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Friday, June 20, 2014

NGO Funding & Agitation Technology - Part 3 #Climate

(Previous parts: Part-1, Part-2)

Some lies take longer to dismantle than others. November 14 is observed as “Children’s Day” in India after Chacha Nehru. Children are the biggest “emotional tools” that politicians, marketers and NGOs use. I had a reason to write “Children as leverage” in two parts. A long time Nehru-watcher wrote: ''Nehru certainly did some acting on public occasions and before TV cameras... The acting was never worse than the pose of Chacha Nehru with the children. This was at its worst on his birthday for a few years when sycophants organised groups of children, with flowers and copious photographing, to parade with him. It was out of character; his interest in children was slender”. Acting does run in the Nehru-Gandhi clan. Anyway, let’s watch this video (4.13 mins):

Please help the world. Please save the world” the kids cry out. That video was played at the Global Warming Conference in Denmark in December 2009. Scary enough? It not only rattles you but makes you feel guilty of destroying the earth and leaving a bad earth to future children. You are a bad person! Really bad! When NGOs, UN panels, politicians, govts, movie celebrities and media crooks orchestrate mass fear-mongering there is no escape. And that is how everyone started creating the scare of Global Warming and Climate Change. How much of it is true and how much of it is fiction is something we don’t know. Scientists too have differences about it. In the comments section in the previous part some have referred to Michael Crichton’s “State of fear”. It’s a fictional story about how eco-terrorists plan mass destruction and murder to emphasize global warming.

Former VP of the USA and climate change champion Al Gore also made a documentary about it called “An inconvenient truth”. He showed how devastating the effects of melting glaciers can be; like the Himalayan glaciers which were going to melt because of our recklessness. The film won Oscar awards and was used widely in schools in India to propagate the dangers of climate change to children. There are notebooks with information on global warming with messages on the covers to save the earth and schools held debates on how to save our world. Isn’t it all nice?

Let me mention upfront that there is no dispute that we can treat our environment better. We can pollute less; chop less trees and care for earth and our ecology. But it certainly doesn’t merit the extreme fear-mongering that some NGOs, politicians, religious leaders and media outlets are indulging in. India, in particular, still has a large population that struggles for basic needs. That should dictate the balance in our policies and not the idealistic desires of a few hot-heads.

The Climate mania itself was exposed to have many loop-holes and a lot of data being used that wasn’t sound. In 2009 it came to be known as the Climategate scandal. Thousands of emails were hacked from a University in East Anglia, England, which showed scientists used “tricks” to compile data to enhance the global warming theory. The other revelation was there wasn’t a definite pattern in global warming and there have been periods in history in the past when such warming has occurred and also changed. Most of the scientists accused of falsifying data were given a clean-chit by their govts so we need not criminalise them. Science is a tedious process and theories and data are often hard to prove instantly. Many of the scientists were associated with the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) a UN panel. And the guy heading this panel was none other than Dr Rajendra Pachauri of India. He also runs an NGO called TERI (The Energy & Resources Institute) which is a Tata product. TERI is now also partly a deemed university. He looks like a spiritual guru, doesn’t he?

One of the most stunning and extreme fear-mongering nonsense used by Pachauri’s IPCC in their 2007 report was that the Himalayan glaciers were melting so fast that they would disappear by 2035. This also came to be known as “Glaciergate”. The guy who made the original claim that the glaciers would disappear was one Dr Syed Hasnain of JNU. Why is this piece of crap so important? Because it was made the centre-piece of the fear-mongering in Al Gore’s movie and also the IPCC report and many other fear-mongers used this piece of information extensively. Let’s read a bit from the link I have quoted above:

To understand why the future of Himalayan glaciers should arouse such peculiar passion, one must recall why they have long been a central icon in global warming campaigners' propaganda. Everything that polar bears have been to the West, the ice of the Himalayas has been – and more – to the East. This is because, as Mr Gore emphasised in his Oscar-winning film An Inconvenient Truth, the vast Himalayan ice sheet feeds seven of the world's major river systems, thus helping to provide water to 40 per cent of the world's population. The IPCC's shock prediction in its 2007 report that the likelihood of the glaciers "disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high" thus had huge impact in India and other Asian countries”.

That Dr Hasnain who casually mentioned about the glaciers melting turned out to be working at Pachauri’s TERI. Interesting, eh? India’s leading glaciologist Dr Vijay Raina dismissed the claims of Hasnain as bogus and was supported by then minister Jairam Ramesh. To this, the great Dr Pachauri had the most nonchalant response. He called Raina’s work “Voodoo science”. Well, Pachauri is not exactly a specialist on Himalayan glaciers or climate but such is the stupidity of men indulging in fear-mongering. Both Al Gore and Pachauri (on behalf of IPCC) collected Nobel prizes 2 years prior for their excellent fear-mongering. The Glaciergate was proved beyond any doubt and every scientist and those who attended the Denmark conference knew this was a serious mistake. Why the obsession with such bogus, unverified data? Well, let me reproduce a paragraph from the same linked article that I quoted above:

What has now come to light, however, is that the scientist from whom this claim originated, Dr Syed Hasnain, has for the past two years been working as a senior employee of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), the Delhi-based company of which Dr Pachauri is director-general. Furthermore, the claim – now disowned by Dr Pachauri as chairman of the IPCC – has helped TERI to win a substantial share of a $500,000 grant from one of America's leading charities, along with a share in a three million euro research study funded by the EU”.

Whoa! So you see, bogus, unverified data got Pachauri’s TERI millions of dollars from all around. Money! And the one who made an honest investigation into the issue (Dr Vijay Raina) was ridiculed as practicing “voodoo science” by this charlatan Pachauri. Let’s watch a report from NDTV after this charlatan was exposed and how this serious lapse by IPCC was brushed aside quite casually by Pachauri without as much as an apology to India or to Dr Raina or to anyone in the world (video 2.50 mins):

How cool! Now, you would think NDTV was reporting seriously and wanted to grill Pachauri. Wrong! NDTV is a stooge for all TERI-type organisations and charlatans like Pachauri. Immediately after Pachauri was regarded as a scamster across the world due to Glaciergate and the funds he received where did he run to? Oh yes, remember? Tainted? Run to NDTV! Prannoy Roy did a suck-up interview of Pachauri and gave him “character certificates”. It was the most servantile interview you would ever see and it was among my firsts posts on this site. Prannoy was certifying his character, his integrity and his greatness. What’s in it for NDTV? We wouldn’t know until a few years later that NDTV was part of the TERI campaign of Solar-lanterns for power-less villages. They collected money on behalf of TERI and I don’t know if “brokerage” was involved. The campaign was called “NDTV-Toyota Greenathon”. NDTV often runs such sponsored campaigns. I guess that’s their main business and not news. They still run the “Save Tigers” campaign. Oh and in case you forgot, even Bill Gates funded NDTV around $800K to campaign on maternity and health.

Do you really believe media houses are ever going to report on the deeds of those who fund them? Especially, on guys like Pachauri? Never mind! On the sidelines of all this fear-mongering about Climate Change Al Gore & Co devised the brilliant Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX). What was it about? Here: “The CCX was set up in 2000 in anticipation of the United States joining Europe and other countries around the world to create a market that would reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Under the system, factories, utilities and other businesses would be given an emissions target. Those that emitted less fewer regulated gases than their target could sell the "excess" to someone who was above target. Each year, the target figures would be reset lower”. That’s called sound “future planning” and being ahead of time. Of course, all these guys wanted to save the Earth; that’s a given. After Climategate and other scandals broke out the CCX naturally crumbled and shut down but some people weren’t losers. SCORE: Al Gore: $18 Mn - Earth: Zero.

I am all for a better future for our children and everyone and for mother Earth. But it also doesn’t mean that a large population live its present life in absolute misery. The media and some of the NGOs have been making the current debate on their activities an issue of freedom of expression and suppression of dissent. That is deception at its best. When was the last time the MSM ever scrutinised any NGO, their funding or activities? They would not because they are beneficiaries themselves. Why would Bill Gates take any special interest in NDTV unless there is direction from some political powers? Many such NGOs have received extraordinary funding from all over the world probably under “directions” given by political forces for “illegitimate political actions”. We shall see in the next part.

… To be continued.


  1. There is climatic change happening due to human recklessness is a fact established by ones own personal experience over the past few decades of rising temperatures. Indian green cover has got considerably reduced. And yes, the indian glaciers are melting.
    i can share links to the 2013 uttaranchal disaster as an example of what reckless human expansion can cause, but even these too are prepared by some NGO or the other , so could be dismissed off.

    but what is undeniable is the earths environment is being altered dramatically. Pollution is increasing . Whilst technology is giving new products and solutions , yet majority of human populace is experiencing a poor quality of life. More vulnerable. More dependent on variables beyond their control. The future is unknown but would be pretty bad. And given the size of human population - catastrophes and epidemics could also have huge human fallout. Billions could be impacted and millions could get wiped out.

    whilst the credibility of some NGOs could be questionable, there is no denying that there is ' clear and present danger' . And yes, we are leaving a very difficult, barren , arid earth for the future generations. And given that humans are procreating and multiplying at a baffling pace and continue to indulge in equally insane decisions to cater to an increasing populace - we do not care for anything. Neither our children nor their future. We all live in empty, hypocritical faith hoping ' all is well ' or God will take care. The truth is we have become zombies and have lost the ability to discriminate , sensible and being consistent. Human values ( dharma) makes life valuable. But when we have dumped them long back, such a fate of cluelessness , helplessness and insane existence is inevitable outcome.

    1. By ur own admission, population is the root cause of all impending disasters to the environment. Could u name atleast one NGO that works to contain population in India?Political class abandoned the issue thanks to emergency era excesses.Almost all of em r engaged in superficial treatments to save environment. Here again the problem is minority politics(read Muslims).For all ills of this world a major share of the blame is on this belief system which says that this world is for humans and everything else here are made for his/her existence.The middle east is a fine example of terrain that has no environmental implications.Hence environment was not an issue for the founding fathers of this faith.How great it would be if even 50% of the NGOs had concentrated on population control as a long term measure to save this planet. But they wont bcz minority right is a greater need for them than environment for all.The funds may dry up too.

    2. As i said, humans have lost their mind and ability to discriminate. When any NGO volunteer approaches me , either for environment or welfare of children, elderly, diseased - i do politely inform them why do they not simply work towards massive afforestation and limiting population - thru birth control and legalizing the right to die. They run away. It is a sad state of affairs. But some european countries are focusing on these aspects. They are having negative population growth.
      there was a 'chipko' movement of sunderlal bahuguna which was against cutting of trees ( they also did massive planting of trees), there is no NGO that i m aware off that worked towards limiting population. But i have been a very avowed champion on this for over three decades , but failed , could do not do much. Some listened and limited to one child. Most just ignored .

    3. This may surprise you but all your premises are utterly wrong.
      1. Indian glaciers have been melting AND re-forming for millions of years. Nothing new. The pattern is not factory made, so can change from year to year.
      2. Uttaranchal disaster was due to a sudden cloud burst which keeps happening in the young Himalayan climate often. There is hardly any weather forecast stations there, not enough roads to escape, not enough safe shelters to save oneself from such an accident. The temple itself was built on a river side and Himalayan rivers do change course due to the loose rock formations. So, it was poverty of the pilgrims partly cause of the scale of that disaster. Not any human-caused pollution
      3. You say 'future is unknown' but you are sure that it 'would be pretty bad'. Your worry is irrational and you are spreading your anxiety. Due to increase in population and consequent urbanisation, you see the cramped accommodations, traffic, smoke from exhausts and you get worried, little realising that YOU are one of those who chose to be urban and use a vehicle yourself for your convenience.
      4. Population is No 1 problem is a Malthusian/Nehruvian/socialist scare which is sheer nonsense. Population IS a problem to the trax payers because you are expected to fund their diapers. Remove the subsidies and population will come down to its socio economic equilibrium. Even Modi says he will build houses for all by 2022. With whose money? Bush tried the same and we had the housing bubble burst and the worst depression in human history.
      6. 20th century saw a period of climate cooling followed by climate warming. These are natural cyclical phenomenon we need not worry too much about.
      Blessed are those illiterates who don't read the crap manufactured by these Pachauris. Let us not get carried away. Yes, local, micro level pollution is there due to congestion etc. But at the global scale, man made pollution and emissions are nothing compared to nature's fury and its capacity to wash out these pollutants.
      Garbage problem in bangalore is because of complete governamentalization of all civic services. Let a private party handle it, you will not have such a problem.

    4. Climate change, (previously called Global warming) is greatest fraud in history of mankind since Black Magic.
      If the fact that fraudulent 'scientists' have manipulated data to prove their non-sensical theories- does not make you to think, there is something seriously wrong. Try to understand modus operandi of these crooks. They call it CLIMATE CHANGE. Whatever happens they say that theory is true and that human beings are causing that. (If you experience a very hot summer, then it is due to CO2, if it is very cold then also it is due to CO2.
      Please Search CLIMATE SKEPTICS in Google, you will find how you have been fooled.

    5. @ Educated, u r deriding one phoney theory with your own crap.Nobody including me have a idea of what nature has in store for us. There were floods, famines and droughts a few hundred years ago as well when environments were almost virgin.The only disaster is human population growing and other animals diminishing.It appears that only canibalism will reverse the trend.Canibalism is the only way forward atleast for India(Ironically for the only nation that practices vegetarianism).In the middle east terrorists are killing innocents just for the heck of it. Clear signs of impending cannibalism. In Africa they were culling elephants to reduce their numbers. When disposal of carcass became a problem, they started eating elephant meat.So let us not propose medicines that are worse than the disease.Let us wait and watch nature. That is what is ordained for mortals.Some day u too can claim to be an NGO with ur phoney theory.

    6. @educated,@virupax,
      i speak from my experience. Forty years back there was more greenery, more open spaces, the climate in,mumbai was pleasant and tolerable. There was less crowd, less pollution. There was no pressure on commuting . Neither shortage of water nor electricity .
      the population of the city then was around 30-35 lacs .
      i have seen this city deteriorate and had to tolerate scarcities, congestions, pollution, traffic snarls, load shedding. I have not contributed to the population explosion and purchased a vehicle only when commuting became impossible even in first class in trains. So stop passing comments on people whom you do not know.

      you do not have to agree to my views . Everyone does what they deem fit anyway.

      and if you are convinced that glaciers are not melting, man made unplanned development in himalayas are insignificant - so be it. You'll are not alone . There are billions that are as optimistic as you'll are . Only time will tell.
      i have seen a deterioration in the quality of my life . And so commented based on that. I enjoyed a good childhood and youth with plenty of open spaces , outdoor games, camaraderie, green coverage and goodwill - all these have got eroded . Humans have indeed become zombie like with very little sense of discrimination or reverence. People procreate and multiply even in filthy living conditions, poverty, misery, unemployment, inflation - so there are neither standards nor sense .

    7. @rightwinger, @Anand
      I have not taken the time out to write a response to belittle you. I have no such fancy. I tried to share what I know of the facts. You looked too worried about population. There is no need to worry so much. India today produces more than triple the food it produced 40 years ago. Yes, urban congestion, localised pollution are there, but all of us contributed to it. You can't wish away others who want to avail the opportunities that Bombay throws up.
      40 years ago, the slums of Bombay were in equally bad condition if not worse. Now the slum dwellers have a mobile, spend less % of their earnings on food, have a TV etc etc. We folks didn't have affordable heart surgeries, dentistry, indoor plumbing and so much of entertainment 40 years ago. So, don't feel devastated.
      Cannibalism? you are out of your mind. Wake up. All the massive hunger deaths in Africa are a direct result of socialist/tribal/imperial political systems there. Not because of global warming.
      Humans usually have an over-romanticised view of the past. This happens in all societies in all times. Lets not fall for such simplifications. Try to understand the real problems and their real causes. If we chase false ideals such as population reduction, there will be no difference between us and Sanjay Gandhi

    8. @educated,
      if you had read all my comments , you need not have taken time out to respond. I have acknowledged that my view is a miniscule view . People may identify with me only when some of them undergo some pain/suffering/struggle/scarcity ( it is known as 'shmashaan vairagya' or dispassion that one feels when one is in graveyard) are able to ponder over its causes.
      to each his or her own as per their own.
      i have seen my quality of life deteriorate ( quality of life is different from standard of living) and so i have my inferences. Had i lived in canada, australia , scandinavian countries maybe my experience would have been different and i may have a different point of view.

      per my view and experience, india is stinkingly over populated ( offcourse it can be stretched more and even if it breaks, one can also trivialise as collateral damage) and people lead desperate lives to survive. It is all struggle for survival. This is not so in some other countries. The quality of life is vastly different and so are the issues that they are preoccupied with.
      India has not progressed as much as it should have as we are largely preoccupied with the challenges of managing an ever increasing population and its demands.
      you think population is not an issue.
      good. Maintain that thought all thru your life.
      I prefer to go by that which my experience has taught me and i have abided by that.

  2. Ravinar, you are truly living to the term of "legend". Now to say your posts are great / fantastic or anything else is stating the obvious. The research, right video proofs and using movie clips to drive a point - its sheer brilliance. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Anand

    1. you have said what i wanted to say. thanks and thanks ravinar.

  3. @Rightwinger (and for info of other readers too)

    The response is typically extreme. The post is about certain organisations misleading and PROFITEERING from "fear-mongering" on Climate Change. This does not amount to a DENIAL on Climate Change. To rant that humans are reckless is merely repeating and overstating the same fear. The Uttarakhand problem is also because many constructions were illegal and were swept away. The big problem in India is corrupt govts and lack of enforcement of even existing laws. As for scientific evidence that is still work in progress. Regardless of that, the post clearly mentions that we can treat the earth and our environment better. Nobody is denying that so there is no need to rant about that. What IS being discussed is the unscrupulous behaviour of certain NGOs. Surely, Al Gore making millions out of fear mongering and through CCX is not exactly solving anything. Pachauri's TERI lapping up millions of dollars in funding through false data is surely not protecting the environment.

    The idea behind the series is to understand that as a poor country India needs to balance its policies. FYI our PM strongly believes in the theory of Climate Change. As CM of Gujarat he had invested the most in solar panels and Gujarat is mentioned as the highest producer of solar power. All that is a given. The point being made over and over again that MILITANT agitations and protests by a few hot heads who want to stop every project in India is taking things too far. The only ones to profit from excessive chest beating and fear-mongering are NGOs, some individuals and some govts. Please bear that in mind.

    1. What happened in Uttarakhand last year is some thing beyond human control and cause. For sure illegal constructions contributed quite a bit to the problem. But the biggest contributor was that massive amount of rainfall (may be unprecedented??) that we had no control over. It was so terrifying and the sight of ferocious flooding has been (and it still is) quite traumatic to me sitting far away in South India.

      On the glaciers melting down...who knows it could be a natural cycle (of them melting down to some extent and re-reforming again). Unless these are documented over centuries we can't predict any thing. For sure, just on the basis of observations made in the last decade or two, we can't predict and say they will totally vanish in another two decades etc

      The very altitude of those peaks would cause glaciers to form, forever...They may melt but they keep forming..

      Just for some distraction (and hopefully "knowledge gain"), read this article "ANNAPURNA: HIGH TENSION" on this massive (and considered very dangerous) mountain

  4. @ravinar,
    the ngos may be hyping for their personal gain, but that does not mean that the fear is being overhyped. Even early this year 20 lac square miles of US experienced extreme cold climate. And we just forget and move on. An increasing amount of land in US and in India is arid and becoming desert like - nobody bothers . So how to attract attention to these issues so that something gets done ??

    So some NGOs resort to lies to get attention as truth is anyway trivialized. And the solution is also a compromise or sub optimal as nobody wants to bite the bullet on population ( striking the balance as you say )
    and yes the move towards research and development of technology to reduce harmful emissions with alternate technology happened only because of the noise some NGOs created in the previous century. Though nothing substantive got done on population control and making humans more responsible.

    For that the public discourse would need to change. And focus need to go in making humans realize and accept that many of the problems that they face today ( poor quality of air, water shortage, pollutants, scarcities, extreme temperatures) is also due to their own making . Cities cannot grow endlessly, their share in existing resources will come down as it gets divided amongst more people that are born and that move to cities and so one has water shortages, power shortages, crowded roads. Even corruption increases as people want to circumvent and are ready to pay more to get extra for themselves.
    It is a vicious circle of sub optimality. We are mediocre so we make mediocre choices and remain preoccupied with mediocrity.

    1. @Rightwinger

      This is a blog site that does not believe in being "politically correct". I may not have written about population on this site, being a bit off focus of the blog but you will find many tweets from which strongly criticise Modi and others wrongly claiming our population as a "Big Asset". It is not. Only productive population is an asset. More additions to a non-productive population is a liability. But because Modi claims it is an "Asset" and many others do, people will neither raise their voices nor bother about it. For me, population is a much bigger problem than anything else. It may be even be the root cause of a lot of menaces. I have even written that our Metros simply cannot absorb any more influx. And then they will complain about all other problems. If NGOs focused half their energy on this issue it will help but it is not as "attractive and dramatic" as children crying to save the world. To put it in other words, 40000 children dying every day will not make headlines but a plane crash with 150 people definitely will. Our appetite is naturally driven by bad news and drama.

    2. @Ravinar - I think Modi or others who are claiming population as big asset, are not in favor of explosion of population but instead of blaming to population they want to harness the strength of it in term of market and manpower. IMO if population was and is a weakness, turn it in strength and work hard to eliminate this weakness very fast.

    3. Agree with @ravinar that non-product population is a liability for a nation. Not relevant here but there is a very good one hour BBC documentary on population - can globe sustain human population growth. It talks about world's population problem without exaggeration and actually ends on a positive note. Video Link -

    4. We measure sentiments of only people who read and watch news. These people believe that 40000 children die everyday are from 'Non' productive population (hence don't care) and these same people place themselves in place of 150 people dying from plane crash (hence care). I believe that calling our population a "Big Asset" is just a political rhetoric. Nobody believes that.

    5. I agree with both Ravinar and Rightwinger. I think anything beyond 1Billion is a liability for India. Nature cannot support too many materialistic humans. One child policy and child adoption should be implemented for 5-7 years.

  5. NGOs in general and Climate change NGOs in particular are turning out to be no more than confidence tricksters. Everybody has an innate desire to be good to mother Earth and to thank her for her bounty. These NGOs exploit this vulnerability to fill their bank accounts.

    One thing is now getting clear...from the NGO & AAP scams...most people just look at the headline and fall for it. If an NGO says it wants to "save Earth" and AAP says it wants to "eliminate corruption"...that is where most people stop reading and thinking. Very few then follow up with the organisation and compare its "kathni and karni".

    So here is a tip for us all...keep our eyes and ears open at all time...there are superstitions and blind faith in areas other than religion too.

    Very eye opening piece as usual, Ravinar!

  6. The same pachauri wanted Luxurious car travels only for rich people.When ratan tata announced of Tata nano, he used environment excuse and said Tata nano is a nightmare for him..!!!

  7. When NGOs role in India is considered , I thought considerable amount would be dedicated to Evangelism & destruction of social fabric of our society which I find a bigger problem than halting some projects. Its highly difficult to repair a damaged mindset than a halted project...

  8. In a corrupt country where ministers can be bought for a few lakh rupees and cabinet rank ministers for a few crores, frankly anyone trying to influence policy through the NGO / agitation route is mis-allocating their time & money.

    Learn from the corporate lobbyists and utilize the same money to usurp democracy by directly controlling the levers of power in the government!

    1. Dear KB , NGOs are special purpose vehicle created by those corrupt bureaucrats and politician to earn "clean "money . The necessary steps to "influence " the policy is taken beforehand and NGOs come in picture later to "orchestrate" drama demanding "those very changes" and then corrupt officer graciously " agree" to "wish of people". Take this as coming from insider involved with a number of NGOs "contributing to preserve Earth for our future generation ".

  9. The Morons will adk us to switch off lights once in a year for one hour, and make us believe we saved earth. But when it comes to adopting clean energy, they wont utter a word.

  10. GP is having a conference in the hotel I work for and they have booked about 50 room nights at "Higher than Normal" rate and have provided a CC to charge for ALL charges including any "Luxuries" the guests might incur. Now I know where these guys get the money from!!! Pathetic Liars!!

  11. Dear Ravinar,

    You have posted very good and well thought out articles about the dubious roles performed by some of the NGOs. Any person with some common sense will agree that there should be a good balance between environment protection and development. There is no doubt there are forces which want to hamper the progress of India. At the same time, we also know there are other forces who are exploiting and abusing our environment. I believe both these forces are dangerous. The former wants to push our country back and the latter wants to worsen the quality of life we lead. All these articles are focused on the former. For a balance, I suggest you to write an article on the latter one who mercilessly exploits the nature. This is just my suggestion and you will be right person to see if this makes any sense.


  12. I changed my career mid-life in 2006, to plunge into the Climate Change business (only to move away from it), even based my Master's thesis on Emissions Trading. The amount of money made by companies in the first Kyoto period from 2005-2007 was mind boggling. The second Kyoto period from 2007-2012 also saw a lot of trading activity, but interest waned as countries could not agree of emission targets post 2012 period, so no more Kyoto periods (or statutory requirements for emission targets)... Now link the exposes Ravinar makes here and you would know the real reason for the fall (Scandals and Big Money)
    One thing that remains central even today and which I firmly believe (Even during the years when the Earth almost died and Al-Gore saved us) is the issue of resource depletion (efficient use of energy/resources as solution). Renewable Energy is good, but excess of anything is not good. Imagine 100% use of Solar energy, The land it would use and the env. damage due to disposing of millions of Photo Voltaic cells, mercury etc. etc.We need coal as much as Solar or wind or hydro....which the NGO's never tell you.
    There is something called as the Environmental Kuznet's Curve, as the economy grows (standard of living increases), environmental degradation will also increase, until a point when the environmental degradation starts to reduce with increasing growth, as we ourselves become prone to more choices.
    Someone (Most people in India) who doesn't get basic needs will not give a shit where his electricity comes from, as long as he gets it, while in Europe you can choose if you want your power from renewable (again not everyone would get it....we are still not there yet)
    As Ravinar rightly points out, India needs growth, its people need basic amenities first, NGO's should not apply global standards to India (especially countries who have been using coal for 100 yrs). Being Pro-Development does not mean Being Anti-Environment... THEN, we must all ask ourselves why have the NGO's become Anti-Development to portray Pro-Environment.

  13. Somewhere Sustainability hulla is also on the same count where corporates from US and Europe are forcing Indian Companies to work on triple bottom line. The minimum bottom line of business is just not sound for country-companies of India, on top of that guilt ridden pressure tactics of meeting Environment guideline for the heck of it is putting several millions of Rupees going GRI / European Agencies way. Somewhere ISO 9001 by PM Office also should be reconsidered decision I feel.

  14. Excellent well written on such a complex topic.

  15. dear sir, sometimes we start making compromises with our present for a better future to such an extent that we die in the present without even seeing a glimpse of the better future for which we had made all the compromises for. its like me having some rice, i'm feeling hungry today but i wont eat, i'll gather more resources to make biriyani tomorrow and have, and in the process i die out of hunger today itself. not a soul in right mental balance can ignore the threats imposed to our environment today, certainly not you, therefore striking a right balance is the key. today kids in villages cannot study because they have no power and these NGOs they protest over different avenues of power generation be it dams or nuclear so that kids tomorrow can breathe better oxygen, this whole funda is ridiculous. a line has to be drawn as to how much is too much because this drama of agitation has been going on for too long and too much

    1. So how to strike that balance ?? Where does one draw the line ?? What variables to be considered?? What sacrifices will have to be made?? And what would be the expected outcome and how would that be measured ( to determine success or failure of the approach ??
      the measure of success is mandatory ; as only that which gets measured gets done.

  16. I remember a story from Mahabharat times. Pandav after winning the war wanted to establish their kingdom at a place which was Jungle .Krishna was asked that if we make city out of this jungle, then so many animals living in this jungle will loose their home. How can we do this? Krishna's reply was , the nature of evolution and growth is this only. If u want to create something , you have to compromise on some other thing. Now this balance of what to do and not to do is the decision that needs to be taken wisely.
    Totally agree with Ravinar, that Pressing need of the time is that millions in this country are provided with basic necessities of life to live. All this blabber about environment and so is just a profession for many.

    1. I guess you are talking about Indraprasth, or Delhi as we know it today.

  17. Coincidentally, there is a news article in today's FT. NATO has claimed that Russia is actually funding environmental groups to protest against fracking.

    Whilst this has nothing to do with climate change, it deals with a wider issue i.e. the manner in which governments subvert economic/political agendas of other countries, to drive their own. Their instruments could be as direct (Moscow threatening to cut gas supplies to Ukraine) to funding environment and pressure groups to agitate.

    The 28-member EU depends on Russia for a third of its oil and gas requirements, while at the same time having significant shale gas reserves to permanently reduce its dependence on imports from Russia. Understandably, Russia would like to ensure this dependence continues. Energy blackmail, if you will.

    I am reminded of two quotes:

    The first attributed to Napolean Bonaparte, "There are only two forces that unite men - fear and interest"

    The second attributed to Lord Palmerston, "Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.' You could use this in the context of most nations as well, not just England.

    Its off track this part 3 post. Sorry about that.

    Kind regards

    1. wonderful insight . Fear mongering or scare mongering is prime source of income of non-productive classes or parasites of society . In childhood, we all have been taught the story of "sky is falling" but extremely few seems to have learnt the moral of story . Anyway, it seems that story needs to be taught again in high-school with likes of Al-Gore as protagonist and hope that some may learn the intent behind these scaremongering..

    2. When you think of the revenues involved, it is no surprise how Russia that technically labels NGOs operating within its borders as "foreign agents" seems to have no qualms about using them outside. Also, that Russia's intervention and support to separatists in Ukraine was to prevent shale gas exploration in that country. Napolean's quote again, haha!!

      The claims against Russia were made by NATO Secretary General, Mr.Rasmussen on the sidelines of a speech he gave at Chatham House, itself a think-tank!

      Kind regards

  18. Excellent work Ravinar as usual. Why is everyone missing the point? The crux of the matter is personal gain. Go deep into the affairs and you will find this is the sole objective of all 'protesting brigade'. All in the name of 'Poor' and 'saving environment'!!!

  19. Ravinar himself has made it clear, in the comments section to this article, that he is as much pro-environment as the NGO touts itself to be. He had to do so because his article spews too much venom about the fake NGOs that one tends to believe that Ravinar is only pro-development and indifferent to the effects this creates on the environment.

    Looking at everything from the viewpoint of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, from the viewpoint of development, from the viewpoint of money, will surely make people come across as anti-environment. While they may not intend any harm to mother-earth, they surely miss to read the signs.

    This article to me appears to miss one major point - we all agree that western nations have gone through the Environmental Kuznet's Curve and are now advising India to directly go the far end of the curve straightaway. I must ask all of you who are supporting pro-development activities for India this one question - should we necessarily go through the Kuznet's curve? Can our policies not be tuned to make use of technological advances to avoid the mistakes made by the western nations? Can we not see the troubles that 'the development' - as defined by western nations - brews between nations? Do we want to join the bandwagon of those 'developed' countries that increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

    Regardless of your inclination for development or environment, I urge you to read a book by Thomas Homer Dixon titled "The Upside of Down : Creativity, Catastrophy and the Renewal of Civilization" and get better informed about both subjects

    1. It's like Lalu Yadav preaching family planning after learning from his own experience having many children!!!!! One should learn from other countries mistake and avoid pitfalls of blind rush for urbanization.

    2. No right minded person is choosing to reinvent the wheel. When basic necessities are deprived, we need to strike the balance. A developed west can take a preachy position. Not so to the developing ones where even basic amenities are yet to be fulfilled.

      A well placed person can have the luxury to choose between his choiceful flavours of ice-cream, diet laced ones and so on. The same can't be said of a hunger stricken man!

      One thing i do not understand of these NGOs - why don't they go preach the west first! Its a sin to watch these westerners zipping past in their fuel guzzling vehicles! No public transport there? Food wastage, Electric wastage, you name it and its in opulence there. Better would be to curtail it first!

  20. The other point about this post is that western powers like the US, UK etc which are power and fuel hungry want to create an environment of blame and guilt across the world, there by diluting their own mis deeds of being one of the most eco plundering nations on earth. The US is the highest consumer of petroleum and the the US defence is the highest amongst all organisations of the world. Yet these countries want to dictate terms to other developing countries like Brazil and India about what they should do and what they shouldn't while they keep plundering the resources as per their own selfish developmental and industrial needs. Global warming and carbon footprint are also made bigger to look than they actually are there by putting the whole world at shame and guilt. The US inspite of so many decades of opportunities has still not taken to alternative sources of fuel the way Germany and some other countries have. Their automobiles are the most fuel hungry in the world. This is hypocrisy at its highest.

    1. Thats true - but that is no reason for us to be defiant and be equally reckless in our consumption! The fact that your house is in the vicinity of the central jail cannot justify your misdeeds. Let us all blame those countries for their detrimental contribution to the current state of the environment, but let us not do the same mistake in the name of 'development'!
      The basic flaw that I see is not that Humanity itself is corrupt - but as Indians we are wrong in trying to emulate the west and their concept of 'development'
      The latest theory of Triple Bottom Line - People, Planet & Profit - is not something new for us. It has been etched in our culture from time immemorial - we just have to embrace such aspects and define a better development model.
      Repeatedly crying foul because your neighbour does everything for money and not philanthrophy doesnt force us to act in the same manner. I dont subscribe to the philosophy "everyone is doing it, you can do it too" although the song in Gori Tere Pyaar Mein is not so bad

    2. You are wrong about this. The west is also a victim of climate crooks. People in West are highly penalized by their governments based on recommendations of fraudster climate change crooks. Global warming is not made to look bigger by anyone in West other than UN, anti-western academicians and socialist politicians. Actually all these crooks have penalized tax payers in Western countries to pay penalty to third world countries. Hating America / West/ Capitalism is spoon fed by our intellectuals to aid socialist agenda all over the world. But note that most of this has originated from intellectuals in the West. Our intellectuals are merely copying them. Don't fall for this propaganda.

    3. I have no where implied that we have to be reckless about our approach. No other philosophy has understood Bhu mata and mother nature's elements as early and as deeply as the Indian culture has. We need to be balanced of course. But we should also have the discretion to identify what is black and white in the world of environmental politics, not merely jump on the band wagon of environmental activism because so and so developed country or its affiliated NGOs say so.
      @ Viru pax. I am not falling for the agenda but you would be interested to look into the energy and fuel consumption statistics of these developed countries in comparison to the ecological returns they claim to action. I it's not about hating America. Germany is another western country for example which is showing the world how solar energy can be best utilised. What American intellectuals intend shouldn't be our concern as long we are focused on spreading the right m message to our countrymen. We have the best of scientists and minds along with a strong back bone of understanding the environment. It's about realising it and not ignoring it and trying to learn the ABCs of it from the west instead.

    4. @The Seeker
      Thanks for your reply. There is no doubt that their power consumption is more. Because they have reached higher standards of living. But the very act of relating to ecological factors is the fraud perpetrated by so called environmentalist scientists. This is not just against us or poor countries. THIS IS MAINLY AGAINST THE WESTERN COUNTRIES.
      Because hatred of west (especially the US) has been cultivated by Communists, religious fanatics and now by environmentalists.
      Do not get confused by acts of several US administrators which are clearly wrong. But I am talking of hatred of the Western countries / industrialization / individual freedom and human progress in which these countries especially the US has achieved the greatest- and hence it is hated by communists, socialists, fanatics and all other haters of human progress. The issue of solar / other forms of energy and similar arguments are merely smoke screens erected to confuse gullible people who merely think that environment must be protected. They are fooling people only because people cannot even imagine their actual goals.

  21. I felt a great pride to be an Indian, when I found that there is a blog that exposes this biggest fraud in human history. The IQ level of Indian print media and electronic media and official intellectuals is so low that it is beyond their pea sized brain to understand that 'scientists' can ever be wrong.
    Thanks Ravinaar!
    When Pachauri was exposed in West and more people began to see what IPCC was up to, I do not know whether Indian media condemned him or not. (Most likely it did not). But I happened to read a statement of SUPPORT for him. It was by none other than the bank clerk elevated to the position of PM- MMS!
    I think this topic of exposing climate fraud is a great service to our country along with exposing our dear media crooks. KEEP IT UP SIR!

  22. Dear Ravi,
    Great one, as usual.
    Getting off-track, I'm dying to know the identity of India's biggest "Intellectual Moron." Pl apply your acidic wit on that issue too.

  23. Dear Media Crooks speculation of some decades from now is essence of seminars and also idea of saving the earth is good one but tilted here for a purpose more to garner funds than do real good. Nature will one day destroy that man goes against it and creates. Wether it is multistory buildings or deforestation. Playing with waterbodies or digging too deep for harvesting minerals oil or coal. Speed of development needs to be controlled so that we don't exhaust our natural resources. Human population can best be controlled now when all tools are available but it is exploding now. When sex was a major source of fun the population was not exploding. may be extending human life with medicines is one reason we have 30% more people everywhere. Most importantly we need to work for population quality than numbers. Education can be the best gift we can pass to future generations but making education unaffordable is part of our effort to develop this earth. I would say education should be free for all and without restriction if we want to save earth. NGOs and TV channels have taken vehicle of earth saving for bettering their finances. This needs to be checked but as you mention in the last paragraph it hints at Political funding through NGOs so most of them will be hand in hand with politicians for exchange of favours and funds as the case may be.

    1. There ha been a continuous brain washing by fraudulent environmentalists, which most of our educated have been victimized. You assume that their intentions are good and so you have uncritically accepted their fraudulent science. "Nature will destroy us"... kind of statements show how successfully they have fooled people.
      Their main goal is opposing industrialization ultimately human progress which ordinary sane people cannot even imagine.
      These are all leftists who failed to stop capitalism with their foolish economic principles. Since they failed to achieve any progress in all countries they tried they have turned to use 'Science' to achieve the same purpose.
      Removal of poverty was not the goal of socialists/ communists.
      Clean air is not the goal of environmentalists.
      Just as Marx used flawed economic theories to push communism, these are using flawed science. Their goal is stopping human progress.

    2. Dear virupax, there might well be scientists and NGOs that do not have the goal as clean air. However, you'd do well to open up your mind to try and list down 5 harmful effects of 'development'. Tell me if environment doesn't feature in that list. Try telling yourself that nothing is free and everything comes at a cost - including 'human progress'.

      'Nature will destroy us' is not about 'universal justice' or 'punishment' etc, it is just that our excesses will lead to natural calamities and our chances of survival are hugely limited if we remain unprepared. Despite all damages made to it - manmade or otherwise - the earth will continue to exist. The only question is - will we?

      You can continue to believe development has no costs whatsoever, and that we will ride the tide when it comes. For if your mind is made up, nothing that I say will change your perception.

  24. Btw, one of the world's oldest and largest "NGO's" is an organisation called FIFA. Here's how they deal with people:

  25. It would be interesting to know, what happened to their campiagn of Solar -lanterns in powerless villages.Which villages had been benefited by the scheme, whether it was successful, and how much they received by way of donation, from that how much used for the purpose!

    1. It is known that there is a huge push marketing of US made solar cells vs Indian made TATA. One may search web as to their quality. What about the dumping of infamous "lead" Pb, which accompanies the solar lantern to poor villages - lead acid battery disposal per sqr. mtr may be quite alarming by any standards - any NGO takers?? But I find very amusing how commie Mainstream article finding top place on Google News.

  26. It is well known that for clean and ample Oxygen level, forest plays a very important role. We have destroyed some more than 90 per cent of Earth's forests in last 2000 years. Yet, guess what? 2000 years ago, air had 20.9 per cent of Oxygen and today too the percentage of Oxygen in air is 20.9. It seems Climatology is not much better than Astrology when it come to predicting future.

  27. You are right. Our fraudulent astrologers have a lot to learn from 'climate scientists'.

  28. I am a regular reader of, and active commenter on, Business Standard. Recently read an article `IB Report portends tough times: NGOs' ( Looking at the table of top foreign-funded NGOs for 2 years (2010-11 & 2011-12), I made a comment whether the huge funds received by Christian organizations were for harvesting souls or conversion. In spite of reminder, the newspaper refused to publish my comment. There was no strong language, nor any derogatory words used. So much for the freedom of expression tom-tommed by MSM. It appears MSM is either in favour of conversion or afraid of Christian organizations.

  29. Greenpeace allowed its ship Arctic Sunrise to be seized after breaking Russian law, then using the incident to fundraise.

  30. Bill Gates Foundation is biggest scam in the charity world. His charity "invests" in sterilyzing poor countries, vaccinating untested vaccinations on children for unknown (or invented) diseases and GMO seeds that pollutes the whole world.


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