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Saturday, December 7, 2013

2013 - EOR For Rahul Gandhi

I always remember the line from a movie: “We deal in deception here… not self-deception”. This is the problem that inflicts the Congress party. What ordinary people like us kept pointing out was blacked out by Rahul Gandhi’s sycophants and a servantile MSM. There were quite a few online news sites that served frequent reminders that RG is a disaster. The Congress didn’t listen. They thought the slaves in the MSM could put a lipstick on everything he does and says and make him look like the next PM or the challenger to Narendra Modi. Even the hashtag #Pappu didn’t tell them anything. They thought it was a plant by APCO. Now there’s no escape. Regardless of how the Congis may try to wash it in public they likely know internally that it’s the end of the road for RG. They say never write off a politician but I doubt RG was ever a politician. He was just comic theatre. This time I don’t really have to talk about all his silly utterances and moronic statements. We will just go through Rahul Baba’s picture book. Let’s start with this little montage:

There, you see! He’s everything India ever wanted; from a Kannada King to the sports-shoe wearing labourer. However, his sycophants in the party and the MSM doormats started the game in 2009. The Congress returned to power and won 22 seats in UP. So the morons at CNN-IBN concluded this was the miracle that the Pope wanted to see. So they not only fooled RG but also fooled themselves. They awarded him a silly IOTY award and they went gaga over how he had energised the party and blah blah. Fact remains, some states just vote differently in local and LS elections. Doesn’t matter! Here’s the Numero Uno political analysis Rajdeep Sardesai & Co. who sucked up:

In just over 2 years in 2012 the doormats at CNN-IBN realised how “revived” the Congress was in UP, with the party winning around 38 seats in an Assembly of 400+ seats. The Oohs and Aahs kept coming when it was pretty evident to even illiterate folks. But hey, our MSM is very intelligent and mostly “foreign” educated. Aren’t they? The great “evoluter” of RG, Barkha Dutt even became a Congress panellist and spokie: “NDTV:Evolving the Gandhi”. Did she learn anything? I guess not. She trumpeted “Obama moment” after RG was “crowned” VP in January 2013. What difference that title really makes to the party or RG is a mystery to me because a “Gandhi” is automatically King or Queen of Congress by birth. Anyway, here’s Barkha for the record:

After his speech at the Congress meeting on January 20, 2013 two sycophants, ManiS Aiyar and Jairam Ramesh, hailed it as the “Obama moment”. Oops! The only ones to hail RG as the Obama of India were NDTV and the MSM mafia. “Power is Poison” he quoted his mom and they went gaga again. That’s the poison the Congress accuses others of lusting for while they remain desperate to hold on to it. In the NDTV show Digvijaya Singh mentioned how RG reminded him RG (RajivG). Oh well, RG reminded P. Chidambaram of RG sometime back too. Somehow, the people can’t see what they see. No? Well, these guys are seasoned hands at sycophancy. But there’s the new Congress kid who parachuted straight from the UN into the party and he thought it was “inspirational and emotional”. Any idea who won the Best Sycophant award? Harsh truth is these guys just led RG up a garden path instead of telling him about his self-deception. Oh wait! It’s not just Shashi Tharoor, the cheer-girls of the Congress party in the media sort of agreed with him. Ooooohhhh!

Ace speech-detective Sagarika even discerned the speech had a Jairam hand in it. I wonder why the CBI or Supreme Court doesn’t hire her. After all she knows who didn’t kill Aarushi and can solve many legal cases on her own. I’m sorry if you people fall off your chair repeatedly in laughing hysterically. Then came another classic moment about that Ordinance that would have protected convicted politicians. RG went into arrogant theatre screaming “complete nonsense… should be torn and thrown away”. Here’s Shashi Tharoor again (he sort of knew what exactly RG would do):

You see, sucking up demands you do it even when you know things are terrible. It demands consistency. Tharoor wins again! RG’s action directly ridiculed the PM, his own ministers and colleagues but still the sycophants applauded. Media sycophants like Vinod Mehta and Kumar Ketkar applauded the silly act as “brave and courageous”. Rajdeep Sardesai wanted to call it like it is but then that would damage his reputation. So he smartly uses the words of Sanjay Baru, who appeared on his show, to send a secret message to the Congress. After all, Rajdeep is an award-winning Numero Uno political analyst. Around October 2013 the campaigns for the last round of elections in 5 states started. RG’s speeches got so silly that even the EconomicTimes couldn’t help compiling all of his repetitive crap. Those were mostly like sweet nothings that lovers whisper to each other. A compilation of his utterances by ET was turned into this on Twitter:

Hartosh Singh Bal was rumoured to be sacked from Open Magazine for writing an article very critical of RG. One can’t be sure it was that one single article since the same article had equal criticism of Modi. So Bal finds his way into the pages of Firstpost and here’s a quick glance at the conclusion:

After the recent campaign and the exit polls that were aired on December 4, quite a few people have suddenly grown grey hair and a fair bit of wisdom and new insight. “Political dud” says Hartosh Bal. Such words should have been heard 3 years ago and maybe RG and Congress would have the chance to alter the course of their behaviour and campaign. After the exit polls, a desperate Telegraph makes a desperate appeal to the Congress:

The Telegraph guys are really desperate. I should know. After all I wrote a 10-part series on "Desperate Measures". They want to save the nation and who do they want? Digvijaya? Because he is a family loyalist? Has experience as CM? Well alright, so far these same jokers said Narendra Modi is a “regional leader” since he was just a CM (never mind his experience of 3 terms). And then AK Anthony? He is honest? Okay, even MMS started out an honest PM, didn’t he? What these media morons don’t realise is that it doesn’t matter who the Congress PM is. The real PM remains a Gandhi. So how does it matter whether it is Diggy, Anthony or Kamaal R Khan? Nothing matters!

The Congress and the media mafia refused to see Narendra Modi as a serious contender all along and hurled abuses at him. They even tried to glorify LK Advani and hoped he would be the BJP’s PM candidate. Didn’t happen, boss! The other problem is it’s not just that people aren’t turning up at RG’s rallies anymore; they are actually turning and walking away the moment he starts to speak. At the HT Summit on December 6 the PM finally acknowledged that Modi was being taken seriously as a challenge but there was something sinister in what he said that most people missed and even HT deliberately edited out. Here’s the relevant part of the HT report on what the PM said to a question by a member from the audience:

MMS says “As an organised political party, we cannot underestimate the power of opposition to unsettle the ship”. Is that what the PM actually said or did HT remove a most critical part at the end of that statement? Let’s hear what the PM actually said: (This is an audio recording from a CNN-IBN report at 6.30 pm on December 6 – Audio 34 seconds):

If you noticed carefully, HT put lipstick on the pig in quoting the statement of MMS. It stopped at “unsettle the ship” whereas what MMS did say was “unsettle the ship of the STATE”. What MMS is implying is that the Opposition is so anti-national that they will upset the ship of the state which only his corrupt Congress can save. So there’s no lesson learned and this is the guy who is supposed to be honest even as he holds the Opposition in utter contempt. I for one definitely believe that quite a few anti-nationals are those supporting the ruling coalition. Some were tagged #65Traitors for a reason on social media.

Like Manmohan Singh the Congress has not proved to be a good learner. They haven’t learned despite an over-abundance of evidence that Rahul Gandhi is a Dud. The media has been generously putting lipstick on all of the silly utterances and grand statements of RG. The year started with a grand coronation of Rahul Gandhi but by December it does look like it’s the EOR (End of the road) for him as the Congress’s chief campaigner. A final pic that I’ve used before would be a good way to end with a message to MSM to learn honesty.


  1. ROFL! Hard hitting and sublime, as always.

  2. Well, it very much looks like the end of the road for Gandhi led CONgress. Had it been the 60s or 70s or 80s, it would have been easy to pass off Raul as a great inspirational leader. Now it's a different ball game because of Social Media's attention and inevitable SM's rigorous scrutiny. Also the rise of a principal opposition party is now proving good for democracy like free markets free of monopoly. At this stage when RG is a complete utter failure, the sycophants would be clamoring to get Bianca to the forefront with appropriate attire and backstage costume [to look like IG], but that itself will be more disastrous than Raul, because NaMo would exploit this matter as an Indian joke. The most viable and sensible thing to do at this moment is to break CONgress into 2 or more parts with one of then sticking to dynasty and, remaining should be progressive and democratic in it's approach to Indian polity. This is the only way out and the writing on the wall is clear.

  3. 'It takes a village to raise a child', But an entire army of MSM couldn't make Rahul Gandhi a leader! There are born leaders, there are self made motivated leaders, but there are no media made leaders.

  4. Ravinar, Rahul Gandhi's speech in January 13 about which Barakha wrote, mentions that Rahul Gandhi wanted to mentor 40/50 leaders for congress. This was a joke of the year. The person who himself is bellow average as a leader, so uninspiring, is not able to make an impressive speech (same is the case with her mother), who is not able to connect with Indian people in any language, who is just 43, where his party is full of only sycophants but the leaders, wants to mentor 45/50 leaders to lead congress and Nation. From where he got this idea? Actually this was said by Mr. Mohan Bhagwat RSS chief, who said that we have already given BJP some 50 leaders who are capable of leading the party and Nation. RSS did it over past say 50 to 60 years and this fool was going to do this in 2013 for the election in 2014. Rahul stole that idea without acknowledging it to RSS or Mr. Bhagwat and the serventile MSM glossed it as an OBAMA moment. Just imagine if this would have happened reverse way, how MSM would have reacted ?

  5. Sir congress won 28 seats in up not 38 , here is link

  6. Ha Ha Ha, ace speech detective c5moron, really fell off my chair. Superb piece. i wish more and more people follows you and came to know about truth of our MSM

  7. Sir can you please unblock me on twitter, please

  8. I stopped reading English newspapers and watching NDTV, HT etc. long ago for reasons known to readers of this blog. However, I realize that by doing so, I have been missing on lot of fun.

  9. @Ravinar, I am curious as to how you are able to archive so much information from SM over the years. Is this blog your full time job or do you have many people working for you.

  10. @mediacrooks, strongly recommend this old but relavant blog on media machinery behind brand Rahul

  11. Hard hitting but not as concise as some of your other articles.

    In chemical engineering terms, we also call EOR as "End of Run" for a catalyst. Who will be Congress's new catalyst? Diggy or Anthony? Telegraph is downright stupid even in recommending that. The card of Priyanka Gandhi may play out but will bring its own risks.

    Keep it up sir.

  12. Yes.It is EOR.For even Dilip Padgaonkars, Dipankar Guptas and Kumar Ketkars are changing their tunes.Remember surprise Congi win of 2004? At that time this same RaGa spoke in front of so many MSM cameras that he thought BJP was a joke.After a decade in politics, now HE has become the joke.
    For students of sociology and politics ,these are very good times.From now till June of 2014 we will witness so many "transformations" among morons.Keep watching,writing and blogging.

  13. How many times do you want me to fall off the chair?

    1. One more time if you watch this-

  14. "The .. problem is it’s not just that people aren’t turning up at RG’s rallies anymore; they are actually turning and walking away the moment he starts to speak."


  15. Very well written. There lies are getting hilarious day by day.

  16. I have a strong feeling that biggies and heavy-weights of Congress are purposefully over projecting Rahul Gandhi. For some reason, they are not able to speak openly against Gandhis, so they will project Rahul and let the party fail miserably. This way they can do away with the scion once and for all.

    1. Great feeling..... may your feelings come true......

  17. A great piece as always....keep up!!

  18. The UP election results which misled people that rahul gandhi is a big factor was actually poor performance of BJP .Due to lack of state leaders and no real mudda to put .UP is a caste and religous sensitive state .only development card cannot work .

    So rahul gandhi was never a factor actually first time young indians seen somwone promoted by media so much that they started thiking that he is the new brand politician who will make a change .actually yes he did made a change he made politics quite a comedy thanks rahu gandhi for such a entertainment

  19. The UP election results which misled people that rahul gandhi is a big factor was actually poor performance of BJP .Due to lack of state leaders and no real mudda to put .UP is a caste and religous sensitive state .only development card cannot work .

    So rahul gandhi was never a factor actually first time young indians seen somwone promoted by media so much that they started thiking that he is the new brand politician who will make a change .actually yes he did made a change he made politics quite a comedy thanks rahu gandhi for such a entertainment

  20. If you forcefully take out a hard core drug adict from his club, he could try for only one thing, that to how quickly he can return back to the club and get on to the drug....
    no long performance can be expected from him....
    So, its fooling the same adict, if one tries to take him to public rally at first place and then force him to talk about nation and people's issues.
    Pity you drug adict :-)

  21. Ravinar,
    Yesterday I saw a news debate on Headlines Today where Rahul was debating about the economic performance of BJP Ruled states, to his chagrin and embarassment, Surjit Bhalla had compiled a list of indicators which showed BJP was doing far better than Congress ruled states, to counter that he had to move the question to Congress economist (in Kashmir). To Rahul's embarassment, the panelist could not provide proper answer as to why, the congress ruled states perform economically worse and corruption indexes higher. May be these are the only few moments where Media discusses honestly.

    1. To just add to it, the congress panelist desperately tried to add Human development indicators to the ongoing debate but surjit bhall decisively accepted the point and said this may show even worse performance for congress ruled states as comparsion must be made to their previous track records but not with other states. So the trick of comparing Kerala with Gujarat was shot in the first instance which made the Congress panelist look foolish.

    2. For BJP it is human development,............ while for Khangress it is all about HANUMAN development...... Hanuman has weakness of unless pampered to the core, he will not realize his dormant skills

  22. I'm looking a little further into future. Say the congress scores 0 out of 4 in tomorrow's result and say, with a decent probability, that it loses LS 2014 too. won't the Sibals, the Diggys, the Khurshids, the Chidambarams will ask the Gandhis to pack their bags? won't they say, ok, enough, now let us handle the business and do it as it should be done? they stayed loyal, or atleast showed so with their ever sycophant behaviour all these years and what they got in return? questions hurled on them explaining the party's disastrous show! Obviously RG and SG won't be coming out to explain anything for the defeat. last UP election was a clear example. they'll remember how 10 Janpath left poor Sheila Dixit marooned high and dry! There will be a sort of revolt. So, not only RG, I think it'll be over for these Gandhis!

    1. Nothing can be written off in Indian Politics. You see Congress are masters in game of deception.

      In my state, we compare Congress to Parthenium a weed. Unless you do not keep the ground clean regularly, it automatically starts growing on its own.

    2. No no Venkat, you got me wrong! I'm not writing off Congress, it sure has a substantially long life. I'm talking about the Gandhi Family which, in my view, will be of no use to other Congressmen if they lose these states and later the LS. It will be like the Gandhi family 'Sun' turning into a black hole and other men (whom I mentioned) getting brighter and the eventual power centers. The Family will have to prove that it can still rule and command these men. And I have my doubts that the family will be having any such credibility to quote. Its the family that's likely to be written off. Lets see

    3. Venkat ji, you are write.... need to weed out the Khangress from the roots.....

    4. @Gaurav...I understood you. I just expressed my point, as I am wary of Congress and its Gandhi Family.

      By the way Sonia Gandhi just got her name deleted from the wealthiest Politician list on Huffington Post. Her wealth is estimated at around 2 Billion dollars.

      Even though the figure is quite large, I still doubt if that is the correct figure. Why? She had already inherited that amount from Rajiv Gandhi after his death and now it has to be much more than that.

    5. Is it too much to expect a criminal investigation of all the ill-gotten wealth and anti-national activities of SG & RG after the congress is defeated? I hope and pray.

  23. I have casted a prashna astro chart in the event of Khangress losing the elections, what will happen to residents of 10 Janpath, will they run away to Italy ?. The answer seems to be the wish fulfilled for the lagna being benefic and aspected by all benefic planets... so the wish is going to be fulfilled...... let us wait and see if the Khangress leaders run to Italy for a big and long holiday of their life.

  24. i am a 72yo guy and at last i find -in you- a guy who gives utterance to my convictions. your posts and tweets warm the cockles of my heart. i marvel at the precision of your points, and i am stunned by the way you conjure video and newspaper clips and tweets that will make wimps and bimbos squirm in embarrassment, the great quick comebacks and the lampoons that few of the targeted ones will survive.
    you are modi of the media! that's not small praise. go marchin' on, soldier and keep the bazooka warm.

    1. Thanks for putting to words my exact feelings!

  25. In the annals of Indian history, the following will be written:

    Darkest period - 1947-2014 - Ruled by Nehru / Fake-Gandhi family.

    Nehru / Fake-Gandhi Family. RIP. Time for India to emerge.

  26. I just read in a Gujarati news paper that the head honchos of Congress party has gotten together to plan out strategy on how to handle up coming election results. They want to make sure RG or SG does not get blame. In fact, they saw the writing on the wall a few days ago so they removed RG from the campaign trail so the results are not pinned on him.

  27. The pics of Rahul reminds me of a scene from movie 'Raja babu' where there are few photos of govinda dressed up as cop/lawyer etc. As khader khan says 'wo kuch nahi hai, sirf apne maa ka beta hai!, so apt!
    (from 0:42 onwards)

  28. Ravinar...thanks for writing this even BEFORE the results started coming in! Dude, you are awesome!!

  29. Now it is time for the BJP teams to work hard and ensure that anti-national and anti-Hindu communal forces are wiped out of political scene for ever. Secular forces are welcomed but Psuedo-seculars must be exterminated.

  30. Heres another joke of the year.

    MMS said "As an organised political party...." .

    If anybody knows the meaning of "Organised political party", Please share.


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