Monday, April 22, 2013

A Moment To Treasure

Sometimes you start something you never know what turns the story might take. On April 20 a few online friends were holding a Tweeple’s meet in Delhi. This was organised under a social project called “Ek Aur Prayas” (EAP) which takes activities of friends beyond Twitter to ground level actions to help the poor, needy and currently the drought hit in Maharashtra. The people behind the activity are @Jemin-P, @AnilKohli, @ASRaghunath, @SureshNakhua and some more.  The idea they share at these meetings is that members of the Social Media can go beyond Twitter or Facebook and help on the ground.

For the event I had offered my book “Social media as watchdog” for purchase by those interested but my friends gave me a pleasant surprise. They organised a formal launch of the book by prominent journalist Mr. Kanchan Gupta and lawyer Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi. Here is a great pic from the event with the two releasing my book.

Thanks to my friends who organised this and to Mr. Kanchan  Gupta and Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi. For a small writer in a small corner this is an unexpected honour. It’s a moment I will treasure all my life.


  1. Eagerly awaiting the book sir.I hope someday,an ordinary Hemant Khandelwal gets a chance to meet you.

  2. Where is the author of the book in question? That is a million dollar question. Mediacrooks , why don't you reveal your face and identity? Your pen is mightier than sword. Your thoughts are path-breaking and demystifying the very many myths of the pygmies of MSM. GODSPEED in your efforts.

    1. I was scheduled to be at the event and also speak at it but there was a severe traffic jam in Delhi due to the anti-rape protests. This disturbed a lot of plans. In any case, my ID is not a big secret if you have followed posts on this blog closely..

    2. I don't want to know your ID, good sire!
      Just keep doing what you do best:Exposing the frauds in our emdia

  3. it would be great if u can share the content of ur speech on the blog

  4. Congrates Ravi ji
    I am sure society will be benefited from your knowledge, writtings

  5. Many congratulations Ravi Sir, may many more such occasions follow.

  6. Good job; from modest beginnings your blog is in the forefront of those forces that has shaken the rotten MSM & the forces behind them to their very core.

  7. It is a great honor that you received from Kanchan Gupta. Congratulations.

  8. Ravi, Congrats, very gr8.

  9. An honour well deserved... congratulations.
    Keep up the good job, we need many more like you to change our system for good.

  10. badhai ho bandhuvar, hriday se shubhkaamnaayein.

  11. I have placed a CoD order on the book but haven't received any email or information. If needed, I can do a bank transfer but I need to have this book before it runs out of copies.

    1. If you place an order the form gives you an acknowledgement immediately on clicking "Submit". Individual acknowledgements are not mailed. If you have ordered it, rest assured you will get your copy and it won't run out of copies.

    2. So Ravinar jee when r u dispatching first lot of book? As u r on the other side of the end u dont feel the wait :)

  12. sir, its truly well deserved. i have been closely seeing this blog of yours going from strength to strength, specially when this site was about to hit the 2 million mark, you remember i kept tweeting you about the growth in numbers. the moment it hit 2 million, i felt a strange kind of happiness as if it was my personal milestone. just like this blog of your's i'm sure that even this book and your forthcoming books will go from strength to strength. cheers :):)

  13. Congrats Ravinar, it's heartening to see your book is launched in a way that is befitting instead of a silence launch to those who follows you in the blog. Also, it is a great moment that your efforts to expose the MSM whose manipulations have off late become a threat to democracy. Congrats once again and we would wish to see many more from you!
    By the way, where were you for the last 4 days?, as I wish you to write a blog everyday that gives pleasure to read and enlighten!

  14. Congratulations Ravinar. Well deserved honour.

  15. COngratulations! So well deserved! Waiting to come back and buy a copy!

  16. What payment reference should be given for COD for the book?

    1. Just type in "COD" ... That should do...

  17. @mediacrooks , that is how I want to adress you. Your work is more valuable and important to this nation than who you are. Though, I would like to meet you and speak to you, I would have no qualms if you choose to remain the ID @Mediacrooks and still produce articles to expose the maligned MSM.

    I have placed an order for COD. I plan to read it first and then through word of mouth and as gift spread the message to all my friends and relative.
    Many in my family know me as a fanatic of @mediacrooks , by now. I somehow bring all the topic of our discussion towards you and ask people if they have read this or that. Your book should help you reach a even wider audiance.
    My best wishes are with you.

  18. Please release it in amazon and also in kindle else people overseas can't buy it.

  19. Sir, i saw one of your tweets saying that are willing to offer the books at cost price for students if you find sponsors. The idea is to make it available to a larger audience. With that intention in mind, may i suggest that you make an online version available of your book which will increase its visibility and reach manifold. At the same time those who can and want, may still obtain their hard copy from other sources. Its just a suggestion and of course you are the final authority to decide on these matters. Appreciate your contributions and wish you many successes in future. Regards.

  20. Hearty Congrats and best wishes for more success,

  21. I was one of the lucky ones to witness the launch of the book.

    One thing Mr. Mediacrooks doesnot know, is that he has a massive fan following not only on Twitter but in flesh & bones too.

    Saw the frenzy when we assumed you were among us and how the crowds gathered to see who is he.

    Alas! He was nowhere around.

    Missed you at the Book Launch

    1. so why dont u load his image from society's september 12 issue

  22. ravi , you very well deserve it .you are doing a great job .serving the nation in the true sense .you are an inspiration .a role model for us , bloggers.kudos.
    ajit singh taimur

  23. much awaited. congrats!

    out of the context but i always love to hear meenakshi lekhi. Every word she uses shows her confidence. more lekhis needed to save this nation.


  24. Thanks Ravi. Pleasure was ours entirely that this book happened accidentally, as a bonus and created lot of excitement for all of us. It was indeed a great feeling meeting you.

  25. Dear Ravi
    Many people (including me) came to the event "Ek aur prayas" mainly in hope to see/meet/interact you. You disappointed them by NOT turning up at the event. Hope to meet u sometimes in future.

  26. No surprises to me brother! you had it coming, for your great services rendered to aam junta.

    Great going. Keep the faith.!!

  27. Congrats ravi and the book is briliant and your efforts are commendable. Great going


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