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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delhi Protests - Lumpens In The Media

A few top guys in an office on the sixth floor of a semi-govt company used to work late often. This was at Nariman Point in Mumbai. So these 4-5 guys use to dip their hands in the office petty cash and order beer. The peon used to go and get the stuff for them. It was a regular practice and was on for years. The vouchers were made with fake bills and the auditors never found anything wrong or unusual in the expenses. This went on for 7 years till a junior auditor came along and found some vouchers with unfair expenses. The peon regularly claimed taxi fare to and from the company’s bank for daily transactions. On seeking a clarification from the manager, the auditor got the reply that there are no autos around Nariman Point and buses take a long time so it was fair for the peon to take a taxi every day. The junior auditor said “no, no, I’m asking why is he claiming taxi fare and why does he need a taxi”. The irritated manager again explained the difficult situation around Nariman Point with commuting. The auditor then told him: “But sir, your office is on the 6th floor and your bank is on the ground floor, so why a taxi at all”? Oops!  

If the management guys are looting the company then they have to take care of the little guy. They have to allow the peon his little share of looting. That’s a reasonably good value system, isn’t it? Be fair in looting! It’s a value system that govts share with the media too. The govt is the big guy and some channels are like the peons. So if the govt is into misdeeds then it allows some news channels to have their share of misdeeds and corruption. These news channels are the peons of the management in the govt. It is rare for the little guy to expose the misdeeds of the boss. That driver screwing his boss with a video of his sexcapades is an oddity. The guy was an unusual lousy boss who didn’t pay well for his secrets. But not the govt peons from the media, they’re paid well. They are paid well not only to keep secrets but also to defend the govt no matter what. The story in the first para is neither a joke nor fake. It’s time to take a detour.  

On December 22 people of Delhi were out on the streets protesting the brutal gang-rape and assault of a 23-year old woman on a bus. Thousands were out at India Gate and up the path to Rashtrapati Bhawan in protest. Their outrage was justified and the protests seemed spontaneous. Delhi-ites are sick to the bone with crimes, especially rape and assaults on women. Yet someone in the media could only hear of “drunken lumpens” among the protesters. You know, like lumpens who rape and assault women on buses and throw them on to the streets to die. The police had to lathi charge some of these lumpens. Yeah, why not! Take a look at the two pics below:

One is of a gentleman using a lathi and destroying the AmarJawan memorial in Mumbai during the Azad Maidan protests in August 2012. The police were kind to the civilised protesters at Azad Maidan then. The second pic is that of a lumpen element being lathi-charged by a policeman. You can take one look and tell that the lady being beaten up is drunk. Can’t you? Well, many such “drunken lumpens” had infiltrated the protesting crowds in Delhi so naturally Barkha Dutt was very disturbed. She went on a tweet-spree about these lumpens.

Barkha got feedback from her reporter that drunken lumpens had infiltrated the crowds and was naturally keen to let her friends know about the dangers. She first tweets quite pragmatically. Then she tweets to another friend called Prasanto. Both Barkha and Prasanto are “rabid mutual ass-lickers”. Don’t ask but I can tell these things. So it is safe to assume that the guy at Azad Maidan is a nice gentleman because he is “secular” and the lady being beaten up by the policeman is probably a drunken lumpen. In any metro city it is quite likely there are always certain lumpen elements hanging around in some corner, lurking for the moment and their prey. They can be on the streets, on trains and buses and even in media studios. So why is it so shocking for Barkha? No, wait! First, outside Safdurjang hospital it’s only drunken lumpens and no protesters. Dangerous, isn’t it? But on second thoughts, in the next tweet, she makes concessions: “some of the crowds” are lumpens, not all.  

Chaprasis have to often defend their bosses at all times. They may have various incentives to do so. If necessary, they can create suspicion, spread alarming falsehoods and even outright lies. It comes with the job. You try and point a finger at their boss and you will find yourself painted as the most uncouth, uncivilised character that possibly could be. Sometimes it can be mere loyalty. Let’s move on.

So the friend tweets and asks Barkha “how will social and physical disorder in public spaces achieve public order”? Good question! And Barkha instantly agrees. “Exactly” she says, like she was making the same point. Considering drunken lumpens had infiltrated the crowds the danger of some impending disaster was palpable. The protest was for security of women, to prevent crimes against women and it would be a tragedy if some crime were to happen during the protest itself. Wouldn’t it? I guess, they should have first consulted Barkha and her cronies on what would be the best way to protest. After all, Barkha does have experience of being in the midst of protests and reporting, doesn’t she? No, no, not from Jantar Mantar or India Gate but from another place. It’s called Tahrir Square and it’s in ancient Egypt. These people should have learned from Barkha about “secular” protests and how to treat women and stuff.

In February 2011 Barkha tweeted and dismissed fears about the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical Islamic group, taking over Egypt. Barkha and her Fiberals were convinced Egypt was turning into a liberal democracy. But that’s hardly the point, eh? The point is about those loverly protesters at Tahrir Square. “Woh Tahrir waale kahan aur yeh India Gate waale kahan”. No comparison at all. Tahrir wins hands down. You see, at Tahrir the young people cut across all class types. Oh, not to forget, they were “secular”. Which in the words of our Fiberals means they are cultured and well-behaved, unlike the uncivilised lumpens at India Gate or Safdurjang who deserved to be lathi-charged and water-cannoned by the police. Egypt, as an Islamic majority nation, frequently targets Coptic Christians for violence, burns their churches and is now turning into more of an Islamic state than it ever was before. But to Barkha, they are “secular” and there were apparently no lumpen elements in all the crowds she met. Is that really true? And despite the massive presence of Army at Tahrir who didn’t assault the crowds, our police with their water-cannons and lathis were far more civilised. Right?  

We had our drunken lumpens in the bus who raped and have nearly murdered a woman. Lara Logan of CBS, a woman who belongs to Barkha’s professional community, had a very different experience though. On February 11, around the same period Barkha was in Egypt, Logan was attacked by Barkha’s “secular” crowds at Tahrir. She was assaulted and molested. In Logan’s own words:  "For an extended period of time, they raped me with their hands. My clothes were torn to pieces...what really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence”. Writing anymore on this incident would be too graphic. But hey, they weren’t drunken lumpens like the ones at Safdurjang or India Gate and they were “secular”. Of all the Tahrir Square reports, I’m not sure I’ve read one from Barkha about Lara Logan.

Someone mentioned the term ‘MacaulayPutras’ to describe the elites. The Delhi protests brought out the contempt that one such MacaulayPutri, Barkha Dutt, holds for ordinary people when they are up against the govt she serves through her channel. Oh yes, if the govt is the boss it is fair to call NDTV the Chaprasi. The Chaprasi that will speak for, twist and spin issues on behalf of the govt. Not surprisingly, the only ones seeing lumpens are from NDTV as Maya Mirchandani tweeted. And the guy the channel was speaking to when the lathi-charge and water-cannons fired? Of course, MoS for Home, the Honourable RPN Singh! Yes, the same guy who kicked people on November 14, 2011 when RahulG started his UP campaign at Phulpur. In any other democracy RPN would have been in jail but he’s a minister in the Congress govt and, of course, Barkha is a Padma Shri.

Even a foreign journalist, Andrew Buncombe didn’t miss it. Vishnu Som, who was on the ground and reporting, perhaps suggested the ‘protesters have lost the plot’. Like most ordinary people even Buncombe didn’t miss the disgusting moronery of NDTV. He tweeted to call NDTV govt spokies. He is being kind. I have called them for what they are; peons. On December 22, the real drunken lumpens weren’t on the streets; they were in the studios of NDTV and in the heads of their propagandists, led by their chief-propagandist. 


  1. Well, I completely agree that it's a disgrace to "The Idea of India" that Darkha Butt is called a journalist in this country. It is demeaning to journalist profession. If an anti-government, anti-corruption grown chants against a journalist then it talks volumes. Have anyone heard anywhere in the world a large section of citizens sharing disgust and outrage against a journalist? That way Ms. butt is unique!

    Per me she is the "indian Fai of 4th estate" Another gem from @mediacrooks.

    1. She was assigned a task by congress-also d fact is there is a secret group working behind this UPA-All are scared, scared, not looting India of it's wealth. Even a small gathering of protest in and around Delhi is sending panic signals to them, particularly this duo! So when the protests continues, nearing dusk, the duo gets more nervous, then they call HM and order for a crackdown. They cant sleep properly for the sin they are in. After the Ramlila Crack down, with in hours next day they fled India,fearing backlash,but before they realize we are Hindus, no such thing will ever happen/The next day the Delhites or Mumabaikars were busy with their brief cases, ipads heading Dalal street as business as usual.

      we need to introspect

    2. My riposte to this piece is..why bother about what she writes, says or opines?

  2. Can it get any lower than this.... is there any concern for the victim . If they cannot help the protests , atleast they can shut their idiotic mouths and that would be a great help from MSM

    1. Sadly , one thing i realized with this lady or the bimbo is that there is no bottom. It can get lower.Just wait for 2014 election season.

    2. While browsing the channels on tv if i see B's face on the screen immediately it gives me that unpleasant feeling as if i am watching shi* on tv ...... immidiatly i change the channel ...... hope Vikram Chandra can take the hint why his channel is sinking in peak hours ......

  3. NDTV is a pro-congress channel. People will need to be on the ground to understand what's happening. But NDTV is floating in the clouds. They will never understand.

  4. It's about time either NDTV's tent is pulled down & folded or there is complete change from Goebbels time to 2012.

    This is not Media, this is destructive rumor mongering at it's peak.

    Guess even the NBA will find this par for the course since this peon of the Govt will bring the weight of the govt to bear upon it.

    1. Sadly, u think it will end there? What about CNN IBN ? Tehelka ? They will just find a new means to distribute their propaganda.

    2. According to this culture that which is born has to die, weather it leaves good legacy behind is the only concern ..... sadly even if MSM dies today itself ,very less positives can be taken from them .....
      I wish Social Media takes over MSM very soon in a bigger way before these crooks can do more damage .....
      Good work Ravi .... keep it up

  5. alert if it is pro congress to some extent ok! but it is anti Hindu. Congress Anti Hindu-wonder why we Hindus failed unveil this mask before crores of Hindus? and make it a point? any introspection on HP choosing congress again, when it was Himachal pradesis who suffered maximum during Baba Ramdev crackdown in Delhi? Introspection and action

    1. Off topic, but i think some clarifications are in order. BJP have only themselves to thank for their defeat in HP. Too many of their candidates were corrupt in the classic congress sense of the term. In fact they were better off had they joined congress. No doubt Dhumal's govt gave a lot of development but this period also saw too many BJP men (MLAs and Ministers) grow mysteriously rich. The feeling is inescapable that some of the development funds found their way into dark pockets. Measured against the exacting Gujarat standards, these guys are found to be sorely lacking. They guy in our constituency started life as a govt school master. He could at least have explained to us voters how he became so prosperous in ten years instead of giving us the phoney "man-of-the masses" act. So i didn't bother to go home and vote: it was a choice between Saanp Nath and Naag Nath.

  6. Reading ur blogs just makes me so disappointed with affairs of Indian media. BTW u didn't mention that the honorable minister mentioned is husband of Ndtv's senior editor Sonia Singh. This has never ever been disclosed by ndtv. How can we expect impartiality from them when they hide such an important fact!

    1. Just sharing.. I don't write about personal relationships of media persons I write about, unless its something that leads directy to evidence of corruption or nepotism. It's a principle I value.

    2. Point taken (LOL, Rajdeep style), Ravinar!

      But the issue is, if the Home Ministry where Sonia Singh's husband is a MoS, goofs up, how strongly will Sonia Singh take up the matter in her coverage? Conflict of interest!?

      After all, Sonia Singh is the Managing Editor of NDTV, not a mere junior foot-soldier (in fact, in last 15 years I have been seeing her on NDTV/ Star News, I have never ever seen her reporting from the ground anywhere - its obvious that the air conditioned studios is where she prefers to stay, even when she was relatively junior as compared to her present designation)!

    3. I see. Quid pro quo !! And to think Naveen Jindal's father in law owns 14% of NDTV. Awesome. What next ? NDTV studio is actually located in South block ?

    4. @Rohan
      Please have a look---


  7. A pretty long (though well written) article just 2 state the obvious. For a long time I’ve felt that her discussion topics and her opinions are irrelevant & silly respectively. She feels that she is catering to the enlightened few. I don’t know about enlightened but ‘few’ would be correct. Her tweets expose that also she feels that she is an insider and that she suffers fm illusions of grandeur-"I told Shiela to..". She would do well to remember that she is nothing more than a cog in the Congress machine and will be replaced once worn out. The RS seat etc are meaningless if you are being knowingly dishonest to the country at large.

  8. I was surprised to see even Nikhil Wagle say that "govt has to go", but NDTV and CNN IBN was busy reminding "Internet Hindus" about 50 Cr. girlfriend and secularism.

  9. A very-well written but highly unbalanced article. This write-up sounds more propagandist in nature than the 'alleged' "ass-licking".

    1. The 'alleged' ass-licking as you put it is not a figment of my imagination. I havent called it mere "ass-licking", I have deliberately called them "RABID mutual ass-lickers". There's a reason to say so and and it can be backed up with evidence.

    2. I would call it the classic 69 position.. giving each other fake orgasms!

  10. It's been a very long time, since I watched or read MSM. Now its twitter.
    MSM is in moving rapidly towards the thrash can.

  11. Ndtv is absolute ly disgusting and very obviously a Coni channel. barkha all but burst crackers in the studio when the upa won. she could barely stay seated. I only watch times now. Ndtv and CNN ibn if there are ads on Times now. unbearable is not the word to describe her. no conscience at all.

  12. This Burqa b**ch will die a dog's death....

  13. Excellent Ravi. What a story. Wish it was Burqa than Lara at Tahir square. Please send her clippings of molestation of Lara to Ms. Dutt.

    Wish the Azad Maidan secularist protestors had molested Burqa than poorly paid police woman. Please send Ms. Dutt clippings of those molestation. NDTV would not have kept these clippings in their archives.

    I am pleased to hear that Beefeater has been offered cleaners job by Yadav Transport. After all he did well when he sat in cleaners seat, when interviewing NaMo.

  14. The MSM has lost another opportunity to do its work honestly.

  15. It's long since I've stopped watching NDTV... Even a little before starting to read your blog. 'cause the spin was so obvious that they were reporting from the seat outside the gate of 10 Janpath. But It required your expertise to understand the spins of the rest of BAR. Time we trend #BoycottNDTV campaign in social media.

  16. This RPN Singh - MoS of Home's wife is anchor Sonia Singh on NDTV. Is it right? Then we understand their soft corner towards Congress. But i am astonished why the people of India is still not awake...This is real crony capitalism these media and the Government are hand in glow with each other.....They real Peon....

    1. @Hiren
      Please have a look---


  17. Well researched and beautifully written as always!!! I think the malaise runs deeper insofar as our MSM is concerned.There seems to be something inherently wrong with there thinking and demeanor which in not in sync with that of the large sections of the general public.Leave aside the Barkha Dutts and the Sagarikas,even Arnob Gowswamy,who is still supposed to be one of our more acceptable Media anchors,has been found wanting on more than one occasion.In the recent violence in Assam(Arnob's Home State),he used to start every discussion on the issue with a warning...Let us not Communalize Assam. He repeated this line every time any panelist tried to raise the issue of illegal infiltration of Bangladeshi Muslims and the effect of that on the demographic character of the state.The same story got repeated during the Azad Maidan protests in Mumbai.But on any discussion on Gujrat, the statuary warning... Dont Commanaize Gujrat... has never been heard.
    Keep on showing them the Mirror,Boss!

  18. Social Media should run a rigorous campaign 'BOYCOTT NDTV & CNN-IBN' till either they reverse their anti-National anti-Hindu stand or they are off-air.

  19. i was wathing ndtv live whole night! and was disgusted! you have expressed exactly what it is.. TRUTH!! hats off again Sir!

  20. another classic article Ravinar, can we all do something to express our feelings against NDTV, is there a way...?

  21. What a nauseating bunch of cowards work at NDTV!

    1. I am glad you are on this site!! Promote this site to your friends as much as you can!

  22. Guru ji, Behtareen article. Bas dar yahi hai ki pakka ye khangressi aapke peechhe padenge.

  23. Dear Ravi - Great article as usual and nice observations.

    Before checking your site, I was talking to a friend of mine (who too is a regular follower of your blog) and we were discussing how the police was 'understanding and non-violent' in Azad Maidan case and there behaviour in Delhi's case. Thankfully you had captured in beforehand. It is becoming a habit, even in Smriti's case you were first past the line. No wonder you have so many followers.

    NDTV was trying to give it a spin that protestors were throwing stones etc on police leading them to open lathicharge etc. Only if they could show some stones. Anyone who has seen the pristine area of Vijay Chowk will realise that they are no loose stones to be thrown just like that. It is one of the finest areas in New Delhi and then they want viewers to believe that people were throwing stones available on police.

    Well at max it could be a case of throwing empty plastic water bottles. Bottles should be thrown in garbage dumps but given how police treats it 'non VIP' citizens it was high time garbage went to the garbage bins only. In this case police representing the Congi establishment.

    Ms Burqa Dutt wake up - some day she will be molested by secular gundas and then we will see her secular reporting !!!

  24. Well, a fact does remains that many people do not watch NDTV. Some prefer IBN or Arnab from times now rather than loud mouthed Barkha Dutt which is true coz Arnab may be still bearable amongst the BAR gang. So I always wondered, what makes NDTV still running against a limited viewership until I started observing few things around.

    But at first, an example of a Credit Card company and an IT company. A very big IT company had huge number of employees (around 20000). Each was handed a credit card from a big banking house. People thought that company cared for them and provided them with an unlimited credit card. It's a good thought but that's not the end. The banking firm paid the IT company so that it can give their credit cards to people in the name of policy and people can start using it. It was profit for both bank and IT company at the innocence of employees. If not one particular bank, it may be other bank who would have made the offer to firm.

    Now, most of the big IT office I've visited in 2012, I did observed there was NDTV running on TV screens. In my workplace, there's NDTV running whole day. In one of the famous and biggest IT park in my city, there's NDTV running whole day. And there's a system that channels cannot be switched and only IT building admins are authorized to do. So people have no choice and end up bearing NDTV. I can only point an observation as I've tried to find or speak to people admin but never got a fitting reply on why cant be change channels or why only NDTV.

    Now, you can understand about NDTV viewership. Another fact remains that, there are people who never care what's happening in world, there are people who simply believe on what they are told by these journalist and do not care about research oriented approach and third are 'We, the People' who have found there's something horrible and biased about media reporting and either we are commenting or reading the comments now. So BAR channels will never be deprived of customers, it's only their popularity will go down.

    Congratulations to Ravinar once again for superb analysis.


    1. You got a point there. Its always NDTV in my office too. But didn't think that it will be paid sponsorship. Will enquire. To be honest, is there an alternative ? Where can one watch non-spin version of news ? This blog and twitter apart ?

    2. No need Pravin to wonder about where you'll get the news. I personally left watching TV media and even Newspapers many years back and Yet I was never bereft of any required happenings of my interest. Internet has all the news and Masala and spins can be easily removed by us.

    3. Many people were surprised that Barkha was not sacked.Maybe she knows too much. I have stopped watching NDTV and Zee now

  25. not making a political statement, but where is Mr. Dixshit who came to gujarat saying he is afraid of bring his wife with him? Is he coming out with his wife in Delhi to make statement clear.


  26. govt should instruct its officials,
    ministers, mp, mla to use public
    transport for their children.......
    law will change automatically...

  27. Delhi is burning. But where is Editor in Chief Loudmouth Obnoxious Arnav? Expected to see him on Times Live, but probably he is sitting and having Gin and Tonic.

  28. From today evening every news channel is shouting about "Anti Social Elements" joining the protest. No one is asking the question that who benefits from these anti socials.

    If the peaceful protests of last 6-7 days captured national headlines so there was no reason for opposition to use any other tactic, if news channels feel opposition is behind this.

    Well most likely looks like a Congressi plot to discredit the protest and get the genuine protestors away from the scene.

    It seems news channels have just forgotten how to ask the right questions

  29. Did you see this???

  30. Just wanted to bring to your notice, another attempt by media crooks.

    Under this link, you have to choose whom you want PM, You can't proceed to Rahul Gandhi without selecting 5/8 negative and false points raised by India today against modi or you can just select 9th one, which is you don't want to see him as PM.

    This is a very clever approach by India today to force readers to select negative points about Modi, so later they can do Propaganda.

    1. Just had alook at the link above...Disgusting it is...
      How about a point#10 , I will accept modi as PM right away , no matter what.

      We need 1000s of Ravinar to counter the propaganda by MSM.....

    2. Height of Moronery...thinks that the SM people can't see through their spin? Stray Dogs, lumpens, Door mats...whatever you call them is just an under statement. They have a knack of even turning the most subtle or sober men violent.I presume these guys are doing a part time job in the T&D dept of LeT or such outfits.

    3. The dirt and lies dished out by MSM need to be countered effectively and immediately. The danger of false propaganda should not be underestimated. Congress has understood that they can never win the 2014 elections based on their past performance (scams). With great foresight, the congress has roped in the MSM to put BJP and Modi in such a bad light that by default, the congress can once again come to power. BJP should first of all decide upon the prime ministerial candidate, build up an NDA with like minded regional parties and start preparations for national elections in right earnest. Equally important is the countering of these fifth columnists since most people seldom worry about the veracity of the news but go only by what is reported in the newspapers and TVs. In short, they do not have a Ravinar to tell them what is news and what is distorted garbage. BJP should set up a TV channel and newspapers, especially regional ones to counter congress's mean tricks

    4. Dear Mr Badri Narayan,

      I completely agree to most of your comments. As far as countering MSM for 2014 I would say the best way to counter them would be that BJP declare a complete no-co-operation movement against NDTV & CNN-IBN till votes are casted. This will create a huge Pcycological humiliation for Congress & their Media chamchas & actually cut down on Congress votes. Extremely simple & effective.

    5. Disgusting post by India Today ...... yes AK i was also searching for the 10 point couldn't find though :)

  31. We now have a new moron join the fashionable "Hang Modi brigade" which is Justice Katju. He all of a sudden lost his balance and lashed out at Modi calling his claims phoney. I think that he would do well to just restrict himself to his job, which is to ensure that the media is balanced. We all know that this is enough pile of shit in the TV/Print media to keep him busy for several centuries... Ravinar, do you meet with him and apprise him of the deep rot that goes for English media in India... ?

  32. The problem with the likes of NDTV is that the intelligentsia, the decision makers watch them and believe what they have to say. A recent casual discussion with my boss revealed to me that he admires BD and Shekhar Gupta. He probably does not realise that he is being fed a highly twisted and skewed version of reality by these propagandists.

    These bhands of the dynasty are actually tools to poison the minds of the people slowly.

    1. I used to believe MSM till I came across this website. It is not easy for us to understand that the news provided today by MSM is engineered and twisted into pretzels by self-serving vested interests unless we critically examine the same. For most of us engaged in our own real and imaginary problems, it is very easy to just believe anything dished out rather than discuss and analyse motives behind each article. The way forward is to spread the word about this and similar websites to people who regularly use the net

  33. Dear Freedune,

    The sliver of hope is that Boss types Indians never vote. We need to spread the truth amongst atleast the middle class voters if not amongst poor who unfortunately do not have access to Net.

  34. Media has no idea as to what damage are they doing to the very basics of Indian democracy

  35. Could not agree more, they are chaprasi of congress, but don't understand why opposition of india is so weak, even in poltikal sense they can't smell the opportunity, case was symbolic , anger in the people is deep with mis-governece or what not ...k

  36. Absolutely brilliant! Very few can say as "directly & effectively", as Ravinar! Thank you!

  37. Brilliantly reviewed...gr8 work. if some shame still reside Darkha Butt hide your face or some day people will teach you the lesson like once at INDIA GATE 4 RADIA GATE.

  38. The Head Chaprasi!! Barkha Daasi!!

  39. well. tv and newspaper images showed protesters damaging public property,throwing stones at police etc. so what did they expect? police to keep quiet instead of giving something back to them. i am happy that this so called 'protesters' got what they deserved.
    i am sure that arnab will be grinning with the amount of 'sensational' news he has for the next 3-4 days. (thats it he will move on to the next 'sensation' after that). too bad for him that this things happened during india pak series.

    all said and done thanks to bjp and its thugs an innocent life is lost now.
    my sincere condolences to the dead constable and his family.

  40. Vishnu Som *actually* sounded like a spokesperson for the Government of India. NDTV's coverage was a shame tbh.

  41. I disagree. You're making too much of it. Barkha is simply not capable of doing such things. Don't get me wrong! I mean she is just a person with low intelligence and don't think much about what she says/tweets. Her ignorance makes her look evil and she "goes" with it.. she'd rather look evil than stupid. I'm only saying this because I know and deal with people like her almost daily. /myopinion

  42. this is what has become of egypt..should not media discuss are muslim majority countries capable of sustaining a democracy?

  43. Channelwalas can make money from anything!!!

    They don't have any ethics left now!

    I remember how a journalist Boy was praised by all his seniors when he covered interview of one of the famous Konkani Actors' son right in front of actor's dead body...

    Camerman also took all care to cover dead body along with the son weeping in sorrow...

    Shame on Media...(media= men who drive media)

  44. superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr



    Murkha Butts are only foot soldiers...we should catch the army general aka the Ravan itself. You are indeed doing job of Hanuman buring the lanka (south block ruling party). May your blog flourish.

    BigB unfortunaltely donated his price money mistaking Tomar's death as "succumbing to injuries". Such is the role of media and its misinformation. That dhai lakh could have gone to a real needy family!

  46. You are doing exemplary work of exposing these chors..they are not chaprashi but slaves


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