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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Miracle At Gandhi Maidan

Sunday, October 27, 2013 as the first bomb explosion was reported from Patna railway station the TV news media sensed blood. They got more than they were hoping for. Then there were more blasts. Crowds had already gathered in lakhs at the Gandhi Maidan for BJP’s Hunkaar Rally. The series of blasts killed 5 people and injured about 60 odd people. Some politicians were hoping the event would be cancelled. Anchors like Bhupendra Chaube were hyper, screaming “politics over terror” when nobody even had details. NDTV was repeatedly showing smoke blowing from a spot on the Maidan. Congress “politiciser” of terror attacks Digvijaya Singh was off the mark quickly to start tweeting filth. Later Rajdeep Sardesai would tweet seeking maturity from politicians while he was tweeting like a hypocritical moron. CNN-IBN spread as much poison with the blasts as they possibly could. TimesNow was busy with their Youth Parliament; not getting into sensationalism. All of them, I repeat, all of them simply refused to see a miracle that just happened LIVE.

If you hear the Head of a team saying “We can’t do it” it is quite likely to alarm anyone. It would be like giving up. But sometimes it is because we are not quite aware of what that Head is thinking. We may have no idea of the situation that he is in. We shall see.

We all look at Sachin Tendulkar and we can immediately say he has talent. In his case we also know that this talent was nurtured since he was 5. He also practiced his related skills regularly from a young age. In a previous post I have shared the fact that skills and knowledge can be transferred. Talent cannot be transferred. So what exactly is talent? Talent is simply something a person excels in almost every single day from the early part of his life. Some say talent is natural but that is only half true. We look at Amitabh Bachchan and those who have seen his earlier movies know he has talent. We look at Uday Chopra … or we look at Sagarika Ghose… and we know instantly when talent for a given assignment or situation is missing. How do we know the difference?

It’s quite simple. You can teach someone to fight fire. You can teach them how to use an extinguisher. You can teach them how to use the water hose. You can teach them how to use a water hydrant. You can teach them how to evacuate a building in an orderly fashion. All these can be practiced, improved and excelled in. What cannot be taught or transferred is to stay “Calm under fire”. That is a talent. Even the best trained people can panic under fire. They can forget all the training and crumble. Some show calm under fire under extremely testing circumstances even if they face it for the first time in their lives. Watch an example in this video (4.20 mins):

On January 15, 2009 US Airways flight 1549 (Callsign Cactus) was hit by a flock of birds and lost both engines. Capt. Sully Sullenberger’s last words were “We can’t do it… We’re gonna be in the Hudson”. The ATC couldn’t believe what he just heard. In the Hudson? In a rare case of taking charge Capt Sullenberg was handling the radio (normally done by a co-pilot) and also the aircraft. He knew he couldn’t have made it to any airport nearby and the Hudson River in New York was the only place to crash. He drew upon all his skills and experience and did something amazing. He was flying an unpowered aircraft in a ‘ditching’ attempt and landed it on the waters of the Hudson River. The flight lasted only 6 minutes. All 155 passengers and crew members were saved. They call it “Miracle on the Hudson”. It was a miracle indeed and saved lives. Sully Sullenberger and his crew were instantly national heroes in the US. What Sullenberger showed in a situation he was never before in was “Calm under fire”. It’s a talent. This talent is the most important when lives of others are in your hands, when you’re responsible for the safety and security of others. Coupled with Sullenberger’s flying skills, this talent was the force that saved lives.

The folks in the Indian media and some political parties who couldn’t see a similar miracle at Gandhi Maidan on October 27 are either blind or extremely foolish. There was a sea of people at the ground, lakhs still streaming in and few bombs were blasting here and there. In such a case there were many who thought the best course would for BJP and Narendra Modi to cancel the event. But neither Modi nor BJP cancelled but stayed the course. A cancellation may have caused greater havoc from a disappointed crowd. They not only completed the event but at the end Modi pleaded with the crowd to disperse carefully and peacefully. He advised them to reach home safely. Amazingly, the crowd, estimated at over 7 lakhs, did not panic. They did not run amok. They did not stampede. This crowd wasn’t 155 passengers on a plane. They were estimated between 7 and 10 lakhs. The image can show one the potential for a major calamity.

Character doesn’t develop in a crisis, it reveals it. That is exactly what Narendra Modi and others from BJP showed. They showed patience, courage under fire and kept a huge crowd under extraordinary control. The consequences of a stampede out of fear are unimaginable! Thousands could have been killed in a few minutes. Instead of recognising the maturity of the crowd and leadership that guided them our crony media folks were busy trying to score political points themselves. Every moron who screamed “don’t politicise” was doing exactly that. Extreme moron Rajdeep Sardesai even got Digvijaya Singh next day to heap more nonsense. Knowing the character of Diggy very well if Rajdeep still calls him to comment you know what his real motives are. And there are jokers in the media who were even suggesting BJP would be the beneficiary so fingers were pointed at them. Information so far reveals another Indian Mujahideen episode.

Nitish Kumar’s govt was even stupid enough to say there was no “intel” on the attacks. How silly can this man get?  You have Modi, the most targeted politician in India. You have lakhs of people at the rally grounds. You have lakhs of people moving around in the city trying to reach the Maidan. You have people at Bus-stations and Railway stations. Did you not expect serious security issues and threats? Are you that dumb that you claim you need an intel report? And our channels typically debated this so called nonsensical intel report. The only one to point out that in such a case no one even needs an intel report was former Home Secretary RK Singh. It’s like my guests did inform me they were coming but they didn’t tell me they will have tea. So, I didn’t get milk!

The usual morons at NDTV and CNN-IBN were discussing who will benefit from the blasts. It is only Arnab Goswami who asked the most important and appropriate question. What if the same thing had happened at a Nitish rally in Ahmedabad? You can easily guess. Headlines would have been “Attempted assassination”, “Nitish targeted in Gujarat”, “Modi must resign”, “Modi fails security for Nitish rally” and many more. Instead the scumbags and scumbaginis on channels except TimesNow were almost blaming BJP for going ahead with the rally.

Awesome truth is that Narendra Modi and the BJP leaders demonstrated extraordinary skill and presence of mind. Their own lives were in danger. They demonstrated extraordinary “Calm under fire”. Such calm doesn’t come from weak leaders and pretenders. They not only went on with the rally but ensured no major disaster with the crowds happened. Not just that, not one BJP leader even mentioned the blasts or tried to point fingers or take political advantage of the security failures in their speeches. It was passing a test with honours. It was courage under fire. Such people are the ones you can trust your country and security with. The Biharis at the Maidan set an example for the whole country to admire and follow in times of crisis. Not one media person recognised this phenomenal courage by ordinary folks. What the country really saw was a “Miracle at Gandhi Maidan”.



  1. Few aspects get highlighted the current event:

    1) Its an open invitation to terrorist to assassinate Modi (even if few hundred get killed along with him). They will be given ample opportunity to strike at will. Just one attempt should get successful. Once killed, everything else will be managed. In any case he is communal man.
    2) Bomb blast and terror strikes are like normal accidents. These will keep happening. We must not take these very seriously.
    3) There is consensus among all political parties to eliminate Modi. Media is also eagerly waiting for that. In any case, political killings are norm in any communist doctrine. And media is complete with these communists.

    1. That's spot on, madam. This conspiracy must be laid bare.

    2. @Vijeta

      Excellent observation. Exactly what the Commies of Congress & other Sickular parties want .. Modi dead. The aftermath can be "MANAGED" (as was done with the 1984 Sikh killings)...

    3. My thoughts were on similar lines. Modi dead is the one last hope of the dynasts and their durbaris. The crooks in the media were hoping and praying for a stampede that would have provided gory copy and a another "blow to Modi". Their disappointment simply screams at you when they complain that the rally should have been cancelled. Well, it wasn't, so there. No wonder the HM chose to forget his sorrows in a musical event.

      And as for managing the aftermath in case the terrorists had succeeded, the media crooks were all ready and waiting to lend a helping mouth.

      And last, a thought struck me about the orderly Patna crowd. Biharis have had bad government - even lack of government - for so many decades ,that nothing shocks them any more. Not even a piffling bomb blast or two. They've become stoics. So that is all the sickular crowd has to it's credit. Funny, they aren't exactly proclaiming that non-stop through their friends, the media crooks.

    4. Ravinar,

      The aftermath will not be "managed." Because an assassination or future bombings would set a precedence that no one shall be able to control IN THE LONG RUN. Not Queen Bee, not her secretary, not the police, or the CBI, or any army general.

    5. extraordinary Observation Vijeta...perfectly said...

    6. someone mentioned a link before, i followed that link and found, in one article, karan thapar said "there is only one way to stop this person (NaMo), stop him suddenly". the meaning is clear and simple. i will try to find out that link and provide here. the article should be read. because you will get a very good idea, how terrified, janpath, akbar road and its by-lanes.

    7. here is the link -""

    8. Killing of Modi that will be the most unfortunate day for country as a whole and it remains to see which community will be affected. but the population will be reduced by more than ten lakhs. See the crowd. Modi was praying and swetting during the speach. and the crowd was with him ready to die. A big blow to Nitish Kumar. He is uprooted but he got back and show he was not hurt. No way out out for his Political blunder of leaving Modi.

    9. Without Police insider information regarding the movement of Modi nothing is possible. It was failed assassinations attempt, their 1st step Stop Modi attending rally if failed 2nd step create panic in the crowds to result in stampede if failed 3rd step to push the crowds and create a panic and break the fence to attack Modi on the stage. I wish a Separate Gujarat police team investigates all the video footages of the rallies starting from Kanpur to Patna. Even the Cell phone signal jammer did not work. I saw Reporters using cellphone and speaking to the News readers in NDTV. Till now the response of the Congress politicians to the blast causes serious concern. I had always had an intuition that IM is linked to Ahmed Patel of Congress.

    10. I have serious doubt... Everything happens in a sequence.. Rahul
      Gandhi said... Muslim youths contacted by ISI. Janardhan trivedi
      threatens BJP of Consequences..
      Nitish kumar plans to leave patna during Modi stay...... Whom to
      suspect behind all this.
      After Rahul speech regarding threat to his life, and ISI link. He was
      Criticized by all section. was These attack deliberate to justifying
      his speech.

    11. @Toofan Chatterjee - I think you are talking about this article. -

    12. I do not know how many remember the Bangalore serial blasts near BJP office During election time. Even before NIA arrived at the site Home minister Blamed it on Indian Mujaheddin. The worst part is Tamilnadu police later on found it that its the handy work of UL-umma Terrorist organization who were responsible for Coimbatore blast. IF i am not wrong their is nothing called Indian Mujaheddin. its only Pakistani Mujaheddin this group of people who got trained in Pakistan to attack India recruiting people in India. This Organization was patronized by congress as Indian Mujaheddin. to scare the Muslims for vote bank politics. Indian IB is not incapable of predicting terror strikes. They know each and every move of these terrorist organization. why they are not ready to stop this... simple answer Congress & JDU. They wanted this rally to be a Big failure. unfortunately it did not happen. so Congress & Paid Media were not able to Digest it.. showing their frustration. worst part of it after all these threats Shindae is not ready to give SPG for Modi.

    13. Dear Vijeta u say bomb blasts and terror strikes are normal can they be ignored cant we take strong action cant we atleast be rude in this world on Terrorism don't we Indians have atleast this right. How the hell could u say they are normal

    14. @Vijay She is saying that some crooked media and politicians are considering these terror attacks and bomb blast as normal accidents as they are not taking it seriously..

    15. madam well said....and can we all start an online signature campaign so that ppl will just send signature in support of SPG PROTECTION for narendra modi ....if Rahul gandhi can get then why not narendra is only a MP and another a CM OF A STATE....plzz share it and do think...can we start an online or offline signature campaign will pressurise the govt to provide him a must a SPG COVER..

    16. That may very well be but Modi is no ordinary man. He is visiting Patna again on 2/11/2013 to meet the blast victims. That gives you a glimpse of the iron will and indomitable courage of the man. It is true that every political party wants him dead because otherwise their corrupt politicians will find themselves in prison with long sentences. If India is lucky, Modi will survive every plot against him and lead India to a great future she richly deserves. In a way, this Indian Mujahideen attack may have inoculated Modi against further attempts as his security will be enhanced many fold now.
      The rabid media will keep foaming at the mouth and the alpha males of the pack like Rajdeep, Karan, Barkha Datt and other of their ilk will keep baying. Their survival depends upon the defeat of Modi and they will do their best job of snipping at his heels. That madness will stop only after Modi becomes the 16th PM of India.

    17. hats off to u. that is an absoutely perfect observation.

    18. Vijeta, you are taking the 'sick'ular head on! To the point. Best add on to Ravi's blog

    19. In India every man is a politician . But unfortunately INDIA LACKS A GOOD POLITICIAN WHO LEAD INDIA NOT PART OF INDIA.

    20. Vijeta, you observation and the tone of indifference is simply appalling... I am disgusted...

    21. See the crowd in Hunkar and this could never be digestible by any other party who call themselves as Secular..even the Media who are chasing to disgrace Modi for 2014 elections.. What more can be expected from these so called secular parties and Media who are considering bomb blasts as common..

    22. Well said . consolidated perfectly.

    23. And what is the protection being given to Robert Vadera !

    24. all political parties want to eliminate NaMo, because you can read in their eyes, they are seeing their political death in NaMo Eyes, they knew, kind of politic NaMo did for years, other will eliminate forever, NaMo not come just to stay in power, NaMo come to stay in people mind for centuries.

  2. Wow, I mean it 'This is a hair-raising article' literally. A miracle indeed. I can only visualize NaMo as Krishna and Congis & Rajdeep Sardesai as Kamsa trying to kill Krishna through several means, methods, techniques.

  3. NiKu says there is no specific input. Common, whole nation, rather all the nation-lovers spread across the globe were not just aware but anxiously waiting for the safe and successfully Hunkaar rally.
    Questions to be asked:
    - Did NiKu really mean that he do not know the time/venue of the rally?
    - Did he does not even know how will one travel to the venue?
    - Did his party's "Chintant shivir" is more important than doing "Chinta" of Biharis?
    - Will he only deploy security for his once innocent voters, when terrorists will send him a letter specifying exact date, time and venue in advance of 10 days?

  4. Ravi, once again you proved in the social media, that some undeserved not only in politics and they are in Media also. These morons legalise the incompetence require to became a politician.

  5. I do not know why congress and media is getting so jittery about Narendra modi that they allegedly decided to eliminate him according to this report. Indians are secular and liberal people and will never vote for a divisive leader like Modi. The fact that well educated and world famous anchors like Barkha dutt, Sagarika ghose have taken a stand against Modi shows he is unfit to rule the country.

    In all the 5 states that are going to election in next two months i think congress will all barring Rajasthan.

    1) In Chattisgarh there is anti-incumbency against BJP and Ajit jogi will win with thumping majority

    2) In MP congress is now putting up a united face led by Scindia and will scrape through in MP

    3) In Rajasthan BJP might win although its difficult because gehlot has done excellent work

    4) In Delhi BJP is a big joke, AAP will cut into BJP votes and form a secular front and keep Delhi safe from communal forces

    So once congress wins 4 states in worst case scenario and 5 states in best case scenario Modi momentum will decrease after december 8th and we will have a secular front at the center. Wanna bet?

    I also hope congress does something with EC and makes sure communal Modi will never win

    1. Irrelevant post....Spit your filth at some other website.
      Dear Ravinar...please delete this nonsense post including mine :-)

    2. Well educated does not mean that Barkha Dutt and Sagarika Ghose are right. If it does then here is one for you:

      I have done Masters in System Engineering (so well educated) and I think you are a moron.

    3. it is not good to crack such a joke in morning ,some people have weak heart.

    4. Sanjay Jha, if you want to comment, please use your original name. Don't use phony names. Thank You

    5. I would take seriously,especially his last paragraph.All the Modi wave will be useless in the face of cheating at the booth thru EVM.BJP needs to go hammer and tongs at this in the media;am not sure why they havent yet done so.EVM VVPAT judgement of SC hasnt resolved the issue for this election.So why isnt BJP speaking up.

    6. I suppose he is boot licker of SanjayJha. Keep your sermons and intellect for other platforms?paid Media

    7. Dear Mr. Educated, I hold MS in Industrial Engineering and hence consider myself to be decently educated (and informed) to form a political opinion. Since you claim that Sagarika Ghose is educated and intelliegent, I hope you would not refute the pre-poll survey they have conducted with CSDS as late as 20th October. For last 2 days, there are showing findings of the survey. In both MP and Chattisgarh, BJP is set to INCREASE their tally by 10 to 20 seats. In Rajasthan, they are bound to win with close to 120 out of 200 seats. In Delhi, BJP is emerging as the leader with close to 32 seats. With 100 public meeting by Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley and CM candidate Dr. Harsh Vardhan, tables are bound to turn. You can keep living in your dreams though. Who said educated people can't daydream?!?!

    8. Yesterday, at a Congress event at Ahmedabad with a dozen Congress leaders (who hate Modi) including the PM on the stage and the hostile Congress audience who were ready to shout and boo. Mr. Modi openly slapped the dynasty supporters by raising the issue of Patel being the PM after independence, without caring for the audience.

      A leader in the country like India need to be courageous unlike Mr.Rahul Gandhi who always speak in the highly protective environment about his papa,mom and dadi. The difference is obvious.

    9. This moron @wizardanil2002 ... is having IQ & SQL both worst than @JhaSanjay..I am sure .. in all 4 major states ..congress will lost coming elections..this idiot is blind and dumb..

    10. There should be a limit to moronity. You crossed the line when you were about 30 minutes old. Really this is all you can produce?

    11. Dear Mr Educated...Dont confuse Qualification for Education. While they have some level of correlation but certainly are not perfectly correlated and often have inverse relationship as well.

    12. Mr educated guy please explain why modi is Divisive?

    13. Is there any difference between literate and educated !!

    14. @wizardanil: its nice to be in dreams of ur own choice coz thats wat u can do only. i hv seen many degree holder with a worsr IQ n u r just one of them. actualy u r highly obsesses and frustrated congressman. so stay in ur dreams till 8 dec 2013 and rest will see u.

    15. I am amazed that the tail-waggers of the foreign empress do not have the slightest self-respect or any feeling of patriotism or concern for the nation. Just satisfied by the 'tukdas' flung their way! If this lot comes to power again, many of my friends are considering emigrating. God help India.

  6. Raviji, Bulls Eye as usual. Not one media moron, Congis, JUD have expressed relief at Namo's escape. In fact, their rants could barely disguise their disappointment with the failure of the human bombers. Otherwise nothing explains the "ungentlemanly" agreement amongst these vultures of not even once mentioning the clear threat faced by Modi and his providential escape (including other BJP leaders and lakhs of people). This episode clearly pinpoints (if any dimwitters still had any doubts) who are traitors and anti-nationals and they are directly or indirectly in cahoots with the terrorists. Modi and BJP has to anticipate threats from such traitors and even engage private security to secure their lives till 2014 elections are over. In fact this incident proves the stranglehold communists have on our establishment and media as propounded by your recently concluded 4 part series. One more point: Not one leader from JDU or Cong who were responsible for the security lapse had the decency call Modiji who was the principal target of the attack. 2014 cant come soon enough so that this rotten and stinking congress and their assorted sidekicks can skunk back into wherever they crawled from.

  7. Mr. Khursid said "Shinde got a life beyond Patna", would the response be same if it was a Congress rally and Sonia & Rahul were present at the venue? Would Shinde go to a filmy program if the blasts were at Rahul's rally in Delhi? Would Diggy claim that now Congress will get full sympathy & votes if blasts were at Rahul's rally. These are the kind of morons present in Congress and ironically two of them are union ministers, not just any ministry but two of the most critical ministries for a govt, Home & External affairs. Is it any wonder then India is languishing in the hands of Congress.

    On the other hand NaMo & BJP demonstrated extraordinary restraint during & after rally. The fact that IM used two suicide bombers and they were unsuccessful only because of faulty timers used in the bombs speaks volumes of the thereat NaMo is facing from terror outfits. I really that Afzal Usmani's escape from Mumbai court was part of the conspiracy to assassinate BJP's top leadership in one go.

    1. Don't give Diggy any ideas..He may actually engineer some fake blasts in some Rahul rally to make the campaign vicious & play sympathy factor..Mind you, Rahul-Diggy have already set the ball in motion by raking..Meri Daadi Mar Gayi, Mera Baap Mar Gaya, Meri Maa Beemaar Hai..Dynasty Ke Naam Par Vote Dedo Nahin Toh "Communal Forces" Mujhe Bhi Maar Daalengi..

      Notwithstanding the fact that nobody wants to kill this joker & yet he is the most protected person in India..

      But one fake blast & Cong dirty tricks dept will take over to manufacture fake evidence to trap NaMo & BJP..wouldn't be surprised if they will arrest NaMo and get BJP blacklisted by EC..Media will be a willing participant to hoodwink the public..End of NaMo & dynasty will live happily everafter..

    2. he is so good at goof ups that he may end up killing shehzada..

    3. We need these criminals of india alive as they have looted our national money. We need to recover and let them punish hard by putting in jail under law . That is best solution , find as much evidences as we can and spread it in media and public like forest fire . Killing is not best option .

    4. is diggy saying that congress was behing 84 and 91 assassinations of congress leaders? coz congress won due to that!! that man speaks non sense

    5. I agree with Mr. P Mohan Kashyap that we must have the nation's money back from these looteras who have heaped such economic misery on our country - make them pay back all the money. Also Laloo must be made to return all the money he has swindled!

  8. Very well articulated as always. Who would have benefited in case of stampede and rally cancelled, later bjp can be blamed for creating panic in crowd. All SIMI Politicians/ media were expecting and still asking Why rally continued. After nikku every attempt failed on modi's visit to Bihar, it can be handiwork of some JUD elements with assistance of JDU top brass. Lack of security & metal detector, ambulance tells the story.

  9. Good one Ravinar. I read somewhere recently - intelligent people mostly underestimate themselves and stupid generally overestimate themselves. In this line, for the BJP cadre, it was "normal" to show such excellent behaviour under fire whereas for morons in JD-U, Congress and media, it was beyond their imagination. They couldn't achieve such feat in crisis and they were dumsbtruck that BJP went ahead with the rally and made it hugely successful. Kudos.

  10. Hey Ravi,

    Well well both of us write on the same incident in our own way, central message remains unchanged. Great one as usual.

  11. The real weapon is terror.

    Terror directed at crowds eager to throng at Mr. Modi's rallies.

    This is not Nitish acting on his own. The Dynasty is most certainly involved. And the fact that they are STILL claiming to find unexploded bombs at Gandhi Maidan, clearly demonstrates the political propagation of terror. The media will continue to discuss these bombings, not for TRPs, not for stupid debates, but to scare people away from future rallies.

    What's REALLY scary is that the first domino has fallen. If more fall, this will cut both ways. And that will be a very ugly scenario.

    1. Remove dynasty in democratics procees the days are not far

  12. "Patna Rally,18 bombs planted, 7exploded, 11 recovered! Was Gandhi Maidan a Minefield for Mayhem? Grave human tragedy averted by sheer destiny" - Dr. Kiran Bedi

  13. You rightly said "Miracle at Gandhi Maidan”. It was extraordinary courage and faith in audience in Maidan. Political competitors can not concede the fact that BJP conducted this event in such a grave situation with great patience and presence of mind. By conceding they have to concede defeat of their very idea of targeting NaMo in such a low manner and still they failed to create mayhem they planed. But role of Methai Swallowing Media has been exposed beyond doubt in public that they too are party to anti NaMo forces.
    Anti NaMo camp is so terrified from him that they never mind to stoop so low in reacting to this shocking happening and BJP managing crisis.

  14. Nitish's hypocrisy is showing up. In his party's public gathering yesterday, he cried about how NaMo distorted facts and tried to correct each one with his own version, instead of condemning blasts at the rally. Never did he talk about the blasts and their connections to IM. I read somewhere that a person accused in this regard has relation with a poltician in Nitish's party. Anyone can tell that the blasts resulting in the failure of rally would surely be the benefit of congress and JDU.
    Rally was decided months ago, and Nitish tried every card in his pocket from inviting President on the very same day to openly refusing to allow NaMo to conduct speech in Bihar. Blasts couldn't have happened had Nitish taken enough security measures. SuMo(Sushil Modi) even went to the extent to tell that Nitish holds personal grudge against NaMo. Now this could be serious as a fellow commentee here rightly points that it could invite more disastrous attempts to assassinate NaMo. Some commies started attributing blasts to RSS, and said that BJP would gain sympathy from the blasts, though they know very well that the presence of almost 8 lac people in the rally itself is a great sympathy for BJP.
    I can swear i am proud of having been a witness of the entire rally(on a tv though) which showed the coolness of Bihari people during blasts. Had it been a kumbh mela, hundreds of people hav had died in a stempede. Handling of situation was great by NaMo and other BJP leaders, but i would personally attribute this to the people of Bihar for they showed maturity and calmness.

  15. agreed with the article, ndtv was busy showing yesterday clip that maidaan is half empty,demeaning bjp gathering. even barkha dutt jokingly tweeted that someone is saying that cracker burst is happening relizing little that the effort was to control the panic of public.all were just hoping or rather waitng to disaster to happen. i have one question to all this moron of msm that one can understand your hatred towards narendra modi but your lack of concern to huge gathering of people assemble there is unjustifable.the maturity of modiji risking his life only for the sake of brave janta assemble there and above all whatever others portray sh. modi ji,last words about safety and peace was deliberately ignored reson best known to political pundit of MSM.

  16. Don't be surprised,

    IF investigating agency states that the arrested convicts are innocent minority students and series bomb blasts were part of science project !!!!!

    They will be given grace marks for their project and recommendation for post graduate courses in bombing modi stages:-)

    Anything is possible under UPA regime !!!!!!

  17. Ravji, I know, nothing will go unnoticed under your watchful eye, However I could not resist to tell you, I saw that idiotic program called Face the People by Bimbo Sagarika. In the program she was trying to broker peace between Ravishankar Prasad of BJP and Devesh Thakur of JD(U). Ultimately, Ravishankar Prasad told Sagarika that I do not need your mediation to talk with Devesh Thakur, I know him quite well. To that even Devesh Thakur smiled. What can be said about this idiot lady? Her understanding of the politics is bellow average. How could she become an anchor of a channel? Just because of huby?

    1. NDTV is congress paid news channel...

    2. Not only NDTV, i find most news channels are biased. Among prominent anchors only Arnab Goswami is impartial and trustworthy.
      All others have their own nests to feather.....!

  18. "blind or extremely foolish." - Neither.
    Anti-Modi Politicians and Media (AMPM) were waiting for Big Sunday. I surely believe that Home Minister planned the party well in advance.
    Remember on 25th Janardhan Dwivedi said that they could/would make Modi stop calling RG as 'shehzada' in 2 days. And these bomb blasts happened on Sunday.

    AMPM's frustration shows in their reactions.
    Modi has to be careful in even while drinking water.

  19. nitish is sinister not silly. he deliberately chose to look away. slimy shyster that's what he is. snakeoil salesman. putting it together - slimy sinister snakeoil salesman shyster.

  20. 1 ) You could write a book on several " What if " moments like the one you mentioned above . i.e. what if this bombs were found in Niku's Rally in Gujarat e.g. what if the mid day meal tragedy had happened in Gujarat or what if several ministers in Gujarat were charged with rape and arrested for days together ..One can only imagine the mass hysteria from the so called media ..

    2 ) The second point I wish to bring out is Niku's reference in yesterday's speech to Modi frequently wiping his face and frequently drinking water and linking to to his impatience to becoming the PM. I doubt if any one would have any idea of what must be going in the mind of NaMo for taking the responsibility of the outcome of the decision to go on with the rally in the overall interest of safety of lacs attending the rally despite fully being aware of the threat of bombs going off right under this nose.
    How low can a person like Niku Stoop ???

  21. thanks you for the brilliant piece Sir, the whole episode from a completely different perspective, another classic example of how our media misguides the public, Respects to the BJP leaders, Mr.Modi & the people of Bihar....

  22. "The Biharis at the Maidan set an example for the whole country to admire and follow in times of crisis. Not one media person recognised this phenomenal courage by ordinary folks." I agree with you here fully. While watching live I could see that Modi was sweating and sipping water profusely. I that time I did not know about a bomb under the dais. Nitish, in his chintan sivir mocked at Modi for his sweating. How absurd?

  23. Bhai Ravinar please translate this to hindi people at large needs to understand what NaMo has done...Rahul chickened out d moment people started leaving his undecipherable boring speech in Delhi ...Sharad Pawar made huge money out of Latur earthquake aftermath back in did some miscreants who robbed d houses of dead people..Vilasrao Deshmukh made was like a kid in zoo visiting hotel Taj after Mumbai fidayeen attacks....u r right in saying crisis reveal our character

    Shivraj Patil..Sushil Kumar Shinde in person are what we call laid back...

    NaMo was criticized for 2002 handling..may b he did reacted slowly as any first time chief minister like Akhilesh Yadav..but times were different now n we dont share d same animosity with Muslims..people at large r now well informed..police machinery is well equipped n experienced for such scenarios

    i do ask myself..2002 NaMo was handled softly by ABV..or NaMo stood in-front of divisive Advani n asked u got u wished for..I m facing d music because of ur deeds..

    in person NaMo seems to be a resolute but sensitive person

    lets hope for d best ..many thanks for your article

    1. >{Bhai Ravinar please translate this to hindi people at large needs to understand what NaMo has done.}

      Very much true. The time for mere blog writing is over. Now the time for determined canvassing has arrived using everything at our disposal.

      If we lose India this time, there may never come a chance.

    2. you r absolutely right. If we miss making NaMo our PM this time around, our motherland will never forgive us because another tenure to UPA and this land of 120 crores is gone forever.

  24. Nitish asked why was Modi sweating and drinking water time and again. Wish Nitish reads this article. Very well articulated many many lives saved at the risk of Modi's own life. High time media is non partisan.

  25. Media persons are so drenched in hate they can't accept & acknowledge the obvious. The people who accuse Modi of spreading hate should look at themselves in the mirror.

  26. //Talent cannot be transferred. Calm under fire”. That is a talent. Character doesn’t develop in a crisis, it reveals it.//
    Excellent and revealing article.


    ON Pappu's election speeches

    //You’re not inside a Dhara cooking oil advertisement that you have to shout “my daddy strongest”.//
    //The bigger revelation here is that in BJP ruled states even mosquitoes are underdeveloped and poor: 25,000 mosquitoes bit you and nothing happened, but mere hundreds in Sheila’s Delhi caused a dengue epidemic.//

    //“Mere speech mein family hai, emotion hai, drama hai, romance hai, statistics hai, tumhaare paas kya hai?” Modi smirks. “Mere paas…Ma..Manmohan ke oopar pe Sardar hai par asardar nahi hai ka joke hai”.//

  28. Hats off to NaMo and other BJP leaders for keeping calm and continued the meeting. Can't imagine what would have happened in case of stampede. If any stampede would be fodder to media and congress. Thank God nothing untoward happened

  29. Well, it was only after one day, while browsing the International CNN, I realized that there was another bomb which was just below (or some say 150 Ft) planted near the stage.

    There were very few news media houses who were reporting this and even seen India Today reporting it. Now, am unable to find the news or link in India Today though, nor any media house is carrying this news now.

    We got the concept First Citizen of a country, similarly Digvijay Singh is the first reaction of Media to any event, who may help to generate TRP for Media and opposition. However, his attitude and negativity around him is well understood when he failed to acknowledge that tragedy could have been large and worst had their been a stampede and what happened there, that day, was nothing but a miracle.

    NaMo deserved a "Well Done" pat....!!!!!! And yeah, I don't care if there is any security provided or not at venues, I would still go to the rally to hear him whenever he visits my city.

  30. If ever there was any doubt about Congi intentions, Shinde quite clearly dispelled it by saying Modi doesn't need any extra security cover.

    It proves beyond doubt that entire Congress and like minded allies are desperately hoping for Modi's assassination. This includes SP JDU and most of media folks. In their desperation they are very much likely to conspire for an actual assassination attempt. There are six months remaining for this election. And Patna incident has just made LS-2014 the most important event (not just a mere election) in the history of independent India. I would like to recall the first Hartal by Gandhi. It was a defining moment for the independence movement of India. It set the tone for the rest of the movement and marked a decisive break before/after the Hartal.

    The extraordinary situation of Patna rally has elevated it to just such a moment of India. And quite aptly for

    1. Modi promises politics of an entirely new kind where empty symbolism (secularism, socialism, etc) will have much less space.

    2. Politics will be far less cacophonous and much more efficient. His every word conveys that he is tired of the cliche of a "cacophonous democracy of India". He has correctly identified that this cacophony is deliberately inflicted/maintained by Congress to confuse the voters. Modi has signaled his ernest intent to end this concocted "idea of india".

    3. Paid "mir jafars" (middlemen, contractors, bribers, dalals, media, etc) from across the society to help perpetuate the establishment and deceive the real "aam janata" will also have no place in a Modi led India. True, Modi cannot change it overnight but he intends to not give up EVER. And that is the only thing that counts.

    4. Dont even get me started about a market based economy where hard work and innovation will be rewarding and NOT family/political connections.

    The entire ruling powers of India has identified the above four changes will mean a death knell to them. And anyone who is successful in these changes will rule India in perpetuity.

    And for that they will go whole hog. The next six months promises to be extremely unpredictable. I am expecting explicit assassination attempts, inciting riots, bomb blasts and all kinds of violence in the coming months.

    BJP has to be very very VERY determined and careful till Modi is firmly established as the PM. And if there is a person who has shown the resolve to do it ... you know who he is ...

    1. my own inner thoughts. There will be more bloodshed the thought of which unnerves me. We shall remain patient and shall not succoomb to any provocation. Not the least is the simple fact that if we miss the bus this time
      there may not be another chance as the ruling class would -whatever free avenues available till now would be decommiccioned systematically. Do not underestimate the powers of the entrenched class of the society. nayak

  31. A conversation at Congress Party HQ before "Hunkaar Rally" would be like that:-

    Sonia Gandhi - Well, we have to do something to stop Modi otherwsie we will be ousted from this country.

    Rahul Gandhi - Momma, I need choclate which is a taste of mine....

    Ahmad Patel - We must kill modi or defame him with killing of hundreds of people by
    a stampede and then highlighting the same by our media friends whom we had given funds...

    Sonia Gandhi - yes you are right, diggy go ahead with this idea and kill modi...

    Rahul Gandhi - Momma tell khurshid uncle to change my diapers...its wet again...

    Diggy - well we will ask akhilesh to send his brainwashed goons to plant bombs at multiple locations which will kill modi or even created a stampede in which hundreds will be killed and by screaming in media we will ban all future rallies...

    Ahmad Patel - will akhilesh do this on our behalf...

    Sonia Gandhi - we still have the CBI in our control..hahaha

    Rahul Gandhi - Momma, potty aa gayi ab.....tell manish uncle to help me...

    Diggy - wat abt the security at rally..

    Sonia Gandhi - tell Niku to take care...or he will be spending time with Laluji at jail....hahaha..

  32. Very well articulated. It was obvious for even a blind person to see that the main objective was to cause enough of panic to scuttle the rally and disrupt the event. No doubt, that plan failed only because of the singularly mature manner in which the BJP leadership took descisions. The mastermind behind the blasts has probably fallen out of favour with Modis political opponents,

  33. I just saw couple of channels for few minutes. Forgot the channel - But Ravishankar Prasad was explaining that he was discussing (till late night) with the police authorities regarding routine security measures including ground sanitation (to detect bombs if any). To his disappointment nobody came for this purpose it seems except for a dog to look after the dias !

  34. After a stampede etc, mob mentality is a word used in the negative sense almost always! Here at the Gandhi Maidan, a calm courageous leader instilled the same in the crowd and what we saw was a discplined crowd not an unruly mob. How long before people realise that an inspiring leader is all that it takes for people to believe. It's that belief that brought them to the Maidan and the trust in Modi that ensured they left safely. Brilliantly put and the Cactus clip just added to the thrill of reading this post.

  35. One of the Best posts ever. Exactly my thoughts on the matter. Very surprising that none of the News Channels except Arnab raised it. Again Great Post.

  36. whether you believe it or not...but NaMo is an Avtar of this age...!!!

  37. whether you believe it or not...but NaMo is an Avtar of this age...!!!

  38. I have stopped watching the news channels CNN-IBN or NDTV in particular
    1. The questions the anchors ask are already biased and negative.
    2. NaMo is seen to be an alien by these channels. You speak negative about NaMo and you are fair enough in view of the anchors.

    I am of the opinion congress will go down to any level to try to kill NaMo. recently many IM guys escaped from prison and there was no news about it except for a mention. Now is this a planned effort to assassinate him, may be given the culture of congress.

    Lets hope 2014 is a winner for NaMo, Vote for him, Ensure his victory else India might become an alien land for our future generations.

  39. If it has been a Bollywood/Bhojpuri awards ceremony all these sickular leaders would have provided more force and security. Then Niku also wouldn't need any specific intel inputs....

  40. Great Article. Credit to BJP, Modi & Crowd in Patna Rally for keeping calm, showing courage & having patience and presence of mind to avert a major disaster

  41. Only concentrating on the incidence in the Gandhi Maidan, Patna a major catastrophe had been avoided. Since the mode of violence perpetrated is planting of bombs, is it a coincidence that the terrorist escaped from Maharashtra is an expert in bomb blasts and that he has been rearrested now?

  42. @Folks,
    Please spread this message to all your friends/ relatives that they also be informed..we need to inform to every Patriotic Indian.

    And please VOTE to wipe out this most communal dynastic party...

  43. @Folks,

    IMHO ..Time has come .. that every blog must be out in to print media in all local languages...i don't know how would it be possible..can we have thinkings over it..

    @Ravinar could you permit ..?

  44. It was a eyeopening rally for Nitish and the people of Bihar who blindly supported him and now feel the need of change with NaMo. Regarding terrorist thread to NaMo's life is well known fact but Congress led UPA barely accepted it. It was really Hunkaar to Nitish and C-led UPA and Lakhs People assembling there inspite bomb blast have shown the courage to every Citizen Of India " Yes we need a change , That time has Come now"

  45. Lets say I am not aware of what is the growth facts of Gujarat can someone please let me know some.. For sure am not pro congress ..

    1. Now you are being lazy aren't you ? Search for and read articles by Aravind Panagariya, Bibek Debroy and Surjit Bhalla. And while you are at it find out everything about these economists to understand why you should trust them.

  46. झूठ नरेद्र मोदी ने नहीं बोला था, बल्कि अब नीतीश कुमार बोल रहे हैं। तक्षशिला तत्‍कालीन मगध और आज के बिहार में ही था। आचार्य चाणक्‍य वहीं के शिक्षक थे, जिन्‍होंने चंद्रगुप्‍त मौर्य को भारत का सम्राट बनाया। तक्षशिला का युवराज आंभि कुमार चंद्रगुप्‍त के साथ तक्षशिला में पढता था। मौर्य वंश के सत्‍ता में आते ही तक्षशिला तत्‍कालीन मगध यानी आज के बिहार के अधीन आ गया था। नीतीश का दूसरा झूठ सम्राट चंद्रगुप्‍त को लेकर था, जो गुप्‍त वंश के शासक और विक्रमादित्‍य के नाम से प्रसिद्ध थे। मैंने मोदी को पटना में सुना था, उन्‍होंने मौर्य वंश से इतर चंद्रगुप्‍त का उल्‍लेख किया था, जिसके कालखंड को स्‍वर्णकाल कहा जाता है। कालिदास, आचार्य वात्‍स्‍यायन आदि उसी के दरबार में थे। और नीतीश को यह भी पता होना चाहिए कि कालिदान व वात्‍स्‍यायन भी बिहार के ही थे। नीतीश कुमार का तीसरा झूठ सिकंदर को लेकर है। यह संसार जानता है कि सिकंदर चंद्रगुप्‍त मौर्य से लडे बिना ही लौट गया था। वह गंगा नदी को कभी पार ही नहीं कर सका। पंजाब में राजा पुरु के उसका अधीनता स्‍वीकार करने की कथा सर्वविदित है। जिससे पता चलता है कि पंजाब की नदियों के उसने पार किया था। बाद में सिकंदर के मरने के बाद उसके सेनापति सेक्‍युकस ने चंद्रगुप्‍त मौय से अपनी पुत्री की शादी की थी। नीतीश को कहिए वह मोदी को इंडियन मुजाहिदीन का इतिहास जानने में जरूर मात दे सकते हैं, भारत का इतिहास जानने में नहीं।

  47. Time for Modi to plan his own security... I have sleepless night/nightmares thinking about this assasination attempts...

  48. Also as Arun Jaitley mentioned in his press conference..Bihar gov did receive input and still failed to act ground was not fully sanitized which as per rule should have been. Bihar police did not provide any evacuation plan

    1. correction : they failed in nothing. they carried out the orders to the T. I wont be surprised if Bihar top cops were in constant touch with NiKu the entire day. and all cops were watching TV in their offices. they were explicitly ordered to sit back and let the terrorists do their job

    2. Well, you have hit the nail on the head!

  49. Best Line: "It’s like my guests did inform me they were coming but they didn’t tell me they will have tea. So, I didn’t get milk! ",Well Said

  50. Excellent Article!!
    Leaders don't do different things.. they DO things differently...
    NaMo is our Leader...

  51. most of the issues discussed now on Nehru/Patel or dynasty rules were discussed in detail by veteran kannada writer SL Bhyrappa 2 years ago...for more read

    1. Pramod
      agreed Dr Bhyrappa is one whom we respect for his extraordinary talents. His Avarana reflects the clear characteristics of the present celebraty darling of the anti Modi class of people in bangalore. Incidentally 17th Nov appears to be the Bangalore rally. There is no signs things are improved at all. BJP in Bangalore seem to have totally lost their grit. Five years rule have made them very soft targets for the media in general. After such successful rallies all around including in such areas like Thiruchirapalli of T Nadu where they do not have any base, I am afraid whether bangalore could be a first setback on attendance and the enthusiasm. At 73 I feel so strongly about it. You youngsters have to take the lead and move on. May be they can as well postpone the rally to a future date till the public ground swell will compel the leadership to act with valour. KGNayk

    2. Great to know. Youngsters like you are still reading the Bhyarappas.

  52. @mediacroocks your analysis, dissemination of facts and accuracy of figures worth mentioning. you need to be in one of the good positions in the next UPA ministry. I dont want discuss your article, as you have not given any space to add / delete anything to it, Such an exhaustively covered article., except to praise you. Not a flattery of sorts really.... Accept my heartfelt appreciations of your genius.

    1. It would be better if he becomes a part of NDA govt rather.

    2. @Nagesh rao b s..
      Do you represent most communal dynastic party..?

    3. no, communal dynasty is seen in Cong, SP Shivsena not otherwise...Communal is being misinterpreted by all sundries

    4. @Nagesh rao b s
      Then why are you looking forward to "next UPA ministry" ..?

  53. modi escape is wonderful ,but no media made any headlines ,,whole conspirancy seems hatched at high level of ahmad patel dawood gangs relation,it is certain lot of power dnot want modi tobe primeminster because they mafia business of fake currency printing and whole neferous activities willbe stopped,they will try many time to kill modi ,,

  54. Fully agree with the article. It was BJP leadership who averted the mayhem that could have happened in case of a stampede like situation. Thousands not hundreds could have been brutally died on the spot. God knows what would have happened to Bihar and the rest of the country post that. The so called MSM were so busy since then in gaining the TRP ladder that no one really ponders what message they are giving to their viewers by speaking biased venom. Infact they are the ones who are spewing endless venom in the name of caste/culture/religion(to name a few).
    Only Arnab has stood out of this race to give a correct picture. In Newshour he is not sparing any of this sickular leaders who are tring to incite the people with their irrelevant views and opinions. I would rather say that let a single man from BJP(of course Shri Subramaniam Swamy) handle all these sickulars in a live coverage and give them a befitting reply upfront.
    It is an irony that being known that this rally is there in Patna on Oct 27th for last 5-6 months, the state and local administration behaved in this lax manner as if they themselves wanted such thing to happen. I cannot imagine the aftermath which could have happened if anyone from the top leadership from BJP would have injured. Surpisingly NiKu spoke about all the nonsense while challenging NaMo's satire on him during the rally but what he has to say on the praisings for Mr. Modi by Shivanand Tiwari and also his open criticism by the same senior party leader?

  55. I simply needs to say, superb observation with strong & meaningful words, co-related with excellent examples. So much has been said.
    Indeed it was a miracle, as bravery & presence of mind of leaders, calmness of crowd & by God's Grace mistiming of bombs made a disaster not to happen.

  56. Excellent observations.I really pity these english news channels, no wonder Times now is the best with 71% viewership of prime time with Arnab. Really as he says "Country wants to know" the TRP gimmicks of other news channels. I shudder to think if this is the condition of the english news channels what about our hindi news channel?

  57. Excellent This is indeed a miracle and kudos to all those that have assembled in the Gandhi Maidan

  58. After yesterday's Patel/Nehru diatribe I have even more respect for NaMo. He has articulated something I have heard since childhood from almost each and every one I respect. I see the reason, hold this view too.

    The eminent historian (?) Irfan Habib was quick to tweet that patel died within two years of taking charge so the desire of Patel being PM is "castle in the air". I agree that is true but for two things -

    1. We are saying someone like Patel be the 1st PM as well as someone like Nehru NOT be the 1st PM. The actual person Patel/Nehru are not significant. Patel/Nehru represent a type of institution.

    2. Nobody has any doubt of what Patel could have accomplished in mere two years. When a nation/institution is being born, the first leadership is crucial. Granted that Nehru was lightyears ahead of scoundrels like Jinnah (see how he destroyed Pak) but that is not the point. When we had someone who was lightyears ahead of Nehru, why stick with Nehru ?

    Besides by expressing this desire for Patel, Namo has signaled his total antipathy for Congress brand politics with all it's baggage of vacuous secularism, socialism, symbolism as well as dangerous incompetence and insistence on dynasty.

    I would also like to say something about Vajpayee. ABV was no doubt a politician in the Nehruvian mold, but in the best sense of the word. ABV had all the good qualities of Nehru and a lot of extra good qualities (oratory, merit, cultural rootedness, humility, etc) AND none of the bad qualities. ABV was someone Nehru should have aspired to be (he tries and failed). Patel is someone Namo aspires to be and seems to be succeeding.

    And that sums up the entire debate on Nehru vs Patel.

    ROFL PS : Advani was and is like Jinnah, the sulker. I think now we can understand even more than before the need to keep Advani away.

    1. The other person to be kept away is Sushma Swaraj!!!

  59. Biharis are used to these type of "Crackers". They deal with bigger Bombs in their everyday lives. If this had happened in the other peaceful areas, there would have been panic. But, not in Bihar !!!

    1. Yes. True and very practical. People from other peaceful parts of the country will not realise it. Biharis are very much used to such type of situations. But, still, they deserve a pat on the back.

  60. Its always great to read your fantabulous articles. Keep Writing!

  61. Well...Well....There could be one more explanation of Modi holding the rally instead of telling the audience to go back home...May be he already knew the number of bombs which were supposed to be exploded were already exploded....... wink..wink..

    1. I was searching for a REAL CONGI!!!! You have solved my search!!

  62. If they manage to assassinate Modi, i just hope the eruption begins on the streets of India and every Commie and Congressi be dragged out of their houses and be shot right in the head. The aftermath can be managed.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Either way, while Modi will certainly drastically improve the nation, especially if BJP wins outright, I hope he also understands that for Bharat and Hindu Civilisation to regain primacy, the Congress Party needs to die and their chamchas in the media, as well as all anti-Indian, anti-Hindu forces including Islamists, Commies, missionaries and foreign agents, need to be permanently removed. Otherwise the infection remains, just waiting to take hold again in the future.

    2. When Cancer strikes people die!! Congress is Cancer!!!

  63. Dear Ravinar

    Some time back you wrote an article on how Modi has been giving sleepless nights to his opponents andh how all he can be sued for that. Not able to stomach Modi's growing popularity and the crowds that throng at every meeting of him, instead of finding reasons Congress and its opportunistic allies are trying to invent reasons to tarnish Modi's image. The highlight of it was to see our tongue tied PM's comments at the foundation stone laying function of Sardar Patel statue.

  64. All the corrupt forces are ganging up against Modi, Indians must realise this and everyone should stand firmly behind the man who has what it takes to change the future of our country for better, These are extra ordinary times that needs aextra ordinary resolute from all th. People who love india

    1. They will KILL any one against Corruption!!!

  65. The media are indeed stupid.

    How can you claim to live in a democracy when you speak of killing Modi?

    When you say that, you are inadvertently allowing our democracy to collapse in on itself and not grow.

    Vote. Grow up. Don't make decisions in haste.

  66. Hiranyakashipu tried to get his own son Prahlada killed but Lord Vishnu himself was protecting his Bhakta Prahlada. So he was saved from all troubles. Narendra Modiji, you be like Bhakta Prahlada... have Bhakti in God and do your work... then Lord Vishnu himself will Protect You from all dushta shaktis !!! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

  67. "It is only Arnab Goswami who asked the most important and appropriate question. What if the same thing had happened at a Nitish rally in Ahmedabad?" This is a joke, this comparison, this media created rivalry between Modi and NiKu. I come from Bihar and I used to look at NiKu with a sense of optimism; not anymore. But that's not the point. The point is that NiKu is a Lilliput. He can't get this big a gathering in Patna, let alone Ahmedabad! Come next election, he'll be shown his place.

  68. Ravi,

    Yes, indeed it was a great miracle unfolding before our eyes when the crowds did NOT react the way the congi and sickular political mafia dons wanted it to - that was indeed a great revelation of character of the robust real leadership of the BJP for which our Nation MUST PINE FOR!

    More importantly, it is very very pertinent for all the right thinking Indians and patriots to go out all the extra miles to ensure that this popularity is carefully protected, nurtured and translated into votes for a real good governance run for multiple decades ahead! Can we commit ourselves to that - in practical terms - of reaching out to all folks lower than us in socio-economic status that we daily interact and get them to buy into the Modi dream? and can we effectively counter the extremely negative reactionary political bullying that these sickular libtards indulge in by doing two things simulataneously (a) calling the bluff and deliverying the counter punch (b) ... and even before completing the sentence (of the counter punch) to pull back the attention of the gullible viewers to the dire need for good governance with whatever appropriate down-to-earth examples.
    Yes, the sickulars are aggressively launching dirty name calling (hitler etc etc)...which has to be countered by quick points (like sonia's dad was real fascist party member or IndiraG was the ultmate dictator in Indian democratic history) COMBINED with the pull back of attention to some daily progress on various mal-governances /scam issues and how aam aadmi is paying through the nose for onions.

    we really need to have these BJP folks not appear defensive but aggressive in using above. Yes, you can see how calmly the congie spookie sujranwala practices this tactic to deliver goebellian falsehoods

    Ravinar, can you help highlight and enlighten on these dirty tricks and tactics of the sickulars and how the Patriotic Indians should counter these emotional manipulations in the media?

  69. Ravinar,

    Excellent article. These media jokers will never change. I only pray to GOD to provide strength to cover the Swearing in Ceremony of NaMo in May 2014.

    By the way, did you notice that RaGa speech was not on live.All the channels aired NaMo's speech as they realised that RaGa cannot provide the TRP ratings.
    Do you have any comments?

  70. NaMO will definitely be next Prime Minister and BJP will win elections in MP, Chhatisgarh and Rajasthan. At the time of these elections Narendra Modi will have entered a favourable antardasha of Brihspati.

  71. The biggest question is, is India awakened enough to break the slavery ? Can 2014 be a hope for new India ?

  72. As long as Muslims are there in India, bomb blasts will happen. We can fool ourselves into thinking Hindus can co-exists with Muslims. But it is not going to happen.

    Islam is not a religion. Its a war group. It breeds and multiplies and when reached majority in an area, they will remove others.

    Namo can stop its terror activities temporarily. But it will silently breed and gather strength and waits for its time.

    Islam is a nuclear bomb waiting to kill all others.

  73. Together and united to make Modi as PM................

  74. Dear Ravinar, I have tried to translate your article in Hindi. it is at ... please see it once and if you feel it is useful, you may post it or disseminate it howsoever you wish.

    PS : there are a few changes in letter but not in spirit.

    PPS: it is after a long time that I wrote anything in hindi and it took a lot of effort. there might be slight inaccuracies. i would be happy to correct that.

  75. @The 25 seats of Andhra Pradesh, Congress is going to lose deposits. Any one to bet on this?

    1. @Kiran Voleti
      Yet you are right. I am sure KHANGRESS will lose deppsit in AP as well as in MP, RAJASTHAN,UP, BIHAR too.

    2. in fact you are more than right. congress tally in Del+Bihar+Guj+WB+CG+TN combined will be less than 10.

      in AP+MP+Raj+UP combined it will be less than 40

      do the rest of calculation ...

  76. Muslims revolt against cow slaughter in Guj. Bihar has remained as breeding point for terrorists. Basic difference being so Nitish arraigns Modi in tandem with Scamgress.Rest of the politicians if at all have enemies from either Naxals and terrorists but Modi has such even from opposition parties. I leave to the readers as to what kind of Modi differs from the rest of our so called law makers!

  77. In the 50s & early 60s when I was in school, there were hardly any adequate representation in the faculty for anything other than academics. The physics or a Chemistry teacher would decide as to who will be selected for say a cricket team. It usually would go to the teachers favorites, merit being incidental.

    Today the rajdeeps, sagarikas, barkhas, karans, represent a similar trend. They know about everything, be it astrology, to Rocket Science to Politics, to religion et al. Its even worse; at least in those days the physics/chemistry teacher knew his/her subject very well. Today I wonder barring an attitude bordering on arrogance whether these guys have / or even feel the need to have some depth of knowledge in any domain.

    They have their fellow travellers in Human Rights groups, the Intelligentsia, and of course the ruling elite spokesmen all of whom have only one thing in focus: Gang up & drown any sane observation from any quarter, and howl treason the moment Modi is mentioned.

    Is it money which drives all of these guys? I wonder. This brilliant article by Ravinar along with extraordinarily fearless outpourings from a large number of people against this cabal is indeed heartening.

    But it is becoming increasingly difficult for an old man like me not to be cynical. There are enough number of intellectuals who still harbor this feeling that Modi is divisive... the Chennai guys for instance, the TV wallahs with their huge funds at their disposals, some of whom (the Congress Network News CNN) will have opinion polls just before elections & predict a Congress revival of sorts and one can bet that our dear rajdeeps and his brethren will actually smirk with glee at this turn around.
    I would not be a bit surprised if the so called EVMs are tampered with (I am told it is immensely possible) and we will all be back to the same miserable plight of having to grin & bear this ruling morons, with their huge fan base.

    I sincerely hope that I am proved disastrously wrong on this. May this blog followers be able to garner enough awareness to catapult Modi into emerging a clear winner and usher in a refreshingly new era. India needs a change with a strong decisive leader at the helm, and I see nobody quite fitting this criteria today. Godspeed to this wish......

  78. Updating comments in FB, Twitter and other blogs will not help Modi to be our next PM. Please register yourself in the voter list. If already done, get it verified and more important thing !!!!! Please vote on the Election Day. Lets us call ourselves " Proud to be Indian"....

  79. Sorry, no words to describe this article. Gandhi Maidan photo, at first I thought it is meccah.

  80. The irony huh. For someone who blames the media for taking sides, you don't sound very neutral yourself. Just saying.

    1. He is certainly not neutral.He can afford to be.He runs only a blog.What about the neutrality of those so called 24/7 national news channels? Were they neutral? How is it that we are made to forget this cataclysmic event with a rally in Rajgir by NiKu or with assemblage of 3rd front or by barren debate on legacy of Sardar Patel on this 31st day of October?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ravinar is right of centre blogger. He had already accepted that he is tempermentally right of political divide. Every body chooses some side.No one is exactly neutral or centrist (especially in a polarized society).
      Every news channel can have its biases only if I hope they could be open about it.
      Okay.Happy. Now crawl back to the hole where you came from.

  81. Excellent, clear, unmatched writeup. Unfortunately UPA, and also to some extent all political parties, including BJP seem to be full of just the opposite to you. I read long long before in Readers digest, a Chineese proverb that says, God keeps sending rescue ships to everyone borne in this world: A few recognise and make use of that thankfully, many dont recognise but keep blaming others including God for helplessness, and few recognise, use it but with arrogance claming it to be thier work!

  82. It is very painful dear Ravinar, this attitude of MSM. Here we have a fully blown terror attack on the rally of a major political party.[ idea was not to blow up people but to start a stampede and kill] and the event is already forgotten by MSM as on today.No follow up.Also no one has louded the exemplary leadership displayed by NaMo,Rajnath Sinh and Jaitely in continuing.It is a tribute to NaMo that he went on to deliver a historic speech in spite of this terrible event.In stead of appreciating his courage NiKu referred to his frequent use of kerchief and drinking of water.This at least establishes the fact that he was watching every move and listening to every word! Better for him that he did !!

  83. Socialism although has not proved of much value to India , but Social media did.
    Reading article like this one and others again and again proves that Truth is unsurmountable. But point is how mediamen can be too incompetent to see what should be seen.

  84. Somewhere I also read some congi blaming BJP for it "it is actions of Modi and BJP that they are inviting such terriorist acts". So either way, BJP and modi responsible for it!

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. As usual excellent post .

    Off topic but I would like to bring to your notice about the Famous PCTV Bill. What are your thought about it ?

    you can download it from NAC download link -

    To sum up .. If this bill gets passed . Majority groups in india have only 4 options left.

    1. Convert
    2. Flee
    3. Suffer entire life
    4. Sucide

    Any thoughts ?

      You are absolutely right. Infact if this will geta passed we will have only choice 4. Sucide or 5. Become mentally imbalanced & finish most communal KHANGRESS men on the SOPT & clean the mess.. period.

    2. There is another option for the majority before the PTV (err PCTV bill) is these rascals called KHANChrists out of the Centre. Majority community please unite for one time...for this

  87. Superrb post...and an excellent point noted...

  88. Awesome view , This is what exactly few of Indian media are heading towards .
    These medias will be no where visualize Modi's speech and his views .

  89. You have hit the nail right on the head. It was nothing short of a miracle. Just as I was glued to the TV listening to Modi, the crowd too was mesmerized by Modi's speech to be even petrified of what was happening outside. It only proves the nation is sick of Congress and Modi is like a breath of fresh air whereas the likes of Nitish are like whiffs of smoke who come and go. It's like the people reaching out to Modi with hope in their eyes saying you are our saviour, we are with you,save the nation. The common man relates to Modi and the nation salutes the man who ensures India will scale great heights in the near future. Jai Hind

  90. It was really a miracle. thanks to BJP leaders & local members. And grand salute to Biharis.

  91. Another wonderful piece by Ravinar! Spot on!

  92. All the political parties particularly KANGRESS and their partners and some of the paid media houses want to get rid off Mr Modi. It seems that the home minister of India, Chief minister of Bihar and KANGRESS general secretary Mr Diggy who knows all the terrists were knowing about the blasts as they all kept them away on this day. They were not bothered about the lives of lakhs of the people gathered in Gandhi maidan.

  93. All the political parties particularly KANGRESS and their partners and some of the paid media houses want to get rid off Mr Modi. It seems that the home minister of India, Chief minister of Bihar and KANGRESS general secretary Mr Diggy who knows all the terrists were knowing about the blasts as they all kept them away on this day. They were not bothered about the lives of lakhs of the people gathered in Gandhi maidan.

  94. awsome article and what I like number of comments and people's thoughts it feels India is awaking but as some wise men commented lets register ourself as voter and lets go and vote... if each of us vote its enough to send out strong message to KHANGRESS and other SICKULAR Party of India

    also I like comment about Bangalore BJP and I totally agree, regional BJP party leadership is totally a mess, they need to stand and hit back strong. they have tons of Issue to raise with new state goverment, who has done nothing even after 6 months in power

  95. The miracle is, there are no miracles -- Albert Einstein

    1. Yes. You are right. There were no miracles on that day in Hunkaar rally. It was quick thinking and adept handling of crowd till end. It shows that man is made of steel and just would not buckle under pressurized conditions.

      He worried about the lives of many as we could later on understand, due to him wiping his sweat. But his words or talk did not get hijacked due to fear or shakiness. I think his character and qualities have come out well. It does not come out, if it had not been developed well since longtime.

  96. Excellent Observation Sir. Not one moron in the MSM held a debate about the security lapse and absolutely lethargic manner of handling such situations by JDU govt. Height of hypocrisy....!!

  97. Why is the video not getting displayed?

  98. You all seems members of Media Team of NAMOI(BJP). All paid stuff. 24 Hours NAMO NAMO

  99. Nope. None here.

    For the people whom you are looking. They are here


  100. Great article and fearless attitude to call morons - morons.Number of comments show Indians are not fools to believe whatever paid media serves them. Let these people know this is India of 21st century. Modi and rise of AAP are promising signs for India. Share this article as much as you can.........and probably send it to Paid Media{done it myself already} Jai Hind

  101. Dear Ravinar,

    You echoed my views. Next evening during the tea-meeting after office hours, I said exactly same things that. NaMo is really gutsy, he stood the ground otherwise it was clear that his rally and he himself was a target. Another thing is during lunch I thought this rally will not happen and they will have to cancel it, and I went to office, to finish some work as Diwali vacation was coming and I had to finish paper checking etc. But to my surprise a hugely successful rally went on.
    Instead of praising people of Bihar for their bravery and BJP leadership for immaculate handling of rally, media was busy in trivial things. Some were too silly to discuss about the attendance of the rally and how it will not break old records etc.

  102. Problem is 80 percent of people who read this and who think Modi is good does not go to vote.
    So all this discussion does not reflect in voting.

  103. It was indeed a miracle that so many escaped with their lives. The event has now clearly shown that the 'leaders' and media are primarily anti-national without any doubt. The reactions were even worse and brought out in the open the rotten state of the country. It beats me to think that a constitutional authority like a CM who abdicates his responsibility to protect his people continues to be in office. Cannot happen anywhere in the civilized world! The brazen way he has managed to get away with not using basic common sense and complaining about lack of intel inputs is frightening. There is no doubt that many leaders and media are associated with terrorists and support anti-national activities in their pursuit of power and pelf. With people like these the future of India looks rather bleak.

  104. we must remember two dates -one tho 26-11 and the second - the 31st October imagine the after wards happenings after 31st October killing of Mrs Gandhi when thousand of persons killed especially of a community. Imagine NAMO if killed on this 27.10 what will have the result? NON CAN EVEN IMAGINE . It is no time to pass any comment on any political parties but get the system changed. wait for TOTAL REVOLUTION -PHASE-2 .GUJARAT RIOT WAS WAS AFTER AYATOLLAH-GODHRA limited to Gujarat only But Non can imagine the boundaries if the 27-10 happened.-will not it have a POLITICO-COMMUNAL OUTRAGE ? MATURITY OF THE LEADERS ON DIAS AND PEOPLE OF BIHAR WHICH KEPT THE NATION SAFE AND COOL DESPITE MEDIA-POLITICO VENOM .

  105. Indeed it's a miracle.

    We are silent even after so many riots, it's a miracle.
    We keep quiet scam after scam, it's a miracle.

    Nobody killed Jessica and we hail our judicial system, it's a miracle.

    Then there is other side of the story, 9/11, South Korea - North Korea, Vietnam war, Chinese uprising, these didn't happen in India, these are not going to happen in India anytime soon too, it's a miracle.

    Media house were reporting live from Patna rally before the blast, how each MLA is given a target to achieve a 10K+ people in the rally, how easily they achieve it, it's a miracle.

    How easily you have been able to use paint the plight of the people stuck there in the talent of your so called PM-in-waiting, it's a miracle. Just a mention of Bihari people courage here and there and you are done? Is it a real analysis of the situation? Why there is no other side covered? Why didn't you ask yourself that why didn't they fled from that place? Were they afraid of their lives or were they just mesmerized by some bullshit guy speaking there who was going to alleviate them of all their poverty, misery et al...? What was path breaking said in that rally? Wrong history, cursing
    your state opponent, centre opponent, standard stuff, what character? What encouragement or what he did to douse the fear among the crowd? What character then? I won't blame him alone. I ask you why those guys who didn't get killed in those blasts (all except those 5 or 6) didn't ask the questions to those standing on
    dais that our fellow brother just got killed in a blast right across your stage.
    Why they didn't ask this, that's a miracle. I treat the people on the dais also as human beings, they also have fear. Fear of life is greatest fear. Now tell me, if the response has been same as the response to attack on parliament? No. That explains your miracle.

    You asked some questions, what would have happened if the same happened in Ahemdabad with protagonists changed. I challenge you same would have happened.
    Nothing changed, cause poor people are pawns in this bloody battle. That's how even media sees it.

    I ask you one question, what would have been his speech if blasts hadn't happened. I'll tell you. Same speech, word-to-word. You call this character, I call this simple fact that he doesn't write his own speech.

    Now let me ask you second question, how much of the script of "hunkaar" rally was written by him. I bet only the last line, and it's not a miracle. But yeah I appreciate that. That was sensible, so let's keep it to that.


  107. It feels like this is a trial run to assassinate Modi by ISI sponsored Terror groups that are actively supported by Sonia Gandhi Congress party & communist parties in the name of communal riots. Sonia Gandhi & Nitish Kumar are equally responsible for the Patna blasts and loss of lives.

  108. The REAL Miracle at Gandhi Maidan was "the reason" behind no stampede. When we see only a simple rumour can cause stampede at large public gatherings then why no stampede even after bomb blasts in front of people and bodies being thrown away? was not even because Biharis showed so much restraint or calmness, it was only because whole crowd was completely mesmerized by Modi's presence and they were feeling "one" with him at that moment. As we also see in our life when we are watching very engrossing thriller or enjoying love moments we avoid recognising or getting perturbed by even big things happening around us. I am 100% sure if this had happened anywhere other than Bihar...people would not have budged from their places (at least with this intensity and damage of the blasts). Real thing to note is that people are not only coming to see modi or hear him...rather they becoming one with him as soon as they see him or feel his presence (even remotely on TV). This is a REAL phenomenon which no one is reporting. This phenomenon is real miracle happening all over India at this time. And this has not peaked yet rather it will gather momentum with each passing day...and why ..I may comment in some other relevant post.

  109. INDIA is not rude to terrorists and terrorism....
    Hence these problems


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