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Thursday, December 5, 2013

CVB - The Final Threat

The exit polls after the recent round of elections in 5 states aren’t showing great results for the Congress. While only final results on December 8 will confirm if these predictions are accurate there is every reason to believe that the Congress internally knows the outcomes may not be very encouraging for them. Here’s a summary of what the exit polls have generally indicated (this may change a bit here and there for Delhi):

Democracy is considered a better form of government and life because it promises equality of all citizens and justice for all. In India, though, this is far from reality and neither are citizens equal nor is there justice for all. Since the British were fond of divide and rule we have inherited the same principle in almost every party whose mother has been the Congress. While calling others “divisive and polarising” it is actually Sonia Gandhi (earlier IndiraG and RajivG) who has been the most divisive politician. It’s a guiding principle for the Congress party and executed by SoniaG and her foot-soldiers. Correspondingly, this same party has no respect for law and corrupt operators flourish under its rule. The laws and policies the party makes are basically “survival” measures to retain power. Most of these laws and policies have nothing to do with real progress, development, growth or justice.

There is a concept in accounting called “materiality concept” which any book-keeper or Accountant will tell you about. While this mostly refers to what is reflected in a financial statement we can also apply it to simple purchases and how we treat them. For instance, a normal office stapler costs between Rs.80 and Rs.500. Though the stapler is physically an asset it is treated as an “expense” because of the materiality concept and not as an asset that gets depreciated every year. Someone owing you Rs.1000 but has assets worth Rs.1 crore is not going to bother you much but the reverse would definitely bother you. I read a DNA report about a Postman who lost his job in 1984 accused of embezzlement. He was finally acquitted in 2013, after 29 years. During this period he lost 3 children, another one has a heart ailment and survived doing odd jobs with the tag of “thief”. The amount he was accused of embezzling? All of Rs.57.60! From the same period no big criminal was punished for the slaughter of Sikhs. No major criminal was punished for the loot of 64 Crores in the Bofors scam.

In most of the campaign or speeches of Congress leaders there isn’t really any materiality involved. Lame nonsense like “roads and airports cannot feed you” by Rahul Gandhi is the kind of statement people are not buying anymore. So when bragging “we brought RTI for you” is Congress claiming people can “eat the RTI” and fill their stomachs? Does any law fill anyone’s stomach? Saying “we gave you FSB” in places where the PDS system and food systems are better is equally immaterial. In parts of Chattisgarh people refer to CM Raman Singh as “Chawal wale Baba” (Rice-provider) indicating he has done much better than Congress in managing food distribution. Raman Singh doesn’t brag about some FSB or PDS innovation, people believe he “delivers”. Another myth that is being repeatedly busted is the fake claims of Congress on secularism. If airports and roads don’t feed the poor, as RG stupidly claims, secularism doesn’t feed anyone or deliver water to anyone. The baking of Muslim and minority votes also seems to be under threat. Muslims are also wiser having been fooled by Congress and other “sickular” parties all these years.

It is evident that Narendra Modi is setting the agenda and the Congis are all at sea on how to combat him. Modi’s appeal is not restricted to urban classes but also extends to rural folks. In the recent elections the middle class in Delhi too turned up in large numbers. Of course, according to wiseguy Wagle, the middle class who vote for BJP are idiots without IQ. This is the language in the media that the Congress also uses. Sheer arrogance and contempt for people! Their top 2 leaders, the Gandhis, simply do not possess the grip on various issues to combat Modi. This just leaves the foot-soldiers to indulge in name-calling. Someone described the reason for the massive turnouts at Modi rallies. He speaks a language that ordinary people understand and connect with. He rakes up issues without fear and he makes a mockery of this fake secularism. Media cronies of Congress like Kumar Ketkar and Vinod Mehta like to believe there is no Modi-wave but it’s the “non-performance” of Congress that is working against them. That is a worse indictment which doesn’t dawn upon these guys. Fighting Modi might still be possible but fighting a perception among people of “non-performance” is tougher. The media is blind to the danger of their own lies.

Lately Modi even brought up the Article 370 which seems to have upset a whole lot of people. The BJP is right in claiming that A370 needs a relook and debate. Arun Jaitley writes “Article 370 has nothing to do with Secularism. Its an instrument of oppression against citizens of India”. Here are some excerpts:

The Nehruvian vision of a separate status has given rise to aspirations for the pre-1953 status, self-rule and even Azadi. The desire of proponents of these three ideas has weakened the constitutional and political relationship between Jammu & Kashmir and the rest of the country. The journey of separate status has been towards separatism and not towards integration. It would be incorrect for anyone to interpret BJP's challenge for a debate on this issue as a softening of stand on Article 370… The State laws in Jammu & Kashmir were consistently interpreted for over five decades to mean that a daughter in Jammu & Kashmir would lose her status as a permanent resident of the State as also special rights and privileges available to her if she married outside the State. This was based on an erroneous belief that a wife followed the domicile of the husband. A large number of women in Jammu & Kashmir questioned the constitutional validity of this provision. A Full Bench of the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir by a judgement dated 7th October, 2002 re-interpreted the law and by a majority judgement held that a daughter marrying outside the State would not lose her status as a permanent resident”.

So a majority of citizens of this country are being misled. The truth is that A370 was created at a certain time and a certain situation. That situation has dramatically altered now. The “rulers and maharajas” of J&K whether the Abdullahs or Muftis have been constantly playing a “Kabhi haan, Kabhi naa” game on where they stand on issues of terrorism and separatists. A separatist like Geelani openly calls for violence to separate Kashmir from India. Therefore, A370 too needs a relook. All political parties were shying away from it so far and there is no escape anymore. Other princely states that joined India were allowed privy purses which were to be reduced progressively. But in a sudden move Indira Gandhi abolished the privy purses. So there is no logic behind keeping A370 permanently burning. This appeals to most Indians and Congress has no answer.

With a dying party, with a history of dictatorial tendencies, in danger of losing power in many states and the Centre, the only option is to create more fear, more divisions in society, make draconian laws to ensure “survival”. This is the only political tactic that Congress has always known: “survival”. So they bring up the Communal Violence Bill again which they propose to table in parliament and pass it this Winter session. There’s an old rule in India: If a cycle crashes with a two-wheeler, it’s the two-wheeler’s fault. If the two-wheeler crashes with a car it’s the fault of the car. If the car crashes with a truck, it’s the truck’s fault. If a truck crash with a train…. That in short describes the CVB. All communal riots or violence are faults of the “majority” group. In other words: Hindus. In many states the Congress has been wiped out for decades. TN, Bengal, UP, Bihar, Gujarat are all important contributors to the national kitty of LS seats. The CVB empowers the Centre to act and intervene with forces in case of a communal riot in some state. Any law that is likely to be misused WILL be misused. 66A anyone?

In a debate on TimesNow on December 3 the Congress spokie, Sanjay Jha, made a dramatically foolish claim that went unchallenged. He cited the plight of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) who were driven out of Kashmir around 1989-90 by local and imported terrorists and claimed the CVB would also protect the KPs. That is like saying the Sikhs who were slaughtered in Delhi and across India by the Congis would be protected by the CVB. Such is the silly argument presented by the Congi. First, the KPs have been driven out in lakhs with hardly any hope of returning home. They have settled across India and also abroad and the current situation in Kashmir is hardly encouraging. Most importantly, how the hell does Jha claim CVB will help them in the context of A370? It is common knowledge that legislations by our parliament do not automatically extend to J&K because of A370. So there is absolutely no sense in claiming CVB will protect anyone in J&K. This is the kind of spurious logic the Congis use. And given that Muslims are in majority in J&K there is hardly any chance that the Abdullahs will approve the CVB for the state. Therefore, for all practical purposes the Hindus are the villains.

Thus, the CVB is another law that the Congress hopes will drive Muslims rushing to vote for it in the next elections. This is an act of a loser. It’s a desperate measure by a dying party that refuses to see the writing on the wall. In a scathing article, former vice-chief of army and former governor of J&K, slams the entire miserable rule of the Congress: “Sham secularism, feudal democracy”. What are they going to do? Is Rahul Gandhi going to next say “we brought CVB” and that will feed the stomachs of poor minorities? Instead of removing lines of division and fostering more harmony the Congress is hell bent on further dividing people and generating hostilities. The most stinging and honest description of SoniaG being the most divisive politician comes from TheJaggi in FirstPost:

Today, she realises that the same divisiveness her origins generated earlier may stick to her ineffectual son too, and in order to neutralise this the Congress strategy is to build up the bogey of Narendra Modi‘s divisiveness so that the Dynasty’s own inherent divisiveness is glossed over. This project would have died an unsung death if Vajpayee had won in 2004 and LK Advani in 2009, but fate decreed otherwise, and it is in Sonia’s interest now to foster further divisiveness by demonising Modi…  Thanks to 2002, it is not difficult to paint Modi as a “divisive” figure. Let’s assume for a moment that that is true, but the real question is: divisive for whom? If you line up all the critics of Modi and his alleged “divisiveness” you will find that it is the Congress-Left-Secular Delhi “liberal” elite that finds him “divisive”. If some of the regional parties are today parroting this same story of Modi’s divisiveness, it is because it suits their short-term electoral purposes”.

The truth about the recent elections is that people aren’t just rejecting the Congress, they are rejecting the “Gandhis”. The Congress must at least acknowledge that Rahul Gandhi is a total flop and does not inspire people. He might inspire the Barkhas and Rajdeeps but not the voters. They also need to understand SoniaG needs to shed her arrogance and her dialogue needs to be one of humility. There is only so much that people are willing to forgive. If this CVB is the last straw or the final threat the Congress is hanging on to, it will fail miserably.


  1. The CVB is desperate measure by a dying party!Truly said.

  2. The wiseguy Nikhil Wagale, yesterday, was discussing post poll survey done by them and was discussing that in between the November and December survey BJP has lost the ground and Congress has put up fight. The proof? His own surveys that he can manipulate the way he wants. In his surveys he projected in November, BJP will get say 140/145 seats in Rajasthan and now in poll survey done in December BJP is getting 130 to 135 seats. Does Nikhil Wagale considers us viewers fools? Or is he living in fools paradise? Both the surveys are surveys after all and it can have a variation of those many seats. But he used it to show that BJP is loosing the ground and Congress is putting up fight. This was a crook ploy to demoralize BJP cadre. For this pathological hatred against BJP, we have to understand that Wagle is a socialist who are jealous of BJP which has gained strength years after years, where as all socialists are breaking in to independent amoebas over last 65 years. Therefore all these Congress-Left-Socialist Secular intellectuals prefer to back dynasty. NaMo do not just dream Congress free India let us all dream Socialists free India, because they provide intellectual backup to Congress in the name of CVB or FSB.

    1. For some reason Nikhil Wagle evokes an image of a dog Wagging its tail in front of its master!

  3. Brilliant stuff Ravi... Me too want to write these kinda of stuffs... but don't have such a vast variety of knowledge in all domains. . :(

  4. For CON party CVB means Congress Victory Bill.

    1. Actually it is going to be Congress Vinaash Bill

  5. The instrument of its perceived salvation will result in the eternal damnation for the congress.. Cvb will the final straw!

  6. Wagle's comment is almost trying to say "God Save Congress"!!

  7. If there is a cvb, it should also define physical as well as mental violence, caused due to various minority appeasement policies. Divisions on linguistic and religious grounds will only lead to chaotic situations as in Syria, Egypt ...... Be prepared Khangis, yu just woke de Hindu lion.......

  8. The other striking thing about CVB is that it was drafter by NAC, which is not even a constitutional body. What right does that gang of sickulars have to do this? The elected representatives will now debate it in parliament but given the heavily tilted nature of the draft, I'm not sure how that debate will pan out. By the way I don't see a lot of talk around this bill in the current news bytes. Of course, Jaitley wrote a piece on this but not many are reacting. Given BJP's strong position after the state polls and its opposition to this bill, can we see this bill being pushed down in priority list?

  9. I don't know what kind of numbers Indian demographic throws up that CVB is seen as a key to next government. After all, Hindus should be 80% of the vote share. And this bill wants to hold majority as the guilty party.

    So, the logic for congress is that if 20% of the minorities vote for it, it is enough for it to come to power? If this is the reasoning, then we hindus should hang our heads in shame. If congress comes back in 2014, we Indians (especially hindus) fully deserve it.

    1. @anban - the 2011 census figures are being concealed and have not yet been released by GOI. The word in the known circles is the percentage of Hindus have gone down dramatically in last ten years due to muslim immigration and conversions. Hindus are no longer in 78-80% bracket. Khanchris doesnt want to show that.

      @Mediacrooks - you have a great impact on Twitter - you have a large army of faithfuls there, including yours truly. Pls raise the issue of 2011 census figures, let it begin, let people talk about it. SM can put pressure on MSM. Pls think about it. I am new to twitter so pls pardon if this was done already.

    2. @anban : What vineet said is probably true. The Hindus are no longer in the 75-80% bracket. Now we have to understand that, the minority block votes en masse for the Hand party. However the majority hindus are again divided on basis of caste , region , professionalism etc. A good example would be that of Aam Aadmi Party( AAP) eating into the urban educated vote bank which has traditionally been with BJP. If the percentage has increased from 20 to say 25% in 2011 , it will increase to 35% in 2021. And that is why bills like CVB hold key till they reach that magic 50% mark.

      once they reach 50% mark , its game over for parties like the BJP.

    3. CVB is another tool for the GOP to rule/blackmail states from Centre.
      It can use this tool to appease in case of violence/riot. Even if theres no riot it can instigate one and blame on state, dismiss it, blame in majos, and appease and provide healing touch.
      The Hand first will pinch the baby and then rock the cradle next.

  10. It is just very interesting to see how various congress strategies failed in the 4 states that went to poll

    1. Delhi - Development card back-fired. The results signal an anti congress protest wave that could be national in nature.
    2. MP - Anti-incumbency and anti-corruption planks didn't create an impact
    3. Rajasthan - Sonianomics and communal bogey have had the biggest jolt. The margin of defeat as pointed by exit polls should be alarming for Congress who wants to use these two cards in the National polls.
    4. Chattisgarh - Ironically, the only state where congress has put up some fight is where its leadership is weak, there is a lot of internal fighting and there is no real card that was played. I think Congress should see this as its future and build up on this.

    What is pretty clear that there is an anti-incumbency wave against congress now. Though if it fully translates to BJP votes needs to be established.

    1. Local elections are fought on local issues. In national elections, there will be even more one-sided impact of NaMo. Which other national leader can match up to his stature?

  11. Thanks Ravi for another well written article. For me two lines in your article were the showstopper. 1. " From the same period no big criminal was punished for the slaughter of Sikhs. No major criminal was punished for the loot of 64 Crores in the Bofors scam." 2. There’s an old rule in India: If a cycle crashes with a two-wheeler, it’s the two-wheeler’s fault. If the two-wheeler crashes with a car it’s the fault of the car. If the car crashes with a truck, it’s the truck’s fault. If a truck crash with a train….

    When you talk about Modi able to connect with the audience I remember every-time he says Sonia or Shezada you can hear a big cheer in the crowd. But our paid media call it name calling. Whats wrong in name calling in speech when people want to hear it since most of celeb in MSM are scared of criticizing Gandhi family. Few years back someone ask Rajdeep why did Media show Bhoot Preet, horoscope and superstitious things on their channel. In reply he said those thing get lot of TRP and we are showing what people want to see. He further said if we are eating food then we need archar, papad, sweet etc similarly we can't serve only news on our channel and hence we need those bhoot preet stories also.

  12. Dear Ravinar, your comparison of A370 with CVB for KP's was really a nice one. Cheers, Kartik Athreya

  13. Moreover Communal Violence Bill will not be applied on Jammu and Kashmir, where Hindus are in minority!

    1. correct, it is very clearly mentioned in the bill

    2. Yes, ANYONE who reads the full text of the bill would know that.(
      It is written RIGHT in the first page second sentence
      "(2) It extends to the whole of India excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir."

  14. Sometime formation of vacuum becomes prerequisite for a wave. I have never seen such despair among people before. Feudal political system was doing well in Indian politics. People were reluctant to think about politics and politicians and used to spend life with the left-over from dynasty. Used to cast vote in a pattern, following the footsteps of elders or driven by media. If Sri Narendra Modi comes to power with more than 272 seats then people should be grateful to congress and its allies for the complete misrule. Because this misrule and complete idiotic – destructive - mindless vote-bank politics has transformed despair into desperation to get rid of this pseudo democratic situation, and has also forced people to think about politics and politicians beyond those garbage(views and news) fed by MSM.

  15. Priyanka Gandhi is a better card to play for Congress than the CVB. But will the mother be prepared to sacrifice both son and daughter within a space of 6 months in the Modi tsunami???????

  16. If you have not read it, CVB clearly says "It will NOT apply to J&K". So what Jha said was pure lie as this is mentioned in first few lines of bill.(downloadable from NAC website)

  17. This exceptional piece by N. Rajaram on CVB & Sonia's anti Hindu bigotry is a must read.

  18. Continuing with the above:

  19. @NarendraModi can earn big points/win big hearts if he can save INS Vikrant and convert it into maritime museum. More Tourism for Gujarat and more tears to family!

  20. While the CVB is in the parliament, I would recommend NaMo to discuss it in public rally (one point at each of the future rallies).No media has the kind of reach and connect that NaMo has with the public. It will become a subject of houshold discussion in virtually no time.This could easily make KhanChris wet their pants.We saw Burkha dutt wet hers when NaMo discussed dehati aurat.

  21. We are talking about a proposed CVB. What about Maharashtra law against so called black magic and "anti-aghora" practices?

    See one of the objectives of the Act! "to protect the common people in the society against the evil and sinister practices and customs thriving, on ignorance, and to combat and eradicate the evil, sinister and aghori practices born out of beliefs propagated in the name of some so called divine or supernatural or magical powers or evil spirits"

    Well in any case, why do we call Kashmiri Hindus as mere Kashmiri pundits? This is creating a sense of alienation among the people who does not like a particular caste.

  22. modi wanted a debate. now he has got a debate. lets see whether he accepts it or not... atleast this time...

    1. @ Mr. Rahman. You think Modiji should debate with any Tom, dick & Harry of Congress & NC ? For the likes of Omar Abdullah, our Meenakshi Lekhi is enough. If Modiji has to debate, it has to be with Equals - if your Papu who is projected as PM or your MMS - would they dare to debate with Modiji ? Katwas can continue to align with Congis - both have no love for their Motherland. We do have immense love for our Motherland.

    2. @K.Rahman:Ideally the debate should be with in Kashmir whether this provision is hurting their aspirations. Can the whole population of state survive forever only on tourism and a few government jobs here and there?

      Surely the objection is coming from a handful of feudal dynasties who control Kashmir and Congress created self styled left liberals who pounce on anything that is not in line with Nehru school of thought.

    3. @harry: hehe good excuse but falls flat. next time modi asks for a debate he can also say with whom he wants to debate with. may be with president of united states or president of mars or president of the galactically stupid. the fact is he is running away from a debate after asking for it.
      also since you blabbered something in the end let me say that you christians also have no love lost for motherland india and the reason that you are in india is for conversion to your stupid faith.

    4. @terry john: agree to your point.

    5. Good news is that this had some effect on a rationale and practical side, All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference slammed Omar Abdullah and demanded immediate release of 10 Lakhs per panchayat for development purpose.

  23. Have you guys ever wondered why every crony political party in India is after Muslim votes and does Muslim appeasement even though according to census Muslim percentage in India is 15% approx, it is because that figure is incorrect or false, Muslim population is higher than official figures way higher maybe about 25-30% including millions of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims have voter-ids and they all vote for parties which gives them free hand to Islamize India, the day when in Idnain sub-continent population of muslim reaches above 50% they will start full scale violent Jihad against non-muslims to make it da-ul-islam, there are many videos available online which shows that how muslim clerics teach Muslims about this and how to achieve it, you wont get them all in youtube there are many in liveleak

    1. I think this may be possible. I have often wondered why politicians seek minority votes at the cost of majority - it isnt logical, and these guys are seasoned marchants of public perception

  24. It is time for action and no use penting frustration on comments in Social Media. There is no need for a debate on such anti constitutional bill. BJP or RSS should file a PIL immediately highlighting the anti national , divisive , biased clauses of the proposed bill and prevent even its tabling . And all those who drafted such a bill, and are tabling and supporting this bill should be prosecuted for treason and anti national activity.

  25. Whenever there is a debacle in election, the losing party's president resigns or there is some sort of 'Bagawat (coup)'. Will such thing happen to Congress party after election? will Congress party split into Congress(SG) and Congress?

    1. If look into the history every politician who has raised voices against the family has either left the party or the world. That clearly explains why Congress is party of sycophants. Most of them are either dumb or too afraid to speak.

  26. Great Article...But u missed on point in the Exit Poll part..that almost all the MSM have not bothered to get us any updates on Mizoram. Almost as if it is a step child of India. Very shameful that we treat people of one of our own states like this. I am sure they wanted to know about the polls etc.. There is almost no mention of Mizoram at all

    1. @Sumit

      The talk about ignoring Mizoram is only partly valid. Most people who point out the Mizo elections not getting prominence are doing so only on some emotional basis and not rational basis. One reason is that it is a small state where there isnt a perceived strong contest as in other states. Besides, the Mizo results don't have a severe impact on national politics as the other states that were being discussed. Still, for those who were indeed interested most newspapers also carried exit predictions for Mizoram. If you ask me I would rather the news channels reported some major issues concerning Mizoram rather than bother about election results. If you were running a news channel you wouldnt find it worth the time and expense covering Mizo exit polls because it is pretty much predictable (for Congress). The interest is always is in what holds some suspense. Thats the best way to understand it instead of looking at it as ignoring a state,

  27. Every new article of yours makes me wiser. The first thing that I do in the morning, even before I check my office mails is to check whether you have posted a new article. You are truly one of a kind Journalist. May your tribe increase.

    1. I also do the same ! A BIG "DITTO" !!

    2. Gentlemen pls concentrate on the subject matter.

  28. This is Irony on this Earth where Majority Community Suffering from last 1000 Years on their Own Land. In Russian Doma their President said Bluntlty and Categorically that Minority Need Us we don't need Minority So they have to follow the Law of the Land. France Can Banned Burqa in Public Places but our Sickluar Politicians for Vote Bank Politics are Compromising each and every Constitutional Institutions. What about Riots Started by the Minority Community Which History Of Riots of past 250 Years shown were started by Minority Community and what Happened After the Riots is different. What nobody's talking about Train Coach Burnt at the Godhra or Recent Muzzaffarnagar Riots where the Complaint was Girls were Harrassed by the Minority Communities Men. What about Recent Mumbai Riots where Muslims were Targeted in Mynamar and there were Riots in Mumbai. Damaging Public Property and Beating Police Women. What about a Muslim Captain of Indian Cricket Team who was caught in Match Fixing banned by the BCCI played Victim and his defense was He was Targeted Because he Belongs to Minority Community. Why He Never Commented when nobody objected to his appointment as Captain of Indian Cricket Team. YOU COMMIT A CRIME WHEN CAUGHT PLAY VICTIM. WHY NO MAIN STREAM MEDIA PRINT + ELECTRONIC + NEWS CHANNELS ARE NOT DISCUSSING ABOUT INVOLVEMENT OF U.P. MINISTER'S FROM A MINORITY COMMUNITY WHICH WERE SHOWN ON THE CHANNELS WHERE POLICE ADMITTING FROM WHERE THEY GOT ORDERS AND CHANGED THE F.I.R. I THINK DR. SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY IS RIGHT THAT HINDUS SHOULD ALSO UNITE, HINDUS AND SUPPORT THE PARTY WHICH LOOKS AFTER THEIR INTEREST. HINDUS ARE IN MAJORITY IN BHARAT THAT IS WHY ITS SECULAR. WHO IS THAT NAC TO DRAFT THE LAWS THEY ARE NOT ELECTED REPRESENTED OF THE PEOPLE. AND WHY IT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED IN PARLIAMENT IN FIRST PLACE. MORE THERE IS STILL A SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES RUNNING AND PEOPLE/ NGO'S ATTACHED TO THIS IS MAKING BILLIONS. WHERE THAT CHAIWALA IS WRONG AND NOW DAYS ITS BECOME FASHION WHATEVER HE SAYS ALL THE SICKULARS ARE CATCHING AND TRY TO PROVE HIM WRONG.

    1. You got things in right perspective.... excellent.....

  29. Hi Raviner,
    Can you write someday about this Bitty Mohanty case. Looks fishy to me, TimesNow is using him for their TRP. Bad that he jumped bail, but looks like that guy just wanted to live a normal life... very sad.

    1. This is for sure that Government of India just bowed down to Government of Germany and conducted a speedy trial on the supposed rape of a German Tourist.

      Was it truly a rape or a mutually consensual act is still debatable ? Both were under the influence of alcohol and there was no sign of injury or sign of resistance. Trial in this matter is of suspicious nature.

  30. For a min let's agree that "airports and roads don’t feed the poor" per Rahul Gandhi. Then why are most popular Airports & Roads are named after Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, & Nehru?

  31. The article reflects the thought of majority of us Indians. Thanks for articulating it so clearly and beautifully.

  32. This isnt about communalism, but if our democracy was functioning, why would any politician want to play a minority card, as they'd be sure to lose?

    So I think the demographics we are fed are over-aggregated to drive a sense of complacency and appeal to self-sacrifice tradition of Hindus - the political map of the country with constituency wise religious and caste breakups would show the minority isnt actually a minority - I suspect - the picture will be murkeir because for the government, a SC/ST who changes their religion to Busshism/Christianity or Islam will still be counted as an SC/ST

    What do you folks think? Is this at the root of the brazen acts of congress dictators, who are still confident of staying in power, despite excesses in emergencies, wiping out entire populations in Punjab, Assam, West Bengal etc?.

  33. Exit polls predict a robust debut of about 15-16 seats for Kejriwal's AAP in Delhi elections. This indicates he has been fairly successful in pocketing good chunk of votes. And this needs money for the electioneering, and Anna's collections have come handy for AAP. Kejriwal was very successful in getting a chunk of Congress vote bank, and this is very visible. What is not visible is the chunk of BJP vote bank which might have gone to Kejriwal. If the latter too has happened, I am not surprised if we see Arvind Kejriwal as the next CM of Delhi. Now my question is, all politicians irrespective of their parties make money once they get power. But here is a man, who alleges that the BJP/Cong politicians make money, but he himself is able to make money even before getting power. This is world record!!!!!

  34. CVB proves how poorly advised SoniaG and her son are. FSB,LAB and now CVB in last few months of power.What were they doing since 2004? Most of Congis know they are not getting reelected , why pretend that they "tried" very hard [ and Mom even cried ] to pass this bill but BJP did not allow.As per latest, Congi has changed few provisions to "satisfy" BJP and few others. BJP should declare that it won't support this bill at this juncture as it is nothing but vote bank politics.

  35. Most of the media channels are NOT real channels but they can be safely said to be propaganda channels. The broadcasting rules and laws to be amended so they are misused by political party
    - Media channel should have news of each state, foreign affairs, world affairs, countries of interest to India and developing nations of Africa where India has specific interest.
    - So called news discussions should not have more than 1% of transmission time
    - Any media channel devoting more time, should declare its party affiliation first and then only transmit signals
    - Propaganda channels to be taxed heavily
    - News channels providing proper information (unlike channel like Times Now & NDTV, who often claim exclusive news / throw intelligence information on competitors ...etc.) should be given tax concessions
    - Propaganda channels subscription to be restricted
    - News debates to be limited to 1% of transmission time.

    Unfortunately, in absence of rules, viewers are bombarded with trash information and is like brain washing viewers with all malafide information and content.

  36. Wanted Ignore Maharaja Nikhil Wagle Like all other Post above but couldn't hold myself on his bankruptcy Of IQ and don't know whether he lives in fools paradise. I think People of India are sensible enough and know which way to Vote can think of their betterment allowed these Ruling Coalition Politicians to become so Arrogant. People are Voting for different in States and in Center also. But all these so called ELITE AND SYCOPHANT OF LUTYENS DELHI + CORRUPT POLITICIAN + MAIN STREAM MEDIA + CORRUPT BEUREAUCRACY BECOME SUCH A BIG MAFIA AND FOLLOWING MAFIA RULES THAT YOU SCRATCH MY BACK I SCRATCH YOUR BACK (CHOR CHOR MUSAREY BHAI)


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