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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sinister Vs Meek

There are some people who, when they say something, you know instinctively the opposite is true. When they deny something, you know it has to be true. There are even more criminally mischievous media crooks. These guys, when they find that Congress is in trouble (as with the Cambridge Analytica thing) they will quickly jump to muddle the issue and claim “everybody was doing it”. Therefore, the criminality of data-theft, inception and seeding of propaganda by covert means is defended/denied by the likes of Rajdeep and Pitroda. Rajdeep, of course, is known for monkey balancing whenever his darlings Congress, Sonia and Pappu are in trouble. Here, Rajdeep tries multiple monkey-balancing in true style of a street Madari. Sam Pitroda is the new mentor of Pappu who hand-holds him through his idiotic speeches abroad:

I don’t have the slightest doubt that Congress and Rahul Gandhi footsies had tied up with Cambridge Analytica (CA) as a desperate measure to counter the election successes of BJP and PM Modi. From the fraudulent “Christians under attack” campaign in 2014 to the latest mixed-grill “Farmer-Dalit-Muslim” chant, someone has been stirring chaos and anarchy throughout India. It may not be CA alone but various foreign hands that may be pushing this agenda. Add to that the “convenient Ponzi Hindu” that RahulG frequently becomes to appeal to gullible Hindus. The guy is a thoroughbred idiot who doesn’t even how to sit in front of Spiritual Gurus when he meets them. There is a severe lack of decency and education:

The latest in a line of Congress’ sinister acts have to be the Lingayat conspiracy. They want to turn Lingayats in Karnataka into a separate religion and a minority. The hypocrites who blabber “power is poison” are now into every act that will divide India and Hindus. From every place that Pappu ran to for a confrontation in the name of farmers or Dalits or raking up violence in some places, the Congress “hand” is unmistakeable. The pattern has been steady and is growing – inject agitations and violence in states that go for elections and then parade the joker as a “Janeu-dhari” Hindu. The list is long and the GOI watches all this helplessly as the Congis dig holes all across India:

However, the Lingayat problem stems from the RTE discrimination and more Hindu groups will seek separation and minority status. ModiSarkar has shown no inclination to repeal/modify this discriminatory RTE law. The Congress has been ant-Hindu, anti-India for a long time but it became all the more pronounced during the 10-year Congress-UPA rule under SoniaG. Even in her claim that her party has many Hindus there is a farcical over up. The Lingayat as a separate religion was being fanned by CM Siddaramiah for over a year when the chapter was closed by the Congress at the Centre in 2013. The Dalit issue has been politically hammered so much that they are now quoted everywhere by the Comrats, media and the Sickulars as a separate entity that is distinct from Hindus. Rahul does not have the brains to orchestrate all this. These ideas come from Western agencies that influence SoniaG in her “Break India, Break Hindus” agenda:

The sinister plan has gone so deep that the Congis have now busy “engineering” a North-South divide. This time, it has nothing to do with language. This time, it has everything to do with provoking raw hatred among communities and states. I have no doubts about who “injected” Kamal Haasan into politics and who mouths a daily anti-Hindu chant. I have also no doubts who planted the idea of “six southern states” forming some kind of union and creating a “Dravidanadu”, an idea that is being planted on FB, Whatsapp and being circulated through other SM platforms. Such issues do not crop up suddenly. These must have been on the “simmer” mode for some years and since the death of J Jayalalitha all kinds of scumbags have jumped into TN politics in promoting this agenda. RG doesn’t know a damn thing about Tamil Nadu, its culture or its people or its problems. But in a recent Congress gathering he claimed TN and Tamils are being discriminated against. He’s not just a Pappu but a “Loose Pappu”. And I don’t see why another scumbag like Comrat Stalin shouldn’t be prosecuted for making this call:

At the other end we are facing another problem. Despite all the majority and power assigned to ModiSarkar, PM Modi prefers to ignore all these “Break India” forces. The BJP is under a delusional trip that merely winning elections is enough and these anti-India forces right from JNU to Kashmir to TN will just go away on their own. The more the meekness of ModiSarkar, the more all these goons riot more and raise idiotic ruckus that affects the common man. We have reached a stage where in this holy land, absolute trash in the garb of humans carry out a march with pictures of Lord Ram and they are thrashing his pic with “Chappals”. And BJP and Modi are supposedly Hindutva guys. I doubt such a thing ever happened before and ModiSarkar and Modi didn’t even bat an eyelid that such things have become routine. Imagine this was done to pics of Jesus or Mohammad. There would have been bloodshed on the streets making Modi jump out of his seat and media and Sickulars wailing love wolves all over. Hardly the behaviour of a champion:

That reminds me of Roger Federer’s method of remaining a champion at No.1 even at the age of 36. Federer’s skills and flair have not gone. But he is certainly aging and the physical wear and tear does affect an athlete. To make up for that, Federer has stopped chasing “unchaseable” balls, he saves his energy. Besides that, he is also more frequently into the “serve and volley” mode to shorten the points. He also uses the lob a lot more including “fake lobs” to deceive his opponents. Modi has been chasing unchaseable balls. He has been chasing illusionary balls of “statesman” and “international recognition”. That may come if it has to but ignoring domestic social strife will damage him and the BJP very quickly. Federer or any top Tennis player does not depend on “unforced errors” by the opponent to win a match. They rely on their ability to hit winners and aces.

Modi and BJP have been winning elections partly due to unforced errors of opponents. Seriously, Pappu and Comrats are currently “unforced errors” that are easy to win free points and beat. There was a time when there was a sense of fatigue at Federer routinely winning most major tournaments unhindered. People wanted a tougher fight. They were happy when the Nadals and Djokers turned up. The BJP and Modi too will enter into that “fatigue” phase or probably already have. Even the die-hard Bhakt will admit deep inside that this is not the Modi from Gujarat they voted for. For all his rants against Pakistan, Modi recently sent a minister to attend “Pak Day” celebrations at their Low Commission. GOI claims it is merely “protocol”. What nonsensical protocol? Was this govt voted to maintain protocol or break undesirable rules and protocols?

The battle against anti-nationals, anti-Hindus cannot be fought merely during and by elections and electoral victories. Evil doesn’t go away just like that. It plots the death of the good every time and all the time. Congress is one such Evil that this great country has unfortunately has been visited upon along with their Comrats from the Commie Tabela. The country is left with a choice between the Sinister and the Meek. Not a rosy situation.



  1. Assertiveness - a rare quality with Indians - is needed to ward off these tendencies of Comrats and slave media. Nefarious designs of Comrats must be defeated but so is also the need for us to show BJP & NDA to assert. Kudos Raviji for this insight.

  2. Wish Narendra Modi and his advisors read this at least to introspect. Others may or may not read as they don't matter anyways.

  3. Happy Ram Navami. How far we are from Ram Rajya is seen in your post today. Ram getting chappal thrashing and no one arrested is a sad commentary on Indian politics going so low beyond gutter level. Breaking India forces are at their peak. Somewhere Modi govt has to act decisively against such acts instead of becoming meek spectator. Opposition can get some votes to form a coalition govt in 2019 ifHindus get disgusted by Modi inaction to look after Hindu interests. Dispatching Hindu refugees back to Pakistani to be converted may be last nail self inflicted by this govt. Rohingyas get refuge and Hindus get thrown out says a lot. Vinaash kaale vipreet buddhi. If BJP does badly in 2019 it is non deliverance to expectations of Hindus.

    1. Indian Governments don't do anything for Hindus. If not for the Hindu outrage the Babri Structure would not have come down. where as they are quick to arrest Kamlesh Tiwari just for expressing his FOS although it is not correct to insult any religion or religious figures. Modi like other Hindu leaders like Gandhi etc are testing the patience of Hindus.

  4. Seems the Lutyens air of Delhi has affected Modi. He and Amit Shah have lost the plot. The daily rantings Of Druggy Duffer the JNU pigsty all these could have been curbed, the corrupt still walk free..simply disgusting..

  5. May be Mediacrook want to say....... justice should not only be done but should also have been seen to be done.

  6. Those who thrashed LORD RAM rathyatra with chappals must be eating pigs excreta for food and pigs DNA in their body.I dont mean to belittle or insult pigs which are useful for their meat atleast. But these thugs who insult RAM are curse to their families and Tamilians.

  7. What is wrong in calling Ligayats as Hindus, even after giving them separate religion status? The demand for minority status was on for a long time, and @BJP4Karnataka didn't do it, and Congress did.whether Congress or BJP, #Lingayats #Lingayat are a religion. Shiva is a universal God, there were no Hindus, but only castes, and yes Basavanna was against this caste system and rituals

    1. Pl try to know when caste was injected ? There was only Varnas as depicted by Vedas and sinister plan of Invaders esp British & Continued by British bootlicjer Womanizer Nehru Clan to divide Hindus. Hindu was derived from Ancient Times via Culture & practices.. Don't divide the culture by calling for Minority status .. It was a ploy by Congress 🐖 s via RTE and siddu pig's idea by giving freebies to so called Foreign Abrahamic religions - Christians & Muslims now tempting others esp Hindus to seek the status.. what about those Hindu Communities who are deprived like even if they are economically weak ? Should benefits be passed only on religious way like Quota system ? Both will drag the country& people and not benefit overall

  8. ಲಿಂಗಾಯತ ಸ್ವತಂತ್ರ ಧರ್ಮ ಆದರೆ ತಪ್ಪೇನು | What Is Wrong in Lingayat becaming Separate Religion

  9. I read somewhere that Kamal Haasan has converted as a Christian.Quite possible since as a Brahmin he has no chance of coming to power.One should not forget that LTTE was a political wing of Christian forces who wanted to create a Christian country comprising Southern Tamil Nadu and Northern Sri Lanka.In fact it looks probable that Jaya Lalitaa was murdered by anti-Hindu forces.a staunch Brahmin she was ultimately buried in a Xian casket.And then we have deepa Jayakumar JJ's niece who has converted as a Christian.Even with all this happening Hindus are so easily getting fooled by Rahul Gandhi's temple visits instead of objecting to his visits as a non-Hindu.

  10. Recd this msg from shankaracharya grp:

    Did Sringeri Jagadguru reprimand Rahul and Siddharamaiah (Karnataka CM) ??
    Jagadguru mentioned, “Happy that you have come to the Mutt. But, we don’t give our blessings for the work that you’re doing.”
    At the time of meeting, Jagadguru mentioned them (Rahul and Siddharamaiah), if you’re having intolerance against Hindu religion, please refrain from Hindu religion. Instead of that, don’t bring enmity within the Hindu religion by your talks / work. Don’t neglect Hindu mutts and temples. What have they done wrong? The amount of money collected as offerings at the temples (which are managed by the government) should be repurposed for the temples. Spending that money for the welfare of other religion is not acceptable (wrong). Jagadguru bluntly mentioned to both of them that, “It is nice that you’re visiting our Mutt. But, as you’re doing anti-Hindu activities, we don’t provide our blessings to you.”
    Both of them were shocked to hear this (as they didn’t expect this response from Jagadguru). When they came out of the meeting, they wanted to make sure that this (response from Jagadguru) should not reach the media.
    After they departed from mutt, the staff of mutt was very happy on Jagadguru’s response and shared the same with their circles. Jagadguru reprimanding the Congress folks is now reaching out to the people.
    From: Jagadishchandra B, Editor, Hindutva-Bandutva, monthly magazine.

    1. This has pave the way for the debacele of the Gandi and his chappal uthane wala the Suar Rmaiya fellow.

      we are not here to witness the drama, we will set them right the moment comes.

  11. How elegantly you have connected the dots!! Ye the sudden changes in South may be because of simmers... But the soling is definitely current and from overseas. Hue else would 2 movie stars launch parties and one who is ostensibly broke? Why did lingayat happen or those series of riots, protests-despite BJP ruling many states? Because the catalyst as you rightly point out are without...

  12. How elegantly you have connected the dots!! Ye the sudden changes in South may be because of simmers... But the soling is definitely current and from overseas. Hue else would 2 movie stars launch parties and one who is ostensibly broke? Why did lingayat happen or those series of riots, protests-despite BJP ruling many states? Because the catalyst as you rightly point out are without...

  13. Surely this is not modi we voted. I have run out of all excuses to defend him.unless he has some tricks up his sleeves before the election, it is safe to assume he has turned blind. The only good thing he is doing is, crushing con-gress, the fountain head of evil.

  14. I don't think @narendramodi reads your blog. If he does chullu bhar pani me doob marna chahiye abtak.

  15. I am still positive about Modi initiatives..there might definitely be some strategy cooking inside for the benefit of the society, especially Hindus..I am sure all this nonsense for CongisCommitsLeftists will stop soon. Its just there time of barking and barking dogs never bit. So lets wait for better things to unfold soon and lets have some patience and support the govt.

  16. As Arnab Goswami has rightly pointed out, BJP is Lutianised. It has failed us miserably by sending minister on Pakistan Day

  17. One thing that i want to conclude is, hum hindu sabse bade chutiye hain, jab tak gala kat na jaye hum believe nhi krte ki koi gala kaat rha hai,jb mulle 50% ho jate hain tab hame pata lagta hai ki ab hamari gand fat rhi h

  18. I have lost all hope on Modi. 2019 will be hung parliament and India will suffer more than Sonia kaal of 2004-14.

  19. MC: “Modi has been chasing unchaseable balls. He has been chasing illusionary balls of “statesman” and “international recognition”. ” - 100% CORRECT!!

    Modi is trying to become Nehru a and Gandhi at once. To make up for the period when he was treated as international pariah, now he is trying to become international peacenik at the expense of Hindus and India.

  20. Very good article gurudev, I am affraid if these crooks do not develope conscience in days to come and fall with the nationalists forces we are going to hunt them fearlessly. Now it has become too much to digest the activity of the anti national forces mostly they are khangressi,commies and what not , they are athiest as well.

    They have nothing to do with Modi ji or the Govt, they are here to work on agenda set by their chiniese and paki freinds. we are not here to be a spectator for their drama. We compromise with small things in order to have bigger gain for the nation, they in turn feel happy and more arrogant .

    Bande Matram!!!
    Bharat Mata Ki Jay!!!


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