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Friday, February 28, 2020

Lawless Antinationals

Narendra Modi and Amit Shah will have to quickly learn that the bigger the margin of electoral victory the bigger the motivation for EVIL to raise its ugly head. If the clear majority in 2014 was unpalatable to the evil Congress and their Commies, the bigger margin in 2019 is surely an invitation for them to burn the country. They are antinationals and will make every attempt to burn India, to bring down ModiSarkar and create violent hurdles in everything that the GOI does. Once in govt, PM Modi & Co have been very defensive against such evil. You have not been voted with bigger margins to play Jesus or Mahatma. You have been voted with bigger margins to play Shiva in dealing with evil and antinationals. One of the most chilling messages that terrorists have ever given is now being used as an “Inspirational quote” across the internet. This is after the IRA almost killed Margaret Thatcher in a daring attack on her hotel in Brighton in 1984:
Maybe PM Modi should make a plaque of this statement by IRA and keep it on his desk. The antinationals are doing everything they can to destroy your govt and, if they get lucky, to even kill you. But in the process, they are subjecting society and peaceful citizens to turmoil, hardships, disruptions and violence. This is where ModiSarkar has failed and particularly Amit Shah. They have seen that their darling Pakistan cannot afford more terrorist adventures as India is willing to go deep into Pak territory to hunt them. So, their weapons are no more AK-47s, grenades or suicide bombers. Their new weapons are Muslims – especially women and infant Muslims. This tactic was already explained in a previous post: “New, Improved Terror Tactics”.

Delhi has been in the grip of violent incidents for almost two years now. Some incident here, some incident there. The Eid riots of June 2019 was condoned without a single arrest. Over some frivolous rumor the Muslims vandalized a 100-year old temple. And then violence over junking 370 followed by violence over CAA. In each episode Delhi Police have behaved like clueless nincompoops. It’s not enough to say they have been given a “free hand” which Amit Shah frequently claims. It is your job to ENSURE law is enforced. JNU, Jamia goons come out on streets pelt stones and missiles and then run back into their hostels and libraries. Some long-haired junkie throws stones and then pretends he was shot by another goon with his girlfriend swooning over him. And then, the new tactic of women and infants is implemented.

Shaheen Bagh nonsense is not “leaderless” as reported by media and claimed by many antinationals. These ideas don’t spring from housewives who have to slog to feed their husbands and kids. These ideas don’t spring from grannies who have suddenly found the desire to squat on the streets on cold days and nights. These women are mere puppets and their manipulators are in Congress, CPM, AIMIM and Pakistan. Radical extremist Ghetto Queen Asad Owaisi turns up at Shaheen Bagh and screams “If your protest stops, India will become a Hindu nation”. Such morons are Muslim leaders. There is an abject failure to investigate and find out the source of this conspiracy to disrupt life in Delhi. If only morons like Prakash Javdekar spent some time inquiring instead of constantly lamenting what Sonia says or seeking endless apologies from the dimwit Rahul, the GOI will find that the pattern of protests has some plot behind it. Across democracies, left-wing parties are becoming unpopular. In most places, with no reason or rhyme, the Commies use women as their weapons:
For three years straight, women are marching against Donald Trump. They want the Trump regime to fall. For what? Nobody can give you a decent justification. But Trump must fall. That is the same approach that Congress and Commies have taken against ModiSarkar but your idiotic ministers are busy selling lipstick instead of understanding this serious plot – using women and infants as “shields” because police will not deal with them in the same way as they would with men. That the Shaheen Baghsters get Biryani or 500/- per day as many reports suggest is an added incentive to stay on the streets. And if the moronic I&B minister Javdekar still doesn’t get it, then someone has to hammer it into his brains, that the most vicious liars, propagandists, India-abusers and Pak agenda stooges in the media too are women. Take a good look at this treacherous lot and the poison they spew in the market:
That the riots erupted in Delhi in the evening on February 25 is not a surprise. Criminals in the media and politics, including most named in the image above, name Kapil Mishra as having provoked the violence. Are these morons really that genetically damaged that some statement by one man can result in such violence? Firstly, there is nothing so dangerous that Mishra said that can provoke violence. Secondly, the Jihadi louts had already stocked up on weapons, Molotov cocktails and rocks with an action plan to burn Delhi. Tahir Hussain, the AAP member, and his gang were firing petrol-bombs and rocks. Tahir was running more than a “Terror factor” – he was running a “Horror house” with suspected tortures and murders. The family of IB Officer Ankit Sharma have named him as being involved in his killing. That both Hindus and Muslims and died is co-incidental. There were targeted killings like Ankit Sharma. Earlier, a Head Constable, Ratan Lal, was stoned and shot. And when so much poison is spewed on SM, a senior cop comes out and begs Twitter to handle “blue ticks” appropriately:
Delhi Police (And police in other metros) have been frequently informed of these blue-tick criminals regularly abusing, peddling fake news, inciting communal hatred and what not. They have not acted on even one such complaint. Of 1000 complaints, let’s say 990 are frivolous but there are hundreds of genuine offences that Delhi cops have ignored and these media women continue spewing their poison and inciting Muslims to victimhood and, consequently, more violence. The violence in Delhi started immediately after Trump-events were over. The lawless antinationals must have got heartburns with images like these:
The media criminals, Muslim riot-leaders and assorted Comrats like Sitaram Yechury and Congress expected Trump to make negative comments about CAA or the Shaheen Bagh nonsense. Trump made none. Despite repeated prodding by some idiotic journos at his presser Trump refused to tickle their fancies. That is another reason why anger mounted with the Jihadis and their urge for violence. The manner in which Ankit Sharma was killed has all the hallmarks of brutal Islamic terrorism:

There are judges who have become activists and who frequently attend social meetings full of sweet-smelling, fat-bottomed idiots of society. They use such forums to comment on current situations which is against their ethical code of conduct. Specifically, clause 8 which reads: “A Judge shall not enter into a public debate or express his views in public on political matters or on matters that are pending or are likely to arise for judicial determination”. Two SC judges, DY Chandrachud and Deepak Gupta, claimed dissent should not be quelled and dissent is not antinational. 

These guys sit in courts, sit in their chambers, move around with security and probably haven’t seen common life in about two decades. How exactly is dissent being quelled when women are squatting for over 2 months disrupting lives? How is dissent being quelled when cops are killed, stones pelted, acid thrown on cops? Indian judges have completely lost touch with real life. I wonder how holding a gun directly in the face of a cop or threatening to chop off Assam from India can be dissent. It is time PM Modi came out in public and spoke against such “Judicial Politics” or directly interacted with the CJI to curb such judges indulging in cheap politics, especially when the Shaheen Bagh case was already in the SC.

There are many Mullahs and assorted known and unknown Muslims who have made vile statements against India, against Hindus, against Modi. Many of them threatened to wreak havoc or cleverly explained how the extended agitation will damage Indian economy and so on. Such utterances are not dissent but outpourings of a suppressed agenda that is quietly being sown in many mosques and madrassas. The AIMIM with a single MP is a terrorist organisation with Asad Owaisi frequently spewing nonsense like his statement at Shaheen Bagh. His brother recently reiterated he wanted to wipe out Hindus. And then again, another vicious terrorist from this party, Waris Pathan, claims 15 crore Muslims will destroy 100 crore Hindus:
There is enough evidence that the Delhi riots were well planned and executed by Tahir Hussain and his AAP workers. In a strange turn, as the riots were unfolding, Arvind Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh went to Rajghat to pray and acted like they were Manu and Abha. I view this as a crime-covering act. Both Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh knew of the riots being executed. They went to Rajghat for public and as an “alibi” of not being involved in the riots or being in touch with the goons executing the riots. All this nonsense has nothing to do with CAA or any law. This is to increase the assertion of Muslims in certain pockets and drive out Hindus to create more Islamic ghettos.

There is an inevitable thing that PM Modi, Amit Shah and many are well aware. Because Delhi is the Capital, every blast there makes a lot of noise, gets all the media attention. Paki pimps, Western pimps – everyone has a watering hole in Delhi and they relay negative impressions and falsehoods to their masters abroad. Shaheen Bagh in Kolkata or Hyderabad wouldn’t have made that much noise. The SC also being in Delhi adds to the drama and nuisance with poor take or lack of urgency in clearing Shaheen. This nonsensical Shaheen model was replicated in Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore also but the State govts quickly wound them up as they don’t want extended nonsense. Even the vicious Mamata Banerjee whose state had kicked off the violent orgy against CAA has realised it doesn’t pay and she was appealing for peace.

Delhi has been on the boil with agitations and violence for more than a year now. PM Modi cannot ignore the damage it is causing his govt and all other work. No agitation, protest should be allowed in public places or roads. Designated spaces only should be allowed. There was total lack of intelligence on the violence that was building up through the antinationals operating via Shaheen Bagh. Waiting for the bomb to explode and then making appeals for peace will never work:
ModiSarkar has achieved great success in combatting Pak terrorism through our armed forces. It is now time that serious attention is paid to domestic terrorists, specifically the Islamic Supremacists, who threaten to disrupt every path of India, including acts of violence. These domestic terrorists are also in the media spewing poison in society for their paymasters abroad. Freedom is not FREE. These terrorists must now receive the investigation and attention of PM Modi and Amit Shah. If not, they will plan and execute more attacks and disrupt India and you can forget 5 Trillion economy and face impediments in major projects.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Islamic Supremacists should be dealt with stern punishments. You have well said, "You (NaMo government) have not been voted with bigger margins to play Jesus or Mahatma. You have been voted with bigger margins to play Shiva in dealing with evil and antinationals."

    It is also true our judiciary has totally failed us. Can we expect sanity to prevail in them? Keeping fingers crossed ....

  3. Very well analysed Sir. I have one observation though. I feel these Gazwa-e-Hind people must be preparing for a much larger game. CAA came in between and their preparations had to be fired mid-way. I think this way their months / years preparation has gone bust now. Now as it happened in Gujarat, Delhi's Jaffrabad, Chand Bagh, Maujpur, etc. would become quiet for atleast 15-20 years and Shaheen Bagh, Jamia University, and JNU would lose sheen.

  4. Well this so called aam admi party is majority hawala funded and gets elected because of the vote bank vote only, w/o that vote they will never get majority. This party is full of anti national, jihadi elements, and Kejriwal/Sisodiya will never do anything about it, they will make the right noises and that's about it.
    This party is more like a front of every India hater, and as such are handsomely rewarded by power and money, and as you know, once you get it, you will do literally anything to ensure you don't loose it.

    As for Modi and co, they are well aware of who are the paymasters abroad, he needs to make it clear to them on the future road map of what will happen if they donot cut the funding, and yes he needs to act first, only than it will sink in.

  5. AMit Shah's image as a tough adminstrator has been blown to smithereens. He has displayed his weak kneed approach to the civil and communal disturbances in Delhi. Was it the Delhi verdict that has shaken him. Possible. But he should not give up the thumbs up hos party received for the election manifesto. He can never hope for Muslim votes, he should consolidate the Hindu confidence with strong implementation of the programmes they set out to complete. UCC should be next , and NRC may be later. We have no room for infiltrators in India, and it seems Muslims like to project themselves as only intruders by refusing to produce papers proving their Indianness

  6. In hindsight, Kadi Ninda seemed better as Home Minister and Amit Shah better as Party President as they had more states under control during his time. That said; PMO must look for better talent and put Javdekar, Rajendra Prasad, Harshvardan, culture and education minister on notice of perform or perish.

  7. How can anyone expect Modi to combat Islam or save Hindus when he is bowing all the time to the biggest-ever mass murderer of Hindus -- M K Gandhi ?

  8. we may not like it but what waris pathan said seems to be true that 15 cr muslims are more powerful than 100 cr hindus.otherwise shaheen bagh rod block could not have continued so long.they could have acted tough and removed them forcibly.this would have also helped in elections.Here kejriwal acted more smart and did not commit himself either way. and BJP could not force him.Had BJP acted tough he would have to come out in open and and side with either Hindus or muslims.As long as Modi and Shah act as guilty party this will continue to happen.

  9. It is beyond our, we the common people's, understanding why Modi-Shah-Doval let this agitation simmer for so long? Do they see political advantage of uniting Hindus because of this prolong agitation? Do they want Hindus to realize what lies in our grandchildren's future if we don't unite? Do they want them to consume Jihadi funds as much as possible feeding biryani and 500 Rupees per lady day in and day out?

  10. As long as Hindus don't unite these things will happen. Over the last few years low to moderate intensity attacks are taking against Hindus. Muslims have gone nuts ever since Modi government has returned. The first thing Modi should have done was to abolish minority rights and stop funding these parasites. Then slowly he should have made Muslims economically weak. On our part let's stop doing any business with these buggers. Jai Hind

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It will be in interest of all Citizens of India to implement NRC and CAA. The falsehood spread by Congress and the section of media for their selfish gains will do lot of harm to the country including the Muslims. It is but necessary for every country to secure their borders and allow only legitimate immigrants or asylum seekers so that the residents of country are not deprived of its resources.

    For ex. we have one story in Pune where an illegal Bangladeshi migrant changed his name to a Marathi name and married a local girl after falsifying his identity. He not only deprived a local person his income (by taking his job) but also caused irreversible damage to the life of the girl and her family. In Bangalore, there was an illegal migrant who obtained fake ids and was working as professor in one of the college. They are getting elected in Assam. To avoid such incidents NRC is necessary.

    Those who believe BJP is bad, I want to tell you that Congress is putting a smoke screen in front of you painting BJP bad. In fact, there is not one action of BJP that is against any citizen of the country. But if you remove this smoke screen, you'd see that, it was same Congress that sidelined all other leaders and took credit of independence. For ex. Ambedkar (he got his deserved credit in due course but that is different story), Savarkar, Rajendra Prasad, Lalbahadur Shashtri, Netaji Bose, Sardar Patel etc. They divided the country for sake of getting onto power and systematically promoted only one family, distorted the history and oppressed the first majority (Hindus) of this country. Not only did they oppressed the first majority, they also used the second majority for their selfish gains by practising politics of appeasement.

    We must but put aside our differences whether its language, religion, region, cuisine or anything for that matter and come together to build a strong, secure and wealthy nation by rejecting the evil designs of the Congress party.

  13. There has been a typo - Please read as 'not only did they oppress' instead of oppressed. Do not want delete and post it again for sake of correcting the typo.

  14. And don't forget the role of Catholic church who cannot wait to see Rahul Gandhi as PM replacing a lowly Hindu chaiwala Narendra Modi.Even to this day Hindus don't have a well organised militant army to counter Muslim and Christian forces.Look at the results of Delhi,look how a semi-educated ,vicious Priyanka Vadra has become a national leader.It is now or never for Hindus,they suffer yet the media like the Hindu,Hindustan times project them as vicious and Muslims as sufferers.

  15. The biggest mistake of the PM was to remove Mrs Irani fro m information ministry and putting Jawdekar as its head. He is the most incompetent of all the ministers. Sooner he is dropped better it is. PM with all the goodwill of people should do away with sycophants and incompetent ministers and appoint some with independent mind. Other wise BJP will become another Congress as already witnessed in state election losses.

    1. Sir, you may have a point but please note that its not the reason we're going through all this. It is a organised systematic onslaught on native Bhartiyas, the soft target. Look at China, they even banned naming certain names, keep beard, wearing burkha or skull caps. And no one can say a single word against them. We need China like administration to repulse this onslaught.

    2. For that (implementing the China Model), we first have to clamp Emergency, at least for 10 yrs or so and then put all anti nationals behind the bars. They must be jailed till the remaining days of their life.

      I am very sorry to say that Modi and Shah have just lost the golden oppurtunity by not clampin Emergency.

      ÃŒt must have been done immediately after the sad and brutal killing of Delhi Polce HC Ratan Lal. And then Army should have been deployed.

      That is the only way left to save the Motherland.


  16. Islamists have smelt the blood after BJP govt backed down from its stand on NRC.So many ministers are literally being apologetic even about NPR and census exercise.This is the right time for BJP to declare that NRC indeed will be taken up in due course.This is also time to warn all those who say they won't cooperate for NPR exercise.They should be told that in the event of them not co operating will result in to removal of their names from electoral rolls and they won't be entitled to any govt benefits including admissions to govt run hospitals,schools and colleges.You are also right about PM reading riot acts to judges.Entire judiciary should focus on improving delivery of justice and elimination of sloth and corruption.Judges are free to air their views and opinions but before they do that they must bring down pendency of cases to 3.5 thousand from existing 3.5 crores.

  17. Hi,
    Yesterday your blog was blocked by telecommunication Dept. Url was not working and it gave an error of url blocked by telecommunication Dept.

    Could be Case of mistaken identity, instead of blocking gossip and riots created blog, they have blocked yours.



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