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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Lipstick Wars

There are times when the media desperately seeks the interview of a politician or a celebrity. At other times it’s the reverse. We are now used to a trend where before release of every Bollywood movie the main stars go on a channel-hopping spree doing the same mundane interviews and chats. Make no mistake, all these are “paid” promos. There are PR firms who “install” these interviews. Sometimes politicians also go channel-hopping, especially when they have screwed up badly. They usually run to “friendly” channels.

Indians aren’t the only skin-colour-conscious people. America has long known racism and prejudice against blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Our Fiberals complain of Muslims being stereo-typed as terrorists but it is nothing like the way blacks are stereo-typed in the West. But Muslims don’t get killed in India routinely as blacks are in America. There’s another difference; it’s the frequency at which blacks get killed by the Police for silly reckless misunderstandings. A commenter in the previous post says “Nigerians are famous for drug business”. Such blanket prejudices can have dire consequences as we can see in this video (6.24 mins): 

Michael Moore puts it across with humour but blacks have been killed for policemen seeing guns when they were actually wallets, key-chains, spatulas, hair-clips and even chocolate bars. So when people see blacks (Nigerians or Ugandans) you can understand why some people in Delhi make a general categorisation of them as prostitutes or drug-pushers. Somnath Bhartia is one of them and he wanted to behave like the NYPD and deliver instant justice. I agree with the part where he and Arvind Kejriwal say cops have been irresponsible and insensitive. There is no police force in India that is seen as friendly with people, same goes for Delhi. But elected ministers don’t go around in the middle of the night with TV crews to make a show of their dare-devilry. In this case an FIR has been ordered against those who manhandled the African women and I hope they are prosecuted for the misery and humiliation caused to some women. AK even defends this nonsense by stupid rhetoric like “we aren’t sleeping under comforters (Rajaais) in air-conditioned rooms like ministers of other parties”. What kind of silly logic is that? Our media won’t ask; especially not if the minister is on his home-channels like CNN-IBN or NDTV. That’s what CNN-IBN with Rajdeep Sardesai and NDTV with Barkha Dutt did for Arvind Kejriwal on January 18, 2014.

It’s not just the Africans. Bharti is also reported to have raided a restaurant in Delhi past midnight and created a ruckus. This guy seems punch drunk with power and, like a bad vehicle, shouldn’t be on the streets at all. TimesNow released CCTV footage showing Bharti had invaded a hospital and forced the doctors to conduct tests on the African women. This is no different than street-goondas that Delhizens are already worried about. This is what AK is defending through his self-sought interview. I have every reason to believe this interview was sought by AK to wash his sins and proclaim himself a victim. If CMs want to make grand announcements they hold pressers, they don’t run to their home-channels. Rajdeep was woken up on a Saturday looking ragged and talked like an uncle of AK and Barkha too turned up like a teenage fan-girl of AK. You can watch the CNN-IBN interview on Youtube and the NDTV on their site. So let me summarise what the interview was and what AK really wanted to say:

What Somnath Bharti did was right. I have done more in 21 days than any other govt in India since Independence. What have Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and MP govts done in 21 says? We have mapped 946 schools for sanitation and grants”. Then more of the repeated moronic nonsense “I am not doing anything, the Aam Aadmi is doing it all. I am not the CM, the Aam Aadmi is CM. I don’t want to be CM or PM, it’s the Aam Aadmi who wants it. We are not contesting LS elections; it’s the Aam Aadmi who is contesting elections. We are the only honest party in the country”. And all this garbage and wordplay with “Aam Aadmi” passes through both the media celebs without challenge. AK reeled off some 10 points of great achievements in his 21-day stint as CM. Frankly, do CMs go to media to brag about anything in 21 days? Then he wonders what the other new govts have done. Neither Rajdeep nor Barkha had the honesty to tell him “We don’t have their list and they aren’t here to answer, so your question is meaningless”.

Rajdeep and Barkha did ask him questions about Somnath Bharti, Prashant Bhushan’s referendum, other controversies and the daily “TV drama” of AAP members. But they don’t seem to realise that they are fuelling the same drama that they grandly question. Just like those movie promos, AK’s statements were identical, his answers were identical and even his cough was identical. So this was an opportunity created by AK himself to announce how he has been wronged and justify his silly idea of going on a “Dharna” on January 20. AK made some more bogus claims of how AAP is nationally being demanded by people and that there is an “Aandhi” (storm) across the country. Well, their meetings in certain places showed us what kind of storm is brewing.

Forget the protesters from East Delhi in the bottom row. In all the other pics the AAP meetings have received a luke-warm response. So this constant drumming up of “nation’s aam Aadmi wants us to contest elections and go national” is empty rhetoric with no substance. An honest statement would have been “WE want to go national and play kingmaker in the next LS”. The news reports from Tamil Nadu (where there’s a fight on about who owns AAP) and Prashant Bhushan’s Hyderabad darshan are not very different.

As people in the news media, it is surprising that both Rajdeep and Barkha allowed AK’s bluster to pass without as much as a question on these flop shows. AK keeps repeating that he didn’t ask for any support from Congress and they supported AAP on their own. This clever nonsense can pass studio specialists but not people. It is quite well known that Sandeep Dikshit has had many meetings with AK and perhaps continues to meet him. Dikshit himself admitted this. So claiming there was no discussion or dialogue with Congress is another lie being peddled by AK. Here’s what The Hindu writes:

Certain things tend to be forgotten amid the din. An impression has been created that the Aam Aadmi Party enjoys the support of 2.2 crore Delhiites. It got only 29 per cent of the votes. That means 71 per cent of voters rejected it… Mr. Kejriwal is yet another politician who has resorted to politics as his last refuge. I wonder if Meera Sanyal, V. Balakrishnan and Captain Gopinath have done their due diligence before joining the AAP.

The loud screams of entire Delhi or country suddenly wants AAP is a fallacy that both the TV channels and AK are busy tom-toming. These lies are meant to distract from many important issues and wilfully so. Nothing is an accident. The much-respected MJ Akbar writes:

Populism is a dangerous temptation. It is not limited to offering free power to those who refused to pay bills. It extends to vigilante behaviour in which any complaint is always valid, police is always wrong, and officials are morally bankrupt. Overheated rhetoric can take you perilously close to boiling point very quickly. When Kejriwal threatens to sit in public protest against his own state's police, then there are only a few stages left to chaos. Delhi's citizens voted for change, not anarchy. The Delhi police have dozens of faults, most of which those living here have experienced in one form or the other. But can you replace them with party volunteers?... The Aam Aadmi Party is encouraging street radicalism without possessing the courage to become Naxalites. Its tendencies [one cannot quite call it a manifesto, since no one has put it together into an intelligent, logical framework yet] are towards socialisation of the system and nationalisation to increase the power of the political class over both bureaucracy and private sector. It has become so holier-than-thou that when its minister is exposed by a judge then it is the judiciary that must be wrong. The party cannot be mistaken. Lenin and Mao would agree.

Monday, January 20, during peak hours AK & Co. does a “Dharna” in front of the Rail Bhawan. Seriously, is this the route that a CM takes within the first month of office? And that too just to get some cops suspended because they didn’t do the illegal bidding of Somnath Bharti? To top it all AK claims that AAP is in power despite the media and not because of it. This is another big lie. He quotes a sting against his party which was by some channel but all the other channels, including the entire group of CNN-IBN and their employees, were rooting for AAP. One of the fake journalists, Ashutosh, even joined the party after the elections. So who is AK trying to fool? What becomes more and more evident is that AK is neither interested in governance nor is he well-equipped for it. He doesn’t have the talent and skills for governance. He seems to only have the talent to agitate, create ruckus and enjoy anarchy. His Dharna made the lives of Delhizens miserable but he grandly and proudly announces “I am an anarchist” to the world. To cover up for this weakness he is into some gimmickry or another and 24X7 on TV. AAP managed to fool about 30% people of Delhi but I doubt people are going to be fooled by his theatrics anymore.

Given what Somnath Bharti and Rakhi Birla have done there is no way that a police force can be given in the hands of monkeys. I have found every justification for Delhi police to be under Delhi govt but after seeing the comedy and nonsense of AAP I am very clear they cannot be given charge of a police force. If the police haven’t acted in the past or in the present there is a way to resolve this in a democracy. Ministers are not supposed to go around raiding and attacking residents. This implies that if they suspect someone is a rapist or a murderer they might not only raid him but also deliver instant justice by hanging him. Delhi is not Somalia or Afghanistan (even those countries have some sort of hearing). All that Barkha, Rajdeep did was to attempt putting lipstick on the foolishness of AK. Media also has the responsibility not to allow a CM to use them to peddle lies and nonsense. Here’s what Rajdeep and Barkha managed to do:

On his part AK is now trying lipstick on the crimes of Somnath Bharti and the utter lack of governance in Delhi. To add more lipstick to the failures the other extreme Commie Yogendra Yadav held a presser and waved a fake letter claiming it was from an Ugandan official mentioning Ugandan women are lured and misused and sought help. But the Ugandan govt has simply denied any such letter. It therefore appears these extremists are now even resorting to outright fraud for their anarchy. AK is neither interested in governance nor in govt. He just wants to be arrested or his govt sacked to generate some sympathy for his next venture: LS elections. I doubt anyone misses this trickery. When asked about Congress support to AAP, AK grandly stated “you watch, they will regret it in a few days”. Nothing is an accident; AK knows the path of anarchy he has set for himself and his party. I have also stated earlier that AK has a history of not finishing any task undertaken by him. He keeps hopping from one agitation to another as a media-survival lifeline.

AK has now gone far enough to ask the police to shed their uniform and join his protests. This is the ultimate signal of a revolt and anarchy. Governance is not about announcing a few schemes or doles. It is a much larger responsibility and I doubt Arvind Kejriwal understands it. My bigger doubt is if AK even understands democracy. You see, most of his party’s senior members and newbies are Commies who relish a system of disruption and chaos. It is one thing to want change and act for change and altogether another one to be disruptive and anarchic. This is the guy who said dharnas don’t work so they formed a political party and are now in govt. Now politics and govt don’t work so he’s back to dharnas. A CM or his ministers behaving like street-goondas certainly reflects poor understanding of democracy. This street nonsense is what AK proudly touts as his Swaraj. Barkha and Rajdeep put lipstick on AK; that may be the usual media job. But a CM using lipstick to cover up crimes of his Law Minister and for his lack of vision or any idea of governance is a dangerous proposition.   


  1. I think all this nonsense will actually end up backfiring with Modi getting even more support - enough for a majority.

  2. Big question is why is Anna quiet? All this is being done to use his name as the springboard of legitimacy. Even today we keep hearing the falsehood the AAP was born out of the IAC movement. If Anna really loves this country he must come out and denounce these dangerous lunatics. What is the use of doing anshan against corruption and then remaining silent in the face of threatened destruction? Anna must speak out against Kejri and condemn AAP in no uncertain terms. Mere dissociation is not enough, there must be a clear rebuke, or he will have to take at least part of the blame for bringing about this mess.

    1. Anna has condemned Kejriwal many a times and by keeping quiet now he is doing the sensible thing, not giving them the publicity they crave.

    2. Publicity they are getting anyway and you can't stop that. The only thing to do is that the publicity works against them by exposing the kind of destructive malcontents that they are. Bedi has done more than any BJP spokesperson in recent times to destroy the halo of sanctity around this yama-doot. Imagine how much more powerful Anna will be if he speaks out. Perhaps I have just not seen Anna doing it and/or the media is keeping it under wraps. But it needs to come out.

  3. ''This is the guy who said dharnas don’t work so they formed a political party and are now in govt. Now politics and govt don’t work so he’s back to dharnas.'' Something Kejretards never ponder on before going on a Kejri worship spree!

    Also, notice as Ravinar mentioned previously, how both Rajdeep and Barkha are donning the ''Hindibhashi'' cap. Barkha could have almost made it to Bollywood with her flawless acting.

    As someone said above, I'm hoping all this drama ends up helping Modi. Why Kejretards are still sleepwalking is a mystery to me.

    1. Most who voted for, or are thinking of voting for Kejri, the ordinary aam aadmi folks, have seen what kind of cracked pot jokers they are. People may be fed up of corruption but they don't want to replace it with chronic instability, chaos and disorder. That is the mistake Kejri and company are making. The inner commie with his unquenchable thirst for overthrow and ruin has come to the fore. I want to send my kids to school in a nice, safe and stable environment. Why will I vote for tod-phod and maar-kaat kind of storm-troopers. Its either the most committed lunatics, the hardcore few, or those who are too heavily invested in this circus who will not flee to the other end of the earth from these "bring the whole house down on everyone's heads" self-declared anarchists. Of course there is no helping the genuinely stupid. But these cannot be helped in any way. So best to leave them alone.

  4. Nothing whatsoever AAP is doing in Delhi is unexpected. In fact they are exceeding expectations. Everyone who could see and think, would have imagined most of it. The U-turns from un-fulfill-able promises, the reckless exhibition of power, the typical "activist" rowdies behaviour .....
    But who would have imagined that these buffoons will embarrass the nation internationally, so quickly?

    As the spring theory goes, faster the object goes up, harder it falls down. It is not a question of "if" AAP is going to vanish, but "when". Worry is, how much damage they are going to inflict, and how far they are going to inflate, before shrinking back? The world record phenomenon of Ramvilash Paswan receded rather silently; but great messiahs of social justice, Lallu/Mulayam, has done more than enough damage.
    But the ever lasting damage that a short-lived V P Singh was able to cause, just to counter a small rally of Devi Lal, is a scary proposition.
    I hope and wish that this AAP thing follows Paswan, not V P Singh.

  5. "Nigerians are famous for drug business" yes sir that was me who made tht comment. I just dont get why all the sudden everyone start supporting Congress? and Delhi police? As long i remember, every single person here was ANGRY on how Delhi police not doin anything to stop rapes in the city and now when someone tryin to make them do some REAL WORK, u all start shouting HITLER, ANARCHIST and wht not. One thing is really funny how all BJP fans stand right behind Congress as soon AAP start protesting against them or accuse them for anything.

    Oh and I forgot to add GOA CM's (BJP) comment on Nigerians here >> "Nigerians are like 'wild animals' and 'cancer': Goa minister

    Keep the good work man. Im still ur fan

    1. @Kamlaleo

      There is a point beyond which your rants start sounding stupid. Even if there are dens of drugs, prostitution and Nigerians or Ugandans are involved, there is a way to handle it in democracy. Get that understanding. Dont compare Goa with Delhi. The Goa incidents were not because of any flaws by police or govt. Secondly, this moronic nonsense that because of this people are supporting Congress is another silly argument posed by you. And if this nonsense by AK & Co. is your idea of a "Working govt" then I would say people like you deserve the crap. If all Nigerians are in the "drug business" as you claim then by your comment I would have to logically conclude "all Indians" not supporting AK are idiots according to you.

    2. This has been a general observation about AAPtards across boards and forums.
      1. Kajri supporters think their politburo is made up of pious and they think the politburo have redefine the truth, honesty and code of moral conduct in this state (for bhartiya populace, anthropologically).
      2. When somebody raises a question about their conduct, the first thing they shoot is ' BJP had already done it, why they have not been asked this' LOL. What is it, intellectual bankruptcy or a twisted thought process?. Where is the original ideas and pious words?
      3. Now here, a blanket comparison between Delhi and Goa case, ignoring the back ground comparison like murder and police cases in goa and hooliganism by the SB. Did SB or his mob apologize to african woman after nothing was found on her?
      4. There are so many U turns and shoot and scoot cases by Kajri, it will redundant to list here
      5. Kajri most rhetorically asks average delhite and policemen to leave the job and sit with him. Charity starts with home, he should ask his wife first to leave IRS, which is among most corrupt bodies in India.

      The Cheer leaders brigade behind Kajri should be aware that he is just a puppet of anti-India foreign powers. Their handlers completely want to malign India's face on eve on republic day.

    3. kamlaleo:
      "I just dont get why all the sudden everyone start supporting Congress? and Delhi police?"

      Another buffoon Tunku Varadarajan put it nicely:
      "The AAP has achieved a miracle: It has made the Delhi Police look good."

    4. Yes very true Ravinar.. This selective and "apple to orange" analogy is the last resort to justify a Blind Followers conscience. Many of my friends are also deluded by the same trickery.

    5. This is what Nigerians were doing when Goans decided enough of this tamasha

    6. no sir, i dont think tht all Indians r idiots just cuz they dont support AAP but on other hand, its BJP fans who r goin around calling everyone anti national, terrorists etc just cuz they dont support bjp or Modi. Im all for Modi as PM but im not gonna support anyone blindly. Modi is like Atal ji but ppl who r working under him are as corrupt as cong if not more. Cong and BJP leaders do businesses together. Ravi Shankar Parshad and Rajeev Shukla (JIJA SALA SAHAB) and bjp fans think BJP is clean as Ganga? How many corrupt congress ministers went to jail during BJP's raj? NONE (Maybe some chota mota but none of the top ones). BJP could have exposed Rajiv Gandhi in the Bofors scam but did they? Ans is NO. I agree with u tht If indians wants to progress, we must kick Cong out but its wrong for bjp fans and you to go around calling eveone anti national. Thats all. Ur a great writer and i respect u lot and im just not writing this down, i mean it from bottom of my heart. But im just bit disappointed cuz lately u been writing only one sided blogs and its not only me but many more who think the same. Now days this blog seems more like a official BJP blog rather then wht it use to be. And im sorry if i said too much. Take care

    7. @kamlaleo
      'BJP did not act against congress when it was in power' if this is your grievance, which you supported by your examples BJP leader's involvement in corruption (though not through correct examples), then you should also understand that no body considers BJP 'doodh ka dhula'. BJP supporters know this and they with majority of Bharatiyas think that Modi is only one who could salvage it from deep dodo it is in currently.

      But your very next assumption is dead wrong, learn this- 'Modi is no Atal'. Let him come in power and see how cleans the house. People have seen this in Guj over the years and recently at national level too.
      The one-sided, generalizing and unverified rants amalgamated with couple of facts for building up a case of lest a thought process is what MSM does. This in your text does go right with your dovish stand.
      Yes there will be corruption in BJP rule, but it will at same time it will propel ahead country as a economic and military power. At least they are not anti-national cowards.

      You should understand that corruption among people in power are reflection of society. A short cut cure offered by commies is always a suicide pill.

      You need to understand that these are traitor commies in disguise, which in long run lead the country towards destruction.

    8. Actually the analogy with Ganga is quite instructive. Is the Ganga clean? No. Does that mean it is not Ganga? Of course not. Of the three parties being discussed we can say one thing with certainty about them. Congress is the most corrupt, AAP is the most destructive and BJP is the most nationalistic. Even if there is corruption in BJP does that mean it is not a nationalistic party? Certainly not. Ganga of nationalism remains Ganga even if there is any amount of corruption in it. If you say Cong and BJP leaders do business together why is Cong supporting AAP and not BJP? Why is the Cong scion saying that Cong needs to learn from AAP and BJP. The reason is both are cut from the same anti-nationalist leftist shroud of death which has suffocated India for the past 60 years in the form of socialism, i.e. economic value destruction, and secularism, i.e. cultural value destruction. If you were a tad bit honest you will readily admit that the opposite of Cong is BJP. In Mahabharata war Pandavs were not squeaky clean, but they stood for dharma, which was the opposite of the Kaurava adharma. Both Cong and AAP are on the side of commie-lefty adharma which is the root of corruption. If India can be cleaned then that is only by the ganga of nationalism and that is why BJP is the party which Congress fears the most, not AAP. Finally, BJP has always run on a platform of providing clean stable govt, which it did during the Vajpayee years. It was never elected on a plank of political vendetta against congress corruption. So your argument that just because they never prosecuted any Cong people for corruption, that's why BJP itself is corrupt is a falacious and malicious one.There are many things that can be written in response but I don't want to clutters Ravinar's blog with verbose ripostes. Whatever anyone else may think, this blog is sacred space for nationalists.

    9. one imp clarification, meant to say "Why is the Cong scion saying that Cong needs to learn from AAP and **NOT** BJP. "

    10. @Kamaldeo:You are giving similar idiotic and immature arguments like your 'senior' Ashutosh.Goa minister had to apologize for his comments and the Chief minister and his cabinet did not sit on dharna to justify him.

      Do you know any incident where Ravishankar Prasad and Rajiv Shukla helped each other in corruption? Is this a maoist thought process where different groups are supposed to kill each other to become powerful?

    11. For AAPtards corruption is the end of the world. Agree, there are corrupt leaders in BJP too but BJP is a ocean like congress and it tend to have sharks. The difference is Congress is infested with sharks. Easy for AAPtards to say there are no sharks here...seldom lakes have sharks. Appreciate AAP is fighting to free corruption but definitely this is not the right way. It can be done through democratic approach. There was a programme called "Sakala" in Karnataka introduced by BJP govt in Karnata (google for this). This helps citizens to get their work done on time related to Transport, Sale tax, education, land development
      authority and many more . Everything is trackable online. There are time limits to get your work done. If the respective department fails to do your work with in that time, there is some action taken against concerned officers(not sure what). Lot of transparency in this system and this is big success. This is the democratic way of doing something good which AK is not interested becasue this will not get him media slot.
      Regarding your comment on BJP supporters claim BJP as Ganga - sorry, it's AAP supporters who claims that. Yes, BJP supporters
      calls every party as anti-national becasue they are. Can you name one party other than BJP which has nationalist agenda? we have people like Mitra Chenoy in AAP who supports Osama Bin Laden, we have Prashanth Bhushan, Yogendra Yadav and likes in AAP who wanted mercy for Afzal Guru and referendum on Kashmir, we have Gopal Rai in AAP who started his career with Naxalite student wing and you still expect them to be NOT called anti-nationals.
      and Ravinar writing one-sided blog - Ravinar please continue to do it even if you are biased in favour of Modi. We don't have any support from MSM so please keep up your good work. I know your blog is being read by many people but wish to see you on Facebook where it can reach much more people.

    12. I would anytime prefer "corrupt national" over "corrupt anti-national" & "claiming to be clean anti-national".

  6. Evolution of Kejri is as follows. Step 1: NGOs. Step 2: Agitations. Step 3: Political party. Step 4: NOT agitations again, as you suggest. Step 4 is anarchy. Then Step 5? Has to be violence and assassinations.

    I'm not being alarmist. The formula is a tried and trusted one, successfully used by assorted thugs like Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and various Naxalite gangs. Kejri's self-righteous sanctimony, self-righteous lying, his dictatorial tendencies, his skillful use of media and other useful idiots, his secretive inner circle: these all add up to very bad news for the country.

    Congress is so rotten with corruption that this wannabe dictator has a reasonable chance of succeeding.

  7. On a lighter note, wudn't SB have been right in vigilante role if he had wore his undies out?

  8. AK should be tried for treason and reigned in now. Otherwise nothing prevents another bunch if hooligans to hold a city, state to ransom for their unstable , flip flop beliefs. The congress is indeed very firmly in bed with AAP . And most likely it is Sonia and her immediate coterie that is behind this ( and not necessarily the official congress line). The intention is only to create chaos, confusion and distract attention . There may not even be any formal quid pro quo other than just creating chaos and confusion. And the media is in it hook line and sinker for its own survival.

    A redemption is possible and quick , if
    AAP is reigned in thru PIL and tried for treason. There is enough evidence for AK and his ministers dismissed for reneging on their oath of abiding and upholding constitution. Inciting police to desert their duties and join aap is treason. No further dilution allowed.

    The proponents of chaos are not going to give up . Least of all to nationalism or sensible reason. AK is doing everything from his perspective , if BJP is good enough it will have to counter him effectively and quickly and successfully , otherwise there are grave consequences for India . AK IS DESPERATE and SUICIDAL. Lunatics like him should be put in,mental asylums otherwise the nation will be subjected to his hollow , hypocritical behavior aided and abetted by a chaos encouraging media funded by vested interests . No AAM Aadmi enjoys such leeway and positive coverage in media as is being enjoyed by AK and his bunch of deperadoes

    1. I fully agree with you and sooner this buffoon put in the jail and mental asylum the better for India

  9. Barakha, Rajdeep and the commie gang like all AAP leaders and their ideologues like Prashant Bhushan, Medha Patakar, Yogendra Yadav should know that they are being tolerated in this country because the large Majority (Hindus) of this country by and large democratic, liberal and are with large heart. This was not the case with your ideals like Russia,China and east European world where millions of people going against the party line were butchered. I am talking about your so called preferred ideology of communism. If they would have been in the country like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or African country or any other Muslim world, by this time, all these commies and anarchist would have reached their grave by this time. It is we, who are liberal Hindus are giving you the liberty of Talking nonsense and bullshit day in and day out on these anti national channels like CNN-IBN, NDTV, HT .........because, we value our freedom assured by our Hindu culture and guaranteed by our constitution. We have tolerated last 12 years the propaganda unleashed by these channels not because we are cowards, but because it goes against our ethos. The same freedom of speech guaranteed to you anti national and anarchist people by our constitution and not by any commie world's constitution

  10. Anarchist Arvind & Party - that's what AAP stands for now. Many of the new entrants must be really cursing themselves for joining the anarchist too hastily. Being from the corporate sector they failed to do the mandatory due diligence before merging themselves with AAP. As seen in the last few days most of them have vanished from media as they have realised they can't justify the behavior of the party. For me this AAP is going to be a short lived phenomena and it's not going to get any success in other parts of India.

  11. Without the camera lens n letter shoving on live tv.. Kejri doesn't get his superpowers.. He has to do this for without it he loses the limelite.. But yes deeper plan is remove me from power.. Gain more sympathy from media.. Cry.. Emotions n fool some more emotional Indians again juss like in delhi

  12. Hi Ravi,

    You say, "My bigger doubt is if AK even understands democracy."
    I think he understands it extremely well. He is working on a perfect plan that works on the faultlines created by non-delivery & injustice by the system. His plan is to reach out to maximum victims ( & he will find many) of this. A victim supports out of rage & stick to it till he perceives a revenge has been extracted from the system. VICTIM DOES NOT WANT ALTERNATIVE.
    Kejriwal is taking mileage of this. First target were politicians (part of legislative). With low credibility of politicos he managed really good crowds. Then he has started attacking Jal Board ppl & Police (part of executive). He will find lesser people who hate these guys. (And it should be remembered that he called Delhi Police encounter with terrorist as fake and now he calls them corrupt).
    I can bet that his next target will be some Judge who may pronounce some judgement against him (part of Judiciary).
    Creating a complete mess of the system is what he is looking for, so that everything stops.
    Consider this: If a bus is moving, even in slow speed, and someone wants to convert the bus into a truck, the first target is to bring it to halt. THE SYSTEM MUST STOP FOR THE CHANGE. This is what communists do.
    Just think: If this anarchy spreads across main cities of this country, will it be difficult for Maoists to capture political power??

    1. @vijeta
      you are right, this could be a possibility . and probably the only thing that stands in the way of such calamity becoming a reality is RSS and BJP.

    2. This is what exactly ak is doing and much more. His corroborators are cong & their allies and media. We will fast see hundred rupee a dollar in short term, if this anarchy continues. There will be riots all over the country.

  13. I feel that EVM game will be played again and to support the pre-decided EVM outcome AAP is being projected as national alternative. These channels and media crooks are making case to justify the cooked up EVM verdict !

  14. Th very mentality of this party is very dangerous, yesterday Manish Sisodiya was comparing Gandhiji's anshans with AK's to justify the anarchy statement. Somebody on twitter rightly said "Voters should be intelligent, educated are Delhi voters too".


  15. I will not be surprised if tomorrow AAP performs badly in Lok Sabha Election 2014, he will take to street protest against Election Commission against the result.

    Smartly AK is trying t tress pass system started with raid inside private house, second State Police system, Not respecting Judiciary Verdict Against own law Minister, slowly he and his coterie will try to hijack Central Govt System/Parliamentary System and I see most vulnerable Department which can be easily blamed and criticized is Election Commission in coming days and looks like AAP will do once in there life time very soon.

    Like Arab Spring rise, We Indians will see Delhi/India Summer Rise protest against Govt who ever comes to power after Lok Sabha Election-2014.

    1. Google for the below article written by RSN Singh (Ex-RAW Official)

      "The Security of Aam Aadmi by Col. RSN Singh"

      Paragraph from the above article:

      ///////////// In the third week of August 2011, Anna Hazare again launched his Lokpal Bill movement from Ramlila Ground. It was during the same period when the Arab Spring had hit one country after another, i.e. Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Morocco and Syria. Most of these had similar signatures, which many analysts allegedly attribute to the Americans. The same method of wielding flags, the same use of musical groups, the same mobilization techniques by internet and similar methods of logistics was clearly discernable. There were allegations that the key figures of these protests including in Tahrir Square in Egypt were trained in Western countries or by their embassies. It may be mentioned that the second largest US Embassy with some 400 personnel in the world is in Cairo.

      I would request readers to compare the visuals of the Arab Spring and Anna's protest at Ramlila. The visuals of Tahrir Square and Anna's protest at Ramlila are so similar that one can confuse the two at first instance. The parallel was too uncannily similar, rather a vulgar replication. Again in these protests any clamour for recovering black money from Swiss Banks was conspicuously absent. The government got a reprieve from imminent fall, solely attributable to the new agenda i.e. the tortuous Lokpal Bill which eclipsed the agitation for recovery of black money abroad.

      The entire proceedings at Ramlila got 24x7 coverage by the media for more than 10 days. Two media channels, one foreign owned and the other government funded pioneered the strategy and the rest had no choice but to follow for reasons of TRP. Never in the history of India, any movement or protest, had got such sustained media traction. This had an unimaginable amplification effect. It is therefore wrong to suggest that AAP is a new unknown phenomenon ////////////////////////

  16. I read this on firstpost and i think its interesting

    Aditya Sharma •

    Who gets to define "anarchy" any ways? Is it only those sitting in their comfortable drawing rooms without facing issues of common man and are privileged who get to define it. What about the anarchy of injustice? what about daughters being burnt, women being raped, drug trafficking, prostitution and police not doing anything about it because they make money and are corrupt. Everyone knows how police refuse to even book an FIR for complaints by common man unless you have influence. Is this not anarchy? It is convenient to talk about this if it has not happened with you but ask those who have personally suffered. It would have been nice if the 4000 odd policemen that have been summoned to stop this protest would actually do their job and protect the people of Delhi. Unfortunately, that is the situation in the streets of Delhi where the Government has been asked to protect the people but their hands are tied behind the back. How can the Delhi government respond to people's needs of security without the Delhi police being accountable to them. The current political system and journalists are not used to this direct involvement of the people's representatives and keep talking about anarchy. They don't understand that corruption and injustice by definition is anarchy.

    1. @Kamlaleo

      Very conveniently like those lost for coherent logic call names and call this a BJP blog. I am quite used to such stupid comments and I have seen them all. Now you quote someone and ask who is an "anarchist". The simple answer to you and the silly one you quoted is that someone who is holding a constitutional office cannot resort to tactics of "victims" . In a democracy the CM is supposed to use dialogue, negotiations and the Assembly to do the right thing by victims or those suffering and pave the way for justice. This is what AK wanted when he joined politics. If his duplicity and desire for theatre and anarchy escapes you then people like you will remain blind. There is no use quoting BJP or Modi supporters or Congress... measure yourself by your own logic or lack of it. If your argument is purely resorting to calling others BJP supporters or Modi supporters then you are empty.

    2. @Kamlaleo

      You whole writeup is like 'because anarchy is already there so why can not Kajri be an anarchist'. Ain't anti-congress and non-AAP ideologies fighting against corruption?
      I do not understand when did Kajri patented exclusive rights to fight against corruption in India- that is in entirety congress's product.

    3. Nice rheotric without substance and sincerity. Please ask yourself
      Who defines "honesty" ? who defines " corruption"? who defines "justice" ? who defines "injustice"? who defines "aam admi"? who defines "khaas aadmi ? I can continue with another lakh rheotric. If you can answer even one question which can satisfy everyone , i will gladly acept that sun rises in west. It is "foolish" to even ask such a question . Now who defines "foolish"?. .
      Anyway. democracy is fight between opinions and views and it is not a gangwar . Difference with your opinion does not mean i should kill you to prove my committment towards my values or views. If I disagree with my parents political view , it doesnot mean i should initiate "hukka -pani bandh" against my parents . This is most basic value of democarcy .

    4. It is now trend that if any one say XYZ is good and ABC is wrong than the person is an agent of XYZ(even through he say with some facts people just ignore him). Imagine if at the time of independence if some news paper would have written good about Gandhi than British people must have think that the writer is paid. If today any one support Dr. APJ Kalam than do we think that supporter is paid by him. If Supreme court give some decision in favor of XYZ than yes SC is agent of XYZ. Its not hard to believe that until and unless Mr. AK will certify XYZ uncorrupted the person remains in doubt. Even if Mr Bharti calls Congo. and BJP pimps party '', supporters will argue that X political party has also used abused language in past. So why claiming that AAP is something different from the existing one.

    5. @Kamlaleo: Just one question for you. How many departments in Delhi are under the Delhi govt? Has AK solved all problems relating to those departments and policing is the only department left to fix?

    6. Rav u knw very well and have also wrote a blog on how Indis is not Demo country anymore thlx to Congress and plz dnt tell e u don't knw how corrupt Police id all over India. In Delhi more then 1000+ rapes were reported and did u see anyone takin responsibility? No. Any policeman lost their job over it? No. Dikshit could have asked her master Sonia to put Delhi police under her command but she din't and u knw why? Cuz she don't give a crap about Aam ppl and here we hav a guy askin govt to do something about these police walas who never wanna do anything fo the Delhi ppl, and we r abusing him left, right and center. Cong n' bjp party men go around call for BANDHS, shut down shops forcefully, burn buses etc and I never heard anyone saying anything. Or that's part of Democracy? But if a guy sits on dharna just cuz he wants to help the ppl, its just pure Evil. We all know how great our laws are where Sanjay duty keep on getting monthly leaves one after another. Where a cop can beat the hell out of u for no reason at all if he wants to if ur not powerful. Where scam after scam take place and our PM says sorry can't do nothing about it, is tht Demo? Is tht the kind of Demo u want me to believe in? Sorry I can't and its fine if u call me a Maoist after reading this. Take care

    7. Unfortunately most people are able to think for themselves and see through the facade of self-righteous indignation and publicity stunts of this canny commie crew. Its' really funny how Kejri and his supporters start fighting against police just exactly when it suits their convenience. When the fight was against corruption then it was the Congress, since it was the govt in power, that was the most corrupt thing in the world. Then when the fight was for power then BJP & Modi, which was the front-runner in elections, that suddenly became the most evil and vile creature in the world. Now when the objective is to divert attention away from the gangrape of the Danish woman that occured on Kejri's watch and not Dixits, to divert attention away from the ministerial bullying, and intimidation of aam aadmi cops by the khas aadmi Somnath bharti then suddenly the scapegoats become the corrupt police. This fellow is on record making racist statements firing up a lynch mob that engaged in quasi-legal rape of unarmed women, who were unfairly tagged as prostitutes and drug-peddlers. And this whole thing was set up as another media publicity stunt that badly backfired. In order to extricate themselves from this morass a falsehood was concocted that the execrable prostitutes were actually victims of human trafficking. Dharna-giri is just Kejri's hallmark tactic of deflecting blame by screaming about someone or another being the problem. Its just an elaborate way to convince people that don't blame us! Police are not under our control! But then why did Kejri lay the blame of the gang-rapes at Dixit's door? The man is an insufferable crook and all these protestations are wearing thin. We can all see right through.

    8. @kamalaleo BTW while writing this your hero has already called off his great revolution with a few face-saving crumbs thrown his way by his political co-conspirators in the congress. Public time, money and energy has been wasted again just so that Kejri could hog the limelight and hijack the public discourse regarding the failings and antics of his sham government. And nothing was done that even in a tangential way improves the chances of women's security in the capital. Meanwhile the security bandobast to keep this aam aadmi aam made it even more possible for crimes like rapes to happen elsewhere in Delhi. Seriously, how stupid do you think people are?

    9. @Kamalaleo: Sorry for multiple postings but also note how Kejri is openly spinning his withdrawal calling it a peoples victory. Can you reasonably believe that sending a couple of aam admi cops on leave, because they stood in the way of the illegal actions of his ministers, is a "peoples victory"? Is this what the people of delhi were hankering for and that for this they were put through the spectacle and hardship of another public demonstration. It just shows this mans utter contempt for the public that he can utter such atrocious, outlandish nonsense and expect to be taken seriously.

    10. @Kamlaleo

      I strongly recommend you read the post before you let loose your comments. Does it mention police? And what does it say about police? Dont go on a self-righteous rant just because you want to defend something.

    11. Rav no it does not talk about Police, it only talks about how APP is just pure evil (which u been sayin ever since Keji called Modi a corrupt person and I dont agree with Kejri there). You just wrote about how his protest is wrong and its anti national or whtever but not even once u mention what is the reason for his protest. The reason is tht Delhi police do not want to do its job. 1000+ rapes in delhi and nothin happens to any police officer or HM Shinde. Whys tht? Theres soo much drug comin in India and how u think tht is happening without the help of politicians and police? Police just take their HAFTA and dont bother stopping them. Media is doing only one sided story on this and YOU should have bashed them for it esp NDTV but no, ur doing same thing. Ur job is not only to bash those who keep on blaming Modi for 2002 riots or blame BJP for everything and ignore Congress crimes. But again im noone to tell u wht ur job is, its just that im bit disappointed as a fan of urs. Even if BJP govt comes into power, i will support them if they ask Congress to put Delhi police under them cuz this delhi police at the time is nothing but way to make money for ministers like Shinde etc. Rapes might not stop in Delhi even if tht happens but numbers can surely come down and we have to do tht to keep our families safe.

    12. @Kamlaleo

      You do have a problem reading, so let me quote it for you...

      "I agree with the part where he and Arvind Kejriwal say cops have been irresponsible and insensitive. There is no police force in India that is seen as friendly with people, same goes for Delhi".

      If you missed that part, please read again...

    13. lol thts only 2 lines in the entire Kejri bashing article but its good to know tht u agree with Keji and YET u think hes wrong for demanding wht hes asking for.

    14. Rav here watch NDTV show and they interview ppl from tht place and telling how illegal things r goin on in tht area and they have been begging police and higher up the order to help them and finally when they went to Bharti, he told them he will go check it by himself and only then he can do somthin. First time someone tried to help delhi ppl and look wht he got haha heres link

    15. @kamlaleo " its good to know tht u agree with Keji and YET u think hes wrong for demanding wht hes asking for" Firstly there is a big difference between being unfriendly or insensitive and being corrupt. Secondly, and more importantly, what is the root of the problem? It is not that police start out corrupt but there are police officers who become corrupt under the influence of corrupt politicians. So the root of the problem is political corruption and THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICIANS OVER POLICE. What Shamenath did on that fateful night was give a perfect example of the problem and NOT the solution. He showed how ministers bully, intimidate and try to force police officers to break the law. In essence he was forcing the police officers to bow to him and commit corruption, only the man did not have the brains to understand what he was doing and so showed up with a whole TV crew in order to make himself look like a hero. Finally Kejri compounded the corruption by increasing the political pressure a 100 times over by holding a dharna and singling out the cops who had stood up to shamenath for persecution. The net effect was to reinforce political intimidation of cops. So Shamenath and Kejri are in fact perpetuating the problem of corruption in the police force and making it worse. If the policemen were at fault then it is because they did not arrest the erring law minister engaging in corrupt / illegal / racist activities. But that again is a manifestation of the same disease of political bullying and intimidation of the police by ministers. So the net of it is that AAP is as much part of the disease of corruption as Cong is and the publicity stunt it tried to pull against corrupt cops only reinforced corruption. That was the net effect of the two days of empty, meaningless, sorry 10-day long (!) indefinite (!) dharna until all four cops were suspended(!) I don't think any party has shown thus far that it is willing to free the police from ministerial interference, not even the BJP. Still, AAP is no different, and that's the point. In any case by now the lies and confabulations of Kejri are legion. But it seems that some people are going to remain as entranced by his hollow words and empty posturing as the mice were by the pied pipers flute. Well, in that case, enjoy the water.

  17. Remove tv cameras, AAP and their tantrums will vanish. Anarchy cannot and will not be accepted. Excellent article exposing AAP and media.

    1. I could not agree more with you. The crook media will not do this. They will put more cameras and more people to cover this bunkum live story and will go on and on for hours in their prime time. This blog has exposed the reasons behind such behavior of media 100 times.

      For the information of the readers of this blog, Prashant Bhushan's snoopgate application on behalf of Pradeep Sharma received severe drubbing by the judges and the court will accept his application if he removes the allegations against NaMo. The court is scrutinizing the application para by para. This news is hidden by this very same media who claims to be impartial and independent.

  18. Although I am no fan of AK and I think his unflinching support for his law minister is unjustifiable, the larger point that AK seems to be making by his dharna is that the post of Delhi Chief Minister is a redundant position and the control of Delhi vests in the home ministry. He may succeed in driving home this point to the detriment of democracy.

    1. Then who asked him to fight an election for that post?
      Was he not aware of that? Was he so dumb that failed to understand how Delhi government formed?
      If he is so dumb then it is fault of 29% voters of Delhi who voted and donated to him.
      He was an anarchist and still he is. I am sure now that he is playing in hand of Commies.

    2. In his brief interview yesterday, AK spoke about the futility of holding a state election in Delhi simply because it does not lead to any substantive empowerment. He said the facts that he had not ordered the arrest of his ministers and his transport minister had not ordered the closure of metro-stations demonstrated that he was powerless.

      The people, especially those who voted for him, would have had some respect for him had he spelt out these issues clearly rather than making his law minister and his obnoxious misbehaviour the cause celebres

  19. great insight and write up as usual Ravi ji

  20. Another famous U-turn by fekriwal,he announced that only his political colleagues will sit for a dharana and yesterday he started announcing and pleading with citizens to join him in large numbers,I suspect these rats are for something sinister and as intelligent people of India we should outrightly reject this new ideology , why is Rahul gandhi silent when AK is spewing venom on his Home minister or has vatican and Americans advised Rahul and Sonia to keep quite and watch the destruction of India with paid channels showing them live 24/7,I have decided to vote for Narendra Modi for a prosperous Bharath

  21. @vikram sv,
    Yes, it is along the lines mentioned by you but a lot more layers of confusion added

  22. #Paltu has done it again...I think the ONLY agenda of AK is to look out for one or the other excuse to somehow avoid Governance and Responsibilities with it..And very rightly, I see more and more people coming out of AAP camp, kicking and cursing themselves as well as AK..Sadly, one of my known here in Delhi just said these words - Isse acchi to Shiela Dixit ki hi sarkaar thi...I can see Congis laughing somewhere...

  23. The best part is these morons got exposed by themselves months before elections so that people who supported them would reverse their decisions. The stupidity done by AAP has done good for voters who have enough time to reverse their votes and put votes to more responsible people who would rather perform their duties than do dramas in the streets. Nasty Fellows!

  24. Fantastic series for the new year....way to go. The members of this blog should flood the comments section in various youtube videos etc related to AAP / AK and give the link to this blog for open minded reading .....what say ?

  25. AAP'S Daily donation has come down from 18 lakh a day to 3 lakh a day.that tells you the real story of Aap's popularity.Check out their donation list.

    Reasons for Media Promotion of Kejriwal:
    1) They do not need to search for a story everyday to run 24x7 so called news.Mr Bean(Kejriwal) scripts a new story everyday.they are thankful to him for providing them their livelihood without breaking sweat.
    2) It takes away the spotlight from UPA'S Corruption and Failures.
    3) They hope to deflect attention from Modi, Except for Times Now no other channel covered BJP Meet as extensively as Congress Meet.That tells you the real story of all these fake news channels and what their agenda is. Modi's speech was outstanding & way ahead of Pappu's(Rahul's) Speech.

  26. I feel this #AAPCON government is behaving like ABHIMANYU of Mahabharat who knew the art of entering Chakarviyuh but was not conversant with the art of getting out of it. Congress and AAP both planed strategy to stop BJP to capture Delhi. If BJP would have also formed government in Delhi too this would have been more demoralizing to Congress and Dynasty. So they created this unholy #AAPCON for Delhi. But now Kejriwal wants to die like a martyr knowing the mood of nation. So they are precipitating this situation for dismissal or resigning.

    1. Your analogy with Abhimanyu is true to some extent but Abhimanyu was an innocent brave warrior. The AAP goons are not innocent they are crooks no.1 They perfectly know how to play the politics, how to use media everything, how to play with people's sentiments. They are in soup today because of their self righteous attitude and communist ideology and over ambition.

  27. An excellent Article. Was surprised that CNN-IBN and Rajdeep aired the Election Tracker or some such nonsense yesterday at 9 PM. A muted silence from Rajdeep on the shameless and despicable act of AAP which was unfolding in Delhi. Why Rajdeep did'nt ask AAP-AK on their holding citizens of Delhi to ransom by their Drama ?

    1. should have seen how this Rajdeep behaved when Vijay Jolly painted black at the house of Tehelka MD. He was literally jumping up and down and so furious that I felt he's going to hit him any time.

  28. @Ravinar: I want to know what your stand on "The Hindu" is. In some of your articles, you club it with the rest of the MSM, but here in this article you have used a quote to drive your point.

    1. @Sriganesh

      To you and to someone else who has asked this same question. Why, what is wrong in quoting The Hindu? I believe neither you nor the other person actually read the Hindu article before asking the question. The article is not by the Hindu's editor or staff but an Op-ed by an outside writer. Go by the article's accuracy and not by who writes or where it is written. BTW I also quote many newspapers and news channels. Don't make believe The Hindu is my enemy, it is not.

    2. Completely Agree. Earlier quote of this blog is "What is said is important, rather than Who said it"

  29. "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents" - Ras Al Ghul. This man did once on IAC platform. However as Bane says "Theatricality and deception are powerful agents for uninitiated ones". Aren't we initiated, AAP?. "Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understandings" - Ras Al Ghul. Delhijans did select this party which indulged on the people's faith and trust and now turned outlaws! This is not what they wanted. Also, "When civilization reaches pinnacle of its decadence, purging fire inevitable and necessary" - Ras Al Ghul. I think purging fire of change is inevitable and necessary in Delhi as decadence of anarchy has reached!

  30. Its high time to say Enough is Enough. The AAP people only wants to provoke the people and playing a very dangerous game in the name of AAM AADMI. What happens if others also start blackmailing??

  31. Although the methods of the AAP have all the makings of anarchy, one must not discount the positive aspects in it. Like for example making the common man alert to the political realities of this besieged nation..However the hidden Commie hand is anyday a lingering danger to the integrity of the nation, NaMo so often says that one must use every tragedy as an opportunity.The biggest bane of Indian social set up is the lack of unified uprising of the majority community in the face of continued alienation by KhanChris and its clones.While minorities are totally unified and are just zombies of their community leaders. Their dos and donts are dictated by their respective religious institutions.In Islamic and X’tian countries, we see instant uprising against any issue of some substance. All becos they get their inputs from their respective religious institutions. I think this movement must be hijacked by the temples and the community leaders to unify the members of the majority community ( sans the commies and the pseudo seculars in the pack).Regular meetings of these people must be called at all the temples to address the issues of the majority communities. BTW the presence of minorities in this pack is very minimal(as they know which side of their bread is buttered) while a majority are naĂ¯ve asinine Hindus. If the brain of this movement is replaced with community leaders we can get a start to the unification of the hindu majority of this nation.I think RSS, VHP etc can infilterate and do a great job.A vertical split is the need of the hour.

  32. Isn't this AAP ideology like Amway / Modicare or something like it where people burnt their fingers, pockets, relations and many more - which most if not all of Indians were hobnobbed and classed (with tapes, books, tours, points etc) to buy the scheme. What have become of such persons (aakhir insaan hi to hai) after being initiated to such a goobledodgerry. Where has the money gone? You guessed it -- Ford Foundation - the fast buck class society has been shown the way to loot by Congotri.

  33. As you cant chew a chewing-gum for more than a certain period of time also you cant chew the same chewing-gum more than once, Same way media will also throw this AK and AAP Chewing-away in 1-2 weeks . That is what I guess.
    1. AK has lost all him credibility due to all these Nautanki's which started from the day he became CM and people have already started rejecting him. For me he was never in race again NAMO and never will be.

    2. As far as Congis concerned I think there must be a Plan C . Now as Plan B is failing, congis will start implementing plan C. So we can soon see a shocking death of someone from royal family etc. And obeying Cognis orders media will stop giving coverage to AAPholes.

    4. Some MLA resigned from AAP yesterday ..same way the so called corporate/social wise putras and putris will also start leaving AAPhole to disguise. Proces shall start soon. All these pundits were dreaming of becoming ministers and nothing else because in other parties it took lifetime to get ticket whereas in AAP it was too easy. But as the bubble will burst these moron will start running away . I wonder what Ashutosh will do ?

  34. I used to be fan of AK in his IAC days. But realized this guy is a megalomaniac who just hits and runs without taking things to a logical end. He is a pucca commie who has natural hate for BJP. His holier than thou attitude stops him from being a solution oriented man. Due to his my way or highway style, he is a bad negotiator.

  35. Breakfast people talk about AAP, Lunch people talk about AAP, dinner news talk about AAP. Mediacrooks talks about They are every where, I am not lying, i was in a neigbouring country few days back and people there as well were talking about AAP. one said," if Arvind kejriwal can do it why not us" One cant deny their popularity and inspiration to lot of people, esp to young, even though it could be short lived....

    1. MediaCrooks talks about what's blabbered in media so it talks about AAP. Has MC left with any choice???

    2. @My Man

      A large population also talked about Sunanda Pushkar... #Just Saying...

    3. well i dont know that answer, I am just a reader and commenter. anyway i was just saying every one is talking about AAP, its not exactly a objection.

    4. @Ravinar: Yeah, I know! But people really dont care of Sunanda Pushkar dying, but lot of people care about AAP ...

    5. Now ask what has AAP done to deserve so much attention? They actually LOST the delhi election. BJP got most number of seats and yet why isn't anybody talking about them? Think a little and you will get the whole point of this blog. Indians are being manipulated, played and taken for a ride by Media - Cong leftist combine. AAP is their creation to stop Modi. Question is when will Indians stop mindlessly watching and listening and start questioning the tripe they are being fed. By now any sane citizenry would have been able to see through the mask of anti-corruption and figured out what kind of characterless, self-obsessed, traitorous crooks Kejri and Co. are. To say that people derive inspiration from these just demonstrates a complete inability to think for oneself on the part of certain people.

    6. That is true for now. In fact, during last ODI between India and Newzyland I saw some people with AAP caps in audience. But rest assured, it will fade fast.

    7. I wonder if we really worry or we are made to worry about select hand-picked matters (by MSM)!

  36. You quote the Hindu but they as a paper are not neutral but always have projected a pro-congress view.
    Some one actually has the balls to be audited within 21 days of being a CM and people have a problem with this !!!
    If there are other glorified examples if achievements, no politician or party has not milked the brownie points of those actions. Lets not be too critical and adopt a -ve attitude towards a new approach.
    Maybe it will fail, maybe not. There are no other alternatives anymore.
    Please lets not talk Rahul vs Modi. If one is incompetent, the other is vicious and vindictively anti-secular.

    1. @Hedonist

      on "The Hindu" ..please read my reply to @Sriganesh .. BTW .. Who "AUDITED" the CM? Is that the trash you are buying and selling?

    2. @Hedonist - Didn't you enjoy the auditing of a CM by media and certified him with political equivalence of CMM level 5, Six sigma even before he won the elections ?

  37. I also want to add, when some does unconventional stuff, even though it may be stupid, dangerous and all that stuff like that, it usually has a CULT following, it reminds me of CATCHER IN THE RYE, where every thing to the guys was phony, and young people love such stuff.

  38. @hedonist : anti-secular, common now .Are you too young to not understand all this stuff:-)" I mean you should know only Atheist can be secular. Well you should ask yourself this question AM I SECULAR?.60 years of independence people are still stuck in this religion business. If you were secular you wont have accused MODI.

  39. An excellent analysis and meaningful comments! Why shouldn't Delhites give the same medicine to AAP? It,s high time for mass Dharnas outside houses of all AAP MLA's and ministers demanding freedom from non/ unacceptable performance of the elected representatives and making them responsible to the common man(aam aadmi) who voted them to deliver rather than tamashafy governance.It is time to exercise right to recall these AAP hoodlums wrongly elected as MLA's - a demand so vociferously advocated by AAP during their campaign.

  40. At the end of the day AAP wants CONG to pull the plug on Delhi govt so that they can garner some sympathy in the LS elections. Paid Media & CONG is leaving no stone unturned to make sure that APP gets at-least some anti-CONG votes.

  41. BJP, AAP and CONGRESS, the Good, Bad and the Ugly. Bad will make use of the Ugly and Good will put down the Bad eventually

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. AK is proving his fickleness by the hour.You are right.he is already tired of being CM.Wants to become PM now, even for few days.then he will be on to something else.AAP's days in Delhi are numbered and it will be visible only at JANTAR MANTAR after June 2014, championing some five star cause or the other.

  44. All is well that ends well in the AAP-Con world. Con didn't have the gumption to pull the plug and AAP couldn't sustain the dharna with a weak cause. So the former sends the "offending" policemen "on leave" and the latter celebrates the success of its dharna. AAP goons will get to sleep under their Rajaais tonight unless they have plans to raid and prey on some hapless victims.

  45. Balls! Man, requires balls to call them balls! The pace at which your hero manoeuvres U turns, they have turned in to tuning forks!

  46. I love the Joker (The Dark Knight). But some things he says in the movie are so much fun when you see AK being the biggest proponent of those:
    "The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!"
    "Introduce a little anarchy - upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos - it's fair."
    "See, I’m not a monster…I’m just ahead of the curve."
    "You’ll see, I’ll show you, that when the chips are down, these uh… civilized people, they’ll eat each other."
    "Tonight, you're all going to be a part of a 'social experiment."
    "Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push."

    But last and not the least, the analysis of Joker;
    "Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn".

    1. You forgot one.
      "I am like a mad dog chasing a car. I wouldn't know what to do once I caught it".

  47. AAP, if allowed to go on like this will soon become an Indian version of Taliban. Congress MUST stop their support and pave way for President rule.

  48. The same way the American Tea Party was exposed to have been funded by privately held big business (read Koch Industries), one day AAPs secret benefactors will be outed. Till then, it is a free ride on Anarchy Express for all and sundry!!

  49. it is very easy to lure a hungry mouse with a piece of bread and trap. congress and FF(i am not mentioning actual body) had chosen greedy AK and party(vinayak, medha, arundhati and many others) for 2014 election(planned long ago). now AK has realised and desperate for a glorious escape route. but congress could not apprehend the present situation and trying desperately to provide AK that and most probably before 2014 election. but delhi election result actually destroyed their plan. i mentioned here before that it will collapse with its own lies . But to be frank, rate of deterioration surprised me a bit.

    1. forgot to mention, the photo of AK with lipstick- so far best.

  50. From a protest to get 2-3 policemen suspended to a protest to get Delhi police under state government to a protest about women's safety and then a sheepish withdrawal after sending 2 policemen on leave (one had already applied for it)...this #AAPDrama did one thing for sure...saved the Congress spokies and its media proxies from discussing the vision presented by Modi in his Sunday's speech...just enlisting it would have taken half the time on any debate...

  51. How can these AAP guys use national flag? Should they not hold their own flag if any. If they do not have, they should design one.

  52. After having proved the inefficiency of AAP, the Congress Corrupt Man has opined at DEVOS that No Party will get MAJORITY in 2014 elections!!!!!! Congress which is sure that it cannot come to power is out to Destroy the Nation with these kind of false proboganda!!! People should teach a lesson not only to Congress but parties of such Corrupt thinking by Electing BJP with CLEAR MAJORITY !!!!! This is a FREEDOM WAR!!!!!!

  53. Keep it up Ravinar.....
    Excellent work !

  54. I agree with everything said in this article except that Delhi Police should continue to remain with the center. Putting them under the state when it is ruled by a madman like AK is the beginning of what one calls a 'coup'

    I personally think he wants to take over the country, and not just play kingmaker.

  55. Before we conclude that AK's street dharna was a foolish/thoughtless drama, I would like to invite your attention towards the "COLOUR REVOLUTION" that developed in several societies in the former Soviet Union and the Balkans during the early 2000s. The role of Western NGOs in the Colour Revolutions is a matter of record (see

    The Kejriwalas are funded by Western NGOs. That too is a matter of record.
    Now look at Somnath Bharti's midnight raid. I'm sure that we have enough reasons to believe it was a well planned ploy. Selection of issue(foreign relations), taking the media and mob along(chaos-creating and spreading), intentionally provoking the police(see video footage), taking law into own hands, racially and sexually abusing women and creating a feeling that law enforcement agencies are anti-people for public interest means violating the law. A perfect script and a very good actor. And then the CM starts an unlawful dharna to defend the illegal action and declares he is an anarchist. Whats the message? And during the dharna he attacks the idea of celebrating Republic Day for he says its meaningless. Whats his intention? And then he asks the police to take leave and join the dharna. Whats he demanding? ANARCHY-LAWLESSNESS-CHAOS..
    The only difference here is, while the other colour revolutions were against the governments, this one is being led by a government!

    1. And when we understand that Somnath Bharti's midnight raid and Ak's street dharna were planned, funded and executed by western NGOs in US interests we realise that not a single scene in the whole episode was meaningless. Every action has a corresponding interest. For instance take the issue of racially and sexually abusing the African women. They were illegally detained, mentally and physically harassed, were forced to urinate in public for collecting samples for dope test and dragged to hospital without consent.
      What a befitting reply to India's accusation of US violating human rights and outraging the dignity of women in DEVAYANI KOBRAGADE's strip search case. "On what authority you say "strip search=legal rape" when a law minister himself in your country commits such attrocities against foreign women? US action was atleast legal." The international community is watching and this is what they will ask us. Kejriwalas and their godfathers wanted the same. Now, this is how Uncle Sam's Ford takes India for a ride.

    2. @Sanku

      You are posting your comments here. There is no need to email the same comments to me through the contact link. Please avoid this.


  56. Unfortunately there is only one Ravinar and one Madhu K. But solace that there are good many knowledgeable Moediacrooks readers who contribute with information and thoughts.

  57. I am very disappointed to see you people waste so much time on an AAPnerd's comment. I think this is the main idea of inserting AK as supplementary to Anna's movement. DO anybody have any doubt that AK and AAP is a congress idea. You know the surveys are showing it is almost 240 mark for BJP right now. This is the time when National-regional-local media supposed to debate on Congress Corruption and anti people policies more and more to marginalised it to the corner. And that will consolidate the BJP position further beyond 300 seats. Cong could even risk itself to be inside the 30 to 50 mark. But AAP capture the media centre stage. And till May this will continue. AK and AAP leadership were very much aware before election that none of the electoral promise they have made can be materialised. People vote them not for fighting against corruption but for free power and water. If the promise cannot be materialised that wont be a problem for AAP leadership. There only problem is by any means they have to hold on to media space until election and minimised the hazards that Cong will face in general election as less as possible. After May 2014 in either case they will vanish.
    So it is time to confront with Cong and Mainstream Media design to hinder Modi's 300+ majority. Speak - write - say as little as possible on AAP. Anna Hazare very carefully doing the same thing.


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