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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Professional Agitators - Killing India Softly

Imagine life without mobile phones now. But there are many who are suffering from the waves of those towers and they do complain. What’s the option? Reduce connectivity? How many would like that? The only option, therefore, is to strike the best possible balance between development and pain. Our population has grown from around 36 crores in 1947 to 1.2 billion currently. That doesn’t seem to bother anyone anymore. And the demands of this huge population are varied and endless. Under these circumstances the objective of the govt is “the greater good of the greater number”. This is why an IB report pointing to a number of NGOs stalling the development of India, various projects, causing delays and acting for foreign vested interests has rattled the media and a lot of the NGOs. Almost all of these NGOs are extensively funded by foreign agencies.

Much of what the IB report says is nothing new and has been in the public domain for long. I don’t even think the report got “leaked”.  I believe it was deliberately handed over to TimesNow by a rogue in the Home Ministry to sound a warning to many of these NGOs. Some of the smooth-criminals who have been a nuisance to various projects are in this pic: 

Medha Patkar has been agitating against the Narmada dam for ages. Tagging along with her was Genocide Suzy (who hates everything about India). The SC had approved raising the height of the dam to 138 metres. On June 12, when the GOI approved the increase of 17 metres to the dam to the approved level, Patkar called it “illegal”. So even the SC ruling is illegal for her. Having realised the stupidity of calling it “illegal”, in later statements she calls it “undemocratic”. I believe we have all seen how all the Commie undemocratic forces gathered under the comforter that Kejriwal has covered himself with. The Narmada dam provides water to millions of historically water-starved people in Saurashtra and Kutch besides other parts of Gujarat. Naturally, many residents around the dam would be displaced. It is right to protest and seek the best compensation for the displaced people but to agitate that dams shouldn’t be built and they are illegal is essentially an anti-people, anti-national activity. That apart, Patkar’s dubious foreign funding comes from vested interests which enables her to personally live a life of comfort while scavenging on the pain of others (read this detailed post).

Then there are others like Harsh Mander, Teesta Setalvad, and Shabnam Hashmi who have scavenged on riot victims of Gujarat. The more they lied the more funds they got from India, political parties and from abroad. I don’t need to provide links because these rogues are now known for their fraudulent financial activities. Teesta has even reportedly used the “riot funds” for her personal shopping, jewellery and fine wines. SP Udaykumar is quite a character. On Timesnow he disclosed he had received lakhs of rupees from abroad, including some research funding from Ohio University. All that research money had nothing to with nuclear projects and nobody knows what research he did. Some “hippy” that Udaykumar referred to as a contact turns out to be an “agent” who carried hand-sketched maps of 16 nuclear plants in India. Oh yes, normal people do carry maps of nuclear plants in India, don’t they? This scumbag led a serious and long protest against the Kudankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu with no legitimate reason except fear-mongering. Obviously, Udaykumar was being influenced and funded by foreign crooks that have their vested interests in blocking some project or the other in India. And sure enough, the current “rent-an-agitation” warehouse manager, Arvind Kejriwal landed up in Kudankulam too.

The agitations by Patkar and other scavengers of misery have cost a lot. According to an estimate the delays in the last 10 years has cost nearly 45000 crores to the Narmada dam which is more than the cost of the project itself (Read here). The mysteries of that wonderful gang, called Greenpeace, is just about unravelling. It was long known that this group is in India to only create ruckus and nuisance for any project that benefits India. However, the crooks from this organisation, which originates from Canada, targeted only Indian organisations and projects and not projects by MNC. This series of tweets by IBTL shortens the story:

Greenpeace not only funded agitations in general, it even funded agitations by an AAP party member. If one looks closely, the AAP party is nothing but an Apex body of all such foreign-funded NGOs, most of them involved in anti-national agitations and activities. They are hell-bent on stopping every project that India wants to undertake in any territory. It’s hardly surprising, therefore that the most popular form of management by Arvind Kejriwal is street agitations and dharnas. Nothing else suits them. For more on the various other NGOs like CRY, World Vision, MARAG who have been involved in unusual funding and money-laundering please read these posts: “Children as leverage” – Part1 and Part 2 as also “Confederation of Indian agitators”. Some of these NGOs operate as children’s services but are missionaries in disguise who seek to convert children to Christianity. That’s their “return on investment”. Some of them operated as “professional agitators” against projects in Gujarat.

Cordaid and HIVOS are Dutch organisations that are strangely exercising great interest in India. On June 11 in a discussion on Timesnow it turned out that Cordaid first operated in Kashmir for Human Rights and later suddenly turned to the North East sector. From human rights in Kashmir their attention turned to Palmolein and mining and Uranium in the NE. Both these NGOs are also known to have contributed a good deal of funds to, you guessed it, Arvind Kejriwal and his NGOs and IAC (read this post which has links to various reports). General Bakshi (retd) on Timesnow pointed out that there are 90000 tons of Uranium deposits in the NE but till date not 1 gram of Uranium has been extracted due to these NGO agitations and the influence they bring from the foreign govts controlling them. Given this, the following passage from the Sunday Guardian (April 2014) should not shock anyone at all:

Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favoured operating through organisations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France.”

The IB report was probably put out to scare some of the errant NGOs but there is definitely a desperate need to get rid of foreign NGOs and foreign-funded NGOs whose actions are motivated not by genuine causes but by “political” persuasions of the country funding them. Some of these NGOs don’t even have much cause to exist anymore. There was a time when the govt did not have a ministry for environment or statutory clearances as a requirement. Our courts too have been very active on these concerns. So for these “specialist” NGOs for quite a few causes are not really needed anymore. The only lame argument that will come up against this is “Govt is corrupt” but then these NGOs have proved equally corrupt too. The NGO domain itself has become one big profitable “business” industry and a tool for money-laundering. There are many politicians who operate NGOs to launder black money. They run educational institutions under such spurious NGOs.

One can’t want to fly in jet aircrafts and complain about the noise. It’s not a design flaw in the engine; it’s the nature of the beast. The same applies to air force jets. Even their training flights cause enough noise to upset neighbouring residents. Ask the residents near Pune airport what noise those Sukoi training flights cause. Do away with those jets? The Mumbai airport is bang in the middle of the city and residents around the airport have to live with the noise of an aircraft every minute. Stop all flights? Airports at other metros are somewhat away from the city but residents still have to bear with the noise. There is a new Mumbai airport that is ready but that too will be surrounded with population. Of course, aviation engineers are constantly working on technology to reduce the noise levels of engines. Our “needs” turn into “wants” in no time and India is a country where a large population is still grappling with basic needs of life: water, housing, food, sanitation, jobs and so on. This lofty ideal of leaving a better planet for the future is adorable but it shouldn’t imply much of the present population should live a miserable life. 

There are, definitely, thousands of NGOs who are into genuine social service and healthy activities. However, the rogues mentioned in this post are the ones who are darlings of our media and get the most attention due to their constant “rent-an-agitation” operational mode. We have 3.3 million NGOs says Indian Express which is nearly one for every 400 Indians. By that measure all of India’s problems should have been well under control. If the poor are getting poorer and farmers commit suicides, then many NGOs too have to bear some responsibility for standing in the way of progress. I am in no doubt that most of the NGOs covered in the IB report (even far-fetched as accused by some) are not here to serve India. They are here to kill India. Softly!


  1. Excellent!!. These things are fine but what India state has been doing till now that is a bigger question. Having known these thing what our govt has tried to tackle this problem and expose such crooks and culprits. Ideally they should have been behind bars but they are roaming scot free. Is that a lack of laws or govt will or judiciary unfounded sympathies due to the judges background and ideological leaning??

    1. Many NGO have glove in hand with Congress party. This is the reason MMS cannot do any thing to these NGO.It was two way street with Congress party.Also CIA and FBI probably giving money to American Corporation to fund these NGO so they are not in the picture. Similarly UK,Scandanavian, Germany and other Europian government giving money to their respective organization in their country to fund these NGO to do dirty work for them in India. India should ban all these NGO.

    2. AK49 हमारे देश के भीतर पल रहा देश का सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है | AK49 अमेरिका (CIA) प्रायोजित, पाकिस्तान (ISI) पोषित, और कांग्रेस (SONIA) समर्थित सांप है |

      A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly wispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to victims, and he wears their face and their arguements, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works seceretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politics so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear - Cicero

      Check Link: whoisaap(dot)com/aap-connections-network-anti-india-forces/#(dot)U1HZXVWSySp

    3. Excellent and a very applicable quote for these anti national s.

  2. Excellent description: "smooth-criminals who have been a nuisance to various projects". This describes the lot aptly.

  3. UNBRIDLED POPULATION growth coupled with CELEBRATION OF INCOMPETENCE ( thru reservations, nepotism, favoritism and corruption) are the two main problems and cause of all other problems. The NGOs ( and so too christian missionaries , Muslim microfinance institutions ) are simply exploiting the situation to achieve their individual objectives of survival and prosperity. It is our gullibility of nation that most indians continue to provide a steady supply of slaves for exploitation of others.
    India and Indians lost the plot some 25-30 years back. Such a situation was inevitable as a direct consequence of a soft clueless reckless state indulging in rampant populism.

    The "greater good of the greater number" - never happened as we never had any clue of what this greater good is , what definition, what standard as we have largely celebrated our own mediocrity and incompetence. And the "greater number of the populace" became irrelevant as the populace grew at even a greater rate.

    Reigning in population is now mandatory. Not a matter of choice. The proliferation of NGOS is a symptom and not the disease. Yes, environment issues will need to be given higher priority and relevance as a lot of other pains that we notice ( extreme temperatures, erratic monsoon, increased pollution, decreased immunity, vulnerability towards disease , epidemics) are a direct offshoot of population explosion.

    I am not part of any NGO , but one amongst the honest , objective but irrelevant Indians. The problem is not NGO. The problem is in our cluelessness and naiveté that we indians choose to damn ourselves. We procreate and multiply even in,misery, impoverishment, filthy living conditions. That to me is insanity. And insane beings do lead a life of self damnation and sub optimality. We are condemned due to our own follies and wrong choices.

    1. I entirely agree. The manner and conditions in which some people live in a city like Mumbai is sub human and is a shame for the society and the country. There are 3/4 families with more than one and half dozen children of all ages living under a flyover opposite the building where I live. They scavenge for food from the garbage bins of nearby meat shops and scrape whatever little pieces of meat from discarded parts like chicken wings and the skin and cook them to give some nourishment to their children some of whom are toddlers growing up in the midst of filth and mad traffic all around them. They defecate, bathe. Live, play, sleep and the adult ones copulate in an area not more than 15 by 20 feet among atleast 25 of them. This is what the Nehruvian model of growth and the dynastic rule of more than 60 years has bequeathed to this wretched country. These are the conditions in which the traders of human misery thrive and achieve their nefarious designs. We have invested all hope in the change that has been brought about by the people. Even if a bitter medicine has to be administered so be it. Time for some tough decisions.

    2. Perfect analysis, honest and truthful!! I agree with every word of this narrative....

  4. Spot on Ravi...when I was in high school I our text books taught us the greatness of Medha patkar agitating for a cause...whereas the reality is the opposite...its time to rewrite the curriculum...thank you for nicely exposing such anti national the point is whether Modi govt has the guts to ban the guilty ngos...we shall see..

    1. I totally agree with you. Our mind has been polluted with wrong information by the so called educationists and news traders. They have caused instability in our thought process and they should be termed as terrorist. Govt should deal with them very harshly and in a very swift process and put them behind bars which will give a clear message to others who wish to do so.

  5. The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act has enough teeth to take stringent action against these anti-national NGOs. The trouble is basically with its implementation and the fact that the MHA section dealing with the FCRA is easily the most corrupt wing of that Ministry. Hopefully, these officials will be now scared of Modi and desist from their activities that enable these criminal NGOs to thrive. Transferring everybody out from FCRA wing and getting new people from other Ministries would help.

  6. Time to clean these Trojan Horses with NaMo Anti Virus.....

  7. These NGOs target college students, especially students in humanities department. I almost joined Greenpeace when I was in college. Thank god I didn't.

  8. It is not just these NGOs. It is tge same with our government cotrolled temples. Crores of rupees are offered as donation to temples in hundis and other forms. This money all goes to government and it is spent on temples but Madrasa and xtian misssionaries. 70% goes that way.We foolish hindus donate thinking it is used for temple renovation and other activities.Look at the number of dilapidated ancient temples crying for simple maintainance. I for one do not drop in hundi most of it is eaten by govt sponsored trusts and officials. Drop a little in to arati plate atleast a poor priest makes his leaving and does little service.


  9. According to MHA report, as on March 31, 2012, there are more than 2million NGOs  of which 43527 are registered under FCRA( Foreign Contributions Regulations Act). This figure is less than 2% of the total existing, as on 2012March.

    During 2011-12, 22702 NGOs reported receipt of 
    foreign contributions amounting to 11546.29 crore. Imagine the rest.
    DELHI alone received 2285.75 crore during the same period.
    So questions are bound to be raised as who is running this parallel economy, who wants to control all of them, why a particular party was interested in contesting so many seats...
    This is our fight against Anti-development Group. This is our war for independence against those leeches who are clinging on to our economy and bleeding us badly. Their target has been our GDP. They have successfully brought down GDP by 2-3% in the past few years.
    Some party says it wants to be the pandavas. We want them too. As in Mahabharata, as Pandavas were exiled for 14years, if they are out of power for 3terms, the dream of Shresht Bharath can be achieved and much more...

  10. Excellent Ravi. It is well known that many MNCs have used these NGOs through money hungry traitors to stifle home grown organisations. NGO were used to agitate tribals in many mining and power projects. No doubt, these NGOs were supported by Congress Party but also MSM and TV channels, as they were also fed money.

    Creating more Jaichands and Mir Jaffars has become a Cottage Industry in India. NGO funding from foreign source must be stopped and all findings should be transparent.

  11. The article is good but I have some minor issues.

    The article states "Imagine life without mobile phones now. But there are many who are suffering from the waves of those towers and they do complain."
    True this do happen since service provides to improve the range of the tower increase the power beyond permissible limits that's the serious threat. The option: install more towers.

  12. Excellent!Rent an Agitation,ware house manager AK apt to the core!IAC Anna and co.shd answer from where they derived funds for their endless protests and feeding all those who joined their agitation!

  13. I still remember the communist leaning NGOs protesting a planned Japanese industrial township outside Bangalore (Bidadi)......that was 20 years ago.........It was expected to generate over 1 lakh jobs...directly and through ancillary units..........It is very difficult to gauge the massive damage to the economy by seemingly harmless protests...

  14. In the guise of 'Serve Nation', these NGOs are actually doing 'Sarvanashan'!

  15. OMG! looking at the reactions against a leaked IB report, it's obvious that how these communist NGOs/influential sections of english media & dalaals (fixers) have developed into a notorious mafia like set-up for the last ten years.

    Modi, if serious, would have to fight a long battle which this mafia would surely try to internationalize. Let's hope he clean up the system.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. These traitors and anti nationals in the garb of NGOs like Greenpeace and CRY should be crushed to save our great nation. Why I am so agitated is the nasty organisation called CRY appropriated a few thousand rupees from me and my daughter as donations when we were unaware of their true intents. They lured us that we would save some income tax by this donation. Luckily our eyes opened later when we learnt about their dubious deals. At least from now on ,I request our friends through this column ,to be careful before parting with their hard earned money to such fraudulent NGOs. It is better to pay some more tax to the nation instead of contributing to 'Conversion ' activities

  18. The entire information is eye-opening. No wonders NGOs were perpetuating leftist and Naxal movemeents, opposing industrialisation and major infrastructural projects related to power and water conserving Dams. In the name of communalism they opposed RSS and BJP and fanned missionaries objectives of conversions. The IB leak is timely and people should educate the masses of dangerous designs from anti-national NGOs.

  19. Thanks for highlighting this issue, Ravinar.

    NGOs by the very fact that they are "non-governmental" attract a lot of wide-eyed idealistic types. The very idea that some organisation cares enough to work for some unselfish objective, is enough to blind most people to the actual activities of NGOs. To couple with that, there is the colonial mind-set that goras mean well...they can do no wrong...they know best.

    It is time to extricate India from the paws of such anti-national entities and also to educate the Indian public about their real objectives. Modi already knows what havoc NGOs can create...more strength to him to tackle the menace!

  20. Oh and brilliant start to the had us at "mobile phone" ;)!

  21. Great Article, as always.
    This is off the topic, but will be great if you can write on it.
    Now there is a debate going on about Leader of Opposition post.
    Should congress be trusted when there are precedents of abuse of power in case of Sibtey Razi, Kamala Beniwal, Indira Gandhi?

    BJP does not have Dy speaker from opposition Gujarat. Please give the background and tell people why. In Keshubhai's time, they had Dy speaker from Congress. Unfortunately, speaker HL Patel became terminally sick. When there was time of proving majority by Shankersinh Vaghela, Congress Dy speaker took the chair. Shankersinh people made a big ruckus, did not let the assembly run. Guess what speaker did? He suspended all the BJP members and Shankersinh's minority govt sailed through.

    You have covered many little known but important episodes of Gujarat like Dabgarwad case or Latif. Please cover this ignominious chapter of Congress's conduct so people know.


  22. Can't wait to see the foreign NGOs are kicked out and the culprits are put behind bars. It's essential for the Govt. also as the same mechanism and it's associated 'intellectuals' are used against the BJP/NDA Govt. also.

    I think something the first and the last (or the last three) paragraphs of this can be used by the Govt. to raise huge public awareness when they start taking action against the corrupt NGO and kickstart the developmental projects for the nation.

  23. It will not be easy to prosecute NGO's ( there may not be sufficient prosecutable evidence) . Cases could drag on. And thence this 'deliberate leak' . At best some players can be slowed down.
    The Narendra Modi version 2.0 is indeed a moderate ( though would still indulge in rabble rousing ). He will be a good prime minister in many aspects ( as the comparison is with other average to below average entities), but dramatic changes will not happen. And neither would he deliver on many of his commitments ( in this term ). He is already asking people to brace for 'tough decisions' for another two years , has made ministers and given important portfolios to proven jokers ( and now i think, he does that deliberately so that he / his performance stands out ).
    He had promised that he will work out fast tracking of criminal cases against MPs with SC, but now read a news that he has asked the respective MPs to work it with SC for their individual cases. ( probably because his law minister is an __________??)

    And then there is the case of the toothless SIT on black money ( with no representation from activists, champions that brought this issue centre stage). And it is filled with those who are unlikely to come up with a report damning their own ilk .

    we need to be all prepared for very long haul to notice any perceptible improvement in our lives. Modi is good. Perhaps only option ( and much better than a cancer known as Congress ), but expectations will have to be toned down drastically.

    1. Dear Mr Shankar Iyer,

      You are putting some very silly charges against NAMO which must be countered here.

      1) The Narendra Modi version 2.0 is indeed a moderate ( though would still indulge in rabble rousing ). - Narendra Modi is a first class politician & not some messiah with a magic wand. He has every right to plan his & his governments actions with anyone's consent. Then why should you raise doubts against him within first month of his taking over the reins from a government who has devastated the economy & democratic institutions ?

      2) And neither would he deliver on many of his commitments ( in this term ). He is already asking people to brace for 'tough decisions' for another two years , has made ministers and given important portfolios to proven jokers ( and now i think, he does that deliberately so that he / his performance stands out ). - India has staked its faith in NAMO & not the rest of jokers who would not blink an eyelid to destroy this country further if given a chance. NAMO must do everything in his power to ensure he maintains a moral high ground unlike MMS & other Sonia puddles. What's wrong with that ?

      3) And then there is the case of the toothless SIT on black money ( with no representation from activists, champions that brought this issue centre stage). And it is filled with those who are unlikely to come up with a report damning their own ilk . - Has anyone stopped him from not creating such an SIT within 1st week of Office ?

      In the end would only like to only state here that traitors & Dalals are abound & NAMO will & must take action against them but he has yet to prove his governance & improve economy. The anti national forces would love the situation where he fails to recover the economy & improve governance because that's the mantra on which he received the massive mandate, not the anti NGO rhetoric which although is important cannot be more important than Governance & economy. Only a stable economy can provide the time & strength to NAMO for talking tough with terrorists & anti national NGO's & MEDIA.

    2. Abhijeet,
      Thanks for your response. However I am not sure whether you are countering me or seconding me.
      off course he has not even completed a month, but I am basing my inference based on some of his decisions. And he has every right to do what he does or what team he selects, but then I am just giving a perspective.
      He will definitely be a good PM, but not a patch of what he promised during the campaign trial.
      His choice of ministers is going to take a huge toll on the perception of his government and performance . sample of this is already seen in the issues that are being discussed in media .
      on 3rd point, you are giving a poor response . we expect a better quality of SIT teaM from Namo.

      lastly, NAMO took charge with his eyes open. And it is upto his smartness how he deals . His selection of team of ministers, constitution of SIT, recent statements on state of economy do not inspire confidence. It is not the Namo that promised 'aachey din aanay waale hai'

  24. This leaked IB report was initiated by UPA II government in the wake of this Udaykumar's agitation against nuke power plant in TN.The then PM Dr Singh openly accused this NGO being funded by foreign agencies.Rather than fulminating in TV studios, these NGOs should voluntarily disclose their sources of funds and the way these funds are used by them.Any problem? Ask Teesta as to why she wouldn't. For you can't disclose the type of wine you consume.

  25. This is called carpet bombing! Moronic article.

    1. Carpet bombing is what your friends the US did in Vietnam and cambodia, killing millions. This is honest reporting. Argue with facts and figures.

  26. “Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favored operating through organizations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France."

    After establishing the veracity of this statement to a level of more than 100 percent and armed with sufficient documentary evidences we should workout our strategies to draw suitable compensations or even benefits using it in as a stalking horse

  27. Here my doubt is who are these people who are trying to protest? Do the NGOs bring in foreign people with their foreign funds, for these protests? If not then are all the Indians who participate in such protests working against development of India? From start of your article it is very clear that you want to find balanced solution, but you go on rambling that the protests are "killing India softly" and we find no counter balance example which could serve as alternative to these anti-India NGOs..
    And which India do you mean here!! The protestors against Narmada dam(many of them not all), aren't these people Indian, who have a basic right to question on the logic of others displacing them from their homes (whatever compensations are)? Could we not find a balanced solution here which does not involve displacing entire communities?
    And lastly what is your problem against foreign funds.. Do you want to tell that India, a country which has difficulty in distributing its own resources equally, should also invest these resources in NGOs (which you people anyhow feel are anti-development).. Or are you against NGOs and protests?..
    OR is this article a general frustration that we expect a better life for ourselves and do not get it without anyone to blame for it in sight..!

    1. Foreign funding is OK as long as the MOTIVATION is pure. Have you read this article? One NGO for every 400 Indians should have eradicated poverty and disease in India. Education should have improved. Nothing has happened except conversion of large parts of NE India to Christainity , Stunting of growth due to endless agitation on spurious and anti national agenda. The roads you drive your car on was probably somebodys farm before. Individuals have rights . But the greater good has to to borne in mind. It is repeatedly stated that SOME NGOs are anti national. Look at the funding of Teesta Setavlad, Medha Patkar and you will get the picture.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Could we not find a balanced solution here which does not involve displacing entire communities? ?

      How can you build dams without relocating the natives

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Dear Mr C Ganessane,

    Do you really think your allegations shall stand in court of law ?? These allegations are what Ravinar mentions as Salma Sabrina talk, i.e. without any evidence !!! And if Udaykumar & Greenpeace are messiahs, then you are living in some fairy world where people such as Kejriwal & his ilk declare justice. All this conspiracy theories are nothing but another lame attempt at stalling the projects and India's development in name of fighting against MNC's.

  29. Bang on as usual. One small nit-pick though - there is no "new" Mumbai airport ready - the terminal recently inaugarated is in exactly the same place as the old one, and the real "Navi Mumbai" airport has been just a signboard for about 20 years now.

  30. This entire scene of NGO's and foreign funding, anti national rhetoric is seen now to manage media propaganda and set the stage before Govt approve mining and other projects in forests and senstive tribal areas in the name of development. It doesn't matter, if India kills its own citizens, displace millions.Already home ministry gave a go using air force to 'tackle' naxals. Mediacrooks started here the propaganda and Mr. Jaggi in Firstpost lobbies for corporate coal mining projects saying NGO's stopping them are anti national, foreign funded.

    And MediaCrooks degenerated from a provider of right wing perspective (that may be my delusion to start with) to RSS/BJP/Corporate mouth piece. And since propaganda took over, the sharpness of the articles also waning at an astronomical pace, with unjustified comments and shameless generalisations. Ultimately Mediacrooks will degenerate to Samna type one.All the best!!You are on the "right" path!!

    1. Dear Bharat Vishwamitra,

      Thanks for your baseless allegations. You are most welcome to carry on with your propaganda about mining, naxalism, this blog being a RSS/BJP/Corporate mouthpiece, etc. We as a nationalist youngsters will do everything in our capacity to stop you from generalising everyone as anti poor, pro industry, anti environment & pro multinational. Atleast we do not receive millions of dollars from western countries . We are not hallucinating about class war crap. We do not force the tribal population to raise weapons against the government as only a antinational would do. We believe in systems & that systems can improve through better governance. You can keep on with your leftist rhetoric which ultimately helps India's enemies. Its People like you who demand plebiscite in Kashmir, oppose ban on cow slaughter & uniform civil code. So keep doing everything anti-india in name of helping the poor & keep them in poverty so that your NGO game continues unabated.

    2. Thankyou for your comment. I am neither part of any NGO nor proclaim NGO's are credible and open. I am all for banning NGO's receiving foreign funding so that atleast this witch hunting will stop. Also I am for Uniform civil code. But for ban on cow slaughter is foolishness disregarding eco system irrespective of religious considerations.

      Whom does the farmers sell their old and barren cows and oxes? How does the leather industry business (Hindu owners) run on? Are Indians banning allproducts havign natural leather? And could you tell why Kerala Hindus crave for beef and treat beef like any other meat? Aren't they Hindus?

      Re class war and naxals: Why did naxalism spread in India in past 10 years under BJP govt in Chattisgarh and Under UPA govt. Obviously you will blame UPA govt. Is the Indian govt and machinery impotent to block all funding sources and weapon sources? The simple reason is Tribals are supporting naxals because there are no one else to look up to
      solve their issues. Andhra Pradesh has eliminated naxalism from the state from 2004-09 because of pro people policies and people became indifferent to naxals and also due to efficient police. What does BJP govt policy towards naxals - eliminate/wipe out;citizens died are collateral damage. Unable to see the reality, you are ploclaiming hallucination of class war, may be you waiting for that day, which leftists detest.

      The last think they want is civil war, people killing each other which BJP and all other major political parties are experts at inciting. Where is RSS when dalits are boycotted in villages where upper castes are jealous of
      dalits owning properties. Though RSS talks of casteless society, its pracharaks are filled by upper castes who detest losing power to lower castes with their patronage attitude. Read the comments in this blog and this is self evident. They will never be able to unite Hindus, because they themselves don't want it. And no need to speak of RSS's hatred towards Muslims. What we need is ideas for future and for prosperous and safe India, where liberty, justice and freedom to all its citizens. RSS don't have any ideas. It can only speak about how muslims will overtake Hindus with bogus data. I stopped being part of a RSS related entity, when its national executive meet in Goa talked about this nonsense, rather than taking India forward and how to create a vibrant Indian society based on the "Hindu values".And one of the wikileaks reveals Arun Jaitley speaking of "Hindutva as political opportunism"; nothing more.

    3. Re Kashmir, I can't talk anything about plebicite, for I am fearful my IP will be tracked and a sedition case will be slapped on me. I can only say, you can't win people by force, you have to win by love and being inclusive.Then holding plebiscites are meaningless

      For all the nationalistic rehtoric BJP is no different from congress willing to bow down for foreign corporate interests; what india need is exporting technology and expertise, not raw materials or cheap labour. Indian
      manufacturing, SME's and entrepreneurship need to be encouraged; protection from big sharks like Reliance is a part of it, a sovereign wealthfund to be created to invest and expand Indian foreign reserves, several national champions to be created to be global leaders, its ironic, but Reliance can be a global No.1 petrochemical player, TCS can acquire cognizant to become Indian formidable global IT gaint, LIC can acquire foreign insurers for becoming world's major insurer; If there is vision, there is a way. What's going to happen is if LIC is privatized, it will be owned by some PE firm or global foreign insurers because LIC is one the most profitbale insurer worldwide and indian retail shareholders are made fools being at receiving end. They own literally nothing compared to foreign institutional ownership. Whatever wealth is created is being eaten away by foreign funds. Once the valuations raise, FII's book profits dump stock on Indian entities and chase other opportunties with retail owners aboslutely terrified of investing in stock markets.Ideally half of public ownership/float of Indian entities must be retail.This will reduce artificial inflation of real estate and reduce gold imports while helpind indians enjoying the wealth creation. It doesn't matter he/she sells it. This might lower the valuations but over a few years, Indians will enjoy the wealth rather than just being corporate slaves for MNC's doing outsourced work 60 hours a week.

      I am aware my last para is slightly off the topic, however, since you guys seem to have some clout, hope that these will reach the Govt if they were able to see some value in it.

    4. Dear Mr Bharat Vishwamitra,

      I can only say with complete honesty that you are sooooo naïve & ignorant that whoever has filled some ideology in your head has done a great job & must be congratulated. You in your lengthy response have made it amply clear that you do not understand RSS at all and see it through somebody else's lens. Unfortunately when you try to cover a lot of things in your zeal you forget to close gaps.

      Your statement No 1) I am all for banning NGO's receiving foreign funding so that atleast this witch hunting will stop - My reply : Which Hunting are you talking about when some of your own supporter has leaked a report from MHA? What you are actually trying is to build some pressure on GOI by pre-emptive strike on it through your media & congress friends.

      Your statement No 2) Where is RSS when dalits are boycotted in villages where upper castes are jealous of dalits owning properties. Though RSS talks of casteless society, its pracharaks are filled by upper castes who detest losing power to lower castes with their patronage attitude. - My reply : Ofcourse RSS would not be their when Dalits are attacked by mindless villagers because we are never a part of such violence. But did you or any of your Media friend ever visited such Dalits who have been attacked & ask them if RSS has helped them in someway ? You might be surprised to find that RSS has stood for Dalits & helped them in their plight.

      Your statement No 3) They will never be able to unite Hindus, because they themselves don't want it. And no need to speak of RSS's hatred towards Muslims. What we need is ideas for future and for prosperous and safe India, where liberty, justice and freedom to all its citizens. RSS don't have any ideas. It can only speak about how muslims will overtake Hindus with bogus data. - My reply : I do not need to reply to this frustrated blabbering & if the best you can come back with is such silly brainwashed accusation then really good for us.

      Your statement No 4) For all the nationalistic rhetoric BJP is no different from congress willing to bow down for foreign corporate interests; what india need is exporting technology and expertise, not raw materials or cheap labour.
      My Reply : Markets do not operate on some childish ideology. Any Industry which helps India become prosperous is welcome & can grow in India. Its a dog eat dog world. Do you suggest to stop FII's just because they are here to make profit ? How will public ownership/float of Indian entities in retail.reduce artificial inflation of real estate and reduce gold imports while helping indians enjoy the wealth creation ? Do you want Indian Industries to work without profit ? & what's your problem with Reliance ? Is it that your European NGO investors scared of reliance industries ?

      In your reply you have openly shown your support for cause of plebiscite, cow slaughter & naxalism so I don't need to argue with you anymore in that regards.

    5. I understand its easier to put down others as childish,naive,ignorant,seeing through someone else's lens,frustrated blabbering,brainwashed accusations when you don't have answers. And its my mistake to speak of economic related issues - There are regulators in every market and operate in a institutional framework.Markets do not operate on any childish ideology but on framework laid down which is set to achieve some objectives.These and the results must to be reviewed to set things right.

      Also, I am an aam aadmi with no influence and no relation to any media/group/NGO whatever as you are accusing.There is no point arguing. May the Truth triumph!!

  31. Most of Paid (by foreign governments and companies) NGOs are against India's development, there is no doubt about it. Environment and development equation is a balance. If a project is causing cut of 1000 trees, then it should be compensated only by planting and maintaining 10000 similar plants somewhere nearby or far.

    Any NGO operating by people locally should be allowed (everyone has a right to protest democratically), but no activist NGOs should be allowed foreign funding.

    At the same time there are some genuine farmer groups (not affiliated with any foreign NGOs) which are protesting against monopolistic Monsanto seeds because Indian farmers will have to depend on that company for rest of their life. Also, GMO seeds have shown great danger to human health in rats study. And organic foods (opposite of poisonous GMO foods) are selling like hot cakes in all developed nations. Therefore, the govt should treat genuine farmer and health related issues seperately than anti-India, anti-development NGOs which are blocking coal extraction, nuclear power generation, irrigation projects etc.

    After all, food and health are most importnant.

    1. Here are the links that I was refering to GMO food dangers and GMO seeds causing suicides of Indian farmers due to MNCs monopolistic profits:

      Shock findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early

      GMOs and the suicide epidemic affecting Indian farmers

  32. @mediacrooks: "I don’t even think the report got “leaked”. I believe it was deliberately handed over to TimesNow by a rogue in the Home Ministry to sound a warning to many of these NGOs."

    Yes, above statement is 100% correct. But Rajnath Singh (home minister) is still trying to retain the key staff of UPA leftovers. Either he is being naive or .... He must immediately remove all Sonia agents in the home ministry and punish the crook who leaked such sensitive information. No more tolerating criminal indiscipline and leak.

    Also, another naiver I&B minister should stop being 'pal' to MSM paid media working against Modi & BJP and use SM and vernacular media to connecting to people.

  33. Anybody or any NGO protesting against developmental projects in India is anti-poor, because all these projects are designed to help alleviate and remove poverty by providing water to farms of poor farmers in drought areas, giving electricity to common people who cannot afford generators and fuel, and drinking water to millions of village poor who don't have a source of clean water suffering and dying from filthy water everyday.

    Anti-Development = Anti-Poor
    Foreign funded NGOs = Anti-poor

  34. Usually we see inter state dispute on river waters (such as Kaveri dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu etc). In the absence of inter state dispute, these paid NGOs have manufactured a dispute on Narmada water to stall the development of entire western India and Mandhya Pradesh too. Time to crush the foreign funding of anti nationals. Then only India can hope to become prosperous.

  35. Just ban them through an ordinance. All NGO's should be treated as illegal.

  36. Sir we want your article in Hindi too....

  37. Most of the secularists, activists, communists are like this. Corrupt, anti development, anti employment, pro-terrorists.

  38. I have suspicion these so-called NGOs are also provided with funds by the church. So we have a lethal combination of White Christian nations- Vatican-church- MNCs- International organisations- local NGOs .Their agenda is to stall the development of non-white christian counties and keep them weak and at their mercy permanently.In the meanwhile the church will keep converting the local population , change the demography, create conflicts amongst the people , fan anarchy and finally break the country. So the government has to immediately take action against the so-called NGOs and choke their funds flow . Otherwise they will destroy the country.


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