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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Fantasies Of Rahul Gandhi

I seriously wonder if Rahul Gandhi had even heard of a place called Bhatta-Parsaul a few months ago. The agitation there was quite tempting for him to go out there and demonstrate his deep concern for the plight of farmers. “I am ashamed to be called an Indian after seeing the atrocities. Congress will not budge from here till the demands are met..” he had said. Really? Well, if it’s any comfort there are many people in this country who feel that way too after all the scams Rahul’s Congress has heaped on this nation. But never mind that.

First, I am not sure Rahul Gandhi was inspired by his own conscience to rush to Greater Noida and be the saviour of farmers. That left me wondering where he derived his inspiration from. That was answered by the pics that have been up everywhere. See a familiar face? Yes, that would be the ‘royal’ farmer Digvijay Singh. The mentor and the ‘Apt Pupil’!

Now then, that is where Rahul’s imagination runs riot. He narrates stories of women being raped by police, people being burnt alive and so on. Violent agitation does cause damage to property and injuries and even deaths. His allegation, however, was that it was the police that heaped all the cruelties. And you know what? He even collected proof, pictures and selected a bunch of farmers to have a meeting with the PM.

Our news channels were quite conflicted as to which event they should cover. The drama of the Karnataka crises or the fantasies of Rahul Gandhi. In any case they had a great time between the Amul Yuvraj and the disturbing Hansraj. Suddenly, today there are news reports that much of what Rahul Gandhi stated was an exaggeration and not exactly entirely accurate. To that his mentor, Diggy and other Congress spokespersons, suggest that Rahul only repeated what he was told by the villagers. Of course, we already know that! Rahul only repeats what he’s been told. Do you seriously expect Rahul to say anything of his own?

One of the sound practices in management is to never rely too much on ‘second-hand’ news. If indeed one gets ‘second-hand’ news then some basic verification and corroboration is undertaken. Well, I don’t think they teach this at Harvard or Cambridge where Rahul Gandhi is reported to have studied. They also don’t teach this at journalistic schools I suppose. Our media simply belted out Rahul’s biggest hits of Bhatta-Parsaul without even a primary verification.

And now, it all comes tumbling down. A CNN-IBN report (and my compliments to them) has reversed much of the extra-ordinary allegations that Rahul Gandhi had hurled.  (Did Rahul Gandhi mislead the PM?) Typically, the Congress now says Rahul was misquoted and blah, blah, blah and another big blah.

No surprises here. I had sometime ago suggested that the Congress had long back changed a slogan. It remains ‘ShityamevaJayate’! And yes, they can count on the media to follow suit.


  1. Forget about an obscure UP village.

    FIRST let us question Rahul Gandhi on the status of his pet constituency, Amethi, which incidentally has seen FIVE generations of Nehru Dynasty MPs.

    Some developmental indicators:

    (1) Amethi has 39.5% literacy level (national average being around 65%),

    (2) Around 50% population is below poverty line

    (3) Only 15% population has access to electricity

    (4) Vaccination level is below 16%

    (5) Around 16% of children die below age of 5 years

    (6) Amethi received Rs.3.06 crore as developmental fund (or MPLAD) from Govt. of India in 2009-10 of which Rahul Gandhi used merely 5.89% (0.18 crore).

    Second, let us see his record as a champion youth icon Member of Parliament :

    (1) The national MP attendance average in the parliament is 77%. Rahul Gandhi's attendance is 47%.

    (2) National average for questions asked by MPs in parliament is 119. Rahul Gandhi asked ZERO questions.

    (3) The national average for Debates attended by MPs is 15.6. Rahul Gandhi attended ZERO debates.

    (source: PRS Legislative

    This so-called youth icon and leader is a farcical creation of the media, at the behest of the Congress party. He is a cluless, aimless wanderer who gallivanted= and partied around the world for 40 years and promptly came back to slide into the topmost party seat reserved and warmed up for him. His past credentials are dubious and his present actions and results speak for themselves. We have to be a nation of biggest nincompoops to even contemplate this man-child as the Prime Minister.

  2. Yesterday on this issue, Times Now and Arnab Goswami were exposed. Arnab Goswami had invited the tainted Amar CD Singh for discussion on this issue.

    It seems after declining to show Amar Singh's CD, it was another low, Time Now has achieved by giving platform to Amar CD Singh. It seems after reaching the highest TRP (?) by taking a stance against corrupt, Times Now is encashing the same by promoting people like Amar CD Singh. (The same old business model of Indian Crooked media)

  3. Looks like Rahul Gandhi picked up his mentor from internet. He must have conflated Digg-it with Diggy it!

  4. Bluffmaster Rahu Gandhi

    Farmers' stir: No human remains in ash, says UP chief secy

    'Forensic report exposes Rahul’s claim

    Rahul Gandhi and the art of selling fear

    tavleen_singh : Who encouraged Rahul Gandhi to lie about something that could be so easily verified? He should be sacked.

    Why that fellow , Rahul Gandhi thinks Gmail is Gandhi mail says one twitterati

  5. @free_verse
    If the politicians are not maintaining such morons ratio as you analysed, then they would not vote for them. It is a strategy with tactics and MK drove the whole state like that in TN but even such have nots understood his nefarious tactics and decimated him in the recent poll

  6. RG has advisors like Digiwho will ensure his down fall

  7. and the congress PR and Pro congress media should stop propagating him as the Next PM or most popular politician ..Ridiculous article and another brain washing attempt to make masses believe in the name of Gandhi ...Does not the Congress have any other alternative than Gandhis ...Hypocrites..

  8. I like your posts and have a suggestion ..if you can bring a version in Hindi too... It would be great.. there are many hindi speakers on internet. I wish, whole India can access unbiased news and correct media reports.


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