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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Congress Betrayed Gandhi, Sardar & Now Nehru

(This is a MaxiPost)

It’s another Gandhi Jayanti. Many glowing tributes will be paid to him, Rajghat will be decorated. Politicians will atone for their sins at his Samadhi. Expectedly, Rajdeep Sardesai will promote another book on the Mahatma by ‘Eminent Distortian’ Ram Guha. Reality: Everything positive about MKG has already been destroyed by the Congress party. Now Sushil Kumar Shinde has a new plan. He has written to all Chief Ministers “Ensure no Muslim youth is wrongfully detained”. And then the Congress will scream other parties are communal. The stupidity apart, the illegality of such a letter and its Constitutional invalidity does not matter to the Congress. Of course, they will tell you they respect the Constitution, the law, the courts, the people while doing exactly the opposite very frequently.

Those who have observed the Congress party closely would know by now that the party doesn’t have any ideology; political or economic. After any court verdict you will hear any number of Congress spokies grandly state “we respect the courts and respect the verdict”. Like many other lies, this is another lie that the party revels in. This party has a history of disrespecting courts and negating verdicts. It was Jawaharlal Nehru’s intolerance of routine criticism and an order of Madras High Court that led to the first amendment to the Constitution that curbed free speech. It was the order of Allahabad HC which led to Indira Gandhi imposing Emergency. It was the SC order in the Shah Bano case for which Rajiv Gandhi amended the Constitution again. Anyone left? Oh yes, the SC ruled against the right of convicted legislators to continue in office or contest elections. So under Sonia Gandhi there’s the Ordinance to protect convicted politicians. Of course, Rahul “Complete Nonsense” Gandhi tried to play a local hero by screaming against the Ordinance but it remains to be seen what his rogue Diva act comes to.

RG lives in a time when it’s hard to fool people and the corrupt fixers and brokers in the “Mithai Swallowing Media” (MSM) have no monopoly on the national discourse. Public opinion creates tremendous pressure through other media. However, the fundamental tactic of Congress of dividing the nation, dividing people by religion, caste and community remains intact. Every time the party has been given the opportunity to govern the nation they have only sunk it further and destroyed more democratic and national institutions.  

The Congress neither has a history of respecting the Opposition nor does it have a history of respecting the law. If any Congi tells you that then take it with a truck-load of salt. The Congress dumped MK Gandhi’s political principles immediately after he died. Any semblance of democracy that was left inside was dumped by IndiraG. The claim that this is the same party of 100+ years is a fake claim further supported by mongrels in the media. The claim that this is the party that fought for independence is equally dubious. This is Congress (I) and not the original INC. This is the Congress of IndiraG which created a culture of putting strong political opponents into prison. To get a better idea of how this practice of fake legal cases continues you can read this latest piece from Arun Jaitley written to the PM. It’s in the context of all this that one has to view the sinister design behind Shinde’s letter.

Here’s a short clip I received on email. This is a discussion on Pakistani news channel News One. The panellist doesn’t look like a Jihadi or terrorist. He talks like a well-educated, scholarly man. I have no other details of who the anchor or guest is but his words are worth listening to:

Interesting, isn’t it? The guy wants entire Hindustan to be turned into Pakistan. He wants Radio Pakistan to be the main voice. We would be foolish to imagine this is a lone-wolf. We would be equally foolish to imagine that there aren’t some people and some politicians in India who do not share his vision. There is a very high probability that a lot of Pakistanis and some in India from the media also share his grand vision. Breaking India is not imagination; it’s a reality to confront.

In the movie Gandhi (1982), which is considered authentic by the GOI and which was supported by IndiraG’s govt, MK Gandhi tells Jinnah he can be the first PM of India and have Muslims as ministers and in many senior positions (Youtube 2.39.00). Ah well, you could say MMS follows Gandhian principles when he suggested "Muslims have the first right on the resources of country". This, after a state called Pakistan was created based on religious lines. Carry on, Shinde! That’s not all. In another scene in the same video Nehru tells Gandhi that if he persisted with his stubbornness “there will be no Hindus left in Pakistan” (2.44.00). I leave it to you to decipher the context of Nehru’s remark to Gandhi; it’s not rocket science. At least on that count Nehru proved right. Millions of Hindus were killed in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and the Hindu population in Pakistan has almost been cleansed. Subsequent follies of Indian govts have also seen the cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir. So now it’s worth getting back to Shinde’s and Congress’ evil design.

During the UP elections campaign in 2012 Salman Khurshid, who is incapable of uttering one coherent sentence but is a media darling because he speaks English, screamed he will carve out a 9% reservation for Muslims out of the 27% meant for OBCs. He even dared the Election Commissioner to hang him. Bravo! Arun Jaitley pointed out then too that this wasn’t 9% but when you consider it’s a slice of the 27% it’s actually 33%. Mulayam Singh wants 3 Muslim policemen at every police station. Bravo! The guy who denies existence of Indian Mujahideen and is also alleged to be involved in Waqf land scams, K.Rahman Khan wants special courts for Muslims. That guy in the Paki news channel video certainly isn’t going to be disappointed. Oh by the way, even some Muslims are now seeing though the trickery of people like Rahman Khan.
But what is the truth? I have said many times facts count and opinions belong in the dustbin. When Ministers such as Shinde and parties like Congress and SP start making polices based on opinions you know governance is a grave yard. It was only Arnab Goswami on the Newshour on September 30 who talked facts on the issue of undertrials and convicted people in India’s prisons. The other channels made it more of “communal or not” discussion. Does Shinde’s nonsense being absolutely communal even need a debate? But hey, that’s what CNN-IBN or NDTV is for; mindless mental masturbation. Here are the stats that Arnab put up:

According to the graph put up by Arnab the undertrials are: Hindus 69.9% and Muslims 21%. Where convicted persons in prisons are concerned: Hindus: 71.4% and Muslims 17.8% Are these stats reliable? Absolutely! You can check out the whole report on prison population by all demographics for 2012 put out by National Crime Records Bureau.

Shinde’s nonsense probably originated from a case in Andhra Pradesh where the High Court struck down compensation paid by the State govt to Muslim youths wrongly detained for long. Subsequently, the same HC withdrew the order and has reserved further orders. Even in this case there is a clear cut communal act on the part of AP govt. I doubt too many people will argue on the compensation issue, although there is no such provision in law, but choosing to give money selectively to Muslims is again a divisive policy of the Congress. And other parties are communal?

Every aspiration and hope that India started out with after Independence mostly stand destroyed. There is a certain evil element in the manner in which Congress govts make policies and still claim they are “secular”. Their practices have seen the rise of the most corrupt politicians, family members and relatives profiting from the system. If there were 500+ small provinces at India’s Independence, there are hundreds of small fiefdoms of politicians and their families. They are as accountable to people as the British were. I doubt Sardar Patel would have been pleased to see this state of affairs. To say that the Congress has betrayed MK Gandhi would be an understatement. But they didn’t stop there. With their communal acts and those of their allies they have even betrayed Nehru.  

In the movie Gandhi that I’ve referred in this post there was a scene around 2.49.00 when Nehru receives information of the Calcutta riots and Gandhi going on a fast again. A Police head comes in and suggests because the riots were so severe they may need separate Hindu and Muslim police. This is the script from the actual movie released:
In the little red box within the image of the script above you will note that Nehru angrily lashes out at the idea and says “There will not be a Hindu police and a Muslim police. There is one Police!” What people DON’T know is that this particular scene and dialogue has been censored from many of the movie’s editions that are on Youtube. The scene and dialogue has also been sanitised and removed from many CD/DVD versions that were released about 8 years ago in India. I have a copy and it doesn’t have this scene. In the original movie and the many times it was shown even on TV till about 2000 the scene was very much there. Anyone abroad having the original movie will vouch for it.

Even Nehru, despite his flawed policies, did not subscribe to the idea of different police for Hindus and Muslims. Though, do note that even Nehru wanted to wait FOUR days before he rushed to riot-hit Calcutta, on a Friday. Are our Congress or “Secular” parties any different now? But now you have crooked politicians making policies for Muslim police, Muslim courts and to go easy on arresting Muslim youths. Would Nehru have approved? I don’t think so. So the Congress not only betrayed Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel, they are now betraying Nehru who is their party’s biggest icon. It is one thing to criticise events and policies by one's assessment but quite something else when you measure them by their respect for their own icons. I have nothing more to say. 


  1. Ppl at the helm screwed the idea of India before it could even develop strongly. Everyone turned out to be a big fake and even Mahatma Gandhi. I could not never understand why he supported Nehru so vehemently (just like Dhrisrashtra) as if Nehru was his own son. What blinded Gandhi to see the truth and why he behaved so stubbornly is a mystery. May be one day we will come to know the reason of fondness of Mahatma Gandhi for Nehru and his family. Do not give me some lame excuses like he liked Nehru or Nehru was foreign educated, so and so. For someone to behave like MKG did, there must be some deep point. What was the blackmail Nehru used?? Are there any stories??

    1. you may want to youtube 'rajiv dixit on nehru' to find out the reality of divsion of india.. an eye opener indeed..

    2. Yes...Rajiv Dikshit is the guy who exposed the "true" Nehru..but he was given a slow poison to which he finally succumbed in 2010.Any guesses who finished him ?

    3. IMHO.. whole Gandhi , Nehru family is very complex when it comes to relationships and affairs. There are proofs available for this on google. Even if some may be fake but the way there are so much 'look alikes' seen in current situation also there is a scope to trust these stories.


      Check this link for more details .. Keep Zandu Balm or Disprin tab handy before starting reading this.

    5. I still have not got the answer for Gandhi's weakness for Nehru. Was Nehru so strong to break India in many pieces when nonne supported him for PM. Why Gandhi supported Nehru??? Noone knows it seems.

    6. If you have not seen a tiger and then someone says a cat a tiger. It is natural that you may or may not believe it but certainly a normal person will start to imagine tiger based on recent experience. Just like that it is easy to draw something new on a blank canvas but if there is a straight line or circle on it anyone will be inclined to draw keeping in mind that line or circle.

      Dear, this is my humble request, just free your mind from 'mahatma' and then start to think. As example, if you start to think that MKG did not come to India but actually brought. Just to save british from the real anger of Indians with the leadership of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Just give it a thought. Because your Mahatma threatened to quit congress with his 'lobby' after he was defeated twice by Netaji. Then Netaji left congress and MKG....just for a thought.

    7. gandhi supported Nehru bcos he did not want the Cong party to split. Nehru was clearly adamant that he wanted to become PM else he would go his own way. A split in the Congress party at that time would not have gone down well with anybody, that too just before independence. Some have written that the British may have had second thoughts. So Gandhi pleaded with patel to withdraw his nomination for Cong President. Patel was clearly the chosen favourite of the Cong rank and file, but Nehru spoiled it with his tantrum.

    8. @Toofan I agree with you.

      @Karthik Subash Chandra Bose was more popular and he left Congress. If Gandhi would have that he does not support Nehru and stood with Patel and others, then Nehru would have committed suicide or kept quite. I dont think he has so much influence to break Congress in two part when noone supported his PM proposal. What is the basis for him to break congress.

  2. Congress/UPA is a sabotage to the idea of India. Point to be noted is, in congress rule of about 60 years they ensured that Indian Economic Might will not grow. Let it be Neharu, Indira Gandhi or Rajeev or Sona/Rahul, all of them ensured that Indian Economic might will not be there. The only golden era of development and expansion of Economic activity and reforms was NDA's term. When Congress/UPA got the second opportunity to rule India in 2004, they ensured that the clock is turned back and the economy is screwed thoroughly, so that there will be weak response to Pakistan and China. With shameless Muslim minoritism and victim hood, they are creating enemies within. Congress/UPA is the main enemy of the idea of India. I agree with NaMo we have to ensure that we get India without congress for next few generations if we want to survive as a Nation.

    1. Idea of India and democracy itself, was truly strengthened only during National Front Govt, when Govt of India was represented by many regional parties spread-ed all across the country. It was probably first time in the history of Indian democracy, when the common people felt that they are part of Indian Govt and Govt is by them and for them only. The issue of governance and justice carry little meaning, if there are not shared and nourished by the common people. During there tenure, probably not a single worthwhile corruption case by central Govt was brought out by any of agencies including CAG or CBI. I am also great admirer of Modi Ji but not of many others In BJP as their style of functioning is probably in no way different from Congress and these people have not done any great Service to the country by letting the Govt silently off the hook in CG, Coal Block Allocation in which beneficiary are many big corrupt corporate houses .

  3. Excellent Ravi. I remember a news items where Bhatkal was quoted that a number of politicians are being paid by ISI and Daud. These politicians are facilitating Islamisation of India. It is open guess who are they.

    I remember that in 1946, just prior to division of India, Muslim boys were sloganing "Hans ke liya he Pakistan, ladd ke lenge Hindustan". Islamisation of whole India is high on agenda of all Muslims. It is unfortunate for India to have gone Secular. It should have remained a Hindu nation. Have not Hindu's sheltered people of other religions persecuted by Islamist? Unless Hindus do not wake up, let us face it, we will have Taliban from Afganistan to Bangladesh. RIP MK Gandhi!

  4. I guess the next thing we would here is separate criminal law for muslims (Sharia ?), and then sharia for every one.. I

    1. No No , it wont jump directly to that. For eg in Kerala CPI(M) is in the forefront of getting Islamic banking into Kerala. So , financial system will be the first target.

    2. And our C5M will be upset because she wont be able to ware hre sleeveless anymore.

  5. I remember one tweet from Barkha where she said that acting tough with Pakistan might anger Indian Muslims and disturb peace in India!!

    1. Barkha dutt is a paid whore! i am not abusing her ...its her respectable profession.

  6. Thanks Ravi ji!... In western UP what Azam is doing same.. Dividing police force by selectively transfering all police officers of Hindu community!.

  7. Another great piece ...but i think reason to delete scene may be because "four days ..." statement not bcz of "separate police or one police" statement...

    1. The "Four" days part is not deleted.. its very much there in the movie..

  8. From the actions of some of our congress and supportive politicians it is becoming obvious the minorities wish to make a new division of India. Wasn't 1947 enough. They could have made their choice then. Now they are out to further divide and make life difficult for average Indian. A strong leader is the choice of the day to put this craziness to an end

    1. When you can eat first morsel then you go for second this is happening.

  9. Ravi, That Pakistani panelist is Zaid Hamid. He is such an entertainer....keeps blabbering non-sense against India and US. Search "Zaid Hamid on India" at youtube, you will find a lot of entertainment by this guy. He is a favourite of Zihadi elements in Pak media for anti India propaganda.

  10. I can't believe that you haven't heard about the fanatic Hamid Zaid (Red Topi wala), in the first video of this article. His fanaticism for accession of India (Gazwa-e-Hind) videos are spilled all over the you tube. He believes we have ruled India for 1000 of years, and it should be under our rule again.

    1. @Manish @Namrata

      This guy Zaid Hamid may be a comedian but his sentiments are not. Often times genuine intentions are passed off in light satire but it holds appeal for a lot of people in India, especially in politics and media...

    2. haha...he is a comedian for us...but he has a great following of fanatics in Pakistan. He can be considered an "intellectual" in the league of Hamid Gul and Hafiz Saeed.

    3. Folks,

      There needs to be a widespread awareness campaign on the psychological forces that create and sustain the victimhood mentality of the fundamentalist minorities INCULDING the sickulars.

      Here is an interesting read on this by a trained practising psychologist : "Far too many people underestimate the power of psychology embedded in religion and culture. As we have already seen, no army of social workers, generous welfare states, sweet-talking politicians, politically correct journalists or democracy-promoting soldiers can stop these enormous forces. Sensible laws on immigration and Islamisation in our own countries can limit the amount of suffering, but based on my education and professional experience as a psychologist for Muslims, I estimate that we will not be able to deflect or avoid this many-sided, aggressive movement against our culture.

      I do believe that we, as a democratic and educated society can become focused and organised concerning the preservation of our values and constitutions, can win this ongoing conflict started by the often inbred followers of sharia. The big question is how much of our dignity, our civil rights, and our blood, money and tears will we lose in the process."


      While he may be candid, and I presume many of my fellow Indians with that identity are not that way, it is important to examine these factors in much more detail and therefore formulate a more considered scientific response rather than indulge in appeasements (in which case the last sentence of his becomes all the more important).

      Wake up folks - while we should NOT hate or be emotionally perturbed, we SHOULD definitely be forewarned and forearmed with the right strategies and means to handle all these PERNICIOUS ideologies that go under the burqa of sickularism in and around India.

    4. This guy zaid hamid is actually a clown. In a video i saw he claimed that in 1965 war there were some holy ghosts who fought alongside the pak army and bcoz of these ghosts india actually lost the war. Many anchors and panelists of pak also make fun of him openly. But hats off to this guy he takes everything on the chin.

  11. There is a wonderful dialogue in the movie "Veer Zaara" where Kiron Kher says to Preity Zinta, “Aurat apne dilon jaan se sab kuch lutaake apne mard ko mohabbat karti hain. Lekin mard mein aisi mohabbat karne ki taakat hi nahin hain.” Similarly, when it comes to serving the people, Congress is incapable of governance. It has harbored the most corrupt within its ranks and its business sympathisers are the progeny of politicians who looted with gay abandon when in power and continue to do so now through crony capitalism. The lack of governance ensures that the country remains backward and Muslims even more so as Congress is incapable of implementing anything, including welfare schemes meant for Muslims. With Muslims becoming more and more aggressive, this continued backwardness among Muslims will manifest itself in push backs from the community that Congress will conveniently blame on Hindutva forces, leading to even more polarisation and social disharmony. Its a vicious cycle. For the country to break from this, one of two things should happen - Muslims should see through the designs of the Congress (extremely unlikely) and vote against it or Hindus should unite and throw out Congress. And all of us can play a meaningful part in the latter by speaking to people and making them realise that it is 2014 or never.

  12. Yes today's CONgress is not the Congress of pre-1947 as rightly said by Ravinar. The party's character as it exists today is represented by the first 3 letters 'CON' and it no way represents the aspirations of a nation of 1.2 billion and growing. The Congress of today represents the Jihadi's, the terrorists and anyone who does illegal acts. Since the party is headed by a non-Indian it doesn't have any emotional connect with the people and the only surprising thing is why so many learned people believe that the present leadership is the Savior of this great nation.

  13. few words on zaid hami..immediately after 26/11 started , he claimed it to be rss conspiracy..killing of karkare and wearing of orange hand bands by terrorists were cited as proof by him..having said that he is immensely popular among educated pakistanis

    i would request you to write on bangladesh war crime trials also. indian media is completely silent on them despite the fact that they actually show that govt there is making effort to keep secularism alive ( may be for its own politcial gains)..most of convictions are happening for killing and looting hindus and a bengali bhadralok dominated media in india is silent on this issue. PUCL , JNU teachers association and other such outfits who protest on anything happening in iran, palestine or iraq are dead silent on this.

    1. Very true.These Bengalee Bhadralok should step out of Ballygunj or tollygunj in support of Bangladesh govt.Instead we have Muslims marching in Kolkota to "oppose" death sentences to killers.

  14. Sir a very realistic assessment of MSM a Methai Swallowing Media. Media brought Morarji Govt down by highlighting Onion Prices which was due to political - Hoarder nexus. Today again I am worried what tricks they will unleash when Modi becomes PM. They have got too much money at their disposal and can enact any mischief.

  15. We watch destruction of India and its culture/history with tears in eyes and sense of helplessness. Hindus have to find ways to take back their nation from invading insane ideologies. Armed struggle, perhaps.

    1. Not perhaps I'm afraid, but I think definitely. I don't see any other alternative to an armed struggle. Destroying corruption, neutralising traitors, strengthening the economy, abandoning vote-bank politics, uniform civil code - all of these things can only go a certain distance, especially when the motivation of enemy forces transcends these pragmatic issues and takes the form of something dogmatic, insidious and relentless. Even if we destroy every enemy from within, and even if we manage to miraculously transform the psyche of *every* IM such that they all wholeheartedly embrace a live-and-let-live mentality and become patriots, there are numerous external enemy forces that will never give up on their goal of destroying our civilisation. I'm afraid it will inevitably end up as fight or die. But I also think it's inevitable that we will win out in the end.

  16. Absolugtely brilliant. I wish and hope that this post reach a wide and large audience.

  17. It makes very melancholy reading on this day.Hindus and Hindusthan await liberation from Congress and its brand of politics.As regards Paki anchor's wish of UNITED PAKISTAN ,kly do visit my blog where in one of the posts I have discussed the idea of "UNITED STATES OF HINDUSTHAN" - would welcome your comments there.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Since you mentioned that Gandhi movie, another important scene to note in that movie is that during partition, Gandhi stayed in the house of the muslim, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy who is responsible for the 'Direct Action Day' in Calcutta. It is shown in the movie that Suhrawardy only visited Gandhi.

  20. Excellent article by Ravi. India needs to come out of its shell. i give all readers a food for thought . If HM has given a circular what State Govts are doing ? Have they rorted back and released any press release? None. Is there a "Bavandar" on social media? None.Is there any concerted effort to isolate media crooks like Rajdeep and Barkha ? None. Then what are we talking about ? I give you a task go all out after Barkha and Rajdeep. Hound them every every , on channels ,in print media, with channel owners, PIL, bloggers. Make it in such a way that whenever they see any media they see people anger against their misdeed.Enough platforms are available. Just take a lesson from single minded attack on Gujrat for 2002. When they can do it , why cannot you do it. It would be a lesson for other media persons. There are media crooks in thousands but go after the top two and see the result. Leave others for other day. I am sure if 50 % of the readers of this post go untiringly after them they would be doomed.But efforts have to concentrated and sustained . If some readers can add more strategy to this , it would be a valuable additions.Let us a give it a try . Let us make them realise what they are doing is not good for the masses of the country. Let us make them realise how dangerous it is to write or speak to the dictates of anti-nationalists both foreign and indian . Let us make a beginning on this auspicious day. Truth shall prevail..

  21. Dear Ravi(or anyone).. Sir a serious Q....if u can answer....what logic/compulsion in retaining convicted minister "Babu Bokhiria" in Gujarat cabinet by @narendramodi ?? ..not convincing to people.

    Or u also think this as a mistake or stubbornness by NM!!

    1. Actually its GENEROSITY not stubbornness -- Since ALL his enemies have no more AMMO left to attack him;he is kind enough to "provide" them some. :))

    2. :) jokes apart
      Yesterday night on ABP..Badi Bahas @9.00 PM ..Sudhanshu Trivedi attacked very well on Meem Afzal of Congress...but as soon as this issue raked in..he could not defend anything.

      Sooner NM work on this ..better for him, bjp and us (who supports BJP and try to convince others for things) !!

    3. I feel the SC verdict does not have retrospective effect. Only those MPs/MLAs who get convicted after the verdict will lose their seat and eligibility to contest. Those convicted already and are on appeal process may not be affected. This is my feeling but I may be wrong. I feel Bokhiria got convicted before SC verdict.

  22. Sir,

    I really like your analysis and I am a fan of your incisive writing style.
    Kudos to you for penning many eye-openers. Thanks to you, I & many
    in my circle have become more aware and cautious of mainstream media now.

    The only thing I have a problem with is when you vent
    your (justified) biases in the form of name-calling.

    It would be so much more dignified if you refrained from using phrases such
    as "Congi", "Sickular", "Clown Prince", "Mithai Swallowing Media" etc.,
    Of course, they are all cleverly coined, but it makes your posts seem less objective, less intellectual and more personal, more rhetorical when you do that.
    It detracts from the many merits in your words.

    If it is any help, I personally am a Modi-supporter and abhor the (mal)practices of the present government.

    But I don't want to be blinded by hatred and contempt for them. I want to use my anger productively to do everything in my power to create awareness in people and help make a positive difference in the next elections; I'd rather not expend all my energies in pulling down people (even if they deserve it!)

    Whether the targets of your unconcealed animosity deserve to be treated with dignity & compassion is irrelevant, the point is that we do not need to stray from our nature.

    This is just a humble suggestion.

    Other than that, keep on keeping on! :)

    Sasha M

    1. @Sasha

      You are wrong. I bear no animosity toward any individual or group. I dont know them and they dont know me. Obviously, you dont follow the MSM very closely. Most of the names I use are variants of what the MSM uses itself. I have indeed coined some choice terms and names, but that's the nature of the beast. You want "politically correct" and "santised" articles you will find them in MSM, without the truth though. Mass murderer, Hero of Hatred, Poster boy, Clown Prince, "Complete Nonsense", "Sickular", "Mithai Swallowing Media" "Numero Uno", werent invented by me.

      You are worried more about the style and language than the content. This is the typical problem with many people. They are swayed by the "style" of MSM but swallow the nonsense they sell you.

    2. You are sadly mistaken about being blinded by hatred and contempt,born out of ANGER.
      Let me explain the logic behind the use of "Congi", "Sickular", "Clown Prince", "Mithai Swallowing Media" etc.
      The words or phrases ARE born out of PURE for OBJECTIVITY's sake AND making OPTIMUM use of TWITTER *"Real Estate"* of 140 chars.
      Not calling A as A will be dishonest !
      So calling a CLOWN a CLOWN is honest;that the said Clown happens to be a PRINCE should not deter one from acknowledging the FACT.
      SICKULAR happens to be a word to describe -- "A SICK mentality born out of pseudo secularism" ( 45 Chars to 8 chars)
      Congi is simply the abbreviation of the party's official & REAL name viz. - Congress I > Cong. I > CongI > congi ( From 10 chars to 5 chars)
      "Mithai Swallowing Media" is the extended form of MSM as explained in DETAIL by Mr. Na MO; which was in context to certain event.

    3. Sasha jee,
      Congress/MSM earned these words with "hard work" of years and decades.
      >>Hero of Hatred, Poster boy, Clown Prince, "Complete Nonsense", "Sickular", "Mithai Swallowing Media" "Numero Uno",..<<

      u r seeing them now b/c latest edition of dictionary added them on their very much prevalent use in society. They are mainstream words now!! Get used to them!!

    4. Dear Sasha,

      You may be interested in going through this link...

    5. Namaste Sasha-ji,

      I understand and respect your point of view. Being Satvik is good for all. But RAJO-gun is the only way to dealing with taaTakas, ravans and shoorpanakas.

      Thank you,

    6. Dear Ravinar-ji,

      >You are worried more about the style and language than the content.

      As I mentioned, I don't have a problem with your content. In fact I admire what you are doing and I welcome more of it.
      Yes, I do have a problem with the language (no issues with your style, which is, I think hard-hitting.)

      >This is the typical problem with many people. They are swayed by the >"style" of MSM but swallow the nonsense they sell you.

      That's the point! I'm not swallowing 'their' nonsense and not willing to.
      I just thought that if your language was more dignified, there would be more followers here....but as the replies to my earlier comment has proved, I seem to be in a minority of one (or two, counting Deepikaji) :)

      @Dattatreya Pujar: just because Congress leaders are foul-mouthed doesn't mean we need to be too :)

      @Praveen A V: Rajogun without viveka or in the throes of emotions will be useless or will backfire on us eventually.

      My point is: I believe it is possible to take them down (politically) while still being dignified ourselves.

      Anyway, it was just my 2paise :)
      Looking forward to more eye-openers from you!

      Sasha M

    7. Dear Sashaji,

      It is the Congress that mostly uses abusive language and when they are paid back in their own coin, shout wolf. Having said that, each person has his own vocabulary and his own levels of putting up with Congress and MSM crap and may choose to use words that expresses his feelings. Let us stick to the larger agenda of "Congress-mukt Bharat" and not have disagreements among ourselves as to what constitutes "offensive". I am sure Mediacrooks will remove those comments that are excessively offensive.

  23. From an another Fan - Dear Ravinar - I like and Support Sasha's suggestion. I absolutely love your writings and fact searching model. Despite all the rightful anger, its best to talk objectively.
    Best Regards, Deepika

    1. If you need an academic treatise look elsewhere. The emotion inducing, arousing, tone is what makes the stories stick in the collective memory and gains traction for this site. When you are at the bleeding edge as a critic, sometimes there will be blood.

  24. Ravinar,

    I don't ususally comment simply saying that this post is awesome etc! But I simply have to make an exception this time!

    This post is Awesome!!!!

    After reading this, if there still are people who dont want NaMo as the PM, I seriously have doubts over their patriotism.....

  25. Great post by Ravinar indeed!!
    Yes, there is no provision of compensation for people wrongly arrested, but then this power to make arrest is many times used as part of vengeance and destroys lives of innocent people!
    Case in point is the IPC 498A (Dowry Harassment). NCRB data will show that there are no convictions in 80-90%, but routinely men and WOMEN (from husbands' families) are arrested

    And mind you, the conviction figures are mostly for the cases which ran complete trial - and out of these many convictions happens where accused also charges under IPC 304B. However, most of the times, harrassed with wrongful arrests and other logistical reasons to fight cases, many families settle out of court with the wife/daughter-in-law. So, if we exclude the common conviction with IPC 304B and include the cases settled out-of-court, the misuse of this one section IPC 498A is to the extent of 98-99%

    These arrests are mostly done to put pressure to settle cases fast - many people succumb to the pressure and commit suicides too!
    But, hey, even after fully aware about the scale of misuse of this law, various directions by SC, introduction of CrPC 41A - the misuse continues and NO such circular issued by MHA!
    R@pe laws are similarly abused, as huge no. of cases are false and filed with malafide intent :

    It's just to "appease" the feminist that miuse of these laws is not being curbed and wrongful arrests continue!
    Similarly, this Shinde's note is to appease only one community!

    On a side note:
    The Marriage Law Amendment Bill 2010 was brought mostly because divorce case of Shinde's daughter was thrown out by courts including SC.
    This law is already passed in RS and once passed from LS, will single handedly wreck husband's families like never before.
    All biased women-centric laws like IPC 498A, Domestic Violence, S#xual Harassment at Workplace, Criminal Law amendment (Anit-R@pe Bill) etc. are the creations of CONgis!
    But, yes, BJP supported them everytime such bills were passed in Parliament

    1. I think core issue here is our slow judicial system.Because courts can not offer faster judicial verdicts, government should pay compensation is anytime a wrong idea. Take the case of Lalu Yadav. If the verdict would have come in say 2 years, the destiny of India could have changed permanently. It is the status-co-ist who do not want to make judicial system faster, so that they can deny the justice.

    2. @time4MAN
      The "Marriage Law Amendment Bill 2010" will create more criminals in society..damn sure...!

    3. the sections you have mentioned, created with one intention - destroy the fabric of hindu society by destroying the unit of it which is 'family'. creating a generation of extreme selfish and irresponsible citizens.

      as usual minorities are free to follow their own sharia law which is in the eye of our law makers very very useful and legal.

    4. The age old religion trying to find women! And about your stupid family thing, it's not responsibility of a woman alone. A woman is also an individual & we have right to achieve things for us. A woman is not just a mother, wive, daughter, daughter in law! She is not relationship but a human being! Being all those won't let her to achieve her dreams!
      Why don't you people find stats about real rape, dowry & all? Bcuz most of them are unreported. You people just hate other people getting the same rights as you!

    5. Deboleena - No amount of stats about rape and dowry can justify this draconian law. Its a fact that the dowry law is being blatantly misused, because the provisions are such. People from absolutely decent families - both men and women on the husband's side - are suffering because of this law.

      I am completely with you for end dowry harassment and giving women their rights. But it should not put the institution of marriage itself in danger, and it should terrorize innocent people. And remember, it only applies to Hindus. Why is that? Are you saying Muslim women are better off? That would be laughable.

  26. Just now I saw the Movie Gandhi on PIX and said dialog "There will not be a Hindu police and a Muslim police. There is one Police!” was not there in that scene. Rest of the scene with dialog "Why should I read news like this in a paper...." was there.

  27. This article rocks!. Tight slap to Burkas, Sardesai, Dutt, etc and also their B team like Namita Bhandare, Sujata Anandan, Dilip Dzouza who keep on spewing venom against Hinduism to extol their sikularism

  28. Indian needs a lokpal , and like lokpal even a stronger regulator for media, as they many time are like hit man, doing a hit and run, and blaming the sources, their hit and run caused more damages "lie big, retract small". My biggest aungish with media is that they never report, they are forming opinion. If media can hide the riots in UP till one of their own is killed, they can do any thing. Same way media can report some without any concret proof by just naming Source.

  29. Now that after all humiliation the government has taken back the ordinance regarding convicted MPs, Uno and Unee duo are doing the PR exercise for Rahul Gandhi as if there is no tommorrow. They seem to be ahead of every sycophant channel.Some channels are blaming the BJP and Modi for the bill.

  30. Nice one Ravi, Keep the good work going , All the best.

  31. Ravinar - The person in the YouTube Video you posted is a Pakistani madhat Syed Zaid Hamid famous for his anti India / anti Hindu rhetoric on Pakistani media.

  32. Dear Ravinar..

    Another masterpiece from you.Just want to say something about 'that guy' in Pakistani News Channel. I thought you must be knowing about him. He is Zaid Hamid.Ya he is crack.But he runs a security advisory firm in Pakistan and is very close to Pakistani Army and ISI probably. He also runs an NGO 'Wake Up Pakistan' and spreads this venom in each and every Pakistani by conducting various speeches.And yes he says that there will be a Gazwa-E-Hind in which the Army of Allah(ie Paki Army) will conquer India. Watch his videos on youtube, they are hilarious really... you will tank me for this advice :)

  33. As for the dream of a Greater Pakistan by the porki moron on the show, may I state that on a hindsight,partition was the best thing that happened to independent India.I cannot recall any other good move by Chacha Nehru worth mentioning. Imagine living with wild baggages like Wazaristan,Peshwar being part of India and being the hell hole of terrorism of the world.And the biggest blunder that followed this good move was the failure to enforce population exchange.The history of India since ages, is one of unfinished jobs.It happens today even in cricket matches with India.The elite and the JNU outputs of this country make a living out of political correctness and have absolutely no connect with the ground realities. It is only the poor and the middle class that have to live on the ground with the anti nationals and their supporters in the media and polity.Numero Unee has posted 10 questions to NaMo on the SM, If the present govt can shut down, the same way as the USA did last week, most of the problems facing the nation would take care of themselves.

  34. Ravi, I have a DVD of the film Gandhi which I purchased in Amsterdam. It contains the sentence you speak about where Nehru said no hindu police and no muslim police.

  35. hypocrisy destroys, kills.if you follow a wrong person you will walk on a wrong path and ultimately reach a wrong place. everyone knows where we have reached today! socially, economically. after 67 years, i do not think anyone needs anything to prove that we followed(rather forced to follow) a wrong person. before and after independence(!!!) whoever tried to oppose his view and path, either killed by british(later Govt. of India), sentenced to jail, hanged, outclassed, labelled as anti national and even terrorist.when people of a country follow such person and path, people like Baljit Singh Sandhu will continue to face horrific and unfortunate death or will be remain silent forever. choice is clear.

  36. I am a fan of yours. Can you also look at an article by TK Arun in today's ET?

  37. Hi, can you please make your website compatiable to read in Mobile phones...

  38. Wasn't there some talk of Islamic banking in Kerala recently ?

  39. Today all political parties have betrayed Telugu people . 5 crore people from 13 districts are ignored as if they did not exist in this country. No one at national level even debating rationale for division of a progressing state.
    For us it does not matter anymore whether this nation will be destroyed by Sonia or Modi. We are pushed back by 2 decades.
    We as a nation are miserable failure. Everyone looking to get power by dividing people. Only difference is each one doing in separate style and color.

    1. Should not we blame the people of andhra and seema as well ? they have voted for TDP and Congress when these two parties have aligned with TRS. They should have taken out this momentum then there it self.

  40. Ravi bhai, Congratulations for reaching yet another passing milestone.
    One thing that I have to bring to your notice-the video link is not working in my phone.The link does not show up instead there is a blank space in the area.

  41. Excellent analysis Ravi!!!, in a couple of decades the wishes of the congis will materialize when our grandchildren will have different names!!!,, there won't be any GOD in India ( if it exists)

  42. Congratulations and Salutations on reaching another milestone Ravijee. I am sure 5 million will be reached before next general elections. Please keep up the excellent work, which is helping to keep the MSM exposed. Hope they mend their ways and save the nation from disaster.

    Let Ma Durga bless you during this Navaratri and for years to come.

  43. The partition of India was nothing but a result of Nehru's greed for power and British fear of India becoming a super power. Nehru manipulated himself to be the first PM with the following conditional pact with the Britishers:

    1. Netaji or his family should not be allowed any position of power in Indian government
    2. Netaji's marriage to Emily should not be treated as marriage and therefore their only child Anita could not be respected in India.
    3. INA should be disbanded
    4. India should be broken up into two countries and three parts to remain unstable for a long time.
    5. Nehru would act as British stooge in India
    6. Nehru met Emily and took an oath from her that she would never visit India for the safety of her child and Netaji. Emily NEVER visited India!! Everybody wanted Congress to be broken up after independence and equally strong independent parties to flourish. Nehru prevented it and was such an egomaniac that even after he was declared medically unfit to continue, still continued as PM.
    The selfishness of scamgress started right from day one and there was an occasion that Nehru too blackmailed Gandhi that he would break the congress and the British would disintegrate this nation with 565 princlely states

  44. Karnataka CONgress says: It is ok if minorities don't repay loans..

  45. Completely biased RSS and BJP author, everybody is corrupt be it BJP or Congress, but mass murder of innocent people for the crimes of a few insane and hate speeches against other religion is under no circumstances tolerable. I do not want to vote for Congress, but at the same i cant let an insane mass murderer rule the country, therefore people are left with no option other than voting for Congress

    1. where r the proofs for any act of killing done by Modi??? where are the hate speeches, any ref??? Looks like everything in your mind. You are enemies we have been saying in our countries. Sitting duck and accusing but dont want to believe in the facts. by the way Ur Id says it all - breaking india from inside behind Secular ka burka!!


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