Friday, August 17, 2012

Boards Don't Hit Back. Twitter Does!

Every evening our top media celebs go on air with a fixed agenda. They probably have their story-boards ready. Their panellists, whose views are already well-known, are fixed and the anchors' leading questions and their own conclusions are predictable. For instance read this tweet by Barkha Dutt for a discussion on Baba Ramdev: “Is Baba Ramdev's Yoga turning Politics Upside Down? Here's our debate”. (Her timeline says 12.14 am Aug 15, but it’s actually a good 12 hours behind IST as we shall see later). Even if you haven’t seen the program you can easily tell where the debate would have gone. Well, these celebs debate on TV when viewers cannot respond or hit back at their outrageous spin and lies. Then some of them get on Twitter and let loose a stream of mindless and sometimes abusive tweets and expect the same silence. Lately, with the exodus of North East Indians from various cities some of them have been spewing excessively mindless hate through their tweets. Some of them are even comic. But they expect the Twitterati to treat them the same way as when they are on TV. That’s what reminded me of this little clip from Bruce Lee’s “Enter the dragon”. Watch the 4o second clip. 

Boards don’t hit back just as Lee tells O’Hara. But after hitting the board O’Hara doesn’t manage to lay a finger on Lee in the entire fight as anyone who has seen the movie would know. Scripted story-boards in a studio won’t hit back. Twitter is not a studio board. It will hit back. People won’t take nonsense lying down and will call the spin and lies for what they are. Now, little Ms. Barkha Dutt believes if she has blocked someone (which maybe many) then reading her tweets is “stalking”. It would be difficult to hammer into her brain that tweets are in a public forum whether she blocks or not. In which case, she should also ask her followers not to RT her. Especially being in the news media every word she utters is liable for scrutiny. Narendra Modi has blocked her media-wise long back. Why is she still following his statements or politics and commenting on them or debating them? Is she stalking Modi? This is the foolish argument of the ignorant. Then these media celebs will say on Twitter what they wouldn’t say on TV because it allows them to talk any nonsense as much as it allows the entire population on Twitter. Then why so much anger and hatred towards a certain group on Twitter? But hey, let’s lighten up. And no better way to do that than with the comic duo of Rajdeep-Sagarika:

So according to the Social Genius Hindus were venting against minorities and she had to prove she was a devout Hindu. Cool! So why is she a devout Hindu? Because her uncle joined Ramakrishna Mission! Now this led to series of hit-backs on Twitter under the hashtag #TweetLikeSagarika. Would she have said this on TV? No, but Twitter is the right place for her wisdom. Few months back Rajdeep wanted to prove he was a proud Hindu. Why? Because he eats steak! Sure, beef eating is a definite sign that one is a Hindu, isn’t it? Now what gives these people the right to believe they can say such things and not be ridiculed? Imagine, they are saying the same things on TV with a lot more polish and diplomacy and political correctness. Fun isn’t it? Alright, I have rarely used the term PaidMedia, I prefer the more honourable MediaCrooks. This being-paid thing annoys Sagarika immensely. She rages at those who insinuate that some media celebs are on the Congress payroll. Very unfair! But don’t trust my word, look at the following tweets:

In October 2011 Sagarika’s protégé, the political reporter covering Congress, Pallavi Ghosh tweeted about some being on the Congress payroll. Umm.. that is not some abusive Twitter monster making the accusation but an insider saying it, isn’t it? Now, why should anyone believe that doesn’t apply to Sagarika’s media outlet too? Imagine, both Sagarika and Pallavi are debating this on TV and one is making this accusation and the other is raging. Would they? No, but Twitter allows this and yet Sagarika is outraged and calls it Fascism. You see, journos say things and forget and expect that others will forget too. Unfortunately, Twitter and Internet caches are very unforgiving. They hit back!

Okay, fun part is over. Let’s get to some serious business. The NE exodus from various cities in India has been disturbing to the nation over last 2 days and nights. But media played down Pune, Hyderabad and the focus was strongly on one city – Bangalore. Again, not very hard to guess why, is it? So Barkha Dutt, who was silent through most of Assam and Azad Maidan violence came alive on the night of August 15 and was tweeting about the exodus from Bangalore which was raging like fire on Twitter. Here are some of her tweets (Once again, for some reason, her timeline stamp is about 12 hours behind IST):
So first there was ambiguity. Then she tweets the trains were booked in advance. Where was the report from? No mention at all? I guess the Twitterati she loathes so much also feed her information. And she is the one who preaches not to spread rumours. Who’s spreading unreliable information here? Here’s more from Barkha:

So, from trains booked in advance it turns out there were rumours forcing NE citizens to flee Bangalore. And then she says about the Karnataka minister: “Good for him”! Naturally, many picked up on this stupid statement. I doubt if Barkha has still realised that. On the night of August 15 she was tweeting as much based on rumours and tweets as anyone else, yet only the Twitterati are rumour-mongers and inciters. Never mind!

No matter what the situation you have to be “prim and propah” with your English and terminology. That’s Barkha’s rule (which, of course, doesn’t apply to her but all others). When the Sikh killings happened in Wisconsin, USA she tweeted: “Btw can we please just call a gurudwara a gurudwara. Sat Sri Akal”. It didn’t matter that the Gurudwara itself had a board calling itself a “temple”. Someone (@KittuKrithika) also pointed out the holiest shrine of Sikhs is called “Golden Temple”. So the preacher also tells you what titles and terms to use. That’s exactly what she objected to when people used the words “flee” and “exodus” for NE people leaving Bangalore. Nice, isn’t it? Here was my response: 

Really? She has conveniently forgotten all the times when she referred to or allowed her panellists to refer to the ‘Communal riots’ in Gujarat as Holocaust, Pogrom or Genocide. Then she calls usage of the words flee and exodus as rumour mongering. By the usage of those words or allowing it on her channel about Gujarat has she not deliberately allowed rumour mongering and even untruths on her own shows? Such is the hypocrisy of media celebs that they forget their own crimes and sermonise others. Their only hope? That people would have forgotten their past crimes.

Note: Her original tweet actually said "WORD are crucial (Singular) as RT'd by me. She deleted that and corrected to "WORDS are crucial" (Plural). Admire her Grammar-sense! (The original tweet containing "word" in singular, although deleted, still remains on Internet records).

So their loathing, hatred and venom for a certain group on Twitter converge in one way or another. Nothing explains that better than these two almost identical tweets:

I have no regrets in stating that celebs like Rajdeep, Barkha, Ashutosh, Sagarika and a few more are divisive enough in the debates they conduct on TV. It is a luxury they have that ordinary men and women don’t. But they also want the best of both worlds. They also want to use Twitter to rage and trash people, which they also do on TV with no one to hit back. And when the Twitterati hit back, they complain about the noise and even accuse them of bigotry, malice and hate.

Unfortunately, bigotry, hate and malice existed much before the advent of Twitter or social media. Many of the inventors and campaigners were in the mainstream media. It’s just that our celebs would do anything to have it silenced through constant accusation of social media crimes. Sure, there may a very tiny group of extremists in social media as in the mainstream media and anywhere else in society. But these media celebs hardly qualify to be the moral police for any media. Each one has broken many ethics codes of journalism. Unlike their protected studios Twitter is not a story board. Twitter will hit back and sometimes it will hurt


  1. Hi Ravi,

    Cud not have asked for better as good as any from you.

    Let's keep at it sooner rather than later they will cave in.

  2. Once again, NAIL in their heads :) If they are hurt because of Twtterati then they should stay away from here else tweet sensibly. But they can't do both so they are getting what they deserve.

  3. Great expose of paid media and those holier than thou anchors. Why is there a"convert to Islam" ad on this page.

    1. @Verse

      Not my own doing.. Google posts ads on its own. But Ive now blocked religious ads.

    2. Since most visitors to this site are pro-Hindus, the ads will have no impact on us. Instead lets click on some of those "Convert to Islam" ads and make Ravinar some Adsense money.

  4. One should understand what is freedom of speech and platform used to exercise the same. You can not put hole into the plate in which you dine (Say in hindi jiss thali mein khate hein usmein cheed nahi karte) . I don't have much insight about Assange is upto but kudos to Ecuador for supporting this man against all odd.....

    Great job Ravinar ji

  5. Brilliant piece indeed! If these clowns read your blogs, I believe there is hope for them to get some sanity!

  6. Ravinar,

    Bravo once again. hope these ppl in MSM who are scheming to ban social media r just doing this so that they can continue doing their fraud undetected and unchallenged

  7. Dude,
    As usual excellent blog!!! I was expecting that you would mention regarding the re-tweet of pallavi ghosh of cnn-ibn where that guy abused SG and his bio said he is fan of NaMo, TA and Swamy.

  8. Another one! Nice and clinical! These self styled 'Jnanis' think only they have all the right to control the masses! And that is called dictatorship in politics, not sure if there is an equivalent word when that trait is shown by media.

  9. Would like to have a televised or even a video taped debate of both parties. Celeb news anchors and investigative people on Twitter. No holds barred.

  10. Hitting Nail in their head of these media crooks.

  11. I can bet that the media nazis frequent your blog and seeth with anger everytime you target them. You are doing a wonderful job, buddy!

  12. Totally awesome, I bow my head in respect

  13. @Ravi - Great work as usual.

    These celebrities are afraid of Twitter/social media since it is more democratic and title of the post could not be better than "Boards don't hit back."

    They are used to practicing against boards only.

  14. Whoaah!!! This is vintage Ravi :-) dissecting the Divas like never before. Yes, over a period of time who knows even Boards hit back, but at this time, Twitter rocks!

    I am not sure if you really observed a BIG stuff in one of your screenshot. that which caught my attention first-that tweet from Pallavi Ghosh. Apart from the point you made, did you note a big give away - some journos who I work closely with "in cong" r on their payroll. The catch here is - is she working in Congress? Was it her who earlier she had her bio saying "covers Congress"?

    Terrific post yet again :-) Coming to prim and proper language specification, there are a couple of screenshots captured two days back where Barkha appeared to stoned (or atleast drunk). Sample these
    "in the light of contradictory information the word "fled" is not responsible. By any and all media that have used it"


    What is the messaging in arranging "special trains" to N. E but assuring people that they are safe to stay. Paradox? Makes no sense

  15. Yes are doing nice work.These so called good journalist like barkha-rajdeep-sagreeka are dangerous for country.You have proved that these persons have only communal violence in their mind which they directly don't show. Journalist like M J Akbar Or Punya Prasun Bajpayee are not high profile like them but they have maintained honesty and dignity.

  16. Is desh mein ho kya raha hai bhai? Is there a civil war going on?? NE people leaving metropolitan cities, muslim
    Mob here and there attacking media people and police doing nthing.. Just heard about attacks in UP similar to
    That of azad maidan.. Kya law jaisi koi
    Baat rahi hai k nahi India mein? These politicians are betraying the country now.

  17. Is desh mein ho kya raha hai bhai? Is there a civil war going on?? NE people leaving metropolitan cities, muslim
    Mob here and there attacking media people and police doing nthing.. Just heard about attacks in UP similar to
    That of azad maidan.. Kya law jaisi koi
    Baat rahi hai k nahi India mein? These politicians are betraying the country now.

  18. Another brilliant exposé of MSM. Thanks Ravinar, hats off to you. Great

    Wonder, why honchos of MSM are ruing now, when they abdicated their duties for a fistful of dollars from Congress, and dare I say, ISI and fundamentalist Islamist and Christian organizations? When you vacate the space, it is bound to be taken over by someone. Only time will tell worthy or not.

    Surprised, MSM did not learn from Toofanigate and role played by social media.

    Brotherly advise to RS that he need not prove his neo-convert or Hindu statues by eating Beef. For that matter I strongly believe that eating meat, especially Sunday Beef Roast, was not part and parcel of diet of previous generations, it can be very hazardous for health, as genes/body cells are not used to this type of diet. So Sagarika, being a devout Hindu wife, you should stop RS from eating meat, especially beef if you care for him. But again, that is their problem.

  19. Great man! So why there is no chaitnya kuntle like moment yet?

    Anyways I like it very much when it's about darkha butt than anyone else.

  20. one of your best posts..!! rigour, research and presentation..

  21. Tweeting is a fantastic innovation for the morons, there is no scope for reply to a tweet so they need not read/respond to a reaction. They are obliviously happier with one-way traffic. That is why they fear treading into Facebook /:-)

  22. Brilliant!!! Today the country is facing a crisis since there is no fair reporting and definitely when the media that is supposed to be the conscience of the Government partners with them and acts like their puppets, we have no choice bt to call them Paid Media!!! The worst part is their inability to take criticism/feedback when they so freely dish it out all over!!

  23. All of you do a service in the interest of nation
    Try to copy the below and tweet in no.s and sms at least to your friends. The reason is think yourself that the crony bunch which has ruined us as a nation, we cant send them to jail but at least we can make them a laughing stock by promoting the below message

    All Indians - here after our children will be taught a different syllabus
    A for Airport scam
    B for Bofors , Black money
    C for Coal-scam, commonwealth scam
    D for Defense scam
    E for Export scam
    F for Forex scam
    G for 2g (just saying 2g is enough)
    H for Hasan ali scam
    I for IPL scam
    J for (oh we forgot probably we will consult with Congress party chief Sonia whether any plans for new scams in new alphabets)

    Anti CAG

  24. Tweets have such a magic in them that they expose one more than he/she expects ,especially if you are an instant tweeter!

  25. Once again an excellent post!!!

  26. rightly said, well your blog has a great amount of wine in them when one reads it falls in love with it such is the impact of your blog.We could just imagine how these media crooks would have been feeling after reading your blogs. your blogs are shattering the soul of these media crooks. thank you fro that great service

    1. These mediacrooks do not have any souls like our corrupt ministers. They are like WHO$$S and have a price, ready to sell their bodies to the highest bidder.

  27. It is amusing to see insane 'crooks' talk of sanity and all!Wonderful post!

  28. It was a bullseye...nice post. Can't stand those debate jugglers, who are most of the time self proclaimed righteous defenders of the weak. Can't blame them either.. lol!

  29. Well said! She doesn't have to think before allowing her tongue (or pen) to run away with her imagination about using words like genocide, pogrom and holocaust! She wants everyone to follow what she says but not what she does!

  30. Great post..loved it ...we need such posts to let others know what trash we see on news channnels

  31. Great post ! loved the way Bruce Lee says "Boards dont hit back " , but Twitter does ! and this post does


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