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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Blackface Ravish

There was no black-screen over Nirbhaya. No Award Wapsi. There was no black-screen over farmers being shot in Pune under Congress. There was no black-screen over the attack on peaceful protesters at midnight at the Baba Ramdev camp. There was no black-screen over Himalayan heights of corruption by Congress. There was no black-screen to protest muzzling of free-speech with 66A. There was no black-screen over Barkha’s Radiagate scandal. There was no black-screen over corrupt Rajdeep’s suppression of Cash4Votes tapes. There was no black-screen when street-thug Rajdeep assaulted ordinary Modi supporters in New York. There was no black screen over umpteen deaths of our Jawans and civilians to terrorism. That’s how Commie Pigs fly!

But come an altercation, scuffle with lawyers and journos getting beaten, it sends Ravish Kumar of NDTV to a black-screen rant as if the whole country has been destroyed. Such are Commie whiners of NDTV. There is hardly any known face of NDTV that is not soaked in corruption of some kind or the other. And that all the Commie-Jihadis at NDTV are “Paid-slaves” of Congress is also not a great secret nor needs an Einstein to establish. And the self-righteous crooks are always the first ones to play victim:
Behind that black-screen that Ravish put up, he ranted and scoffed at everyone on earth. He chided and implied his viewers were brainless for the choices they make and the shows they watch. He defended anti-nationals of JNU in the garb of FoE. He even stated Islam has nothing to do with the Kashmir problem and terrorism. Underneath the cloak of journalism most of these guys come from Congress slave-families. Honour and fairness, that Ravish and his NDTV Commies so rant about, also demands that they disclose their DNA, associations and political boot-licking. Nature’s law of retribution always hits hard. And so, it turns out, this whiner and fake preacher of honesty comes from a Congress family and has a brother who is accused of being involved in sex rackets. Brajesh Pandey was also VP of Bihar Congress and has now resigned:

Just as corruption runs in the Congress, FILTH runs among their family-slaves. Naturally, once the news of the sex-trader came to light, ordinary people on SM taunted the pompous Ravish. They taunted him for sermonising the world while filth runs in his own family. Predictably, other Commie, Hindu-hating idiots of media jump to his defence:
Don’t forget to note, that even here the moron Nikhil Wagle addresses people as “Bhakts”. That labelling is lost on him while he defends Ravish. I don’t think anyone “abused” Ravish but how quickly these self-styled courageous retards start playing victim. The standards they apply to the whole country does not apply to them. They will charge anyone with “guilt by association” but their black insides should be treated as white as clean. A photo of Amit Shah with some jerk who assaulted Kanhaiyalal of JNU makes Amit Shah a jerk too. That’s NDTV logic! Not to forget, Wagle’s wife too was once arrested in some case. And while Wagle defends Ravish let us not forget how prejudiced these Commies really are. Sometime back Wagle abused and condemned the entire Brahmin community for some personal prejudices:
So, crooks who publicly air their hatred for all people of one community of Hindus with no reason or rhyme explained want that Ravish should not be taunted for filth in his own family. Never mind! Now the question is – do the sins of the brother make Ravish Kumar a sinner too? Legally no! MORALLY YES! Normally, I wouldn’t indict Ravish even morally. It would neither be reasonable nor justified. But these mediacrooks are the ones who have created and perpetuated the concept of “Guilty by association” when it comes to their own prejudices. In Ravish’s case, it is justified and we must explain to this Hindu-hating Commie why. And all it takes is a few acts of his own that DO NOT qualify as journalism. Read this emotional and instigative rant by Ravish over the Dadri incident from NDTV (excerpts):

The Dadri incident will get lost under the glory of some foreign trip or some clever rhetoric in an election rally…. We are not understanding what is happening around us. We are not being able to make others understand… Our politics has become a collective of opportunists and cowards. I had gone to Dadri to cover Mohammad Akhlaq's death. On the way back, I felt I was carrying another corpse inside me”.

But under years of crimes under Congress didn’t get such an emotional rant. This kind of nonsensical, emotional rants instigated by NDTV, in particular, and many other MSM outlets led to an “Intolerance” campaign implying all Hindus of India have become intolerant under ModiSarkar. And such incidents, though terrible, happen throughout India. What was the motive here? Because the victim was a Muslim the entire nonsense of intolerance was concocted and an entire country slammed. But hey, if filth runs in your own direct family, you have nothing to do with it. That is the jaundiced stupidity of media.

Coward Vemula commits suicide – Modi is responsible! Modi destroyed democracy! Periyar crap in IIT Madras – Modi is responsible! Dadri incident – Modi is responsible! Modi has created a climate of intolerance! Muzaffarnagar riots? Happened because Modi was campaigning! JNU Anti-nationals on fire defending terrorists – Modi is throttling free speech! Some Gaurakshaks get violent – Modi is responsible! Some Dalits get beaten in a fracas – Modi is responsible! And they scream Dalits under attack! Any Hindu or fringe element commits a crime – Modi is responsible! For all the events Modi is in no way connected to – he is responsible. Some stray attack on a church – Modi is responsible. Some nun raped in Bengal – Modi is responsible! But Ravish, sex-racket in your own direct family, – You are responsible for nothing? I refuse to believe Ravish was not aware of his brother’s businesses and chose NOT TO REPORT. I am entitled to that suspicion.

And what about the reporting of Ravish? On Demonetisation, he goes around peddling a tirade against Modi with what? He uses a Congress stooge as street-guy to peddle his hatred (See Surgical Victims). And again, he goes into crowds instigating them to speak against demonetisation but gets booed. In response, ravish chides the crowd as people who don’t care (see Black Eyes). At every opportunity, he instigates and provokes people to slam Modi. What kind of reporting is that? And still claims he’s a journalist? And rants about conscience and tolerance and crap like that? Laughable Idiot! And for his “guilt by association” nonsense (as that of most of the MSM) I don’t see why Ravish’s face shouldn’t be blackened for his brother’s sins:
For all the crimes, this guy and his channel have wrongly attributed to Modi, no matter where the incidents happened. Not once, I repeat NOT ONCE, have these Congi slaves ever held SoniaG responsible for any crimes in Congress states or all the monumental scams under Congress-UPA regime. They even designated Robert Vadra a private citizen on orders of Congress to protect the “FAMILY”. It is not just his brother Brajesh Pandey, but the practice of sexual exploitation of women has long been practiced in their Congress itself:

Has Ravish or NDTV ever discussed or debated these crimes of Congress. I am not even going into episodes of ND Tiwari or that guy Maderna from Rajasthan. And here is how Ravish defends when asked about his brother’s sex-racket:

NO MORON! Socially we don’t accept corrupt people. Media is the first line of defence of the corrupt, not ordinary people in society. It is the practice of Ravish and his Mafia-gang in MSM that covered-up the scams of Congress and SoniaG. His former colleague, Congress-Coolie Rajdeep even went to the extent of asking “Where is the fraud?” in the National Herald scam. Rajdeep also suppressed Cash4Votes tapes. Society does not protect corrupt Ravish, you and your media-mafia do. And since “Guilt by association” is a practice media has instituted against those they don’t like – you can be considered as guilty as your predator brother. You can change that ONLY if you revert to honest “reporting” and not blabbering and peddling crap.


  1. As always hard hitting with facts. Your writings should be shared on many platforms as possible to open eyes of fence sitters or maybe break the hypnotic trance people have been living so far that The Family & Congress is the only party for bringing benefits to the country and its people.
    God bless you Ravinar.

  2. It is indeed an irony that prepaid media blows up single stray instances and whips up a frenzy of intolerance. Ravish should apologise and do a better job of reporting if he is really true to his profession.
    We really are not progressing because of such political stooges masquerading as journalists.

  3. Yesterday I was thinking long time no blog from MC Today got one A Solid kick in Ravish face( back?)oh ha

  4. Surgical demolition of Ravish

  5. I wouldn't even spit on presstitutes. The garbage don't deserve that.

  6. These are surgical multiple strikes. Ravish and his Sonia Bhaktas must be feeling so puny can slip into TV frame

  7. Bang on! That Creep is filth of MSM & NDTV the ces pit of filth. Why it is operating still makes you wonder at the political patronage it has!

  8. I am still amazed that BJP govt is still flirting with NDTV for recently it was inside air force jet fighter plane, giving inside look, similarly on the india's latest submarine inside view & detailed photograph. Do not know who gives permissions & encourages them to all sensitive installations.
    Is Burqa Dutta or NDTV sending "*irls" to entertain BJP ministers to get that permissions ?

  9. A nice hard slap on the prestitutes.Seems their days of falsehood are numbered. Eagerly looking forward for the days when these anti national MSM goons will be behind bars

  10. We demand this presstitute Ravishkumar is forced to report last time on public media full length episode of his prostituting brother under cover of an antinational, corrupt and sex scandalous party.Then he should be released to work full time as Ramu in Calcutta or Bangldesh.

  11. Modi is not doing it right for the Tamils, be it the age old fishermen shootings by SL navy, or all the wrong projects sent to TN Atomic, Methane etc or right projects taken away AIIMS. His silence where he should have expressed opinions, or his visit to Isha which he can avoid. And not to say a word on TN politics or Governor's actions. Its going be atleast 20 years to BJP to take any root in TN. Dont even have me started on the idiots of TN NJP and their utterances at wrong times all the time.

  12. Excellent revelation of the Crooks in NDTV..especially the so called journalist, Ravish.. whose face really gets blackened by this article. Do they have any self respect? No I think, if they had, they would have not sold it to the Italian Mafia.. One thing that surprises me is that, how this Modi / Hindu hater channel gets advts., and interviews by the ministers of the Modi Govt?

  13. Very good to read articles, that take out the pants of Shit lickers of Dynasty. These Lickers are going to get desperate with time as their nudity is increasingly being exposed in public. If only JAITLEY , the protector of these crooks can be shown the door, they will have some rope to escape through..

  14. Good reading. The Bengali electronic media is trying so hard to fefame Modi, but ground realities prevail. Bengal, which is traditionally leftist, has woken up to the fact that Commies are actually anti-national and anti-people. Modis following is growing, slowly and very very steadily. You should do an article on Mamata's Bengal.

  15. Good reading. The Bengali electronic media is trying so hard to fefame Modi, but ground realities prevail. Bengal, which is traditionally leftist, has woken up to the fact that Commies are actually anti-national and anti-people. Modis following is growing, slowly and very very steadily. You should do an article on Mamata's Bengal.

  16. This is most scathing article written with minute and logical details...

    Crooked commie journos will once again feel they hv been robbed off their clothes....not for the last time though !

  17. This comie b****d Ravishkumar has no shame.He has to quit and go to Haridwar for his own good.He will be jobless shortly as time has come to NDTV to close down with its rating coming down so fast.I fail to understand why Modi Govt. is giving ads and other financial assistance t this anti national TV.

  18. Mr. Ravinar - You raved and ranted in your previous articles about how Modi is losing the plot. Can you guess who won the recent Maharashtra municipal elections?

    1. M. Ashok

      Somehow it is boys like you who rave and rant whennever Modi is criticised. I have seen Modi changing his approach after MC blogs. He has started responding to people and acknowledges when support is given. Even the Maharashtra elections you talk about, MC was the only person to strongly suggest breaking from SS. The elections have nothing to do with MC criticism of Modi. Only little boys like you make everything about elections as if MC wanted BJP to lose elections. It requires maturity which you don't have to understand that it is better for criticism to come from a staunch supporter than rabid haters like Barkha or Rajdeep. But you are a slave, you will not know the difference.

  19. I don't understand why Congress is relevant any more. Why do genres wish to stick with a sinking ship. Perhaps the fear of being uncovered. I know first hand there is huge money involved.

  20. Journalists I mean not genres

  21. Not just congress mukth bharath..We want commie mukth bharath...prestitutes mukth bharath. .and many more..excellent article as always..Indian mainstream media has lost all credibility ..but alas they have neither pride nor shame left in them

  22. The more I read ur articles the more I remember India Today of 1980s great real indept critical n unbiased analysis.#JSK.

  23. As good as you are in fighting the Congress created Chrishmalist media / NGO / entertainment cabal with your hard hitting language and style, the problem is your reach. A blog is not a substitute for the influence of an NDTV or The Hindu or Amir Khan. You and your like-minded brethern need to create an alternative media vehicle such as Fox in the US.

  24. Great post It is really use information thank you.

  25. On the last part that indians do not socially accept corrupt, i think that needs refocus.

    Every election from local to the top bodies proves that indians are far too okay with looking away. The shiv sena in mumbai has again won the local elections here. That's an eg. Then congress got about 30 seats.

    People are all too willing to look the other way on corruption over language, identity politics.

    As far as media, totally agree on that part.

  26. Nikhil Wagle....the joker of the pack thinks that his association transient as it may be with Crorepati, Oxbridge educated journos has put him in some exalted league. He was repeatedly thrashed and assaulted by storm troopers and today he is doling out a certificate of modernity, progressive and broad minded outlook to AADITYA THAKRE because SS the opportunist Hindu militants are at loggerheads with BJP whose ancestry from RSS ensures that they are committed to the core indealogy.


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