Sunday, June 9, 2024


To say that the LS2024 elections were a resounding slap for PM Narendra Modi would be an understatement. Lipstick nonsense and theatre can only go so far. He is simply lucky to survive with a slender alliance that can crumble anytime. Even with 303 of BJP, he was a lame-duck PM in his second term and he will be more of a lame-duck under his alliance with Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu. He also has some corrupt NCP dumplings as his allies who can dump him any time. Both Nitish and Naidu are known for their extreme contempt for Modi but politics does make strange bed-mates.

Modi’s “Arrival” as PM was welcomed with great hope by Hindus. They thought they finally had a PM who claimed in 2014 that “I was born a Hindu and I am a nationalist and therefore a Hindu nationalist”. This fakery was stamped on him and his govt not only in India but across the world. ModiSarkar was dubbed as a “Hindu Right Wing” govt. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

As Modi’s policies and actions would later show, Modi and his govt were nothing but a bunch of Commie Pigs and Islamists and it is Hindus that have paid the biggest price in terms of their lives, taxes, destruction of temples, destruction of their homes and shops in Ayodhya and Kashi for lipstick corridors and an ongoing mass-murder of Brahmins in Uttar Pradesh. His “Hisab Chukta” doctrine encouraged the hatred and killing of UCs, particularly Brahmins, and sowed deep caste-divisions in the country like never before. The image on the left would show how Modi systematically followed an “Islabedkar” doctrine which exposed his utter contempt for Hindus in general and UCs in particular.

Merely running to temples, pretending to be a great devotee with 300 cameras in tow, dressing up like Iyengars with Namams is among the stupidities of Modi that cannot sell for long. This is a man under whom BJP has destroyed more than 2000 temples across the country in BJP ruled areas. Modi is a traitor of Hindus and has not made a single specific policy that unites Hindus, stops caste-divisions or bestows any kind of unified benefits to them. He was quick to issue an Ordinance over the Supreme Court order on the SC/ST Act but never took one single action to remove Constitutional discriminations against Hindus. NOT ONE! His entire PMship is one of fraudulent LIES about his whole worthless life and of his caste-driven hatred and nothing else.

I care two hoots for the nonsensical development that Modi brags about. Most of it is nothing but INCREMENTAL that would happen under any govt and nothing special about it. His fondness for lipstick made Modi turn many railway stations into lipstick beauties but that is NOT the essence of railways. What citizens need is safe, secure and comfortable travel in trains. That has actually gotten worse. Reserved coaches in trains are now encroached like cockroaches swarming a house. It is worse than a dirty kitchen sink. The failures are all too glaring to ignore by a few fancy lipstick railway stations.

The other side is all the covert scams from Demonetisation to Electoral Bonds. In airport allotments and other major contracts, Modi’s darling Adani was once given six airports in one shot despite objections by his advisors. Only a fool would think all this comes without any kickbacks through various channels. All the infrastructure contracts invariably were of such low quality and high pricing that had to involve corruption. Not to mention the Vaccine Fraud where only the vaccine companies and BJP profited. And to top that all, Modi the “Mother of corruption” and the washing machine of the corrupt” inducted all the corrupt politicians into BJP and most of them lost elections. All their cases were dropped. A murderer’s accomplice is equally guilty and so is Modi as the accomplice and protector of the corrupt. Even the Exit Polls by all media channels were rigged by bribery and corruption for covert goals. They all projected 350-400+ for BJP-NDA. The gang couldn’t even reach 300 and BJP was stuck around 240.

You ask #Moditards what he has done for Hindus to enable them to vote unitedly as a block – they will say Ram Mandir, Article 370 and such nonsense. Article 370 does not have any religion-related association. Secondly, 370 has proved to be just a backdoor tactic to allow Sheikhs of UAE to take over Kashmir and get rid of Hindus from the region. Kashmiri Hindus are still not able to return to their homes and properties in the valley and Modi has now made it IMPOSSIBLE to do so after turning the whole region into an Islamic ghetto. As for Ram Mandir, the cost that Ayodhyans paid is now well known and for that reason BJP lost in Ayodhya too. The worst imbecile nonsense is #Moditards portraying Modi as the father of Ram leading him to a house. This is now appropriately re-positioned as Ram leading a pygmy-sized Modi out of business. His flight is ready for departure:

There is an inescapable evil about Modi and his character that drives him to constantly abuse caste, religion, Hindu Gods and constantly divide for his political nonsense. All through many past campaigns, he kept ranting Ram Ram to exploit Ram as a political tool. But after Ayodhya threw out BJP and the party won Odisha, he shifted to “Jai Jagannath” to start his post-election speech at the BJP HQ. Nothing in wrong in that really but he then goes on to grandly state that Jagannath is the God of the poor. This is pure EVIL that even wants to divide Gods as driven by money considerations. There is no such God of poor, rich or diseased or LGBT. God is God for everyone and only a brainless moron can abuse Gods for petty statements with a stupid political agenda:

Modi’s whole life from his chai-selling nonsense to mother washing others dishes is litany of filthy lies and nothing else. All his Himalaya sojourns are also unverifiable lies. He is an ordinary, unintelligent man catapulted to high positions because of multiple circumstances and public sympathy for his whining like Meena Kumari in movies and pandering and abuse of caste and religion. This cannot go on anymore if this country has to progress. He has also run the most abusive, vulgar campaign any PM in history of India has ever done with absolute nonsense of constant abuse of Muslims, “go do Mujra”, to inflame Hindus for whom he has actually done NOTHING specific except destroy their temples and homes.

Is a redemption for such an evil person possible? Absolutely NO! There is no redemption for such a person with intense hatred for certain communities, discrimination as his policy and “Hisab Chukta” as his guiding doctrine. Modi’s ticket for departure has been issued. It’s not a question of “if”. It is just a question of “when”. It is like an open ticket on which the date will be filled by others around him. But he has a chance to improve his legacy by taking some bold steps of the unthinkable type which I don’t think he has the balls or the guts to do. To start with, it is Modi that must now give the signal that he is willing to right the wrongs:

It is now a coalition govt that includes some Modi-haters who are there out of compulsions of their own. Modi will no more have the freedom and impunity to run riot with his stupid policies or run around like a Miss World contestant in quest of the perfect bikini. He would also do well to shut up giving useless “gyaan” considering his lack of education and wisdom is now very well demonstrated over the last 10 years. In particular, his nonsense about religious sermons has to be done away with. If this is a secular country, the govt and the PM should stay far away from all religions and not pit one against the other as Modi did during his vulgar, abusive campaign. Ideally, the country should have had a new PM with a clean slate, new hope and better behaviour. But it is satisfying to know that the Sickular Modi will now be watched and held on leash by two crafty and cunning Sickulars:

Modi was mocking the health of Naveen Patnaik. But he is the one suffering from slurred speech and shaking hands. I doubt he has the mental agility to continue for long or will make a comic caricature of himself. It is unlikely that much will change for the country. We may still get to hear a lot of nonsense and discriminatory acts from Modi. It remains to be seen if he still picks the same old useless ministers like Amit Shah or Nirmala Sitharaman. Fortunately, 19 of his ministers have already been dumped by the people into the garbage can so that choice is already made. Even if they are bad performers, one hopes the new ministers will show some humility, show common sense and friendly approach to issues. Otherwise, the ticket for departure will soon be stamped with the earliest date of exit. And EVIL will depart.

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  1. Reading MC after almost 5-6 years. I still vividly recall the Arrival article from MC in 2014 - filled with hope and aspirations. The emotions I was going through and my primary concern at that time was Modi's safety! Those days in early 2014, my concern was the Indian + global vested interests would do all that is possible to get rid of him - with stories I had read about Ishrat Jahan, the blast during the rally in Patna, etc. The first sore point in 2014 was Arun Jaitley's appointment to Finance, corporate affairs and more and seeing NDTV folks jumping in joy. That he would betray the Hindu cause so badly was but inevitable but I hoped against hope. No change in Education policy, tax terrorism, idiotic vaccine mandates (all for dog biscuits from Bill gates and some 'global leader' image),

    I used to wonder why Dr. Swamy's appeal for Ram Setu to be declared national monument was not acted upon or the National Herald case and attributed it to some electoral politics - after all that's where BJP shone - getting votes - how many ever corrupt candidates they absorbed - I told myself, this is the way it works - after all what's the point if they don't win by being fair/true to ideology and losing? .

    Fast forward to 2024, mixed feelings when I voted for BJP again but with a LOT less enthusiasm - I almost voted NOTA but for Article 370 removal and the positive image Indians felt abroad - at least they were not ashamed to be called Indian..

    The lack of courage in standing up for Hindu causes or any actual conviction in Karma or serving dharma, the need to appear 'secular' and appease those who despite you points to some deep psychological complex and trusting such leaders made me realize how naive I was. Thanks MC for all your wisdom; the 10 points is your last bit of hope. Hope the next leader reads it. Modi's stripes are tattooed in. He'll be back to Sabka bakwas and appeasement politics again. Will be surprised in Nirmala is removed or anything actually changes in economics, ease of doing business, tax terrorism, GST, income tax reduction if not removal, 'minimum gov max governance'. Not even on the cards are NCERT overhaul or any actual judicial reform, etc. What a wasted opportunity of 10 years majority.

    TV will be back to secular vs communal debates, stupid India pakistan matches or IPL or some bollywood movies.

    I had blocked out indian politics from twitter feed for years and doing so again after today. Good luck folks.

  2. His legacy... to say things that make no sense and do things that defy common sense.
    The first and last time he uttered "Hindu Nationalist" was a little over a decade ago. Never again
    He also uttered some "Khangress Mukt Bharat". Didn't happen as he secretly nourished for them to be around to be his punching bag.
    Over the last 10 years, he also formulated many funny one remembers them.
    That's his legacy.

  3. Earlier they gave the excuse of international isolation,ostracism,sanctions or pressure from countries like US,UK,Arab countries possesing oil:,media like BBC,Al-Jazeera:,Courts etc. for any step that might be seen as pro-sanatana or anti-minority,now they have got the excuse of coalition compulsions.


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