and weak IT wing. We should continue to give our suggestions, but not be too emotionally attached to the outcome. It could ruin our health and wellbeing. We do what we can and hope things turn out well. Ak and AAP are just a bunch of media propped , media supported have hype and there are four criminal cases against AK / AAP ( source of funding and media sarkar sting ). Plus the recent issue of meeting in hotel aman. And then reliance management need to be made aware that their media houses are encouraging the very anarchists that threw muck at them . The likes of Subramanian swamy , arun jaitley would be thinking along these lines

  61. hi all and vijayraghav rao

    i hope everybody is aware of that our very own ‘genius – five times world champion and undisputed world champion from 2007 to 2013 – viswanathan anand’ is no longer a world champion now.

    43 years old viswanathan anand who in the past defeated greats like vladimir kramnik (only player in the world history who defeated, you know-who-gary kasparov in a world championship match ), veselin topalov, boris gelfand just got defeated by a 23 year old youngster, first time world title contender-magnus carlsen and that too in his own den, in chennai, in his own country bharat. he not only got checkmated but got decimated completely (read scoreline : 3-0), for the first time in his 25 years long career - couldn’t win even a single game in a world title match – so what was literally impossible – just happened.

    therefore, the lesson is – never ever, read very-very carefully, never ever underestimate any of your opponent any day any time however small, bad or strange he/she may be.

    and remember – in chess, when the game is in last stages, you know who surrounds and checkmates the king most of the times – you know, who – not the most dangerous queen – who can move anywhere and everywhere at will, not a knight – who can make cunning moves and not the almighty, all strong – rook but the most un-important, weakest or let’s say the simplest who can move only one step at a time that too in only one direction – you know, who – you know, who – now, you guessed it right, yes – the pawn.

    remember, this time this is not a fight to survive but a fight to finish because this time either bjp can win it all or will simply lose it all. and this time around it is not bjp versus congress only but most unfortunetly, this time around it is bjp (narender damodardas modi) versus all enemies of our country – congress, aam aadmi party, bsp, sp, jdu, dmk, ncp, bjd, cpi, cpi-m, naxalites, indian mujahideen, lashker-e-taiba, al- qaeda, isi and – and some very senior and important bjp functioneries.

    and this time around – it is not bjp which is at stake but our country-bharat is at stake.


  62. BJP spokespersons need to be better prepared and they should defend their party better in the debates. And they should not agree to attend 1 : 4 MSM debates in which they get completely 'out shouted'

  63. Whatever advantages clinched by Modi are being fritted away by ill prepared BJP panelists on all the Tv channels. One fails to see the compulsion of participating in this good for nothing debates. It is best avoided than face hostile 4 against panelist well supported by Anchor.Other panelist have nothing to loose and BJP is losing whatever Modi is going on ground.Strange situation. MSM is on the top due to inapt media handling by BJP media cell.

  64. @ashley,
    Thanks . I agree with you, but then neither was I underestimating the enemy. And it is for modi/bjp to be smarter . Ordinary citizens like many of us can only do so much. And yes , neither should one overestimate ones opponents and end up getting confused and intimidated . And I am expecting worser dirty tricks as days unfold inching towards the elections - and those will have to be combatted politically by Modi and bjp. And I was just being cautiously optimistic that hopefully they will be able outsmart their opponents politically as they have done so far.

  65. The problem is, these poorly prepared BJP spoke persons love to see themselves in TV. I bet they invite their friends and family to watch them on such and such show at such and such time. Appearance in TV strokes their ego.

  66. Ravinar and the people participating in this debate are doing an amazing job!!
    This is patriotism at its best. The quality of the discussion indicates the high IQ and maturity of this group.
    But the fact is, MSM has access to the entire educated middle class and they are being brainwashed with all these lies. And corrupt MSM does not allow BJP's arguments to be heard. The only way is to increase the reach of SM to ordinary middle class.
    Can this group suggest some ways of broadening the SM - which should be more into audio / visual, rather than written words?
    for example through FM radio/ video content through cable network channels etc?

    1. @Sujatha, it is not enough to attract people to SM. They need to be politically mature.Most of the educated middle class who r already on SM, use it for private communication and seldom enter public forum.This is more so in Hindus.The same ones if they appear in any public debates, will applaud the politically correct statements of their very enemies.For the minorities, their clerics will guide them as per the MSM and like a herd sheep they will go to vote.If a temple priest tries to do the same, he will be branded communal. That is khanchris sickularism.

    2. The point I am making is not just to attract people to SM, but take SM to a broader audience. As you are saying there is a big section of the educated class which is politically immature and also there is a section which is not ready to be seen in public for their political views.

      SM had made a huge difference in countering MSM and projecting BJP as party of choice, as rightly articulated by others in this forum.

      But my questions are:
      Do we have enough momentum and critical mass to take us to the finish line?
      Do we have enough time for people to mature on their own?
      Do we have the game plan to draw out people into public forum?
      Can we do something more to push people in that direction?

      The way SM has stormed the cyber space, can we replicate the same through Radio / TV? Starting an FM radio should be fairly easier. I am sure there are better ideas.

  67. this TV debate is nothing but another imported junk idea from the 'heaven' of educated elites,USA. there two idiots debate on TV(which is totally scripted) and based on that debate(!!!) the whole nation decide(!!!) who should be the chosen one as their next president(!!!). those who perform do not require MSM or need to argue with anyone on MSM to establish his/her vision or idea.if you want to do something for people then you should trust people to be the final and only judge. Sri Narendra Modi and people of Gujarat, perfect example of that. they both have won the battle against MSM with honour.

    So far MSM on the same path was the only authority to decide, who is a actor,who is an intellectual, who is an activist,who is a leader,..etc.etc.etc.Now the latest from MSM - who is 'AAM' and who is 'ANGUR' will also be decided by MSM only. because according to MSM the people who are supporting AAP - "AAM", rest "ANGUR".

    1. Toofan, there is a little difference about Gujarat and India. In Gujarat, constant attack on Mr. Modi and constant reference to 2002 riots, Gujarati saw as attack on themselves (by outsiders-Rajdeep, Ms. Ghosh, Teesta etc.). For such thing to happen to all Indians, the latest news that America is funding AAP just to neutralize Modi could help making all Indian angry. (By the way this news was in a Gujarat news paper -Divya Bhaskar yesterday.)

    2. @phanibhushan joshipura
      i agree with you partly. because, first time it was anger of gujarat which you have mentioned was a major factor, may be partly second time but third time it must be nothing else but performance.

      regarding AAP funding,it is true that USA does not want a leader in INDIA so they are funding AAP as it is well understood that congress's days are numbered and they need one more puppy brigade. but at the same time a huge business(!!!) lobby, doing their business by flouting every law of the land with the help of central government, and virtually looting public money also do not want to see Modiji as PM. i am excluding here other sections who also do not want to see Modiji in power.

  68. The BJP spokies should resist the temptation of airing their views which obviously will be interrupted by the crook MSMs differently and against Modi and the party!! How many times we have seen SG, RG, PC on the proven corruption issues on TV Shows!! Mr. Modi only should answer these Bas....tds!!!!!

  69. Dear Ravi Brilliant Article as usual my strong view is that All the BJP Spokesperson should come all Gun Blazing and should talk only Facts & Logic and Expose the ENTIRE PSEUDO SECULAR NOW THE LATEST VERSION OF AAP. Should ask them about the Gadkari Case and what happened to their so Called Internal Janlokpal Enquiry in Anjali Damania and I think by day passing its becoming quite clear that AAP is no different than Congress and managed to Fooled the people of Delhi Now AAP Leaders don't See anything wrong in Corrupt Shiela's Company. MY ONLY SUGGESTION TO BJP'S SPOKEPERSONS TO BE AGGRESSIVE IN THE DEBATE ON THESE PAID MEDIA CHANNELS AND SHOULD COMPLETE THEIR POINT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED SHOUT SCOOT BUT BE AGGRRESSIVE. THEY SHOULD LEARN FROM THE PREVIOUS MISTAKE WHEN EVEN THEY WERE RIGHT ALSO WERE SCARED TO SPEAK OUT THE TRUTH.


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