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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Black Lotus

The recent victories of BJP in Tripura and govt formation in NE states like Nagaland and Meghalaya is perhaps the most dramatic change in Indian electoral history. Add to this the earlier clean victory in Assam too. For decades, the NE states were stuck with the Comrats – either in the form of CPM or the Congress and silently suffered all their lives. No roads, no power supply, no connectivity to the rest of the country and militants killing people all over. It’s only since the BJP and ModiSarkar started paying attention to NE after 2014 that they sensed that life can be a lot better too. They desperately needed change and embraced it at the first opportunity.

But the NE electoral outcomes don’t necessarily apply to other states where they have already experienced BJP rule and a good level of development in the past – states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, UP or Bihar. This is the reason there have been some upheavals in these states either in bypolls or lower number of seats in a BJP-stronghold like Gujarat. In the recent rounds, BJP lost some bypolls in Rajasthan and MP and the latest losses came from UP and Bihar. Of these, the greatest and most shocking loss has to be from Gorakhpur from where CM Yogi has won five terms in the past. We will get to it in a bit. In the meantime, the thrill and adrenaline that ran through a filthy, abusive C5M is quite heartening:
All the media criminals who eternally vomit nonsense about caste-religion in politics are most excited learning Muslim-Yadav support for their darling prison-mate Lalu is intact. Elsewhere, a NiraRadia-Slave of many years, MK Venu, who is now an inmate at “TheLiar” holds out a vile threat. That the loss of bypolls in UP is a signal that investigative agencies must “start behaving”. What this Comrat confirms is that in all his life investigative agencies were slaves of his political-Mata Sonia and any other scenario is impossible. For an abusive filth like Sagarika and her ilk, starved of any Sickular wins, even dirty Cactus would taste like Banana. Let them eat!

Let’s return to the BJP. Nearly six years ago I wrote “BJP – The suicidal bridesmaid”. This was in the context of BJP playing second-fiddle in all its alliances. I had made the case that for a party seeking to be a national power, the BJP must assert itself, refuse to play second-fiddle and go it alone in most state elections, even if it means sitting in the Opposition. The image in that post that is reproduced again (on the left) is an artwork called “Black Lotus – the suicidal bridesmaid”. Today, the BJP stands on its own strength at the Centre and in most states where it is in power. But the one thing that is still missing in the BJP approach to governance isassertiveness”. In the post I referred, I mentioned the vast army the BJP has been eternally up against:

The BJP does not have any “ideological” friend or ally. NOT ONE! The allies and friends are mostly “opportunistic” allies and not ideological ones. In contrast, the Sickulars and their Comrats are married till death do them apart. Even the ShivSena is not an ideological friend – it is merely a worn out, rag, tag and bobtail outfit that flies around like a stunted chicken.

In the four years of ModiSarkar, the BJP has done all it could to please and suck up to every Sickular issue than attending to serious issues that its core supporters face and for which they were voted to power. Hindutva has been dumped in the garbage can and has now become a taboo for BJP. Ram Mandir finds a mention only during election campaigns. All that is still fine. The biggest crime of BJP is to continue the Sickular appeasement policies. What in hell is a nonsensical statement like “Ek haath me Quran, ek haath me laptop”? Does PM Modi ever have to make such statements about Hindus or others? What is it that PM Modi seeks from such idiotic statements – cheap applause? And when the Hajj subsidy was withdrawn, it was promptly ploughed back into some other Muslim-appeasement scheme. There is no cause to antagonise Muslims but there is no cause to suck up like this either. We are FED UP with this wanton Muslim/Minority appeasement.

What exactly did Hindus demand from PM Modi or his Sarkar? NOTHING! All they wanted was that there be more equality in treatment of all communities. Issues like RTE are killing Hindu-managed schools, not one step or signal has been given by ModiSarkar to millions of pleas to attend to the problem. Conversions by the Missionary Mafia continues relentlessly and visas continue to be given to foreign charlatans who come to India to abuse Hinduism and convert the poor. PM Modi had promised in his LS campaign that all illegals will be packed up and sent back. Forget that, now Rohingyas are freely indulging in violence and creating swamps in JK where they have been planted. Sometimes, the SC plays a hurdle but it was up to ModiSarkar to bring in an ordinance or Act in Parliament to send a clear message that “national security will not compromise with any interference”.

There is a sense of fatigue and boredom with governance it seems. Many BJP supporters are now tired of the “Vikas, Vikas, Vikas” chant. Vikas is an essential and permanent thread that runs through our life. It is not a one-time goal. Therefore, even when ModiSarkar has done exceptionally well in infrastructure, railways, power supply and areas like housing and toilets, it still generates heartburn and discontent. And the NorthEast wins are not a “burqa” that can cover up these heartburns. Many ministers are simply incompetent and are trundling around like a stock-bowler who has to bowl the last over just to concede the few winning runs to the opponent. The UK expelled 20 Russian diplomats and suspended high level bilateral ties with Russia over the suspected murder of a Russian spy in Britain. But Modi keeps begging other countries to declare Pak a terrorist state instead of acting. There is a clear lack of courage and daring in critical daring and the fear of Muslim backlash.

Is it plain arrogance or a lack of presence of mind? This is what I have called “fatigue”. And in the four years of ModiSarkar, one thing that really shocks and stuns BJP supporters is the extraordinary slavery of BJP ministers and members to the media and in particular with NDTV. Pray what ghostly or divine powers do the scamsters of NDTV hold over BJP ministers who constantly want a room at NDTV? This looks all the more sinister when many of these NDTV crooks have mocked and abused Modi non-stop for many years. It also mocks thousands of BJP supporters who have spent hours and hours to investigate and expose NDTV. What compels Modi’s men and women to indulge in romance with alleged criminals? This too will cost votes and withdrawal symptoms, if not whole elections:
As if all that was not enough, the BJP recently purchased a foul-mouthed, anti-Hindu garbage-can like Naresh Agarwal from the SP. Political numbers do matter but there was no such extreme threat of survival that BJP had to make such a purchase. This Agarwal is the same guy who all BJP members and supporters have trashed consistently without exception. And the man deserves it. Yet, like with NDTV or Muslim appeasement, ModiSarkar SLAPS all their supporters with a vile decision like this. The frequent signals being given to BJP supporters is “you don’t matter and you can go to hell”. Even the BJP footsies, when there is criticism, often tell others “go vote for Congress”. Such arrogance will not pay. The sooner Narendra Modi and BJP learn this, the better. Don’t even be misled by the nonsense of some who peddle the TINA factor. The Lotus can also turn black in no time:
The main vote-segment of the BJP is the middle class and the Hindus. These segments are not demanding any special favours. Hindus are mostly fine if some concessions are even to deserving poor classes or even poor Muslims. But to constantly ignore “social fissures” and play “Goody two shoes” does nobody any good. The recent bypoll results can thrill some Sickulars for a while but I don’t see any reason why it should impact LS2019. Bypoll results often reflect an “instant” unhappiness with a strongly-voted govt and it happens often. I am sure when the Sickulars lose Karnataka they will be back to their Rudaali act with “Eternal Victimhood Mode” (EVM). The LS2014 majority was won after a long and tough struggle by BJP, take sound counsel and make some corrections quickly. It doesn’t take long for the Lotus to rot and turn Black.


  1. This is a MUST READ mainly for N Modi or A Shah. Allowing garbage mouth Hindu hater Naresh Agarwal into BJP is probably biggest reason why BJP lost in Hindutva strongholds of UP. I don’t like Shiv Sena, but it’s leader Sanjay Raut commented aptly that “Naresh Agarwal joined BJP and Ram left BJP”.

    1. No they won't be reading this. The arrogance of BJP higher echelon is too much. They are busy planning which local leader to screw up after winning big.

    2. Dear Ravinar,

      You have totally missed the plot & seems can't see the elephant in the room. The BJP's loss in UP & Bihar By-elections has nothing to do with Modi or Shah. Let's not make this so simplistic. Some Questions to ponder :

      1) Why did BJP win full majority in 2014 ?
      2) Why BJP win in most states post 2014 ?
      3) Why are enemies such as Mayavati & Akhilesh uniting against BJP ?

      The answer to these Questions is " Modi is pushing them to the wall & hence they are resorting to the weakest link in Hindu society, i.e CASTE".

      Coming to defeat in Bye- Elections,

      1) Who was incharge of Bye Elections ? It was not Modi & Shah but the responsibility was with Yogi & Maurya.

      2) Why did Yogi & Maurya lose ?

      Simply because they lack the Charisma of Modi & Shah duo.
      They simply forgot who gave them the victory in first place. It was Modi & Shah's political strategy which delivered 325 seats to BJP. It was not because of Yogi or Maurya.

      Now, finally let's see what BJP's supporters need to do hereafter :

      1) Remember, the BJP's victory is simply a reflection of Hindu voting in en-mass as a votebank to BJP. It's a simple trick of Pseudo Secular's to divide Hindu votes by pitching different Hindu caste against each other. How can BJP & us ensure that Dalit's, OBC's, Kshatriya's & Bramhins vote together to BJP ? Its is through reaching to them & explaining that they have to vote by considering beyond their Caste priorities to save their religion & nation.

      Nothing else would work.

    3. @Abhijeet, There is some truth in your points about caste factor. But how can you explain the Bihar state elections loss which were handed by Amit Shah himself?

      Also, another factor that was proved both in Bihar polls and this by polls: When two or more BJP opponent parties come together, they might defeat BJP irrespective of Amit Shah or Modi or Yogi. To counter this, BJP must do:
      Deliver on their 2014 promises
      Never accept garbage from other parties
      Find antidote if opposition unite and fight
      Make caste irrelevant by promoting Hindu unity thru RTE abolishing and other innovative ideas
      Stop Sickular acts to attract opposition voters by shunning your core supporters
      Don’t mock your own middle class voters when they demand to fulfill your own promises
      Finally, STOP your ARROGANCE (from PM Modi level to BJP footsie level) and stop saying “Go Vote Congress” !!

    4. Dear Truth Speaks,

      I completely agree with your every point but we Hindus must understand a few points clearly & cleaverly :

      1) Although Modi have done nothing pro-hindu in past 4 years, he has not done anything anti-hindu or pro muslim either. The reason I am stretching this point is because this itself is a radicle shift from past 70 years post Nehru.

      2) Hindus are fighting this war for a millennia, from Bin Qasim to Pakistani Terrorism. It did not stop & will never stop till their is a nuclear war. So we must be mentally ready to change our goalposts to suit our long term agendas.

      3) CASTE is the real elephant in our room & hence we must accept the fact that may be for a few decades the upper caste hindus should relent their leadership to OBC's & Dalit's for sake of Hindu votebank. NAMO is just the start of this theory & not the end. Post NAMO someone like Shivraj Sing Chouhan might be able to carry this Hindu unity on his OBC shoulders for another decade or so & then maybe some Dalit for a few years. Yogi & Fadanvis may be very good administrators but cannot help BJP win the backward votes.

      4) You talk about Bihar Defeat, I guess my third point provides answer to your Bihar question. About mocking middle class, Modi has put his bets on us(middle class) & we should be the last people to ditch him for our combined Hindu future. I don't think their is any arrogance. He is fighting many wars & even if he put's middle class under more pressure, we must accept that as a part of the 1000 year war. This is a war & we must stand by our leader.

    5. Dear Abhijeet, there is nothing to disagree with you on points 2 and 3. But, 1 and 4, I certainly disagree and I will tell you why:

      Modi has certainly did some Pro-Muslim and Pro-Christian policies by massively increasing scholarships meant ONLY for non-Hindus.

      Why should middle class support Modi when the BJP mocks them “Go Vote For Congress”? Why such arrogance? If Modi govt can’t fulfill their promises for middle class, then they should explain that with reason. Modi is blindly going with unelectable and unethical Arun Jaitley, then who can stop him from losing?

    6. Dear Truth Speaks,

      One may disagree with NAMO on increase in scholarship amount to Non-Hindus. May be he sees it as a signal to Muslims to focus on modern education rather than Jihadi politics. But Hindus should focus on what we are suppose to do as a society & not some minor policy mistakes(as per you). We have a long & bloody war before us which needs lot of focus, flexibility & persistence. Hindus cannot & should not loose grip on political messaging to the world.

      So let's not trivialize this into every minor decision or statement made by NAMO. He is a human after all. Let's accept his mistakes & move on. Their's lot to achieve for hindus in next 2 decades & so we must focus on achievables rather than misses. It would be far more damaging for Hindus to loose the 2019 elections than loosing a few hundred crores on muslim scholarships(however stupid).

      Let's see the larger picture & work on long term strategy.

    7. Dear Abhijeet,

      Waited for that “large picture” and “long term strategy” for almost 4 years. Instead of being proactive & take the lead on narrative, inept, lazy & submissive BJP, is actually turning “Secular”, not even being neutral. At times, I felt RSS was being impediment in Modi’s governance. But now I feel, Modi govt is mostly run by power broker manipulative lawyers like Arun Jaitley.

    8. I am not requesting you to certify NAMO on basis of Arun Jaitley. AJ may be a power broker but if NAMO seems to utilize him for some reason, I cannot preach NAMO how to use people to run Govt. My support to NAMO is for collective Hindu future because he is my best chance for Hindu assertion while staying in Power.

      You are welcome to criticize as much as you want in your armchair.

    9. Probably you didn’t get my sarcasm, AJ is actually utilizing NaMo, not the other way around. You too are welcome to criticize my criticism of Modi govt in your armless chair.

    10. AJ utilizing NAMO ? I hope you get your own sarcasm! ha ha ha

  2. MC: “Even the BJP footsies, when there is criticism, often tell others “go vote for Congress”. Such arrogance will not pay. The sooner Narendra Modi and BJP learn this, the better. Don’t even be misled by the nonsense of some who peddle the TINA factor. The Lotus can also turn black in no time” — Fully agree with you Ravinar. You put my exact feelings of BJP arrogance in a beautiful way.

    When Arun Jai Italy ditched his own promises to middl class in the recent budget, the BJP footsies warned the middle class of disastrous consequences of voting Congress or NOTA. Modi & Shah ignored BJP’s core supporters to please core supporters of Congress, Left and third front crooks. In effect, BJP lost its own supporters while Muslims & Christians are solidly behind ComRats.

  3. Very well summed up. BJP is doing nothing for Hindus and for every vote from secular sides it is losing double or more of the Hindu votes. Temples need attention. Education policy is in shambles. Vikas doesn't sustain without education and health. Defence needs more preparedness. Enemies within are joining hands with enemies outside. Modi needs a sound thinking. Buying Naresh Agarwal cost three Lok Sabha seats what is his ROI?.

  4. Modi and Amit Shah should never ignore Rising Hindu anger. In my IT company at Hyderabad, there's unprecedented anger among the colleagues about Modi backstabbing in 2018 budget, succumbing to Jaitley's brainwashing. When Left Liberal Media made a huge hype about tax cuts there was a rising perception among all that there would be some tax relief. But that hope was fizzled out. Middle class ready to support poor. But they should also have been compensated, which was promised by Modi himself after BJP victory in UP. He cared a damn about Middle class. Infrastructure railway toilets are all fine, but people did not see any saving in the last 4 years. Instead series of Aadhar linking laws threats from banks demoralised them more.
    At least he could have dismissed Mamta banerjee govt for supporting Rohingyas, giving them shelters. Kadi Ninda minister has no guts to speak for Hindus, no guts to rein in BSF moles for allowing Bangladeshis. Nitin Gadkari Piyush Goyal work would not bring votes, people should be assured of security first. Hindus r under Rohingya threat in Jammu, who enter like rays, n produce babies like rabbits, n wipe out Hindus, Kadi Ninda guy has no concerns about population jehad.

    Govt has failed in total. Backstabbing middle class will force Hindus either choose NOTA or stay at home n watch IPL.

    1. Hi Sanjeev, very good expressing comment. I see a future blogger in you.

    2. Yes , even we are not happy with few people in cabinet that is Shakuni,KadiNinda,and Fasiwan.

      They are here to spoil whole momentum . Anyway let us see what happens in future, We Govt servants are also not happy , this shakuni fellow always targets us by way of pf int and what not. Kadi ninda is fan of the terrorists and their sympathisers and Fasiwan is having only one agenda to make money come what in way. They must be taken out now.

  5. very well mentioned recent burning issues in BJP. I am big supporter of BJP but really disappointed with recent decisions. Why no action on Vasundra raje. She did not work in last 5 years & see her arrogance. She is living like "Maharani". Why do no have any plan for her. Why she is blackmailing top brass. Zero development in Rajasthan. Modi wants to make Muslim happy. And it's 100% truth muslim never vote to BJP in any circumstances even you appease or give anything. Better make happy middle class & poor hindus.

  6. Shyster lawyers destroyed the @INCIndia and this is happening to the @BJP4India as well.... Wonder if Narendra Modi or Amit Shah really wish to decode what Raviji says on behalf of the core Hindu supporters of a party whose law officers are anti Hindu "slimes" as tweeted by Guruji @Swamy39 ...

    1. Thats true , I am not baming a profession . But if a profession demands true and false to be back to back in once everyday life how come that man be discharging his duties as per Dharma in better good of the public being a minister advisor and what not.

      These advocates will simpli kill the BJP like khangress

  7. Modi lost the plot in 2014 itself. The massive victory and adulation made him delusional. Power has gone to his head. He fancies himself as a visionary statesman on the world stage. He has done a complete somersault on many BJP long held policies. He takes the nationalist supporters for granted and started Gandhigiri. When he assumed power in 2014 the sickulars, presstitutes and babudom were extremely worried that robust measures will follow. But Modi turned into a paper tiger and started huglomacy. Not a paisa recovered, zilch done on 370, the temple, Pakistan, illegal immigrants, corrupts untouched, Ganga, ..... in short nothing, zilch, dodo. Theatrics, gimmicks and poseurism. Jaitley is de facto PM and is King. Modi is just a smart salesman and an even smarter orator. Nothing more. However we must keep voting BJP and persuade the disillusioned nationalist base to come out to vote as the alternative is far worse. But it is pretty certain that Modi will not do anything even he wins in 2019. He is a goner where nationalists are concerned. Political paralysis has set in, nothing will be done if it means disapproval by his newfound friends. Vajpayee, Advani, Modi .... all let downs. The recurring tragedy of India. Prithvirajs and
    Jaichands and throwing away hard won victories. Snatch defeats from the jaws of victories. Indira let go of Pakistan in exchange for a piece of toilet paper called Simla agreement. Modi turned up impromptu and uninvited at Nawaz’s family wedding! Look at the sober and dignified manner of President Xi. We have our guy Modi doing jadoo ki jhappis.

    1. This is an excellent and very out-spoken analysis of the policy failures of the Modi Govt leading to disenchantment of the committed voters of the BJP.

  8. Excellent analysis...

  9. Excellent analysis...

  10. If only BJP and Modi reads this blog, half the battle is won, but even after this his Governance doesn't belt up, they are a gone case

  11. Bravo.Only MediaCrook and Kanimojhi can write such a beautiful analysis.I had hoped the post be more offensive but it lacks the killing instinct.MODI proved as a FEKU FRAUD and cheater.His assurances before election are dumped and Amit Shah says all were JUMLA.He says that he is a Hindu Nationalist but proved otherwise.I am a supporter and Bhakt of Modi since 2012 when I saw that only MODI can resurrect BJP from doldrums and he proved his mettle in 2014.When none though of MODI as PM I supported and predicted him as PM.But what does he done to we the bhakts.He is adamant arrogant in killing his core voters poor farmers middle class and start hobnobbing with the most opportunist fair weather friends Industrialist Capitalist who bribed him by gifts and buying the gifts .He talked Mann Ki bat but never wanted listen ann ki bat of his core voters.We have seen that all Muslims hate him and his Party and they also worked to pressure all others not to vote Modi but still he says Sabka sath sabka vikash but all his ministers are corrupts to the core.They earns huge but none talk of his corruption.His corruption is unchallenged.He wanted install his best friends choice Manoj Sinha as CM of UP but party MLA forced him to install YOGI but conspired to oust him.When Yogi asked for a DG from centre to be posted he was blocked by HMO but YOGI has to force HM to post him.Such thing is unthinkable in other party when a duly elected CM is being harassed by HM and PMO.Mediacrook is perceived as a critic of MODI but he is not a critic but fact finder.KUDOS to him for bringing to light errors aberrations of MODI.

  12. What is Virat Kohli to Cricket is Narendra Modi to Politics.Whenever they win or lose they are hated for their feat.It is highly surprising why the so called critics who do not have talent to set right their own houses they come to the forefront to rejoice on BJP's loss.Please note that it is not your writings that has Put Modi or Kohli on Top.It is their hard work and they are learners too from their mistakes.Modi,Shah,Yogi and others will definitely learn from this loss and tune and finetune them towards the big march in 2019.As far the opposition is concerned Akhilesh is a much better choice than Rahul.But Sonia & Co will see to it that this will not happen.

  13. Perhaps now one understands the frustration Veer Savarkar or Nathuram faced with RSS thought process. They are simply not capable of doing something radical to assert themselves.

    The only thing they did was Ayodhya agitation & demolishing of Babri, but in that case also they wasted the gains in immediately. They accused Shiv Sena for demolishen happily allowed Shiv Sena to take credit.

    RSS & it's BJP is simply not capable of making harsh decision.

    They have nasty habit of wasting the gains & forgetting followup actions when they get power.

    1. Don't read too much into the By-election defeat. It's all about Caste brother. Hindus know only Caste & can be easily fooled & divided on Caste. That's the moral of By-election defeat.

    2. Swayamsevaks can be seen in visuals and video at Babari during the demolotion of the NationalShame. Verbal credit is not paying to one . We did it , we are proud to do it again for the Mathura and Kashi and every where we come to know the wrong doing by Mugals.

      its matter of time. we are at right path.

  14. True. RATE, temple takeover by government, appeasement, caroling with the missionaries and absorbing scum are terrible blunders. Worst, BJP doesn't protest Hindu abuse our murders. .

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. All points has been explained very clearly hope Amit Shah and PM also can read it

  17. Comrats" what an iconic Term coined by Ravinar ji. Kudos for another awesome dissection. A must read for Modi Amit Shah Sushma Swaraj Arun Jaitley elks. Prof Basu rightly caught PappuPidi RaGa on Per capita Income which is nothing but result of "Vikas" which Any national party barring Congress (only used Loots under "ItalianBarmaidTadka" & Crooks ) So raising Per capita Income must be the basis for All citizens of India by Elected Government and Both Modi & Amit Shah and Bjp elks must realise realign with Core Hinduism resurgence incl education ...Else We supporterd already started looking like a Cat on the wall with 4 years of Majority Govt...

  18. Vtrue. Alao cannot forget the only temple land selling ordinance by mah govt. Also inducting a peraon like narayan rane n his kids in BJP. hen his kids are open Brahmin hate mongers and yet bjp tales them in??!!!with that move bjp has lost me forever. Henceforth until hes there in bjp i am never voting bjp.i will not vote or atmost do nota but clearcut no to bjp.

  19. Modi govt did not take any action on any of the Khangress scams, even if any was taken, it is solely due to Dr. Swamy. Modi & his bunch of jokers (ministers) failed misearbly to frame any policy on controlling the inept media. Every minister in the cabinet was a rubber stamp & enjoying the "taxi meter" (ON & OFF) without worrying anything.

    Modi did not stem the rot in the parliament- where you attend for 15 days a year & take home salary is Rs. 65 lacs (Rekha & Sachin Tendulkar), plus many other perks. Where in India can I get a job like this ?? Normally all office if you are absent for a week & does not show valid medical records, you are suspended or sent out !!
    Jaitely protected all the illegal & criminal persons. Jaitel has to be sacked.

  20. Actually what did Modi BJP do except promising many things and doing nothing. The fight against Corruption was done mostly by Subramanian Swamy in Courts from 2G to NH and against Chidambaram and his son. Against breaking of RAM Setu it was Swamy. For early hearing of Ramjanmabhumi Temple it is Swamy but govt created impediments as in yesterday. In RTE, MNREGA etc govt/BJP with Congress. RTE is detrimental to the existence of Majority Community run Schools but BJP is strongly pursuing it. No promises regarding black money (no list of blackmoney holders/those prosecuted) published), Corruption (one by one alleged criminals are acquitted for not presenting cases properly & efficiently), nothing is done to rehabilitate Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir but Kashmiris are swamping Jammu to effect demographic change, to cap it all these there is the problem of illegal immigrant Rohingyas who have now turned to attacking our own Citizens. They are a threat to Jammu People. Nothing is done to deport Bangladeshi illegal immigrants. No repeal of Art.370 etc. Our temples are forcibly USURPED by so called Secular govts and mostly administered by anti-hindu secular/Atheist cronies of politicians. Funds are misused, misappropriated, diverted to other religions starving our temples of funds. Temple lands are encroached, sold clandestinely. Assets are misappropriated. Govt appoints people from other religions to administer Hindu Temples. Gives contract to prepare PRASAD to people from other religions. Such is the hate and callousness of secular politicians towards hindus and Hindu Temples. BJP/MODI govt has done nothing to free Hindu Temples from Secular govt. This govt has failed hindus completely.

    1. Something that I really really really can't figure out is how the hell did Chidambaram get a copy of the confidential report of CBI to the Supreme court delivered to him ?? Any Government worth its salt would have given a shellacking to the CBI director and all his moles. All those guys including the director should have been summarily sacked on the spot , arrested and tried. From the department they should have been given the maximum punishment possible like stopping of all salary, pension and all benefits, very punitive fines, withdrawal of their passports , confiscation of their properties etc.,etc . The government should have come out with a statement on how such a leakage happened and its actions on CBI should have been for everyone to see. But nothing happened .... I mean really, are these BJP guys serious when they say they will punish the corrupt... they must be joking. If you can't punish a corrupt politician due to the legal system it is understandable, but if you can't even punish your own employee then it only shows your ineptitude... This goes down very badly with the people who have supported you. I would never ever vote for any party other than the BJP, but not all people will think like me.

  21. झनझनानेवाला नेत्रांजन है यह भाजपा के लिए। उठो,जागो जनभावना की अनदेखी न करो। जातीय समीकरणों में माहिर पवार,लल्लू,मोमता आदि देश बेचने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकते हैं...मोदीजी का कोई विकल्प नहीं है...तथापि इस चेतावनी को हल्के में न ले भाजपा...बाकी रही बात निष्ठा की ,सो तो अडिग रहेगी।

  22. Mujhe Lagta hai BJP ko atmamanthan ki zarorat hai, Jahan tak Gorakhpur loksabha seat ka sawal hai SP aur BSP ke milne ke wajah se hua, BJP ko koshish karna chahiye ek bache ek saal mein Kuch accha kaam kare.

    1. It's all about Caste brother. Hindus know only Caste & can be easily fooled & divided on Caste. That's the moral of By-election defeat.

  23. Modi ji must realise that Vikas alone is not enough. Artha has to based in Dharma. Without it, it is useless, even harmful. Modi has to introspect what is the RIGHT thing to do. Even if it gets him no sickular votes. They will never come to him anyway. Their hatred runs too deep.

  24. Excellent eye opening article. RTE, Rohingyas etc. as mentioned above need to be corrected. Pampering of minority should stop. The key thing Modi forgot is to pamper the vote base that elected him. He has to cut taxes, reduce GST, and put money in hardworking people pocket. Most of govt run projects though well intentioned will not have as much impact than returning money back to taxpayer. Yes country needs to get strong, but not by sacrificing prospect of reelection of BJP, as that will bring back the corrupt and criminals back to power. One can question the intelligence of electorate, but will not serve any purpose. Industrialists, google and other companies cannot alter election outcome.

    1. Voluntary BJP supporters in twitter, social media have been silenced
      By congress, fake media journalists etc. BJP needs to look for this voices that turned the election in 2014, congress has been promoting pappu in social media, main stream media, abroad, while only person fighting this corrupt is Dr. Swamy!

  25. Your anguish is the anguish of millions of BJP supporters, who support and vote for BJP without any expectations.May be 2019 LS polls too will get support and votes of this silent majority.Hindus and Hindu voters can learn few tricks from Muslims.They come out and vote to defeat a BJP candidate, irrespective of any other party label or image of the candidate.Hindus too will have to go out and VOTE like Muslims.But BJP's leadership HAS to learn its lessons.It can't abandon its Hindu core.Nothing should stop it from de -franchising Rohingyas and putting them under quarantine in sanitised camps.BJP can jettison PDP- BJP govt in J & K and declare scrapping of article 370 without causing any problems in rest of the country.Same for downgrading relations with Pakistan.You are right about RTE having hurt Hindu schools.Same for temples in south India.Same for not pursuing corruption cases more aggressively.Yogi Adityanath's govt has done much more in one year for UP and yet he lost Gorakhpur.Hindus need assurance that they have got their own govt in the states and at the center.This does not need funds or budgets or any "strategies" - simple messaging will do.

  26. While I agree with the major points of the article, there is something with Hindu voters which drives them to vote against their own self interest, including non voting when required. Agreed, common Hindu voters will not figure out how voting for anti BJP parties like Congress, TMC, communists, SP, BSP etc. is against their own existence in long term, it is wavering of BJP leaders, lack of vision, incapacity to unite and keep united all Hindus that makes Hindu votes fragmented and slipped away to fake Hindus, because overwhelmingly leaders of these parties are not much from other communities but are fake Hindus or short sighted useless idiots. Obviously support to shameless open pakistanis in film industries, khangress, SP, TMC and all other anti Hindu parties are more aggressively, repeatedly, regularly required to be exposed until they become zero effective, the ones cloaked under Hindu names and useless idiots fooling remanant centuries period traumatized Hindus masquerading as political leaders should be equally identified and exposed for normal and natural elections results in the best interest of majority and maximum number of people in true democracy.

  27. I think it is unnecessary to get bothered by bypoll results not in favour of BJP. Bigger picture is important. I think the main worry is the business class people of the Country who have been used to manipulations and malpractices for so long that any corrective thing is unpalatable for them. The country has been led to such rotten levels for so long that it takes time to correct. Let us understand that Modisarkar is doing fine and support them in 2019 so as to spring the hope of a better nation.But bash the detractors and traitors of the country such as the Comrats and Congis who are nothing but jungle thieves. However, the scam cases have to be brought to their logical conclusions and there must be convictions. eg. Karti Chidambaram and such like.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Very nice. No more words. In every organization there are honest, BJP supporters who are Nationalists. Modi should have made an inventory of them and given them prominence and power. That is what happens in US when POTUS changes. I think BJP is also scared of seculars and Muslims and fiddle for them. Bal Gangadhar Tilak during freedom struggle point blank told Muslims I will have freedom and it is my birth right. If you come with us we will take you along, If you just stand and don't help fine without you. If you oppose us and side British in-spite of you. We don't have such leaders anymore in India.

  30. Start of the year a Tamil Channel invited few renowned astrologer, among them one Astrologer said PM is losing his ground and he is no more as famous as he was in 2014, but something he will do by April that he will regain people's confidence back.

    I am waiting for April Month.

    1. Telugu spiritualist and nationalist Swami Paripoornananda also said that “Centre would do better to start thinking about 2019 elections after May. Until then don’t even think”.

  31. Bypoll results are just a test case for those with financial muscle & high pride to test themselves to win on their own effort without any external help. The candidate failed. In Bihar it was a test to check the Yadav community mood. No need to draw more lessons like "Sugary Ghost"
    Unfortunately BJP has NO other notable speakers whose voice can reach masses. RSS has to train & lease some speakers to BJP.

    Yediyurappa, during his tenure, bulldozed part of a village near his house, to give the land parcel as a gift to his friend’s daughter.
    As a result, about 25 very poor families were rendered homeless.
    His chamcha, Naidu oversaw the demolitions.
    Karnataka is the most corrupt state and, land grab among all politicians is very common.
    Let us insist that only squeaky clean people with sincerity and integrity come to power.
    When BJP was in power in KARNATAKA, the whole team was a club of crooks.
    AMIT SHAH, people are not fools, better field good candidates or, you are doomed.

  33. 1.MODI lost touch with people in last 4 years after he became PM.He depended fully on a clever lawyer cum Minister his friend soulmate and well wisher Arun Jaitely who is a Virtual PM.
    2.Modi started dreaming of being a International world leader by his whirlwind tour of world in last 4 years whereas his internal policies made him unpopular to get votes in next LS election.He does not want to see and listen peoples voice.
    3.He is alienated from people by his hangover of power and adulation. He was a MONK YOGI before he was PM but after he became PM he started living in a dream world.But power goes to his head now after become PM.
    4.He thought he has no challenge from any one as there is no alternative of him in India.But ABV also made same mistake although he done great in his 5 years rule as NDA PM.But he forget to know pulse of people.
    5.Modi won by a strong negative vote against SONIA GANDHIs anti Hindu policies and appeasement of Christian and Muslims.She blundered as she is illiterate fool and fascist.MODI ought change his style of functioning and directly meet people from all walks of life AT PEOPLES DARBAR in his 7 RCR.
    6.HE has just one year to renew his PM post for 5 years and the next 5 years are CRUCIAL AND important for himself and his party.He should remove all congressman favorites bureaucrats from his advisor and appoint people from RSS ABVP BMS and BJP.
    7.In a parliamentary democracy your roots must be with voters BUT NOT TO bureaucrats who don’t understand the mindset of voters.They are slaves of masters/master of slaves.WISH MODI another TERM of 5 years in 2019 but I don’t see that is happening by his arrogant nature.
    8.Modi imported bureaucrats economists from US and appointed them in democratic posts when he has abundance of people in his party BJP RSS VHP ABVP and BJYM BMS who don’t know hopes aspirations of people.
    9.In a democracy you can’t impose your favorites and start ruling with high handedness arrogance like you done in NITI AAYOG FM FS RS and IRS.He must remove his FM FS RS and Kumawat who sleeps with lady IRS officers in Paris and Singapore.
    10.Modi thinks himself as honest but his FM FS RS are most corrupted and egoistic hold the country at ransom.He will cry in 2019 election when he will see that whole India is against him like he did in Gujarat last .

  34. 1.MODI lost touch with people in last 4 years after he became PM.He depended fully on a clever lawyer cum Minister his friend soulmate and well wisher Arun Jaitely who is a Virtual PM.
    2.Modi started dreaming of being a International world leader by his whirlwind tour of world in last 4 years whereas his internal policies made him unpopular to get votes in next LS election.He does not want to see and listen peoples voice.
    3.He is alienated from people by his hangover of power and adulation. He was a MONK YOGI before he was PM but after he became PM he started living in a dream world.But power goes to his head now after become PM.
    4.He thought he has no challenge from any one as there is no alternative of him in India.But ABV also made same mistake although he done great in his 5 years rule as NDA PM.But he forget to know pulse of people.
    5.Modi won by a strong negative vote against SONIA GANDHIs anti Hindu policies and appeasement of Christian and Muslims.She blundered as she is illiterate fool and fascist.MODI ought change his style of functioning and directly meet people from all walks of life AT PEOPLES DARBAR in his 7 RCR.
    6.HE has just one year to renew his PM post for 5 years and the next 5 years are CRUCIAL AND important for himself and his party.He should remove all congressman favorites bureaucrats from his advisor and appoint people from RSS ABVP BMS and BJP.
    7.In a parliamentary democracy your roots must be with voters BUT NOT TO bureaucrats who don’t understand the mindset of voters.They are slaves of masters/master of slaves.WISH MODI another TERM of 5 years in 2019 but I don’t see that is happening by his arrogant nature.
    8.Modi imported bureaucrats economists from US and appointed them in democratic posts when he has abundance of people in his party BJP RSS VHP ABVP and BJYM BMS who don’t know hopes aspirations of people.
    9.In a democracy you can’t impose your favorites and start ruling with high handedness arrogance like you done in NITI AAYOG FM FS RS and IRS.He must remove his FM FS RS and Kumawat who sleeps with lady IRS officers in Paris and Singapore.
    10.Modi thinks himself as honest but his FM FS RS are most corrupted and egoistic hold the country at ransom.He will cry in 2019 election when he will see that whole India is against him like he did in Gujarat last .

    Modi totally alienated himself from hi supporters after 2014 with a bunch of corrupt leaders. He forget that he was voted to power by his core vote bank HINDUs.No Muslim Christian Seculars votd him.He disillusioned his voters HINDU who started thinking that all is not well in BJP and why should we earn wrath of next govt which is ultimately coming in 2019 when all parties are united against him and Hindus are feeling neglected alienated and silent.
    Karnataka Voters showed that they had used NOTA as BJP failed to espious their causes in Karnataka in last 5 yearas when their SONS are killed by SDPI PFI and Congress but Central Govt says it has no Power to take action on themas it’s a stat subject.
    In India Centre has its prime duty to save all its citizens from attack on their lives by killer gangs and if needed centre can ban them but shirking from responsibilities by saying that ban on SDPI and PFI can’t be taken by centre as it is s state matter and unless state writes them they cant act. AMIT SHAH said that in open manch.
    A Congress govt can have the courage to ban SIMI and IM but a BJP govt cant do that.I feels shame for a Coward Impotent and spineless govt.
    However we are citizens of India and vote for BJP as we have no option.


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