Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tolerance Is Over-Rated - Part 2

The spiritual roads to God or the “Power” that runs the universe are many. This is what Hindus believe and are taught. Hindus are also taught that all religions are the same. Many Hindus still chant this nonsense despite an abundance of evidence of it not being true. If all religions are the same, then followers of all religions must believe that. They don’t! The spirit of tolerance should be extended only when there is mutual respect between all religions. The time for mouthing such invalid, false philosophies like “all religions are the same” must be ended by Hindus.

There is a Mohammad Ali Road in Mumbai. It’s famous for its eateries and a delight for gluttony fans. There is one for him in Delhi too. During Eid this road in Mumbai also becomes an open Masjid where Muslims offer mass Namaz on the streets. It’s a phenomenon over the last two decades. Along with MK Gandhi he led the Khilafat movement in India. There are lots of things written about him but here is something he said about Gandhiji that you can ponder over: "However pure Gandhi's character may be, he must appear to me from the point of view of religion inferior to any Mussalman, even though he be without character. He repeated it later, saying, 'Yes, according to my religion and creed, I hold an adulterous and a fallen Muslim to be better than a Mr. Gandhi." Just imagine if a Hindu leader had said this about a Muslim leader. I can imagine your imagination running riot. And this was said about Gandhi who was far more sympathetic to Muslims than to Hindus.

The Sickulars are still reeling under the aftermath of the CharlieHebdo killings. They are at pains to find excuses to justify the actions of terrorists. From NDTV to The Hindu to a whole lot of Commie media the latest one to join the ranks is Outlook. Here’s an excerpt:

While I am all for free speech and all for satire, it must be said that Charlie Hebdo had it coming. That sounds crude and cruel, but Muslims would treat the cartoons as crude and deliberately provocative. And it won’t cut much ice with them if you tell them that the cartoons on the Pope were equally bad. You can lampoon Islam and its followers, as you can lampoon any other religion. You can even make fun of the Caliphs (arguably) but don’t touch the Prophet. Muhammad is no go area. His name is prefaced with ‘Prophet’ or with the appellation “peace be upon him” by his billion followers. You can’t paint him, sculpt him, or build a musical around him a la ‘Jesus Christ—Superstar.’ All that these caricaturists and satirists have to do is to leave one man alone. Not too much of a price to pay for peace, is it?”

Fantastic, isn’t it? It is one thing to argue that the Prophet is a “no go area” but a totally different thing to reiterate “Charlie Hebdo had it coming”. There are many ways to protest strongly but killing isn’t one of them. Had it coming, he says! There are other “no go areas” too and we will get into it shortly. All these scumbags who argue that CharlieHebdo had it coming are at a loss to answer a simple question. 59 people were roasted alive in a coach on a train in Gujarat in 2002. Did these people draw any cartoons? Did they even shout any anti-Muslim or anti-Islam slogans? But when the Hindus retaliated violently these very people claimed genocide, pogrom, state-sponsored violence etc. Seriously, did they expect that Hindus should simply continue to tolerate such unprovoked and unwarranted attacks? Since 2002 Gujarat has seen relative peace where communal relations are concerned. There have been stray incidents here and there but no major communal riots.

The man who wrote the Outlook article (Keki Daruwalla – is not a regular journo, but another Arundhati Roy types that infest Outlook) argues that not drawing the cartoons is a small price to pay for peace. 2002 happened before all these cartoons. And is the writer suggesting that prior to these cartoons the Islamists were peaceful and there was no terrorism? Did 9/11 happen because of cartoons? Did 26/11 happen because of cartoons? Did Madrid or London underground happen due to cartoons? Saif Rahman is an ex-Muslim of Pakistani origin in the UK. Here’s what he tweeted January 26:

It is an unfortunate but inevitable truth – Tolerance of intolerance doesn’t buy peace. It never has. Increasingly, we have only seen that retaliation (and often disproportionate retaliation) stands a better chance of buying peace. Ask the Japanese. Rahman has also written a book “The Islamist Delusion”. Do read the summary on the page I have linked. Rahman has drawn no cartoons of the Prophet but merely written a book criticising the practices of Muslims. He claims to have received 139 death-threats so far. What he summarises in his tweet as the 10 Islamist commandments is for our Sickulars to think about. Playing victim will not help anymore. What should now be clear is that after the Paris incident there are many who are making this absolutely clear to the extremists.

Bobby Jindal, the governor in an American state, was a darling for our media for quite a while as they claimed he was an Indian-American. He disappointed them recently by stating that he is only “American” and that his forefathers came to America to be Americans and not Indian-Americans. More stunningly, Jindal became the first politician to boldly state what many politicians were unwilling to say. Excerpts:

"Let's be honest here. Islam has a problem… Muslim leaders need to condemn anyone who commits these acts of violence and clearly state that these people are evil and are enemies of Islam. It's not enough to simply condemn violence, they must stand up and loudly proclaim that these people are not martyrs who will receive a reward in the afterlife, and rather they are murderers who are going to hell. If they refuse to do that, then they're part of the problem. There is no middle ground here”.

Jindal went on to add in his speech in the UK that some countries have allowed Muslims to establish autonomous neighbourhoods in cities where they govern by a harsh version of Islamic law. Yes indeed, UK is facing this problem and so are many other non-Islamic countries in the world. There are over 700 no go zones created by Muslims in France and though it is not authorised in any form, the police and other services dread to go to these zones. Norway has expelled over 5000 foreigners, mostly Muslims, as action for reducing crime in the country. In a rare departure, British PM David Cameron has finally issued a warning to mosques in Britain to rein in extremists:

Belgians in the Congo. France invaded Algeria for no genuine reason except greed and now Algerians are in large number in France. The Dutch were in South Africa and some other places to subdue the original inhabitants. The Portuguese were in Bombay, Goa and Diu. And there is hardly a country left that Britain had not invaded and colonised. It is very tempting to say “they had it coming”. But it’s not revenge that the Islamists are seeking. If that was the case they could have declared formal wars. But it is intolerance of the culture and systems of the host country while enjoying all its privileges that is causing the problems. This is true in India too. “No go area” said that dumb Outlook writer and that avoiding cartoons will buy peace. I have written before that there are many towns in India that are completely Islamised and are somewhat of a no go zone for non-Muslims. This has happened even in places considered particularly holy pilgrimage locations by Hindus. It is hard to believe this has happened in Rameshwaram:

It is understandable if one makes the mistake of thinking these no go zones are stray cases across the world, although increasingly common. It would help to pause for a minute and think that an entire community was thrown out Kashmir which is now a no go zone for India’s non-Muslims. Can any no go zone be worse than that? Had the authorities acted then or even a few months later the KPs could have returned to Kashmir. They are never going to return – no go zones are forever. No politician is going to be courageous enough to alter the situation. The challenge is to avert creating some more and for that unlimited tolerance has to disappear.

To be concluded


  1. To quote Ghalib : unse hai wafa ki umeed jo nahi jante wafa kya hai. ... We expect loyalty from those who don't even know what it is.

  2. " ... ... no go zones are forever. No politician is going to be courageous enough to alter the situation. The challenge is to avert creating some more and for that unlimited tolerance has to disappear."

    ..,Very true and aptly summarised.

  3. On KP issue, media was the biggest helping hand to the rioters.There was not a single news on the riots in our Newspapers which could have impacted the govt to at least help the poor victims. The media crooks were cooking their food on Mandal issue during that period for a very long time

  4. West must crack down on ALL non-indigenous religions including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism and others as these religions bring to the west stone age values like Jehad, Honour Killing, Caste Racism, Diet Racism, gender discrimination, colour racism etc that are extremely toxic to modern civil society. There should be no space for such values in west. West has right to live free of these values. West must encourage migrants to convert to Christianity. I have myself convinced many of my relatives in US to convert to Christianity. Only Christians will stand up and be counted like Jindal, when it comes to defending the west. Rest will merely watch and try to save their skins. West should end this multi-culti nonsense, it had not worked, it never will.

    1. Vivek

      That is the stupidest comment I have read so far here. All others must convert to Christianity because of intolerance and violence of Muslims, is that your argument? What about other faiths in India, should they convert to Hinduism? Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs do not bring violence and intolerance to any society. And Christians too have a history of violence against others. Your comment is as much extremist as that of an Islamic terrorist.

    2. you sign off as VIVEK but your arguments come out as that of VIVEKHEEN.

    3. How many denominations are there in Christianity opposing to each other? Are there no racists among Christians (the whites, the African Americans etc.). Are there no vegetarians among Christians? What about Vegans? By the way name a Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist community who have violated the laws, created no go Zones of the country where they live and revolted or attacked the host community. Practice your religion, culture and whatever but keep it strictly personal and do not bring it outside your home. Then everything will be alright. I think Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Budhists are just doing that everywhere.

    4. @Sonnet not because of intolerance of Muslims, because they too bring stone age values like gender discrimination, colour discrimination, honour killing, etc that are highly toxic to modern civil society. That is the price they must pay for the goodies of the west provides. They should pay voluntarily for the goodies they want to enjoy in the west. Not only muslims, but the other religions also bring their Stone Age values to the west. Christians too have history of violence, but this is NOT about history this is about the present and future. Past is dead, over, finished, khalas, finito, the end, but west needs to secure its present and future.

    5. @want2change: Attack my arguments, not me personally. Thanks any way for taking the time to respond.

    6. @KSGVenkita: Yes Christian society too has its problems, but they will solve them as they have solved many others. Yes, what about Vegans? It is not only muslims that create problems, other religious communities too create problems in west. Sikhs don't want to give up turban, Hindus practice caste racism, Jains practice diet racism. Why should west tolerate such values that destroy western society?

    7. Dear Vivek , you are an excellent troll , but unfortunately for you , most of the readers of this blog are not interested . What you are putting forward are rant and not arguments . It is difficult for any sane person to argue with you because of your illogical assumptions, like diet racism , language racism and most hilarious and illogical assumptions "Christianity is indigenous religion of west ". Have a nice trolling day.

    8. You are no different than any Muslim fanatic who says his religion is the best and only way. I do not wish to enter into a slanging match but Christianity is littered with injustices and terror, in parts of the Third Word even today. You believe it is the best thing since sliced bread, you are welcome to your belief. I disagree. Indian religions preach that there are many paths to God or salvation. You chose Christianity, your choice, you are welcome. Your and some of your co-religionists' superiority complex sucks.

    9. @ Prem Jains HAVE established exclusive vegetarian zones in Mumbai and many other places. Non-vegetarians cannot purchase flats in these 'vegetarian only' zones. They also have plans to turn Palanpur into veg only city, where Christians and Muslims won't get mutton, chicken etc. The 'veggie enclave' issue rocked the BMC only a couple of months back, when MNS,SS, Cong etc got together to block a proposal from BJP, which is now aggressively pushing Jain interests. The Jain community is increasingly becoming what the Muslims had been for the Congress.
      Caste racism is of course part and parcel of Hindu DNA. Hindus invented, patented and operated this cruel system of discrimination for centuries against lower castes and they still continue to commit horrendous atrocities on Dalits and other vulnerable groups. Gender discimination: Jats are annihilating women in Jat lands across Haryana, parts of UP etc. They are also abducting young girls from places like Bengal, Assam etc to serve as sex slaves in Haryana. Recent episode of popular crime serial focused on the issue of a girl from Assam who was abducted to Haryana where she had to serve as sex slave to two brothers and their father. This is nothing but the truth and truth has to be stated LOUD and CLEAR. Satya Meva Jayate. All these people are taking such values with them to the west, and if west does not put its foot down the will turn the west into another hai mera India. West needs to tell ALL including Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs where to get off.

    10. @Vivek

      BTW When did Christianity become an indigenous religion of West. It is a Middle eastern Religion. The indigenous religion of Europe and Americas was not Christianity. It was an European import which was later exported to Americas with its own share of violence that wiped many cultures and brought in Slave trading which furthered divisions within the society. In recent days the significant news coming out of USA is about the race relations and the resultant protests. BTW these racial problems are not because of the arrival of the recent non-indigenous people. Do not forget that that a civil war in US to improve racial relations happened many years ago. MLK had to fight for "Black Rights" much later and now the racial tensions. So much for the problem solving ability to build a classless society.

      Whether you like it or not World can never be homogenous. If you are seriously thinking that by converting to one religion the world will become homogenous you are living in Utopia. Earlier we have heard the "proletariat" war cries on "Same blood runs in all of us". But now we know that Blood is of many groups and if you try giving patients an incompatible blood group, they will die. So "God" even does not want homogeneity. Homogeneity is what Hitler tried and he was a Christian.

    11. Vivek......Don't disguise yourself......You are not a christian but a fanatic muslim who is just taking a Christian identity to attack other religions. It is too obvious from your views.
      Maybe you are ashamed of reveling your true identity. :)

    12. Dear Vivek , again assumptions and assumptions, but excellent trolling . Trivializing the subject under discussion is first step in trolling.

      By the way I am reminded of an article in The Hindu , where they first created a fake website in name of Baba Ramdev and then ran a campaign against Baba Ramdev based upon claims in that fake website .
      It will be extremely difficult to debate if you start believing your assumptions as fact . Using jargon like racism , in DNA of Hindus , gender discrimination etc does not turn fictions into facts.
      Unfortunately , for troll like you,the readers of this blog are interested in finding out "objectivity"in interpretation of facts, whether evidences/ facts provided are sufficient or not for inference deduced by blogger . Appreciating the blogger for his inference or criticizing him that his research or conclusion is "not up to mark" is one thing but using the platform to spell out your hateful assumptions and abuses not relevant to blog is altogether different thing . Have a nice trolling day.

    13. @Arun: I used to believe educated Indians are a very bad advertisement for education, but the media intellectuals are absolute pits, but you guys seem to be bent on making the mediacrooks look good.

    14. @Prem: Dude what fiction are you talking about, what assumptions are you referring to? Racism is integral to Hinduism, what is the caste system, by the way? So what is wrong with saying racism is in the DNA ? Gender discrimination, segregation, sequestration of women exist in many parts of India, yes and even among Hindus? What is selective abortion of female fetuses? Ravinarji pointed out certain problems with Muslim migrants to west, I did not dispute that, one needs to be dumb to dispute that, but I am pointing out that similar problems exist with other communities too.

    15. @sns: Okay, Christianity originated in the middle east. Fine, but you are only sweating the small stuff. I never claimed Christianity is free from any faults, but it seems to be a much better way of ordering and organising society than other religions. That is the reason why people want to migrate to Christian lands. West had its on problems with race etc but they found solutions and moved on. A black man is now US president, blacks enjoy equal rights, have access to higher education and so on. Are we finding solutions to our problems or are we exporting our problems to west?
      The world is MOSTLY homogenous, it is only some countries in Christian west that allow migrants from third world. Others don't.

    16. @Vivek

      You are going on and on and on trolling everyone. Give it a break. People dont go abroad for Christianity. They go abroad for jobs and money. People go to Islamic/MidEast countries too. Some of the arguments you are making are downright silly. And in case you missed it, this post itself is against intolerant people like you who like to think one religion is superior to others in some way. This is the stupid thinking that the post itself is against. As for your Christianity being superior, feel free to stick to your opinion. There is no need to go on and on defending some illogical theories that you have put up. Move on...

    17. Feeling so sorry for you sir, even if entire world converts to 1 religion (Christianity as is your choice), you & I will still be oppressed. Only a fool can disregard blatant racism prevalent all across white / Arab world. Are you aware that ppl with just 1% black blood in their veins are not considered white by racists in USA? A race which cannot take pride its own heritage will be treated as second rate no matter what its religion

    18. Dont wast your time on arguing with this moron VIVEK. He is a rice convert and is seen trolling other in FP and other posts. Ignore the moron.

    19. Vivek maybe a chrisitian but when he goes to his cherished west he will realize not all christians are equal.
      The "problems" he claimed to have been solved by the west as against hindus having included them in their DNA will come back to haunt him.

      Dear you may have been a dalit before converting and you may have faced discrimination, quite possible. But caste is breaking down, even in my Maternal Grandparents time, there was no discrimination against anyone. The sweeper did her work and her kids played with us, ate with us.
      So stuff your venom and good luck.

  5. If all religions preach the same values then why conversion ? Why not pass an anti-conversion law and strictly prohibit conversion. But they know they are lying. All religions are not equal. Some are just predators. Some want to impose themselves on others by fair and foul means, subjugate them and rule over them. Some simply want to impose their God on poor unwilling people. Some want to sell their God to others.

  6. I agree! But i again think there is nothing anyone can do about it...

  7. Those who read this blog site must try and encourage others to read pieces and comments on this site so that more and more people are aware of these important pieces of information that this blog site has to share. Also we must try and inform people that most of mainstream english media especially indian express, NDTV and hindustan times are pseudo-secular congress slaves.

  8. Ravinar please rope in a big, shameless Mediacrook - Firstpost

    1. completely agree, First post is acongress mouthpiece and now it knows that AAPhas been created by congress and that is why almost 95% articles on first post are in favour of AAP and against BJP.

      I hope people will soon understand that AAP is a creation of congress and most of the media is being controlled by congress, because of which media is still trying to give the impression that AAP is still in fight, while it is clear that bjp will win by a good margin.

  9. Hyderabad-Old City is those one of the no-go areas and may be some parts inside Mumbai

    1. Be specific..Which areas in Old City.. Unless you are blowing hot air..

    2. I live in Hyderabad and I know that the entire Old city area which forms 7 assembly constituencies is almost a no go area. Dabirpura, Yakatpura and Charminar are the areas where there is least law and order. Even ministers of the ruling party fear to treat in these constituencies. Last time when an attempt was made, Akbaruddin with his army of goons had invaded the police commisionarate in Nampally, even police have wet their pants. No scheme or no freebie or no development is undertaken in these constituencies without the consent of MIM.
      Moreover, even communists are spanked, even though they are closet "apologists"for these Islamists by the MIM gang in these areas. Shows how the Islamists intend to use "communists" when their work gets done on Islamization.

  10. Your analysis is chillingly true. Its so depressing. Unfortunately its our own educated populace which is under a grand delusion ( I think we need to redo our education for that). I often end up arguing with such friends who like to imaging that "muslims too suffer" & am the only one with contrary view (communal & bigoted in their eyes). It was a sad day when even some well off Kashmiri Pandits started supporting this nonsense.
    What's the solution? Ring of pseudo secularists in media must be broken, only then will it not be cool to shout idiotic secularist slogans and run down reasoned debate to the contrary.

  11. The systematic mind-polishing by Leftist thinkers in collusion with Congress made the present middle class think as though Muslims are not treated well, not educated well, pushed to anti-social activities etc. they are forgetting the sermons given in Madarasas to hate Hindus, insisting to read Arabi and Urdu only instead of good Edn., encouraging in illicit business deals etc. In Delhi, I met so many K Pandits, employed in Central Govt praising Cong and with least interest in solving KP issue while entire nation was shouting that injustice was done to KPs. Same way well placed Officers in Delhi Sec have a soft approach to Sheila Dixit or PC stating that Govt is Nice. I was bowled out by these persons and some times wonder whether I have a wrong perception. Some of the blog like yours is keeping me in good track. See here also, we are all agitated the way Rajdeep Sardesai behaved in Maddison but Arun Jaitley is releasing his book. We all agitated one side reporting by Burkha Dutt, but AJ gives his first interview to NDTV only, whereas S.Gurumurthy wrote IT fraud of NDTV about Moratious routed funds of a UPA Minister. There is no action. But these are all aberrations and we have to wait for some time for action (but my friends are making fun & say that AJ appeared in Court on behalf of PC earlier) Confused. May be, followers are only single minded and not leaders!

  12. Looks like Leela Behen had a Brain Fart !

  13. Good series on the tolerance limits. In this background only, I have reviewed Aamir's PK movie and wrote this article. Though someone wants to mock at Sanatana Dharma would finally make themselves a fool.


  14. Not related to this post, but sir, I have to point you out to one interesting thing. That Sid Varadarajan's hate for Modi is obvious is a known fact. Two hours before the time of posting this comment, I had read his article on NDTV website regarding the selection of Foreign secretary. The headline at that time read "How Jaishankar won PM Modi's trust". But mysteriously, when I returned the headline had been changed to "How PM has Sidelined Sushma Swaraj Again". SV shot himself in the foot with this goof-up.

    1. And now Sushma has herself clarified that she was very much part of the decision to promote Jaishankar.

      Not a day passes without the sickular hate mongers put their utter hypocrisy on display and exposing their foul intentions. It is unbelievable to see how someone can prove him/herself to be a liar every day and yet continue to bluster their "expert" views.

  15. Your thoughts & writings remind me of My late Father's. He used to write & draw for his own little Amdavad based Publications. Bhamardo & Prahaar. All stopped in 1999.
    More power to you Mr. Ravinar!

  16. Lately media is up in arm about missing words, 'Secular' and 'Socialist' in preamble of our constitution. As if the sky has fallen. Was India a worse place before 1976 when these words were not there in the constitution? Is India a better place since Indira Gandhi inserted these two words during her emergency rule? Were Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, not to mention Ambedkar etc. were bigots when they just ignored these two Buzz Words' presence in our constitution?


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