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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Political Conflict At CNN-IBN

From ‘Argo’: "If you want to sell a lie, you get the press to sell it for you”. Truer line was never spoken in the modern age. The press now exists to peddle lies and falsehoods. The CNN-IBN in the title is meant to represent the whole IBN or TV18 gang and not one channel. Not one editorialist in the media had the guts to call the farce being played out in Delhi by the AAP party for the last 10 days. Elections, then 18 questions, 25 lakh letters, SMS referendums and so on are the most idiotic methods introduced in a bogus concept they call ‘Direct democracy’. Most of the honest commentary on politics is now coming from the SM or from stray news site observers. Here are a couple of tweets from TheJaggi, editor of Firstpost:

If you read the first tweet on the left (in the pic above) you wouldn’t know what the context is unless you’re aware of the background. The second tweet is quite obvious. What Jaggi refers to as fake liberals I call “Fiberals”. So Jaggi thinks people talk about right and left wing without understanding these terms. Hmm! Okay, but what was he responding to? 

There’s another tweet by TV18 Chairman Raghav Bahl supporting “right wing” economics being most successful in eliminating poverty. Oops! Does Bahl understand right and left wing? Jaggi isn’t sure he does, so he replies with “right way and wrong way” so that the answer to ‘centre-right’ in Bahl’s tweet can be avoided. I am an admirer of Jaggi’s articles because he says it like he sees it and reasons it well. But he’s dodging here. He doesn’t want to admit that both left and right see “their way” as the “right way” to do things. And that’s the reason for the conflict and it’s a healthy conflict, as long it’s not violent. But if historical evidence is of any value then the “left way” of solving problems has indeed failed. The AAP represents extreme left ideology if one goes by their ideas and manifesto.     

On November 8, 2013 a “source” told me Rajdeep Sardesai was headed for Nagpur. Although my source was correct I wasn’t willing to believe RS would go all the way to Nagpur just to deliver a lecture and not run a few other errands. So in a lighter vein I asked the question on what RS would be doing in Nagpur. It is no secret that RS has a severe contempt for both the RSS and BJP as does his deputy Sagarika Ghose. This contempt has been nurtured very fondly in a parent-like manner by both Rajdeep and Sagarika across the IBN family. So you can understand the usual haters like Ashutosh, Wagle and others in IBN who constantly send across hate-filled messages for the BJP and Modi. Did Rajdeep tell us what happened in Nagpur? Only partly as the following tweets indicate:

RS had a good time and drew a crowd of 1000 (my source tells me the Rotary hall can accommodate only 350-500 people). But Rajdeep doesn’t tell us what the Caravan magazine writes about his trip to Nagpur:

So Raghav Bahl is a right-winger who admires Narendra Modi, then you can understand the conflict with his entire gang in the IBN family. Unlike NDTV, TOI Group and others who are permanent supporters of the Commie ideology of Congress, Bahl can make the shift if he wants to. The Caravan article isn’t entirely accurate because while Bahl may be leaning right for some reason, his entire sales team at IBN is full of committed Commies. The first tweet in this post by TheJaggi (December 1) where he says people don’t understand the terms right or left wing is in response to the Caravan article by Rahul Bhatia (December 1):

Rahul Bhatia suggests the shift to the Right is being influenced by Mukesh Ambani. In a tweet he also contends the organisation’s leaning need not apply to its people who are unhappy about it. One can’t be sure but it can only be partly true in the absence of any clinching evidence. But what we can confirm with ample evidence is that the entire sales team of IBN had been a slave of the Congress party since the channel was born. Rajdeep himself had made his fortune by peddling stories about Gujarat 2002 and abusing Modi. The Padma award is just a small recognition for his work. Secondly, just a few months back TV18 had fired a lot of their employees to make the business more viable. Even comedians like Ashutosh and Sagarika were reportedly on the chopping block but survived with salary cuts. That they didn’t sack Sagarika is a sacrilege. You can understand the widespread grievance, fear and anger in the company when this happened. The compassionate Rajdeep didn’t like it but had to play with the top management on this decision.

What follows is a theory of what I estimate happened at the company. Now remember, this is a theory with reason but still a theory (with some inputs from “sources”. If you haven’t read “The AAPSucker Proxies” I recommend you do, before proceeding)

#1: Bahl went along with the Congress as long as things were rosy as did his sales team. Once he noticed the corrupt Congress had hit rock bottom he wanted to make an open shift but he was asking too much of his team. You see, people like Rajdeep, Sagarika, Ashutosh, Sagarika, Pallavi, Bhupendra Chaube are all soaked in Congress bloodline and philosophy for many years and an overnight shift would have been impossible and also a betrayal of their “Fiberal” clan. What would their darlings like Amartya Sen or Tarun Tejpal think of them, eh? Supporting the Congress any further would have been a deadly mistake for all of them but given their anti-BJP DNA the only party they could turn to was AAP. So it is quite possible that Rajdeep & Co. made it clear to Bahl that they would go the AAP way and he can like it or lump it. Faced with a revolt Bahl may have chosen to play along.

#2: Rajdeep & Co. have taken the chance on AAP to somehow thwart Modi and BJP coming to power at the Centre in 2014. It implies that even if the Congress gets routed in 2014 they hope the BJP can be kept out of power. A Narendra Modi as PM is a dreadful thought for the entire gang of Fiberals. So, multiple interviews of Arvind Kejriwal and other internal promotions happened. Bhupendra Chaube’s tweet (which he later deleted) quoted in response to a question by me is ample evidence of what was going on inside the IBN sales team. On November 20, 2013 Karan Thapar dissected the AAP manifesto and Rajdeep grandly tweeted it too. This was the first time since 786 AD that a party’s manifesto was so gleefully analysed. Obviously, the fact that AK had promised 50% cut in power bills, 700 litres of free water per Delhi-family and 500 new schools in 5 years all went over “The Tool’s” head. Someone pointed out on TV 500 schools in 5 years means 100 in a year and nearly 2 a week. Allocation of land in Delhi is under the Centre so how these schools will be delivered doesn’t matter. Also, the foolish promise of 50% cut in power bills and free water passed over their heads. Nothing mattered! They had to support AAP in the face of a definite Congress rout.

#3: Here are tweets from Ashutosh and someone called Latha Venkatesh who allegedly works as a financial analyst or reporter in CNBC-TV18:

Sounds like two desperate housewives? No! Ashutosh has worked his way up from small beginnings and many of his messages betray a feeling of “victimhood” and that explains his natural sympathies for Commie AAP even when his message contains LIES. We all know AK appealed to Muslims and also Dalits. What about this Latha? She’s the latest laughing stock from the CNN-IBN stable. She decided to support AAP because Maharashtra’s Congress govt decided ‘no-action’ against Adarsh scamsters, including Ashok Chavan. Bright as she is, she is blissfully ignorant (influence of Sagarika?) that AAP hasn’t announced contesting major Congress states in the next election. They have so far announced only contesting in Gujarat and MP which have BJP govts for over a decade. The only Congress state announced by AAP for a contest is Delhi neighbour Haryana which is AK’s home state too. So the morons at IBN feign ignorance of the pattern in which AAP is planning its LS campaign but this Latha will support them in Mumbai. Who did she support earlier in Mumbai? Mayawati?

Therefore, Rajdeep & Co want to promote a party that is exactly like Congress but doesn’t have the baggage of Congress. Like Karunanidhi or Nitish Kumar they want to save India from “communal forces” I suppose. Oh hell, even Karunanidhi praised Modi lately, so that downs the friendly numbers. It could be well be that Raghav Bahl has given some latitude to Rajdeep & Co. till elections 2014. Having gone through the trauma of having to fire over 300 employees just recently I doubt Bahl wants to rock the boat again so soon. So he’s given Rajdeep a long rope which will probably burn up around May 2014. At the moment Rajdeep, along with other channels, is lauding the stupid acts of AK and AAP in their referendums and SMS nonsense. AK is playing “victim” like Ashutosh, claiming he was forced to become CM by the people. He has created enough excuses in case he is unable to perform and deliver on his promises: Blame the “people who forced us to form the govt”. In an earlier post I had mentioned he could have formed a minority govt without fear as neither Congress nor BJP would pull it down with a major election around the corner. Even cartoonists can see what the Numero Uno and Unee political analysts can’t. TOI’s Ninan sees AAP, a pawn, riding the Congress quite well in this cartoon, with a noose around AK's neck.

The desperate ones in the IBN family are as battered as the Congress is by the Modi juggernaut. They simply don’t know how to deal with it or explain the phenomenon. That should help people understand the ecstasy and orgasm that the IBN gang and other channels are desperately faking in hope the AAP electoral performance will clean up BJP in MP, Gujarat, Chattisgarh and Rajasthan or wherever the party is. Yesterday Rajdeep bleated his frustration with Akhilesh Yadav over the mishandling of Muzaffarnagar victims in camps. Well, many of Rajdeep’s IOTY nominees have indeed turned out miserable non-performers. But hey, it’s not performance that counts with the IBN gang, it’s whether their sham awards will be funded or not given the nominees they pick. Of course, CNN-IBN awarded another IOTY to Kejriwal this year so watch out for Rajdeep’s tweet a few months later. Some observant ones like Bhupendra Chaube, Suhasini Haider and Anubha Bhonsle have kept out of this malicious campaign by their ring leaders. Pallavi Ghosh still suffers from the Stockholm-syndrome with Rahul Gandhi.

TheJaggi knows better! He does know who is right wing and left wing. From the entire stable of IBN he was the only one to bluntly state that Sonia Gandhi is the most divisive politician in this country and not Narendra Modi. The whole gang at IBN (save a few) also know AAP is a pawn and clone of Congress. How far these “useful idiots” will carry their campaign is a matter of time. Much as clowns like Rajdeep and C5M Sagarika talk about “rifts” in political parties, a closer look into IBN will also reveal a severe political conflict that runs deeper.

PS: Please do vote on the poll for India’s worst news channels (on the top-right margin of this page).


  1. I would be happy if Guj, MP, Cha'garh ppl show AAP its place, if it contests in these states.

    1. It will surely happen. People in these states will not succumb to the tall and unrealistic promises made by AK. Let them act as B team, they will have their way biting the dust post May 2014.

    2. You seems to be ignoring a simple facts that win of BJP in all these states is because of relentless and some sort of door to door campaigning ( even more than Modi) by Baba Ram Dev, the fact highlighted by Ashok Gehlot, EC and media, though not directly. Except at top i.e Modi, Shiv Raj and Raman Singh, BJP and its local leaders are in no way different from Congress and their sycophant local leaders. AAP could make an impact in Delhi because they were able to connect with common people more effectively through better selection and projection of candidates, with whom the people could easily identify themselves. The way the media is giving space to AAP creates doubts among any sensible and thinking individual. But the fact remains that they have been able to make an impact and probably will repeat the same at National level though to the lesser extent, it they were able to connects with people,s issues properly. To me it appears, the biggest looser in the whole fight will be Baba and other nationalists as their effort and hard work will go unrewarded and unrecognised.

    3. AAP won not because of selection of candidates but it was anti Congress vote deflected to them by high decibel full time electioneering for more than a year and incredible promises. In fact many voters did not know the name of their AAP candidate, they just went along and voted for Kejriwal's nominee.

    4. I am not saying that the candidates were well known and their credibility was well established. In fact, they were so aam( not known) that the people from the area could very easily identify themselves with these candidates. If AAP would have selected the candidate from the same lot from which the main national parties are selecting, they would not have won made so huge impact in the first attempt. It is my assessment and you have every right to differ.

  2. Rajdeep and Co may soon be history at CNN-IBN ( unless they become objective and professional). Investors ( and not just any one of them ) are loosing patience . Their support for AAP is typical Rajdeep technique ( honed from ndtv school of shameless opportunism ) of profiting thru threat of ransom. They create a negotiating ground and bargaining power so that any action against them gets treated as victimization.

    1. On the face of it, i dont see any bias from MSM in all their prime time debates or Interviews.Let us be honest. They have asked tough and embarassing questions to KhanChris spokespersons as well and they have celebrated the reverses suffered by Khanchris. But I am not sure if there are any larger conspiracies to prop up their masters.

  3. On AAP per se , their recent moves have made BJP more majestic in its isolation.
    The Delhi mandate was anti-congress and AAP with the anti Modi media has completely betrayed it.
    Once AAP forms a government with congress support ,it will erode its anti corruption rhethoric . And in the next elections it will always be bjp against AAP + congress . This time too it was a anti congress mandate which AAP used to form government with congress . This is against the peoples mandate . People will now see AAP as congress ally. BJP should just learn to harvest it properly. And listening to some BJP leaders at Niticentral , they are taking the right steps. It is now for the people to understand the betrayel and respond appropriately nationwide

    1. I hope what you say is true. But I do agree with the Mark Twain quote that Ravinar used..."It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled". A lot of people who are gung-ho about the AAP magic, have the capacity to see their mistake, but just refuse to eat the humble pie. Just hope they correct their mistake at the ballot box which is thankfully secret!

    2. Yeah I too think so.
      Accepting "I was wrong" is one of the hardest thing to do.

    3. You are far too much optimistic. Politics isnt that simple.

      Scenario A)
      Read The Jaggi's article that AAP on self-destruct mode. Kejriwal can attempt to implement his silly agenda and sink the govt. ie reduce electricity rate or subsidise water supply etc at the cost of delhi's finances. Logic is get some credibility for LS elections - monetary issues can be tackled later or by next governmnet.

      Scenario B)
      The Delhi govt drama can continue until April 2014 and then congress will withdraw support. Kejri will go to elections again screaming they cheated us.....
      This is very much possible since the Congress target for 2014 is to deny Modi a chance rather than win themselves. Above will make Kejriwal an equal claim in anti-incumbency....

      There are several scenarios. People making informed choices is unforntunately a very unlikely scenario.

    4. When raising question about taking the support of most corrupt party in the universe,I have seen many AAP supporters spreading a logic like this : In the medical world, the vaccine is made using the disease viruses,same way AAP is using Congress to make anti-corruption medicine.So BJP needs to plan their strategy very carefully and I am sure NaMo already planned how to counter this AAP+Cong.

    5. My guess is 1) AAP govt.'s first priority, as stated, will be to pass Lokayukta bill. 2) start filing complaints to Lokayukta against Congress leaders (mainly) and a few BJP leaders 3) make a good show of deliberating on Economic Agenda , without taking any actual decisions. This thet will do by claiming to study and audit and popular votes and other devices. 4) bring the things on Congress corruption to a boil so that Congress is forced to withdraw support to AAP. 5) use this withdrawal as a tool for popularity in 2014 elections

  4. The stars are aligning perfectly for BJP, all that remains to be done from BJP's side is that they need to knock the point "If you are not voting for BJP, then that vote is going to Congress". This has to be repeated till it reaches the last voter in the last polling booth in remotest of villages.

    1. "If you are not voting for BJP, then that vote is going to Congress" - Excellent point. I

      If BJP stresses that Congress is sleeping partner of AAP, job will be half done.

  5. I just loved this post. I read in the Carvan article on CNN-IBN that in the editorial meeting of one of their property called FORBES India R. Jagannathan screamed at the editorial staff at FORBES that the magazine is meant for center-right polices (In US) and for the investors, how can your content be center-left? This is because the Center-Left has entrenched itself in the universities and educational system due to 67 years of influence. Very few journalists in India are Center-Right and that too is because of their natural intuition not by training.

    In India, journalism means only Center-Left (Favor all flavors of Left like Congress, SP,BSP,AAP...etc). If you dare to think Center-Right you will be termed as communal .

    1. That was well said.Since the demise of SWATANTRA party and RAJAJI's "Swarajya" weekly, we had very few Right of center publications.[ we had CURRENT to counter Karanjia's BlITZ] and hence Right of Center journos.Not only journalism or publication industry but the film industry and academia are full of leftists and fellow travelers, entrenched since times of pt Nehru.All have a vested interest in continuing with Congress/Commie brand status quo.

    2. Not just 'termed' as communal. Your narrative will be systematically 'editorialised' - as Ravinar calls it.

      eg: Vardabhai at 'The Hindu' . Read that paper now and compare it with the filth it was publishing 3 months back as 'op-ed's.

      p.s : I knew i can bet on Ambani to decide when to switch the team to the winning side :)

      I am not very clear if its the same reason for movements in other news media houses.

  6. I hope the next time Raghav gets a chance, he does axe both Numero Uno and C5M. Enough of them already. I don't even understand First Post. On one hand they have the awesome Jaggi, and on the other rabid hatemongers like Lakshmi Chaudhary and Brkar Patel. I doubt whether the teachers of Lakshmi and Bekar at journalism school would even allow them to pass their exams based on the quality of their articles. Another great piece Ravinar. Already waiting for the next.

  7. Excellent article.

  8. I find it funny that smart people like mediacrooks also think that Congress if left or center-left. Congress is just pro Congress and pro Nehru dynasty. Just take a look at the history of Congress rule, it is another form of slavery for Indians after the British left. Now we have the Brown Sahibs ruling over India.

    1. You are right. To be proper left, they have to hack political opponents to death , in public. That is missing.

  9. RS and his commie gang is indeed on their last leg. They will be replaced even if they decide to have a "change of heart". You will slowly see RS clout fading at IBN as slowly the fiberal journos are faded into background. This will be done in various ways. One way would be RS's new generals will be "center-right". And his old generals like Bhupendra/Pallavi etc will also get new bosses who are too "center-right". Ofcourse these C5M sympathizers arent going to work with/under such people. So they will join Outlook or Open or some other 2nd tier network.

    The most heartening thing is that none of their sophistication, articulation and planning is working against "raw" Modi. And its cuz of various factors. But they wont get it. And even if they do, they wont be able to set them right with Cong or AAP. These fiberal morons are going to implode anytime now.

    1. If Modi is half as clever as he is made out to be in the comments , he should target this second line of defence and the infra that runs it ( both physical and intellectual) - outlook and open and epw and kafila.

      But i have my doubts...

    2. Dear Praveen,

      Modi is an astute politician & not a masala film writer. He knows how much to chew & eat at a time. When he becomes PM, the first thing he will do is to set a target list to achieve in about 6 months & will go all out to achieve it. NAMO is a deliverer & not a hollow holier than thow like kejriwal. He does not waste even a moment on who is with him or against. His actions alone create a ripple effect on all his detractors & make them look silly. So it really doesn't matter to NAMO whether any Media house is a right wing or left wing or any Media house goes bankrupt because of loss of advertisements from GOI as he was never dependent on them from start. NAMO must only be careful in regards with his selection of ministerial team which might jeopardize his image on corruption, Kandahar Hijack like situation or an attempt by Congress to create a Godhra like situation. Otherwise he would be best PM India ever produced.

  10. Hi Ravi, each and every phrase, para and words have been beautifully put around to connect the dots. seems over the period you have got sources through your honest writtings in your blog. Expected some humor and you did not disappoing through the example of "Latha Venkatesh"
    If I have to choose the best statement in this blog then for sure its the quote of ARGO
    Cheers - Kartik Athreya

  11. Now paid-media started projecting Kejriwal as PM candidate with Modi & Rahul.. they r simply doing this to divide educated voters betwn Modi n AK to help Rahul I think..its really irritating... plse write/expose these lies of so called intellectuals...

    1. greshma - My view is that AK is targeting non-educated, poor, dalit and Muslim voters more than the traditional BJP voters. If you analyze the Delhi vote share, you would notice that BSP and Congress have been equally hit by AAP. It's true that BJP vote share has dented in Delhi, but considering the BJP sympathisers will vote for Modi in LS, AAP it seems would damage anti-Modi votes more

    2. You are right it is always non-educated, poor, dalit and Muslims who are being continuously fooled. But now with the spreading of education among all those class we can hope for the silver line in political awareness.

  12. The day the Network18 management fires C5M Sagarika (or demotes her to a Page3 Journalist), they would be rather back into serious news business...!! Until then, viewership will never change...!!!!

    Ashutosh is a retard. Lesser said about him is better, let this joker live his final days of editor..!!!!

    Few days ago, they were begging "Rahul.. Rahul" and suddenly the focus shifted on AAP, and so much that it runs for 24 hrs. The only wish the Fiberals have is whoever it may be, but no Narendra Modi coz they know it well, that they are loosing the game.

  13. Dear Ravi,

    Very thoughtful and thought provoking - par for the course (was tired of writing excellent everytime)

    I had tweeted before IOTY awards to RS that he will give it to Kerjiwal. Such was the suspense. I have the tweet - will forward it to you. My mom is no political pundit etc, but before election result she said (translating in english - what was said in Punjabi) "If Congress and AAP manage to get seats to form government, they will join hands" This was the gameplan and it worked.

    As I said in my tweet "The make-up has started coming off"

  14. MC,
    "Latha Venkatesh who allegedly works as a financial analyst or reporter in CNBC-TV18" -
    I love that allegedly part in the whole article.

    Look at how she carefully avoids mentioning congress/Chavan/Shinde in her tweet. Had it been Gujrat it would have been like "Modi's Govt dumped Scam report". No fiberal uses the word "BJP" these days. They always use "Modi". For the fiberal MSM, BJP means
    Advani/Sushma/Ananth Kumar and so on.....

    AAP has big plans for Karanataka too. Shri Shri Shri Yogendra yadav visited Bangalore couple of days ago. They have plans for all metro cities/urban centres except Chennai and Kolkatta.

    Like Modi, Delhi BJP (wait... I dont mean SS/LKA... I mean Dr Harshavardhan) Should target congress only. It should never target/talk about AAP.

    I dont know, whether people have noticed it ... These days Arun Jaitley is very vocal against Congress. SS has not learnt..

  15. The impending route of Congress and Communists in 2014 is changing many things.[ refer to news item in TOI today about CPM & CPI unable to find allies,or Dilip Padgaonkar pontificating to Modi to learn things from AK now]
    This power struggle within IBN was not known to us ordinary news consumers.Thanks for highlighting it.Plight of "fliberals" is pathetic.Just imagine the comic ways in which they are all scurrying for cover under AAP's umbrella.
    AK taking over as Delhi CM is good augury for BJP.Why didn't he force next elections, as was his boast during campaigning? Congress will allow him to become a hero with help of MSM for AAP to win 20 + LS seats snatching most of them from BJP and thus keeping BJP at 160+ .That way ALL in Delhi wil lbe happy to have kept Modi out of reckoning.

    1. The way AAP + Cong going , I can feel that both Media and Cong are dying to promote AAP nationwide.What I am seeing is that till Loksabha elections,AAP+Cong will try to 'Show' to people that they are 'trying to fulfill' their Delhi promises but BJP opposing it and then then use that as anti-BJP campaigning in 2014.As we already heard that AAP is planning to contest all 26 LS seats in Gujarat , AAP's agenda is getting clear. : STOP NAMO!!

  16. All these English News channels are bloody nice suckers !!! And no doubt RS looks the Best as you have analysed!!! Yes, the day is not far off when these gang will be watching TV News in their homes after May '14!!!!!

  17. in many govt. offices,you will find more than one union. you will also find many couple working in the same office. but the most interesting thing that i've noticed is, in most of the cases, husband and wife belong to different union.if husband is a member of a left affiliated union then wife is a member of either congress or trinamool congress affiliated one. i think, i don't have to explain the reason behind it. and i am also sure that i don't have to explain why in organisations like CNN-IBN,some is 'fiberal', some is 'left', some is 'right' but certainly no one is straight.

    1. Well said :)

      Trust in Ambani. He know how to play his cards....

  18. Media Houses everywhere aligns to some party. Most of English Channels align themselves towards congress. But then this Blog also aligns themselves towards BJP.

    I think AAP's decision to form Government trumped BJP's tactics and threw Congress into a total trap. First of all BJP was trying to provoke AAP by saying that they can't be taken seriously as they are running away from their responsibility. Congress gave a response similar to that but in a different tune.

    Now with AAP deciding to go and form Government, it achieved two things. One it had put Congress on the back foot. And it also checkmated BJP's plan to come to power in Delhi riding the Modi wave, if the State re-election's were held together with Lok Sabha. I think that nervousness is evident here the way the author writes this article.

    The Delhi vote was not only an anti-congress one but also was an anti-establishment one. That is something the author here tends to easily over look. If it was only an anti-congress one, then BJP should have got a majority even with the presence of AAP.

    AAP's promises are more or like crap... None of them can't be realised or are practical. Even they know that but I think they are playing smart. In six months Lok Sabha election will be held, that is a very short span to judge whether AAP has kept their promises. In the mean time AAP will; go out looking for all corruption allegation against Congress and even BJP Councillors. If they can keep one unearthing(which won't be difficult considering how our parties operates), no one may ask any question about whether they kept their promises when Lok Sabha election happens.

    AAPs idea will be to force Congress to pull their Government down before Lok Sabha election (That should give enough sympathy to get a majority). How will AAP achieve it, the plan could be simple - target damad Robert.

    BJP looks like have missed a trick by not trying to form a minority Government. They should have simply banked on the fact that AAP who is a new kid on the block may simply abstain in the Confidence vote. Even they could have brought enough pressure on them for that. But now BJP is in a complete Lose-Lose situation here. Congress anyway has been washed out.

    They should have at least remembered that What happens in Delhi get portrayed to the whole nation, compared to other states. Now as far as I am concerned AAP is having a huge advanatge having the state prosecution machinery in their hand to target Congress and BJP until Lok Sabha election comes calling. Even if they are pulled donw before that, they would look more stringer than others.

    1. A few things - AAP doesn't have prosecution machinery - remember Police is with Centre, i.e Congress.

      If BJP had formed govt, AAP & Congis had joined hands, as they have now, it would have resulted in BJP losing face as being power hungry. AAP now aligning with Congress has resulted in just the right amount of people to turn away from Tamasha and it showcased that they too are the same.

      BJP has to be smart in forming alliances in states, that will hold the key and not some sAAnP, pAAP. Key ones - to get Raj and Uddhav Thackrey together with them to rake in large majority of 48 seats and then AP & Orissa. Need to focus a bit more on Karnatka. For TN, both DMK and AIADMK can be approached post elections since BJP aligning with AIADMK will not much change to fortunes of both them and BJP. They will give BJP 3-4 seats and it will win 1-2 out of it.

  19. Don't know why...AK for me looks like a villain in bollywood movies who is good to his heroine daughter

  20. Excellent Article @mediacrooks. General elections 2014 would be NaMo vs Congress,Mulayams,lalus,nitishs,Aejri kejri,paid media n all Tom dick n Harry. We have to support Modi ji with full force and I think mediacrooks is playing in an important role in exposing the hypocrites. Keep doing it Sir ...

  21. BJP will need to factor in AAP and more dirty tricks from congress and other anti Modi forces. . There will be many more AKs and AAPs that will be propped up in other states ( like raj Thackeray in,Maharashtra, jagan in Andhra ). If Modi, Rajnath and Co are smart enough , they will win or otherwise it is back to decay and degenration

  22. CNN-IBN is the best mass deluder of the news channels. They use sepia-tainted clips and images of Kejriwal, and auto-suggest the freedom movement clips. They use repeated brain imprinting techniques to influence viewers subconsciously. Their scripting of "News not noise" is as good as James "Terminator" Cameron or Steve "Jurassic Park" Spielberg. (BTW, Aameer Khan did a good job in split-screens in Rang De Basanti, laughing sarcastically at the other persona he was playing. Mind you, he was acting on both sides of the split-screen!)

    I shiver when I remember 1984 - “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Wonder how these bad guys/gals learnt all these tactics so well.

    Kejriwal is equally good at TV optics. The way he praises the media when they flatter him (when with the Anna movement or at the IOTY), the way he blames them for distortion when they ask hard questions, the way he coordinates his drive to the L-G residence, high decibel proclamations of simplicity, "many brooms" visuals, wow, hats off to the new propaganda master.

  23. Article on current MSM in India at


    "The sensational stories of Indian Media"

    Also do visit following sites which has different analytical view on the topics we discuss at MC.

  24. Rajdeep's anti-BJP stance is not because he is with IBN or was with NDTV. There is a history behind it. His father cricketer Dileep Sardesai was caught in a Forex fraud when the NDA was in power. This news came in the newspapers and i remember reading it in the Indian Express. He tried his best to get it hushed up but NDA refused to interfere with the case filed by the Enforcement Directorate. (I tried to access the archives of various news organisations but couldn't find anything on this case yet. Maybe someone with contacts in the print media or with IT / ED could dig up this case records. I don't know what was the final outcome of the case or whether his father got a clean chit before he passed away). He developed the hatred of BJP & NDA from that time onwards and it still continues.

    1. Googling, I found this. The year was 1993. Definitely it was not NDA at the center, not until '96.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Facts are not Sacrosanct, opinion are. And anyone who doesnt agree with Natraj is a crook or has a crook in the family

  25. Very Well n in Detail expose of CNNIBN GANG. It is Gang of CNNIBN

  26. Your article cleared the doubts I had. I was able to observe reduced Modi Bashing in CNNIBN

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. It seems most on this blog, including the OP, would not believe that AAP got 28 seats because public saw honesty of intentions. The politics has touched such low that for most it is impossible to think beyond conspiracies and scheming They. including the OP, can't believe that maybe AAP really means what it says. Or may be the OP does see the truth about AAP, but has some compulsions to write what is written.

    1. Sir, honesty of intentions is behind the formation of every political party (more than thousand parties are there I think) but nobody gets over-the-top PR from the MSM 24X7. How come hardcore Congress sycophants in the media suddenly changed their loyalties and joined Kejri camp? The reason is obvious, the media is trying its best to muddy the waters to confuse voters who are slowly moving towards Modi/BJP. Whether it's Kejriwal or some Babulal, media seem to be acting as per the script.

  29. Excellent. Criminals sitting in media houses are more dangerous than terrorists.

  30. Excellent. Criminals sitting in media houses are more dangerous than terrorists.

  31. Awestruck by writer's knowledge and understanding of psychology and marketing techniques. Some very good points made and eye-opening facts shared here. Thanks for this article...


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