Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gainful Pakodas

Shantaben got married and lived in a small village called “Gadh” (about 25 kms from Palanpur) in Gujarat. She had 2 girls and then a boy. Her husband died when the boy was four. Shantaben’s husband had left her nothing but the small house they lived in. None of her family or relatives were that well off to support her. She sold off a few household items and with whatever little money she had, she opened a tiny grocery store on the veranda of her house. This was mid-1950s and all the stuff she stocked wouldn’t have cost more than Rs.100 at best. With whatever little gains she made, she sent the kids to school and brought them up. The girls were married off after class-5 or 6, the boy was allowed to continue his education and as he grew, he also helped in the business by weekly runs to Ahmedabad to buy from the wholesale markets and bring the stuff to Gadh.

Fifteen years later, the girls being married, the boy had graduated from college, Shantaben bought a tenement in Ahmedabad and the son moved there and found a job and later started his own business. One married sister lived in a chawl in Goregaon, Mumbai. The eldest sister lived in the slums of Borivali, the “Jhopdi” costing a “Paagdi” of 1 lakh plus rent in early 1970s. Into the mid-1980s all the siblings were doing well and economically well off. The sisters and their families had also moved into good flats in good localities in Mumbai. Shantaben ran her little grocery store till a month before her death in February 2008. She never needed money from anyone. This is a true story; the boy is a long-time friend of mine. All the family members are now well-off and living a life of comfort.

I know more than a dozen stories like this around me and from many towns. I am sure everyone reading this post also has many such stories around them. Most Indian families have risen through great struggles. They weren’t born into rich families like the Royals or politicians or rich businessmen. In a recent interview with Sudhir Chaudhary of ZeeTV, PM Modi stated Mudra loans helped people start their own tiny businesses and that too should count as “employment”. As an example, he stated that a man taking a loan and selling “Pakodas” and making Rs.200 a day is also employed.

That was neither a celebratory statement nor one made in great chest-thumping claim of having generated huge employment. Modi stated it in a very “matter of fact” manner and nothing more. This was enough to yank the rusty chains of the Congis and other Commies. All these “Elite Pigs” started screaming this is not employment. What is it then? What is their definition of employment? Living under MNREGA or working at a Call Centre? Worst among the Comrats was none other than the Commie outfit of Varadabhai which seems to have great ideas of what really constitutes “employment”:

So, selling Pakodas through a kiosk or “Laari” set up with the govt’s Mudra loan is not “employment” according to a writer called Gurdeep Sappal at the TheWire. A man or woman (and sometimes whole family) works at construction sites labouring hours for about Rs.100 a day and I guess, for Commies, that too would not constitute employment. In a country like India, long decimated by the Commie policies of Congress and the Commies in Bengal or Kerala employment has always been a problem. All that the Commies knew was at best “Band-Aid” to fix many problems and they have still left behind thousands of social problems. From Reservations to MNREGA, all of these are nothing but quick-fixes and band-aids that have brought more problems than creating wealth for anyone.

Commies are a “Stagnant, Static” bunch of people with no innovation and no imagination whatsoever. Businessmen and entrepreneurs, no matter how tiny or small, are not static or stagnant. They aspire to grow their business. I know many stories of Bhaaji Paav walas, Vada Paav walas, Samosa walas making it big through sheer commitment and perseverance. That’s what it takes to make a business successful. Business growth and wealth are outcomes of Commitment, Consistency and also functions of price and quality. Something the free-loading Commies who are used to the “Mai Baap” feeding them forever will never understand. The 200 per day Pakoda-seller wouldn’t intend to remain in that situation forever. The govt has lent him a helping hand and then he is on his own skill and commitment to repay the loan and make the business a success. In contrast, Commies with zero commitment will whine and find potholes where there are none, like TheWire:

Writing garbage is also a great skill. Even the “Kabadiwala” makes money, so do garbage writers of the Commie style. How exactly did the PM “Celebrate” it as a success? All he said was the Mudra thing was helping people and selling Pakodas and earning 200 a day is ALSO employment. And the Commie grandly says it is nothing but “under-employment”. The actual under-employment is at dens like the TheWire where people with redundant ideologies keep whining, cribbing and spewing venom over what is possibly a glimmer of hope for millions. And the irony is, that the writer claims NITI has acknowledged “under employment”. Well, what do these free-loaders know? Soon, this Pakodawala could well be employing 2 or 3 assistants in his business when it starts growing. Not everybody is cut out for a desk job and not everybody wants it. And who are the people really under-employed? The same Commies who do nothing but whine, don’t earn money or generate wealth for the country but beg the public to feed them money, seeking donations:

These “Educated Commie Beggars” are not even asking for a loan or a subscription. They are asking for a “DONATION” of all things. Are these people some educational outfit or NGO? No, they are a business unit and still seeking donations. If their business and analysis and crap they talk about is so good, why don’t they stake their personal assets and take a regular loan from a bank? They will not! The Commie life is one of a social scumbag, a leech that lives off free-loading from every possible source – the public, the govt and even enemies of the State. And these guys are lecturing others on what employment means? These shameless characters can’t even earn their own living and they mock the ordinary Pakodawala and the PM’s Mudra scheme for self-employment? The Pakodawala shows more character with his honest business no matter how low-paying it currently may be.

There’s another thing that these Comrats miss. Even at lower starting amount the Pakodawala is “Gainfully employed”. Imagine that he is not. What could possibly happen? Total unemployment leads to many vices and crimes. We have seen how Commie states of Bengal or Kerala have seen frequent violence and crimes owing to unemployment. Many unemployed people fall prey to the temptation of easy money through illegal activities. That the Mudra scheme keeps them gainfully self-employed also keeps possible crimes off the street. Many media folks like Barkha, Sagarika, Rahul Kanwal and others have blamed lack of economic opportunities as a reason for some becoming terrorists. Although all terrorists aren’t really economically backward. Keeping a man or woman occupied for 8-12 hours a day means a lot more than merely earning 200 per day, apart from the chance that they will go on to earn much more in the coming days and years and be wealthy. This is an important social accomplishment and cannot be dismissed as under-employment. There is more honour in it than the “educated commie beggars” show from their worthless pursuits:

On the website of TheWire they have a link called “Support the Wire” which seeks donations of Rs.200 minimum. Why in hell are well off people begging for donations? All the owners of TheWire are people who have made a lot of money one way or another. They have earned millions from political-pimping and yet want to live off public money? It’s an eternal principle of the Comrats – “Always keep the poor people poor and keep them beggars for life” as the Congis did and as the Comrats in Bengal, Kerala and other places do. And shiny suits and ties they may wear but TheWire is still a BEGGAR and nothing more. All they do is rant and rave and whine and bitch about everything that ModiSarkar does. Half the time they talk like bored, bitchy housewives of TV serials. They can’t grasp the simple age-old principle of setting a person free from economic shackles as ordinary people so easily understand it:

One of the problems of many commentators in media and elsewhere is that they don’t consider self-employment as proper employment. I think the Pakodawala is more important to the lives of people than worthless hate-mongers like Varadabhai or Sagarika and their ilk. For decades the Congi-Commie gang mocked the poor with false promises and crumbs from their elite palaces. This is so called “Intellectual” gang is out of touch, out of time and dead to new realities on the ground. And some of them work for channels that have investments from the Ambani group – Their founder was a gas station attendant. Only political pimps seek shortcuts not the humble, small gainfully employed Pakodawalas.


  1. Awesome Ravinar.. Commie 🐖 s esp all are products of The Hindu Group hiding behind media with American born and associated with naxals esp Commie 🐖 Siddarth Vardarajan wife Nandini Sundar involved in many murders occupying DU as professor still advocates Bharat Tukde Tukde gang licking Womanizer Nehru Dynasty for grabs in Lutyuns properties and Commies 🐖 like Daniel Raja whose wealth is beyond a normal commie Nallakannu.. Commies are cancer cells must be killed at first sight wherever and for them keep poor as poor thus enjoy incl imported cars but keep poor as poor and go to China to bring Hawala money ..Commies are mass murderers esp million of farmers by their master murderers Stalin & Mao Tse Tung and now via media like The wire, The Hindu colluding with Dynasty stooges must be driven out of India

  2. Just too good.. but the varada types don't have any shame .. they will run naked if some one gives them donations and free money.. The entire commie team needs a strong whipping undertheir bottom for every rupee they begged

  3. Very good article. Many earlier ones were researches on media badmashis - this hits on the core ideology of bad blood running The Wire and similar types of free loaders. These people by being just degree educated and spewing venom against India feel entitled to lavish lifestyle, good wine, food & clothes. Pimping to such eco-system becomes their employment.

  4. Love your hard hitting style. The Jiahdi Marxist bastards need to be hit on the head before they listen.To make them understand will require ongoing flogging, that is daily beating. Please expand your web site to produce regular material. People will be happy to contribute financially.

    1. MC has stated quite a few times that he writes blogs on this site only when needed and not as regularly as in previous years. So I dont think he wants to expand MC blog into anything. He has shifted his focus to EF (Educating Forward) a site for parents to instill life skills in children. Parents who are interested can subscribe and contribute there. Otherwise the few times he writes here on MC is worth waiting for. His sharpness and accuracy is rarely matched by other writers on SM.

  5. Ouch! That must hurt! Truth always does. Jai ho!

  6. Bullseye Ravinar, so riveting that I couldn’t stop in the middle. The best title for a Commie’s living is “A Scumbag’s Life”. Much of America’s success is due to encouragement of small business and self employment. Even Commie China had to do the same to grow their economy. The Commie crooks of the Wire, Thread and Noose know this fact very well. They just don’t want India to grow, but they can’t say it out openly.

  7. Eloquent takedown of Commie Pest that seeks status quo. You correctly wrote what all of think. Thanks.

  8. The more entrepreneurs/ self employed we create have the better for our society and country. That is true experience of freedom, to be liberated from the tyranny of financial dependency on dole and take flight as high as your wings permit.
    If we ahve to.move to middle income and then higher per capita imncome country we need more self employed and small family businesses.

  9. This commie scum SV was shunted out from THE HINDU. He doesnt have the courtesy to tell his editorial members good bye and ran away like a thief. Now he is preaching. Shameless moron.

  10. Excellent ! Commies r worst than ������. They at least act as scavengers, but commies can't even do that to earn. Thnx exposing Urban Naxals Tukde Tukde gang.

  11. Dear Ravinar
    You are the Gold standard of news analysis.
    The commies and Congis will never understand self employment and the sevice entrepreneurs do to the nation. They are good for nothing arm chair critics who are always cynical.

  12. Beggar is a beggar even if he is from print media but an entrepreneur who earns even Rs200 from own hard work is as gainfully employed as anyone doing a desk job after education. You have rightly called the bluff of paid media who peddle pimped lies for their masters. Mudra is much better than MANEGRA where giving a dole is one way street of life for the recipient. Govt can spend such amounts on health and education instead of doles. Loans can be disbursed based on recommendation of those who repaid their own loans. One can recommend two as a chain event of sponsoring. This way employment will grow over all and penetrate deeply in rural and semi urban cities. Govt can allow mobile Hawking as against stationary hawkers. This way people can get doorstep services. More employment means less crime. Thanks for your true story in the beginning. I too come from a refugee family but today we are all well set and able to give back to society due to our humble beginning. There is no shortcut to a good life.

  13. Talking about employment generation, these "Chai and Pakoda/Samosa" outlets are the hubs where a lot of start-up ideas and discussions germinate and take roots. I've myself been involved with a number of successful start-ups who have their genesys at these outlets. From finding business partners to employees to potential clients these joints have aided them all. So, counting all these I'd think these outlets are quite under-rated in terms of their net contribution to the economy.
    Also, the "iron/press wallas", corner kirana store walas, "panwala" etc. happen to be the first to selflessly offer wholehearted support and help during family/household emergencies like deaths, accidents, etc., when most of the "elite" neighbours are "busy". So, it's not just an economic activity but are an essential part of the social neighbourhood.

  14. sir, a few years back i was having a heated argument with my father (who is always dissatisfied with governments whether congress or bjp). i told him then "papa it isn't govt's responsibility to feed you. the best it can do is to provide you with an infrastructure whereby you earn your daily bread & butter". i can't tell you how well you have explained this in a few paragraphs. you're a true champion

  15. My niece married to a Norwegian moved to Vancouver Island. Started making Samosas ( Potatoes & Butter Chicken), she was awarded Best Small entrepreneur award this year by their local council. Ravinar when I was studying Pharmacy in Amdavad, remember this elderly man near our college who had a “ Daal Vada” stall. He educated three sons and built a lovely house near Ishwar Bhavan. Commie bastards won’t understand the pride of hard work.

    1. great story subhash ji. such stories really inspire me. thanks for sharing

  16. What an article..can feel the anger which u represent for all the common people who have the same thoughts as you but cannot pen down so precisely..Thanks a lot for such clear and precise narrative..!

  17. The guy who used to wash my car, takes care of his sister and 3 nieces, who have lost their father. He borrowed money from me and other people in my building to buy a rickshaw and started running it. He has educated all the nieces. The eldest has a job in a store, the middle one works as domestic help and attends college to complete B Com and the youngest is still in school. He has now hired people who wash cars. Within one generation, all these people have worked very hard and escaped poverty. Nobody has asked for any favours, nor do they fret about hardships or envy the well off. They happily go about their lives, working very hard to improve their lot. I have immense respect for them.

  18. Prostitution is a more honorable profession than begging for donation to run "The wire" by rich comrats.

  19. beautiful article ravinarji.all of us have seen how hard work and resourceful can take anybody house help who is not educated works so hard to educate her three son's two of them doing engineering. more power to the hard working common man as against the lazy good for nothing commis and congis

  20. There was this 23-year-old Gopal (gujarati) who was brought to our construction site (Vashi Plaza) for serving us tea (chai) by Eswar Bhai (Contractor- gujarati). He was poor and shabby but had that knack to entertain people . Sometimes, I didn't like to have his tea because of shabbiness but taught him cleanliness as we had no alternatives for our half-an-hour a chai. I Left that project site in 1988. After a long gap visited Vashi Plaza in 2009 and met Milan bhai (gujju real estate consultant guy) who was there since the beginning. Milan asked me, did you meet Gopal , our original chaiwala..? I said no, how can I ? Array, the first shop which was originally our office is his shop now (selling sweets, chats , pav bhaji et al). He pays 1.25 lakhs rent on that...!! I was dumbfounded , went to meet him but he was not available. Engineering seeekhne se pakoda daal diyaa hothaa..!! Pakoda word is ringing me tears in the mouth..!

  21. This Siddharth Varadarajan is an American Citizen, spewing his dirt on BJP and Modi.Being an American , he must understand that Big Corporates had humble and poor beginnings.But this Commie bastard forgets that and indulges in nit-picking.He should not be allowed into India and be branded as an unwanted alien.No organisation in India should give him a platform !

  22. As for the article, I can only say" Hats Off" !

  23. The Golden Words : If their business and analysis and crap they talk about is so good, why don’t they stake their personal assets and take a regular loan from a bank? They will not! The Commie life is one of a social scumbag, a leech that lives off free-loading from every possible source – the public, the govt and even enemies of the State.
    Take a Bow, Gurudev.

  24. Remember the "snack cum chaat" seller at UPSC building in New Delhi used to have a fleet of VIP cars lined up to eat his stall. When it started it was a one man, two hands, one table stall. It became so popular that Delhi RTC buses were full i.e. people were travelling from all corners of Delhi to that place to taste snacks / chaat that is offered at that stall.
    Note: Now think it is no more, for rules changed, he had to pull-out.

  25. Best titles for those Dalals;elite pigs ,conmrats.You have hit the Dalals ,hypocrites in the right place.After all they r shameless elite pigs!

  26. Gulshan Kumar of T series had a juice shop in Darya Ganj, Haji Ali juice centre has assets running into few hundred crores, Sardar pao Bhajji in Tardeo has sales of a few thousands evry day, Malik Sweets in Regal cinema, Kake da Dhaba in CP, One golegappe wala in Ambala city has a restaurant of the same name in Beverley Hills. The examples are legend where people have made it big from a humble food kiosk.

  27. I used to visit my friend at Bulandshahr and he would get samosas for us. They were so good (and quite cheap) that I made it a point to always buy a few and bring with me for family, friends, employees in Ghaziabad. I saw quite a large number of people with limited income stand around his shop and have a good, wholesome, inexpensive lunch. Slowly he added lassi, bread pakodas, and other snacks. Last I heard he had bought few of the shops in the vicinity.

    I always admired his commitment to maintain quality at low price. And it must have taken quite an entrepreneurial effort to maintain standards even under ever increasing demands on supply chain, labour and what not.

    On the other end of the curve, I have quite a few examples of young family members leaving high-paying cushy jobs and get into a start-up. Future Google, Facebook etc will come out of these small beginnings, even though it may take a decade or more for their presence to be felt on a large enough scale.

  28. very good article. Self-employed pakodewala will have self-respect.

  29. so true ravinar ji.and very well written. just superb

  30. Ravinar, May God bless you with health, wealth, longevity and happiness in abundance!
    You are truly unique!

  31. Gurdeep Singh Sappal was the Former Chief Executive Of2ficer and Editor-in-Chief of Rajya Sabha TV. He resihgned after his boss the ex VP, 200 is meager for him because he used to dole out lacs of public money on presstitudes.

  32. Sir..bow to you..Your nail on wire's coffin echoes every direction and the ingenuity with which our PM explained the jobs created will resonate in right minded people's mind..

  33. u should have given the story of gujarati who started with selling bari, papar in England and alleged to have given 1 crore to PVN Rao. I am forgetting the name.

  34. Nice way to hit home. I have seen lot of women in TN whose husbands have deserted them or given to drinking, worked hard to bring up their Children and give them decent education. These stories are very inspiring. At the same time, the well-known hypocrites must be denounced. Shame on them!.

  35. Visitors from West Bengal were aghast when they saw how much vegetable vendors were charging in Gujarat. They said at this price nobody would buy the vegetables in West Bengal because nobody could afford ! If a company advertises for an Engineer position paying 20000 Rupees per month, a hundred application would be there.

  36. If the commies knew what employment is, they wouldn't be as redundant as they are now

  37. Pls read ""

  38. Now we have to draw a new line for employment and unemoloyment.
    If pakorawala is not employed,
    Then will u consider samosa wala employed,
    If not then will u consider tea wala employed,
    If some is selling tea + pokora + samosa will u consider him employed,
    If he sales sweets then will u consider employed. Congi are making fun of self employed poor people.


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