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Friday, June 6, 2014

The GoondaRaj in Bengal

(This is a MaxiPost)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that appears to be now commonly recognised. Some people are severely inflicted and some are mildly. “Research into the biological causes and effects of OCD has revealed a link between OCD and insufficient levels of the brain chemical, serotonin. Serotonin is one of the brain's chemical messengers that transmit signals between brain cells. Serotonin plays a role in the regulation of mood, aggression, impulse control, sleep, appetite, body temperature and pain. All of the medicines used to treat OCD raise the levels of serotonin available to transmit messages”. In short, there is a “chemical imbalance” in the brain. OCD can also lead to phobias and imaginary threats. It’s a lot like Diabetes; it can be controlled but there is no permanent cure for it as of now.

In 2011 when Mamata Banerjee led the TMC to end the 34-year rule of the CPM in Bengal people had high hopes from the change. Her conduct since then has left a lot to be desired. First, there is no difference between the CPM and TMC as both are parties of the Commie ideology. Both are violent parties. However, the conduct and utterances of MB and some of her sidekicks leave me wondering if she is inflicted with OCD. In 2012 MB walked out of a public discussion with Sagarika Ghose and students when they asked some questions. She called them Maoists and left in a huff. In the recent campaigns when Modi stated her paintings were sold for exorbitant amounts she went crazy. First her third-rate moron sidekick Derek O’Brien called Modi “butcher of Gujarat” and threatened defamation but facts showed Modi’s statement was correct. MB’s paintings were indeed purchased for extraordinary sums by the Saradha “scam” group owners. There was more.

MB then went into a tizzy screaming Modi is fit to be tied up and thrown in jail. That was followed by a stupid statement claiming if she wished she wouldn’t have allowed Modi’s aircraft to land in Bengal at all. There is a psychotic streak in her utterances and behaviour. It could be OCD over a long period of time. When Modi announced he would send back illegal immigrants she went into another fit of rage asking him to send her to Bangladesh. Truth was, she herself had raised the same issue in parliament earlier. When she didn’t get her way in parliament she threw papers at the Speaker. MB frequently thinks people are out to kill her. Obsession! Rapes in Bengal are a conspiracy against her. Once during the recent campaign when the AC in her hotel room caught fire, she again claimed it was a conspiracy to kill her. It’s after the elections in which the BJP, led by Modi, scored substantial vote share in some seats that MB and her party unleashed violence. While there is no confirmation, over 20 BJP workers have been reportedly been killed.

But the recent post-election violence is not the trigger for this post. It seems MB and her goondas have been terrorising ordinary people for quite a while now. It seems she wants to wipe out all dissent from the state under a covert Sharia type law. A professor was once arrested for circulating cartoons. And the cartoon was something as lame as this:

It’s not just cartoons. Plain-clothes cops were reported to be warning morning-walkers not to criticise or lampoon MB or her govt. “150 CCTV cameras were being installed at the lake to monitor the activities on its grounds” says the report for that area with a TMC MP actively participating in the abuse of ordinary people. Following these incidents more cops have been stationed in the area says another report. A lady from Kolkata shared her fears and those of others on Twitter with me which I tweeted without disclosing the identity of the person. And that causes a lot of concern. She stated that if she speaks up or criticises MB or TMC she will be hounded and even her family will be tracked and harassed. That is the nature of the Goonda Raj under Mamata Banerjee and TMC. That has been true for the previous CPM govt also. It appears the Commies consider political violence and murder as a legitimate tool for their political pursuits. The losers are ordinary Bengalis in the state. And our media, which is heavily populated with Bongs, turns a blind eye to all Commie crimes. Let’s recap:

The Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) ends with the following evocative sentences: “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.” Thus any Communist Party is wedded to the cult of violence to achieve its political objective… Much before they came to power heading the Left Front Government in 1977, the CPI-M leaders started experimenting with murder as a political instrument way back in 1970 when the party cadres murdered two important Congress leaders belonging to the Sain family of Burdwan town. The level of bestiality that they stooped down to was evident by the fact that they made the mother of the two Sain brothers eat rice drenched with the blood of her dead sons. As a result the mother lost her mental balance from which she could not recover till her death a decade later. Among the accused were Benoy Konar, presently one of the topmost CPI-M leaders in the State, Khokon alias Nirupam Sen, currently the Industries Minister of West Bengal besides being a member of the party’s Polit-Bureau, and Manik Roy (shown absconding in the police records) who, after changing his name a couple of times, emerged as Anil Bose and become a CPI-M MP by winning the LS election with a record margin through massive rigging. None of the accused has been punished till date”.

That excerpt is from a comprehensive report on the misrule and past history of Commies in Bengal. And election rigging is something they continue to brag about.

Nobody has challenged that report so far and our media morons on TV have eyes for all other riots and murders but become cowards when it comes to Bengal. Jawaharlal Nehru admired the Commie ideology of Stalin and thought it would liberate the world. Nehru did not subscribe to violence but he made a deadly mistake in becoming the fountainhead for this deadly ideology in India. Many media houses, universities and govt organisations are filled with people following this cult. AAP and Arvind Kejriwal were just the latest additions to this. Let’s read some more from the same report:

A senior lady officer of the UNICEF and another senior officer of the Government of India detected a case of huge embezzlement of UN funds by some CPI-M organisation within the South 24-Parganas district. When they were returning with a lot of incriminating evidence, their vehicle was waylaid at Bantala by the CPI-M goons. The vehicle was set on fire to destroy all documentary evidence. The driver, who tried to protect the two lady officers, was killed. Then the lady officers were raped and one of them murdered and her body without any cloth left on the open paddy field. When the then CM, Jyoti Basu, was informed of the incident, he quipped to the waiting mediamen: “Such incidents do happen, don’t they?” Thereby he put the official sanction to rape in addition to murder as an instrument of political aggression.

When did NDTV, which indulges in moral outrage all day, ever cover any of these crimes? Simple fact is, NDTV and its clones are nothing but an extension of the CPM, including family relations of key persons of both organisations. And we are just warming up:

Anyway to come to a reliable figure of murders between 1997 and 2009, we have taken the annual average of 2284 to come to a total figure of 27,408. Thus between 1977 and 2009 the total number of murder was 28,000 + 27,408 = 55,408. It means an yearly average of 1787, a monthly average of 149 and a daily average of five. In other words, in every four hours and 50 minutes one person was being killed for political reasons in West Bengal. The CPI-M can claim credit that instead of a murder an hour they could limit it to four hour and 50 minutes per murder. What an achievement! During the last 31 years, no murderer was brought to book for this dreadful figure of 55,408 murders.

I had reproduced the above piece of information in a previous post too (Commie media’s anti-Hindu poison). Bengal has truly become a state behind the Iron Curtain which is completely cut off from India where information and reporting is concerned. It is fair to assume that even if a reporter dares to report the truth from the state his or her death is assured. This is all the more reason any sensible media should revolt against the govt there but they won’t. The other disturbing trend in the last many years is allowing a regular influx of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims in to Bengal (and other NE states too) to create permanent vote banks which seeks to nullify the votes of the original population. Hindus, in particular, have been at the receiving end of the atrocities unleashed by the Islamic gangs from such immigrants along with locals supported by the previous and current govt. Tapan Ghosh who is carrying out a campaign against this was reported in 2010 in a US media site but such things never get reported anywhere in India:

According to Ghosh, there has recently been a sharp increase in incidents of “Muslim rioting during Hindu festivals, destruction of Temples, desecration of Deities, and large-scale, provocative cow slaughter.” Worse: “Hundreds, thousands, of Hindu girls have been kidnapped, trafficked into sexual slavery, or taken as second or third wives for wealthy Muslim men. In recent years, Ghosh’s organization has rescued nearly 100 such girls, and one of his main missions has been to help reintegrate those survivors into their families and societies. Ghosh wants the Indian government to stop the illegal immigration from Bangladesh and to force the return of undocumented Muslims; to ban madrassas and polygamy; to enforce a single standard of law and education; and to arrest and prosecute known Muslim mafia kingpins and terrorists. He challenges the media to report on the anti-Hindu atrocities and to address the issue of religious apartheid. Ghosh is not optimistic. “The establishment of massive Saudi-funded Madrasas across rural Bengal is only contributing to the growing religious extremism among Muslims, [and] implementation of Sharia laws by [Islamic] courts is quite prevalent in many villages.” His greatest fear, he tells me, is that one day shouts of “Allahu Akbar” will ring out across the land and that Muslim zealots will demand that Hindus either convert or leave West Bangal—or die”.

This is not excessive imagination. If all that was in 2010 it has only gotten worse since MB and TMC took over and there is practically no difference on the ground on these issues. It’s just one Goondaraj that replaced another Goondaraj it seems.  The voices slowly coming out of Bengal on the social media have been reflecting similar concerns. Our media covers up crimes of Commies and their anti-Hindu poison. Following what I had heard and also read on many pages I could not helping tweeting this:

The reason for this alarm is not sheer imagination. We have seen this happening in Kashmir. We have seen this happening in Kerala. Though Kerala is not seeing an exodus there is a systematic attempt to make Hindus second-class citizens. Kerala is also facing a double onslaught – From the Islamists and from the Christian missionaries. Only yesterday a child-trafficking agent in Kerala, called Shakeel, was arrested but the real criminals may be higher up. The Kerala govt was sleeping on the issue. Without any doubt Bengal certainly needs attention on priority to halt the crimes of Goondas of TMC and CPM. The illegal immigrants should also be sent back and no state govt should be allowed to stand in the way of this action. It is long overdue. And until serious action is undertaken by the Modi govt the Goonda Raj of Mamata Banerjee and her TMC goons will continue. Our media, of course, can complain of “tyranny of distance” and cower in fear against these goons. It’s not a false alarm and I would certainly suspect some members of TMC suffering from OCD.


  1. The commies in media do the same by stifling and blacking out any adverse publicity, contra view , bitter truth about sickularism and left.
    Recently, media is using unfortunate events in pune and UP to take potshots at Modi, bjp and peddle their minority appeasement and womens rights agendas .
    What is conveniently forgotten is law and order is state subject and they should be targeting the state governments .
    I felt very sick when firstpost even blocked out honest comments exposing the hypocrisy even as it allows many lewd and insane comments published. It is a type of goonda ( bully ) raj in Indian media too.
    Very strict framework, guidelines, standards and enforcement of the same are a must if we want to ensure that the Indian Media comes out of its OCD and Indian Media no more remains a threat to Indian democracy and prosperity

    1. I posted a comment about the st xavier and inquisition in goa, nothing abusive.fp blocked me lol

  2. What ever is needed in National interest must be done beginning with driving out illegal immigrants from any country. Even if Army needs to be stationed to cleanse illegal occupants of our lands the same need to be vacated. It may not be an easy exercise since generations born within India would also pose difficulties so also Hindu girls married to such settlers with their children. Most importantly people of Bengal have to appreciate that Politics of Goonda Raj has to stop. This may not be possible because as seen mass scale rigging in elections after elections means common people have hardly any role to play. It may be prudent one day to dismiss such rigged Govt and have President's Rule with Army support. In essence an emergency like situation will be a solution but how soon or how late Modi Govt. can do this. Most importantly at what cost to the Nation but someone has to take lead and stop the Bangladesh2 forming within India.

    1. Thank you sir and also Ravinarji, I had no clue as to what was hapenning in WB. I seriously believe when PM Modi had that knowledge about her paintings he knows lot more about what is hapenning in WB.
      I hope and pray Modiji takes the decisions, when the going gets tough the tough gets going. Please illegeal immegrants who are changing the demography should be sent back.
      Hope Modiji takes this and interlinking of rivers at the fastest pace and cleans the Country.
      I salute you Ravinarji for getting people like me know the real truth, but as you said earlier about marketing philosopines, it should be thru word of mouth.
      whatever media scumbags say is for their TRPs want to entertain people, but real people who are getting affected will be blessed if their issues are resolved.
      Moral of the story is how much ever media goes gungho, I think people like us need to do the work Ravinarji is doing word of mouth keep giving the information, this is more powerful than any media.
      Thank you

  3. Totally agree with you Ravinar. Goondaraj is also in Kerala where you can see brutality of Commies where they killed a Youth Wing Leader of BJP(K T Jayakrishnan) in front of school kids where he was teaching them.Anyone opposing Commies here are sent "warnings" in the form of wreath in front of their houses if they do not mend there ways.Another latest instance is killing of a rebel CPIM leader. He was cut and chopped 51 times.All the suspects and accused in this case were enjoying luxurious life inside Jail cells with Internet facilities and some of them even updating facebook statuses from Jail.The Commies enjoy support from CONgress and they cut shady deals.That's the reason every 5 years these 2 parties enjoy the luxury of power.They even make deals to make sure not even a single BJP member gets elected either in assembly or LS.Despite highest literacy rate (are fools who know how to read and write) Keralites still believe in Commie ideology and CONgress bigotry.This is because Commies catch them young at school levels and brainwash them with Commie BS.They are told to read only Party mouthpiece and have their own TV channels.

    I really feel that Kerala is really reaching the threshold of becoming another Bengal sooner. Latest child trafficking and child marriage cases are only strengthening this cause.It is not double but triple onslaught that Kerala is facing Islamists, Xtians and Commies.

    God Save his own country. I hope Modi and Rajnath Singh take special attention.

    1. Besides what u have highlighted, there are commie strongholds in Kerala where the yellow journal Deshabhimani subscription is compulsory.They simply deliver the paper and come for collection every month.Once upon a time it was compulsory for party cadres to smoke Dinesh Beedi to keep the company alive.Above all they mourned the death of Saddam Hussain with a bandh when it is well known that 70% of the people slaughtered by Saddam were all commies of Iraq.So much for the educated people of kerala.

    2. All commie party owned business enterprises are all hell for the labourers. They get poorly paid and may be man handled by goons if higher wage demands are made. Moreover they must take part in all Commie protest marches if they have to keep their job. But the same commies fight other company managements for better working condtions for labourers.

    3. K T Jayakrishnan was killed on dec 1 1999 in Kannur Kerala. Infact dec 1 is observed as Jayakrishnan sacrifice day. On dec 1 2013 , a RSS activist Vinod kumar was on his way to observe Jayakrishnan sacrifice day. He was also killed.

      Can an Indica ram into SX4 and the Indica driver and other occupant of SX4 survive but only G Munde dies? I fear G Munde was fatally injured , before the actual accident. The accident might be a cover up of the murder. Both the drivers and personal security of GM should be taken into custody and a SIT should be formed.

  4. I don't understand one thing. Most of the top leaders in TMC and erstwhile CPM were upper caste Bengalis. The way they are appeasing Muslims for votes, a day might come when their daughters will sold to some Saudi Sheikh because of their fathers folly. Knowing this why they are indulging in this. Modi has shown that elections can be won without minority vote bank politics.

    Another intriguing thing is why the commies have so much love for one particular religion and hatred for another religion. Commies don't believe in god which is opposite to what Muslims believe. By that rationale they are also Kafir.

    1. Commies love any system that serves to curb individual freedom and make people non-thinking, obedient zombies, willing to kill for their beliefs. Commies depend upon unquestioned faith in the system. Commies discourage dissent of any kind. Commies believe in early indoctrination of children to their ideology. Any religion come to mind?

    2. Communism like Islam is an indoctrinated religion, which preaches allegiance to the ideology and not to individual, country or society. That way both Islam & Communism are very much alike hence the unstated affinity. It won't be wrong in saying that perhaps Mohammed was the greatest nationalist ever..even after centuries of his death he ensured that followers of his ideology pay allegiance to his land (Mecca & Madina) over their own homeland..Similarly Indian communists too, look up to and feel more loyal to China & erstwhile USSR than to India, as has been proved by their support to British (becoz USSR was an ally in WW-II) and to China during Indo-China war..

    3. There are several visible resemblence bwtn Islam and commies other than those u have listed. Both have loyalities beyond national boundaries.Both consider an unknown believer in an alien country as a greater friend than a non believer in his own neighbourhood.Both grow a dirty beard to show their fundamentalism to the ideology.Both take sides in a dispute,not based on justifications but based on who is involved.Cadres r generally illiterates and depend on "Mullas /intellectuals"for ideological guidance.America is a common enemy for both.Both believe that solutions to all problems in the world are locked inside their holy books.Leaders believe in silencing those who question rather than answer them.

    4. Communism has collapsed the world over and even in india it is in its last legs.
      similarly, even Islam will implode and collapse suddenly on account of its own internal contradictions. It may be the fastest growing religion today, but materialism and hedonism will overwhelm everything. When money can get you virgins on earth why strive for something uncertain from unknown in some unproved Heaven ??
      so per my extrapolation , unbridled selfishness and self indulgence will be the only future religion( dominant religion ) that will exist on earth. Matter of time. Say within next two decades

  5. Thanks for taking this up. Bengal has always intrigued me, have spent the 10 yrs there & it pains me to see that every single day crimes against BJP supporters by Mamata & her goons is increasing. TMC it seems does not believe in the rule of law & Mamata thinks herself as a ruler not as an elected representative of the people. Her extreme levels of Muslim appeasement is dangerous not only for Bengal but for India as well. Many RW in India hold the people of the state responsible for the mess they are in, what they fail to understand is that CMP & TMC are ruling there because they have successfully used violence & intimidation as a political weapon, not because people support them. Modi & BJP can't leave Bengal to the mercy of its current administration, if need be the TMC govt should be dismissed. Mamata it seems has given a free hand to the Muslim goons to teach the Hindus a lesson for daring to vote for BJP.

  6. Chilling!

    Though your blog is about the failing of the MSM, it also serves to bring to light disturbing facts that have been kept hidden by the corrupt media. I am sure Bengal did not change overnight. There must have been signs of what is to come, for all to see.

    Pune is traditionally a peaceful city, known for its student population, theatre and music culture and high standards of education. Until a few years ago, it was a very traditional Marathi city. However I have started noticing a change even in the population here.

    There have been many new mosques springing up, all over the city, and now perhaps, it is impossible to be in any part of the city, without hearing the call to prayer. I don't know what lead to the death of the IT person, but I am sure a lot of under-currents exist now. This once quiet and peaceful city may soon go the Mumbai way where certain parts become ghettoised and impervious to the native population.

    Incidents like those at Azad Maidan only serve as reminders that what is happening in Bengal today, can happen in other states soon.

    Thanks Ravinar for this very timely wake-up call.

  7. BTW Ravinar, I just read the comments under a Firstpost article about Modi's instruction and precautions to the Ministers. (The writer must be an AAPtard as he calls it a gag order and has tried to give a negative twist to all the common sense moves by Modi.)

    Most interesting thing is the use of words like "throwing crumbs to presstitutes", "gobar-post" etc. and use of a lot of arguments that you present in your blog. May the tribe increase! :D

  8. Awesome topic and post.

    Actually the reason why TMC and CPM actions look similar is because, all the umemployed goons of CPM after TMC victory has seamlessly merged into TMC. And now they are using their 34 years of experience in support of TMC, Thats why you see TMC has acheived the level of voilence in 2 years which CPM mastered over many years. Poriborton you know!!!

  9. Whenever there is a rape or any other attrocities on women especially in a BJP ruled state, one cannot miss the long queue of big bindis like Brinda Karat or Subhashini ali etc on TV debates. But note that if the culprit is a commie or a jihadi, they go into hiding.

  10. I am a Bengali ... but not from WB. I was in WB for 7 years in some PSU jobs and before that some 4 years in Engg College where a strong Bengali group existed. My impressions are - some very good & some quite disturbing. I want to share the disturbing part only -

    1) A strong clannish mentality with perceived notion of misplaced superiority. This has resulted in a condition where they are loathe to accept any new ideas or ready to acknowledge any good thing outside WB.

    2) The education system has been destroyed, thanks to Indira Gandhi. Indira took support from Left and in return allowed them to run amok in Education field. She appointed Prof Nurul Hussain as education minister - a known Leftist (1971-77). The death knell came in 1983 when English was abolished. Now they are introducing English. But there are scarcity of English knowing teachers. This has resulted in a "Frog in a well" syndrome.

    3) Communist philosophy sees Islam as a strong ally in its fight with Western Imperialism. The times have changed - but not the philosophy. Hence, Hinduism has become a strong target for attack by Communist. The Hindu groups have been fed with garbage of internationalism and they feel ashamed to talk about Hinduism.

    4) A long rule by Communist had resulted in a society where people are accustomed to 'Follow the leader' syndrome. I saw one case which is pertinent to mention. In one PSU, the Union president ruled for 35 years without any challenge or elections. The Officers Association also ruled without elections. When someone asked for elections, the general public asked - "What is the need for election ? How dare you stand for election ?" I had proposed the name of a single candidate as there was none brave enough to even propose names !

    4) During election, we saw that in Amethi, people in a TV interview, were strongly supporting or opposing RaGa, Smriti & Kumar Viswas. You can never find people telling like this in groups in WB.

    I had commented to my fellow Bengali from WB - "You know nothing about true democracy. You tend to follow a leader. You find it natural. You are behaving like a Sub-Human Species"

    1. Just one generation of Commie rule has done this!

    2. Am a Bengali too and have seen how Waste Bengal has been systematically destroyed over time. The truth is, simply by changing the ruling party one cannot expect development in the region. If the decay had set in earlier, which the Communists can take 100% credit for, enlightenment cannot be expected in the next hour.

      As someone mentioned it, the unemployed goons of the yesteryear's Communist parties are ruling the roost in the garb of TMC. As Bengalis we have to admit that the DNA decay has set in and is not going away for the next few decades. The sun has set in Waste Bengal.

    3. Simple answer can be this, Bengalis were really great but took up macauleys theory and became brown sahibs.
      they changed their last name from Mukhpadhyay to mukherji and the list goes on of changing last names.
      All because of white sahibs influence. I think now HRD minister should show what Vivekandanda was and propogate so that there may be a backward conversion of the mindset ane they get back to the mainstream.

  11. Hi Ravinar,

    The 'serotonin' imbalance leading to OCD is incorrect explanation. The correct reason for OCD is mafunctioning of some neural-circuits inside the brain. Also it is un-true that OCD is in-curable. To a large extent it can be controlled and in many cases it also has been cured.

    Jeffrey Schwartz has done some pioneering work in this area. You can get a very good overview of the subject here:

    Brian Lock is an excellent book by Jeffrey Schwartz that explains how to come out of this dreaded disease.

    Also, the chemical-impbalance-in-brain-theory is another 'myth' that is being peddled by BIG PHARMA to continue their multi-billion dollar sales of anti-depressents. You can read more about this here:

    If anyone is interested in knowing more about these areas can contact me.

    hope this helps,

    1. Just to add: The comment above is not to point flaws in the article but to share the developments in the field. The article in itself, as usual, is very enlightening. Keep up the Good Work Ravinar. God Bless You !!

    2. @Samoa

      You are pointing to alternative theories which is fine. Medicinal research will always throw up new theories and possibilities. However. my point is about OCD and the "serotonin" part being a hoax is not accurate. Major studies have established it and pyschologists use doses of serotonin for treatment which is a fact. Let me also state, that my mentioning such information is not merely from articles but also know from people are getting treated. The comparison with diabetes is not something you will usually find in many articles.

    3. Hi Ravinar,

      What you said is right. Most Psychiatrists' standard treatment is to prescribe some form of Serotonin medication called SSRIs. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. But any SSRI takes 4 weeks to start 'acting' or for improvements to be observed. And the Serotonin treatments also have LOADS of side-effects. Except in heavy depression cases where SSRIs have some impact in MOST cases Serotonin can be replaced with long-term CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) treatment. Recently, for my own cousin's (and a few of my colleagues) depression we skipped SSRIs and went for CBT and she is doing fine.

      Only point I am trying to make is: the better alternatives that are present are not 'known' to most people because their training as psychologists or Psychiatrists ( guess you meant Psychiatrists because Psychologists dont prescribe any medicines) is centered around the 'prevelant' or most popular 'wisdom'.

      Again, my point is not to argue with you. But to place the developments that have happened in the last decade or so. The above book I mentioned by Irvine Kirsch is an excellent introduction to this problem. Anyone, having to deal with patients of depression among their Loved ones, or friends must read that book so that they can provide less painful alternative to them.

      hope this helps,

    4. To add to something, her condition seems more like extreme paranoia copulated with OCD. I dread the the day it'll devolve into paranoid schizophrenia.

    5. Very nice article, but both of you are fundamentally wrong about serotonin, SSRIs and OCD. Firstly OCD is not related to serotonin shortage in most cases nor are SSRIs are first line of treatment for OCD. Infact it could be very dangerous to prescribe SSRIs to someone suffering from OCD but not depression because it may lead to a complication called serotonin syndrome.
      The reason is also very simple, there is no way serotonin can be enhanced or supplied from outside which your suggests. What the SSRIs do is stop or slow down absorption of Serotonin by a part of the brain which is a normal process once it has been produced. Therefore managing to keep the level of Serotonin normal for those whose brain is producing lesser amount of Serotonin than is required. Shortage of Serotonin leads to depression not OCD. And it is the best pharmacological treatment so far for depression but not a curative one. The only curative process or even internally increasing the brains capacity for producing and tolerating that excess production that is clinically tested and affirmed is via Yog, especially breathing excercises followed by meditation. BCT follows many of the same principles yet is still in infancy and helpful only to either those who suffer from non acute OCD or depression or from temporary ones, for example due to trauma of the death of near one but almost useless for OCD or Depression proper.
      But that's still on an aside since you were not writing an article on OCD but on severe cause of concern, anxiety and depression brought upon millions of people through greed, bloodlust and desire to stay in power at any cost by a few. And in that your effort is worth congratulating. Thank you for your brave, truthful and insightful article.

  12. Desparate situation calls for desparate measures and systematic media blitzkrieg needs to be mounted highlighting the anarchy in West Benagal and the bhadralok commie media needs to be exposed for their role in hiding the facts from rest of India.
    In other words culprits of West Bengal and their cohorts in mainstream parties and media needs to mercilessly stripped of their respectability and so called progressive image so that in future they will never try to raise any bogeys so called majoratorian communalism etc as they will be too busy defending themselves against charges of crimes committed by them.
    For such an excersie some of the mainstream TV channels and newspapers may be roped in ,additionally the services of Doordarshan and All India radio can be used ,apart from of course SM which can be a force multiplier.
    Central govt too can issue serious warning to WB govt to rein in the malevolent forces to restrict further damages.

  13. Ravi ji,
    Thanks for this eye opener on the status of Bengal.
    On a related note, I just wanted to share this info. In the college where I teach, we have students from Tripura (which is governed by the Left) who have been sponsored by the Government department for SC, OBC and minority welfare. For years now, these students were celebrating Saraswati puja in the hostel with every one - irrespective of his religion and caste - chipping in financially as well as involving in the puja routine. Since the last two years, there has been a noticeable change in this spirit. As the proportion of students from the minority category has increased, there is a distinct lack of participation and even a boycott from these students...sign of things to come?
    Related to the issue of Bangaldeshi infiltrators, the Tripura students recently gave a piece of disturbing news...many, many such illegal residents have found their way to cities such as Bangalore and Chennai. Many of them are involved in construction work such as the Metro project...scary to think of the risks involved if even one of these is more than just an illegal resident.

    1. I am sorry you are a teacher. Your upper caste prejudices are clearly out in open...what you implicitly mean that Saraswati Puja is observed more "regligiously" by upper castes but lower castes doesn't care much and with undue influence of "others"and with upper castes becoming minority, then Hindu traditions are under attack. This brahministic mindset is the one destroying Hinduism, you think you are the protectors and essentially turning Hindutva and uphold of Hindu traditions as an upper caste agenda which is partly true. Irony is Hindu traditions are so dependant on the patronage of upper caste brahmins, they are required in if not every most puja/ritual/performance. You must be loathing Lord Vitthala from Pandarpur, now that he has become a commie allowing anyone and everyone to worship him

  14. I had posted this on my FB on 4 Jun

    "Seeing news programme on ibn7 regarding rapes, spl focus on UP govt and ruling family. The running ticker shows bengal leading crime against women at 30.9k and UP at 22k. Strangely, never get to see a discussion on law & order in bengal.

    Is there some "bonghomie" in media ?? "

    As if on cue a couple of days later, a brilliant post comes from Ravi.

    Great Minds think alike :-)

    Though still blocked on @mediacrooks

  15. It is appalling that at this day and age , there are still political parties which are succeeding in keeping people illiterate, impoverished, brainwashed and braindead.

  16. Hi Ravi,

    An Eye opener article.. Meanwhile I want to share an incidence happened at my office 2 years ago..
    I work for an IT company.. I usually talk to security guard while entering office n sometimes I drop them to nearest bus stop if our shifts are finished at the same time.. One of the security guard(I don't remember his name now) claimed to be from Assam.. But he knew fluent Kannada!!! When enquired how do you know kannada, he told he worked at a coffee estate in Chikmagalur for 2 years(Since the estates are remote place and the ppl over there hardly know any other language other than local, he was forced to learn kannada)..

    During Assam Riots I asked him Kya bhai tera gaun mein dhange ho raha hai?? But he answered as if nothing happened.. Woh kahi north assam mein kuch hua.. I checked where Kokrajhar is and found its not north assam!! I got a strong feeling he is not from Assam..

    After 2 days there was a new security guy for the night shift and the old security guy finished his shift and asked drop to the bus stop.. I asked him kya naya security aaya hai?? Kahan se hai woh?? He replied hah saab.. Woh Bangl...... Assam se hai.. I was shocked/confused.. Wanted to inform at office.. However next day onwards both the security guards stopped coming to our office!!!!

  17. I always suspected Mamata Banu's rule will be a disaster, and how true I was! The commies had ruled continuously for 34 years, people wanted a change, but the remedy turned out to be worse than the decease itself.

    Unfortunately for the people of Bengal, the BJP has not strengthened their organization during the last 20 years; possibly because Mamata was their ally during Vajpayee era and BJP did not want to antagonize her. But now that they have achieved majority of their own, it is time to let loose an aggressive expansion policy against the tyrannical Mamata Banu government. I expect Modi to deploy Amit Shah in Bengal on a priority basis and prepare the party for 2016 assembly elections. We are desperately looking for a respite from this Mullah-pandering, dysfunctional bunch of professional goons.

    By the way, I will continue to address the Trinamool supremo as Mamata Banu, as she is not qualified to be called a "Banerjee".

  18. Time for her to go.Time for WB Hindus to unite.

  19. Sorry Mr. Ravinaar. Goondagardi is more evident in other states like, say Maharashtra where political parties often indulge in rioting, vandalism, gangwar, etc. etc. As a Bong who resides here, cant agree with you. Every political party has their own ruffians and Mamata Banerjee also have some but no way she is at the top. Whatever the media false propaganda is, as usual, Bengal is no more under goonda spell than other Indian states. For your sake I can say dont rely on hearsay and media report or political propaganda and you will find that it is a very Indian state where democratic rights of people are a little less endangered than, may be, er, your state.

    1. @telsto , that's why everybody wants to come and settle in maharashtra

  20. Mamta does get a lot of support from the commi media still.....time for her to go. Earlier the better

  21. Hi Ravinar,

    even though I never visited WB I fully agree with you. Change of Raj did not change Goonda Raj in WB. I do not think the problem is just with Politicians but people too. Becoming more and more intolerant. This is same as Andhra Pradesh where both people and politicians have become corrupt.

    Leaving WB and AP to their fate, you have proven me right.
    You are becoming BD/RS/AG of SM (of course among your fans).
    This article does not fit goals of this site.
    It is evident that you are doing your bit to help BJP gain entry into WB politics.
    This is only beginning of the fall. :-)

    Save your self.

    1. BTW, thanks to Italian madam and late YSR there are rampant conversions in Coastal AP since 2004. Nobody even bothered to report these. Everyone, including BJP, were happy to isolate them further in the name 60 years of Telangana demand.

    2. Its nothing special since 2004, conversions are happening long before..AP was another state where idiots like Brother Paul and cleansing meetings are very popular..Most SC's practise Christianity which gives them more dignity than when they are Hindus...while obtaining reservation under SC's...and don't worry, Modi got more than 10% votes in Andhra Pradesh..BJP is infesting in AP, but TDP, YSR congress/congress will ensure BJP doesn't grow for the next elections

    whats with arnab G who was shouting "who is this batra" & "this batra" in yesterday's talk show? is it wrong to take a legal path against what one feels wrong? Could you please throw some light. however it may sound, some things must be banned, like pronography, like graphic voilence pics/scenes, etc. that have effect on society and children.

  23. Before TMC a commie party in new avatar under leadership of fanatical MB aggravate situation in West Bengal and come out openly with its anti-Hindu agenda, strategy should be worked out. Check should be made for the funding coming from Saudis. Expose the fake secular media with full force for not bringing out truth about atrocities perpetrated on Hindus and TMC government’s blind eye and/or its encouragement. From what is happening in the law and order scenario there seems to be a sinister and systematic game plan behind vindictive MB’s outrageous and lunatic behaviour and utterances. Commie’s cult of violence do not respond to docile appeals. The commie sympathisers and left-fiberals those are in the façade of intellectuals from within and outside should be unmasked. A red eye from centre is must. Do not worry about sidekicks like Derek O’Brien, because this type has no principled beliefs. They are in politics to gain personal power and wealth. They can change sides as necessary to stay important. To them the government is nothing but a tool to be used for personal gain

  24. Bengal and Kerala need immediate attention of Narendra Modi because Hindu in these two states have become endangered species just like in Jammu & Kashmir.

  25. Great article as always! Delusions of cultural superiority and parochialism have led to the current sorry state of affairs in West Bengal and in Kerala. People get the government that they deserve, and the people of these states have chosen their sorry lot.

    A minor quibble though, OCD involves repetitive behaviour like frequent hand-washing or rituals or thoughts, which leads to a build up of great anxiety if not carried out. People with OCD are conscious of what they are doing excessively, but cannot easily stop because they fear that something terrible will happen if they don't follow through with their compulsive behaviour. MB's condition sounds more like paranoid schizophrenia than OCD to me. On the other hand the actions of the WB electorate resembles that from OCD; repetitive behaviour,the inability to stop electing mindless thugs over and over again, the build up of anxiety should they attempt to make a change. The residents of WB and Kerala need to be put on prozac or similar SSRI immediately! The medication might also help with their deeply entrenched delusions of grandeur and self-importance despite the reality of their situation; Amartya Sen's pathetic attempts to puff up their self-esteem, notwithstanding.

  26. 20 BJP workers were attacked according to report linked in the article and I guess one person succumbed to injuries. Few more disturbing reports are coming out in local news papers of WB. TMC is using 'rape' as a weapon. One women was raped because her husband supported BJP in Loksabha elections

  27. Wish MB embraces Islam earlier than later. She will then qualify to become PM of Bengalistan or Bangladesh, her dream country.

  28. MB=Mamta Baneerji Goondagiri vs MB=Munna Bhai Gandhigir,, both have /had chemical Locha in brain

  29. I'd been away from TV for ~15 years, connecting to the world mostly through Print and Internet. Here, I had the privilege to choose and discard based on my preferences. About 8 months back, I started watching TV again. The change that I observed left me shocked and stunned to say the least. Initially, I attributed this change to mere generational shift and my own aging process. However, the more I saw the more I was convinced that things must be wrong with TV as a mass medium. That's when I started searching for answers to these questions on, where else, the Internet and landed here.

    While you have talked extensively about journalistic approach, I found the entire gamut of channels on TV eating into our social fabric. A couple of examples would be:

    1. The channels for children are richly driven by propaganda to addict them. Cartoons while showcasing some themes suppostedly based on "Indian culture", are neither complete nor convey the true essence of the historical character/story. This, I'd call mere propagainda to milk viewership in the name of Indian culture. And if I'm reading it right, they are also subtey unleashing western ideals and doctrine into the minds of kids in their formative years.

    2. The "Educational" channels like Discovery, NatGeo, TLC, et. al. are doing the same thing mentioned in (1) above for the adult audience. Most programs in these are centered around things done by random "celebrity" travellers/snake charmers (OK they call them researchers, but how different are they?)/cooks.

    With a little more research, I'll give specific and concrete examples in a long post rather than in comment to the article. However, the points I'd like to convey is:

    They seem to be playing on the psychology of us Indians to get acceptance. Once accepted, - unless there's something more sinister I don't understand - loot. Wasn't this the same ploy played by our colonial masters?

    On a side note, IE today reported on foreign funding in NGOs ( Why don't we see this covered across media channels (print as well as TV)? Unless they are hand in glove in this as well. If so, they should sure be branded as traitors.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. There you go with the typical RSS hatemongering against Muslims..why don't you show with data (a more believable NSSO census data, not RSS manufactured garbage) that Hindu population is declining alarmingly in WB or in India and Muslim population increasing simultaneously? While bengal parties run goonda raj, it is laghable when you compare Kerala with WB.. Also could you please elaborate a post on Cow theory propagated by RSS? Also explain why Kerala Hindus crave for beef, from those parts who were historically ruled by Travancore Hindu Raja long before communists ruled? Or is it RSS definition that anyone who eats beef is not Hindu.

    1. Sickulars like you are not worthy of being in a debate.

      Any W-Bengal citizen can confirm this that the Hindu population is decreasing and the illegal Bangladeshis are gaining strength for vote-bank purposes.

      And Kerela. Open your mind to learn about Christian Missionaries and their evil propaganda-Project Joshua.

      Hindus are made to feel 2nd class citizens, its a well known and open fact for every sane person to see. Not every Hindu caring person is an RSS agent.

  32. as u had pointed outt6,the situation in kerala is really worse.The ruling congress,muslim league and the communists are making the situation very worse for hindus and they are undoubtedly considered as second class citizens.recently, a college magazine editor and the ditorial members( of a govt college) were booked for hate posts against PM modi in the college magazine

  33. Mr.Ravinar, I wish to draw you attention to another IM that goes by name of Sreedhar Pillai who has penned a seditious article in link below:

    I was appalled by his lack of knowledge about Hinduism in general and Shankaracharya, in particular. Still goes about writing about the much-confused (and apparently 'Sickular' but with very deep communally oriented) people of state from where he hails from!

  34. Hindus population percentage is falling in all states - not just in Kerala or WB.

    In TN and AP, conversion rate is very rapid but official census will not reveal it because people don't give correct details in census to get the SC benefits.


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