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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Casual Confessions

There is an “Intellectual Moron” called Shiv Visvanathan who has spent years ranting against Narendra Modi. Earlier he was with some think-tank in Gandhinagar and now he is with some Jindal University. One can understand his desire to see Modi lose elections and not become PM owing to political preferences. But he is an IM because like all other IMs he refused to see reality even when it kissed him every single day. Post elections SV wrote a confession (like the other IM Dileep Padgaonkar) called “How Modi defeated liberals like me”. Oh, in case you missed it, the title is self-bestowed: “liberal”. Here’s a small excerpt:

At first the message (not being ashamed about being a Hindu) irritated me and then made me thoughtful. A colleague of mine added, “You English speaking secularists have been utterly coercive, making the majority feel ashamed of what was natural.” The comment, though brutal and devastating, was fair. I realised at that moment that liberals like myself may be guilty of something deeper… I am raising both sets of fear to understand why Left liberals failed to understand this election. Mr. Modi understood the anxieties of the middle class more acutely than the intellectuals. The Left intellectuals and their liberal siblings behaved as a club, snobbish about secularism, treating religion not as a way of life but as a superstition. It was this same group that tried to inject the idea of the scientific temper into the constitutions as if it would create immunity against religious fears and superstitions. By overemphasising secularism, they created an empty domain, a coercive milieu where ordinary people practising religion were seen as lesser orders of being”.

Lying and misleading even in a supposed confession is the hallmark of an IM. SV talks about religion and secularism without admitting that the entire prejudice of his Fiberals is against Hindus. They are fine with Islam and Christianity. They also fear Islam. This is a thread that runs through all the so-called Fiberals that populate our MSM. They are cowards by their very nature. Earlier, this IM didn’t take signals even from the students he is destroying with his ideology. Read this:

I have spent hours talking to people. My engineering students adore him. They tell me “he is for security”. He is decisive. He understands the majority. He is for “us”. In fact, they feel that academics like me are short-sighted. Modi, they say, is the future. I asked many of them who were tipping 20 why they did not opt for Rahul. They argued that Rahul was young but he did not represent the youth. The youth loves success; it is aspirational, it is upwardly mobile, and Modi inspires such attitudes. Rahul, they felt, was a young man of 50. He had no achievements of his own. He inherited a job and a position while Modi earned it. In an emerging meritocracy, either as politics or the market, Modi scored high”.

Which part of what the students are seeing is difficult for any man with common sense hard to see? But, you see, our IMs are simply not gifted in the department of common sense. Like a box of parrots they will keep on repeating monotonous nonsense without any relevance to ground realities. That brings us to the topic of another meeting of “confessions” that an organisation called RedInk (which is into publishing and literary agents business) recently held to discuss almost the same topic: “Did the media stoke the Modi-wave”? The discussion was moderated by Uday Shankar of Star India and participants included Arnab Goswami, Rajdeep Sardesai, Kumar Ketkar and Piyush Pandey (of Ogilvy, that managed Modi’s ad campaign). Watch an edited excerpt from the show (9.40 mins):

From 1.17 in the above video Rajdeep confesses quite a few things that he could have before and during the election campaign, especially about Rahul Gandhi. He says: “A section of the media has converted journalism into supari journalism. Journalists must ask themselves why they elevated Narendra Modi to God. He’s not a messiah. They did this to get interviews. Arnab was the only one who raised questions to Modi. When I last did an interview with him he made me sit on the foot-board of the bus. I’m fine with that but will ask him the questions he has to answer”. Really? Rajdeep has poor memories of his shoddy interview and incompetence. When he did get a chance with Modi in October 2012 all Rajdeep did was ask the silliest of questions, some of it repetition of questions asked before. Modi handled him like a kid on the bus floor with his answers. Fortunately, I have documented it for Rajdeep: “NaMo Interview –Sardesai’s Sheer Incompetence”. But Rajdeep thinks all the other journalists are idiots who can’t do interviews like him (he spares Arnab because he was seated close by). If at all there was “Supari Journalism” as Rajdeep calls it, then it’s he and his dubious deputy who have been doing “supari” jobs on Modi for a long time. Talk like Moses and act like a goon.

Rajdeep then says “Rahul Gandhi can do anything but politics. He is not a politician of the 21st century, not a communicator. In politics, Rahul Gandhi is in kindergarten”. What was he doing when his own team was going gaga over Pappu? Remember the tweets of Pallavi Ghosh and Sagarika Ghose? All the oohs and aahs about his speeches at CII and other meetings. What is it that they didn’t see then that they see now? The circus clown Arnab Goswami had another take (considering he is reputed for “Foxification” of Indian news media). He had a theory that because he is based in Mumbai he is not “romantically” associated with any political figure and that the belief that Modi’s speeches or interviews generate TRPs are not scientific. Okay, who was bragging about the rage the Modi interview created on Twitter-world?

As for Modi impacting TRP ratings, it’s a fact of life with TV channels because Modi makes a connection with people and every rally of his has been like a major festival with vast crowds. The earthiness and sharpness of his answers also make Modi pleasant to watch in interviews. Who would know that better than Rajat Sharma? Caravan reports: “At a seminar in Gujarat last year, Rajat Sharma, the owner-editor of India TV, said, “The TRP of our news channel increases by more than 60 percent when Narendra Modi is there on TV.” Modi’s interview with Sharma’s India TV in April this year “garnered the highest number of eyeballs in the Indian news television genre,” according to the channel’s website, which doesn’t provide a clear frame of reference for the claim”. Arnab did say there was no “scientific evidence” for this TRP claim but I am certain his own reports will bear out what Rajat Sharma claims.

So, even the confessions aren’t coming out clean. There’s a fantastic moment when Rajdeep says news coverage has been reduced to a “he said, she said” format. Guess who said that first, Rajdeep? I pointed this out in “News traders and interviews” (see below the video in the post). But even before that I have termed this format the “Salma-Sabrina” type of news reporting and interviewing. Salma says something, Sabrina quotes it and they hold debates over it and question everyone, including Sagarika’s uncle, about it. Most of it based on zero facts. It is not just on TV, even when he tweets or writes articles, Rajdeep quotes lovers and other  strangers he runs into as soundbites for his news (Fantasy Evidence for Hatred). Where did this start from? Only two days back Barkha Dutt was blabbering about the Pune murder incident without having the slightest grip on facts. She was raging. Do these people really think their lies can sell forever?

Finally, in a moment of acceptance that seemed somewhat sincere, Rajdeep said:  We have lost the capacity to go beyond our headlines… We are now caught in our arrogance. We really do not care anymore. Arrogance will lead to the downfall of journalism”. That acceptance is not enough. Rajdeep must think of bogus headlines of “One billion votes” or the “he said, she said” type news reporting and writing that he has indulged in the past. And all this even when Rajdeep was doing “election trackers” that were clearly showing the signs. Why get bogus panellists like Shiv Visvanathan, Ram Guha, Dileep Padgaonkar or similar IMs whose positions are incompatible with truth and realities of politics and the masses. All that people want is simple, honest reporting. I don’t trust the confession of people like Shiv Visvanathan or Dileep Padgaonkar. They are gone cases. But if Rajdeep is serious about what he confessed then he can still turn around his career and reputation. Casual confessions are more dangerous than lies.


  1. Great article. Now cats are out of bag. I see veiled articles of these so called Intellectuals (rightly termed as IM) against NAMO's success blaming each and everyone, except their follies. Have a look on articles of Kaveree Bamzai of India Today etc.

  2. Ravi,

    Awesome article as usual. But drop this RajDickSuckDesai from your articles. Morons like these are like buzz kill.. More of such IM's are expected to vent out their fruststion now. With your articles, I am better able to understand these hidden caniving traitors who are out there, doing everything possible to finish off hindu religion.

    1. Great post again. But somehow or the other Rajdeep gets into the picture. If we can know the source of funding of these propagandist IMs, its better. Is foreign media funded desi channels trying a coup through media?

  3. You missed mentioning Mr. Ketkar, the great secularist, and self appointed moral guardian of India.

  4. That RedInk session actually perplexes me. Rajdeep even after knowing what wrongs he was doing, was still doing it. It must be money. Can't think of something else.

  5. Friends. Read an article in niticentral about foreign funded NGO to stall development in India. Media too is a part to stop Modi from developing India.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ravinar, these journos are real loosers. They lost the plot, did not see what was coming they refused to accept the brilliance of Modi. They refused to accept that Modi has the courage of his convictions. Now they want to accept this however the "but"remains always there is a "but". It is a joke that Modi will not take Rajdeeps's questions because Rajdeep will ask tough questions!!!! Even my most dumb student will not accept that statement. Whole world knows Modi would never grant an interview to 'Newstrader' Rajdeep. All News Channels played Modi interviews again and again if it was to get better TRPs what was it? That is proof itself. Why would Rajdeep not accept that they plugged AAP? They are not only loosers they are dishonest as well. Please do keep exposing them.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I call it is as hit & run journalism, no looking back on what they said, so no confessions.

  7. Shiv Visvanathan was my teacher many years back.
    He calls himself a liberal, but he was perhaps the biggest bigot I have come across in my life. He used to keep bragging about how great Tamil people are even without the right context.

    Even then (about 12-14 years back) most student hated him.

  8. Thanks for this excellent post. Thanks for exposing yet another IM going by name SV. It is time you fully exposed yet another dwarf who is considered an INTELLECTUAL...aka KUMAR KETKAR. I wonder if he himself believes in the gibberish he keeps vomiting. Thanks yet again for this wonderful article while I await to read something on KUMAR KETKAR. KRV

  9. It gives an impression that the author seem to have soft corner for Mr Serdesai :-) . I think this is self deception.

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  11. morons like shiv v, sid v are the ones foreign media also runs to, for anti-modi sound bytes! they need to be named and shamed!

  12. Viewed the entire RedInk debate on youtube. How much it resembled to the pathetic debates at 9pm. Piyush was not even allowed to talk since he was making the most sense while people who just blabber mindlessly were not even interrupted. Kumar was the most ridiculous of all who wasn't even sure what he wanted to convey. Bottomline is that Anna and Kejri/AAP movement were pure media creation and that is why they fizzled out miserably while it is very clear that Modi campaign was not stoked by media but only his team's valiant and hard efforts in addition to enormous support from the people.

  13. Viewed the entire RedInk debate on youtube. How much it resembled to the pathetic debates at 9pm. Piyush was not even allowed to talk since he was making the most sense while people who just blabber mindlessly were not even interrupted. Kumar was the most ridiculous of all who wasn't even sure what he wanted to convey. Bottomline is that Anna and Kejri/AAP movement were pure media creation and that is why they fizzled out miserably while it is very clear that Modi campaign was not stoked by media but only his team's valiant and hard efforts in addition to enormous support from the people.

  14. To me it is a matter of immense shame and disgust that these sick incompetent journos and Pseudo Intellectuals still continue to get coverage and relevance.
    so long as such beasts get relevance and occupy stage and dictate public discourse , india will always struggle ( because its focus will be on inanities), india will always be vulnerable ( modi or no modi ) as no matter what these traitors will always be willing to sell the country and its national interests.
    i had heaved a sigh of relief once Modi took over as PM ( on 26th post swearing in ). I would still prefer to maintain that , but so long as competence, consistent integrity and character does not become primary mainstay in All Media ( and these sick corrupt journos penalized heavily for peddling fallacies ) - there is no relief for India. It is a matter of time even Social Media is overwhelmed by these evil beings ( unless these are reigned in effectively). I have already stopped following many biased websites and quit my facebook, twitter accounts. We are moving about in circles ( vicious) and that is not good for the health of anyone. For a Glorious Future , evil has to be stemmed and rooted out completely.

  15. hi ravinar

    on 16th of May, 2014 – India’s Victory Day – I thought – At last – ‘Secularism’ was dead – buried & finished but Thanks to the Dangerous – Murderous & Breaking India Agenda of Criminal Congress and double thanks to Its Paid – Slave & Anti-National News Media’s relentless efforts and certainly No-Thanks to – Incompetent Spokespersons – Lame Attitude & Non-Serious Approach of BJP against these ‘Wolves’ of India during these two weeks in Power at the centre have evaporated all my hopes in the air and made me realise that Secularism is still alive & kicking – in fact – flourishing.

    and it forced me to write this post : ”Devil & Dracularism both madly in love with each other” @

    this post reflects what we witnessed all these years helplessly and what we will have to tolerate in coming years as well – the horrendous talk of secularism – secularism & secularism & ………………. till BJP get its act together and see the light of day & take ‘News Media’ as seriously as Social Media and Do something concrete about it.


    1. Agree. And my fear is even social media will be overwhelmed by money power and crookedness of sickulars. The bumbling jokers of bjp cannot get their act right even if their own survival depended on that.
      right now BJP has been propped up in social media by volunteers and well wishing nationalists. When they too realize that it is becoming thankless do defend self damning idiots, they too will give up .
      narendra modi may do well, and so too a large part of this country - but in all media - it will be lies, lies, prejudices, biases, more lies , hatred, malice, inanities , fallacies , mediocrity all over again and again.

      and all because - bumbling jokers cannot get their act right against a shameless, crooked, united evil of sick pseudo mediocre and corrupted intellectuals / journos.

      to me seeing the face or hearing the name rajdeep sardesai, barkha dutt, sagarika, arnab, rahul kanwal, punya prasun bajpai, deepak chaurasia , vinod mehta, n ram etc is obnoxiously nauseating and sickening. How the hell these are still around and not tried for treason ???

    2. hi vijayraghav rao

      you are bang on : I wrote in January, 2014 - ''bjp never learns, never, never or will they, this time, at last'' @ ashley1888

      it precisely talks about BJP's pathetic reach over communication mediums of all means and if anybody thinks that it is the social media they have finally breached then that one - sorry to say - is living in his own wonder dreams.


    3. Let us not pronounce a verdict so soon. One must realise that there are hawks waiting in the wings to punch holes on BJP actions.The mandate has been won against strong anti BJP sentiments spread by pseudos.The party is on a trial rule. By going hammer and tongs with its avowed nationalism the enemies can once again regroup and tell the public that 'we told u so' stories. It is an electorate that gave 400plus seats on sympathy votes in 1984.So much for their political maturity.We are a nation of people who are more keen on public applause at feeding others than quench our own thirst.As NaMo is doing let us first find a permanent place in the hearts of our fellow voters who have no idea of their own depriviation at the hands of the secularists.Let us not botch up this opportunity. I would not mind even if BJP turns a little pseudo secular in this term of office and go full steam after it becomes a party of the majority community in the true sense based on its work now.

  16. Well, people like Shiv Visvanathan wants fellowships, researchships abroad. One way to cultivate this is to toe the line of the academics in the West (USA, UK, Australia). For more on this academic disease (virus), check Jakob de Roover's article on outlook: how free are we?

  17. Good post.
    There is a fundamental difference in evolved media business and evolving media business. In the evolved media (United States or Britain or good examples) the hosts are shown their place i.e fired from the job if they keep blabbering rhetoric or does not fit in the larger scheme of thing.
    In evolving media like India the management is hesitant to kick the host out. Why ? because of the Demigod following the hosts created for themselves.

    Couple of decades back in USA, NBC said no thanks to Letterman and gave the job to Leno without any regard for the popularity of Letterman. For them just about any host is a resource for business. Until the Indian media transforms to think balanced and big, the arrogance of hosts like Rajdeep continues.

  18. My request to you is to link the rapes in UP & elsewhere with the soft porn literature and pictures website like and both belongs to times group .....

  19. Rajdeep is trying to fight a more serious guilt feeling. I would blame him for instigating Godhra massacre. I remember clearly watching his news program. The three days he continuously followed the ram bhaktas returning from Ayodhya. Obviously they were travelling in a group and in between they were shouting Jai sriram. This video clippings shown were so cleverly made to instigate fanatic muslims who were "told" by the 'newsmaker' that the shouting of Jai Sriram is a call against Muslims. He was blaming.."isnt there a secular govt to stop these fanatic calls?"...I am sure, some English educated muslim fanatic would have got instigated by Sardesai's program and would have arranged the carnage. If the leaders of BJP/BSP and SP were arrested for allegedly making hate speach that triigered violence in Musafarnagar, this venomous Journalist should have been hanged by now!

    1. If the leaders of BJP/BSP and SP were arrested for allegedly making hate speach that triigered violence in Musafarnagar, at that rate, this venomous Journalist should have been hanged by now!

  20. Moronism is birth right of Indian "Intellectuals"!!

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