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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Desperate Measures - Part 6 (Fooling Muslims)

Fooling Muslims (Part A):

In a previous post I had written about my fascination for the Mafia since my childhood days. Mafia, crooks, terrorists and assassins they all deliver excellent management and leadership lessons. There is a lot to learn from their strategies and tactics. Watching one of them I had learned long back that leaders need to answer only 3 questions once they have decided on “What” to do. The “what” being their objective; like selling biscuits or shoes, like starting an airline business, killing someone or seeking political power. The “what to do” is decided for a reason. What are the next 3 questions? Let’s watch (0.40 mins):

There have been many attempts on the late French President Charles De Gaulle. “The day of the Jackal” is a fictional story based on such attempts. The Jackal was the perfect hired assassin. In the end he's nabbed only by accident and not by design. Once the Jackal has decided to accept the assignment to assassinate De Gaulle, money being the reason, all he has to answer is: How, When and Where. The How is a special slim, light-weight gun, with a telescope and a clean head shot. He even tests it for accuracy. When? On Bastille Day; the French National day! Where? At the Champs-Élysées! Is there anything about this that is so tough or difficult? That is all there is to leadership and management role, isn’t it?

The What: Seek political power and influence. The How: First pretend to fight corruption and launch a war against corruption. Get Narayana Murthy or Anna Hazare to back it. Make websites, collect funds, start SMS and phone campaigns, make Anna go on long hunger strikes and create drama. Get media cell to extensively promote it. Test it first. The When: Test it first in April 2011 and then launch it in a big way around Independence Day. The Where: Delhi (Jantar Mantar or Ram Lila whichever gets more people). The actors: Arvind Kejriwal (AK) and his closet Commies.

With his motives very clear AK used Anna and every other prominent person that he could to launch his campaign. When his real intentions became known people like Anna and Kiran Bedi pulled out of his campaign. With Anna gone, it was left to AK to carry on the hunger strikes. It didn’t work; nothing budged. It was an embarrassing situation. Out comes another closet Commie called Yogendra Yadav who collects signatures and appeals to AK to end his fast. At that time not many knew that Yogi was already an AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) member himself. All very clever, eh? In principle, there is nothing wrong in AK and his Commies wanting to be political or seeking political power. What interests me is that AK changed the “how” in the AAP agenda from a Superman-Corruption-fighter to one of that of another Congress party that appeases and fools Muslims. In other words, the AAP today is just another SP, JDU, RJD and nothing but a Congress clone. There are now also issues being raised about their foreign funding but that is not the concern of this post. (Also read: The Genie’s back in the bottle).
Even during Anna’s fast in August 2011 AK & Co. first pulled down a ‘Bharat Maa’ banner because Muslims objected. They stopped singing Vande Mataram because Mullahs objected. They ran to Imam ‘Wanted’ Bukhari to specially seek his support. And they ended Anna’s fast with two kids – one Muslim, one Dalit. Cut to 2013. The media cronies like Rajdeep Sardesai and Sagarika Ghose (on whose channel Yogi of the Idea of India cult is fitted furniture) realised that it has become impossible for them to defend the corrupt, non-performing Congress. So all channels started giving extraordinary time and space to AAP. For a young party that is neither in any govt nor in any Opposition they were given voices beyond reason. The AAP spokies like Yogi, Manish Sisodia, Mayank Gandhi, Shazia Ilmi were lucky guys who could simply abuse anyone as corrupt and a failure because they weren’t holding any responsibility. They were like balancing monkeys who could eat from both plates without being blamed for their own food being bad. The methods quickly became evident.

Post the Muzaffarnagar riots AK & Co. put up a press note on their website holding BJP responsible. On finding this was incorrect they quietly withdrew it. Let’s not forget this same AK also holds that Batla House was a fake encounter. Our police guys just shot themselves in the back twice and died. Prashant Bhushan, another closet Commie supports the idea of a separate Kashmir and once got thrashed in his office. Bhushan & Co. had filed a petition in the SC to declare the Batla prosecution a witch-hunt of Muslims. Huh? The SC rightly slapped him for being communal. This was long before AAP came around so it’s just that we didn’t read the signs.

So now when many people say AAP is nothing but a set-up by the Congress, I would agree there is merit in it. Shivendra Chauhan who was connected to the IAC in some ways earlier tweeted about a secret meeting AK had with Ahmed Patel (the guy who is SoniaG’s “unhappy” voice). We can't be sure though it seems plausible. On November 11 Shinde announced an inquiry into AAP’s foreign funding based on some complaints. That is a half-truth. The Delhi HC had ordered the inquiry on some complaint so it was a compulsion. So Shinde’s statement gave fodder to the media and everyone from Rajdeep to Arnab helped the AAP Commies to play “victim”, of being hounded while all other parties were corrupt. The trick: If AAP gets some sympathy and votes it will eventually end up in support for Congress. Assuming Congress may not do well in Delhi elections, AAP is an insurance to keep BJP out because if there’s a hung verdict the Congis know too well AAP will be on their side. Pretty neat!

A Muslim friend recently confessed to me that half their backwardness is because of poor education, partly the Madrassa type. It is unfortunate that the only leaders they have are Mullahs, some good, some bad. So while he fights elections in Delhi, AK goes all the way to Bareilly to “chadao” some “chaadar” and meets Tauqeer Raza, a Mullah famous for the Bareilly riots, death-fatwas on Taslima Nasreen and George Bush. On being asked why, AK explained that he didn’t know the background of this Mullah and was generally meeting all religious heads. Really? With this action, the “how” in AK’s agenda was now fully redefined and like the Congress and other Commies his route was Muslim appeasement. AK did not have one word to utter anywhere on the Patna blasts of October 27. Elections in Delhi but he goes to Bareilly and also talks about Muzaffarnagar but when asked about Pakistan this is what happened (video: 1.38 mins):

Uh… can we talk of Delhi? Okay! Why did you meet the Mullah at Bareilly? The answer wasn’t: Uh… can we talk of Delhi? Can we talk of Muzaffarnagar? The answer wasn’t: Uh… Can we talk of Delhi? Can we talk of IM, Pakistan, LOC or such things? The answer: Uh… Can we talk of Delhi? Last night all the AAP Commies were on all TV channels playing “victim” over the funding issue but on the night when the “Mullah visit” was being discussed they all went back into their closets. They all disappeared.

So, from being the Superman who was going to eliminate corruption from India there has been a change of plans. Lokpal bill? Dumped! Campaign against nepotism? Dumped! Campaign against scams of Robert Vadra? Dumped! Fight for Ashok Khemka? Used and dumped! This was never about fighting corruption or any scam. This was about political power and influence. One of the time-tested methods of the Congress and Commie outfits is to appease Muslims. Oh wait! We are now way past appeasement. It has now come down to simple fooling of Muslims. This is Part A and we shall continue to see how the old trick of appeasement has now morphed into a deadly epidemic of fooling Muslims in Part-B.

Fooling Muslims – Part B will be up soon.

Desperate Measures series – To be continued


  1. Ravinar,

    Excellent analysis, as usual. I always used to wonder why a non-descript, unknown and relative-newbie in the Indian political theatre (i.e., AAP) would get such a wide, frequent and focused coverage in MSM. One of their representatives often tweets before appearing on TV debate shows, asking his followers for arguments for or against a particular issue. Such is the abject ideological poverty and bankruptcy of these morons.
    Anyway, I found the answers to my questions in this article. I think all your articles are eye-openers and a must-read. Keep it coming and thanks a lot.

  2. Why do you say, Lokpal Bill --> Dumped. Didn t Arvind openly state on Dec 29th they will bring in the Lokpal Bill (drafted by Anna) from the Red Fort...
    I agree AK was wrong in meeting the Mullah and his movement is diverting away from the central theme of corruption, but he has definitely changed the way BJP was working in Delhi.

    1. So, what was the original concept or objective for launching this AAP?

      Fighting corruption or changing the way BJP was working in Delhi?

      Cong is the mother of all corruptions > try to search the net with the phrase >> most corrupt political party << and the first result you get is Congress, not the US Congress but our very oen Indian National Congress headed by SG.

      Instead of fighting (or changing the ways how the) Congress is working in Delhi and India for the last 6 and a half decades, how the objects changed to change the ways how BJP was working?

      Any ideas to enlighten me?

    2. Romesh,
      I'm all against corruption, but the point is, BJP without NaMo is no better than Congress.
      At a regional level, What has BJP done in Delhi MCD during its past tenures? Why did BJP tolerate Yeddy's whims and fancies in Karnataka? (I agree what Yeddy did in Karnataka is no where in scale and comparison with Congress, but what he did is brazen corruption)
      At a national level, isn't BJP equal to blame, when it comes supporting the LokPal bill whole heartedly? Why didn't BJP supprt RTI on political parties?

    3. BJP is increasingly scared of AAP, because they haven't cared for development of Aam Aadmi. BJP is hand in glove with Congress at a non political level. They share the contracts, and the bribes.
      BJP doesn't want to win (and knows it cannot on its own manifesto), they want Congress & AAP to lose, and come to power by default.
      Please realize, AAP brought in focus back on corruption whereas both CONgress and BJP symbolize corruption!

    4. Being from Karnataka and having followed the politics here let me give my 2 cents on this.

      What Yeddy did was not what was not something he started. Denotification of land is happening for a long time and we all know who will be the beneficiary. I am not saying this is correct. This is perfect crime and needs to be punished. But what happened in Karnataka was a witch hunt.

      Congress knew Yeddy was the force which got BJP to power. And with him, they would have followed it on. What happened then was the witch hunt. They got Santosh Hegde to probe the mining deals. He was asked to do a complete probe. But he probed and gave a report that since the previous chief ministers are not in power, and yeddy is still in power he should be prosecuted. He did not submit this to the govt or the governor, but leaked it to the press. We all know how the press works by now.

      When still the BJP remained strong, Cong sent its pet, CBI to hound Yeddy on denotification case. There were multiple raids and even arrest. If you observe keenly, these raids and arrest stopped immediately after Yeddy founded his KJP. We all know how KJP helped Congress to come to power.

      This is the tactic which Cong uses frequently and i am pretty sure AAP is in the same mould. Divide the opposition and reap the benefits.

    5. When you have a party, any party the size and vintage of the BJP or the Congress there are bound to be some individuals who will take advantage of the compromised system to ensure that they milk it. It will happen to AAP as well god forbid if they ever come to power or even win a few seats and hobnob with the masters of the system. This does not mean that the whole party is corrupt or will behave the same way. The BJP has tried to rectify its short comings by electing Dr. Harshvardhan, asking Yeddy and Gadkari to step down even when the consequences were apparent. (By the way Yeddy has been exonerated by the courts and Gadkari is still awaiting a probe by AAP’s masters). The difference between the Congress and the BJP is that the Congress has decided to loot and break our nation for personal gain since the entire top management (I refuse to call them leaders…Rahul Gandhi a Leader?) is corrupt so unlike the BJP, will do nothing on corruption. Also the BJP management is Desi so they love this land the Congress is Videshi, hates our past and wants India to be something that it’s not.

      Until 2009 the MSM formed the nation’s opinion with their lies, but now the net allows us to catch these lies and see through the game plans like that of AAP. They are not just commies they are NAXAL’s as Dr. Swamy says and my blood boils at this vile ideology. Let us assume that the AAP is not a commie even so these greenhorns will provide administration exactly like that of Akihilesh Yadav in UP due to sheer inexperience, combine that with Muslim appeasement. Imagine what will become of Delhi with their current law and order situation combined with AAP admin. Contrast that with the BJP, imagine the honest Dr. Harshvardhan under NAMO’s nose in Delhi, it should become Paradise in the next 5 years of that I have no doubt.

      AAB tumhare havale Delhi saatiyon

    6. Beautifully scripted response. I appreciate the way you have discerned the differences between the Congi and BJP. It is annoying when folks say that Congi and BJP-without-NaMo are equally corrupt. It is like saying a pick-pocket is the same as a serial-killer!

    7. Dear Nitin Mathur,

      Though I appreciate your passion but find it misplaced. I too have heard advertisements about bringing special session from Red Fort. See it is all nautanki. Can a Delhi Government bring in Lokpal, pardon my ignorance, but I thought that for states it was Lokayukta and Delhi has one which indicted Sheila Dikshit but AAP doesnt speak about it voiceferously.

      My most major worry about AAP is that they are just feeding on middle class anger to win some seats. "Doosri sab partiyan chor hain - hum shareef hain." Imagine on questioned about a corrupt candidate, this joker, AK says that they have done internal inquiry and he has been cleared. What unadulterated rubbish !!!

    8. Let me give u a very simple reply about the fake promise of Jan Lokpal bill being passed on Dec 29th.

      Don't u know that the "Jan Lokpal Bill" can only be passed by the Parliament of India, not by any state assembly??

  3. It is not just Muslims , but Hindus are being fooled . Nobody appeases them or takes care of their interests . It is beyond me how can a community be so foolish as to allow itself to be taken for granted ??? Muslims are conned thru peddling of fallasies , Hindus thru sheerly taking them for granted .

  4. One more thing, people should know about Anna Hajare. He is a man with good intentions, who can fast 12/13/15/18 days in modern times,which nobody can do these days, but is devoid of political wisdom. Earlier in Maharashtra, Socialists and NCP used him against BJP/SS government and brought that government on knees,successfully. But his fast unto death is always there to take it back after his limit of 13/18 days, so, long back he lost the sting of his fast and shrewd NCP/Congress knew it know how to handle him. It was not a coincidence that Vialsarao Deshmukh was a negotiator at Ram Leela ground, because he knew Anna will end his fast sooner than later. Even I knew that Anna was going to end the fast sooner than later. That is the reason he could not attract crowds at Mumbai fast.

    Secondly, he has a reputation that he will support your cause and fast without understanding your intentions. He has done this Maharashtra many times with help of socialists. Delhi didn't knew that.

    Arvind Kejriwal and company used him initially to gain media traction in Delhi and now they are on their own. Nothing new about this. I fully agree with Ravinarji, AAP is a bunch of communists who are trying to occupy opposition space, ultimately to support Congress in the name of secularism.

  5. Your blog has turned into a mouthpiece of BJP. I thought you were writing with logic and wanted to create awareness politically. But sadly you have lost one reader today. Now you can remove this comment and flag it.

    1. WHo the heck cares, man? GTFO!

    2. Those who have left Arvind Kejrwal at this juncture are more lucky, because those who have not, will get a attack later. He is a bagpiper for common people (rats). Tell me who didn't believed him during the JanLokpal movement. But later on his appeasement tactics for Muslims and hatred towards RSS and Baba Ramdeo made people suspicious. I suggest you to kindly follow the logic of Mediacrooks, and see, that all these parties SP, BSP, JD (U) etc. born to fight Congress and they all have ended supporting it. If AK brings the change and make life peaceful in Delhi, most welcome, but it seems a mirage as per his recent actions on Batla, Tauqeer Raza, Bukhari etc.

    3. @InsomaniacK - as if Ravinar is dying to see you as follower...LOL

    4. @InsomaniacK : One will never know the truth, but time should tell whether this is a mouth piece or Mr kejriwal is not the one he claims to be. Anways everything is so phony,one could never tell the difference. In a lighter note...remember the young master and the kid story from"Charlie wilson's war", "WE WILL SEE"

    5. I too came here thinking it would be non-partisan critique of Indian media. God knows the media can do with one. But what turned me off was that it was a place for pro-BJP rants. It is totally one-sided and hence suspect in its credibility. As you can see from the responses, he is ending up preaching to the choir. You're not the only reader he has lost. Worst, he's lost all credibility. Ok.. NaMo crowd, you can now begin your abuses...

    6. It is fantastic. The moment AK47 is criticised, the AAP guys pour venom all over. These are people who are worse than Congress bootlickers who believe everyone is corrupt and they are God-sent to save India. BJP leaders even shared the dais with AAP members on Lokpal bill which some commenters have forgotten. If there is one party in this country that has institutionalised corruption it is the Congress, yet AAP leaders are constantly against BJP and NaMo. What is the reason? And the jokers claiming this is a BJP site would have preferred this is a glowing site for AAP or Congress and that seems to be their problem. The feel the site should glorify AK47 as the angel of God who has been sent to save India from the clutches of BJP. And because this post criticises AK47 it loses all credibility. Actually, the one who has lost credibility and also respect is AK47. Only the blind idiots will continue to follow him

    7. Looks like things are finally converging in this country.

      All the patriotic voices appear to be resonating with the BJP.

    8. Congress, BJP, AAP .. all are same or would be same. We have to choose between the lesser evil. I wonder in these debates why we expect others to like Ram when all of us are no less than crooks. We put AAP and Arvind under so much scrutiny, i am not saying you should not but do you see other ppl from the same lens. I respect him because he is giving us a voice to least question. He is bringing accountability. He might have some hidden agenda but at least he gave me and ppl like me a voice to at least question the government.

    9. Mr. Insomniac

      Surprise you returned to this blog after promising not to read anymore. Dont you have any self-respect? I want to ask you. How often have you read a post about Kejriwal on this site? One little post and you are rattled and angry. Such is your slave mentality. You may respect AK but there isnt one thing written in the blog that you have disproved. That is how people who dont possess a rational thinking react. You stand fully exposed.

    10. @Sonnet, dude what thing about conformity here? I think its good to have people who thinks otherwise as well, if every one thinks alike, then we are nothing less than a herd.

    11. Mr. My Man

      My comment did not have anything to do with conformity. I think one can express a view as strongly as possible and rest. But calling "mouthpiece" and all is simply lack of rational argument. There is nothing in his comment that actually challenges the arguments in the article. Insomniac is simply saying "my wife is beautiful, please dont say anything about her". That is how stupid his point is.

    12. Mr Sonnet, If i call you Idiot, do u become one ... you are free to derive from my words. Pet kharab hai munna to bathroom jao yaha mat karo ....

    13. Mr. Insominiac

      Its you who has a bad tummy and arrogance too. You keep coming back here to vomit crap after arrogantly claiming you quit. Why? You have no place else to go?

    14. I am sure you realize that the Kejriwal interview snippet you have used here is totally out of context. This article is similar to mainstream media's investigative journalism, all out of thin air.

      Just take it with a pinch of salt, but the writing style is becoming more and more obvious. MediaCrooks, don't write, just for the sake of writing.

  6. The plan of the this crook AK was so clever, that except Ahmed and SoniaG, not even Cong crooks were privy to the plan. They also went hammer and tong to humiliate AK,, which in a way gained sympathy for him. In the mean time see the shifting of this AAP, form being a critic of Govt. plans and corruption, they swiftly migrated to bashing BJP more and more. I calculated last evening that, out of 100 tweets (of almost all AAPtards), 90 contained pointers towards only BJP or towards both BJP & Congress. The 10 which contain some random stuff were also remotely pointed towards BJP fellows or their supporters.
    So the plan after Delhi elections is "We never criticized Congress, we criticized it's policies, and since the Congress has promised to work according to our agenda (and definitely to keep communal forces at bay) we are supporting them from outside".

    1. Exposing Robber Vadra and then thinking AK is close to MadamG.... quite a theory.

    2. AK did say that SoniaG cannot be blamed for Vadra's misdeeds. But then, who is Vadra without the family name? - A nobody. Poor Indian middle class, so easy to fool. How the Vajpayee led NDA fooled them in the name of RamMandir. Now its AK's turn.

    3. Nilesh Bhai

      Shouldnt we at least read about issues before commenting ?
      ON Ram Janma Bhumi there is host of literature on the net.

      Ram Janmabhumi movement got the disputed structure out... that was the easy part. Every one before and after were barking about following court's ruling.
      There was even high court order agreeing that the place is ram janmabhumi and split the land 2:3 with muslims.
      If you go to AYodhya, you can see that lots of material for the temple ready.
      Now the issue at the supreme court ...
      Even the governments - chandra shekhar, NDA attempted to derive a mutually agreeable settlement with muslims. Rajiv pulled support to chandrashekhar govt when he came to know of the talks.

      In any case BJP partners in NDA were not all in agreement with mandir so BJP could not have pushed a legislation.
      So be discreet when you comment....

    4. Sir, The NDA-1 made an alliance with anti-Hindu DMK (Karunanidhi & Co). What can be more shameful than this? It seems that BJP at that time was so blind that they become more anti-Muslim rather than being pro-Hindu. I understand them not pursuing Ram Mandir during NDA-1, but now BJP comes out as confused party on Ram Mandir issue. This would not have happened if they had taken a clear stand during NDA-1 of being committed to build the temple. The three issues Ram Mandir, 370 and common civil code were sidelined and never put back at right time, which was probably at the end of NDA-1 tenure. They played safe and India had to endure UPA1 and UPA2.

    5. Nilesh

      I agree. But in politcs you have to choose the least harmful option, like we all do while voting.
      Didnt it do good for the country , in spite of aligning with DMK.?
      Even in DMK they are anti-Hindu for politics sake. All they are interested is self preservation. Look at the competitiveness of both DMKs about CHOGM in Sri Lanka. MMS should have called their bluff, put nation first. or the freebees - TV, Gas, Now Idli, Dosa, Water etc.

      Even under BJP, episode of releasing terrorists was shameful. But we all have to live with that. Think what could have happened if those 150 passengers were killed. The Govt would have probably collapsed. But that would have been better in the long run, if you ask me. May be "they" know more than what we (public) knows.
      I believe , BJP guys became arm chair activists after getting to power. They lost touch with people . They (and we) paid the price. Even the newspaper survey of that time got the result wrong....

  7. Logical and precise article. Unfortunately, significant segment of Muslims continue to avoid seeing the truth (true of most Hindus as well)

  8. @Ravinar well explained.There is a lot of talk about mediacrooks being pro BJP which i completely disagree.The situation @ hand is such that being really neutral means supporting Modi. There is no grey here.Its just black and white.Its commies vs patriots.pretty much the last stand.must add another point the AK also supported the foreign funded Kuduankulam protester S.P.Udaya kumar who is paid by USA.His affinity for foreign funds has always been there for all to see

  9. Ravinarji.. Wondering how many books U would have read So far..!!

  10. When media crooks saw that it is impossible to sell CONgress as healthy goods they switched to the new track: "Sab chor hain (they are all of them thieves)". This of course will benefit CONgress since the anti CONg votes will be either frittered away on local independents or stay at home in disgust. CONg will always buy up enough votes to win. This "sab chor hain" modus operandi is now taken to a higher, national, level, by the AAP.

    As for "exposing" Vadra, I thought Khemka and others had done a pretty good job before Kejriwal spoke about it into the obliging microphones of the media crooks. But that was a fairly long time ago, no? These days Mr Kejriwal is remarkably silent on Vadra. Perhaps that Sept meeting with Consigliere Ahmed Patel did take place after all.

  11. I think the worst part about the whole Tauqeer Raza episode is the way AAP issued a clean chit to, the press statement goes.."I met Raza, I didn't know of his involvement"..followed by "Raza says he has done no wrong, he never issued any fatwa blah blah"..why are you giving a clean chit to him..or even giving him space on your press release..simply saying I met him, I didn't know his background would have sufficed.. But the sucking up would have been incomplete without giving the mullah a chance to say he wasn't if he will ever agree.

  12. AK is just a pawn in this filthy political game and congress played it many times. they just change the package from time to time. material inside is same. prajarajyam,SP,BSP,NCP,DMK,TMC,all left parties. only difference is - packaging. just think of AK without MSM. nothing. and everyone knows the party and people control MSM. Narayana Murthy or Anna Hazare - just played their role with not so perfection, this time(Anna Hazare met with Salman Khurshid in a motel during their agitation to bring Lokpal - confirmed by AK himself). none of them mentioned on a single occasion about bringing black money back to our financial system, punishing people behind those money. never used a single sentence for those business houses, looted only a few lakh crores with the help from congress and its allies.but still MSM made those, champions of anti-corruption movement.
    and, muslims are no fool. they never allow anything to block the sight of their goal. maulabis, mullahs - just change their strategy with the time and try to pass the difficult time when vote bank politics does not work properly because of some change in leadership and political equation in the country. actually it is 'Hindus' fooled again & again with such tactics. result - split of majority vote.

  13. How do you explain thousands of crores of unaccounted money with BJP and Congress? Whatever you guys write, common man knows that BJP and Cong are ganging up against AAP as they are scared in Delhi.

    1. Do you have a proof that the list of AAP is authentic? I had a look, all they show is the name of person and city, how can somebody keep a track. It could easily be bogus names propped up. Also, let's assume that they got about 20 crore in authentic way, but the amount of expenditure they have incurred (rallys, posters, etc) is enormous and is not possible by such small amount. Also, your comment justifies the hypothesis of BJP=Congress and hence divert anti-congress votes to sink. BJP headed by Modi, Swamy, Rajnath is a different breed from the one headed by Advani, Jaitley, Sushma. Isn't it fishy that Jaitly and Sushma are silent on Delhi issues even when AAP and cong have launched valiant attacks on BJP through the media. There are forces within BJP which wants that BJP does not get above 200, so that Modi and Swamy can be sidelined. And if you think that BJP and cong are ganging up against AAP, you are buying into the media propaganda. The agenda of AAP is same as cong. BJP has to fight both AAP and cong and somehow try to win in Delhi. Uphill battle.

    2. Dear Mausam Sinha,
      Use of word "unaccounted"is mischievous . It is money in accounts of political party hence accounted. The accounts of political parties is saying that "we have not maintained the names of donor" . Nothing wrong and nothing illegal as per the existing law of India where name of small value donor is not required to be maintained.

      The primary objective of political parties are supposed to participate in "political process" and not to maintain accounts.

      Now even if law is changed to record the name of donor ,how is it going to improve transperancy?

      As per existing law professional having annual income less than Rs 1.5Lakh and traders having turnover less than Rs 10 lakh are not required to maintain book of accounts. This is the catchment population for small value donations.
      Now any entry in political party account cannot be verified and crosschecked by corresponding entry in donor account.
      Of course with name of supporter known adversaries can hound and harass . If that is the intention, then Ok, but for transperancy !!, you must be joking.

      Take another scenario , while making a donation I give false identification and then handover the details to "investigative journalists" who will use this as sample case to paint other genuine donors as "unaccounted". i foresee a lot of political dramabazi but no transperancy.

    3. AAP is one thing that unites congress and bjp. looks like both are scared about it. AK surely deserves a chance. even if he is a crook he is still not as bad as the crooks in bjp or congress.

    4. Great Logic !! worthy of a seat with Sagarika Ghose in Hall of Fame

  14. AAP is bad for the country.

    Early last year, I watched a Tamil movie titled 'Kho' in which the hero, who is a journalist, helps his friend, who is an engineer and who also aspires to enter politics, realise his dream with extensive media coverage. The friend becomes the CM, but turns out to be the crook who sought the naxals support in winning votes. He tries to double-cross them after winning. The hero sees the true colour of his friend and bombs the crook CM.

    After watching the movie, I made a remark that the CM character reminded me of AK and that he might be power hungry.

    It seems so, the way things are moving. AK is surely power hungry, and I am certain that he is fully aware that his socialist ideas are never going to work. He is misleading the people.

    I sincerely hope that they do not fall into his trap. God save India!

    1. "Kho" was a stylish superhit movie in Tamil and is being remade in Hindi I guess...With the shock that public will have regarding AK and AAP after the election, I am pretty sure that the will be a block buster in Hindi as people could easily relate to the characters... The film was released in 2011 in Tamil much before AAP gained steam... I must appreciate the story imagination skills of Tamil directors. That said, it is true that AAP is a Team B of congress to pull out fence sitting BJP supporters and ensure that Congress comes to power on its own or thru its tacit support...All in all leave alone muslims, all the general public are being fooled...

    2. 100% True...Only difference in that Movie is Media was shown as completely innocent but here media knows everything.

      Being on AK side media thinks they can improve there image and project to be non corrupt.

    3. Yes. The media is shown in the movie is innocent and good. If only our MSM practised ethical journalism as in the movie, we would have progressed a lot.

  15. Hardly ever see these AAP supporters criticize Congress the way they rant against BJP. That always caused suspicion that their objective is different.

  16. I was one of the active members of IAC Mumbai from Day1 till October 2, 2011 - the day they announced forming a political party. Though I have closely worked with IAC, I have some independent views and some serious questions for BJP, since corruption of congress is a basic fact.

    - Being a principal opposition party, how many scams of congress did BJP expose? If none, why?

    - Why did BJP not support the Jan Lokpal Bill?

    - 85% of donations to BJP are in cash....What is the source of funds of BJP?

    - Why is BJP not demanding independence of CBI?

    - Why is BJP not demanding that Election Funding come under RTI?

    - How many candidates with criminal records are nominated for BJP in Delhi? Why?

    Whatever AAP does after elections, is a conspiracy theory, as of now. It may actually happen that they support congress, but as of now with the activities of AAP has brought serious corruption issues in public debate.

    1. - Being a principal opposition party, how many scams of congress did BJP expose? If none, why?

      Precisely the point that BJP is making why should BJP or AAP expose any scams who are they to expose, they are not an investigating agency they are political parties till I last heard. But they have gone to every length to see the logical conclusion of scams of the Congress EX{OSED by the CAG which is a constitutional body set up to do exactly that. Only commies and NAXALS who want to change the “SYSTEM” bring some half-baked papers and call people corrupt. Who died and made AK the keeper of the country’s conscience.

      - Why did BJP not support the Jan Lokpal Bill?

      Why should they? Just because a few commie idiots said that this is the ailment to all the evils of corruption? Maybe the BJP has a better option of dealing with the malaise why don’t you support it? It’s called NAMO.

      - 85% of donations to BJP are in cash....What is the source of funds of BJP?

      Why should they tell you and me, the law does not require it? It is reported to the EC and the taxman as a citizen who values institutions it is good enough for me. So just because AK and gang think it should be done does not make it the law of the land.

      - Why is BJP not demanding independence of CBI?

      So that when it comes to power (and it will) it can use it to hunt seditious members and supporters of AAP and the corrupt and communal Congress and other commie types send all as guests to Tihar and then give independence to the CBI. How does that sound as opposed to the Jan Lokpal?

      - Why is BJP not demanding that Election Funding come under RTI?

      Why should they DEMAND? We live in a democracy nobody can DEMAND anything, that is exactly what I would like to bring to your notice about this commie party AAP they keep demanding in the name of the people. BJP never opposed funding coming under RTI they opposed other requirements like internal party meeting minutes and process of nomination of candidates coming under RTI.

      - How many candidates with criminal records are nominated for BJP in Delhi? Why?

      None. Even if they do going forward as long as the law permits they can and who the hell are you to question that? If it so concerns you so much do it in AAP come to power and change the law until you can do that shut up and let the electorate decide.

      By the way I voted Congress in 2009 and I have half a mind to give you and all AAP venom spewing supporters a lecture on why to vote for the BJP and NAMO but I have already taken too much of space on this blog and my apologies to Ravi.

    2. Fantastic Point by Point rebuttal Venex... Now the half matured minds of AAP or ex-AAPians should shut their mouth and anything else.

    3. looks like this site and social media is doing to AK what MSM did to modi earlier. making him big than what he is. no publicity is bad publicity. AK would love this type of articles. go on media crooks.

  17. Rajdeep seems to be losing his nerve, he is doing everything to promote Kejriwal and tarnish the image of Modi with his dimwit friends like Akar Patel. Though every anchor is more or less doing the same thing but this man is looking nervous.

  18. The Anti corruption Movement of AK was a well orchestrated drama [ see movie MAIN AZAAAD HOON featuring Amitabh and Shabana to understand what drama]. The aim was to introduce DICTATORSHIP through backdoor .
    It was the anti-Pranab faction of Congress who were actively participating as back room boys in organsising the drama.
    The move back fired as BJP refused to hand over tag of graft fighter to Kejriwal.The general mood in public was anti-congress and not anti-graft.
    Even though they tried hard to include politician of all hue to establish their credentials but go-slow on CWG but high-decibel on 2G was all indication of attempt to undermine ones who could be the potential rival of MMS/RaGa.
    The attack on Salman just after his statement that Rahul should take over as soon as possible.
    The attack on Vadra was the consequence of his casual remark after UP elections that he is willing to provide leadership to Congress is another indication that MMS is
    not willing to go out as disgraced.
    The fight back by Pranab-group ensured that DICTATORSHIP cannot make back room entry.We are indebted to Pranab for this fight back. Mr Anna lost his zeal to fast , once the promised President post , was captured by Pranab.
    Mr Kejriwal lost his favour with Congress NAC , as he fail to make stage for entry of Rahul G as “GAME CHANGER “.
    Now this is a critical juncture and AAP does not have anything concrete on ground to show their ability to run a government and our primary objective is removal of group responsible for mess. Any suggestion to vote to express dis-enchantment with both Congress and BJP will be costly for me as well as nation.

  19. It’s okay to the extent that AK has ulterior motives; may be even to the extent of being a stooge of 10 Janpath, out there on the field taking away chunk of middle-class votes from BJP. But what BJP has been doing all these years in parliament (since 2004 atleast) was nothing of less than a step-mother to 10 Janpath. In a true democracy the citizens don’t have to worry beyond elections if they have a decent opposition or at least some opposition party in the parliament. What we witnessed at least since 2004 was of 540+ MPs working in tandem. Which was disgraceful. The only hope now we can rest on is with Modi because he’s coming from a political background which demands his absolute opposition to Congress for self-survival which is welcome for the democracy. Also perhaps one of the reason why many of BJP’s central leadership don’t want him to be vying for the Chair.

    1. BJP at center was acting like a beloved wife of Congress till date. The leaders were all hand in glove with Congress. Many a times, it was coalition which acted like opposition and opposition acting like coalition!!

      All this has changed with appearance of Modi and the foot soldiers and the lower rung party leaders getting united together. The central leaders within BJP who were dancing to the tunes of Congress have taken a back seat and there are new leaders coming to forefront. We might see some fresh faces as MPs from BJP due to promotions of few people from mere party work to real political work.

      Congress too was in a confused and shock state initially, as soon as BJP stopped acting like a devoted husband and started acting like a true democratic opposition party!!

  20. Absolutely correct, Even Mr.Rajdeep Sardesai acknowledged in his program me on the absence of AAP leaders on appeasement issue.
    Mr.Cho rightly predicted that these people are creating anarchy including Anna and I agree with him since Anna didn't stand by his own convictions on his opinion on Modi

  21. AAP is just a clone of congress. Congress creates and uses clones in every state. In Andhra pradesh it created Chandrasekhar rao`s TRS, Chiranjeevi`s Prajarajyam just to defeat TDP. It succeeded in its strategy. Now it created another clone called YSRCP just to win seats in Andhra. That is why congress Govt in AP has given bail to Mr. Jagan who got a notorious record of corruption. congress has got all the paraphernalia for fooling people. No other party including BJP has got such ability.

    1. This is excellent analysis , it made me think couple of years back how come so many new party born, it because of dirty trick of congress, so AAP is just another baby congress has created. But I if AK supports congressin Delhi he will not be used against Modiji , so congress will never announce AAP as alliance till 2014

  22. why campaing against robert vadra was dumped? Sub swamy can take it forward. infact swamy was saying that he has collected all the evidence and soon file a case against robert. and that was like a year ago? sigh!

    1. So now even AAP supporters are looking up to Swamy to act against corruption. Swamy himself said that Vadra is a small fish (is he a minister, MP, a bussiness tycoon?). He is trying to get Chidambaram, Rahul and Sonia in various cases. AK should atleast try that for Vadra or Gadkari and get an FIR or PIL filed.

  23. Hello BJP/ Modi supporter(s).. the media is run by upper caste who are very meritorious & talented by birth ...they are not educated in any madarsa or there is no reservation/ quota don't criticize it..Your very vocal Modi (who can lecture on any thing under the sun) did not utter a single word on Muzaffarnagar riots??? Why.?

    1. From ur limited point it appears that ur measure of merit and talent is the ability to articulate in colonial english.Morons who spend a lifetime mastering a language and nothing else in the world are meritorious in your scheme of things(Sashi Tharoor for eg).Where on earth do u find these so called paragons of wisdom other than in Jouralism,Ad agencies, fashion design or MNC marketing wings(and JNU offcourse)? Do u really think these are intellectual persuits?. I agree that politicians of even a panchayat level are truly talented by birth and in any argument none of ur meritorious ones can stand a chance against them in terms of street smartness.Today media debates and foreign affairs have become an excercise in spoken english with each one trying to browbeat the other with vocabulary. At the end of it all one feels total emptiness of wisdom.This country progresses bcz of the efforts of the silent performers in every field other than those mentioned above and not bcz of the gassers that u patronise.

    2. Fitting Reply Anand... Whack!!! Did I hear someone screaming?

    3. Mr. Anand, did you get at the sarcasm in my above comment? I don't think so. My question was directed to the author of this article who is kind of a staunch BJP supporter, a predominantly upper caste or Manuwadi party. The moment you you are a BJP supporter, you become a nationalist by default and those who don't join your chorus all of them are anti-nationals or Mughal/ Muslim supporter.. so obviously AAP is a very anti-national party, why is he running a blog to prove this simple theory?...The media is dominated by upper caste, it has no quota system.. obviously the "quality" it is delivering to the public is for all to see.. similarly a political party dominated by upper caste will deliver "quality" governance...And my important question remains unaswered - Why the vocal Modi did not utter a single word on MuZaffarnagar riots while Uma Bharati is busy propagating a theory of "Love Jehad by Muslims" where handsome muslims youths have been deployed to entice Hindu girls...I salute this great party called BJP..

    4. I forgot one more trade these morons engage in. Remix music and Remake movies.

    5. Prabhat,

      And who are you? An AAP supporter? Is that the reason why you are so agitated calling those not in sync with your opinion as BJP supporters. If the writer is writing only about AAP you would have a point but he is not. On the contrary he rarely writes about AAP. One article has shaken all the AAP supporters. Yes, all Communist parties, including AAP, are Islamic sympathisers. Their sympathy for terrorists should teach you that. As for your rant of BJP being upper caste you are seriously dumb. their PM nominee Modi is OBC which is not uppercaste by any measure.

      Why should Modi utter anything about Muzaffarnagar? Is he liable to talk about what you like? Being a communal riot the commies scream "dont politicise" and then you want everyone to talk about it and then poke holes in the comments? Love Jehad is a fact in Kerala and acknowledged not only in India but also foreign observers. Youre blindness forces you to ignore facts and reality. Right now the Congress, the Communists, including AAP who support terrorists and naxals are indeed anti-nationals. And why are you so upset with someone writing a blog. You are a nobody. If you have the guts, go write your own blog and get 10 people to read it. Then lecture others.

    6. I can understand your frustration...BJP & Cong. both have been dumped in states like J&K, Punjab, UP, Bihar, Orissa, WB, Tamilnadu, Karnataka..whenever and wherever people have been presented with a viable alternatives to Cong & BJP, both these parties have been rejected by the voters...and BJP cannot survive without Congress..wherever there is no congress there cannot be any BJP..Now Delhi is on the verge of getting an alternative so BJP is panicked..India as a whole is eagerly waiting for a non-BJP, non-Congress most of it's mass have understood the brahminical manuwadi mindset of these 2 parties.. sooner we dump the better for the country..

    7. Prabhat

      Your wishful thinking and deep love for AAP is now leading you to funny behaviour. Cong is alliance in J&K, BJP is rulling alliance in Punjab, BJP was in alliance in Bihar till JDU broke up, TN Cong has not been in since late 60s. Someone has rightly pointed out self-aggrandisement of the AAP communists is hallucinatory. They think everyone else is bad and corrupt and AK was sent by Allah to cleanse India. Growup. Not everyone is an an emotional fool like you.

    8. @Prabhat.. You seem to be a good fellow but naive

      Let me tell you a simple check to really decide if a person can be trusted as a leader or not whether they are from AAP/Congress/BJP.

      i) Check if the leader is associated with any NGO. Check if that NGO is foreign funded, then it is good to not waste even a single vote on them.

      Foreign funded NGOs are Trojan Horses and they support Naxalism, terrorism, mass conversions and everything else which keeps our country on fast route to disintegration. Why do you think USSR disintegrated in spite of having a such a strong secret force KGB ?

      ii) Secondly, check if the leader has won any International awards or gets easily invited abroad to give a speech on current state of the country. Sometimes, it is good to listen to what they speak after they go abroad. Thanks to Social Media, we will be able to listen to all their speeches. Just do not waste your vote on that leader even if a single point of above is true.

      AK and Team Anna were in a hurry to push the Government in passing of their version of Janlokpal Bill, which would keep NGOs out of its Scanner. It is very dangerous to any country.

    9. it is really funny to note that I am being labelled as AAP supporter..did I utter a single word to endorse/ support AAP.. I reject and have rejected AAP's JanLokpal agenda out-rightly ..What I am saying that the people of this country want to dump Congress & BJP both whenever and wherever they have been presented with any viable it Lalu-bhalu/ Nitish/ Patnaik/ Chanrababu/ mayawati/ mamta/ mulayam/ Karuna/ Jayalalita/ Badal/Farookh etc. .. As far as BJP is concerned it will tag itself with any person/ party who would offer some sharing of power with them..They tagged themselves to Naveen of Orissa, Nitish of Bihar, Mayawati of UP, Jayalalita of TN, Badal of Punjab ..BJP and it's supporters are a bunch of fools who think that anyone who is against Congress is their Natural friend..They supported Anna/ Arvind as they thought they are creating anti-Congress sentiment..the moment they realized that Arvind is turning ant-BJP as well they lost their metal balance..

    10. Mr pratap y r u bringing this upper caste lower caste thing here,apart from jayalalitha,chandrababu ty o some extent nitish and patnaik who ve given good governence.all the others are self serving .Regional sataraps who play on castiest regional sentiments.and then look at bjp ruled states and compare with congress ruled states.even sone congress ruled states like maharashtra are developed look at the corruption in .Bjp is definitely less corrupt than congress.and .Governance id also good in bjp ruled states.even fallen bjp government was good in governance than congress

  24. There are ppl who draw similarity between chiranjeevi and AAP. Both might be corrupt to the very core, both might have hidden agenda. Ask yourselves what chiranjeevi gave you .. did he gave the power to common man to ask question to the powerful. I am not a big fan of Dr Ambedkar but once he said that india is under threat because we worship people, gods. Before we used to worship gods and now we replaced them with heroes and politicians.
    We should take the idea and not the individual. Never defend an individual but an idea. I hope I was able to put my point through.

  25. Ravinar, I've been reading your blog for over a year now and it has changed the way I consume news. However, of late, you've sort of become the mouthpiece of the BJP. Now there's nothing wrong with that as everyone of us is entitled to our own political views. But it becomes difficult to take you seriously as a media watchdog (mentioned right there in your headline) since you've clearly transformed into BJP's version of Sanjay Jha. Don't you think it's part of your duty to critique the BJP which you've failed at miserably since you cannot stop deifying Narendra Modi. So how are you any different from the likes of Sardesai and co. who do the same with the Gandhis?
    -You point out how AAP's funding is under the HC scanner yet you make no mention of how BJP and its congress buddies rejected to be put under RTI.
    -You make out every non-BJP member to be a commie traitor.
    -You gloss over the fact how Modi occasionally goofs up in his speeches by saying meaningless words like "Alexander the moron" and whatnot. Tell me, is that how a media watchdog conducts himself on a public platform?

    1. @178

      What youre saying is nothing new that I havent heard a million times in the past. For a start, what do you want me to criticise Modi for? Is there anything about him that the MSM doesnt criticise day in and day out? Is there one single sentence he speaks that isnt criticised? You want me to to do the same? Now, all the bloopers in speeches you claim are already discussed in media and also clarified in multiple platforms. It is possible you are not keeping track. No, it is not my part of my job to critique BJP. Because BJP is not running this country. Only sick people believe that "monkey balancing" is criticising everyone. This fake "balance" you get in the MSM. You are so prejudiced that you dont even read. I have no interest in the funding issue as the post makes it absolutely clear. There is no political party that is clean on funding from Cong to BJP to AAP. There is no big business that is clean on money. No I dont make out every non-BJP member a commmie traitor. I call commies and traitors for who and what they are and will continue to do so.

      The anti-national actions of commies have been pointed out on this blog site many times over. So if you think commies are your freinds, you are welcome to it. Who the hell gave the title "Alexander the great" to that moron? You? On what basis have many titles been given in history? An invader and killer like Alexander deserves the "great" title?

      It is healthy that we differ. I write what needs to be written and will continue to do so. The commies are nation-destroyers, be it in Bengal or be it in Delhi. If you have missed the "Commie Poison" series then I recommend you read it and learn the truth.

      Lastly, while I replied to you.. this response is also meant for a few other commenters who often ask the same questions.


    2. Yes i agree with u whole heartedly.

    3. @1780..Alexander the Great for what ? Shitting in his pants after looking at Giant Indian Elephants in Battle Gear.

    4. he he... interpreting your own version of what the author writes is one thing but asking the author to change his writing because one doesn't like it or approve of it, will be something else.

    5. I used to support Anna's movement wholeheartedly... but decided not to support once AK formed his own party...and looking at AAP way of politics now...I suspect something fishy...and yes very very fishy it is since its inception ...if not today it will be proved some other day.

      Its just a matter of time.

    6. @1780: You seem to be a fan of Shri Prabhu Chawla, who, if under specific circumstances speak against Rahul Gandhi 150gms then immediately he compensate by speaking against Modi 450gms..

      Who cares about lectures from self-righteous communists who are only good at doing propaganda all the time.

    7. Bang on Ravi, yeh to wahi baat ho gayi aap wohi likhiye jo hum padhna chahte hai. I really love your blog not because you call some one commies or criticise anybody but because it is backed with logics and is always a well researched article. Sometimes i wonder how many hours of Day you put in reading all the stuff, Do u read all the newspapers published in india or world? I like your writing skills

    8. Mr.Ravinar it seems to me - Watches all the News Channels at the same time,Reads all the Newspapers published,is active on Twitter,Does online & offline research AND writes such thundering posts, all in a DAY !
      Maybe somehow his day is longer than others !! :)
      He has been doing this consistently for a few years now !
      Wish I can get 10% of his ability !!!

    9. I think 178 has stopped counting beyond that. I see no response here to counter the perfect reply of Ravinar

  26. The slogan mongering,hood winking a nation that has a inherent weakness of deifying. A nation which does not think as a Nation first but groupism cronyism, sycophancy..does it remind you of by gone era of Kingdoms, debaucherous kings and their wazirs or mantris? 60 years gone to drain. A throbbing intelligent young India that should fare equally or better is driven to its knees by families who have no right to be in the comes a man who dissects the issues with logic, and you have upheavals, why? Because Truth hurts..there is a saying so fit " people get the Govt they deserve"! A French writer wrote about corruption: Hilarious yet so true, that a God fearing Indian goes to the Temple offers " Bribe" to the deity..Please do this for me and I shall donate a Gold Chain or whatever So it starts with God! Hah when i read it I was flustered! But that is the core truth! We Indians, have to start thinking India Indians first..there is huge work to do in Education, respect of labour, providing amenities and getting all in the main stream! Not appeasing so called Minorities or reserving and all that is call? Wake Up india..G0 get it done. My father bless him, fought along with Subhash Chandra Bose,in later life he became so disillusioned with the have the result today!!!

  27. I was checking AAP website yesterday and found total 803 names listed with some donations which included donors from India and abroad. However total donation is some Rs. 19 crore now if we divide this 19 crore by 803 donors, it makes average donation of about 26 lakh rupees by each donor. That means the list was incomplete and was only comprising some pithy donations while big donations which put AAP in crore level were never revealed. Court has set deadline for the probe is 10th december and govt would never finish before that. Today MHA has served notice to AAP for their funds under FCRA with the deadline to respond by 15 days. Lets see what happens. I dont see NRIs donating crores to AAP and that will be revealed after the probe.

    1. No ADS, there are 67,101 donors who are listed. Avg coming to 2.8 K. I'm not with AAP. Infact, for all the reasons coming to light, I wish AAP never gains ground. I'm however crossing you on numbers only so that the integrity and sense of judgement of those criticizing AAP is not put to question. Play it cool my man... Peace!

  28. Ravinar, your conspiracy theory seems incomplete. SoniaG was sick of her damaad and wanted an outside "agent" to question his dealings and then to cut him to size. What next, SoniaG will get Rahul killed to make Priyanka the PM? Get real.
    I like your posts usually but this one sucks. I agree that Kejriwal is guilty of appeasement (on both the Batla house statement and the fatwa cleric issue). Kejriwal deserves to be criticized for this but spouting wild conspiracy theories as the one you are peddling is silly. You sound like a pathetic BJP stooge.

    1. Well as a matter of fact, "tsaha" I know you were being sarcastic when you said "SoniaG wanted an outside agent..." and the rest, but you might just be right. Around a month before the famous Vadra shout-out by AAP, please recall Mr Vadra's statement where he said that he has sacrificed a lot for his family and that he could have joined politics but he did not for the sake of his family... whatever that is supposed to mean. News is also rife that Mr Vadra has been having a long-standing fallout with PriyankaG. Now this could as well be a grapevine product, if this said fallout is in fact true, all the bits fit in and your intended sarcasm is actually the unintended truth!!

    2. You say "Around a month before the famous Vadra shout-out by AAP"; well actually it was around 8 months before. Kejriwal "exposed" Vadra in Oct-12 and the Vadra statement you are referring to came out in Feb-12. While we can quibble about the time lag but the theory sounds outlandish; SoniaG or rather (most importantly) her advisors would not be so dumb as to allow their clan to be tainted since that is the only source of their power. OTOH the pranab (or another Cong "syndicate") angle seems more believable. Whatever be the case, no one knows for sure what AAP will do once (and if) they win a sizeable number of seats, i.e. whether they give outside support to Congress or BJP. The people of Delhi (yours truly included) think they do deserve a chance. BJP anyway has been losing in Delhi for ages; another loss would not make any difference; Kejriwal may well turn out to be the next Lalloo or Mulayam, but there is a small probability that he actually becomes a good politician. The Indian electorate has always been forced to choose the lesser of the evils; Kejriwal at the moment is definitely the lesser evil at the moment.

  29. You echoed my thoughts to the T with this article Ravinar. I have been debating about the possibility of AAP being a Congress-B team with a few of my pro-BJP friends for a long time. They all tell me that AAP will support BJP in Delhi and I vehemently deny that. Even my Mum was of the same opinion although she WAS a Congress supporter. This article is very welcome. Well done.

  30. Height of appeasement and height of befooling Delhites

  31. Ravinar,
    The moment you put this article and took a critical stance against Arvind, I expected lots of fire in the commentators space.
    To just clear out HOW AAP has some questions to answer for, here are those

    1. Why are all those people who are opposing AAP are mostly BJP supporters when even Arvind himself says that he is against both and why on social media or elsewhere most of the fire of AAP is directed against BJP. Are congress people sure that only BJP votes get divided between AAP and BJP. Congress must also be sure that muslims no matter what, stick to only Congress, (who could give them the best dispensation to grow their influence). Isn't the worry of BJP supporters that only educated Voters are going to AAP ensuring the impression that congress in any way doesn't care about the educated.

    2.Why is AAP so afraid of being patriotic? How come questioning pakistan and taking strong line against it will alienate muslims? Are muslims that unpatriotic that talking strong against Pakistan will offend them. What is the problem with Bharat mata posters or singing Vandematara. In fact the moment AK decided to contest elections, Anna warned that political discourse of a party seldom depends only on corruption which Anna very well know was systemic (thats why he opted for Gandhian methods though some were crude). Giving Kashmir, Supporting Batla terrorists or unsubstatiated allegations on Modi for muzzafarnagar made AAP like any other party. AAP had by these mindless policies lost a crucial chunk of Middle class vote (who are most patriotic section and credibly so as they most to lose if country goes down).

    3.What will AAP do incase of hung assembly in Delhi. Will they support Congress, which AAP had been superficially fighting all along and tie up to keep "communal forces at bay"? Honestly answering this question will simply destroy AAP because, if AAP acts as congress B Team it will have no future, if it will act as pro-BJP, it will still lose its future as well as minority votes do not go to them and realizing the truth, educated and middle class voters will move back to BJP to avoid cutting their votes.

    4.What is the idea of wealth creation for them? how are they going to improve the prosperity of people when they still hang around with their tried and tested and failed socialistic policies of distributing poverty?
    Nehri and other socialist leaders were relatively honest to the current socialist leaders, but still failed in helping this country gain economic resurgence. If he still hangs to socialist policies, God Save us. The performance of last two decades proved, how wrong we were on economic policies. What is AK's take on it.

    5.About Lokpal bill itself, have you read the draconian provisions of it? Initially I was supporter of the bill but reading finer details into it, I realized that it is a super structure bent to not only overrides elected representatives (though most corrupt, it is the best system we have) but also keeps national sovereignty firmly in the hands of few people.

    6.Assuming AK gets good number of seats (say 11 to 18) in Delhi and Decides to fight loksabha elections as well. How can I vote from pune, Hyderabad where AAP has no presence?

    7.Finally as I said before, most of the AAP supporters are new voters having never voted (either young or first time voters) and see AAP as guilt free trip (for not voting all along ) and voting now for a supposedly better party. We in AP did the same when we voted Loksatta party in Hyderabad and Praja Rajyam Party (PRP of film Actor Chiranjeevi) only to see PRP merging with congress within a year and Loksatta party slowly fading away as a political force. People who are condemn to repeat the mistake are going to suffer.

    1. To just add to the point.

      8.Supporting a party which is in the best position to defeat Congress is the best recourse any patriotic educated Indian can take. Having seen the blatant corruption,economic mismanagement, insecurity, inflation and weaking the democratic structures (including free media and the even the post of PM), what is wrong in supporting an opposition party?

      If one remember it well, the same BJP supporters were hoping that people of karnataka reject BJP as it not only was corrupt (perceptionally at least) but also was embarassing BJP. Congress supporters were happy taking our support. By the way the support for BJP (atleast substantially) is function of time. As long as BJP remains market friendly (not socialistic), patriotic, non appeasing,only challenger to congress at national level and less corrupt, it will as an educated supporter gain my support. If there is better party with above credentials, I will vote for it.

    2. I totally agree with your statement "Supporting a party which is in the best position to defeat Congress is the best recourse any patriotic educated Indian can take" and that is why a lot of Delhites, like me, are supporting AAP because they seem to be in a position to defeat Congress in Delhi. Looks like you are not from Delhi and that is why you can't sense the wave in Delhi in favour of AAP. Also, most people who are going to vote for Kejriwal in Assembly elections are going to vote for Modi in the Lok Sabha elections. Kejriwal may very well turn out to be the next Laloo or Mulayam or even Mamta but there is a small probability that he may turn out to be good and I would think that the majority of the voting public in Delhi are optimists.

    3. sure I am not from Delhi, but I can see the same frenzy that was developing in AP few years ago (in 2009) when educated people in Hyderabad were attempting to vote Loksatta and PRP in rest of Andhra Pradesh, What we got was Congress, after our votes got divided, and perhaps the worst Governance AP has ever seen. We have lost our position from 5th Industrialized state to 21. The power crisis had reached such proportions that all our small scale industries migrated to TamilNadu and Gujarat. I see a sense of Déjà vu here.

    4. To Vamshi Krishna,
      ""As long as BJP remains market friendly (not socialistic)""

      Its amusing how you don't mention THE word for market friendly that is CAPITALISM, but you are more than happy to mention the word SOCIALISTIC / SOCIALISM.

      Being market friendly means India looses its identity, because in this Globalized world, whole planet is one homogenous market, where capitalistic forces would force everyone to wear the same kind of cloth, to eat the same kind of food, to watch the same kind of movie, to listen the same kind of music. If it encounters any strong local culture, ti will first try to pollute it with fusion / remix, then eventually takeover the control of the supply side. This is what is happening in India right? And BJP was forced to cooperate in this sinister design, Remember Lata mangeshkar led a delegation of musicians and singers to Atal Bihari Vajpayee to do something against the Remixes of Indian music. But BJP did nothing, thanks to the people like you who vote for BJP for the sake of global MNC's.

      Now in every field we don't find anything Indian at all, everything is so "westernized". Reality shows, dance shows, tv serials, Radio jockeys, Page three celebrities, Contempt for Indian languages, status of English, Anglo-Saxon game cricket. Glorifying western architecture in foreign location in dream sequences of movie songs, In Pune the owner of the only music store selling Indian artist who were performing Indian musical instruments was shot down in broad daylight, etc etc the list is endless, I can quote so many instances.

      But the thing is that both Capitalism and Socialism are European concepts, originating in Germany. What we need is Bharattantra as Anuragh Sanghi says in his blog, We need our own way of managing our economy, culture, judiciary, legislature, bureaucracy etc etc based on tried and tested methods from our very own soil.

    5. @zap dl, exactly. 'we need modernization not westernization' - NaMo.

    6. @VamsiKrishna

      This is one of the finest observations I have read. The real evil in India is Congress. The party has proved time and again how anti-Indians and at the same time how corrupt it is. Shashi Tharoor himself has written how IndiraG had no vision and her "Garibi Hatao" was sheer rubbish.

      In 1977 all the parties united to defeat this evil called Congress. Since then the splinter groups and new ones have become equally corrupt. So what we are now seeing is all the corrupt ones like Congress, SP, DMK, NCP, etc. ganging up because corruption and nepotism unites them. The story of institutions being destroyed and even AirIndia being destroyed is now pouring out.

      And AAP, which was supposedly meant to fight corruption, is showing all the strategies & tactics of the same corrupt Congress that we have seen in history. For all their ranting and raving... The AAP Naxals cant answer a simple question: If AK does have character and principles, why did Anna Hazare and Kiran Bedi not support him. There are many other issues of AK which are not being made public for sheer lack of documentary evidence. Otherwise, the inner-circle stories are many.

    7. The biggest enemy of this country is RSS/ BJP. Congress party is most corrupt & criminal party who has lost the ability to counter RSS/BJP..till we had the generation around who witnessed the killing of Mahatma Gandhi,... people of this country did not allow RSS/BJP to flourish.. once that generation has gone.. this devil has again started raising their heads..and Congress has no vision to counter these hate mongers......

    8. May be you are not aware of the social and cultural work that RSS does across the globe. I dont agree with all their ideologies but yes MG supporter like yourself will always see things differently.

    9. Vamsi, I understand your cynicism regarding AAP and the reasons (which may be subjective or rather a matter of perception) for doubting Kejriwal's intentions. While I can't predict how he will eventually turn out, I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt and let me tell you the reason why.

      I used to be pretty cynical too about AAP but a few months back there was a mohalla sabha in my colony (Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi). I did not get a chance to attend it personally but I got a very positive feedback from other members of the housing society where I stay who attended the sabha. The MCD councilor of our ward, Binny, had recently joined AAP (he had won as an independent candidate) and this mohalla sabha was supposed to be a starting template for the rest of Delhi. Here is a video of that sabha:

      This seemed to be a very welcome initiative and most of the people in the housing societies in our colony are quite hopeful of this party; we are not sure how they will turn out but the signs are encouraging.

      (On a side note, I heard that Binny was earlier in Congress; I'm not sure about this though).

  32. I used to like your blogs for bringing to fore some of the little known facets about the media. It was informative and eye opening. However, by springing wild conspiracy theories that you have now against Kejriwal, your conversion to a sophisticated BJP mouthpiece is complete. Not that it will matter to you, but I will have this blog removed from my daily readings.

    1. Easy Arun, Easy.
      1. If AK is willing to slander BJP through unsubstantiated allegations of provoking riots in muzzafarnagar in UP, he would get it back too not just from BJP but sections of its own sympathizers.
      2.As for this blog turning into BJP mouthpiece. I have observed every single blog which is critical of paid Media has slowly turned towards BJP (the only and real principal opposition to Congress) be it "beingcynical(.)com" or other blogsites. Have you realized that it is due more to hatred against Congress than special love for BJP. If not for decade long media's hate campaign against Modi, Modi would have been languishing in some remote part of the country, where his state contributes more to revenues and exports (foreign exchange) while at the same time getting all the brick bats.
      3.If BJP comes to power and suddenly the media turns in favor of him, there will be blogs born against that section of media as well. For reference check Tehelka or kafila sites to understand how biased their narratives are. Mediacrooks is popular due to its convincing tone and factual matter on the site.
      4.Ravinar would lose credibility the day he is supporting a corrupt establishment for which he needs to keep his conscience and facts high. so you see, devoid of money (which I think is the case) he had to rely on facts and facts alone. Further having hits around 5 million, one must be fool turning towards a party unabashedly.
      5. You should have read his post on drowned bride which he called BJP, which lacked direction, vision before NAMO was nominated for PM's post for his post, most of his support is for the individual (NAMO) who had to endure the worst of insinuations and libel rather than the party. You have rarely seen him supporting other BJP leaders or a particular BJP ideology. For temporary political purposes, BJP may tactfully dumb down its core ideologies but authors slightly bent on political right (Liberal economis and non-appeasement) never will.
      6.As for removing this blog for daily readings, why not wait till Dec8 when the election results will be declared and then see the status of Kejriwal's party.
      He Himself is fighting the sheela and what would happen if he loses and his party wins few seats? If you are a congress supporter, it is unlikely that you understand centre-right ideology and if you are a new voter, it will take time for you to come to our side. Even as a younger kid, I had attractions to the raidcal-leftist-activist-sloganeering leaders but no longer. I go by something called pragmatism (the reasons which I already posted earlier).

    2. @ArunPrakash

      There are quite a few AAP fellows who are as agitated as you are. It neither surprises me and nor will it stop me from writing what I will. Just so you know, I was writing this blog even when only 4 people were reading it. Unlike politicians, I am not standing for elections and compelled to say "Every vote matters to me". If you want to quit, just quit, dont whine. It makes you look bad. The other option is to offer the harshest criticism of what is written, that I would consider a more mature response.

    3. I am a BJP supporter. Now that it is out of the way, let me mention that it took me a lot of effort to continue following @mediacrooks when he went ballistic against NAMO's toilet comment. I persisted and I am glad I did because up until now I am convinced that his support or otherwise is based on facts and ideas.

  33. a new party with 5 unemployed youngmen have not any experiance of any party responsiblity how foolish public can visualise they will eliminate corruption indelhi,,where 60% public live in slum,looking forward for free water,power and house whole this economic arthmatic is such grave miscalculation with socialism,,any wise will run away from dreaming of cm,,only fool dreamof theirs where wise fear to walk,,this is condition of kejriwal,he has not economic sense,understanding how govt is run how public is controled by wrong,promises and manipulation,,basically this is ploy of ahmad like mafia star to fund them and make them break bjp vote and stop them coming to delhi and modi to rule,because they are most scared by modi,if modi come ,he will break acountless,dynesty which has indulged in countless scam and embazzlement of govt fund which if check by indepedant c b i,sonia career with 100 vip kapil sibbal like joker willbe finished,,but joker like kejriwal,,chiranjeev,,raj thakera will be pampered to break opposition vote to come to power, samething happened in maharashtra,,andhra predesh and now happening in delhi,,kejriwal is cheater who cheated anna,earned crore thorough charity and being diabetes patients did drama of fast,,whole is nonsense,whole public should understand,neither he is leader no trustworthy,,he is totally opportunist,,

  34. AAP cannot accept foreign funds because it is a political outfit. However, NGOs can and AK and Sisodia have several under their belt. They accept funds through the NGOs and then divert them to AAP as small donations. It was funny to notice TimesNow.tvposting sliders during the news broadcast about AAP funds that the Dutch Embassy had donated 19 lacs and the Ford Foundation 88 lacs to political outfits in India. I wonder which outfits these are and whether they too will be investigated.

  35. AAP is a party being promoted overtly and covertly by Congress and its media crooks to eat into the anti Congress vote. Kejriwal is as clever and dirty as any politician. Congress agents Agnivesh and a maulvi were exposed. Voting AAP will let in the Congress through the back door. Pakistan's agenda is to wrest Kashmir from India and thats why some media crooks lionise separatist symphatiser Bhushan. There are many vested interest players behind the scene promoting AAP. Mullahs may have been encouraged by Pak to support Kejriwal. Ironically, the British policy of divide and rule has been even more fine tuned by the Congis. A Modi victory will spell trouble for traitors including pseudo secular blood suckers and external enemies. It is desperate times for them.

  36. are Anna and kiran gods ?? are they totally correct, symbols of truth ??
    Kiran mam credibility was questioned when she was reported to have submitted fake bills. From whom we are trying to get the certificate of correct ??
    When ppl compare AAP with praja rajyam, please forgive me in saying that ppl in south do make gods out of film heroes. Chiranjeevi didnt did anything for public cause in real life, he might have but not to an extent. people believed him and were left out. Can we say the exact same thing about AK. Aren't we forgetting RTI. You can say that his contribution was 1% but at least he fought for it.

    1. Seriously man! Is this your argument against Kiran Bedi? Railway tickets? It must have been the biggest scandal in history.

    2. I cant tell about much about the intentions of AAP or, but i can tell you that , it not only requires responsibility but also humility for a person to read each comment and respond where appropriate,when one knows that he writes well and lot of people are reading it.

  37. Fooling muslims? good joke. India is the big fool.
    islam is not a religion. It is a political force set to establish muslim rule everywhere.
    Where muslims majority they will eliminate others. Where they don't have majority, they breed and wait for their time to kill.
    Europe has realized it. China knows this. India has not.
    Only Israel and USA controlled by Jews has the balls to take on muslims.

    1. Correct. However, I would differ in the view that India has not realised it - at some level we all know it. There's a spectrum of levels of realisation, from the average Hindu deluded by the confused notion that "all religions are the same" who does not want to admit it, to the cynical exploiters who want to use it for their own ends (e.g. commies, politicians etc) regardless of the cost. Those of us who both know it very clearly and are in a position to start doing something about it are in the extreme minority.

      One can hope that the "no appeasement" philosophy of Modi can subtly change the nature of Islam in India but that would take a long time and the threat would likely remain under the surface, ready to explode if/when Muslims become a majority. Maybe we have no choice but to wait for divine intervention to eliminate this menace from India once and for all.

  38. The big card for AAP is corruption. This cannot be fixed just by introducing Jan lokpal Bill. This is more of a social problem rather than a political. Kejriwal is absolutely wrong in his assumption that corruption will fix other problems but in reality this is otherwise. Corruption could only be fixed by finding solution to other chronic problems. They only lead to corruption. Those problems needed to be fixed first. The problems like unemployment, poverty,quality education, social injustice etc. are chronic problems and without solving a chronic problem you cannot find a solution to a cancer like corruption.

    Ask kejriwal ,how many Govt employees are there in Delhi. Even if Lokpal take one corruption issue each day, in a year he cannot even listen to 200 cases ( the average working days in a year). We all have to wait for centuries to fix small corruption issues & forget about netas through lokpal mechanism. Lokpal could only be a deterrent not a one window solution to all corruptions..

    You guys need to be practical. I hv closely observed Kejriwal phenomenon. Most of the volunteers dont really understand the real issues .How could you convince people to vote for you unless you hv right team with agendas. Who will take care of your economic issues, policies, what are those. What about higher education etc.
    Talk about those. Then corruption could be controlled only not through just an ombudsman in the name of JLP.

  39. Desperate series shows desperation of Ravinar to malign anyone who poses threat to BJP votes. What a waste of talent!

    1. Do you have any facts or arguments whatsoever to counter what Ravinar has succinctly elucidated in this series? No, I didn't think so.

      This is the absolute bottom-line. Things are rarely black and white but in this case I feel the situation is relatively simple. If you reject Modi's philosophy of "India First" in favour of parties (including AAP) which have a clear agenda of minority appeasment, or distinct Communist leanings, then you are either: (1) a complete moron, or (2) an enemy of the nation. Take your pick.

    2. Well, I agree with all views of Ravi about Cong, Media, BJP, etc. except his criticism of AAP and AK. Last, time I checked Ravi has no problem with anyone who has differing views. If I disagree with Ravi I don't think I become a moron or anti-national. And since, you are so eager to judge me by my one comment, let me also try this. Judging by your 'moronic' language either 1) you are blinded by your adulation of Ravi or 2) you take your sycophancy lessons from Congi spokies. You don't have to pick, because you are both.

    3. Once again, your response consists of nothing but empty rhetoric. Since you appear to have difficulty with basic comprehension, let me spell it out for you. Different opinions should not only be valued but encouraged. But I should point out that your "opinion" consisted simply of (1) accusing someone of being a BJP sycophant and (2) calling them a waste of talent. You did not provide (or point to) ANY counter-arguments whatsoever. You then responded to my *general* statement with more baseless accusations. This is not how debate is conducted and is the hallmark of someone who is motivated by factors other than truth.

      I care only about one thing - the safety and prosperity of Bharatiya civilisation and culture and its people. Incidentally, diversity in all areas is a fundamental characteristic of this culture, as is the spirit of debate and intellectual discourse. The current nation state of India is the guardian of all of that, like it or not, and the integrity of modern Indian society is paramount in serving that end. I support those who at least have demonstrated that they support that goal and only while they continue to support that goal. Nothing more. That is not sycophancy, that is called contributing towards defending something more important than you. Perhaps you find that an alien concept, I don't know.

      I might be wrong but from what few articles of his I have read, it seems to me that Ravinar shares that sentiment. His articles are in-depth, very carefully analysed and appear to be geared towards serving the greater good of not just the nation but our civilisation in general, and that should be applauded by anyone who cares about these things. If you think that appreciating and defending the efforts of someone who puts so much into fighting what is a critical war for something greater than all of us makes someone a "sycophant", then you clearly do not understand what the word means and I suggest you look it up.

      Also, may I remind you that there are some quite convincing arguments regarding the true nature of AAP and AK. Now Ravinar may be wrong, and if you can argue or prove otherwise, please do so. Otherwise your accusation of sycophancy is merely psychological projection (again, look it up). In any case, since it is an obvious point that many people continue to ignore, I will paraphrase the general statement I made:

      If one prefers to vote for those who are demonstrably corrupt, or minority-appeasers, or Communists, or other anti-Hindus of any of their unfortunately many hues, instead of those who clearly propose a rejection of all that and put the nation first, as Modi purports to do and appears to have amply demonstrated during his time as CM in Gujarat, then one either (a) cannot comprehend the situation, or (b) cannot possibly have the interests of the nation at heart above their own personal agenda (including man-worship of a single individual, e.g. Kejriwal). What you take from this is your choice and your problem, and empty rhetorical responses serve no purpose. I have nothing else to say on the matter, but I *would* be interested to hear if you have any genuine counter-arguments to the observations in the article. I won't wait up.

    4. Dear Krispy,
      I do not engage in empty rhetoric, and have debated this topic with many of my friends. Following is one such conversation that I had with one of my friends. I am copy-pasting it. I don't have time to tailor it exactly according to Ravi's or your arguments but it should give you some sense why me and others support AAP and want to give them a chance at least at local level. Please ignore spelling and grammatical mistakes. My arguments follows:

      "If you want to judge AAP by couple of mistakes and accuse them of vote bank politics on that basis, you are free to do that. If you see so many pros in Modi, I understand that, but if you are talking about BJP vs AAP, then good luck with your choice! You are thinking of short term.

      I will give them benefit of doubt since, I don't believe their intent is to fool people. I would rather trust a bunch of people who left their high earning jobs and are involved in activism and social service, compared to people who spends crores of money from their pocket to buy a ticket. I have no reason to doubt their intent esp. when I compare them with current parties. Unlike you, I don't see any serious cons/flaws in AAP when I compare them with other options in hand.


    5. I found you and other people criticizing AAP for lack of ideology, policies and vision. I think these are bunch of fascinating words devised by arm chair intellectuals. I don't think Modi has gained popularity due to his pakistan/china policy or for his hidutava ideology? He has just provided solutions to common problems that affect our daily lives esp. by improving governance. Although, he started with Hindutava agenda but later he worked honestly for development of his state. For this, people has chosen him repeatedly and now promoted at national stage. He has realized this, so he no more subscribes to BJP ideology. He is ready to give preference to toilets over temples, which BJP find embarrassing and difficult to defend. He is popular at individual level and not because he follows BJP ideology. He knows that his supporters also support AAP in Delhi. He is wise not to confront AAP directly. He knows he has crossed the stage where AAP is standing. AAP doesn't pose any threat to him, at least not in near future. Both can complement each other at local and national level.
      Additionaly, why can't be 'zero tolerance for corruption' be an ideology. AAP has vision of corruption free society and implementation of SWARAJ. On other policies, as they have explained, they are still evolving. Why are you in hurry to judge them, thats my point. Why they need to explain their vision/policies on Pakistan, Kashmir etc,at this stage. Their current focus is to solve local problems in Delhi, esp water and electricity. Most of the problems and governance issues are directly and indirectly related to corruption. Their is enough data to prove this. Many wrong polices decisions are taken because of corruption that we have seen, recently. Ask Dr. Swamy, according to him even pakistan policy is influenced by corruption, since ISI has details of politicians black money. Do you think BJP leaders don't have black money. Will they have very different Pakistan policy? Who started bus to Lahore? If AAP can reduce even 50% of corruption many things will improve. I don't think everything will be perfect but far better.
      So I would rather give AAP and Kejriwal a chance. Let them show how they can improve local situation by their anti corruption ideology. If they succeed people will relect them, and promote them or else they will perish.
      I concede that they are not ideal in absolute terms, but more than ideal in relative terms. When you want to find fault you can find it in our God's. You can say Brahma is not perfect since he has 4 faces. Shiva is too innocent since he blesses every devil and then Vishnu has to take 'avtaar' to save us from that devil.
      All this criticism is frivolous. It is like bringing 2002, malnutrition all the time when someone praises Modi. You are welcome to talk about these fascinating words but I don't give a rat's a** about AAP's ideology as long as they find solutions to my problems. Their actions in power will show their vision. You think Modi would be known today if he had not come to power? He is here today because he was lucky enough to get a chance and then proved himself. He might have got the opportunity due to his particular ideology/vision at that time, but time has changed and so is his ideology. Ideology/Vision/Policies can change depending on the situation and your experiences during the journey. You don't have to predefine these things. Likewise AAP's focus is corruption, since that's how they came into politics. They will evolve as they proceed and establish themselves in this arena."

    6. Thanks for making an effort. However, your reply does nothing to dispel the theory that AAP is simply another Congress proxy, and Kejriwal is a Communist/Naxalite is disguise. May not be true, and another honest crusader against corruption would be welcome, but if he resorts to minority appeasement and has even a HINT of Communist leanings then he has no credibility.

      Oh and by the way, I don't agree with the selfish mentality of voting only for those who make promises to solve MY problems. I certainly "give a rat's ass" about much bigger things than myself, as I have stated, and my view is that one who is a true citizen should vote for whomever will work towards the common good of the nation, its culture and its people. Right now, there is *no-one* that comes close to Modi in engendering confidence therein and I sincerely hope enough Indians recognise this to ensure that BJP wins an outright victory in 2014. Supporting politicians that would likely serve to throw the spanner in the works, however much loyalty you have to them personally for whatever reason innocent or otherwise, is counterproductive and in my view the action of someone (to put it mildly) that does not have the nation's interest at heart. Voting like that could result in finding out the hard way that once again one has been duped.

  40. Hahahaha ROFL at the screen play written by Media crooks. If this story was filmed i can say since associated with film making it will do such a bad business worst that "Ramu Ki Sholay" . The story has so much of continuity problems let me try to fill it to complete the script in points.
    1, The author of the blog ignorantly or conveniently to substantiate his points forgot to speak IAC Arvind Kejriwal got in to electoral fray when in the hope BJP will support Janlokpal pass in parliament campaigned in Hissar assembly elections for the BJP candidate . What was the result a strong sitting lok sabha MP of Congress lost deposit in election . Hope BJP friends do recollect this event.
    2, Then Arvind Kejriwal & team went & canvassed in Goa for BJP assembly elections . What was the result BJP swept polls in Goa.
    3, Arvind Kejriwal also went and canvassed for BJP in Uttarakhand assembly elections for BJP since Khanduri of BJP govt in Uttarakhand passed the Janlokayukta bill . The sorry state of affairs was BJP internal bickerring turned out the nemesis for BJP which cost BJP victory & lost closely to Congress.
    4. So what we find in these three elections was BJP was piggy bagging on IAC Arvind Kejriwal to gain power & be relevant.
    5, But the actual BJP mind set came to fore when on December 29th 2011 Sushma Swaraj of BJP spoke & voted against Janlokpal in parliament.
    6, BJP mocked Civil society groups in parliament .
    7, Last BJP Gujarat assembly passed a weak lokpal bill in Gujarat assembly.
    8, The above said incidents only showed BJP was not serious about Janlokpal bill either in center & where staling it from passing it on the flimsy ground of attacking federal structure.They also did not pass the Janlokpal bill in states where it was in power .
    9, The above incidents had made it clear that none of the political partys never wanted the janlokpal bill in the 1st place why ? If they where serious they could have passed it in last 2 years but has not happened .
    10,Instead whole political class joined together & challenged IAC if they wanted Janlokpal fight elections win & pas it .
    11, So all the above incidents cleanly shows BJP wanted to piggy bag on the Janlokpal movement to come to power.
    12, Ultimately it was like me aam aadmi who had requested Arvind Kejriwal & other IAC team to become political so can take the movement in to parliament .

    So the author how conveniently skipped the above mentioned two points to lie exposes there is a hidden agenda behind BJP who are dagerous to our democracy .

    1. Venkateh

      ROFL at you. If the script was bad then you must be the worst film maker ever. Look at yourself. You call the script bad and predict bad business but you came here and wrote some 12 points which proves the movie is a hit. It has hit exactly where it hurts jokers like you. Why is it that a strong criticism of AAP is automatically being turned over to what is wrong with the BJP? It is plain simple that because AAP is a Congress crony you find everything wrong with BJP and not one thing to say about the most corrupt party in the world. If one should fight corruption which party should be fighting against? Obviously Congress but that you and AAP commies fight against BJP proves who you are and also proves AAP is nothing but a baby delivered by Congress in less thatn 9 months.

    2. Is that all you got Sonnet ... Online BJP supporters loose their mind when somebody criticizes them over AAP. They go for witch hunting. I would only suggest, fight for the idealogy not for indivduals or entities.
      Can you answer for Bajrang dal, hanuman gangs (not VHP and RSS) who trouble common citizens with their goon style, self moral policing.
      Again I might be wrong but i have seen them in news for all the wrong reasons. It wont really matter to you if you are really poor which in case i dont think you are or if you are really rich which again i think you are not.

    3. Guys...Looks like none of you read the comments I put above. Let me be more candid.

      The funds reaching AK and PB are been investigated by Indian Intelligence because, the sources that they have presented on paper is not matching to transactions that their accounts have underwent with other accounts. I am just trying to ask you people, to show some sense and not be so blind and support AAP.

      Reason - No fund comes for free!!!

      There is a cost to be repaid back later. Imagine the horror if fund comes from an organization also funding terrorism and Naxalism in this country. Please do not think terrorists and Naxalists are leaving in Caves.

      I ask for some sense to prevail among blind AAP apes!!

    4. @Insomniack

      For a person who was arrogant enough to say he has quit reading this blog because it criticised AAP you must be very upset. You have come back to this page some 20 times with nothing new to say or add. This is typical of AAP lovers. Talk big-mouthing nonsense while remaining hollow in their arguments. Whatever happens to AAP is a different thing but it has surely proved you a person with no self-respect and someone who is blabbering without much to say.

    5. @Sonnet - I have sent your arguments for research to NASA to investigate the deep hidden meaning. Man .. i m not sure even if you are one ... keep beating the same old line again and again ... I am sure you are having bad stomach .. please dont use this space ... peace

  41. If Delhi's verdict is hung and AAP doesn't go with Congress ? Will you apologize for yellow journalism? Which you hate I believe.

  42. You are a NaMo bhakt. Do not even expect you to understand the anti corruption anti 'System' mood prevailing in the country. Conspiracy theorists are dime a dozen in prevailing times. Looking forward to your tweets on 8th December 2013. By the way I am your fan and my unsolicited advice to you is that you should do that which you are best at. Which is media bashing. Bharat Mata ki Jai.

  43. Full disclosure: Am a supporter of Lok Satta Party and we fully support AAP in the coming Delhi elections.

    Having said that, there is truth in this post. The media channels having no reason to support corrupt Cong, found a way of making news and staying relevant and at the same time- keep snubbing the opposition. Though this a bad sign for an evolving democracy, some positives have come out of it.

    It is a fact that today we cannot have a PM candidate without blessings from either a Nehru family member or RSS. Parties lack true internal democracy. Though BJP is better than the congress in this aspect, it is not good enough. It clearly shows up when you notice how they fight and lose focus when they lose elections.

    At this juncture, this is the last warning bell to traditional parties to change for the better and survive or resist change and perish thereby.

    1. I agree. Many media channels are firing on the shoulders of AAP to discredit BJP (whether they already stand discredited is a matter of perception). Also, the way some channels are propping up AAP lately (esp. CNN-IBN, NDTV) seems suspicious. No wonder this feeds a lot of conspiracy theories.

      Having said that, the theory of AAP being a B-team of congress is difficult to digest. If indeed this was the case, Kejriwal would not have contested from the same constituency as Shiela Dikshit. He would not have gone all guns blazing on damaadji. Dipak Chaurasia's channel (I forget the name), which is owned by Congress leader's son (brother of Jessica Lal's killer) would not have run a sustained campaign to tarnish AAP. I can cite many more problems with this theory; on the other hand AAP could very well be B-team of BJP. Parties like MNS are propped up by Congress to eat into the right wing vote. With the so called minority appeasement tactics of AAP, they are cutting the Congress vote instead. The BJP does not have any base amongst the lower middle class in Delhi and AAP is making significant inroads there. AAP is not fielding any heavy weight candidate against Harsh Vardhan...and so on.

      The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let's wait for December and all the conspiracy theories will be put to rest

  44. Another brilliant article Ravinar Ji...

    The moment AK aligned with Tauqeer Raza his intentions were clear enough...
    Now I came across this (People can check the FB page as well)

  45. Unfortunately there is lot of flaws with respect to Delhi elections Hung Triangle.

    1. AK was architect of AIC team who brought together all the members of AIC team.

    2. Anna himself said, that Its time to give alternative to people of India, just before formation of AAP, Anna and kiran Bedi remain apolitical to behold the AIC team. Which act like politically neutral front.. neither Anna , nor Kiran bedi said anything against AK, about he has ditched them or betrayed them .. this are all lies spread by BJP trolls.. Kiran bedi herself clarify that statements which BJP trolls are spreading are rumors, and Anna even said.. he support AK but not his party as he wanted to be apolitical. AK is one who is acting in positive direction to get Annas dream janlokpal pass.. where Congress and BJP betrayed him.. Why Anna will be against a person who is going to help him bring janlokpal..

    3. Bharat Mata poster (partially correct) was removed because few people were linking it to RSS and making a movement look political... so avoid giving a political connection poster was removed to make a movement non-political. Even a person who design a poster was a Muslim.... (conspiracy theory may prove authors point though)

    4. Immam Bhukari, issued fatwa for voting for BJP in 2004, after meeting with BJPs senior leaders.

    5. The same media crooks who pulls media for being biased and unfair and unethical, is showing a video of bizarre news channel , whose only aim while interviewing AK make issue.. by sidelining discussion from the delhi elections and make AK to speak something to gain higher TRPs.. AK did right thing that time by ignoring him.. AK has already said.. he will answer all the Question related to national politics after delhi elections.. Why make it a unnecessarily issue here..
    6. Talking about Muslim Appeasement, When Immam bhukari issued fatawa to vote for BJP in 2004 was after meeting wasn't Muslim appeasement? The same raza earlier met Atalji, Adavaniji.. thats wasn't Appeasement? Why pin point AK?
    7. Delhi BJP 2 months back visited every mosques and Muslims places and distributing pamphlets which reads. “ the only party that works for betterment of Muslims can run India” ..along with so many other promises. Isn’t it Muslim appeasement? “Eyeing Muslim vote, BJP forgets Narendra Modi”
    7. AK is taking Sheila heads on, Pawan Khera has sued AK for defamation so many cases, AAP has eaten into Max. no. of Congress votes according to surveys.. AAP has taken a stand that it will not support any party in case of hung assembly, took on Robert Vadra. His close aid Santosh was killed by congress MLA(alleged).. There are other exposes that AK did which badly affected Congress.. Ak also helped Congress opponents to win by campaigning against Congress in Hisar and else where.. Congress leveled so many charges against him, how that's makes AAP 'B' team of congress?

    8. One interesting conspiracy theories that everyone wants to understand is .. how Delhi MCD run by BJP for so many years but congress is running Govt. though..
    9. BJP CM candidate Dr. harshvadhan said, "he feels proud that Shiela Dixit is CM of Delhi".. also Within a week after becoming BJP CM candidate Dr Harshavadhan Said" he won’t investigate any scam done by congress in its tenure including CWG".. Doesn't it prove BJP is "B" team of congress...

    10. Why BJP was fielding weak candidate against Sheila Dixit for all these year?

    11. Why no action is taken by either Govt./MCD over water mafia in Delhi owned by congress and BJP? doent it shows BJP and Congress are 'B' teams of each other?

    I guess My conspiracy has more stuff ..readily accessible on internet too.. not some unknown meetings..

    AAP is better option than Congress and BJP at least in Delhi.. where clean part like congress has done scams like CWG, transport.. and Clean BJP has MCD spend 70 crores to design a website over span of 12 years..


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