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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Grave Diggers

Since the Reagan era of early 1980s America has been shifting jobs overseas. Many manufacturing units had shut down. This left the average blue-collar working class citizens in long-term strife. This continued for long and with the arrival of Barack Obama came more minority appeasement and Jihadi-appeasement. The only ones who became richer were big business guys and media crooks. The middle and lower class Americans, especially the majority White ones, had suffered the most. Add the crash of 2008, more loss of jobs, loss of homes. This is why Commie Fiberals were unable to explain the rise of Donald Trump against all odds. The rich businessmen, Hollywood bimbos and media morons had lost total touch with realities. A part of an article I found on Twitter explains it well:
That’s not the only one. Some more analysts have to come to their senses with other articles to explain this phenomenon. This is not very different from the Indian middle class, particularly Hindus, being sick of the elite Congress, Lutyens crawlers, corrupt folks all over and criminals in the media. That is why Modi happened. And the Sickulars and Elites still don’t get it. They keep whining “Muslims, Muslims, Muslims” even when Muslims in India are the most pandered to lot. Subsidies, quotas, loans at the cost of every other community. Thus, when Modi points out appeasement in allocation of graves and power during festivals these crooks rant and rave as if “grave” calamity has fallen on a community that really contributes pretty little to India. World over, the radical Muslims have become an intolerable nuisance – whether Europe or US or even in Japan. Imagine the constant whining being tolerated by Hindus for so long.

It doesn’t stop there. Mayawati & Co. chant from the Quran at election rallies and she claims to be a great champion for Muslims. That is not communal to Sickulars. Akhilesh Yadav and SP believe UP is only for Muslims and Yadavs. That is not communal to Sickulars. But pointing out crimes of appeasement becomes communal to these Sickulars in politics and media. Which is why they generate so much revulsion from the silent majority. Sample some of these:
Throughout the world, the intolerance by Muslims for other communities, cultures and practices is a nuisance that cannot be denied anymore. And their Mullahs keep issuing Fatwas against political leaders and other citizens as if they are running some private kingdom. I don’t see why these criminal self-styled Mullahs shouldn’t be prosecuted after making a law that warrants the death sentence for Fatwas that call on violence against others. There is no other way these stupid Mullahs will ever learn. Anything they do not agree with is an insult to these brainless guys:
There was a Mullah in Kolkata who announced at 25-lakh Fatwa for an assault on PM Modi. And our Sickulars don’t find such continuous nonsense offensive or communal. And these Muslims and the anti-Hindu Commies in politics and media keep whining for them. During the HT Summit in 2007 Rajdeep asked probably the dumbest question a host could ask. He asked Modi if Gujarat’s development reaches its entire people or only the Hindu majority. Modi responded by asking if water flows in the Sabarmati does it cater only to 90% or to all the 100% whose lives depend on that water. Now this same street-thug provides us stats on SP power-supply to Muslims without the proper context. He grandly claims he has the “facts”:
The monkey-balancer passes of even his childish distortion as “facts”. Firstly, Modi’s comment was Ramzan Vs Diwali and not Eid Vs Diwali. Rajdeep criminally points to “one day” of Eid Vs four days of Diwali. What the Monkey doesn’t tell you is – Ramzan is a four-week affair and not a one-day Eid. Secondly, in sheer ratio of the population of Hindus in UP (80%) and Muslims (20%) this kind of discrimination in favour of Muslims is lost on him. Well, as I keep saying, Congi-slaves are Einsteins when it comes to Math or any statistical analysis. Not just Muslims, in 2012 Mulayam generously granted 24X7 power to Amethi and Rae Bareli – the constituencies of two VIP Catholic MPs, at the cost of other UP towns. When the Hindu exodus from Kairana happened last year – these same Commies and Muslim-cheerleaders grandly washed it out as nonsense and fabrication:
Kairana was a reality that these grave diggers simply blacked out and went on to call it a lie, fabrication and an attempt to spread communal riots. So, if Hindus or a BJP MP points out to these Muslim-crimes it becomes fabrication and “communal crap” for these Sickulars. Yes, these Commies are the grave diggers who want the Hindus dead and Hinduism wiped out of India forever. Don’t even bother offering the slightest defence for these fools. Whosever is their paymaster has enriched them well enough to carry out their criminal agenda. And the Stratfor “Wheeler-dealer” claims he has being to Gandhi domains since 1989:
I wonder why ShekharG goes to these places in the first place. I guess to crawl a bit more for his boss Sonia and not to report. Because, I challenge you to find any serious article from him castigating the Chinese Gandhis for their failures in Amethi or Rae Bareli. Oh well! Find me any article from the Sonia-slave castigating the Gandhis for any crime at all. And the Kabrastan (see video in this tweet) claim by Modi is also a fact. It makes no sense to keep providing evidences because the Sickulars are not seeking facts or evidence – They simply seek the death of Hindus and Hinduism forever. Also, bear in mind, the Kabrastans keep gobbling up land while Hindu Smashans DO NOT gobble up land and use much smaller spaces. And this Muslim whining and their Commie pigs whining even more is not in UP or Delhi alone. The phenomenal illegal and illegitimate appeasement happens in most non-BJP states. Here is one of the most IDIOTIC policies you will ever hear of from Telangana:
After all this, what is it that we as a society get from many Muslims? More whining! More violence! More Fatwas! More insults to our Constitution and our laws! And they will continue to want their four wives and uncontrolled population production and their Triple Talaq and so on. From Nehru to Sonia and their Lutyens crawlers and slaves have brought India to such a situation and a burden on other communities. And then these media Sickulars whine over Muslims not having MPs in LS from UP. And the most-jaundiced media crook whines over it while the truth is very different:
These jerks would have you believe that Muslims are an “endangered species” when in reality their Mullahs and radicals endanger people around them in India and all over the world. And fact also is, that there were hundreds of Muslim candidates from many parties from UP contesting LS2014 but all of them were rejected. But the problem for these Sickulars is that BJP did not give tickets to Muslims. Why should they? Many Muslim leaders abuse Modi all day long. Their Mullahs issue fatwas on him. And even otherwise Muslims do not vote BJP as a community. Their Imams issue fatwas to vote Commies like Congis or SP or BSP. So why should BJP be obligated to have Muslim candidates? In addition, most Muslims subscribe to the AIMPLB assertion that they do not believe in man-made laws, that their Quran and Sharia are superior to our Constitution. So why should Muslims be making laws for other Indians? It fails simple logic. And I dare say, soon there will be demands for another partition. 

I consider people like Barkha, Rajdeep, Sagarika, ShekharG and other media crooks the grave diggers against Hindus and India. Their agenda is to simply see the break-up of India and death of Hindu culture. From the first month of Trump, the Commie Fiberals in the US have been digging his grave. In India, the Sickulars in politics and media have been digging Modi's grave since 2014. Unfortunately for them, the tide is turning not just in India but across the world. It’s the lies, fakery, bootlicking of corrupt politicians and bogus “paid whining” for Muslims that is helping turn the tide. Keep up the grave-digging!


  1. At the cost of sounding communal, even instigating, I would say... these guys should be slaughtered. Enough is enough. Putting them in jails makes the liberal hearts bleed. Like it did for Kasab, Afzal and Yakub. So catching these criminals and prosecuting them is of no use. Eliminating them and reducing their numbers is the only way.

    Let mobs kill as many of them as possible. Even better... let the Indian army lead. Shoot these rodents at sight.

    If Mulayam can slaughter 600 unarmed karsevaks just to appease these bloodthirsty mullahs... why can't we kill these blood thirsty mullahs to protect our people, our land, our rights?

    Enough is enough. Another Shivaji will not come to create a Maratha Empire. We people have to do it. So be it.

    Exterminate these pests. Let there be a true 'Swachh Bharat'.

    PS: Please feel free to delete my comment if it seems too inciting for your blog. I just said what's simmering in many people's minds.

  2. A joker Rahul G is projected as an youth icon on one side,while a 2nd class Akhilesh Yadav whom nobody would have employed in Karnataka is straight away the CM of India's largest state.Still worse is the appearance of Priyanka Vadra only at election times like the seasonal Siberian cranes is a top leader for shameless Congress leaders.She is in a saree while addressing poor Hindu crowds whereas she is only in bursting jeans all the time.This Rahul insults the Hindus by saying he has read something about Vedas and Upanishads.Blame the Hindus for tolerance of such insults.

  3. Great Ravinar your writings are with facts, clear and spot on. God bless you.

  4. Whatta a hard hitting post. Relevant around the world, in hindsight, Namo not responding to these jokers has made them even more desperate. I have a feeling that Name takes the clue regarding your analogy about fighting with PIGS. He simply ignores them. First round to him. Let the second round begin for a clean Knock out

  5. Appeasement for sake of votes is a dangerous game for the nation. Media and Politicians are to be blamed for our sorry state of affairs. Paid media is a threat to civil society. Their relevance is completely lost and at times they look clowns to common people. Days of paid news is numbered since people have alternate communication tools.

  6. Great one! I am sharing this with @realDonaldTrump and the guys he is buggering @cnn @mnbc @cnbc...this media mafia MUST DIE. THANKS Raviji. Kudos.

    1. If only you had the intelligence to understand what is going on in the US! Donald Trump is your hero? God help us!!

  7. I think all this 'Muslims, Muslims, Muslims' chant by media morons is because they get money from our neighbouring country.

    1. Not too sure.. They themselves get money from elsewhere.

  8. Great write up. Thanks for giving voice to millions.

  9. Very astute. Have forwarded it to all my friends in uk & Israel

  10. When we do not have enough courage to declare Pakistan a Terrorist State, how can we expect any progress on UCC or Triple Talaq? Daylight murders of Hindus in Kerala & WB do not evoke any reaction from the Center except the usual mutterings. Modi has a cabinet full of nincompoops that he has to get rid of. His faith in AJ is totally misplaced. So long as people like AJ, MVN, PJ, & Rajnath Singh keep holding crucial portfolios, I don't expect much progress in this term of Modi. Let's hope UP results are strong and will give Modi the opportunity to clean up the cabinet and discard all the deadwood along with the poisonous spiders.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Commies have been routed out of politics world over and now needs to be kicked out of campuses,media and institutions.Fliberals seems to be on last gasp,see their reactions on elections in UP, Maharashtra and Orissa! They were all sulivating that Modi has committed suicide by demonitisation but they have been struck by lightning.

  14. It seems our media crooks are also collecting their pay cheques in petrodollars from Gulf.Their long love affairs with Muslims can't be explained merely as support for Sonia's seculars.

  15. You have given voice to our thoughts. We should stop behaving like cowards & fight to preserve our heritage.

  16. When will we get to live in peace? How will peace be attained? Is it by killing all Muslim leaders? If not, then one day these will be influential enough and will start riots everywhere asking for their own country and there won't be any other option. Within next 20-30 years civil wars will erupt inside India at many places and those who are prepared only will be the one surviving.

  17. Ravinar your interpretation of US economy and rise of Donald Trump is plain dead incorrect. Where do you get your material from? US was doomed on the path of irrational decision making thanks to Alan Greenspan and the policies of Bush era. Care to listen and allow a reasonable sensible discourse without analogies which do not make any sense?

    1. @Nish

      Sensible discourse? You demo your ignorance rather nonchalantly. The post says jobs were being cut since the Reagan era. What are you reading? Auto industry in Detroit was destroyed during Reagan era. Nixon opened up China in 1972 and Reagan furthered that process. Sub-prime happened in 2008. Obama has left the US deeper in debt and has failed on all economic fronts. Get some info and facts before you seek a sensible discourse..


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