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Thursday, December 26, 2013

5 Million Thank Yous

It brings great satisfaction and happiness to see this blog touching Five Million in total readership so far. The journey will continue. At the beginning of the year it touched 1.6 million in January 2013, therefore 3.4 million were added during the current year.

I have been often asked if the articles here make any difference to the MSM discourse. It might have made some difference or nothing but I have no measure of it. My attitude with the MSM on this has been “You do what you do best; I do what I do best”. When it started, the tagline was “Crooks and Liars in the Indian media are the greatest danger to our democracy”. I still stand by that line considering the variety of propagandists, peddlers of untruths and even anti-nationals who float around as media persons. But there is something that is more important and that is reflected in the current tagline. We may not have the power to change others but we do have the power to change ourselves by what we consume. It is easier to change ourselves than to change others.

Thus, when the time was right I changed the tagline to what this site represents. It’s not them but we who should be careful how we consume the news they deliver. It’s used like the statutory warning on cigarette packs. Most of the time the MSM content is not even news; it’s just opinions packaged as news. Some of it quite poisonous! Parents care what goes into the body of children as food and beverages. People should also care what goes into their heads. 2014 is an important election year and the MSM will raise its pitch in bogus campaigning and political propaganda. The final phase of their hunting season is just around the corner.

Many journalists do follow and read this blog and acknowledge the contents in private for obvious reasons. Most of all, many readers have now started their own blogs or websites to write about current affairs or topics close to their heart. I consider this one of the best outcomes from this blog. Consequent to requests by some readers I also had the chance to publish a compilation this year titled “Social media as watchdog”. Many sponsors have distributed it free to students and citizens in general to help see the MSM through another lens. During the year this also gave me the chance to address and interact with small groups in various places.

Readers of this blog and bloggers and writers elsewhere on the SM and also on Twitter, FB and other forums made it absolutely clear that the MSM does not have a monopoly on national discourse anymore. Those who have access to the net now watch the news but double-check for accuracy on the SM. Together we have made facts more important in the public domain than opinions and propaganda.

So once again, Thank You for reading, commenting, celebrating, suggestions, inputs, for sharing and spreading the word about this site. We celebrate for a moment and move on.



  1. congratulations on 5 million :)

  2. Dear Ravinar, your tweets and blogs are the first things i read in the morning. Congrats and please keep it up. I am disturbed about MSM trying to prop up AAP to stop Modi. How long will this go on?

  3. Dear Ravinar, please keep up the great work.

  4. Congrats Ravi..Getting to know is one of the best things that had happened to me in 2013..

  5. Congratulations MC.........keep going.............

  6. 5,000,259 times Congratulations ! Wish that number would be 5,000,786 at the time of this comment :)

  7. We have to thank you for opening our eyes. I have discontinued following MSM even on twitter as they continue to extend their lies and half truths. Thanks to you..I have a few friends who do the same now.

  8. Great work, the way news consumed has changed.

  9. Wow ..... Great .... I feel happy to see that a blog I am supporting is growing in its popularity and bringing the much needed awareness to the people about the dangers of failed media (MSM). Will keep supporting ur blog Sir .... "All The Best".

  10. I m ur great fan sir.Most of the times i come here read ur blogs ponder for some tym and moves on with my life.But today looking at the succes you have acheived i m happy that i was following no ordinary blog but one of the best blog till now and that compeeled me to express my gratitude towards you sir.Being a student apart from educational blogs this is the only blog which i visit frequently.U move on we are behind u sir

  11. Bloody hell, This is hair-raising achievement. Sir, Congrats!!! Wow!!

  12. I am always eager to read your news articles first than anything else. Please continue your good work.

  13. MC is a dream run for many of 5M readers suffocated by #PaidMedia feeds. Man, you hv brought a small revolution amongst twitteratis. More power to you.

  14. Congratulations Ravinar...Every article gives facts with proof as MSM dishes out news which they want people to hear and observe. Rightly said..People are no longer MSM media spreads hatred, venom & outright lies. Other Journos,Bloggers, writers..who are part of MSM..but had to dish out news as required by their bosses..should start ghost blogs and bring out whats cooking inside media houses.

  15. I know you dont like this. Any way I will make that request again. Why dont you please allow your blogs to be translated to other languages? What is the logic behind your refusal? If your blog post are allowed to be carried in local newspapers, dont you think it will have much wider impact?

  16. Many Congratulations : 5 million times. What an amazing blog this is. The best one on the whole of the Internet.

  17. Ravinar, Congratulations.
    in advance

  18. Congratulations Ravi for this milestone..

  19. Congratulations Ravibhai. Many more to blog articles to go....All the best.

  20. Thank you on reaching 5 million mark and A VERY BIG THANKS TO YOU FOR ENRICHING OUR LIVES. Look forward to your blog daily. Your ability to separate actual news from noise is remarkable. May god bless you and in turn bless us to have the benefit of your ability.

  21. Congrats sir,.. Hope more people read such blogs and know the reality of Paid Media,.. All the best sir,...

  22. Congratulations Ravinar. Hoping to see 10 million viewers very very soon.

  23. "alag alag path batlate sab....par main ye batlata hoon, raah pakar tu ek chala chal....paa jayega madhushala": Late sri harivansh r bachchan in madhushala. you certainly have chosen your path, keep walking sir. it has always been joy of the purest form to read you, not just your blog even what you write within the confinement of 140 characters is a treat. i have always believed, you are gifted in terms of extracting humour even out of the most hopeless situations which also makes you special. oops...i just forgot to write.....congratulations

  24. Congratulation.. It's great reading your blog... Loads of good work being done by you...

  25. congrats ravi ji,really wants to translated to regional language, still so many people not aware of this crooks in media

  26. congratulations Ravinar.. Keep up the good work...

  27. Congratulations!!! I have really enjoyed all your articles, though during rare occasions I have felt whether you have gone over board with certain arguments, where there may not be even circumstantial evidences. But over all it has help me understand what I have suspected about the news being peddled. Great Job!!! keep up the good work.

  28. Congratulations, Sir ji !!!
    ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे, सुगंधिम पुष्टिवर्धनम ; उर्वारुक्मिव बन्धनान, मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात ||
    May God, bless you a long life, full with happiness and prosperity.

  29. Am kind of addicted to your tweets and blog posts... Thank you for this... Keep it going !

  30. Congratulations..... Really your blog has made a big difference... thanks and please do continue the good work...... don't stop at any cost.......

  31. definitely the best blog i have come across.good work and that too eye opening for people

  32. Congratulations ..... Journey towards the center of media

  33. Best wishes n gr8 job..keep exposing MSM


  34. " We may not have the power to change others but we do have the power to change ourselves by what we consume." Oh! What a powrful statement. The liars spread malicious content in the name of news in MSM. But it is our duty to discern what is true and what is not. I started reading your blog only in July 2012. I get a sort of fulfillment on rading the articles on the fact that there is a braveheart to tell the truth.
    I also participate in my exchanges as comments and replies to them I derive great satisfaction in such activity as it acts as a vent .
    Please don't ever give up and truth will always triumph one day.

    Congrats for your fearless feat

  35. Congratulations, Sir! I am a regular reader of your blogs and tweets. Your posts are always incisive and informative.

    May you continue with the same independent fervour in the years to come....

    An admirer...

  36. Congratulations Ravinar. I follow your blog without fail. Thank you.
    I have a question:

    I read in the Internet that most of the journalists are left leaning. But, I feel most of the Indian MSM journalists are just right wing haters. Am I right? Why is that so?

    1. Because they all belong to JNU philosophy of arms chair revolutionaries living in 5 star culture and enjoying scotch in their hands and advocating social justice for the rest and it looks like that their USP- for others living in poverty is an virtue- nayak

    2. Thanks Nayak. What surprises me is how come these left leaning journalists or 'fiberals' have occupied so much space in the MSM and while others are marginalized.

  37. Sir, Congratulations, I am a regular reader of your blogs and tweets and your posts are an eye opener and very informative.

  38. A great congratulations...Awesome effort to bring corrupt media to face the music. But we need more, we need to hit them hart where it hurts. A suggestion is to create a page where people can rate them which can became a fool proof system for flawed TRP system.

    Thanks for your effort though. :)

  39. Congratulations Ravi

    Good Show

  40. million congratulation on this achievement...
    Please keep rocking and hammering the MSM :)

  41. Dear Ranivar,

    Great achievement! You have been doing a wonderful job and continue doing so. Definitely we need to take the message and philosphy of this blogs to as many people as possible.

    While I continue to talk about your blog in my circle, would seek ideas from others as to how to take the message to 500 million people. May be we need to look at other formats. Look forward to suggestions and would be pleased if I can contribute in any manner.

  42. Dear Ranivar,

    Great achievement! You have been doing a wonderful job and continue doing so. Definitely we need to take the message and philosphy of this blogs to as many people as possible.

    While I continue to talk about your blog in my circle, would seek ideas from others as to how to take the message to 500 million people. May be we need to look at other formats. Look forward to suggestions and would be pleased if I can contribute in any manner.

  43. Dear Ranivar,

    Great achievement! You have been doing a wonderful job and continue doing so. Definitely we need to take the message and philosphy of this blogs to as many people as possible.

    While I continue to talk about your blog in my circle, would seek ideas from others as to how to take the message to 500 million people. May be we need to look at other formats. Look forward to suggestions and would be pleased if I can contribute in any manner.

  44. Dear Sir,

    Thanks for writing !

    After following you for 2 years now, i can predict news content of various channels in advance :) . such is your perspective !

  45. Thank you Ravinar, not just for ensuring that we are doubly careful when we watch the next news program but for educating, entertaining and enriching us!

  46. Many congratulations Ravi.. :) I came to know about MediaCrooks in Jan 2013 and and consider it as one of the best things to have happened to me in this year.. Time has come to show these media traitors to show their place.. I would definitely like to see you as Information and Broadcasting Minister in NaMo headed central government in 2014 which I am sure is very likely to happen if we keep these media crooks in check... :) Congrats once again... :)

  47. Congrats Ravi. Wish to see 15 million readers next year.

    Ganesh R

  48. Dear Ravi bhai, if I look at the year 2013, the best thing I got from internet is your everybody in my frnds read this site. Thank you, so much for your writings

  49. Congratulations Sir! I am reading your blog since few months...truly helped me changed the way I am consuming news today. Many Thanks! Please keep going.

  50. Sustho thakben, shanti-te thakben.

  51. Congratulations! Perhaps Facebook should be a focus area now. Most of the junta hangs out on FB and I see an average page like "The Frustrated Indian" has far too many likes there...for the absolutely wonderful content that you produce, it is time that the people at large become aware of it...

  52. Heartiest Congratulations! Many a times in past, I felt that media was unfair, reading your blog on regular basis was an eye opener. Few things that I truly liked was - 1. well researched work - it was not just plain accusation, you proved your point with evidence, 2. Extremely straight forward and right way to communicate facts, no sugar coating, no hyperbole, 3. Reference to movies, one of my personal trait as well, really made it enjoyable to read, 4. Equal eye on every group/party, no special treatment to anyone, your piece on Modi's ref to SHAUCHALAYA was a case in point. As a person, I referred your piece to many people and got fairly positive feedback, they could see the news from perspective, that was missing. As a vigilant Indian, country is as much my responsibility as its anyone's else, and your blog added a new dimension to my own thinking. My best wishes for bigger and more significant milestones, while you continue to unmask crooks in our media

  53. सा विद्या या विमुक्तये .
    Thanks for your perseverance ,well researched and fact studded blogs, the curtain from MSM is removing slowly and for sure. Hope 2014 will be the year when it gets completely exposed.

    Thank you Ravi for Thanking us .

  54. Congratulations MC, it will be apt to opiniate... Ravinar is to Netizens what TN Seshan was to Election Commission......Jai Hind

  55. Dear Ravi, Congratulations on achieving another milestone!!! Your selfless service to the people who love our country so dearly cannot ever be measured and I wish you a long life and lots of more success. As mentioned by others, your site is the first one I open when I start my computer every morning!!! It is such a pleasure to read your very insightful and unbiased blogs which are so rare to find on any MSM. Thank you for all the trouble you take to enlighten us and I am looking forward to more of your blogs as the "hunting season" reaches a crescendo!!! Thank you 5 million times!!!

  56. Its always been our pleasure. Grateful and thank you.

  57. i have stopped seeing the news they have only one agenda bashing of BJP
    you are doing wonderful job please carry on may god bless u

  58. Congrats sir......keep going .....Changing the Way we Consume News :)....this category is most dangerous--- anti-nationals who float around as media persons

  59. Congratulations Ravinarji on reaching 5 million. Wish you reach 10 million by April 2014 itself, and become a prominent force to counter sicular, propogandist MSM.

  60. Congratulations!! Today is the great day for Indian democracy.The day is not far away when the criminals sitting in the media houses will be brought to justice. Keep up the good work.

  61. Congratulations Ravinar Ji ! May you cross the 10 million mark

  62. just hope that you will someday start your own news channel. have faith.

  63. Hearty Congratulations Mr. Ravinar for the enlightening articles which you always bring through your blog. Even though i have been following your blog and twitter from the past few months, i haven't seen your face till now. Reading your blogs is just like an invisible power enlightening the false propoganda of the MSM. Can you just show your picture so that we can identify easily. One small request from my side :-)

  64. hi ravinar

    big thanks to you for supplying some key nutrients to our brain.


  65. Congratulations, and thank you for providing an alternate viewpoint. As well as sticking to the effort.

  66. Congrats Ravi and may our tribe Increase .. i can say that through me i have put across at least a 100 ppl onto this webpage and they are mostly astounded and stunned by the revelations here. Great going ..Satyameva Jayate always.

    Regards n keep rocking :)

  67. Congratulations sir! From 1.6million in January 2013 to 5 million in Dec 2013, and I am sure it will be 10 million before the LS2014 elections results are out.

    1. I second Mr. nileshwar.
      Wish you a happy and healthy long journey.

  68. We may not have the power to change others but we do have the power to change ourselves by what we consume.

    Powerful words long forgotten by us. Powerful in an economic sense too, consume what is good for our economic health. Desist from sops and debt and prevent others from manipulating our lives.

    Congrats Ravinar.

  69. Many Many Congrats to Ravi! And more than that Many Many Many THANKS to you for providing the one and only place to read the truth! I hope the hits will be doubled before 2014 Loksabha elections.

  70. This is a great achievement Ravinar and KEEP IT UP AND A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU too !! for persevering against those crooks.
    In the mean time we are back to those crooks with Ahmedabad court giving clean chit to Modi against Zakia Jafferi's petition.Entire MSM is showing a dejected Ms Jafferi juxtaposed with an arrogant looking Modi and Jaitley.What subtleties!
    "Media Crooks" in the mean time has established it self as a hard hitting critic of those crooks.Many more millions will keep coming to this site for rechecks.You are right.Thanks to sites like these, that MSM have lost their credibility and Congress is loosing its winnability for relying on such crooks.
    SM is here to stay and respond to changes as free individuals.Fields are properly leveled now.

  71. Congratulations on 5 million hits. Confident it will reach 10 million before next federal election. Your blogs are breeze of fresh air, and when you look around it is full of rotten Indian MSM so$s and Wh$$es.

  72. Ravi,
    I have been reading from the very first blog of yours after we left the MSN. Your opinions reveal, in prose of rare eloquence, your deep and abiding concern to have a balanced discourse in the MSM. The breadth and scope of your wisdom is fully revealed when you analyze issues in right perspective without leaning to the right or left as the saying goes. You have a sharp knife and nothing which has a taint can escape from it. I enjoy all your articles. Keep doing and do appear soon in a TV channel to discuss issues of national importance and to teach all the ‘blaring noise-wallas’ of other channels as to how to conduct news hour debates. Good luck Ravi. emmaarcee

  73. Dear Ravinar,
    You are doing a wonderful job by educating people as to how the media dances to the tunes of the vested interests especially the Gandhi family by compromising with its honesty and integrity. If more and more people were to read your blogs, their perception towards some of the leading TV channels and anchors would change in no time. I for one have definitely been able a good insight as to how the so called top journalists and scholars behave just to please a particular party and fool the viewers/readers in the bargain. India needs more Ravinars. keep it up!

  74. It is we, who should thank you. I sincerely thank you for letting us know about the murky dealings of the media. I thank you for enabling me to view the shenanigans of the media from an entirely new perspective, the true perspective. I can sleep better everyday I read your blog because I have definitely learned something new and worthwhile. Thanks 5 mil Ravi.

  75. Hi Ravinar,

    Congratulations for your arduous and enlightening effort. I appreciate your courage to come forward and do something at ground level. I also appreciate your analytical skills and intelligence with which you put light on the matter. more power to you.


  76. Dear Ravinar,

    First of all, congratulations. You're an inspiration.

    Also, kindly take a look at this->

    It's time you began covering the print media too, perhaps more intensely than before. Maybe you need more hands to run your blog, but you've got to get it done as we're banking on you.



  77. Congrats!! it is a pleasure reading your articles.

  78. Congrats Ravinar!!! What an achievement!!

    I am following your blog since last 2 yrs. First post i read was - India's Worst Journalists. And after that, i have read all your posts. Your fact-driven analysis of news is really refreshing in this paid media age.

    Wishing you many more success!!!

  79. Congrats Ravinar Sir, stay safe and take care !!

  80. i m one fo your biggest followers since last 2010.. one oft he person who regularly posts ur link on facebook even much before the media frenzy caught up.. one of the earliest supporters of your views.. though i post verylittle comments.. because its very obvious to me now..

  81. i m one fo your biggest followers since last 2010.. one oft he person who regularly posts ur link on facebook even much before the media frenzy caught up.. one of the earliest supporters of your views.. though i post verylittle comments.. because its very obvious to me now..

  82. Congrats Ravi. Yours is one of the first blogs that i read first thing in the morning.

  83. Congrats.. I discovered this blog in 2010 and here is where I first came to know about innocence of Modi. I cried, because for eight years I actually believed what the media said... Great job keep it up. Almost tripling page views in a year is a great achievement

  84. Thank you for slapping some sense into India's collective head. Love you.

  85. Congratulations! I Wait for your new posts....

  86. Some people deserve to live 100 more years, you are one of them.

  87. 5 million thank you from my side dear Ravinar. All the very best for future.

  88. After I entered Twitter I came to know of your articles via Mediacrook. Than on everyday I look forward for your blog. Your blog is giving the words to our thought particularly about Indian TV channels. Except very few TV channels all TV channels are infested with self-seekers paid journalists.

  89. Please make the Polls Worst Channel, Worst journalist , Worst Panelist a Permanent feature in your Blog ...

    Thanks ...

  90. onerous responsibility.
    pls keep the trust

  91. Dear Ravi,
    Congratulations! on one more milestone. Good luck to achieve more success. I felt quite strong after reading your blog. It provides insight into real reason rather focusing on right reason.

    Thanks! for adding intellectual perspective in my life.

  92. great going and very deserving! dont let the fire fade away. you inspire many ,in confidence and attitude, the third eye , that you bring helps in various issues. much more to say. thank you. sir. keep going

  93. 5 millions are big achievement! Congratulations and more power to your pen!


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