Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What A Fool Believes

All of us introspect sometimes. We introspect over things we said or did that went wrong. We introspect when the best laid plans produce the wrong results. We introspect when sales targets aren’t met. What kind of person with a public office and responsibility runs away and hides for 56 days and his bootlickers claim he was introspecting? The childish conduct of Rahul Gandhi in disappearing for 56 days is nothing short of absconding – a fugitive. For him or his sycophants to claim he was “introspecting” is the kind of slapstick comedy one can find in a Chaplin movie. So when he finally returned, they all went into Rapture like the second coming of Jesus. Rapture is a belief among Christians that Jesus will return for a second time, raise the dead (and the living) and take them up in the air to meet the Lord. That is what a sick Congress and their lackeys in the media hope – that RahulG will raise their dead party and also the Presstitutes with dead integrities in the media.

So the Congress-Jesus who has returned to save them gave an audience to the poor and wretched on Sunday, April 19. He addressed a farmer’s rally. Forget the part that many farmers got drunk and vomited at the venue and many left before Pappu even started speaking. What he demonstrated was that a 44-year old runaway with no talent for politics or public service and no thinking skills cannot change with any amount of introspection. That is assuming he is even capable of any introspection. Most of us have a good estimate of why this juvenile retard had disappeared for 56 days but let us assume that he was in good mental and physical condition and really attempted introspection. He returned, he was relaunched and he gave proof he can only blabber and nothing has changed. This lame nonsense that even a Class-3 kid wouldn’t say is what he came up with:

Where factual records are concerned, the only politician-farmer who took dummy loans to quickly return the favour is none other than the Gandhi-farmer called Robert Vadra. He took loans to buy land and sell them back to his loaner at phenomenal profits. Ditto the fake Gandhis in what they did with National Herald. Well, street thug Rajdeep Sardesai would naturally ask “where is the fraud”? Fraudsters like other fraudsters – it’s a simple rule.

If the Congress thinks Pappu’s moronic statements (gleefully quoted widely by media) are going to impress farmers then they must be bigger fools than Pappu himself. But they don’t have any other option to play with. Of course, the Presstitutes went into a collective orgasm imagining their darling Pappu came and conquered everything. Every time he speaks they discover a new messiah. They discovered a changed person who dispenses the greatest wisdom unknown to sages from ancient India. They slobber over him like he’s the political Deepak Chopra or Benny Hinn. It is not reason. It is not that these Presstitutes are dumb. They just cling on to this stupidity because it’s their only hope for a relaunch of their Lutyens luxuries and a return to their corrupt ways of life, a return to pimping and eating in the corridors of power. They hope that someday this two-bit man-child will take them back to the glorious corrupt days of luxury. You just have to be reminded how the slaves licked his nonsense after the 2013 Jaipur speech too. They love the scripted “poison” this fool dispenses.

After his return, RahulG thumps his chest in manufactured rage and gives a speech in parliament trashing ModiSarkar. This time someone gave him the phrase it’s a Sarkar of “Suit and Boot”. And the media again went into multiple orgasms just like they did after his speech at Jaipur:

The little school girls are thrilled to bits. And there is one moron called Chaubeji who now refers to Pappu as a General using the Congress hashtag #RahulRoars. Of course, he’s a neutral journo, isn’t he? But as someone pointed out on Twitter, stupid folks like Chaubeji totally ignored the work of a real General in Yemen but are happy to discover a General in the runaway bride. Barkha is a bit cautious. She says “let’s see where he takes it from here” because as Pappu’s “Evoluter” she has burnt her fingers and her heart before. She knows Pappu will inevitably relaunch himself as a Joker (a party colleague called him that) and so do the others. Where does he even pick up the “suit” stuff? Obviously, some Americanised Indian lackey of his must have briefed him. In America, top corporate and govt executives are often referred to as “suits”.  

Every time the party or country faces a crisis – Pappu runs. During the Uttarakhand floods he ran to Spain. After the 26/11 attacks he ran to a party. His party is reduced to 44 in parliament he runs again for nearly 2 months. And his meaningless speech with no substance whatsoever delights the Presstitutes. Remember, this is the same guy who said BJP may have built great roads but you can’t eat roads. There is no dearth of his pearls of stupid utterances and I have listed many of them in a previous post – The king of comedy. And when he runs, he leaves the same old “unsuited and unbooted” fossils from his party to hold fort for him and warm his seat. Another wag remarked he should have at least left his Chappals behind so that slave Congis and media pimps could place it on a chair and worship them. The only other person who can match such sycophancy and slavery is street thug Rajdeep:

Your takeaway? Nice! Observe the clever trickery of this Presstitute. That the Congress is a dynastic party is not someone’s opinion or imagination. It’s borne out by their practices and established beyond question. But Congress pimp Rajdeep equates that loathsome feature with a juvenile comment like suit-boot as if it becomes an established fact because a fool blabbers it. This is how media pimps earn their brokerage. You see, there is not much to trash ModiSarkar with. Modi has gotten lot of investments, the evacuation from Yemen is not something to brag about but it demonstrates the potential of India which Congress suppressed for years. There is no sex-scandal or scam to scream about. So the Presstitutes have to rejoice in the foolish utterances of Pappu. It’s their only solace. In the process they also proved they are racist pigs as C5M does here:

If Behenji has sore-throat you ridicule her and recommend Vicks. Why? Because she’s black and a Desi that can be ridiculed? But oh; the White-woman has a sore-throat but she’s a real fighter. Giriraj Singh of BJP was right. If SoniaG was a Black Nigerian RajivG would perhaps have not married her. And if he had, our racist media pimps would have poured scorn on her just as they do on other Indians because of colour. A TN Congress leader recently praised RajivG’s fair skin and called Modi a Chimpanzee. I am in no doubt that most top Congis and most Lutyens Presstitutes are racists who despise Indians from the depth of their heart.

I have mentioned before that a less than 1% population of the Lutyens variety loathes and hates the remaining 99%. Their prejudice and contempt for ordinary folks comes out over and over again in their utterances. This is from the same “Ugly Indian males” woman. And they know RahulG is a Pappu and they can’t praise Modi, so somehow praise SoniaG as a wonderful fighter and her speech as passionate. In fact, SoniaG is a terrible speaker and doesn’t connect anymore. If she and Pappu made any sense they wouldn’t have ended up with 44. And what does it say about Mamma Mia that at age 44 and 11 years in parliament she discovers the little boy can actually speak? What is routine for most MPs is a miracle for the moron. SoniaG should be beatified for recognising a miracle? Very touching motherly pride! But people are wiser and they know the truth as the Monk himself accidentally blurted out on April 16 before RahulG returned to grace this land again:

That was on Headlines Today where Rajdeep was talking about his book-promotion tours and he mentioned youthful audiences laughed just at the mention of Pappu’s name. People aren’t dumb and Presstitutes aren’t that bright.

A horse, a horse, a kingdom for my horse…
I haven’t had a win in six months

That’s what bugs our Presstitutes. They haven’t had any major win except for the fluke AAP victory in the Senior Municipality of Delhi. That too has crushed their dreams because AAP is now on a “Self-destruct-everyday” mode. So they have to prop up the failed Pappu as the “roaring” lion when he is actually a mere yowling Puppy. Not everybody is a liar who refuses to recognise the hypocrisies of the Nehru-Gandhi clan. These Lutyens hypocrites have been rightly called by some as they should be for their fakery:

And how much do these fake Gandhis from Lutyens really know or care about farmers. The MSM could suppress the truth earlier but with SM and Twitter, people are now quickly picking up their past quotes and stupid utterances instantly. Here’s what father of Pappu really uttered (Check the Outlook article “Educating Sonia”):

What a fool believes, he sees … No wise man has the power, to reason away”. And we cannot. His own party colleague has called him a “cameo” and I call him an Item-girl. All we can do is laugh and ridicule this never-ending moronery of Pappu, Congis and their slave Presstitutes. After his speech Pappu patted himself on his back again, just like he did after his self-titled game-changer speech during the Lokpal debate. After his Jaipur speech the same fools in Congress and their Presstitutes called it the Obama-moment. We all know where that moment went. Polls on Rediff and Hindustan Times (after the relaunch Kisan rally) show over 72% of people doesn’t buy the nonsense of Congress and their fake concerns for farmers or the poor anymore. There is now a medium more powerful than MSM that educates people on facts and truth - SM. The only fools are ones in the MSM and it’s just another season of comedy from Congress for everyone.

Footnote: The “Suit-Boot” maybe a metaphor but people on Twitter were quick to identify who are the real suits and boots. They quickly put together pics of the Nehru-Gandhi clan which is all Suit, Boot… and Loot! And I doubt that is metaphor (The sable coat of Sonia is more expensive than mink – gifted by Russia. A decade ago it was estimated to be worth over 50 lakhs. Sonia retained it as personal property). From the Ambani-empire to Bofors and all other scams, the criminal politician-big business nexus was established by none other than the Gandhis – the true suits and boots.


  1. RaviNar, one correction, it was Tamilnadu congress chief and not a random leader who made that comment on Modi. If possible and you feel that makes some difference, please correct it.

    Kusbhoo was also present there and she ranted when common men are toiling for their livelihood, Modi is wearing 10 lakh suit made in London.

    Needless to say, excellent article again.

    1. Then what about her costly silk sarees that she wears.... when ordinary people spend their entire life savings to buy a pair of clothes.... it did not occur to Kushboo.... she moves in cars, when others walk on pavements.... unfortunately there are no pavements.... whereas cars have black top roads...

  2. No journalist even dared to ask RaGa that what he was doing all these 56 days? Seems they are just happy flapping their tail like a poodle in front of him

    1. Moses = 40 days, Jesus Christ = 40 days, Prohphet = 40 days, Lord Buddha=40 days got realization on the mountain top or under tree.... whereas Pappu had 56 days by sea side with "thai / burma massagers"

  3. Last night I introspected on the banks of my apartment's swimming pool. I came close to becoming mini-Buddha in 56 seconds. I realized that Congressis, presstitutes are dumber than RaGa

    1. Lord Buddha got realizatioin in 40 days.... i.e. 40 seconds....

  4. Sir you missed the ABP News "VYAKTI VISHESH" programme that they ran after Rahul returned...ABP Nrws claimed Rahul was on Vipsayna.....Has congress or Rahul himself claimed that he was on Vipasyyna ?....Then why the lie, from a media house?...I dont think RG personally knows what is Vipasyana..

  5. Hello RaviNar, Thank you for your service to this country through your dedicated efforts to expose the corrupt sickulars, Congis, media crooks and presstitutes, all of whom are making a concerted effort at looting this country of its civilization, ethos and wealth. Your single handed effort is raising the consciousness of people around these issues.

    Fed up with the MSM in the US, Cenk and company started The Young Turks, a talk show program on YouTube. And what a successful run it is having. I believe that if you start a talk show channel on YouTube, it would galvanize legions of people to create as much impact or more as your MC blog is. Newslaundry attempted to do this through Clothesline, but it is a joke, just an entertaining inane show. No wonder there is little traction with viewers.

    Starting such a talk show channel on YouTube would cost a bit in terms of procuring equipment and expertise, as well as time and resources required to do a regular show. If a fund raising effort was carried out, I am sure readers of MC would be more than happy to pitch in. Please consider this suggestion, I am feeling that it could have a magnifying effect in reclaiming what is right for this country.

    Regards, -- Venkat Rao

    1. Great recommendation sir (The Young Turks).....

  6. Media Darbaris well exposed. They are earning daily bread. Weak leadership cannot be propped without huge costs. Unfortunately it costs the Nation ultimately in long run.

  7. Rajiv 's Pet dog /Indra's pet dog would have had better food using tax payers money . better fed than any poor farmers child.

  8. I heard the loksabha speech of Pappu and the counter by bjp mp.BJP MPs could have given a hard punch to Pappu in the parliament,but they chose to remain polite even after getting innumerable chances to expose Congis who were cheering Pappu.I seriously dont understand this sudden burst of politeness from Modi or his team when it comes to the Gandhi family or other issues which needs stern action.These things make me feel that probably the whole political class of India is in some form of latent cahoot.Only the person on the seat changes like musical chair,otherwise the general alliance remains same.Ofcourse along with this pessimism I must also say that for the first time I feel I can rely on the central govt in their will to take the nation forward.

    1. BJP is playing safe till the landbill gets cleared. If they get into confrontation mode work in parliament may get stalled as opposition is waiting for an opening. That's why Giriraj Singh was asked to express regret.

    2. BJP is playing safe. One line retorts by Venkaiah Naidu says it all............
      he has fantastic retorts.....

    3. Hope that is so :) and there's nothing covert about this :)

  9. Congress party is not even the official opposition party in the Lok Sabha,but Modi government is putting it on an undeserving pedestal.

  10. The English language media has virtually ignored Modi's truly successful visit to France,Germany and Canada while giving so much importance to the stupid speeches of Rahul Gandhi at farmers' meets.

  11. NaMo is somehow losing his connect with people. Instead of general speeches he should be more concentrating on publicising the work done which would speak for itself. He has been working day & night for our country but his hard work is not quite known to all.

    1. NaMO is not losing he is very much in clear vision..... kindly do not get blurred due to relentless paid media news..... 60 years of mis-rule cannot be override in 1 year..... further, there is no money in govt to pay staff salaries... forget about farmers.. If you really lived in villages, at times you will also think farmers are the most selfish creatures on earth... doubt pluck one sugar cane from their fields without permission or cut a guava or.... and see the effect.... while I do sympathise with farmers, but also realize they are not as poor as media says so.... the land is held by land owners and the so called workers are termed as farmers....

    2. All these mediacrooks were taking potshots at Modi and BJP before LS elections also. But they failed to stop them. Now they are hoping the frustrations born out of the high expectations crated by Modi's election speeches will do the trick for them. But they have started too early. Next LS election is 4years away and I am sure Modi will be able to score enough points before that.

  12. Even after winning overwhelming majority why is BJP on a back foot? And why having been reduced to a rump Congress is so aggressive with their presstitute cheerleaders egging them on. I am sure Congi cupboards will be brimming over with skeletons. Why all the muck they have accumulated over the years is not coming out and thrown back at them? Why are their MSM poodles are not being hounded with ruthlessness they deserve? If Modi came to power on a promise of cleaning the system he has to start with Congis, Luteyns pests including MSM, the regional satraps, NGOs and the corrupt bureaucracy in that order. Instead what we find is the govt being molested on daily basis by these thugs like a pack of hyenas stealing the kill of lions. Modi has brilliant intelligence ex- officers like Doval. Why doesn't he set him after this fifth column. Internal saboteurs need to be eliminated first to strengthen the security environment. I am sure all these people are in cahoot with forces inimical to India and need to be hounded out of their holes.

    1. I share your frustration. I only hope he knows what he's doing.

    2. As far as ngos go he's done quite well. Freezing of foreign funds for 69 of them and even Greenpeace has 15 days left to explain why they have violated foreign funding rules before their funds are freezed as well. Jaitley came on ndtv and criticised them for falsely communalising the church attacks. More needs to be done against the media. But the main focus should be and is the economy.

    3. Without Modi/BJP doing anything to our Presstitudes, they constantly shout from the roof-top pro-Congress, anti-BJP slogans day in and day out and Indian public is still patronizing them. What they will do if Modi goes after Fake Gandhis and Presstitudes more openly? Look what these shysters have done to the Land Bill. Stupid Kisans who have suffered suffered disdain from government for sixty some years under Congress rules still are acting brain washed and against the Land Bill.

    4. Sonia, Rahul and MSM are controlled by foreign powers. The foreign powers are either technologically advanced industrialized countries or energy exporting countries. India is none. India though have large technical manpower but those are mostly selfish, slavish, non-nationalistic and lacks vision. Unfortunately India has to depend on foreign countries for many things.

      Team Modi is doing a good job. But after all he and his team are made up of human beings who have humanly limitations. For example, recently NTPC instead of selling its stake or giving dividend in cash, gave dividend as debentures. This way they rewarded the share holders as well as saved cash for near future investment.

      If I was in team Modi, I would identify the controllers of Sonia and MSM. Surely they will have shortcomings like jealousy, greed or some faultlines. I would try to exploit those shortcomings and break their defense internally. Indians in Silicon valley are sleeping elephants when it comes to helping India nationalism but mostly are working for money. If they are nationalist they can take over companies like Microsoft, Intel etc. by becoming their CEO. And this is not impossible. I read that Berkshire hathways nect CEO is an Indian. Once top MNCs are controlled by Indians then a lot can be done for India. The Ambanis can try to buy Intel instead investing money in cliched businesses.

    5. Agree see .../ notice that the recent website changes of TOI / HT or First Post or IBN or NDTV all with similar layouts... and content.... even on the news channels, they have same agenda same or identical timings, same topic discussions....

  13. Ravi
    You have referred to the speech by EVKS Elangovan who is the head of TN Congress. As usual there is no mention about this "wonderful speech" either in TV or in newspapers. This man Elangovan ranks way up there among “foot in the mouth” speakers and can give people like DigVijay Singh a run for their money. A few days ago Giriraj Kishore made a statement that the Congress party looks at the colour of the skin to decide their leader . This Cong. Leaders’ speech solidly reinforces that statement and adds some more. i.e.,
    the leader should have a family pedigree
    he should have red skin colour
    he should be able to gracefully walk up the airplane steps
    he should look charming and beautiful when he waves at the crowd from the top of the plane steps
    I only wonder why the BJP guys are not pouncing on such lovely lollipops being handed to them in a platter by Cong. stalwarts and tom tomming to all and sundry ??

    Thanks for a wonderful post as always.

  14. What they (SoniaG,RahulG,PriyankaVG) will say...what will be quoted by MSM and how those things will be presented and continued those ‘AkashVaanis’ at least for the next decade..everything is well planned but these SM people don’t move in any particular pattern and sitting on an unimaginable huge open database which can rip apart any mask within a second. So their business of fooling people and loot is almost closed.

    And I differ you on one point that MSM is slave to Congress party. From MKG-JLN to today’s SoniaG,RahulG…MSM has made them all and in return the pimps of MSM have received their share from the loot. Cong and its allies looted and MSM did the cover up job. MSM used to believe and still does, that, no political party or leader can survive without their help. They are the maker or breaker of any govt. And in fact, they used to do that with the help from rouge Industrialists like Ambanis, Mittals, Murthys and many. But Modi has proved everything wrong..shown them their place. From king(!) maker to beggar within a year. Buying news from DD,no free trip with all sorts of luxuries and only job left is screaming day and night for idiots like AAPtards. They are suffering from ‘Jalsaghar Syndrome’ ..the term is used for those who once lived in luxury but time has forced them to live without any.

    RahulG will stop soon. He can’t continue but those rogue Industrialists who have flourished under a rouge regime will continue to search for options to disturb Modi and Govt. as much as possible with anti-national MSM as ‘sudden removal’ of Modi is more difficult now.


    1. Dear Mr Chatterjee,

      I won't be surprised if NAMO is attacked during his Chinese visit. You have pointed out something very ominous & highly possible. China & Pakistan can go to any length in targeting & harming NAMO physically. let's pray for NAMO's long & healthy life..

  15. Twenty page income tax return form and net neutrality are the concerns for the middle class BJP supporters and Modi and BJP may end up loosing lot of support even from die hard supporter and Rahul and Opposition may find unexpected support from disgruntled BJP supporters.
    Modis utter disregard for the interests of middle class supporters is beyond comprehension and let us face it there is a lot unhappiness in the BJP supporters.


    1. Dear Rahul Gandhi,

      Welcome to

  16. Dear Ravinarji, I am thoroghly enjoying every bit of your writing.Every morning look for a new subject.Your writings on every subject is memorable.

    Why don't you write about the pacca bootlicker Mani Shankar Iyer of tea fame.Nation Destroying TV(NDTV) loves him.

  17. Since morning read this article four times and again I am reading .Thank you so much ! Introspection -much needed by all of us.
    " What is routine for most MPs is a miracle for the moron" - True and the blind love of MSM. ..

    1. Kids learn to babble talk within 1-2 years, however, Pappu did it in his 45th year.... that is the beauty.....a rare phenomenon which Nobel laureautes are also equally perplexed at this rare phenomenon.....

    2. my grand daughter is one and half year old. We get very excited, when we notice a new sound similar to some word lika papa, mamma, dada, dadi.

  18. These Presstitudes never criticized Rahul Gandhi for his speeches or remaining silent in Parliament. All of a sudden they see a sea changes in Rahul. This clearly indicates what these Presstitudes were thinking about RG, but still remained silent. Stupidity of RG came out on very second day. He attacked Net Neutrality as pro-corporation where it is exactly opposite, fight against monopoly of large corporations.

  19. Increasingly frustrated well wishers and upporters know that the presstitutes will relentlessly peddle lies. The fact is Modi government has failed to counter them and it will prove costly. Many people have a good idea of who is responsible. The propaganda about the pinstriped suit contributed significantly to the wipeout in Delhi. A great pity that the hard work of Modi himself and the efforts of people like Ravinar may get wiped out. If Modi is being advised that the presstitutes can be brought around, he should know better from his experience. The scumbags did not spare even the mild Vajpayee, let alone Modi, a much more feared man for them and their patrons.

  20. Excellent post Ravi, wonder what is it that makes MSM serve Gandhi family with such blind devotion, and why do they have such blind hatered for Modi? Is it a cse of Modi coming from a poor family and they think how dare he?

    1. Indian MSM cannot serve two masters. Whether Modi or anybody else from BJP. As long as MSM serves Fake Gandhis nobody will stand any chance with our MSM.

  21. It is very important to understand that presstitutes are not only grown in India now, and home grown, the presstitutes were planted as part of shackle to bind India even after so called independence as an agenda to destroy India from within. Therefore it is not easy to quickly address this menace in one generation. But Modi is different and internet was not visualized. This good luck is countered by soften brain tissues of long time colonized people as proven by Delhites who could not recognize presstitutes propagating Aaptards down their throats, when Congis are in sick beds.

  22. Boss,
    In this article u lost ur composure. Pls don't take sarcasm to the level of hatred.
    "Presstitutes went into a collective orgasm " Don't fall to match these presstitutes. IMHO You ARE & also need to be better than them. Let this be done by readers.
    But let me tell u that I would still follow u even if u don't pay any heed to my request due to the intellectual content of writing.


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