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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Taimur Psychowar

Most of us don’t take news about Bollywood too seriously. In most cases, what we find are silly titbits and gossip on Twitter and in glossy print pages. We either laugh it away or pass a sarcastic comment. I mean, what do you do with silly stuff like “Will Dumbini leave Dumbo?” or promoting a TV series with tweets like “Will the jealous Shabbo bitch about Salma to her former lover”? Most of it is comic. Sometimes it can get worse. In the middle of going berserk in the reporting of Sridevi’s unfortunate death, RepublicTV came up with the dumbest thing you could ever imagine. They tweeted: “Watch as Boney Kapoor returns Sridevi’s kiss in an adorable manner”. Seriously? I wonder what the hubbies at Republic do if their wives kiss them – go to the bathroom, spray a disinfectant and wipe the kiss off with cotton or a napkin? Then I noticed a scoop by this same dumb channel that revealed how Kareena Ali felt immediately after becoming a mother:

What is it that is unique to Kareena that these jokers have been peddling? There have been many other Bollywoodinas who have birthed kids but this is the first time I was reading something like this. I don’t track Bollywood all that much but it then suddenly struck me – like a bird flew into the cave I was living in and whispered in my ear, to look a bit more closely. And I noticed that day after day after day, these corrupt media channels have for some reason peddling been “Taimur” to us. Taimur is the son of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Ali Khan. Both Saif and Kareena are average actors and Saif is most known for the unending flop movies he delivers. Both have Bollywood parents and that is the only reason they are in the movies.

When Saif and Kareena named their new-born baby “Taimur” most of us laughed. It was a name most associated with brutality, tyranny and mass murder. It will take a long time to narrate the full history of Taimur who is also known as Tamerlane, Timur The Lame and in India as “Taimur Lang” or “Taimur Langda”. These titles because Taimur had a limp in an injured foot and a hip injury. I have done the work for you and found the most appropriate short description of this brutal mass-murderer:

28 towers with human skulls! Elsewhere, you will learn that Taimur had killed 17 million people – half the population of the earth during his time. After his conquest of Indian regions his stated purpose was the complete genocide of Hindus. In all the places he invaded he wiped out the whole local population. In some places over 1 Lakh captives were killed mercilessly. Well, not a surprise that Saif-Kareena would love a name like “Taimur”. And the media bombing of people with the “Taimur” nonsense continued unabated. As usual, NDTV was the most loving of them all telling us about the Jeep ride by little Taimur:

Needless to say, NDTV claimed all of Taimur’s pics are going viral, viral, viral. Nothing about Taimur was viral except the corrupt media channels and some Bollywood footsies peddling the pics and concocted stories. The way these channels peddle this stuff you would think you and your family need to get some vaccination all over again. I mean, if someone said the winky video of Priya Varrier went viral, I can believe it and that would be factually correct. But what exactly was viral about little Taimur? Other than his odd name over a murderer there is really nothing viral about him and the poor kid doesn’t even know that he’s already being used to resurrect one of history’s most repulsive characters. When he grows up, I wonder if he will enjoy the name or hate his parents for subjecting him to an atrocity that he had no control over. 

But now, whether the kid likes it or not, his parents and the media have permanently stamped a mark on him.  No channel wanted to be left behind. There are cases where many channels and other newspapers and online magazines jumped around in a “Synchronised Taimur dance”. This particular pic of his with a cousin describing his hazel eyes, car-pooling with the cousin and also going viral did the rounds. From comic, this was now moving to an “organised racket”:

There are hundreds of other pics from the media and putting all of them up in this blog would mean I would be promoting this racket too. Then it occurred to me that this is no accident. This is no co-incidence that all the media houses were promoting Taimur non-stop. This is an organised “Psychowar”, through which people are being brainwashed systematically by some Commies or Islamists to hammer the name down your brain and throat. They are hammering it so often and so systematically that you are likely to become immune to the horror or crimes associated with the name “Taimur”. Please note, in all of this, the child is innocent and no aspersion is being cast upon him or his innocence. But I have to wonder what his parents and the corrupt media are up to. The entire operation of this Taimur Psychowar is to make you slowly forget the horrors and accept Taimur as just another name:

Sure enough, I have no doubts that huge amount of money has gone into this psychowar. Maybe the recipients of these funds in the media just treat it as “promotion money” and some may be innocent and unaware of the ulterior motive of this psychowar. In our books the murderous Islamic invaders have either been glorified or their crimes “sanitized”. Roads and monuments were named after many. Recently, there have been attempts to restore the murderous Aurangzeb as a glorious ruler who was kind to Hindus and their temples. Some Audrey Tawdry type foreign writers are on a project for this. After the “Padmavat” movie, many idiotic Fiberals whined and felt sad that Allauddin Khilji couldn’t find true love by not being able to get the infatuation of his life (the Rani). Throw a bit of romance, some songs around the bush and lo and behold, moronic Commie Fiberals will whine even for Hitler if Bollywood does it. So, this is what is being done with Taimur too.

Sooner or later, you would be forced to ask yourself – So what if Taimur Lang was a mass murderer, it is just a name and nothing else. Yes, Taimur is also just a name but the trick is to force you to accept a name that symbolises tyranny, brutal mass murder and an eminent hater and destroyer of Hindus. Those who don’t know the full history of Taimur, this site provides a quick glimpse through a list of facts. It seems, in 1941 the Russians excavated the tomb of Tamerlane:

Well well! There is some curse associated with the name it seems. Tamerlane killed 17 million people, 5% the earth’s population in his time. His coffin and tomb were reportedly inscribed with the following words: “Whoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I” and one inscription on this tomb which reportedly read “When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble”. It seems after the Russians excavated Taimur’s grave, they were attacked by Hitler. Some organised racket is funding this new resurrection of Taimur in India. I am not sure it is just a name. And when the entire media is a participant in this organised racket, then I believe I am right in suspecting a bigger psychowar has been unleashed. 


  1. Then probably making Osama Bin Laden’s name sacred is next.

    In any case, I have stopped watching all Khans and Khania movies long time ago.

  2. Kudos Ravinar ji. Last year WEF called with a report "Indian media are most Corrupt" across world. Now your mailing these media is nothing far from Truth. All media houses , both Print, Msms including Regional are nothing but mouth piece with agenda to create slowly commonalise for the price they get paid for this Tyrants are projected as Saints for future generations. The indian mainstream medias both print & msms are filled with selfish communist agenda 🐖 s like Maddison Thug Rajdeep , Pagalika (Sagarika Ghose) False Coup theory planter Shekhar Gupta , Enemy pet Bharka Dutt NiraRadia brokers and Commie pis NRam Siddarth Vardarajan , wife Nalini Sundar (Naxal propogator) et ilk do s & 🐖 s ...

  3. Psychowar the future brought out.

  4. Ravinar, am a great fan of your writing. However, the last reference to Taimur in your article states that 17 million equals 5% of the earths population NOT 50%. Keep writing and best wishes

  5. Chilling. But most probably after Tipu, Aurangzeb this is the agenda. Most kids his age are that cute.. the net is flooded. Many stars have kids. But why this boy? They are making his name become acceptable before he Googls and learns. What horrible machinations the media indulges in...

    1. That is why who has been putting poison in the roots of Indian Civilisation. It can no more be tolerated.

  6. Chilling. But most probably after Tipu, Aurangzeb this is the agenda. Most kids his age are that cute.. the net is flooded. Many stars have kids. But why this boy? They are making his name become acceptable before he Googls and learns. What horrible machinations the media indulges in...

  7. We should name all our public toilets as Taimur

  8. It is possible that Saif and Kareena have very low IQ and picked the name Timur because they are idiots. I think Krunanidhi's son is called Stalin, another mass murderer.

    1. Whatever - but they were conveyed about it very initially still they are going ahead proves - Ravinar point - greater design in scheme of things. Why should Kareena leave Shahid Kapoor and many more suitable boys and choose to cozy up with Saif Ali Khan? why should Indian films have mehbooba mehbooba song unfittingly placed in sholay or allah jaane kya hogo aage, maula jaane... in Hariyali aur Rasta. These are grand designs very systematically and patiently being played out over decades now. Nehru, Indira, Sanjay Ghandy were all muslims. Those names we detest - they feel proud to wear as badge. Isn't a subtle challenge being thrown and then play victim - hame dabaya jaa raha hai, aawaz nahin suni jaa rahi hai crap... Disgusting.

  9. Times of India the sponsorer of Filmfare awards & publishes filmfare magazine has been brokering & negotiating commercial contracts to keep publishing about the actors / actresses, as if they are demi-gods, with some nonsense, in the guise of actor/actress remains in the eyes, "Nose" & ears of public.
    Since the dumpest kid "karishma kapoor" who took all wrong decisions in life ended up with divorce & 1-2 kids, neither an eye candy (unlike Boney Kapoor wanting to show of his "luck" (prized possession by deciet) by public kissing of his wife Sridevi" as if they are in eternal love, & the public has now seen what this eternal love final is) !!!
    Karishma kapoor who is without friends or acquitances in her own filmi world, "finds herself beside" Saif Ali Khan on his birthday night celebrations !!!
    Sridevi has one blood sister & two step brothers. There is no word or mention where they are or what their reaction to her sudden death. Sridevi was alone even in crowd of her own family, she was depressed & short of falling into brink of losing her mental balance (reality).
    Media with its continuous shouting & endless debates involving the same political spokesmen who are representatives of corrupt parties (irrespective of BJP or Khangress, both are equally corrupt in various degrees) talking & defending steps against corruption !!! & the joke is the information ministry is silent sitting duck watching all nonsense.

    1. it was Boney kapoor and her daughters who gave mukhagni and not arjun !!!

  10. Talking about Saif Ali Khan the actor...

  11. Spot on Ravinar! I too am far away from bollywood news but as u say even if i stay in my far from bolly cave the little bird flies in n forcefully whispers in my ears! Be it salman or taimur hammering goes on.even if i clearly tell my newsfeeda to show lesser stories like this/ not interested in such news,every next time i open they persistently ignore my feedback n shove it down on me. Its irritating.dont even watch bollycrap (unless its reviewd too good by family etc...havent even seen padmavat or any salman movie for that matter) so m equally uninterested in what happens in their life) yet news forcefeed is intolerable. Media sinister motives really warrant suspicion of funding by such crap people. Youtube too does this forcefeed.half my time goes in clicking not interested n still next time same story.

    1. Nam blissfully unaware of the sridevi tamasha too as m off tv channels...only SM updates from whatever was being discussed by ppl i follow yet it was intolerable

  12. Poor child of pathetic and fanatic parents.My sympathies to the innocent baby. Shudder to think about his future when he grows senses.

  13. One has to visit TOI website on any random day. At least one to two of the News items are about this poor kid who is already hated by many who dont even know of him. Trust he doesnt grow up to be as shallow and bigotted as his father.

    Saif is so bloody his hay days, people called him beautiful not handsome. So some hidden retribution there in wanting to name his son after a masculine man even if its a barbaric animal?

  14. Very true! On one side establish the name 'Taimur' as against 'Timur'..then when you google all you get about Taimur is the baby story, except for a Wiki Box about Timur the tyrant..over time you make so much content about the Baby Taimur that the name of Tyrant Timur will be washed away from the front pages of Google..

  15. We have amongst us love jihadis who not only take Hindu women but also give birth to Taimurs. You are right someone may be funding the nappy stories so tjth this name becomes acceptable. But why a name like Taimur to a son born out of Hindu women. Does she not care about her ancestry? It is provocative to say the least. Whatever respect I had for Kapoor Tagore and Pataudi is taken away by a baby named Taimur.

  16. What will they name their second son? Aurangzeb? Jinnah?

  17. This Name pychowar may be the beginning... Gaznavi, Babar, like celebs to be followed in India.

    1. We already ghori manzil, ghori tiles in Indore.

  18. Taimur from north and Stalin from South! Commies and murderers being legitimised!

  19. I tried to stop Googl news to not to publish stories of Taimur to me. But every Day Iam getting updates of the same. And I remember still Taimur is invading us.

  20. As BJP is growing in numbers, likely to get some majority in Rajya Sabha, anxiously await Narendra Modi to change constitution & to make
    1) India a Hindu nation
    2) Cow / buffaloe / pork meat - total ban
    3) No changing of names or religion after or before marriage
    The stupid north Indian system of girl changing the
    surname has increased the burden of passport office by
    over 400% luckily the girls do not want to change their
    educational certificates, birth certificates also.
    4) Punishment should be compounded for each offense performed
    by the individual i.e. rape & murder should be 250 years
    of life imprisionment
    5) Remove reservation & only economic condition

    The above is for the first ONE month agenda (suggested).

  21. I am really puzzled that why NDTV hasn’t asked Taimur’s views on election results of Tripura, Nagaland and Meghalaya? He might offer better explanation than absconder Rahul Gandhi. ;)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Naming the baby Taimur is NOT an accident. Here is a bit of history that readers of Mediacrooks must become aware of:

    An ancestor of the Pataudis, not too far away in history,settled in India in the 16th century from Afghanistan. After living in India for nearly 300 years, a descendant of this illustrious clan fought with the British in the second Anglo-Maratha War. No one tells why the Brits fought a second war - but the real fact is they were being pushed behind by the Marathas.

    So, during the second Anglo-Maratha war, using bribery, this particular honorable ancestor was induced, to turn against the Marathas by the Britishers. Upon winning the war, they were given the current Pataudi estate and much more, an extended gun salute.

    A later Pataudi Sr. was included into the very English Cricket leagues and his son followed, marrying a beautiful bengali actress. Rest is well known.

    This lineage has had a track record of betraying the country in which they lived for over 3 centuries by siding with the British. There are may 'illustrious' families well settled in India, earn millions from the adulation and support they get from India but given any opportunity, they will turn against our nation and side with who ever comes to Break India.

    Twitter: @ps_009

  24. @ravinar,
    waiting for writeup on AAP chaos with CS


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