Sunday, September 23, 2012

In Denial Part-1: Cover-up Muslim Violence With Anti-Hindu Rant

This is in context of a movie “Innocence of Muslims” by an American. The movie, a satire on the Prophet, has angered Muslims in around 20 countries. It has driven many to violence, destruction and deaths in protest. Most have trashed the movie as stupid, badly made and tasteless satire. But does that really matter? Would the consequences have been any different if it were historically accurate or more tasteful? Your guess is as good as mine.

If you had the good fortune of going to a school but the misfortune of being taught sanitised history here’s a small KBC quiz for you, and you have to answer this off-hand: Name 7 prominent Hindu Kings. That’s easy, isn’t it? You can choose to scribble the list in your writing pads or in the comments section on this blog. If, for some reason, you didn’t manage that list then try this: Name 7 prominent Mughal rulers.

If you couldn’t easily name 7 prominent Hindu kings it’s not really your fault. It’s how our communist text books were designed. Imagine, in a line of marauding invaders, a somewhat compassionate Akbar is considered the greatest secularist by Nobel Prize winner and Bharat Ratna Amartya Sen. If the communist text books left any job unfinished we have most Commie Fiberals in our MSM continue their propaganda and distortion of Indian history. If I were to ask the Social Genius to name 7 Hindu kings off-hand, I estimate she would have to use the “call a friend” option. And Oh, in case you forgot, SG is a “devout Hindu”. Why? Because her ‘uncle’ joined the Ramakrishna Mission.

In a recent post I had attempted a fun review of interviews with Salman Rushdie (SR) by two media celebs, Barkha Dutt and Sagarika Ghose (SG). Here are a couple of questions from one of the interviews. First SG asks: “But in your mind religion is wrong? Is it untrue? Are gods unnecessary and irrelevant?
SR: Yeah I think so…”. She follows it up with this:

SG: But why were you sad when Babri.. was demolished if you're not a believing Muslim?
SR: Because it was beautiful and an important part of Indian history. I am trained as a historian… I would feel the same way if someone knocked down the Taj.. And by the way, everything is built on top of something else… Probably even under a Hindu temple, there are Buddhist temples.

The stupidity of the question reflects the poverty of the brain and the bigotry of SG, her channel and their agenda. By her logic why would we be sad or annoyed if Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed in Afghanistan if we aren’t Buddhists? We have nothing to do with Afghanistan either. Why would we be upset if the Twin Towers were destroyed on 9/11? We aren’t Americans, are we? Those who didn’t lose any friends or family have even lesser reason to be upset, isn’t it? That’s the kind of Moronery she brings to the table. Motive: To somehow get a few sound-bites that would tar Hindus as extremists. She did twist a quote to create the headline “Hindu intolerance as bad as Muslims’” for the interview. If that wasn’t crooked enough, try this: “Hindu temples were built over Buddhist temples”. That could have been her back-up headline.

There are many who believe that the TajMahal was built over a Shiva temple. Some have provided pictures as evidence too. But nobody is asking to take down the Taj. It doesn’t occur to the social genius that Babri is a dispute raging over hundreds of years and cannot be equated with other incidents. Without condoning the incident, the particular significance to Hindus of Ram Janmabhoomi is not the same as Taj. I’m sure everyone’s heard of ‘RamRajya’ but there isn’t a concept called ‘ShivaRajya’. Is there? This is true for a couple of more historic Hindu sites and temples.

Now, let’s take up SR’s answer: “Probably even under a Hindu temple, there are Buddhist temples”. Should we challenge him? Should we ask him to prove it? No, not really. He just made an off the cuff, generalised remark and he clearly qualifies it with “Probably”, indicating he doesn’t know and can’t be sure. But others do make such remarks seriously but have never produced any evidence that Hindus conducted a religious-campaign to replace Buddhist temples. I haven’t seen any authentic evidence yet. And Hinduism is a lot older than Buddhism. But why is there such a clamour to tarnish Hindus when Muslim violence is so all pervading? Let’s not pick on SG, she is just the visible and voluble symptom of the disease that afflicts much of our MSM, communist historians and most political parties. SR claims to be “trained as a historian”. Ironically, even SG is a History graduate. Isn’t that surprising?

So if you look up our school textbooks you won’t find what historian Will Durant said about the Islamic invasion of India. He called it the bloodiest in human history. You will only find those books glorifying all the Mughal rulers. It’s only since the Internet that some of the real history is being disseminated more accurately. The historians, as with MSM now, have chosen to turn a blind eye to real history. Why is that so? If our media talked honestly about Muslim violence most of them would have burnt offices and dead bodies.

After his interview with that anti-Hindu celeb, SR has spoken to a few more. This time around he’s a lot more honest. To Fareed Zakaria he stated India is close to “no longer an open society” and in an interview to Le Monde (TOI report) he mentions “Something’s gone wrong at the heart of Islam”. To balance the stupidity of Muslim violence Rushdie points out certain incidents. He points out Rohinton Mistry’s book being removed from the University course. That had nothing to do with religion but more with a darker view of Mumbai which the Sena permanently gets worked up over. The 300 Ramayanas being removed from University courses had no violence involved. It was a decision by the managing authorities and removed by legal protests. The book itself is not banned. And yes any sensible man would condemn violence surrounding a book on Shivaji. There was no need to ban the related book either. The SC has overturned that ban. But our cowards in politics play the appeasement game instead of protecting the writer and publisher. But there is no way Rushdie or anyone should ever equate these incidents with chronic Islamic violence. If India ever was and still largely remains an open society it is simply because of Hindus and Hindu culture. Period.

Here’s a question for Rushdie and the Social Genius: Reverse the population of India. Let’s say 70% Muslims and 30% Hindus+others, what do you think will happen? It doesn’t need an Einstein to answer that. For all the whining that Rushdie does he still gets to come to India and go back when political and election temperatures aren’t hot. Now I wonder if he would dare a trip to Pakistan, BanglaDesh or any other Islamic county. So some of his utterances about India are filled with as much nonsense as SG’s about Hindus. Rushdie didn’t blame the last Jaipur LitFest crap on Hindus fortunately. He doesn’t blame them directly in anyway. He rightly blamed a criminal govt that abdicated its responsibility to protect him. What Rushdie now admits openly (something gone wrong with Islam) he could have done during the many interviews he did earlier.

SR has proclaimed himself to be an atheist or a rationalist. He did briefly claim to be a Muslim after the Fatwa. So why not see another rationalist talking about religion, particularly to Muslims? Rushdie has appeared on many shows with comedian and satirist Bill Maher. I can quite appreciate the humorous way rationalists look at religion and even ridicule it. Here are edited excerpts from Bill Maher’s Religulous. I am willing to wager Rushdie has seen the movie: (8:52 mins)

Some observations from the video:

(00.50): Talk about the name. Ahem! He calls himself ‘Propa Gandhi’ and he’s a Rapper. He is of Pakistani origin and is British. His lyrics for the infidels:  “… easy to use a mobile trigger.. Blow them all to hell for a million dollar figure”. Of course, he says it’s a satire and doesn’t reflect his intentions. Okay, accepted! Question: what satire is acceptable to the believers? And then he says Rushdie insulted and provoked intentionally. (02.35): Maher then ridicules Propa Gandhi: “You have the truth, I have the fiction”! (03.14): Dutch Imam: “Islam is peace, peace, peace”. (03.22): When asked about Islamic violence, everyone uniformly says: “No,No,No” “ It’s politics, it’s politics, it’s politics”. (04.05): Dutch Muslim politician Fatima Elatik states those passages in the Quran were in the context of the time they were written in. Maher points out, that’s not how people read holy books; that God’s word is forever. (04.30): Maher talks about how Islam conquered many parts of the world. The Imam says “not conquered, but spreading Islam”. And Maher laughs and says maybe but they weren’t spreading it by singing Kumbaya (a spiritual song).

Now this is interesting: (05.17): The site of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, the holiest site for Jews. The Muslims built a dome on top of the Jewish temple and Jews are not allowed into that place anymore. That has been so for a very long time. That’s like “under new management”. Couldn’t that be true for Babri or Taj Mahal? Couldn’t that be true for a lot of other temples too? I leave that to the historians and SG and Rushdie. The next one gets even better at (05.31): The holy Mount of Olives. Orthodox Jews want to be buried there because they believe when the Messiah comes he will raise the dead and march them through Golden Gates to the Temple Mount. But guess what the Muslims did? They walled up the gates to keep out the Jewish Messiah. Maher asks the hilarious question: “If He (The Messiah) has the power to raise the dead, He’d have the power to jump a fence”? Oh yes, wouldn’t he? Haha! But that’s Faith for you.

Now here’s something about the movie Religulous that most people would have missed: It’s 1Hr 41 minutes in duration. Bill Maher talks about Christianity, Judaism and Islam and even Scientology. He travels across the US, Europe and UK. He shows a glimpse of Hare Krishna followers dancing in the opening titles. That’s it! But there’s not one word, I repeat, not one word ridiculing Hinduism or Buddhism in the entire movie. You and I can wonder why but maybe the Social Genius has that answer. It’s not as if there aren’t enough Hindus and Buddhists in the US or UK. There are more Hollywood Buddhists than Scientologists.

In the 2nd Part we will attempt to examine why so much Muslim violence is being tolerated and covered up by media for all the wrong reasons. In the meantime, if you managed, off-hand, to name 7 Hindu kings and 7 Mughal rulers, you’re a winner!


  1. watch pat condell's videos on you tube or google pat condell. watch his latest video 'a word to rioting muslims '

  2. wow, you have again spoken my mind.. i still remember history textbooks in mumbai, maharashtra (i am talking 1980-83, dont know what the text books say now) actually mentioning that muhgals destoryed hindu temples, raped hindu women and naturally looted the gold etc..when i visited delhi in 1986, i was wondering why the hell the ashoka pillar exists next to qutab minar (obviously the qutab minar was built to dwarf the ashoka pillar, to mock us hindus). I was barely 16 years old then and then same visit, i went to the taj mahal and my intuitive sense picked up so much negative energy that i walked right out of it in moments..(i was fuming when NDTV called it some wonder of the world, i dont, for the love of god, understand why tombs should be assigned as national monuments, but thats another sickular joke)..when i visited parts of konkan/pune as a childhood, i was suprised to see scattered muslim population (i was told that these were soldiers who surrendered to Shivaji and he let them stay there, needless to say a blunder as they married hindu women and further populated the region)...i am not against islam, but the sentiment you have bought out in your write-up is the question i have been asking myself for years...why are we so forgiving!!!

  3. Ram, dashrath,yudhishtir,Shivaji,Maharana Pratap.Prithviraj Chauhan,Ashoka,Chandragupta, Chandragupta Vikramaditya,Samundragupta,Shakuntla son Bharata (We get the name of our country),Bindusar,Porus,Karna,Janak,

    1. great ..... thanks for the list ..... I will put Janak at first (as far as i know he is an enlightened king I believe , and his guru was Astavakra right) ......

  4. I am proud to be Hindu and you said it right if India is secular its because we are a majority and dread the day when its the opposite .The so called liberal voices of Javed Akhtar,shabana,Farah naqvi etc etc only come when a rare case of violence by hindus happen but they go in hiding like a mouse when muslims indulge in. Have we seen any of these nowadays.One jaichand was in the time of Prithviraaj now we have many in modern times .

    But i am confident that as Hinduism survived the onslaught for centuries It will survive no matter what . Ours is an ancient and oldest of all and i am proud of that my being Hindu and i urge all to say Garv se kaho hum Hindu hain

    1. It is not Hinduism (a word oft quoted in the context of religion just like Islam, Christianity, etc) that will survive.. It is truth that shall prevail.. It is righteousness that shall prevail.. The term you are looking for here is Dharma.. Dharma is often misunderstood as Hindi for religion.. But it is not religion.. ( (Sanskrit: धर्म dhárma, Pali: धम्म dhamma; lit. that which upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe)

      Dharma means Law or Natural Law and is a concept of central importance in Indian philosophy and religion. As well as referring to Law in the universal or abstract sense dharma designates those behaviours considered necessary for the maintenance of the natural order of things.[2] Therefore dharma may encompass ideas such as duty,[3] vocation, religion and everything that is considered correct, proper or decent behaviour. The idea of dharma as duty or propriety derives from an idea found in India's ancient legal and religious texts that there is a divinely instituted natural order of things (rta) and justice, social harmony and human happiness require that human beings discern and live in a manner appropriate to the requirements of that order. According to the various Indian religions, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, beings that live in accordance with dharma proceed more quickly toward dharma yukam, moksha or nirvana (personal liberation). The antonym of dharma is adharma, meaning unnatural or immoral.

      Since the Universe exists eternally, the laws that govern it are also eternal or Sanatan..

    2. then u must be a vipassana meditator...and gautum budhdha rediscovered the technique to achieve enlightenment...thas where the pali script grew in prominence...he was against sectarianism...but when t spread far and wide the west labelled them as buddhists....etc etc

  5. Ravinar:

    Yet another masterpiece.

    I am addicted to my black coffee, scotch and your blogs.. (not necessarily in the same order). :)

    I have a suggestion.

    Please create a logo/badge - Proud Hindu - even better - Proud Internet Hindu.. I will set this as profile photo in all my social media a/cs.

    This may show man/woman sporting a tilak, vibhuti or any of our religious symbols..

    I am sure this will be used by lot of proud internet hindus and will be a huge slap on bimbo SG...

    1. how abt Tshirt with 'Proud Internet Hindu' logo.. surely I will wear in Ganesh nimarjana....
      can even distribute too..

    2. I am exited with the idea "Internet Hindu" t-shirt .... I will buy it :-)

    3. Yep Internet HIndu T-Shirts Great Idea..

  6. chandragupta maurya,ashoka,chandragupta 1,samudragupt,chandragupta vikramditya,harshvardhan,prithviraj chauhan you are right-these are all either BCor early AD..and the names of the mughal emperors are at every road esp in delhi,and even in 'soap' ads

  7. Hi Mr Ravinar
    I think in this post u are a bit off the mark in the start. i think your statement in the first para about "if what is shown in the movie was indeed true" i think is not right. . few months ago, geeta was about to be banned in russia, and what happened? we protested and made them reverse their decision. here we have an utterly non sense video which is made just to test the muslims all over the world. and why shouldnt be they angry? if i wud have been a muslim i wud have felt exactly the same way.
    and about what they teach us in school, i think the textbooks in school also teach us that communalism, regionalism and castesism is bad..and what we learned when we grew up? elections are fought over these terms only. and these have become etched in our way of living. who gives a damn whether akbar was secular or not? :)
    and 3rd thing, about salman rushdie interview i think in whole of this country only you are criticising who said what? i am not saying in a negative way but i think nobody actualy understood what that whole thing was about except perhaps you. :) and ya, ye Rushdie and arundhati k dimaag se nikle vichaar and unke novels ki english samajhna, mushkil hi nahi namumkin hai...

    1. @thedoc

      Let me just say your points are misplaced:

      1. The issue is.. if the movie had been serious and in good taste would the response have been any different? Theo Van Gogh's movie was neither comedy nor satire. It was a serious documentary. Should he die for it? Maybe you should look it up. Anger is fine. Are you also suggesting you'd go out and kill people because of your anger or issue death threats?

      2. Gita ban - So people protest, fair enough. They didnt go around burning buildings and killing people.Did they? They didn't go on a violent rioting spree. Is there a difference? And what if The Gita had indeed been banned would there have been bloodshed across India? Nobody is saying no to protests. I'm surprised you can't see this huge difference.

      3. Did your schoolbooks teach you about Yadav, Kurmi, Gujjar, Ghanchi, Bhumihar etc.? Where did you learn all that? Casteism is bad, we all accept it. Who misuses it?

      4. If nobody is paying any attention to Rushdie's interview why are papers publishing his quotes. And even if they arent that is no reason not to debate it. Your argument is faulty. FYI this blog pays attention to a lot of stuff that most people dont pay any attention to. That's its very purpose and nature.


    2. nice to see that the questions and replies are in good taste, hope people of right intellect interact more and more in this blog so that more and more correct information comes out from this discussions .....
      thanks for the questions "thedoc" and thanks for sharing your clarifications "ravinar" ......

  8. Very nicely written article.I think its expansion of you previous post "victimhood justified voilence" .I belive Hindus are always True Secular as we dont produce/create "jihadi" or "terrorists" etc.We (hindus) always belive in tolerance, shanti&dharma.

  9. Factual Tidbit:

    Taj Mahal was built using Vaastu Shastra.

  10. I again request/suggest you to provide an Option on top of your website "mediacrooks website in HINDI"/hindi version for wider reach/serculation.Google translator doesnt works fine.Also Please write atleast 1-2 article on paidmediacrooks in Hindi&english News channels/papers.Mediacrooks are not only present on English news channels(1% population watch them)but also ramped in English dailys and hindi news channels.Like barkha,rajdeep,karanT,sagarika,arnab etc are paid journos/fakeSeculars/psedo-liberals;then there are many paidmedia in hindi/english news channels/papers also.And if aboves are danger to Our nation then they need few kicks in thier Ass. plz reply

  11. Hello Ravi. Thanks yet again for a nicely written piece. To me, the gist of it all is: The hero and heroines of MSM survive on propagating distorted history and celebrating falls Gods. Amen.
    K R Vaishampayan

  12. This blog post is definitely one of the best and I see Ravinar has shifted gears! In my view, this had to happen. As MSM is becoming more vociferous with its agenda to denigrate whatever is Hindu, or, those who speak for Hindu views, the blog world will not be mute spectator to their unjust, evil designs.

    Now, I am waiting for part 2 to see what's in store!

    I have truly run out of praises having seen post after post at such speed, and quality! Well done, Ravinar.

  13. Hi Ravi,

    Was waiting for today's dose.

    You are ramping it up friend. Real Good one as always.

    It's going to be difficult for Bimbos & Bimbetts to challenge this one.

    Great reading.

  14. Hindu religion is the only religion in the whole world which has place for critics. No other religion in this entire universe can achieve this level of tolerance. Once Einstein said that God doesn't exist and the whole Vatican City was after him, in fact the POPE went on to say that Einstein should not make such statements which will put him in trouble. Can you imagine a religious Guru (who should be preaching love and harmony to the masses) issuing a warning to the greatest man walking on the earth. Einstein said that because he proved it in his famous equation E=mc2. This, one inch long equation proves everything, who we are, from where we came, and what happens to us when we die,yes Everything and that's why he said E=mc2 is God and instead of appreciating it those so called GOD MAN were busy issuing warnings. Today the Europe had been different, if Hitler would have respected scientists including Einstein and several others because then he would have discovered the Atom bomb, but No he did get not there first, it was USA who discovered it, when Einstein wrote a letter to the scientists who were working on that project (he writes in that letter that US army is very close to discover the atom bomb). Finally when they discover that technology they select Japan to test it not Germany, can any on answer why? well, let me keep you guessing. But do you know how POPE
    reacted when he got the News of the devastation, that in seconds the entire city was wiped out,well we don't know but we do know that after that incident the powers of the Church disappeared, most of the people stopped believing in the Church. So the moral of the story is if a religion cannot tolerate criticism, it vanishes and that's why today we have Roman catholic and Protestant two different religion. Muslims know that in future people will leave this religion and that's why they indulge in violence to please people that they are superior than others,I hope one day they will realise that religion is an entity to spread peace not hate.

    1. As to the bombing of Japan by US,only Japan was engaging in the War in 1945 and Germany was completely defeated at that time. So the testing the bomb on Germany was not necessary at that time. This is history.

  15. I can't stop wondering how can you churn out such brilliant posts, one after another when I feel we have so less time to do even solr basic reading! Kudos to you!

  16. Great post .. i got to know about history by WikiPedia ..some what it present real history.

    Anyway on lighter note you admitted "We" in your last para .
    "In the 2nd Part we will attempt to examine why so much Muslim violence is being tolerated"

    so many thanks to the group who is working behind this news dissemination.By the way content is important, not the person.

    1. i probably think 'We' is used as in Ravinar and 'We' the how our teachers used to say 2 to the class..'we will move on 2 the nxt topic..' or 'we will start the nxt chptr 2mrw' etc.
      i am sure Ravi would have atleast given a hint of acknowledgement if a group was behind this dissemination..
      Anyways..awesome post..and wholeheartedly agree with ur last sentence that the content is important,not the person.

    2. @Pankaj

      Haha! As Maher says in the video "Doubt is humble". Better to 'ask' than to preclude. And as Suparv points out "We" is You, the readers and me. I use the term "we" quite often, to describe our journey of curiosity together. The only group behind this is FTL (Facts, Truth, Logic). If there's any error it will be corrected.


    3. 'group behind this dissemination' se yaad aaya...
      Diggy would have surely said-'Ismein RSS ka Haath hai'!!!

  17. Great post Ravinar...

    Owing to internet, I read lots of stories about great Hindu Kings, that our textbooks deliberately missing. 'Kaipullai' has put few stories so eloquently (search google for kaipullai).

    I myself has started a blog to cover stories from Indian History, to do my bit to promote the untold stories.

    Its unfortunate that we have reached a stage, where the most tolerant and open minded religion in the world, is being labelled as communal

    1. tats right .... thanks to internet, and lets make maximum use of it to correct our misunderstandings about our own history on which we must be proud of .....

  18. Superbly written.
    Its horrible if I think where India will end up in another 10-15 years, if this minority appeasement/cover-up continues :(

  19. Rightly said and timely too ! Thanks to Internet, we now have sources other than Govt and Govt influenced media, to understand history, the present & the future.

  20. Masterpiece, eye opener... well written yet again

  21. I will name those kings only if you unblock me on twitter. wonder why did you blocked me? was that for my satirical tweet mentioning your article "Blunderful" instead of "wonderful"? your this article is also "Blunderful".

  22. Great Writeup Ravi..But Sad part is the MSM and Communists are on the verge of Branding this great Religion to Communal..Internet is a great Hope..

  23. 'Negationism' as Elst points it, has established very strongly in India. It has percolated to many spheres. SG is just a symptom of an underlying large-scale malaise!!

  24. sir this is the result of the british education imparted to us from 1850's , the whole motive was to destroy our self esteem and our belongingness to this land and our to make us forget the sacrifices made by our forefathers. This low self esteem is reason for everything. When we started the struggle of independence the only ideology which was against imperialism was communism and all our freedom fighters latched onto it. After independence we should have dug up our past and tried to know about the glory of india but every body was loving communism and this love resulted in the textbooks we have till today and JNU is still the hot bed of communists.

  25. i am again blown over by your blogs....i am yet to come across our Muslim Indian brothers.....what do they have to say about this??Its not like I would prefer a heated debate...but then hearing their opinions (restrained ones) might be a good thing and prove that this post can be dealt in a democratic manner...;-)

  26. Raja Chola, Raja Rajendra Chola, Krishnadevaraya, Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya, Shivaji, Sri Gupta. That's just off the top of my head. But I both see and highly agree with your point. We have been taught a white-washed version of history to keep us from thinking too much.

  27. Ravinar,

    Educated like SG are victims of an ideology. Their minds are so conditioned that they don't have enough gyana to understand it.

    It is good that now, there are voices against such non-intellectuals.


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