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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Prologue: 2014 - Good Vs Evil

(This is a Maxipost)

In this opener for 2014 we will just go through some of what was posted on these pages in the past and see how much still remains relevant. Current flavour in the media is, of course, their infatuation with the AAP party in Delhi. Child gets a new toy and is unwilling to let go of it for days. At the same time, ask the child to throw or give off some old ones it will flatly refuse. That’s our media too. While the MSM is currently infatuated with AAP it is only because their masters, the Congress party, have been down.  It’s another election year and an important one. 2014 is not merely about which party but which path and ideology India will choose for the road ahead. We have been in a conflict for most of our 66 years of Independence. Privately we are a democracy but govt-wise we have largely been communists. Bengal managed to evict the CPM but it’s not as if the replacement is any different. The TMC too is another party with Commie ideology. The roots of a failed system have been installed by the one who firmly believed “socialism” was the only way ahead for India. It just so happens that the thin line between socialism and communism disappears fast. Here’s an excerpt from my post “Commie Media's Anti-Hindu Poison - Part 4”:

The Aim of Socialism: I am convinced that the only key to the solution of the world’s problems and of India’s problems lies in socialism… Socialism is, however, something even more than an economic doctrine; it is a philosophy of life… I see no way of ending the poverty, the vast unemployment, the degradation and the subjection of the Indian people except through socialism. That involves vast and revolutionary changes in our political and social structure, the ending of vested interests in land and industry, as well as the feudal and autocratic Indian States system. That means the ending of private property, except in a restricted sense, and the replacement of the present profit system by a higher ideal of co-operative service… In short, it means a new civilisation, radically different from the present capitalist order. Some glimpse we can have of this new civilisation in the territories of the U.S.S.R… If the future is full of hope it is largely because of Soviet Russia… and I am convinced that, if some world catastrophe does not intervene, this new civilisation will spread to other lands and put an end to the wars and conflicts which capitalism feeds”.

That was Jawaharlal Nehru in 1936. That is also Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in the 21st century. That is also Arvind Kejriwal and Yogendra Yadav in 2013. The only unfortunate change (for these people) is that catastrophe did visit USSR and it doesn’t exist anymore. And by catastrophe I don’t mean wars. That was catastrophe of poverty, hunger, lack of medical facilities, lack of opportunities, widespread corruption, political murders and a general decay. The Congress and newbie AAP continues to believe that same system is the solution to the problems it created. Corrupt and failed systems and parties find a willing partner in the news media. The Goebbels will keep telling you AAP is the greatest miracle to happen to Delhi and is likely to storm India. It is not prudence or logic; it is their desperate hope. This is a collage of that ideology:
We can add some more. USSR failed, Nehru failed, Indira failed. Poverty and other problems we started out with are still with us. The last five years of the Congress-UPA have been the worst for India by every measure. Just add terrorism to the concoction. It is a severe failure of another Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi that the media doesn’t dare to talk about. Puppets like Manmohan Singh or P. Chidambaram may share the blame but the fountain of failure is indeed SoniaG. She knows it and the Congress knows and the MSM knows and even Sagarika’s Uncle knows it. That being the case, the Congress is a master at building fences. Here’s my little piece on it from ‘Desperate measures – 9: Building fences”:

It is necessary to flank and protect the queen as I have written over a year ago. Nothing that is happening is accidental. The fences were built long back but are only being erected in instalments. The fences are being erected out of the real fears of Sonia. The FSBs and MNREGs may bankrupt the country. Our security may take a back seat but under no circumstances is Sonia or Congress willing to sit in the Opposition again. They will follow the old CNN-IBN tagline: “Whatever it takes” to kill the devil that haunts them in the form of Modi. If the media finds time after all this you might get a peep into Coalgate, Black Money or Inflation, but it’s pretty unlikely. In the meantime you might want to figure out what the next “fence” will be and where it will be erected”.

Arvind Kejriwal may spend the rest of his life denying he and AAP are Congress stooges but I doubt anyone is going to buy it. AAP is just another “fence” for the Congress. The Congis know too well they’re going to do badly at the elections this year. They need a “fence” to fight the biggest enemy: BJP and, particularly, Narendra Modi. They have media channels like CNN-IBN, NDTV and their group outlets and also the India Today group to campaign for them. How AAP wants to combat corruption can be measured by the fact the states they have targeted for contesting LS elections are Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP and Tamil Nadu. All of these are “Congress-mukt” states. The only other state chosen by them is Haryana, being a Delhi neighbour and AK’s home-state. To put it bluntly, AAP is a bench-warmer till the LS elections and based on outcomes of those elections will see which way to jump.   

As with AAP the media too has slowly blacked out any mention of Congress corruption. So much so that the MSM and AAP would have you believe that BJP is more corrupt than Congress. I have strongly emphasised that the MSM is now a resort for scoundrels; a place where the dogs of society howl the loudest in protection of Congress. A serious crime investigation will expose the corruption in each and every major media outlet. An investigation into the assets of some of the media celebs will reveal even more. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has started an inquiry into the functioning of the fraudulent Tehelka group of Tarun Tejpal. There is no reason to believe the others are any different. Time will tell.

There is not a single institution that hasn’t been destroyed or bankrupted by the Congress in the last 10 years. Even PSUs and banks have been destroyed with worthless crony loans. Bad loans are their highest at the moment and you don’t have to wonder where all this money has gone. Some of it to the likes of the “king of good times”, some to the slaves in media and the rest just disappeared. I wrote in May 2013 that for India to progress Congress must die. It is not just the party but the Communist ideology which has failed all across the world and in India must die too. Here’s an excerpt:

In the name of fake secularism the Congress party and its supporters have divided the nation through religious reservations and privileges. Every policy of the party smacks of vote-bank politics and nothing more... Rahul Gandhi campaigns in Karnataka and talks about corruption. With what face does this non-performer talk about corruption? His own personal integrity or commitment to public work is suspect going by his poor attendance and participation in parliament. The same goes for the PM who promises a corruption-free state in his insipid campaigns. All of this, while they represent the most corrupt party in the entire democratic world! What does it say about the slavery of Congress and its supporters who still live a life of slavery to one family which is protected like a royal household? Sonia Gandhi enjoys all the trappings of a queen without the slightest responsibility or accountability for any deeds of the govt or her party”.

RahulG still talks about corruption and claims Congress is the biggest fighter of corruption in the country. You can’t blame the man for lack of humour. How brazenly the party lies can be seen in the latest hoarding in Delhi over the Lokpal bill. His party projects this muddle-mouth as their PM candidate. You can estimate what would happen to the country if he were to ever become PM. And all the time this ‘Congotri of corruption’ that loots the country claims to stand for the poor, the downtrodden and farmers. Here’s a note left by a farmer killing himself (from NDTV April 2012):

But none of these matter to Congress or to SoniaG. This party has a one-point agenda: how to win elections and grab power no matter what it takes. In the process they will use and misuse all the powers of the state against their opponents. That’s why Congress and their crony MSM trashes and abuses Narendra Modi. He is the real fear of Sonia and the Delhi-Durbar media. Here’s an excerpt:

The only ideology of the Congress is “Gandhi” as someone said. The only other ideology is how to gain and remain in power at any cost. The economy, economics and all other such considerations are secondary. The media keeps asking if RahulG will stand up and fight Narendra Modi. This is their fake wet dream. RahulG can’t even fight small-time politicians let alone a giant. The meteoric rise of Modi threatens SoniaG and this is probably her greatest fear. All the filthy language that Congress politicians use for Modi is used on her behalf. Her self-preservation is more important than any issue for the Congress. Without her the Congress is just a Sibal. If the Congress spokies are so agitated at the rise and elevation of Modi as the party campaign Chairman it is a reflection of the fears of Sonia Gandhi. The Congress political fortunes have been on a downswing and the one person who threatens their power the most is the one most discussed and vilified in the media. These are the fears of Sonia Gandhi manifested in the media’s poor discourse”.

The MSM that howls day and night in hatred for Modi suddenly woke up December end to talk about Muzaffarnagar. I estimate this was an advance notice secretly given to them about RahulG’s visit to the town and victims’ camps. Promptly, all the parrots in the media were talking Muzaffarnagar. Rajdeep and Sagarika even rushed to Muzaffarnagar for a curtain raiser. Oh yes, Sagarika was smart enough to do her whole show in “Hindi”. Wonder what she was eyeing, eh? But there’s another sinister near black-out that should tell you how Anti-Hindu the MSM is. Their hatred for RSS/BJP and Modi extends to anything that moves in saffron. These pics tell a story:

For years Sadhvi Pragya was jailed without sufficient evidence and denied bail. Nobody made any noise in the media. This same media screams itself hoarse when Muslims are arrested on terror-suspicion. On December 27, 2013 NIA was reported to be dropping the case against her. This important news went without a single debate or discussion on any news channel. Being Anti-Hindu pays for the media. The kicking and screaming over the Shankaracharya being accused of murder went on for months. The media had already declared him a murderer and criminal. When a court found him innocent it hardly found a passing mention. I don’t vouch for the hours they screamed as shown in the pic but it does reflect the severe prejudice against Hindus by channels like NDTV and CNN-IBN who appear to be the most communal in their slanted discourse. Some suspect it’s because the editors of these channels aren’t Hindus themselves and others suspect funding from vicious sources.

Communists, Socialists and Fascists have managed to fool people since the 19th century. It grew worse in the 20th century and it also died in most major countries of the world, except in India. Even the Chinese are now Commies only nominally. I sometimes talk about Evita (Eva Duarte de Peron) whose rags to riches story is still worshipped in Argentina (read here). She could be your Sonia Gandhi or Arvind Kejriwal or Mamata Banerjee or any other Amma. Che Guevara, a Commie guerrilla warrior, is also worshiped all over. I’m sharing a video in which I have slightly modified AK’s singing at his swearing-in ceremony to a commentary at the election of Juan Peron as President of Argentina in 1946 with the much adored Evita by his side. Then her appeal to Argentinos as her end nears after she had mostly lived a life of luxury and failed to deliver on her promises. The final part of the video contains what “Che” actually thinks of Evita (This Che is an imaginary Che Guevara as a narrator and not the real one). Video 7.15 mins:

Quite like the announcer, Kejriwal likes to tell everyone “we are all CMs now, we are all ministers now”. Communists like to glorify poverty. They make it so romantic and respectable that even movies used to glorify poverty. People should love the poor but hate poverty. For Commie misrule to survive it is important to keep people uneducated, poor and misinformed. This is the Congress trick that is followed by all its offshoots like SP, JDU, NCP etc. and lately AAP. Evita, unfortunately, died at young age of 33 (and she wasn't evil). Since those days, in the 1940s, Argentina has been through turmoil, trauma, anarchy, violence, military rule and even a war (Falklands 1982). It now enjoys some stability. Closer home, it took Bengal 34 years to get rid of the sickness called CPM. Delhi was already infected, it just became worse. India stands at the crossroads of Communism and Democracy, of honourable livelihood, freedom and fraudulent scam-ridden freebies. A victory for the Commies in 2014 will result in enduring loot, corruption and anarchy. It’s not a mere contest between political parties. It’s a contest between Good and Evil.

A Happy New Year to all…


  1. Excellent. Thanks for the standout statistical info on coverage of shankaracharya case

  2. PS: For those interested in reading the similarities of how the Perons destroyed Argentina's economy (which was once the 4th richest country in the world) with their "collectivism" a short summary is available at the following link:

    The Evita Factor

  3. 2014 is indeed a pivotal year. We will see if the people will be fooled yet again.

    Happy new year Ravinar. Keep writing.

  4. Thanks Ravinar for the link. It makes you think if India is being seduced by promises of easy solutions to complex problems. Think AAP. Think Delhi

  5. Ravinar...The calendars of 1947 and 2014 are the same. Hope it is not just a coincidence and we get our second independence this year. Happy new year and raising a toast to #CongressMuktBharat.

    1. The Calendar repeats itself every 28 years, besides it may also repeat itself any time between 5 to 23 years. Hence, 1947 was also repeated in 1975 and 2003.

      The year 2014 is just a repeat of 1986, 1958, 1930, 1902 etc and will again repeat in 2042, 2070, 2098 and so on

  6. An eye opener post on the new year!The problem is that there are many FOOLS who still denying that 'AK & AAP are Congress stooges'.And there are many ex-NaMo supporters turned to AAP in Gujarat who started chanting same anti-Modi lines which AK taught them.The reason they mention denying Cong relation is that 'AK defeated Cong CM'.Hope these youths understand the truth and stop supporting AK.

    1. Nikunj, when all said and done, most people who join AAP would be their own party discards just like former BJP MLA who joined AAP today.

    2. Phanibhushanbhai, you are absolutely right.

  7. This is a fight between good and evil let these posts travel to infinite population of India as many have suggested in different languages.
    Ravi ji i hope someday your articles are read in all indian languages and we get to know evil deeds of the corrupt Congress and maaha-corrupt aap party till then glory to u & ur pen and may this year end with Modi as our PM.

  8. Dear writer,
    Thanks for this super write up and wishing you a very Happy New Year!
    Why don't all like minded nationalist come together and start an honest and unbiased Channel?
    The Indians are forced to watch NDTV and CNN IBN because they don't have any other option...
    I know I am asking a lot but again, if fools can come together to form a party, AAP and even win many seats then at least educated and aware people can start a news channel.
    To start with, people like us can donate to the channel till it becomes self sufficient.
    Please share if you have similar thoughts....

    1. It's a good idea. You could start as a free channel on YouTube. Then move to TV once u garner viewership.

    2. Ravinar, please take lead on this. I am willing to donate money for this cause.

  9. What a way to welcome 2014 n (hope for/fear of)things to come by. Hope the year has the former for all of us, happy 2014 enlightening us!!!

  10. Dear Mr. Ravinar and all my friends of this blog I wish you all a prosperous New Year.

  11. “Communist, socialists and fascists have managed to fool people since 19th century.”
    In India they have done so with great efficiency. In spite of being grossly communal and responsible of lacs of communal killings, Flag of secularism is in their hands, thanks to propaganda of criminal media thugs.
    Freebies, false promises and populist policies at the cost of public money is worst type of corruption in which AAP is indulging from the day one. You may speak all the lies and you may indulge in all dishonest practices including cheap vote bank politics but flag of honesty will be in your hands if it suits deeply corrupt media houses propaganda agenda.
    This is the best piece of writing I have read on Mediacrooks.
    Thanks and happy new year.

  12. Again as expected and like to read informed article. Keep writing...

  13. Superb work Mr Ravinar. My Best wishes to a Commie free 2014 to all.

  14. The commie ideology world over is defeated because it had face the challenges of managing Economy, particularly for China and Russia. Both of them lost due to their idiotic principles of Economics. To eradicate commies from India we need to force them to face the realities. Till then many versions like JDU, SP, BSP.... AAP will come and will fool around with the economics of the country. And that is detrimental to this country. We will have to fight Communists who are hiding behind Congress, AAP who are nothing but Shikhandi of Mahabharata. I hope BJP/NaMo/RSS takes the cue from this. They should know who are country's enemy. It is the communist ideology.

  15. Excellent write up yet again.

  16. It is said of communism, if you are not a communist at 20 you have have no heart, but if you are still a communist at 40 you have no brain. There is a real danger the 20 somethings and those who refuse to grow up might tilt the balance in favour of the Congis.

  17. As far as you "Defamation coverage" vs "Coverage when acquitted" is concerned. I would like to point out that NaMo's so called Rambo Act discussed on all NDTV, Times Now, IBN and their other siblings continuously for a week at least in their Prime Time. And the retraction by Times of India? That was on 8th page in a half column of the Delhi Edition. Not a word is discussed on it on any of these MSM channels in their so called prime time.

  18. Its still going to be a uphill task for NAMO to be the PM. My best guess is BJP will select a more Sickular face (like Advani, Jaitely or Sushma) if they fail to form the govt on its own, for getting more allies and even though it will be a BJP led Govt their hands will be tied as the sickular parties like TMC, JDU, BJD (in case they do join the Govt) will make sure they follow a Common Minimum Program. So its imperative for all of us to ensure that BJP gets 272 on its own else India stands to lose the greatest opportunity after independence.

  19. I wonder when do you do this research while writing up the articles like this high quality. MediaCrook is real media! Thank God! at least I have some good media to consume thoughts!

  20. hi all

    unbelievable but true :

    it has been four full days since the swearing-in ceremony of ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’ and his famous speech on that very day – oh, so sorry – ‘divine parvachan’ on that very day. parvachan – what are you saying, are you all-right – how come – well, well – parvachan because there were thousand and thousands of bhakts, bhakts and only bhakts out there – ok – right – but divine – why divine – well, well, well – because for the first time in his life – for the very first time in his life – he spoke about – ‘parampita parmeshwar, ishwar, allah and wahe-guru’ – never before, read carefully – never ever before and that too not once, not twice but three times – so, so that is why divine – simple – isn’t it – isn’t it or IS IT – any guesses – why ?, asking again – any guesses – why ?……………..

    and – and during this divine parvachan – another great thing happened which seems to have slipped out of everybody’s mind or let’s say – it didn’t slip out but everybody took it with lots of grace and humility and simply moved on. so, then – when everybody else has moved on – we should also move on – why waste everybody’s time and energy – isn’t it. ok, sorry, my mistake – but – but – stop – stop – after all, atleast we should know – what was that thing which everybody listened and then moved on – any guesses, any guesses……………………………..

    well, well, well – let me take the honour of highlighting this to all of you and that thing was – ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’, well – stop for a moment – before anybody think over it, let me warn everybody in advance that though ‘Gods’ normally do not heap much praise upon their subjects during their parvachans but this ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’ as an exception heaped praise on – get ready, yes – get ready for this – he heaped praise on Dr. Harshvardhan of bjp – yes, you heard it right – everybody out there heard it right – i mean, out of 125 crores aam-aadmis of this country – whom he mentioned about thousand of times – he singled out ‘Dr. harshvardhan’of bjp – praised him and – and moved on – yes, you read it right that – he moved on and so everybody else also moved on including Dr. Harshvardhan and bjp and rightly so – isn’t it.

    Oh my God – Oh my God – such a big let down – much ado about nothing, making a mountain out of a molehill. well guys, it’s such a waste – i mean – let us all move on, let us simply all move on – wasted a lot of time out here. no, no – hey guys, hey guys – stop, stop – wait, wait – just listen to me, just listen to me, just a simple question, one question and afterwards – i promise, i promise – i won’t say anything else anymore – and that is – ‘Why, Why – that day that time God made out that Exception – Why ?’ – anybody…………can anybody.,…………. hey guys – i am waiting,………………i – am – seriously waiting…………………………& waiting……………………………..


    for bjp – now, its a

    1. True. I also noticed it But can not drive at the significance. Can anybody enlighten me.


    2. hi all & kuloor gopal nayak

      right now, all i would say is - it didn't happen out of a blue. pretty solid stuff was behind that.

      therefore, i will urge you, your friends and other readers to think hard about it and think one more time about it.


  21. I love you man, what a post. If modi loses because of AAP,MSM etc it will be a great tragedy for our country. Unfortunately many of our countrymen are not able to understand the sinister game being played to somehow keep modi out.

  22. Barring very few leaders, the BJP top brass is not straining any nerve to see Modi as our PM. It is Modi all through who is struggling to bring BJP to power with the help of the dedicated RSS and BJP cadre. If only he makes it happen, tab aayega mazaa! BJP will showcase the most shameless melee in the cabinet formation, keeping Modi on the backburner. Despite all his efforts, Modi may still fail to realise the hope of 'Congress-mukht-Bharat' mainly because of his own party leadership and an indifferent electorate. Congress has ensured that the common man's psyche and the back bone are fractured with the help of MSM such that he / she is always dependent on freebies with no concern for accountability.

    1. I agree with Srivathsan. Ravinar should take a lead immediately. He is a bank of great ideas, informations, and what not. He should immediately form a limited company, call for private placement investments by way of equity, and with the funds collected, take over a sick MSM channel. We have full 4 months to go for the elections, and Ravinar can definitely achieve great results given the talents he has displayed to all of us through this blog.

  23. I will go one step ahead and suggest that call for contributions by way of direct donations or form a limited company and and let people have equity shares. I will personally promise to collect thru friends at least Rs. 5 lacs to start with.

  24. The old sick man i.e..Advani should step down, the grandma Sushma swaraj should keep herself within the confines of kitchen and allow Modia free hand.

  25. My first post in this blog but longer one..Sorry about that

    I am from IT industry in Chennai and had a discussion with my friend about AAP. His line of argument was that since AAP is claiming that they will clean up corruption they should be given an opportunity. I asked him whether he is aware of anybody else who has addressed corruption largely in his/her state (not claim but in reality!) and his answer was there is nobody in India. That is where i realized that apart from the negative campaign against Modi, the lack of information from media about the positive changes ( and not claims) in Gujarat were not even being discussed. My point was if AAP has taken support from Congress to form government and all along they claimed that they will fix corruption but take support from Congress to form government, how do you expect them to fight corruption. His argument was if AAP takes action against Congress, then will you believe about its intentions. Then i realized that people are clinging on to hope based on promises but unwilling to accept somebody who has demonstrated fixing the issue because they didn't develop their perspective from various sources(lack of media discussion also).

    Coming to some positive news, i also had a discussion with a call taxi driver and he was clear that he wants Modi to be PM as he is capable of fixing lot of the problems we are facing now. I asked him on what basis he was saying this. He talked about his friends/relatives who had visited Gujarat and their feedback about how better it is there. He told that few people whom he know who got job posting in Gujarat are not interested in relocating to Chennai as they feel it is much better there. He also talked about roads, electricity, water and safety of women(even in night they are no safety concerns) in Gujarat, the opinion he seems to have formed after hearing first hand information.

    In my opinion more than the negative propaganda in media against Modi, the bigger injustice is that of not discussing/debating the right things happened/happening in Gujarat. But truth seems to find its way through other sources and i do hope that this gains momentum in coming months.

    1. Dear Makesh:
      1. Media will never highlight the name of Babanrao Lonikar BJP MLA from Jalna, Maharashtra who got the first FIR filed in Maharashtra Irrigation Scam.

      2. Media will never highlight the names of Hansraj Ahir BJP MP from Vidharbha and Prakash Javdekar BJP MP, Maharashtra who exposed the Coal scam.

      3. Media will never highlight the name of Kirit Somaiya ex BJP MP Maharashtra who exposed the Rotten Grains scam.

      But its upto us nationalists who want to see a Congress Mukt Bharat to dig deeper and find the truth about how much BJP has exposed Congress and how much media has covered up for Congress.


    2. Makesh/Bhanu: The first thing when (and I sincerely hope so) Modi/BJP/NDA come to power they should initiate financial audit of all these corrupt TV channels. How they keep on losing money on paper but their main persons keep getting richer and richer?

  26. A Very Happy New Year To All.
    Sad when educated and informed people fail so miserably to understand the ground realities in Indian Politics. Firstly CONgress and BJP are two sides of the same coin. Till this truth does not sink in anyone's head no other truth is going to sink in. No political party has ever talked of changing the 'System' why? because they created it and it suits them. All of Citizen's grievances and India's woes can be traced back to the 'System'. Wake up Guys or it will be too late. Jai Hind.

    1. Truth is AAP & CONgress are on the same side of the coin...

    2. Out of 66 years of independence Congress party had ruled India more than 80 per cent of time and most of the time with minimal opposition. BJP is existed for what thirty some years? How can you equate Congress with BJP? We are sad when educated and informed people fall for totally inexperienced, novice AAP. A good company would be reluctant to hire even a clerk who did not have any experience.

    3. hi all and phanibhushan joshipura

      can we crib about people choosing crap. the issue is did bjp do enough or for that matter of fact - did we do enough to make them aware about that crap

      and the answer of that is - Big - 'No'.


  27. As usual an excellent post. I find that the video does not work. What is the problem?

  28. hi all

    unbelievable but its true

    it has been four full days since the swearing-in ceremony of ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’ and his famous speech on that very day – oh, so sorry – ‘divine parvachan’ on that very day. parvachan – what are you saying, are you all-right – how come – well, well – parvachan because there were thousand and thousands of bhakts, bhakts and only bhakts out there – ok – right – but divine – why divine – well, well, well – because for the first time in his life – for the very first time in his life – he spoke about – ‘parampita parmeshwar, ishwar, allah and wahe-guru’ – never before, read carefully – never ever before and that too not once, not twice but three times – so, so that is why divine – simple – isn’t it – isn’t it or IS IT – any guesses – why ?, asking again – any guesses – why ?……………..

    and – and during this divine parvachan – another great thing happened which seems to have slipped out of everybody’s mind or let’s say – it didn’t slip out but everybody took it with lots of grace and humility and simply moved on. so, then – when everybody else has moved on – we should also move on – why waste everybody’s time and energy – isn’t it. ok, sorry, my mistake – but – but – stop – stop – after all, atleast we should know – what was that thing which everybody listened and then moved on – any guesses, any guesses……………………………..

    well, well, well – let me take the honour of highlighting this to all of you and that thing was – ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’, well – stop for a moment – before anybody think over it, let me warn everybody in advance that though ‘Gods’ normally do not heap much praise upon their subjects during their parvachans but this ‘God – Arvind Kejriwal’ as an exception heaped praise on – get ready, yes – get ready for this – he heaped praise on Dr. Harshvardhan of bjp – yes, you heard it right – everybody out there heard it right – i mean, out of 125 crores aam-aadmis of this country – whom he mentioned about thousand of times – he singled out ‘Dr. harshvardhan’of bjp – praised him and – and moved on – yes, you read it right that – he moved on and so everybody else also moved on including Dr. Harshvardhan and bjp and rightly so – isn’t it.

    Oh my God – Oh my God – such a big let down – much ado about nothing, making a mountain out of a molehill. well guys, it’s such a waste – i mean – let us all move on, let us simply all move on – wasted a lot of time out here. no, no – hey guys, hey guys – stop, stop – wait, wait – just listen to me, just listen to me, just a simple question, one question and afterwards – i promise, i promise – i won’t say anything else anymore – and that is – ‘Why, Why – that day that time God made out that Exception – Why ?’ – anybody…………can anybody.,…………. hey guys – i am waiting,………………i – am – seriously waiting…………………………& waiting……………………………..


  29. Ok so this is BJP fan blog, good to get that cleared! Why don't you air out BJP corruption too, or is BJP holier than even the almighty? Why don't you question how Modi ji gave gas wells for a pittance to just 6 day old foreign companies? Yedurappa is back, what ideology is that? BJP fielded most no. Of criminals in Delhi elections, no issues right? Where are the funds coming from for 1000 trucks of supporters being sent to Shri Modi's rallies? Thought this is an unbiased forum, but this seems paid for by RSS and BJP stooges.

    1. Since you dont like the post, you must be one of those AAPtards who float around every where saying "Congress-BJP Bhai bhai". What exactly is BJP corruption anyway when compared to Congress. Nothing but you AAP idiots are Cong servants who want to paint the BJP black. If you cannot face the truth buy some tablets and go back to begging in Communist rule.

    2. Ok Mr Aaptard, What if you claims are overruled by the fact checking? What will you do then? What if AAP + CON nexus is proved? What if AAPs record of non performance and hidden Commie agenda to ruin India's future is proved?

    3. "CIA’s Trojan Horse enters the Heart of India"

      Read out the shocking revelation about AAP & its "holier-than-thou" leaders like AK, Sisosdia's dealings as stooges of foreign intelligence at ...

      Ford foundation representative, Steven Solnick, told Business Standard --

      "Foundation’s last installment to Kabir (an NGO run by Magsaysay award winners Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia) was in 2010. Our first grant to the NGO was of $1,72,000 in 2005 ; the second was in 2008 of $1,97,000 ”

      In reply to an RTI query that questioned the funding and expenditure of Kabir, the organisation has disclosed that they have received funds from the Ford Foundation (Rs 86,61,742), PRIA (Rs 2,37,035), Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (Rs 3,70,000), Dutch Embassy (Rs 19,61,968), Association for India’s Development (Rs 15,00,000), India’s friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nationals Development Programme (Rs12,52,742) while Rs 11,35,857 were collected from individual donations between 2007 to 2010.

      Why is India allowing Trojan Horse NGOs of Kejriwal to receive grants from international agencies like the Ford Foundation???

      Another shocker:
      India's greatest mass movement leader who toppled Indira gandhi, JP Narayan was also a Magsaysay Award winner & was in the payroll of CIA...........

      Google >>


      Does it ring the bell???

    4. "Where are the funds coming from for 1000 trucks of supporters being sent to Shri Modi's rallies?" A*****e my parents attended 2 of his rallies in Chhattisgarh on their own expenses and even paid Rs 10 to get an entry and I myself attended his rally in FC college road Pune....he is a crowd puller so STFU

  30. It seems that the shelf life of the romance between media and Kejriwal would be 5 months, till the general elections. Nobody would be surprised if after 5 months these anchors start shouting-"the country wants to know Mr.Kejriwal..." or "Kejriwal ke susashan ki pol khuli"

    In her book 'Durbar' Tavleen Singh quotes Aroon Purie (Owner of India today group) in 1986 when Rajiv was the PM (page 238 para-3). Purie says-"I don't mind being considered a chamcha (sycophant) of Rajiv Gandhi.....". Obviously, the content of news is being decided by business interests and not by fairness or truth.

  31. Dear Ashwini Gupta,

    That's the whole point dear. While BJP/Modi sympathisers are well aware & accept that Politics is a whore business & nobody is 100% clean because its human tendency to be corrupt, we find Kejriwal simply fooling the people with his theatrics of anti-corruption. On the other hand he has already proved in last 3 days that he is no different than Sonia Gandhi when it comes to giving free this & free that. Kejriwal knows very well that he has maximum 3 months in his hand & hence shall have no qualms in giving everything free for votes just like Sonia's Food security bill. Who has given him the right to empty state coffers for political motives ???? His next move will be to resign after a few months & create a sympathy wave for himself. Although many may not agree with me but I really believe that " Defeat of Sheila Dixit " was a calculated strategy of Congress/AAP to project Kejriwal as some giant killer because Congress was anyway's losing Delhi very badly. Now compare this to NAMO who is ruling Gujarat for past 12 years without a single accusation of corruption against him & with world class governance model of growth. While there are anti-national & pro-Jihadis individuals in Kejriwal gang who want's plebiscite in Kashmir we have a real leader in NAO whose clear ideology of Nation First is way beyond what Kejriwal gang can ever offer to India.

  32. hi all

    and special hi to all aap-bhakts

    enjoy this :-

    aap’s top man – the heart and soul of aap – his great qualities – his love for our country – and his commitment to change the system

    prashant bushan : country’s top-notch lawyer, charges a fee of few crores only from aam-aadmis and not from aam aadmis but from every aadmi or aurat — what – few crores from aam-aadmis – how dare you, sorry sir – why get angry – paapi pet ka savaal hai, roji roti ka sawaal hai but – but hold on – hold on – just one exception – bring to him any case – any case against narender modi – and – and – get ready – he will fight for free-free-free any day any time – i promise, i promise thousand times.

    for every aap-bhakts kind information :-

    he is one of the main petitioner in gujrat snoopgate case along with dear congress against narender modi – where the said-girl was not raped, was not molested, was not sexually assaulted, was not sexually harassed and-and when nothing came out of it. well guys, how about the love-story ‘pakao’ between that girl and modi – so – so – when nothing came out of it then – screw the girl – yes, latest is said-girl’s character assasination has got started in a big way by one and all.

    he was one of the main petitioner in gujrat riots-2002 -off-course with congress and with all their human lovers-NGO’s, whose hearts bleeds for gujrati muslims, gujrati muslims and gujrati muslims – what – how dare you talk about assam-hindu-muslim riots in front of them, how dare you talk about more than 100 hindu-muslims riots in u.p including mujaffarnagar in front of them – didn’t they tell you earlier that they exist – they exist only and only for – what – haven’t they mentioned it thousand of times – to kill only and only and only – modi.


    1. Prashant Bhushan blames IB etc for its actions against organisations like SIMI, since it seems IB etc is filled with "communal" elements. So far from the congi dictionary and MSM, I understood that any one following even some descent extent of hinduism is "communal". AAP goes to the next level - Anyone dealing with islamic terrorism, even to descent extent is very much communal.

  33. and continues :

    he is one of the main petitioner in batla house encounter – where cops killed the terrorists – but this face of humanity said – no – no – no terrorists but innocent muslims. unfortunately, court slapped him, thrashed him and rejected his contention completely. oh god, tears, tears all around from this face of humanity – never mind, no problem, he has not given up yet, now, he will fight it out in the higher court and not to forget – honourable shri digvijay singh of congress, honourable salman khurshid of congress and thousands and thousand of other honourable congressi supports prashant bhushan in this cause – remember – maalkin of this country – shrimati soniya gandhi ji had tears in her eyes at the news of innocent muslims being killed in the batla house encounter

    and – and – to hell – to hell with one important fact in all of this – that one delhi cop also got martyred in this encounter – but why to worry, why to worry – after all – you know what, you know what – he was a hindu – so his death is inconsequential – his death is inconsequential – right, isn’t it right aap-bhakts.

    i am sorry, i am so sorry that i forget to mention his great and personal relations with patriots and india-lovers – maoists, naxalites, kashmiri separatists, kashmiri terrorists and – and you know what, you know what – the only thing they discuss among themselves is the welfare, wellbeing and wellness of our country. they often talk about quite passionately sometimes with tears in their eyes – how they can liberate kashmir and if possible, hand over to pakistan, how they can have many pieces of this country – after all, naxalites and maoists’ heart also bleeds for our country. so – aap-bhakts – how’s that ? don’t you all support him and his friends in their noble cause.

    keep enjoying


    1. Ashley1888: But don't the Muslims have first right to our national resources?

  34. Happy New Year to you Ravinar AKA mediacrooks! What a brilliant piece!!! We as a nation owe you a great deal for your meticulous research and logic!!!

  35. Dear Ravinar,

    Another superb fact, put out here. I completely agree with your facts and logics to accept it.

    truly inspired by you, and started writing my blogs, I am sure these will make you happy and meeting the objectives of your venture.

    I will be really honored, if you can go through my blog, and write a line of comment. I am badly looking forward for it.

  36. Finally saw the video clip. That does not show up on the phone browser somehow. Brilliant job as usual Ravinar. This is a real do-or-die election for India. If Modi dos not get it this time, they will use everything in their power to destroy him.
    Happy New Year Ravinar and Happy New Year India!

  37. The calendars of 1947 and 2014 are exactly the same. Sentimentally hoping for a new beginning for India. Happy new year everyone.
    Strengths and wishes to Ravinar, keep up the awesome work.

    1. No, the Year 2014 is surely different.

      2014 is not a repeat of 1947, as stated in my earlier reply to another comment on this blog. Here is the full detail:

      In fact, the Calendar repeats itself every - note EVERY - 400 years. Where all the preceding and succeeding years also repeat themselves.

      However, it also repeats after every 28 Years, provided the 28 Year Period does not contain a Century Ending Year - like 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and the likes. Because, such Century Ending Years – like 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200 and 2300 etc – though divisible by 4, are Not Leap Years.

      But, if the 28 Year Period, either does not contain any Century Ending Year, or contains the Century Ending Years like 1600, 2000, 2400 and the likes, then the rule of Calendar repeating itself every 28 years holds good.

      The Year 2014, is just a repeat of 1986, 1958, 1930 and 1902. And, it will again be repeated in 2042, 2070 and 2098.

      The Calendar may also repeat itself, under the following circumstances:

      01. After 5 Years, if that 5 Year period contains 2 Leap Years - this is very rare.
      02. After 6 Years, if that 6 Year period contains only 1 Leap Year - this is very common.
      03. After 11 Years, if that 11 Year period contains 3 Leap Years - this is also common. The Current Year, i.e. 2014 is repeating the year 2003.
      04. After 17 Years, if that 17 Year period contains 4 Leap Years - this is also common. The Current Year, i.e. 2014 is also repeating 1997.
      05. After 23 Years, if that 23 Year period contains 5 Leap Years - this is also rare.

      In short, the Calendar repeats itself when Sum of (a) the Number of Intervening Years and (b) the Number of the Intervening Leap Years (Years Passed + Leap Years in between) is divisible by 7.

      This was just to share my views that mere Matching Calendar Dates do not cause any miracle.

      Incidentally, 1947 was an exact repeat of 1919 (Jallianwala Bagh Massacre) and 1947 was again repeated in 1975 (Imposition of Emergency by another dictator from the Khangress Stable).

      So, sentimentally, or otherwise, hoping for any miracle won’t do miracles, but working in the right direction and making our fellow citizens realize the true faces of this commie brigade may.

  38. Happy New Year to you Ravi and we hope to keep on reading you in this year....hopefully more often. I am worried. Congress is trying every trick (sic AAP) to stop Modi march. Ravi AAP needs to be exposed, because they started out fighting Congress corruption but have ended up joining them and distributing freebies just like Cong, JDU, SPs of the world. As if all corruption is resolved with the passage of Lokpal. Even in the BJP, the Advanis, Sushmas and Shivrajs are waiting for Modi to fall. With all this we dont seem to be heading anywhere unless Modi can overcome all these incompetent and dangerous a**h***s put together

  39. Very happy 2014 for you dear Ravi and the cause that you have been espousing.May you attain more than 1 crore page views before year end.May we also witness the historic defeat of evil and rise of the good for our country during 2014.
    As regards this new toy called AAP, people are already getting sick of its exposure in media.A 66 year old retired person asked me yesterday, how to get in to internet and social media.Says he can't stand those news channels.

  40. At the start of the new calender year, I am shuddered with the fear after reading your hard hitting article. I just wish that all other my compatriots become patriots and see through the sophisticated media campaign for evil forces. If your tiny efforts with this blog pays off and as per our wish, Good wins over Evil, we shall be indebted to you forever.

  41. I seriously think BJP might have donea huge mistake by not forming a minority govt. in delhi. BJP could have formed the govt. and could have countered AAP strategically. Kejri becoming CM gave lots of media and hype to him and his supporters are increasing exponentially. Whether it was a good decision or not will be definitely seen later. But I think BJP did a mistake and they could have curbed this commie party!!

    1. Without a clear majority and with no hope of getting a majority, BJP would have faced a sure defeat in the confidence vote. It was a sensible decision to stay away from power and expose AAP.

      After taking a moral high ground, AAP compromised its position by taking the support of congis. That it lacks the ability to govern will be proved soon. After all, distributing government largesse is not exactly governance. Besides, Arvind Kejriwal has a history of losing interest easily and not staying in a job for more than six months.

      From BJP's standpoint, AK will be tied down in Delhi for sometime (at least until 2014 elections) and his national ambition will have to take a back seat.

  42. This is the response from ignorant AAP supporter (from Gujarat) when questioned about AAP's socialist/populist schemes :
    "We want Simple Politics which can solve common man issues: Like:- Education- Medical treatment in family budget - Employment (NOT in COST of Selling MotherLAND) - LAW against Corruption & Political decentralization which is Heart of Democracy...There is nothing about Communist/Socialist/LEFT/Right and Centre ..This Ideology is one for the pundits and the media to pontificate about.People want easy solution only."
    Their every response is rotating around Lokpal,decentralization,etc....

  43. Im a BIG BIG BIG fan of you RAV. I start reading ur blog from last year and half i think. A guy on told me about this site in comment section and ever since then im hooked to this place. I dont think you gonna give a crap about wht I (mayb the only guy) feel after reading some of the last few blogs u wrote but im gonna write it down here, dont think u gonna even hav time to read my comments but this is coming from a BIG fan of urs and No Im not Rajdeep Sirdesai lol or APP BHAKAT. Im a big fan of Modi and hope he become PM of India in next election.
    Just one thing been troubling me tht lately u been bit wayyy to hars or should i say blindly talking bad about AAP. Lets face it tht APP is just a DELHI party nd nothin more then that and in Demo eveone got freedom to fight election so why soo much anger against them just fo fighting election? They been talkin crap about Congress from more then 2 years now n' every now and then they say some stuff about BJP n' Modi and just cuz of then they become Cong stooges? Dont it ever bother u that Cong ministers join BJP and vise versa? Remember that one mp of cong from Guj who took his gun out on tool booth joined BJP? I just dont knw man. All im sain is tht ur the only one i believed till now (and i still do) but I hope to see more fair and honest blogs from you. And like i said im No ONE and i dont matter wht i say cuz u got 1000000++ ME. Hope u have great year ahead and lets hope we see Cong Mukt Bharat soon. God bless you

    1. Dear navi singh,

      I appreciate your comments & thank you for demanding transparency from Ravinar. I would only add here that what Ravinar means by AAP being a Congress stooge is that AAP & Congress are no different in terms of Ideology of Socialism & sickularism. Now has Kejriwal or AAP declared that they support Modi for PM ???? The answer is certainly NO. Then doesn't that mean they are against MODI along with other Commie & sickular parties who end up supporting Congress after elections or take congress support ???? I sincerely hope you get the point.

    2. Why would they support Modi or Rahul as PM? U think Modi would support Keji or Rahul as PM? The answer is No! AAP is a diff party and they want to fight election, its not their fault tht Mediacrooks r going crazy ove every single thing he says. Like i said Modi is goin to be the next PM for sure and noone can stop him, app is just too small party to win anythin out of Delhi. Yes criticize them, no problem in tht but dont just blindly go after them cuz then wht will b the diff between NDTV, CNN etc who talk crap about Modi all the time fo no reason and this blog? Thats all im tryin to say and I dont mean to disrespect to Rav. Love his blog and I will keep on reding it

    3. @navi singh,
      The major anger of anti Cong citizens of the country against AAP/AK is: Having claimed they are different from mainstream political parties and they would never take/give support to any of the two major parties, and after Delhi elections, they took support of Congress and started behaving exactly like Congress. Otherwise, their win in Delhi would have passed off as win of any regional party in any other state. Anyways, this anger also will subside soon, and all pro-Modi citizens will soon focus on the task ahead, i.e. making Modi the PM of the country.


      "AAP is a diff party and they want to fight election, its not their fault tht Mediacrooks r going crazy ove every single thing he says"

    5. Hey Navi,
      you are simply not getting it right ? This is what our media does, programming minds of people.! Why the media which is congress controlled is hyping so much about AAP, every single channel bar some regional channels which are good still. AAP is a commie leftist party full of activists. Kejriwal himself protested against kudankulam before Jayalalitha kicked him out of the state. This muslim appeasement and anti-hindu party is set to destabilize the country! Why it is trying to destabilize the central election, they certainly know they cannot win but they are trying to make a dent....This is an anti-national party and for all his decisions where is the confidence of vote ? It seems congress is unanimously supporting decision of aap...what gives ? AAP is anti national party...If this is the state of a guy who has been reading MEDIACROOKS for more than a year, I cant imagine the state of the gullible people who are being shoved with 24*7 news about AK through the media !!!!

  44. Fighting Commie ideology, especially when it is so deeply entrenched (beginning 1930s) is not an easy task. For me AAP is a new avatar of the other Left leaning outfits. Challenge is that youth across the world get fascinated by the commie ideology in the formative years. Equal and egalitarian society seem so intoxicating when one is living off Dad's money. But if only equal distribution of wealth was so easy!! I do not wish to highlight the rights and wrongs on this matter. But the wealth can get redistributed if there is enough of it! We are witnessing the grave issues which common man faces when the free doles are handed out to nurture the votebanks. In this regard AAP seems to be no different so far. Talking about corruption is a rhetoric and would continue to do so till the time the fountainhead of corruption is closed down. And so far AK aka Mungerilal has not even uttered a word against SG and her cronies in the fight against corruption. He is of a simplistic view that if the local contacts in the government stop taking bribes (under pressure from Aam Aadmi and AAP), that would be the end of corruption.
    For the youth of this country, the agenda is not only corruption, but development and growth. More resources or money we have, the lesser is the need for corruption for Aam Aadmi. This I say from my experiences after traveling and working across the developed and developing countries. In poor countries, where the policemen are paid peanuts, they consider asking for money (bribe) as their right and even tell you in the face that they ask for money because government doesn't pay them even to make two ends meet.
    Eventually we need to grow our economy and make the government function rather than give out money as freebies which is routed back to the coffers of the corrupt. For the economy to grow, we certainly do not need a Left leaning ideology at this point of time. AK and AAP need to grow beyond the rhetoric and get into making the government efficient and functioning. Till then time to move on with the more rightist and pro development agenda.

    1. Mr. Rajput, excellent explanation of why Socialist ideas practiced by Congress since our independence and worse Communist ideas proposed and implemented by AAP is bad for our country.

  45. hi all highly educated direct and indirect aap-bhakts

    I have posted a comment above regarding the greatness of one of the founding fathers of aap.

    please read it and yes, enjoy it.

    special regards to all aap-bhakts

    1. yeah , we know AAP is an anti national party, but understanding this you might have to connect some dots which many of the gullible public won't do...They are being shoved with 24*7 news propagating aap by the news channels...I dont know what will happen if aap really starts to cut Urban vote share of BJP...Even 20-25 seats can prove fatal....Lets just watch how it plays out, unless AAP is completely exposed before LS, this hype is not gonna die and will increase exponentially, thanks to our tainted media backed by congress whose main intention is to stop Modiji at any costs !

  46. hi all

    Very - Very Important

    I have posted two comments above.

    you all are requested to read the first comment very-very carefully and respond as i have saught answers from all you readers

    please note :- some very dark realites are hidden in those answers.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Hi Ravi

    An IANS copy filed today might be of interest to you. Just go through para 15 of Prakash Karat's comment.


    "The commentary said that the virtues that AAP claims for itself - a clean image, incorruptibility, denial of perks and privileges of power and funding based on people's contributions - “are all part of the style and practice of the communists from the outset”.

  48. Going by majority,i too hugely request you to start a media channel.more than financial assistance I'll personally join in your team to do my bit. Please NIKE. √ . Happy new year

  49. i support others view to start a good TV channel.we are bored with English channels.still they are videshish.

  50. Good article, as always.

    Can you refer the child as "It" in the sentence "At the same time, ask the child to throw or give off some old ones it will flatly refuse. "

  51. An eye opening Article.Mr. Ravinar,I request you sir to please do something that Your article is also available in all leading Languages of India, so that it can be read by most of the People of India. Thanks for Your great efforts for our Nation.

  52. a very good, detailed, thought over article!


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