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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Confirmed Losers - 2

If you have not already read the first part of this series, I recommend you do.

Marketing requires product-differentiation if one’s product happens to be in a generic category. Therefore, marketers attach certain values to their Brands. Colgate might say “bright teeth”, CloseUp might say “fresh breath” or Patanjali might stress on “herbal” values. This holds true for political parties too. There are some 30-40 mainstream parties contesting elections across India. How do they differentiate themselves? From Congress to TMC to SP to NCP to RJD to DMK they are more or less the same. All of them are Sickulars, all of them hate Hindus, all of them become Hindus during elections now, all of them appease Muslims, all of them associate and sympathise with terrorists and all of them have no real agenda. If you were to sing the old number-nursery rhyme “Ten green bottles on a wall” this is what it looks like:
 The only major party that has clearly differentiated itself from all the others is the BJP. So, when they found a strong leader in PM Narendra Modi, their acceptance has grown dramatically across India. The green bottles of the Mahathugbandhan are indistinguishable from one another. They are united only by their hatred of Modi, of Hindus and of the saffron colour. But there is one thing that does separate Sonia-Congress from the other green bottles and that is their utter contempt for any institution in the country, especially the Judiciary. At any point in time, the liars of Congress will grandly claim they respect the judiciary and verdicts of the courts. But the arrogant Nehru-Gandhis have NEVER respected courts or their verdicts. Here’s a little piece from an old post of mine:
The last part in the pic above which refers to the Ordinance to overturn SC verdict on convicted politicians is the incident where, after public outrage, RahulG tore the Ordinance at a presser by Ajay Maken. He termed it “complete nonsense” and totally disrespected PM MMS in his stupid action. And these destroyers of institutions grandly claim Modi is destroying institutions. Modi has not touched or attempted to subvert one single institution in India. The Chinese Gandhis have damaged SC, HC, EC and every other institution in this country treating themselves above the law and above the country. All this through their legal mafia. They tried to impeach CJI Dipak Mishra when things didn’t go their way. And now there is some strange case of sexual allegations against the current CJI.

We may not like the politics of Mayawati or Akhilesh or Sharad Pawar but they are not despicable people. At worst, they are corrupt Sickulars without a direction or agenda for India. There are politicians that simply create repulsion. The Chinese Gandhis, Maomata, Abdullahs, Mehboobas, Kejriwal are simply filth-filled politicians who indulge in lies, slander and extreme anti-social behaviour. The episode in which PG Vadra had young children shouting abusive slogans against Modi makes one wonder what she teaches her own children and what her mom taught her.  The sociopath behaviour of RG is now beyond redemption and the man certainly needs medical treatment. During her time, IndiraG blamed every problem, every allegation of corruption on a “foreign hand”. And now, Sonia and her family themselves are the foreign hand whose motives seem to be anything but the good of India. The Vadri episode forces people to say things like “An illiterate family that produced many scums” as Koena Mitra says in her tweet.

For a woman who her son grandly quoted as saying “power is poison”, the Gandhis have always been desperate for that poison. They will do anything and everything to destroy anyone for that poison. Thus, their constant slander against Modi, even being petty in matters like ASAT or the UN declaring Masood Azhar a global terrorist or on the surgical strikes. Foolishly, the Congress came out with a spurious list of six surgical strikes they had carried out under UPA but the Army itself denies these silly claims. Among the institutions that the Sonia-Congress has abused, misused and left largely disarmed is the Army. They ran a “coup-allegation” campaign against Army Chief VK Singh. They left the Army without modern equipment. They used the Army and defence as a fund-raising device through their scams. They called the Army Chief a “Sadak Chaap Goonda”. No political party in the world has abused and slandered its own Army as much as Sonia-Congress has done. And they talk about Modi damaging institutions? If things don’t go their way, their mafia-footsies abuse the SC, the CJI and everyone who doesn’t toe their line:
The SC has invited ridicule by repeatedly letting off contemptuous offenders like Prashant Bhushan. This PIL-mafia goon exists only to throw a Gandhi-spanner in every work. PB again abused the SC in the Rafale matter and is being pulled up for Contempt. He threw a Gandhi-spanner in the Rohingya issue. And when the Judge Loya verdict didn’t go their way, the Congis moved an impeachment motion against the CJI in the parliament. Who’s destroying our institutions? Modi? Lately, the Congis abuse the EC all over. They have dragged the EC to the SC on frivolous issues to somehow force it to penalize Modi over speeches that do not merit any action at all. The enemy works in two ways – It keeps you engaged in a direct battle and it also keeps other institutions engaged in petty nonsense wasting their time, resources and attention. Sonia had a little underling in the EC itself. He was a “Toilet-slave” of hers and of the Congress. Naveen Chawla should have been sacked dishonourably:
The CEC recommended Chawla be removed from the EC and that he cannot be the future CEC. But at that time, the President was the “cutlery-loving” Pratibha Patil. So, Chawla got to stay on and then became the CEC. Imagine, a Congress bathroom-singer was the CEC of the country. And these criminal Congis claim Modi is destroying institutions? In 2014, the Congress did not expect to lose. They thought they might get lesser seats but would somehow cobble up an alliance and still be in power. Nothing had prepared them for the thrashing they got. That is why they did not prepare for the aftermath of Modi totally destroying them. This time around, they are aware of their plight and thus, I suppose they are prepared with an action plan with their legal mafia to subvert a democratic verdict. And the gang of four they most rely on to launch an attack on such a verdict are the usual scumbags:
In any other democracy where justice is speedy (like USA or UK) all the four above would have served jail-terms of various lengths. Sibal for dubious real estate deals. Bhushan for repeated Contempt of court. Indira Jaising for fund-frauds and FCRA violations and Singhvi for “Tax Chori”. Laughably, Singhvi claimed he had purchased laptops worth 5 crores for his staff for which he also claimed depreciation. That amount would mean roughly 1250 laptops at higher average cost of 40K per laptop. What was Singhvi running? A termite factory? Had Modi been vindictive, he could have gone against all these jokers hammer and tongs and made their lives miserable. He didn’t do so. Modi seeks to blunt them politically rather than legally. Many consider this one of Modi’s failures in the last five years – of allowing the corrupt a “soft run”. Singhvi’s property in Mumbai was rented to scamster Nirav Modi and his wife reportedly bought jewellery worth 1.5 crores from Nirav.

There is another of Sonia’s little kitchen-helper called Harsh Mander – one of the rogues of the 2002 lies-peddler and operator of dubious NGOs. He was Sonia’s NAC member. He too slandered the SC and the CJI of bias and got slapped:
In 2012, this pervert Harsh Mander’s NGO that runs a children’s home in Mehrauli was accused of sexual exploitation of children. This is not merely an allegation but Delhi police confirmed the crimes after investigation. Nobody knows what happened to the case. It is easy to blame Modi for not going after these criminals but there are so many Congi-criminals it is hard to decide where to begin and which ones to punish first. All of Sonia’s henchmen would be in jail, including Sonia and her little juvenile jerks, if the law really took its own course. And something tells me, in ModiSarkar 2.0 the law will indeed take its own course at a much faster pace. And this is what worries Sonia and her gang.

In 2014, Sonia-Congress did not expect the thrashing they got at the elections. Since then, they have thrown muck at and abused every major institution of India – the SC, the HC, the EC, EVMs, the Army, the Air Force. For every accomplishment of ModiSarkar on the foreign front they credited Pakistan or China. Their greatest assault, of course, on Hindus and Hinduism. In 2019, they know they are confirmed losers. Thus, they are prepared with a plan. Sonia-Congress and her legal mafia is surely prepared for the biggest assault on Indian Democracy and outcomes of Democratic elections. With an American advisor, they must have also learned from the protracted wrangling of Russian involvement in the US elections of 2016. In the final part of this series we shall estimate the level of damage they seek to inflict.

To be concluded… 


  1. Earlier the coterie members looked quite suave - Former Law Minister Ashwani Kumar, NAC member Harsh Mander, Baisakhi chor Salman Khurshid, stiff upper lip Romila Thaper, most decent ones - like Shobhana Bhartia, Aroon Purie - the list is very long. But these all soft, chubby, suave, stiff upper lip, english speaking people are disrobed by Raviji in various blog posts. Then there were many who started supporting Congress in Hindi Media too like Shravan Garg, Mrinal Pandey, Punya Prasun Bajpayi, etc. Raviji has promoted a tribe which nekkidify any attempt to whitewash congi crime. Now any single attempt is thwarted ably by social media warriors by their research, saved posts, pics, images. The faces of these spent-political-force supporters have become so crooked that it now reeks of hatred to see them speak virtue when there can be no attribution in reality. These filthy people are running out and out war on Indian democracy for their petty gains and are just not ready to budge, go into oblivion and breathe some easy air. Such is the grip of Congress on them and such much are the benefits doled on them. This is but good - that they are all bundled in one nefarious group and going to face the music very soon. I wish its done quite fast which alas in the given legal framework may take years.

  2. While the legal mafia is sure to be used in the event of a CONgi defeat, please don't overlook the riots the overaged juvenile delinquent unleashed in Haryana, Mandsaur and other places.

    This model family wontw stop at using their resources to set the whole country on fire.

  3. Supporters pleaded and begged Modi to go hammer and tongs against the scumbags but neither he or BJP showed any concern, giving an impression of a fixed match, and so his supporters are showing lackluster disdain. I doubt if BJP2019 will be different unless a whole lot of dead wood within BJP is got rid of

    1. And one of the dead wood in BJP seems to be none other than Arun Jaitley himself. May be Rajnath Singh to a lesser extent

    2. In civil engineering, we use a term "work front", in hindi "chaal". In projects like roads, water pipelines which are more linear, we tend to open up as many workfronts as possible to complete the job at the earliest. What subcontractors do is finish the easy workfronts first, take the payment and runaway from the tougher ones. Before packing off, they would have done little work in all the workfronts available, leave it not even at half way, and the whole project goes for a toss and unmanageable for a novice project manager. As no one comes forward for completing the unfinishined task but ok with fresh task. The whole thing becomes shabby and heavily exceeds the budget. Had Modi opened up too many workfronts, nothing could have been accomplished due to the deep state operators in all the institutions.Not only everything would have boomeranged on him, also, he would not have been in a position what he is today. What he has done is perfectly alright. Even I was one among the skeptics and had become intolerant on him for not taking any visible action. Today, if modi is in this position, it is solely due to his self-restrained move in not being offensive.

  4. उत्कृष्ट। तीक्ष्ण और मर्मान्तक प्रहार।
    इस पूरी गैंग को इस दुनिया से सदा के लिए उखाड फेंकना राष्ट्रहित मे है।

  5. Truly worrisome Ravinar

    what are the recourse available? what you claim seems to be a real possibility. Enough ground reports suggest an NDA sweep. But there is some cockiness with congi goons, which means backroom channels are ready. I hope Modi-Shah combine have some aces up their sleeves

  6. Wonderful eye opener on how congis have manipulated (still doing) the whole system according to their will and destroyed Hindus (India) in their 70 years rule.

  7. Mark my Words: Most of the Anti- Hindu forces including Pakistanis, Chinese, Congress Party & sickulars, Indian Muslims & Christians would be thinking on the lines of - Can we thwart Modi's return by supporting Gadkari? How long will Modi rule? Another 5 years, 10 years, then we would have a chance to bounce back & have a sweet deal with somebody like Gadkari or Rajnath o some other BJP guy who just want's power.

  8. It was always a wonder for me as to how the congress managed to garner support of intellectuals, media -savvy personalities, vociferous TV anchors and legal bigwigs whenever it is in trouble. There is now clearly a simple explanation to this. These are a group of people who are selfish to the core and are astute enough to know that any kind of manipulation is pretty easy when congress is in power. Five years of Modi's rule has made it clear that this man is of a different mettle and they are so driven by frustration at their inability to manipulate the system to their advantage that they have lost their balance of mind. It is so amusing to watch the facial expressions of opportunists like Nishant Verma, John Dayal , Jha,Surjewala et al when they debate on The TV channels at prime time. The hatred in their heart about Modi actually makes them so ugly. I only hope that Hindus see beyond their castes and communities and focus on national welfare when they vote in these elections.

  9. Eversince you introduced the word sociopath, the last jail scene of "sigappu rojakkal", where kamalgasan gives totally empty+blank looks to sridevi and keeps writing on the jail cell wal "sharada, sharada" (that's what I remember, seen in 1979). Wonderful psychothriller by Bharatiraja with music by the legend Ilayaraja. Made as "Red Rose" by Rajesh Khanna in hindi. Same way, rasul, kamalgasan, prakash raj, momota, kesri, most ngo peddlers, most of the msmmmers, will write modi modi on the walls of their rooms (wherever they are).

  10. वाह रवि जी
    मोदी जी और भाजपा ही हिंदुओं का भविष्य है

    1. I disagree Sir. Modiji will be our PM for maybe another 1-2 terms. Then what?

      Our enemies (including Pakistanis, Chinese, Congress Party & sickulars, Indian Muslims & Christians) will be already preparing to hit back with a plan B. They will probably buy their time & laydown the plan B till Modi retires & then attack us with vengeance.

  11. Khangress never tires to surprise with its ever growing new list of scams or scammed ideology. I love this Pappu who is giving Narendra Modi the PM ship on a platter. Pappu is indeed God sent opportunity for Khangress mukth Bharat.
    It is time that every judge or lawyer who are part of this Lutyens ideology should be named & shamed in public.

  12. Hope the people especially youngsters don't fall into the trap of these congis and ruin their lives for petty financial gains

  13. If MODI will not strike at the roots of SC after 23rd May taking over as PM then he will never work for 5 years like 2014-2019 period.The Congress lawyers are well prepared for holding the SC to ransom by filing petitions at Midnight like the Karnataka election and stop Modi.SC is against MODI.The Judges are under compulsion and holding as ransom by these lawyers who filed Sexual perversion petition cases.One Eminent Lawyer Harish Salve warned in 2014 to modi that he will be stopped from working by SC with lawyers filing PIL against the govt every day.And he is prophetic.Indira Jaisngh recently said that they had prepared PIL cases ready before hand to file when Modi will be elected as PM to stop him and ever obliging SC judges will meet at midnight to declare election of MODI as NULL and VOID.A Coward Impotent Spineless PM and Law minister for last 5 years made hell of the Govt which is subdued and surrendered its duties to SC.If MODI will surrendered his duties to Sc again then he will be most weak PM

    1. My friend Proud Indian, Modi must do a priority cleansing of the SC so that India gets judges of quality who cannot be disturbed in the midnight. What is true and admissible to an ordinary Indian citizen should be the standard to all and the mighty. If an ordinary citizen canot disturb a judge in the night, so too the State and no advocate should have the right to demand a judge to decide a case overnight or in the wee hours of the morning. Modi should sort out this matter right in the beginning along with very many issues.He should not wait for years 2020,2021 to decide issues.

  14. Ravinar, Great article. I have no words to praise you. As I said earlier in this forum, my only desire to see you as the Minister in-charge for education to take this country to greater heights. Long live and my prayers.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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