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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Teesta Rudaalis

“Just in case we forget this same Teesta in a way justified the Godhra burning of 59 Hindus with this comment on the day of the incident:  "While I condemn today's gruesome attack, you cannot pick up an incident in isolation. Let us not forget the provocation. These people were not going for a benign assembly. They were indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilization to build a temple and deliberately provoke the Muslims in India." So because they Hindus were assembling for the temple the Muslims were provoked and were justified in the burning of people. It is such sick logic that results in the kind of backlash that Godhra brought about”.

That is what I wrote in “Hasta La Teesta.. Baby” in my epitaph to one of the most communal, hate-mongering woman I have ever seen in the public domain. When the Bombay HC lifted the stay on her arrest all the top lawyers of Congress rushed to the SC to get her bail over phone calls and video conferencing. That the woman is so important to Congress signifies her misdeeds over the past 13 years. Her financial misdeeds are now in the public domain so we need not go into all that again. What should shock us is that till the other day our media criminals were screaming CBI, CBI, CBI over the Vyapam scam. But they have problems with CBI acting against Teesta Setalvad. First, let’s see some responses to the CBI raid on Teesta’s home and offices on July 14. Here’s Sreenivasan Jain, Con-Journo par excellence:

Make a good note. Jain argues that it is mere “financial impropriety” so the action by CBI is heavy handed. So these crooks in the media will decide what is heavy handed and when CBI should raid or not raid on so on. Barkha Dutt reflected the same opinion of this moron – financial irregularities. And she drags in that Sickular Amitav Ghosh (who didn’t want Modi as PM) to comment on the issue while interviewing him:

And she wonders if it needs day long raids by CBI as a quote from Ghosh. These guys will decide how long CBI should raid a person, how many places and so on. As if the duration of the raid determines if it’s genuine or vendetta. To defend their pet criminals these Sickulars will put forward all the dumbest arguments. And Amitav Ghosh is supposedly a public intellectual. Yes indeed; one of many of India’s intellectual morons. Okay! Now remember, this is the same Jain who danced all over when CBI filed bogus cases against Amit Shah:

I remember Jain ranting Blackbeard-Whitebeard to implicate both Amit Shah and NaMo. He also came up with a fantastic argument at that time – that Ishrat Jehan and Co had merely come to Gujarat for some “Chota Mota blasts”. So, to these media criminals Chota-Mota blasts are acceptable as long as they are Muslims. Fine! Of course, there is that Wheeler-Dealer of Lutyens – Shekhar Gupta, who once dismissed cases against Teesta as mere “accounting errors”. I am sure Gupta has many such accounting errors in his accounts and therefore can appreciate Teesta’s situation. Here’s what the guy tweeted:

Teesta is being crushed? What kind of moronic argument is that? She is protected by the highest court of the land in a flash like no one has ever been before. This Gupta did not once talk or write about the crimes of Teesta or her swindling and he claims he had arguments with her. What arguments? On the options of whether Modi should be killed or jailed? Let’s not forget, there’s that eternal C5M bimbo Sagarika who came up with a fantastic defence:

Teesta is a bridge builder? Like what? Like Pappu wanted to build a bridge between Bundelkhand and the USA? Such are the moronic utterances of these Rudaalis. Truth is, each one of them knows they are on the wrong foot and are lying through their teeth. But all of them have bathed in the left over dirty water from Teesta’s bathtub and have to defend her in some way or the other. This means even vaguely claiming they had differences with her. Media-scoundrels of the first order! So what’s the real problem?

It must be noted that Teesta was funded by Congress and CPM to campaign against BJP in LS2004 elections and also later against NaMo after the 2002 riots. How did Ford Foundation suddenly find interest in the Teesta couple? Surely, FF doesn’t come knocking at the doors of a political NGO unless the political bosses put in a good word. And you know well who put in that good word to carry out the campaign against NaMo. And is it all just financial irregularity? If that were the case then CBI need not have been involved at all. Local investigating agencies and ED could have imposed some fines and settled it. But that is hardly the case with Teesta.

First of all, why did the CBI have to get involved at all? If Teesta had cooperated with the Gujarat police in investigations and provided documents then there would have been no need for CBI at all. But Teesta dodged the Gujarat police for years. She is an “Inter-state” crime-accused. She commits her crimes in Gujarat and hides in her hole in Mumbai where Gujarat police do not have jurisdiction. She files petitions in Mumbai HC to dodge Gujarat police. And that is the reason CBI had to be involved since they have national jurisdiction.

And what are the many crimes of Teesta? According to the SIT on Gujarat2002, she had filed many fake affidavits from those claiming to be victims of the riots. The Naroda residents have claimed she defrauded them. FCRA violations or mere financial irregularities are quite different from defrauding the public. Our media criminals refuse to recognise this. And the Sickular Commies from media and politics have also organised a grand protest for Teesta over what they call “harassment”:

The motive for all these Teesta Rudaalis is simple: If Teesta is indicted and later found guilty by a court then they all will stand guilty of carrying out the most vicious and malicious campaign against one man based on lies, fraudulent documents and fraudulent transfer and misuse of funds. All of them have used Teesta as their frontline foot-soldier in their political campaign. Teesta even led Zakia Jaffri up a garden path to target Modi and Modi alone and the old lady is now left in tatters wondering if she got justice. All of these Teesta Rudaalis have scavenged on the death and misery of the riot victims and their familes. Their chest-beating and wailing has only started now. Let them mourn


  1. happy to be the first one to comment on such a powerful are in your element. Hope justice will catch up with these morons

  2. LGBT presstitute (Sorry, read as pros...) of Indian MSM...They are bound to initiate a Civil war between Hindus and AntiHindu ChristIslamic (UPA, SP, JDU, CPM, CPI, AAP ETC...)...

  3. What a piece, thumbs up. Also, time to bring back worst journo survey.

  4. In the Secular Court where media persons pronounce who is guilty and who is not, Teesta is the poor innocent do-gooder bridge-builder being heavy-handedly crushed and silenced by vindictive NaMo. It doesn't count that she violated the trust of people she promised to help and the laws regarding foriegn funding.

  5. Bast**ds carry out synchronized attack on every topic now. Must be spending nights together to decide what Neech attack to carry out from the morning.

  6. Great job . You wiped sickular media morons apart. She has to pay the price for her decade long party with cong and media morons against Namo.

  7. Teesta is an example of the degraded justice system in india which has been infiltrated by spineless officers corrupt personnel it needs cleansing she should see the interiors of Tihar soon

    1. Couldn't agree more. But "justice" in India is an intangible thing. In what other country would prosecuting criminal activity be attributed to "vendetta politics"???

      Like you say, a thorough cleansing is required by those with the stomach to do so.

  8. I wait for your articles every week and you never disappoint! Keep going.

  9. One of the biggest changes that has come over me in the last >1 year or so is that I have slowly cut down watching news channels NDTV, Times, Headlines today etc., A profound realisation has dawned upon me (and many other like me) and I never fail to recommend a visit to your website for like minded people.

    Great going Ravi - 3 cheers !!

    1. Bingo, same here! Thanks Ravinar,

    2. No point in watching jihadi channels...same here

    3. Guys that is wrong way dont stop watching, but get the details as to how they are twisting the facts and go to social media and by word of mouth spread the details. When Ravinarji is doing do your service.
      Just take the cable connection for only these channelse off so that they too will realize. Thengo to you tube and watch how these guys are spreading venom.
      Hit them back.
      that way their TRPs will go down first then they may realize, which I feel they will not all these decades of freebie presstitusion they got used to it, long back they forgot what journalism is all about.
      Now I feel every channel even local is all owned by politicians, I did not see any channel by BJP ( kind of indirectly owned too). People know fully well what and which channel is doing presstitution.
      The MSM presstitutes feel they are ruling, so we need to slowly ull the rug out of their feet.
      so it is more to do with word of mouth. In earlier pieces of Ravinarji I have seen that he also says so.
      We get together here and if we missed something Ravinarji fills the void.
      Ravinarji if you feel there is a better way of tackling these presstitutes please let us know.
      Thank you every one, lets see our Nation gets the due in the world as Guru.

  10. Three cheers for calling a spade a spade, your concluding lines sum it up for me. My husband, who btw doesn't watch news & isn't on SM , once bumped into her at airport. She felt happy at being recognised, but he couldn't control his anger & gave her MC/ BC treatment . This is the only instance where I condone or even feel proud of his outburst

  11. Illuminating the crooks. I wondered in Feb When I read that SC bench was changed for this Scumbagini Teesta overnight and She got the bail ie Judiciary making open Mockery of Common man. Just as Swamy Says , we need few High Profile Examples to be setup in our society where they are hanged or Jailed lifelong to make some change in our society else this thing will go on and JAITLEY like Dalals in Cong/BJP will flourish be it any Govt...

  12. This is the most worrying aspect of Indian MSM and specially the BARS they think they have the right to prosecute and pass judgements on all and sundry.....they have no respect for the due process of law or its agencies....its as if,if they have decided that someone is innocent and being hounded then they must be innocent and similarly if they have decided that someone is guilty then they must be and should be thrown into jail....and look at the sweeping judgements they have passed-Modi(GUILTY since the last 10 yrs or so),Amit Shah(GUILTY) ,Vasundhara(GUILTY),Sushma(GUILTY) ,Gadkari(GUILTY) ,Shivraj Singh (GUILTY)Sonia(SILENCE),Rahul(SILENCE) Vadra(SILENCE),Digvijay(SILENCE),Sheila Dixit(SILENCE),Naveen Jindal(SILENCE) latest Teesta(NOT GUILTY)...the pattern is quite obvious and the latest is just unfurling after news started coming in that the 1993 blast accused may be hanged on 30th July the media is just starting to warm up again.This is the headline of the article in Firstpost-'Yakub Memon will be hanged on 30 July: This act of 'justice' will alienate Indian Muslims even more" now why would the hanging of a terrorist alienate the muslims I wonder! this is the kind of poison they peddle.since the news of the hanging on 2 consecutive days I've read stories on Yakub Memon in the HT one was an intv. with his brother in-law who tells us " whatever the verdict might be he sees yakub as his idol" (HT mumbai dedition pg5 dt-july15th) and today there is an article titled ' A polite,well dressed convict who loves reading books'.....this is the kind of reporting they are doing about a convict of the 1993 terror attack.....the spinning has started and it will go on till 30th July.The MSM is so drunk with power that they pronounce judgements on a daily basis but the SM is here to challenge them and whether they label them as' Bhakts'(term coined by R in the BARS) 'Internet Hindus'(coined by C5M) or trolls they will call their bluff each time.

    1. they ran sympathy campaign for Ajmal Kasab too...

    2. We if are serious need to pull the rug under their feet by going grass root we talk every aam person ( sorry to use this aam, which I hate ofter AAP).
      This should be another independence movement, we just do our service.
      Slowly you will realize Things work may be slow though. SM go on but we need to go to that level where the class which politicians target as vote bank.
      talk to every one. I do all the time.
      One day it should show MSM is nothing but nautanki.
      Ravinarji we are here for you keep going. We should come up with a plan.

  13. Same people wanted Lalit Modi to be arrested fro FIANCIAL IRREGULARITIES.. didn't they?

  14. Teesta is a bi-product of Cong-MSM love affair which started in 2002. By opposing CBI enquiry, They r trying to avoid DNA test & their child's identity to be made public.
    The child who along with their parents start their Alphabets with B. They deliberately avoid A and never mention how Godhra riots initiated by killing 59 innocent people from Majority but keep Crying foul over the backlash.
    Hope SC awards her with few years in Krishna's birthplace so that the child can be safe from modi & aggressive Bhakts

  15. I was astonished to read that this do- gooder lives in a bungalow in Juhu where wealthiest of film stars like AB live. This in it self should be a matter of probe that from where did this islamophilic communist get so much of money from to acquire a property like that in Mumbai. Is she being financed by some Islamic charity who are so notorious for bank rolling shady persons and entities to further their agenda of spreading most virulent form of Islam? Our sickulars can stoop to any level. They are the most unscrupulous of the lot and anti national to the boot.

  16. Ravi, hard hitting and to the point. Teesta built a career on lies and other people's misery. All crying foul are those who may be afraid for they may have things to hide.

  17. Would like this lady who created havoc using fudged, fake, false propaganda, doning fake angel persona, with her over dark kajal on her eyes.... to be punished for her actions and will not hesistate to recommend use of some 2nd or 3rd degree methods to elicit the information on her backers, her confessions to be recorded on a video to make a strong case.

    There are few more others who ran parallel campaign on behalf of Khangress, they also need to be pushed to jail corners.

  18. Ravi, this ranks among one of your best articles. Succinct, pithy and packs a solid punch. Your zealous take-downs of presstitutes, pseudo-seculars, anti-nationals, fraudulent leftists and the other dregs of society is a veritable joy to read. Carry on the good fight. There is an ever growing segment of people who eagerly await your posts.

  19. I have always wondered that if NAMO is held accountable for the unfortunate events of Ahmedabad by so called secular media, post Godhra, where apart from Muslims, large number of HINDUS ALSO DIED, then HOW IS IT THAT DURING 1984 ANTI SIKH RIOTS IN DELHI, WHEN RAJIV GANDHI WAS THE PM OF INDIA AND HE DID NOT INTERVENE FOR 3 DAYS AND TACITLY ALLOWED THE MASSACRE OF INNOCENT SIKHS BY GANGS OF MARAUDERS AND MURDERERS, WHY IS RAJIV GANDHI NEVER ACCUSED AND TRIED IN A COURT OF LAW FOR AIDING AND ABETTING THE GRUESOME TRAGEDY OF A PLANNED POGROM. HE IN FACT SUBSEQUENTLY DEFENDED THE KILLING OF INNOCENT SIKHS BY SAYING "WHEN A LARGE TREE FALLS, EARTH SHAKES". Here is a man who instead of feeling sad for the national tragedy, goes about unquestioned and rather adulated by his sycophant followers, while NAMO who never justified the killings of Muslims, and always maintained that the events were unfortunate and deplorable has faced legal and media scrutiny for all these years. Why is it that since 1984, even after a lapse of 31 years, no body raises an eye brow against the callousness and treachery of Rajiv Gandhi when he intentionally allowed the killings to go on, in retribution for murder of Just one woman - her mother, While those killed in Ahmedabad were aftermath of killing of 60 odd Hindus by Muslims. What should have been the greater provocation, ONE WOMAN KILLED or 60 INNOCENT HINDUS CHARRED TO DEATH MOST GRUESOMELY IN A PLANNED MANNER. It is most unfortunate that while Media has been harping on the killings of Ahmedabad in the aftermath of Godhra, NO ONE TALKS OF GODHRA OR ACCOUNTABILITY OF SIKHS' GENOCIDE IN 1984. SHAME ON THIS MEDIA.

  20. The MSM crooks can be paraded literally as "choron ki baarat". There is the sub-BAR of MSM with the likes of Srinivasan Jain who unfailingly upholds hype in his 'truth vs. hype'. For years, Teesta has been their lynchpin and needs to be defended at all costs even if they have developed "differences" in recent times with her.

  21. It is never justified even in Islam to burn somebody with fire.For the prophet said nobody should punish with fire except the lord of (hell) fire (Allah/Ellohim/Yahweh/Alah/Bhagvan....).Mentioning this just for the sake of info.So massacre with fire is anti islam.

    1. Thanks for the correction. On behalf of all kafirs, I apologise for accusing Muslims of ever indulging in the barbaric behaviour of burning people alive. We'll keep in mind that the only authorised methods of kafir-slaughter are decapitation, rape, stabbing, shooting, flaying, dismembering, scalping, crushing, exploding etc. which are far more civilised.

      Honestly, it's so unfair how much bad press Islam gets. That's kafirs for you.

    2. You are trying to impose incorrect information.

    3. Trying to defend islam is akin to defending the indefensible. A barbaric cult moulded in the hot desert sands of Arabia and propagated across the world by fire & sword.

    4. Instead of offering lame excuses, why educated Muslims raise their voice against the barbaric acts of their brothers in the name of Islam? Are they scared of their loving brothers or enjoying the intimidation of fellow humans?

  22. Absolutely brilliant..Hope dualism of MSM and their anti-indian-Modi agenda will reach to people precisely hindus.Again thanks for such fine article or rather case-study.


    Must see video on what happens to politicians who challenge the fake Gandhis in public.

  24. Excellent coverage. She should be taught a lesson for taking Law for a ride. Even presstitutes should be booked for promoting her.

  25. Ravi ,brilliant as usual.However you have not mentioned Madhu Kishwar's name in the article.Thro' series of writings by the name Modinama she has exposed Teesta & her secular gang.

  26. She is a good example of the subterfuges that Congress deployed to stop Modi.All these years, people thought that she was heading an NGO that fought for supposed secular causes.Now her deeds are exposed.If she has nothing to hide why she is afraid of CBI?

  27. I sincerely pray that daughters of Arnab, Rajdeep, Sagarika, Sekhar Gupta and anyother pseudo secular cockroach elope with an ISIS jihadi to Syria.

  28. Superb piece. One of your very best. The frist thing the govt should do now is strip her of the the Padma Shri. How can a piece of trash like her be entitle to such an honor

  29. After 2002 riots, many Muslim families came to stay in a camp. Some had genuine fear but many came there as opportunists. Teesta and her ilk discourage them from going back to their houses as the situation was calm. Teesta and Mukul Sinha kept convincing them that they should not go back to their house because they will force government's hands and get them much better houses. So on one hand she prevented them from leaving the camp and on other hand she complained to media that government is ignoring their plight. This is how she played with the emotion of the Muslims. Yet most Muslim reporters like Saba Naqvi are pulling for her.

  30. Very systematically Gurudev has brought out each and every facts about the hidden ghost of Theesta. She is known to be a witch and a Hindu Ojha can only cure her with Danda,Jhanda,fire and what not.The COM-GIS team acting against a Welknown pracharak of RSS and now the PM of this great Country has not left any stone un turned to malign his image and his work on every account to please their masters.

    Alas by god grace they all failed. I also often miss these media morons on twitter.We really enjoy pulling them up for no faults of ours. They are meant for the entertainment of all subjects in question about ModiFied.


  32. Wow! Words fail! I keep recommending this blog and ppl thank me profusely, while they should be thanking Ravinar!

  33. Thank you Ravi for an excellent post. Every time some one happens to see these morons in public they should be challenged and ridiculed for their so called secular discourses. R of the BARS attended a party and was generally ignored. He had to strike up conversations forcibly to keep in circulation.
    I recommend your blog to all friends and follow up to check whether they read your posts. I am happy to say there is a new realization about these scumbags. Slowly but surely they are getting sidelined thru' a drop in the News channel TRPs. Must consider what legal course can be adopted to bring these idiot anti nationals to book for reporting lies as BIG truths and then retracting the same thru' a small insertion in the inner pages. Time to start a discussion on a TV channel that exposes these scumbags as its prime objective.
    Wish you the very best and all support to take this further for the nations benifit.

  34. On generic survey of media websites - Firstpost = AAPtards are in abundance writing rubbish, = anti modi, = anti modi and prokhangress, = people seems to have become sick of writing there.... = anti modi, christian proxies, anti hindu trends.

    Hardly in all of them there is any sensible blogs, more of getting swayed on political lines,

  35. Another trend for media channels is to keep non-stop discussion on bollywood and talking of recent box office collections.
    The bollywood or any other cinema industry, though they are investing heavily, it hardly matters for they produce nothing, do not know if the extras who work in such films get their minimum wages, this industry has no employment, except keeping the accountants busy in converting black to white.
    Need to know how much of this industry amounts or gets converted into acctual tax collections.

  36. The media channels nor the movies give any credit to the real skills of the people working behind in success of the film everything evaporates with hero or heroine performance. Why no one speaks against lack of democracy there ?
    Irrespective of the subject the experts remain same - Mani Shankar Iyer, Burka Dott, Arnab Ghostami, Niti Rosedan, seems to be professor emeritus on every subject talking extempore, surely other subject matter experts fail or hung their heads in shame.

  37. BEWARE . Twitter handle of Mediacrooks is now hacked and handled by a real crook.
    Pl dont mistake Ravinarji

  38. Another important reform/change that is urgently needed is if any crime is done against any IAS officer, the matter need to be taken up by SIT directly without the need of CBI.For CBI is under government and as the IAS may be acting against the government's wrong doings , there is a chance for the CBI to cover up.This may reduce the political corruption.For in recent years ,we have seen deaths of some IAS officers but the offenders have not been brought to the book.

  39. In some recent case we have seen that an IAS officer has been suspended because it was alleged that he was molesting a little girl child.We all know that in India people are too sensitive regarding their women as sacred and therefore any hint of suspicion of wrong doing on the part of any man would sometimes causes unprecedented furore.I also have been mistook as pedophile once when I was asking the name of a child at a local play ground.The watchman admonished me and when I objected he exclaimed "Do you think I don't know why you were asking the name of the child?".This suspicion might raise a few eyebrows especially if the child is a girl.There might also have been a chance that he might have been cuddling the cheeks with a loving feeling that feeling which we have when we kiss the cheeks and cuddle our daughters.So in case of such allegations let there be a panel of three senior most retired IAS officers who have clean track record (No suspension/demotion) whose native state is the same elected by Governor to look into the allegations of wrongdoings within the IAS officers.So that if and only if there is actually any wrong doing , only then the government is allowed to take any action which it may deem appropriate.(:).

  40. And another reform is that the responsibility to constitute SIT should be on the shoulders of ths SC itself.And the death case of any IAS must directly fall into the purview of SIT without the need for the permission of the government.

  41. As we all know how electoral malpractices are rampant in India and how such things can greatly influence the outcome of elections, and as we all know the president of India elects a civil servant (IAS) officer as the chief election comissioner based on the recommendation of the ruling POLITICAL party , there is a chance of the person who serves as the chief election comissioner to bend the rules in favor of the ruling party.To avoid this the senior most among the many IAS officers within the different panels of different states elected by the respective governors must automatically be elected by the president of India as chief election comissioner. Here also , the external influence of the ruling party must be reduced for a better chance of free'er and fairer elections.

  42. And the salary of each retired IAS officer of the panel must be 1/3 of the salary of the serving IAS officer.

  43. Can anyone enlighten me how the Aloo Yadav is able to move freely and participate in elections when he has been charged and supposed to have been jailed by Judiciary for the Rs. 700 crore fodder scam ?
    has the media forgotten the court judgement ?
    Or the judiciary in India are sleeping in their air conditioned apartments.

  44. We have seen so many ladies in public life but this Jakiri and Teesta are really unique along with their friends in media the Bdutt and Sagarika. I am amazed about their upbringing in the Indian society and to their acquaintances. How come a lady become so superficial and vindictive by ignoring all truths and accepting only folly. The Mororn Shekhar Gupta is another sample with SarDesai. It is true that Kaliyuga is going on and the individuals with negative values on moral,ethics and charatcer will rise to occasion , since we all know what will happen in and along KaliYuga it is our ernest duty to take care of such characters roaming freely in our society.

    Through this article of Gurudev Ravinar Ji, We here by call all nationalist citizens to not leave any stoned unturned to handle these Kaliyugi characters.

    Over all as usual a great article.


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