Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Unethical Scoundrels At TimesNow

Linda Tripp would have made a great chief editor at TimesNow or any of the TOI outlets. Linda who? Linda Tripp is famous for her involvement in the Monica Lewinsky – Bill Clinton Oval office affair. Linda was a friend and co-worker of Lewinsky and had secretly recorded telephone conversations with the latter where she had confided in Tripp about her affair at the White House. Tripp claimed she was doing this because she is a patriot. She should have been prosecuted and would have spent time in jail under her State laws but she bought immunity with Clinton’s prosecutors in exchange for the tape and was thus spared. Wiretapping and recording without the knowledge of the other person is illegal and punishable in the US. The only escape could be self-defence under certain circumstances. For many years Linda Tripp has been among the most loathed and despised woman in her country. She is seen as an epitome of betrayal of trust and friendship. We all know what or who a scoundrel is but, still, for the record:

Almost every reporter in TimesNow qualifies for the title and the description. In their quest for silly soundbites there is nothing that their reporters haven’t done. They have stalked people, poked mics into their faces and bodies, poked mics and cameras into their cars, shouted and screamed at them, refuse to take “no comment” as an answer and keep pestering beyond tolerance. They have even stalked residences of people and harassed spouses of political targets accused of something or merely for soundbites. Remember how these same scoundrels made a grand theatre of the Rohtak “Belter sisters” right into their village, home and interviews with family? All for a kick! Here’s a pic from December 11 with one of their scoundrels badgering a guy:

I don’t know the stupid reporter’s name and it doesn’t matter. Because Arnab Goswami wants to rant and scream every night like his pants were on fire, his reporters have picked up the same habit and cult. They believe others are not humans and are perhaps pigs and deserve to be treated that way. 

The guy in the TimesNow pic is supposedly Rajeshwar Singh of some Dharam Jagran Manch. The TimesNow reporter kept barking at him repeatedly on the issue of conversions even when the guy kept saying he had nothing to say. She tells him “You gave soundbites in the morning, why can’t you give me soundbites now”? What is that supposed to mean? That she has a God-given or Constitutional entitlement to soundbites? No matter what you want to accuse someone of, when the person says “no comments” a respectable reporter can push a little bit but in the end should be able to take “no” for an answer. Looks like all the TimesNow reporters (and most from other channels too) have studied journalism from the School for Scoundrels. And like Linda Tripp one of their scoundrels named Samia tries to con a Delhi police officer (over the Uber rape case) in this video (3.04 mins):

Imagine the unscrupulous rogue’s brazen deception. That’s how Arnab would word it. She calls the officer on the phone, tells her its “off record” and shamelessly plays it on the speaker phone and the TimesNow editors gladly play it too. This is why the Editors Guild of India is a bunch of shameless morons that I call a “Union of snakes”. For this blatant betrayal and unethical practice, the reporter should have been sacked and so too the studio editor who let it play. But as we have all come to learn, for the scoundrels in the media, ethics are for others. They will moralise the whole country but will behave like third-rate unethical scoundrels themselves. Is this a one-off stray case that happened accidentally? Not at all, here’s a previous one which is clearly wilfully done with a guy called Naveen Tyagi of Hindu Mahasabha in the first week of December (1 min):

Now this Tyagi guy wants to brand and ban all “item girls” as prostitutes. I have shortened the video to the relevant part to demonstrate the point but you can watch the full 5-minute video on Youtube. It is interesting how this works. First, they tell you (and have obviously told Tyagi) that this is “off camera”. In which case, why were they still recording it? Any answers? And having video-recorded that “off camera” conversation they air it claiming it is in public interest. The perfect opportunity for Arnab’s little underwear, the scoundrel called Anand Narasimhan, to go on a self-righteous rant with a hashtag #MoralMonster, when it is Timesnow anchors and reporters who are the real #MoralMonsters. Who are these people? And do all Hindus really follow the “diktats” of any Sabha or individual as these morons rant?

The rant is that Timesnow wants to show their “mindset”. You and I may not agree with what Tyagi thinks about item-girls but that is irrelevant. The fact is the conversation was off-record. Supposing you and I were talking on the phone and you were to tell me “between you and me, Arnab is having an affair”. I promise to keep it to myself and not disclose the conversation but the very next day I tweet about it, what would you say to me? How would you feel and what would you think of me?

As soon as the Timesnow scoundrels aired the “off record” video, the anchors got hold of a few women activists who condemned Tyagi, the Hindu Mahasabha and everyone on Jupiter too. Not surprisingly, there were a few idiots who told Timesnow they will carry out protests against Tyagi and his Sabha for going to SC with such an appeal (to declare item girls as prostitutes). These are the morons that Timesnow encourages as virtuous people. Tyagi has not threatened to attack, kill or carry out mass agitation against item-girls nor has posed any physical threat to them. Going to court (no matter how stupid your demand) is the most reasonable thing to do in a democracy. Why would the moron-friends of Timesnow want to protest against that? But this foolish outrage is exactly what Arnab and his stupid bimbos want to provoke. It doesn’t stop there because the agenda of these scoundrels runs deeper as the related TOI report will establish:

Times View

The Hindu Mahasabha leader's comments on what kind of clothes women should wear and why item girls should be treated as prostitutes smacks of the medieval mindset that is exhibited by outfits like the Taliban or the Islamic State. What is alarming is that such statements are becoming increasingly frequent in India from right wing groups of all hues, some citing religion and others caste traditions as their justification for moral policing. The prime minister should be aware that at least some of these groups feel emboldened by the perception that there is now a government that is sympathetic to their viewpoint. Mr Modi has repeatedly emphasized that he wants to build a modern India that can hold its head high in the global community. Unless such groups are reined in, India's image can only take a beating, at home and abroad”.

There you go! That’s the agenda. First play a video that is meant to be off-record and shouldn’t have been played at all. Give a fake explanation that they play this in public interest when there was no public threat at all of any kind. All that Tyagi did was express an opinion and said he will approach the SC. Even if that is a “mindset” that is not agreeable Timesnow had no business to betray his confidence and fool people. But, obviously, the juice is that they want to connect it to PM Modi and claim it damages India’s image.

Surgical procedure: Play an off-record conversation where people often tend to blabber a lot. Claim it poses a serious threat to society when there is none. Concoct a political angle and agenda by somehow blaming Modi and the BJP for such instances and go on a rampage. And these are the scoundrels who moralise and sermonise the world about ethics.


  1. Media especially TV is fast losing its credibility. Every night all channels in the identical format collect a bunch of know alls from G37 as you call it and set up a shouting match with much shrieking and faked outrage at something or the other. Any small incident is blown up into a national level catastrophe to whip up passions. TN is in the forefront in this race to the bottom. AG is the self appointed conscience keeper of the nation and will go to any length to keep ahead in the race. Many years ago I read a thriller Almighty where a media tycoon manufactures news to keep ahead in the cut throat world of media business. It is for nothing Modi calls then news traders. But the question is why his own ministers are sleeping with the enemy?

  2. Ranting Ranting Ranting..! only thing they are doing .
    Take yesterday s case pf #PakMPscrib,
    Pak MPs visited parliament. they were not introduced. in Pak all the visitors were introduced. so they thought the protocol would be same here.but it was not. This was the issue. Timesnow strated ,PAkMps crib , Pak MPs snubbed...blabla bla.. besides, reporters do not ask them, why pak supports sayeed, why it supports terrorism ,who brought them here(of course manishankar iyer was seen along with them) ,reporters were just asking are u feeling snubbed, was it deliberate? what sort of journalism is this?

  3. Times Now is loosing its credibility, of late. The constant shouting of Arnab, leaves a headache, and additionally all the participants start talking at the same time. Nowadays I stopped watching that channel along with NDTV and HT. Since Modi caught the imagination of youngsters with his stature growing day by day, the Media now wants to change their mindset with these wrong news. This is a well planned strategy. BJP Govt has to be demonised and these youngsters have to be weaned away, is their aim. Whatever positive signs on Economic front are taking place, they are blocked by our Great Media owned by Pronnoy Roy, Arun Poorie, Vineet Jains. Unless Modi also GREASE these people with Crores & Crores, this kind of activities will continue. Modi has decided to take HEAD ON with these paid media. Let the people judge.

  4. I guess all of us can recall a bunch of macaulian morons of our school and university days and sense a lot of Deja Vu when we see these media morons. What i recollect about them is that 1.They are very poor in academics.2.Are cunningly result oriented and will cheat in exams if opportunity presents.3.Are pessimists about anything Indian.4.Are upto date with latest Music albums and Hollywood films.5.Use the desi friends only for personal gains and then betray them.6.Are not even good at any extracurricular activities but act pompusly to attract attention and cheap fame.7.Finally when results are out resign to their fate by switching to some courses like fashion design, journalism , ad agency or event management.
    Every new moron I see on the channel reminds me of all my university buddies who were among the most unreliable beings and conmen.

    1. Right on the button :)
      Plus look at the bio data of some of the most prominent anti-national Indians and you'll find a foreign scholarship!!!

    2. Remembering my old days :)
      I was amazed at the way that you put the bitter TRUTH so beautifully?? I read it again and again, plus few tears here and there!!
      We Indians already know who the pseudo-intellectuals are, unfortunately too many!

    3. @Sree Charan, I have listed only a few of their trademark qualities. Have many more which will bring more emotions and memories for you.

  5. Increasingly seems Arnab Goswami is to Timesnow what Sonia gandhi is to Congress..everyone is working only for him,is above any questioninng/reasoning,is too arrogant, thinks himself the supreme authority on anything and everything and...mark my words...Arnab Goswami is and will be solely responsible for decline of Timesnow as Sonia Gandhi is for Congress...

  6. Who is in charge of BJP's media management? Everyday we see one guy from the BJP, usually who is not the best pea in the pod, being surrounded by two or three from Congress, SP, BSP etc plus the biased 'experts' like Ketkar and the anchor. And the BJP pathetic jokers keep coming for more BS. Glutttons for punishment. In UK and USA it is one to one with a neutral anchor. Faint alarm bells have started ringing for Modi's government with even supporters getting worried. The bells will get louder. Apart from Modi, Amit and Piyush the rest don't inspire confidence and some are playing a double game and are closet Congressis..

    1. Dear S.Kumar,

      Agree to your comments. I am really missing Meenakshi Lekhi for sometime now. She is a real tough nut & single handedly take on complete panel of 5-6 anti-modi panellists. The actual problem is that the Media is so pro congress due to 60 years of continuous patronage that no matter how great the BJP spokesperson is he/she would never be allowed to shine.

  7. We need to take the companies to task for sponsoring programs on TV that shows one sided stories and lies. Let's start with Xolo for sponsoring Arnab's program. As long as we fail to hit timesnow, ndtv and their breed financially they will continue to live in their world of lies and scondralism.

    1. Yes, that is what it effects more for Times Now.... they should be encouraged to advertise in Doordarshan.

  8. Very well written as usual by Shri Ravinar ji. TimesNow is digging its own grave courtesy Arnab. Its good for the Country that Times Now should die at the earliest.
    People like you bring about awareness of these Scoundrels who try to pass off as Patriots

    1. Let there be a ton of sweets in your mouth...... witing for the day.

    2. Let there be a ton of sweets in your mouth...... waiting for the day.

  9. My immediate reaction is to laugh at the Times now reporter for her silly antics. C'mon.. who in the world think they will get an answer by calling an investigative officer, and introduced themselves as journalist and asking for off record info? lol

  10. By criticizing the BJP Govt on Non issues, that in the eyes of people is working for them, they will very soon loose their relevance and go into oblivion like Congress and their puppets. 4G is the next revolution about to begin and it will dig the final grave of the MSM as Media will not remain solely in the hands of scoundrels and people with integrity and some money may be able to launch their's easily.

  11. If BJP thinks that just because its got a majority in the Lok Sabha , its in charge of the government and can run the country they are sadly mistaken. Congress has deep roots and Congress sympathizers are occupying big posts in almost every avenue of public life. Biggest among them is the English media. Many of the so called intellectuals have become prominent with Congress patronage only. So these people are trying their level best to corner Modi Government. If the Congress's strategy of revival is based on watching and waiting for the government to trip up, its because of the assurance of these people. They will make a mountain
    out of a molehill on secular issues ( e.g this ghar wapasi, that's been going on for sometime, but has become newsworthy only now) and then wag their heads saying "I told you so, I told you so".

  12. Ha ha... Good article. I didn't know private opinions can be woven and will be used to abuse modi. An unknown entity tyagi does not like Item girls and wants a stop to all item songs and how does he intend to go to do it. By going to a court.

    Remember Delhi IMAM on NDTV called shabana Azmi tawaiff (prostitute) and the secular media was creaking, crawling to pull him out of the rut.

  13. Dear Ravinar, I am regular reader of your post and first time i am writing to the comments section. Though it is not connected with this post, I just want to share and seek your opinion on the following:

    Alternate to Aadhar Card

    Only Identity, creating fake almost impossible - based on Domestic Electricity Service Connection number.

    Domestic Electricity meters are

    1. immovable & connected with grid,
    2. property of State Electricity Board,
    3. consumption is recorded
    4. having unique computerized number
    5. controlled by jurisdictional Superintending Engineer
    6. 148.73 lakhs families having domestic Elec Service Connection in Tamil Nadu.

    On the basis of Service connection we can allot unique number to all Indians.
    First part - EB SC numbers (family number) and
    Second part - details about individual (individual number).

    Total number of family ration cards issued under public distribution system is about 196.32 lakhs in TN. These cards are having unique computerized number and a list of family members made available in the ration card.

    If a family having four persons, we can allot a unique number for each person by merging the Database of TNEB & TNPDS, The number will be existing EB Service connection number + member serial number + male or female + year of birth. For example,

    Family member 1 12345678 01 M 1960
    Family member 2 12345678 02 F 1963
    Family member 3 12345678 03 M 1985
    Family member 4 12345678 04 F 1989

    For any alteration, transfer one has to approach jurisdictional EB Office (similar to transfer of LPG connection), For those who don’t have electricity connection may get temporary number from jurisdictional EB officer, this model workable to whole of India.

    Quantum of Power consumption per month can be made one of the criteria regarding social security measures.

  14. Ravinar,
    Here is another juicy story.. Classic case where Bigger Crook cons smaller crook

    Cheers !

  15. After so many incidences, I don't understand why anybody even believes when a reporter claims this is 'off record' or 'off camera'? I suspect, person like this Tyagi guys wants to get his name in a news, on TV no matter how negative the report is. There must be some pay back (some sort of reward) to such persons.

  16. I don't know if we can ever thank SM and folks like you who have pulled the MSM mask away, enough!
    The clearer the media and the general "intellectual" agenda gets, the more I thank India's stars that we threw Congis out this time. Else we would seen be attacked from within and outside and destroyed as a nation.

  17. Mr. Ranvir,
    Hats of to your article. Keep it up.

  18. The enemy within: The Indian media care a hoot about truth, virtue, ethics and morality. They have no idea the harm they cause to the image of the country. All they care about is money, and self promotion. It's all about a story and a by-line and grabbing air time. Many issues which are local in nature and which should remain so are blown out of proportions. The bigger the mountain they make out of a tiny molehill the better because that gives them power. What is the way forward? We, readers should stop reading such crap, and watching their cacophony on air. We should convince as many people as we can to do the same. We should let the advertisers know that we do not support their crap and advertising with them carries an element of risk. All like minded readers should network to convey the message to as many people as possible. The media should also be told that they do not represent the large mass of the people, because nobody voted them for anything whatsoever. Lastly, it is shocking that TOI has fallen in such an abyss of darkness as to steal the advertisements of the Deccan Chronicle. S much for ethics, truth and virtue.

  19. Knowing the treachery of the media, why does BJP consort with it on a daily basis? Have we not had innumerable instances of twisting and falsifying news regularly? Also, why are TV ads issued by the government to the vilest media houses? Unless BJP reins in its own tongue, it will continue to suffer dhimmitude

  20. With today's TOI Lies and Mis-report on Smriti Irani, it is very clear that Times Now and Times Of India share the scoundrels equally or the same scoundrels work at both places. :)

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  22. Easiest solution(s) to stop the TOI scoundrels from poking mics into people's faces and destroying people's privacy even when they are victims:

    *** STOP BUYING TIMES OF INDIA News Paper. Instead, buy a local newspaper in your local language if you need. some useful news.
    *** Don't even visit TimesOfIndia site for news, if you do, they earn money off of your clicks from webads. Those infinite popup ads are so annoying too.

    1. It is indeed important to know what your adversary writes and talks about you. Stopping is not a problem. Their mask needs to be torn and its time we did it. Why TOI? You name one news paper or media channel all are in the same boat. Exception is The Pioneer and Thuglak- a tamil magazine by Cho. Ramaswamy.


      If you are talking about English newspapers and media, yes most of them are in the same boat as TOILet paper and TimesNow. Yes, The Pioneer is exception and some small news papers.

      That's why I suggested to buy and read local news papers in local language. For example, in Telugu we have Eenadu, Krishna Patrika etc. You mentioned Thuglak in Tamil. Similarly there are many in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Oriya etc.

      My point of boycotting TOILet paper is simple - I don't want to help my nation's enemy financially, period.

  23. The Telugu Andhra Jyothy News Paper and their TV channel ABN have become like Telugu version of TOILet and TimesNow. They have not yet become violent like Arnab and gang, but in terms of lies and deception they do match Times. So many Commies in this ABN group that they have utter contempt for Hindus and Hinduism. Even when CM Chandra Babu does a personal puja at CM's office inauguration, they label it as "Hindu Communalism" or at the least "Blind Faith". They never did a story or even strong mention of Owaisi's hate speech.

    Some of the gems from Andhra's TOILet paper ABN:
    "Hindu Sadhus must behave like Sadhus, don't talk about politics" - as if Hindu Sadhus are not Indian citizens and only lmams and Pastors have the right to talk about politics.
    "Modi govt has done nothing in last 6 months, only did create controversies" - ABN's MD Radha Krishna must be smoking something stronger than what Kejriwal smokes. Modi's call for #DrugFreeIndia is more needed than ever. :)

    I am 100% sure these scoundrels at ABN Andhra Jyothy are inspired by scoundrels at TOILet paper and TimesNow. Because they frequently quote Arnab and Sardesai as "popular national journalists". Haha.

    1. That is why KCR kicked them in their ass

    2. thease days they become more violent because eenadu ramoji rao got padma award

  24. This blog has considerable number of followers.If all the followers of this blog employ BOYCOTT formula,and in turn get one person within their circles to carry out the same BOYCOTT plan,imagine what loss will these anti national media outlets would incur.

  25. Rizwans comment is workable. But wont make much difference to these idiots. Look at RAJDEEP, BARKHA, ARNAB. They dont care about self-respect and are only bothered about TRP and modi bashing because they cant be fair in their lifetime. Its surprising why BJP is taking things lying down. Every one expected Modi to be agressive but he hasnot so far been aggressive in his approach. Now, things are going from bad to worse in both print and electronic media and the rot needs to be stemmed.

  26. Its not only TIMESNOW, but all these media people are like this. We can trace these behaviour to several decades back. They are all pampered lot. We to tear the masks of not only these people, but also several congis, commies like Yechury, Karat(Both), opportunists like Nitish, Mullu, Lalu and the gang is very big. How about forming a group and start group postings?

  27. I personally feel that Ravi must continue his critique on MSM and same time must not at any point in his blog must defend BJP wala's.

    BJP guys have taken SM for granted. Stop favoring BJP and PM for 1 day on SM and see the impact. I have already stopped tweeting in favor of Modiji and BJP.

    After Black Money, Adhar for LPG and Article 370 fiasco my friends have started making fun of me.

    Someone rightly pointed out that Modiji is PM by Congress and not by People so Congress will continue decide countries main policies and still congress is ruling this nation and not BJP.

    1. @JK, u must remember that Hindus, over long years of slavery and secular brainwashing,are naive individuals.Their support for BJP is conditional, unlike the pseudosecular supporters of other parties. BJP supporters can change color overnight as u urself seem to portray.For BJP it is a tightrope walk.Anything blown up by the seculars can upset the applecart even if it is a minority related issue.. Let this term be devoted to development alone and win the heart and minds of Hindus.Once the support base becomes unconditional then play the card.Till such time pls bear with the party. Some battles may be lost along the way to keep the pot boiling.

    2. Dear JK,

      you say " After Black Money, Adhar for LPG and Article 370 fiasco my friends have started making fun of me". Do you realize what integrity is ?? All the great wars anywhere on earth were won only on one single virtue of integrity. Soldiers fight & die because of their integrity & not because they are promised heaven. Their has been excellent progress on Black Money, BJP is on verge of spreading its wings in J&K. Their have been no cases of corruption in any ministry since NAMO took over. No one is questioning the leadership of NAMO. If that's not making you proud of this Govt then don't know what would !
      The only thing the frustrated opposition & their left liberals Media lapdogs wants is to somehow paint a gloomy picture about everything & that's absolutely understandable. But we should be also aware that Congress party has been slowly working its way in social media & we should expect Congress to be battle ready in another 2 years by which time their would be a few slips from this government on a few occasions.

    3. @JK.. Who are your so called friends? Congi Supporters or Commies or AAPtards?
      There are so many good things happening around but it seems media crooks have been successful in frustrating many BJP supporters by provoking them with trivial things.
      Brokers/ Dalals like Arnab, Rajdeep, Barkha etc. will shift goal posts at their convenience. They used to scream about Price rise/ inflation day in and day out, once that was tamed they have pointed their guns on other issues. They screamed about china's aggression but are silent now.
      But Modi is not going to fall into their trap. He is smart enough to know that war cannot be won by starting simultaneous battles on many fronts. He will not let them decide the time and topics of his battles. Instead he will set the agenda at his own time and place.
      Can Hindus dare to do a la Azad maidan to forcefully come out in support of fellow Hindus? I know they can't in many years but least they can do is aggressively support Modi instead of behaving like a snob GF.

  28. Mr Robert Vadra is a private person when it comes DLF land deal scams despite being a family member of Sonia Gandhi. However when it comes to Tyagi (hearing his name for the first time) he is the whole and sole representative of all Hindus in India and whatever he says becomes the voice of the entire Hindu community. What a crazy logic? Let the journalists (??!!) of TOI get their brains tested.
    At the same time, some of the BJP MPs should have restraint both in Parliament and Public before spilling out some unwarranted blabbering. If they take back their words or apologise quickly at some minimal protest, means their conviction is not strong and there is no thought process given by them before speaking any subject. This is highly condemnable as it unnecessarily creates a dent in the image of the Govt due to these irresponsible statements. Modi Ji should be wary of these nuisances in the guise of MPs / supporters. This would only add more discomfort to Modi Ji.

    1. To all those Hindu nationalists who utter something bitter for the secularists, my advise is to never apologize soon after the demand is made. Wait for two days of chaos play brinkmanship for sometime before issueing any apology.If they do it soon after the demand, the next step is to get Modiji to give statement. But dont stop speaking ur mind however bitter it might be.

  29. Well Times Now is showing non-stop taliban attack on school children and entire Indian media channels are going tearful, mournful......etc., while the same is not shown when it happens in India, for parties like SP & JD would support terrorists who are by serious coincidence are all from a particular religion for getting their votes in election... like Mamata earlier complained that CBI is letting off Saradha scam, when it gets close to her doorstep, it is a case of CBI playing to BJP's tune.....

  30. I think very soon Prannoy roy will officialy change the name his channel from NDTV to Congress TV.

    Has NDTV officially accepted that they are congress sponsored or congress sympathiser because while evry channel national or international was talking about the peshawar attack, NDTV was showing an interview with pranab mukherjee's daughter.

  31. Arnab goswami is way better than those biased congress slaves like Prannoy roy, Rajdeep sardesai, Shekhar gupta, Ravish kumar, Barkha dutt etc.

    Some people might blame arnab for histrionics but he is not biased like the above mentioned anchors and journalists.


  32. Dear Ravinar,

    I am sensing an anti-modi pogrom which would now continue for next 3 years. It is nothing but ambush & run technique played out smartly by Congress, media ( left Liberals), some Islamic & Christian Organizations close to Congress & their paymasters. No matter how hard NAMO works or even his ministers work, their would still be a few loose ends, slip of tongues from his ministers, party members. So the tried & tested formula is following : 1) Keep continuing non-sensical debates raging in parliament or in Media & hammer the idea that NAMO is personally responsible for every thing bad happening in India. They hope that the muck will stick to NAMO sooner or later, 2) Latch on to any comment made by any Hindu or Hindu organization & make it a national headline, 3) Wait for some bigger scam ( Tehelka ) & attack NAMO to discredit him, 4) Plan out a terrorist attack ( Parliament or Kandhar hijack ) & showcase NAMO as weak PM who cannot control terrorism. I know NAMO is well aware of the trip lines but let all the nationalist people in India be aware of this tried & tested formula which has kept congress ruling India for 60 whole years.

    1. @Abhijeet

      You perfectly summarized what's going on and what's going to happen. Hope every Indian attains this kind of clear understanding to weed out traitors.

  33. The first requisite qualification to be on payroll of TOI may be to have quality of scoundrel. TOI was the first to break false story- that school will be opened on 25th Dec Christmas day to circulate similar fraud story on HRD ministry. The other media picked up the news and lie got circulated. Mark Twain has said ,”First get your facts and then twist it as you please. But TOI has gone a step further that innovate lie and then circulate with adding spices. Dileep Padgaonkar had left hordes of piglets in TOI whose mission is to spread dirt. Many a times TOI has planted false story defaming a persons and then tendered an apology on the remote corner of TOI page. TOI is torch bearer in yellow journalism. Modi’s only fault is that he is clean and it is not possible to demand ransom from him, hence such methods are being used.

    1. TOI is a Page 3 news trader.Since PM MODI has ignored them,as they desreved to be, these MSM torch bearers , just for their bread nd Butter, shout every eve/night debating non issues as if nation is on fire.One can tolerate Idiots, but how to control Brain Dead Idiots!!!.Only Mr Modi knows how to handle them. He has survived for 15 years andpeople of India will give another 10 years chance to get rid of these Brain Dead Idiots once and for all.

  34. I thought Indian Express was different but when it comes to the sickular bandwagon all of them are in the same cartel. I made below comment to an article by charu gupta but it was moderated out. Don't know why? --

    Sickularists think Hinduism is an inferior religion. That's why conversion from Hinduism is ok, but back to it is bad , bad bad bad bad. Its got to do with the leftists historians of the 70s-80s who under the influence of the west decried idol worship and thought nature worship was bunkum. Now that new agey thought has re-invigorated connect with the environment, common hindus have re-discovered their religion, but these people are caught in a time warp, or perhaps their conditioning is too strong.

    Also, I don't have a problem with tribals opposing hinduism as long as its not under the influence of the evangelists. Also I would like them to preserve their culture, traditions and rituals , Coz I like diversity. I can stand diversity, Coz thats what my religion teaches me.But thats not likely with the evangelists on the prowl, everyone's going to be marked with an X. Coz they can't stand diversity. They don't like diversity.

    1. As a patron of diversity could u pls give me a solution to the below,This is just one example of a ground reality that most diversity buffs overlook. Take the example of a vegetarian Hindu living in a largely muslim locality.How he is expected to tolerate an animal being slaughtered in full public view? Should he inhale all the stench of meat cooking everyday to promote diversity.? On the other hand what is the problem that a muslim faces by being in a hindu locality. In the worst case he may have to listen to the ringing of bells when a hindu is praying.Those diversity promoting Libarts and seculars have no inkling of the ground reality.They sit in cozy homes in posh localities and give impractical prescriptions to promote their political handler's interests. Diversity only means a bigger market for votes.

    2. I am sorry, I did not get your point. Are you saying there should be no diversity? Hinduism's plurality itself promotes diversity, while Abrahamanic religion's myopic my-god-only promotes narrow versions of the world where diversity has no place. I am not a libtard or a secular or a non-vegetarian, but I cannot really condemn a person for their choice of food.

    3. U have simply ducked by question.

  35. I do not know why to criticize times now, It is arnab who lambasted robert vadra when he pushed the mike of journalist aside when the journalist asked him a tough question.

    Arnab and his channel times now are a lot fairer and unbaised than psuedo secular congress slaves like Prannoy roy of NDTV, Rajdeep sardesai and that gutter quality anchor and journalist shekhar gupta. I do not think i have seen a worse interviewer than shekhar gupta. Prannoy roy (and everyone at NDTV), Rajdeep sardesai and shekhar gupta will always downplay congress's incompetence, apathy for development and corruption in congress governed states and will always try to play up problems in bjp staes


  36. Let's begin with the AFC, where the Indiana Colts are the most complicated group around. While they have won several motivating activities over the Broncos, nfl super bowl 2017 and 49ers, they have also missing several terrifying blowouts to the Rams, Cardinals, and Bengals.


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